#holy shit biggest /j ever i'm not strong enough LOLLLLLLL
sheepkebby · 1 year
hi it’s me again (i love your art/pos)
What do you think Dave and Paul look like???
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Dave absolutely listens to Party Rock Anthem and would have been a vine star if the green flu came a few years later. He also thinks HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA is the peak of comedy.
Paul is definitely the least reckless of the bunch, making it his responsibility to be responsible since he's the oldest. Gets reeeaaal fed up with everyone's antics but he does care. A lot. Not great at showing it though. (But he does try) ((Kinda))
Bucky (Keith's second brother who's mentioned only once in Ellis' stories, doesn't have a canonical name so I named him Bucky) is an absolute bastard and he's proud of it. Definitely less reckless than Keith so he gets into way fewer accidents, but he's also way more mean. Definitely would kick the shit outta somebody for messing with his brothers.
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