#holding tiny vriska so gently
worm-moon-eclipse · 5 months
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Together at last! Thank u so much @chrisrin!!!! I'm in love with ur charm designs so much they're so cute ovo!
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calamitascalliope · 4 years
Vriska and Rose=====>Make Them Pay
My submission for @ladystuck2020​, written for @haruspeks​. You can also find it on Ao3 here. Enjoy!
From the day she was born, everyone knew Rose Lalonde was a peculiar child.
Most children, when brought into this world, scream and cry and generally make a huge fuss about things. Rose, on the other hand, made not a single sound as the doctor brought her out into the light. No screaming. No wriggling. Nothing.
It was so alarming that Rose was immediately placed into intensive care, fearing that her lungs had not developed properly. But after multiple tests and several weeks of head scratching it was discovered that no, Rose was perfectly healthy in every way. Aside from the strange fact that she never cried.
While this certainly made her mother’s life easier, a poor woman who was woefully unprepared for raising a child, it lead to a lot of concern as this pattern continued into Rose’s older years. When she began eating baby food, she never made a mess of things. When she fell over while learning to walk she shed not a single tear. When she became a toddler, she never threw a single temper tantrum.
On paper, Rose would seem like a perfect child. A child who never fussed? What more could a new parent ask for! In practice however, Rose was exceptionally unnerving.
It was on Rose’s thirteenth birthday that her existence took a turn from unnerving to terrifying. 
It had been a small affair. Some family had been invited, but all that really amounted to was her uncle Dirk and cousin Dave. Dave was what you would expect from a thirteenth year old boy. Loud, full of energy, and never staying in one place for too long. He was everything Rose was not.
As Dave tore a path through the living room, playing with a small toy bird he had brought with him, Rose sat delicately at the table, taking careful bites of her cake. Rose’s mother was chatting with Dirk on the couch, with Dirk having to occasionally tell Dave to not try and jump off of high places. It was a rather peaceful scene.
Until Rose was lying on the floor, completely unresponsive.
One panicked rush to the hospital later, and Rose was in a hospital bed, dozens of monitors hooked up to her small body. Her heart monitor was the chief among them. Every so often, her heartbeat would begin to beat sporadically, nearly tripling in speed for less than a second before returning to normal. It had been decided that these palpitations were what caused her fainting spell, but they were still trying to figure out why they were happening.
After a tense couple of hours filled with tests, tears, and nervous pacing, Rose opened her eyes and did something she had never done in her thirteen years of life.
She screamed.
Rose screamed with a fury far beyond her age, and began to violently try and tear apart the many apardi that was attached to her body. A panicked nurse rushed over to try and calm her down, to tell her she was safe, but Rose snapped at the woman like a mad dog. When the nurse tried to approach her again Rose kicked her in the stomach causing her to stumble backwards, doubled over in pain.
Rose’s heart rate, obviously high due to her sudden physical exertion, spiked higher than it had ever gone. Rose fell back in her bed, going unconscious once more.
After that they got permission from Rose’s mother to strap her down.
When Rose next awoke, she was her usual self. Confused at her location, but nowhere near the violent state she had exhibited earlier. A few doctors spoke with her, asking if she was okay and if she was calm. Asking how she felt. Asking why she attacked that nurse. Rose answered all the questions with her usual calm demeanor. All except the last one. To that question she simply gave a confused look, and said that she did not remember that happening.
The doctors were stumped, but Rose seemed to be doing fine. The palpitations had stopped, and while her behavior was not normal by any stretch of the word, she was her usual self once more. Rose was prescribed some medication that would hopefully stop this from happening again, and she was to make regular checkups to ensure that she was doing well.
Exhausted, Rose’s mother took her straight home. She held her daughter tight, trying her best to ignore how detached and cold Rose felt in her arms. She eventually fell asleep, but Rose did not. When her mother’s breathing leveled out, Rose carefully slipped out of her grasp. She planned to head to the kitchen to find a snack, but her plans were put on hold when she saw something that would change her life forever.
