baekbunniee · 6 years
another tag holy moly you could say this is also a 1.5K followers celebration? tysm i’m so serious when i say i love you all so much!
Abc tag
Tagged by @thedaysoftheflowerblossoms thank you sweet heart!! hit me up anytime sweet thing ;)))
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to know better
(a)ge: somewhere between 15 and 23 ;))
(b)irthplace: ENGLANDDD
©urrent time: 1:56 PM
(d)rink you had last: coffee ~ no shame
(e)asiest person to talk to: probably my sister idk,,,
(f)avourite song: i have far too many but some honourable mentions are Africa - Toto, Obstacles - Syd Matters and Lazy - CBX ;))))
(g)rosset memory: it included Gin, an ex boyfriend and a whole lot of vommiting...
(h)ogwarts house: Slytherin because i’m a snake ;)
(i)n love: i’d say so but not in a romantic sense?
(j)ealous of people: I’m constantly jealous of the way people live there lives even though i’m fully aware that i’m the only one who can change that about myself
(k)illed someone: believe me i’ve wanted to too many times 🙃
(l)ove at first sight or walk by again: walk by again, if i find you attractive, i’m not just gonna look once
(m)iddle name: Elizabeth (one of many)
(n)umber of siblings:a few step siblings but full-blood just one
(o)ne wish: to constantly be enjoying my life
(p)erson you called last: my sister about the cox comeback hahahah
(q)uestion you’re asked most: when are you going to get a boyfriend? kms
®easons to smile: i have so much planned for the future
(s)ong you last sang: Finesse - Bruno Mars
(t)ime you woke up: 9:02AM
(u)nderwear colour: white with black polkadots ;))
(v)acation destination: Alaska
(w)orst habit: forgetting to water my plants
(x)-rays: i had an MRI once but thats it
(y)our favourite food: Lasagne hands down
(z)odiac sign: aries bitches
there is not gonna be 10 people let’s be real  @byunbabekhyun @naaemin @bbhyu @kmjxngins @kookiie-bear <<<💕
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