#honestly I have had a gripe against Fnf for a while anyway
alien-insomniac-05 · 14 days
Not gonna tag this properly other than my personal ones but I am gonna be perfect real with y’all. I think the FNF fandom might actually be the worst on out there. I am not just saying that as in “x fandom bad cause cringe” cause truthfully, I think cringe is what makes a fandom fun.
What for me makes it the worst is the fact they actively sexualized the characters that belonged to minors which… really puts them in danger if I am being honest. You also have people who actively harrass mod creators some of whom are minors, although, that has happened before in the UT and SU fanbases before but I can recall a time where they actively made nsfw of the ocs of minors (maybe they have in the UT fandom since I am not really considering the AUs so correct me if I am wrong)
My greatest example would be the creator of whitty who literally had a strong distaste for the character for a long while all because of the Fnf mod and how people were treating it.
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