Floating lazily near to the ground was a small girl. Well, girl would not be the proper term. Sure she was small, and sure she had a messy tangle of long hair, but no one who saw this thing would describe her as just a girl.
Her skin was a mottled grey, flaky and ashen. She looked as if she was a snowman made of ashes. Her tangled hair was not just dark, it was the color of the blank night sky. The color of nothing. Sprouting from between her impossibly colored hair was a pair of brightly colored horns that clashed heavily with the darker tones of the rest of her body.
She had eight eyes, but they were not arranged in the way a spider’s were. Two of her eyes were in the places one would expect them to be, and the remaining six were placed in a circle around her left eye. The sclera of her eyes was not the typical white, but instead a bright orange, and her iris seemed to be missing in its entirety. Her pupils were slits, much like that of a reptile, and all eight of them were darting around the room sporadically.
Rose stared at this strange figure for several seconds, and a few moments later the figure took notice of Rose’s attention. She gave a cautionary glance behind herself, before turning back to Rose.
“You can see me?”
The creature’s voice was deep, and had a chittering to it that Rose could not fully understand. A good comparison would be trying to understand someone with a heavy Scottish accent when you have never heard of Scotland in your entire life.
“Yes.” Rose said, a bit hesitant. “Who are you?”
“Vriska. I think. How did I get here?”
“I’m not sure. Um, give me a second.” Rose turned towards her mother, and gently shook her awake.  “Mom?”
“Oh, uh, yeah?”  Rose’s mother woke up with a start, looking dreary eyed around the room.  “Yeah, sweetheart?”
“Do you see that weird grey girl?”  Rose asked, and could immediately tell by the lost expression on her face that the answer was no.
“What do you mean Rose?”
“It was nothing, just a, uh, dream I had.”  Rose assured her, and within a few moments her mother passed out once more. Rose turned back to face the strange girl, Vriska apparently, who was nodding.
“So only you can see me. I guess. That is real fucking weird.”
“Your flippant use of crude language is....Interesting. Although not surprising given your situation. ”  Rose spoke with the voice of a sixty year old woman, and Vriska scoffed at it.
“And who’s gonna fucking st8p me? You’re the 8nly one who can see and hear me, so try it 8itch.”
“How did you say the eight with your mouth.”
“Fuck y8u that’s h8w.”
Rose paused, her rational mind slowly turning to try and fully comprehend this situation and figure out the best way forward.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to be antagonistic.”  Rose said.  “It has been a weird day for me, and I’m assuming it has been a weird one for you to.”
“That is putting it lightly.”  Vriska’s words still carried a sharp tone, but Rose could tell that she was settling down a bit.
“I know your name, it is only fitting you know mine. I’m Rose Lalonde.”
“That’s a pretty long name if you ask me.”
“Well, it is usually just Rose. Lalonde is my last name.”
“What’s that?”
“Well,”  Rose was prepared to go into a long winded history lesson on the use of last names in ancient times, but she figured that she had better things to do.  “Never mind. So….What exactly are you?”
To that Rose received a lazy shrug from Vriska.
“Hell if I know. All I know was that I woke up inside of a tiny pink monkey’s 8ody and I felt extremely pissed a8out the whole thing. Then I passed out again and woke up here, talking to you.”
“So you have no memories about why you are here? None at all?”
“There is nothing 8ut my own name in my head.”  Vriska said.  “That and a lot of anger, 8ut I’m not exactly sure what I’m angry at. As we’ve been talking its been going away though so now it really is just my name.”
“Can you….Do anything?”  Rose asked, and upon realizing the vagueness of her question she clarified.  “I mean we know that no one can see you except for me, but can you interact with the world around you?”
“Dunno.”  Vriska contemplated for a moment, and then reached down to try and pick up a toy bird Dave had left behind in the panic after the party. Her hand phased right through it, but the toy trembled slightly. Almost as if it had been blown by a slight breeze.  “I guess the answer to that question is kinda 8ut not really.”
“To be perfectly honest, I am not entirely convinced that I’m not hallucinating right now.”  Rose said.  “I have just undergone an extremely traumatizing experience, my brain playing tricks on me should almost be expected.”
“Well I am very much real, 8ut I have no clue how I could possi8ly convince you. I can’t touch anything, and….”  Vriska paused for a moment, her eight dark eyes focusing on Rose much in the way a cat does when it is preparing to pounce.
Vriska pounced.
Rose jumped at the sudden movement, and was doubly shocked when she   felt her  . Vriska’s body crashed into Rose’s, toppling them both to the ground.
“Okay! You’re real! Get off!”  Rose said, but Vriska did not seem to be listening to her. Vriska’s eyes were still massive, all eight of them looking directly at Rose’s chest. Vriska raised one clawed hand, flexing her fingers before burying them into Rose’s chest.
There was no blood, there wasn’t even a wound, but Rose felt Vriska’s sharp nails burrow into her chest. Rose screamed, thrashing about to try and get Vriska off of her, but it was no use. While Vriska seemed capable of attacking her, Rose’s own blows passed right through Vriska. 
The screaming did alert Rose’s mother. The poor woman woke up with a start to see her small daughter screaming her head off and flailing about the floor for no apparent reason.
Meanwhile, from Rose’s perspective, Vriska was still tearing into her chest. The pain was gradually growing unbearable, and Rose was beginning to feel the room spinning around her as she grew faint. She was on the edge of losing herself once again when she felt her hand wrap around something solid.
No, wait. That wasn’t her hand. That was Vriska’s hand. Vriska’s hand had wrapped around something solid. Why had Vriska felt Rose’s hand?
Rose wasn’t in her living room anymore. She was weightless, floating in an empty abyss. She couldn’t feel anything, anything aside from the rhythmic pumping of Vriska’s own heart.
No, not Vriska’s heart. HER heart. Why did Vriska keep doing that?
No, she’s not Vriska, she’s Rose. Why was her mind all over the place, where-
The dark void around Vriska lit up into a brilliant gold, blinding Rose’s eight eyes. She saw a sigil, burnt onto the bottoms of her eyelids. A small sun. It was everywhere she looked. She could close her eyes for hours on end, but Rose could not escape it. It pulsated in time with her heartbeat, with their heartbeat.
Vriska and Rose woke up in Rose’s room, already tucked into her bed. It was dark, the small digital clock on the nightstand reading eight pm. 
“What….What happened?”  Rose mumbled, holding her head. It felt as though someone had smashed her head in with a hammer.
“I’m not sure.”  The voice came out of Rose’s mouth, but Rose was not the one who controlled it.  “Something in my head clicked and I just acted on instinct.”
“Vriska? Is that you?”
“Yeah. Not sure how 8ut now I’m, like, a part of you.”
“Why’d you do that?!”
“I dunno! Like I said, something just clicked in my head and I lost control.”
Rose swung her feet off the edge of the bed, and was about to stand up when the same sun sigil flashed into view. Rose her own body stand up from the bed as she was about to, and saw her foot get punctured by a knitting needle that had been thrown onto the floor.
Rose was suddenly sitting back in her bed, just about to stand up. Taking a moment, she peered down onto the floor and sure enough a knitting needle was lying there on the ground ready to stab her in the foot.
“Tell me you saw that too.” Rose asked.
“Uh, yeah? It would have 8een pretty hard not to.”
“Did we just see the future?”
“I think a more correct way of putting it is we saw what   could   have 8een the future, and then we changed it.”
“Were you able to do that before? Was that just a thing you could just do?”
“No! At least, I don’t think so, I,”
Vriska was interrupted by another vision, this time showing Rose’s mother walking into the room. As soon as it ended Rose leapt back into bed and pretended to sleep, getting into position just before the door opened.
Rose held still as her mother walked into the room, and gentle tousled Rose’s hair. She had likely heard Vriska and her talking before, and came in to check on them. Or, to check on her. Rose specifically. She didn’t stay long though, and before long Rose and Vriska were alone again.
“So what now?”  Rose questioned, her voice in a low whisper.  “We are now two people squished into a thirteen year old body, and we can sometimes see the future.”
“What’s a year?”
“Will this ever stop?”  Rose ignored Vriska, continuing with her worrying.  “Are we just stuck together forever? How did this happen? Why did this happen?”
“Okay, I think you are starting to panic. I can tell because it's starting to ru8 off on me. Come on, this isn’t the worst thing in the world.”
“And why not?”
“Well, for one you’ve got some gr8 company with me whenever you want it,”
“Oh, what a relief!”  Rose rolled her eyes.
“And two, you can see the future! Sometimes. How cool is that!”
Rose let out a yawn, and started to feel her body grow weary. Despite all the sleep she had gotten in the last twenty-four hours, her body was still begging for more time to rest.
“We can figure this out another time.”  Rose mumbled, already feeling her consciousness fade.  “Another….Time….”
The following day was school. Rose’s mother tried to insist that she stay home, but Rose wanted nothing more than a sense of normalcy to return to her life. She managed to convince her mother that she was completely fine, and that she just wanted to see her friends at school. It was this last part that convinced her mother to allow it. She had always been concerned about Rose making friends, and was worried that Rose was going through her schooldays sitting alone and silent. She was right to worry because that was exactly what Rose had been doing.
As they had been preparing for leaving the house, Rose ran Vriska through a few ground rules. Vriska was not to speak unless the two of them were definitely alone. Rose was going to handle all of the talking. Vriska found the rules annoying, and a lot of complaining and grumbling came from her, but she eventually promised to keep her mouth shut.
Rose sat in her usual seat on the bus. Three rows up from the back on the right side. It was snowing out, and Rose was sweltering in her oversized sweater due to the constantly humming heater just below her feet. Rose tried her best to deal with it as she watched out the window at the slowly falling flakes.
That was until her eyes flashed with another vision.
This one was short, less than a second in length, and by the time she processed what it had shown her the small wad of paper had already smacked her in the face.
It wasn’t painful, but it was extremely surprising. It probably wouldn’t have been that bad if she hadn’t been disorientated by her powers flicking on. Rose looked up to see a small group of boys giggling and holding an open notebook, a page evidently torn out.
Rose rolled her eyes and turned back to the window, but Vriska butted in.
“What the fuck are y8u d8ing?”  She asked, having the courtesy to at least keep her voice at a low whisper.  “Get them 8ack!”
“It doesn’t matter. If I give them attention they’ll never let up.”
“N8, if you don’t do anything it’ll show them that they can walk all over you.   Then   they’ll never let up.”
“That’s not,”
Another wad of paper pelted her in the face. Rose tensed, and then sighed.
“This isn’t worth it.”
“It most definetly fucking is!”  Rose could see the boys preparing another wad of paper out of the corner of her eyes. As she saw them prepare to toss it she could feel her heart racing in her chest, her muscles tightening as the sigil of light flashed in her eyes.
“ M a k e  t h e m  p a y .”
The sigil flashed brilliantly, and a lot of things happened at once. The boy preparing the wad of paper, a wiry kid with red hair, managed to give himself a papercut, and a pretty severe one at that. His finger began to bleed quite a bit, and his two friends pulled away from him to avoid getting it on their clothes. As this happened, the boy closest to the wall, a larger boy that Rose knew was on the school’s soccer team, placed his hand near the window of the bus. The bus hit a massive pothole at this moment causing the boy in the middle to bounce upwards and hit his head on the ceiling, and the window came undone and flew downwards, crushing the larger boy’s finger beneath it.
The bus driver noticed all of this sudden commotion due to the screaming of all three boys, and he pulled over quickly. He grabbed the first aid kit and ran to get them some help. All the while Rose sat in her chair, taking deep breaths as her heart rate returned to normal.
“Did….Did we do that?”
“I don’t….know.”  Vriska mused.  “It certainly felt like we did something. What are the odds all of that happened on its own? Right as we were freaking out and seeing shit?”
Rose looked around the bus. Everyone was either minding their own business with various projects or looking at the three injured boys. Everyone except for one person. A young girl with long, extremely curly hair and brilliant green eyes behind round glasses. This girl, despite all of the chaos, despite being able to do literally anything else, was looking directly at Rose. It was unnerving, and Rose looked away from her as soon as she was able.
“That girl….”
“What the fuck are you worried about? How could anyone possi8ly connect anything that happened back to us? 8esides, they had it coming.”
Rose sat in silence as the bus resumed moving, heading towards the school. Thoughts of the new power she wielded swirling through her mind, and the potential they could have going forward. While Rose sat in silence, thinking solemnly about the potential these new developments provided, Vriska did not work like that.
“Think about what we can do with this! We can get 8ack at anyone we want and there is no way we could ever be caught and punished for it! We could predict what people are going to do! Rose….With this power we could be gods.”
Rose could not see Vriska, but she could picture her smiling deviously at that. That was probably because she was also smiling at the prospect.
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transformationstuck · 5 years
More commission work, same commissioner as the last one. It’s an inanimate tf story about Aradia becoming, well...  I guess you can check the tags for spoilers if you want.
“It’s… a carousel.”
“Yep! That’s the one!” Aradia confirmed, practically climbing over the fence as she leaned up as close to the old ride as she could reach, her eyes and smile competing to see which could widen the most.
“I repeat: A carousel. That. That’s what you wanted us to see.” Vriska said, crossing her arms and tapping her foot, not entirely convinced that Aradia wasn’t just pulling her leg, but growing impatient with this seeming waste of her time.
“I-I-It could be a… r-really fast… carousel?” Tavros suggested, holding up his hand as if trying to ask for permission before offering his advice.
“I’ll ask.” Vriska grumbled, “Aradia, is it really fast?”
“Nope!” Aradia answered, not even a bit of her excitement lost to Vriska’s cynicism, “But it is a really GOOD carousel! I ride it every solar sweep!”
“Ah… Not this sweep… I’m afraid.” Came a low voice, its owner standing right behind Vriska and Tavros and breathing very heavily, “The old girl is… out of order… she won’t be ready… until we get some new parts.”
“GOD fucking DAMMIT Equius! I told you not to do that!” Vriska yelled, suddenly whipping back around and glaring up at her old neighbour, jabbing a finger against his chest and quickly regretting it. She wasn’t sure what was soaking his vest more: Sweat or motor oil.
“Sorry… Vriska…” Equius said, nodding his head, acknowledging the three. He sounded out of breath with how often he was pausing to inhale, but to Vriska this was just how he knew Equius to talk. “You three… may want to go find other rides… I don’t know if this one…”
Equius trailed off a bit, suddenly gulping, his STRONG throat ensuring that the sound was enough to turn heads, “They don’t make her parts any more …We may have to put her out to pasture.”
 “Well, you heard the man.” Came Vriska, patting Aradia on the back, a little more firmly than was absolutely necessary, but still meant to be comforting, “Sorry about your musclebeast ride, or whatever… I’m gonna take Tavros on one of the cullercoasters. You can join us if you want.”
Aradia didn’t reply, still smushing her face against the bars that kept her from joining the line to her once favourite part of the entire park.
“…I’m taking him on the one for weenies that switches tracks to the Deathnado at the last second.” Vriska added, figuring Aradia might at least snap out of it if it meant helping Tavros, but received no response from her one way or the other. “Well…….. BYE!”
 “Not fair…” Aradia muttered, finally pulling her face away from the bars, feeling her skin pop away after having spent an hour stuck up against them, “They didn’t shut down the Voodoo Train when it started leaking curses… or the beecups when the bees stopped stinging… There’s just no damn justice any more…”
Aradia let out a sigh. It was her last time to ride the musclebeasts that had been with her since pupation. The joyous little ride that crackled out its nostalgic tunes through those well-worn speakers and the colourful little cartoon equines had entertained her for these past eight sweeps, but she supposed she was an adult now… maybe it was time to grow up.
…Or maybe that time could wait until tomorrow.
Today was a time of reflection. A time of sorrow. A time of jumping the fence when no one was looking and making a mad dash over to her most cherished of all attractions.
 “Ponilo! I missed you!” Aradia cried, wrapping her arms around the plastic animal’s neck as she rubbed her cheek up against its face. The thing may not have physically returned her affections, but Aradia was content to believe that it would be saying ‘I love you’ just as it always would if only it could move its mouth. “And I love you too!” She giggled, petting its head gently as she began to wander about the tiny little ride and examining every little bit of its brightly coloured interior.
“Horzzi! Houfer! Saudle! Buccoe! Pegaus!” Aradia chimed, petting each of the familiar musclebeast ponies as she went. They were all just so pretty and unique and full of character! Not like the seats in the other rides. They had their own hairstyles, colour-schemes, and even poses, like Houfer, who looked like he was in the middle of leaping, and Buccoe, who was appropriately in the middle of trying to kick the imaginary foe behind him. To Aradia, they were all her best friends, and if she could just find a way to start things up to give them one last ride…
Ah, but she’d never be able to figure it out. These rides were designed to be tamper proof just in case of people like her, and even a tiny ride tucked away in an obscure corner of the park wasn’t just going to have the keys in the ignition and the controls readily labelled where any idiot could start playing with them.
But then again, a broken-down ride that was days away from being retired was bound to have some loose wires.
“Ah! Ow.” Aradia pulled her hand away from the decorated pole that she’d just brushed her hand over. It was the same as any of the other long, golden poles that held the horses in place and caused them to bop up and down, only with one obvious part missing. “Did there… used to be seven of you?” Aradia asked, now suckling upon her electrocuted fingers as she looked around the carousel. She only remembered there being six musclebeasts, and yet here was a gap in the ride that seemed to indicate there was a seventh one unaccounted for.
“Horzzi, Houfer, Saudle, Buccoe, Pegaus, Ponilo…” Aradia repeated to herself, trying to think if there was a name she’d missed. It just didn’t add up! There were only meant to be six of them, yet the pole coming out of the ground and its twin hanging from the ceiling above would say otherwise. Was that just it? Had the machine broken down because they’d tried to add a seventh pony and it fucked the whole thing up? Why mess with perfection?
Aradia suckled harder upon her fingers as she pondered the problem more and more. The shock hadn’t been that painful, but it had certainly made her hand feel a little numb. More than just a little numb, actually, as Aradia soon had to pop her fingers out of her mouth just to make sure nothing was wrong.
Her digits glistened from the saliva coating them, and while there wasn’t a burn mark or other sign of damage, Aradia had to gulp as she realised that she couldn’t move them an inch. The other two fingers were still moving alright, albeit a little stiff around the joints, but not a single one of her shocked knuckles would bend, no matter how hard she willed them to close or split apart.
Okay, that was probably enough hanging around condemned amenities for today! This probably wasn’t serious, but she’d rather not risk losing a hand to a stupid electric shock! But… she felt she should at least get a picture with Ponilo before the poor beastie was gone for good. Slipping both hands into her skirt pockets, she dug out her phone and squatted down, posing next to her favourite plastic animal as she held her fingers over the button.
And… nothing happened.
“Oh, come on!” Aradia groaned, pulling her phone around to take a look. At the very least, the problem was solvable. The device was scanning her fingerprints, and it seemed that holding both fingers so close together was preventing it from reading properly. At least it was an easy fix, she thought as she shrugged, reaching over to pry apart her two paralysed fingers and… accomplished absolutely nothing. Even bringing her teeth down to wedge them apart only left her with a sore mouth. What was going on here? Had the shock been so bad that it locked up her finger muscles? Was that even a thing?
With a bit of struggling to angle her rigid fingers just right, Aradia finally managed to snap the picture, and even with recent events weighing on her mind, she couldn’t help but grin as she turned the screen around to see her photo. …and promptly dropped it to the floor. “Awhoops!” Aradia went, quickly moving to snatch it back up. Only… she didn’t pick it back up. She tried to use her thumb to brace her phone up against her immobile fingers, but when she went to lift it, her thumb’s grip failed her. “Oh hell…” Aradia grumbled, giving her hand a hearty shake as she reached out with her still functional hand to finally inspect the picture.
That was… odd. She thought there was just a mark on her screen, but when it didn’t rub off, she thought for a moment she must've gotten some of the peeling paint on her nose, because on her otherwise grey face, there was a nice big splotch of a deep, dark red that just barely didn't match her blood.
Aradia gave her nose a rub, and while she definitely felt something there, it was a something that didn't seem to want to come off, even as she upped her efforts, attempting to scratch it away, only to find no gap between the smooth substance and her skin. Well, that ruled out dried paint... maybe something splotched her earlier in the day and Vriska just didn't tell her. That bitch, embarrassing her in front of her inanimate pony friends!
Turning off her phone, Aradia squinted into her dull reflection, the miscolouration on her face a little hard to make out, but it was at least visible enough for her to know where to aim. Good hand holding the phone, she awkwardly twisted about her paralyzed hand and aimed her middle finger right at the edge of the weird blob. "Hrrgh... Come on..." Aradia grunted, able to feel the difference in texture between her soft skin and the smooth paint, even through what should have been dulled senses. She could even feel that the red spot was slightly raised relative to the skin around it, so it should have been a simple matter of finding the gap and getting a nail under it, but no matter what she tried, her fingers seemed to slide right over it.
...And that was because Aradia's hand didn't seem to have any nails on it left.
The shock of seeing her equally red fingers in their new, deformed state was enough of a shock to make Aradia practically throw her phone as she recoiled in shock. Her hand had become engorged, the gaps between her fingers reduced to tiny little bumps between her fingertips, bumps that she could see gradually smoothing out with each passing second. "No no no no N0!" Aradia cried, gripping her hand tightly around the base of her wrist, hoping it would stop or at least slow down if she cut the circulation.
It did not. In fact, it only seemed to speed things up!
Aradia gulped, screwing up her face a little as she swallowed, and feeling a slight resistance in the skin on her nose. She had to assume it was linked, for what good that did her.
"Nnnngh!" Aradia grit her teeth, shuddering. As the swelling sped up, what had formerly been a numb sensation was starting to become anything but. She could feel her hand twisting around itself, the individual senses of her fingers merged together into an unfamiliar tube shape, even her wrist starting to lock in place as a burgundy redness took to welling up under her skin and subsuming it into the same hardy substance as her face.
"Stop! Suh... ST0P!" Aradia cried, striking her fist into the ground, not even caring about the potential pain. "HMMmmmngh!" She bit her lip, immediately regretting the decision. While the stumpy, flat underside of her fist had been unharmed, the point where the solid parts connected with her flesh immediately felt the impact, enough for tears to well up in Aradia's eyes. At least until she felt the effects trickle on over the injury, almost making Aradia shudder in relief. It was like having someone trickle a viscous fluid over her, only it permeated through her entire arm, flesh, bone, and all.
Aradia struck the metal bars that covered her exit, careful this time not to inflict herself any more undue pain, “Hey! Heeey!” She called out, praying someone would find her in this deserted corner of the park. “Equius! Tavros! …Vriska!?” She shouted, striking the bars again with her almost completely tube-like forearm. She wanted to climb the fence, but with her useless appendage, she didn’t want to risk leaping over the spike-tipped metal bars.
“Oh come on… this is the best part of the entire park…” Aradia grumbled, looking around at the desolation that was the surrounding picnic area. Even the bathrooms were completely abandoned as people ignored the carousel in favour of bigger, ‘better’ attractions.
Aradia sighed, bumping her head back against the metal pole, hearing a ‘tink’ noise as the swelling on her face bumped against the metal bar. She couldn't feel anything from the splotch on her nose yet, but it was only a matter of time before it too began to accelerate. Even if the effects wore off and Aradia’s hand returned to normal… could she survive having the same thing happen to her face? Would she be able to breathe?
A shudder ran down her spine as she felt the molasses-like sensation reach her joint. Aradia cursed as began to bend her arm rapidly, hoping that by keeping her elbow moving she’d be able to resist the paralysis. But even as she tried with all her might to hold off the encroaching anomaly, it still forcibly slowed her movements down to a crawl until all she could do was watch as the swelling covered her arm, one red splotch at a time.
“W-Why is it so… smooth?” Aradia asked herself, shaking a bit as she dared to run her hand across her ‘skin’. She knew touching it was stupid. It had seemingly migrated to her face just from suckling on her fingers earlier, but she was in such dread that all she could do was admire the source of her potentially upcoming demise.
One thing she hadn’t noticed was that around where her wrist should have been, there was a slight kink, curving her nubby hand into a strangely familiar shape.
“Oh my fucking god.” Aradia blurted out, taking a big step back, her eyes widening as she stared at her arm—no… her HOOF. Her big, plastic, cartoon-pony hoof!
 “Not a word!” Aradia snapped at Houfer, pointing her entire arm at the mini musclebeast, albeit with the kinks at her wrist and elbow ensuring that her aim was more than a little off. This plan was stupid. Desperate, even! But if the shock was turning her into a musclebeast, then it couldn’t have been an ordinary shock! And if it wasn’t an ordinary shock, then that couldn’t have been ordinary wiring!
Aradia let out a heavy breath as she lowered her arm to her side, who knew plastic could be so heavy? Aradia rested her bad arm against the inner wall of the carousel as she peaked into the pole, careful to keep her fingers away from the ends of the wires as she fiddled them about, just trying to see if there was anything behind them.
"Nnngh..." Aradia winced. Suddenly feeling as if something was pulling upwards on her nose. She'd been afraid of this. The changes to her face were getting faster, she could even see before her eyes as the bridge of nose was pulled up, bulking outwards as splotches grew outward, replacing her skin with more shiny plastic.
She gulped, trying to shake it off, pushing the wires to one side to peep down the entire pole, hoping she might be able to make something out further down, but barely able to see a thing. Nothing except for her other fingers starting to merge together!
"No no no no no N0!" Aradia yelled, striking her arm against the pole. The plastic was growing so fast now that the pain went away as soon as it started, redness now approaching her shoulder, the sensations now sickeningly wet, like someone was coating her in fresh paint. There had to be something else she missed! She couldn't meet her end becoming a plastic pony! She just couldn't!
"Mh! Hggh!" Aradia let out a sharp whine, suddenly feeling the plastic on her face reaching up to her eyelid. Immediately she went to try and rub it, but had to stop herself as she felt the way it forced the lid to open past its bounds, her eye coming with it, stretching out so much her vision was starting to become lopsided. Another sudden sensation around her eye was enough to make Aradia forget herself and attempt to rub away the irritation.
That... should have hurt. She couldn't fully close her eye, and clumsiness with her paralyzed fingers had made her jab herself right in the pupil. It was plastic. Plastic... and absolutely huge! She closed her other eye, perhaps the last time she ever would, and gulped as she realised she could still see.
Aradia laughed, her warped nose turning it into a snort. As a lover of doom in all its forms, this sure was a unique one. She’d be a fake musclebeast in less than twenty minutes at this rate. “Hooray, I’m gonna die!” She cheered, a crooked smile on her face as the hopelessness of the situation started to weigh on her, “I-I’m gonna be a ponyyyyy.”
 Aradia felt a shudder down her right leg. Oh, goodie. She must have brushed her arm against it while she was walking. She tried to take a step away from the pole… and felt a familiar stiffness in her knee. Looking down at it, splotches of red were making their way up and down her leg from there. For a few moments Aradia stared off into space, wondering if she’d at least be as pretty as Ponilo, until she heard a familiar voice.
“No, I bet you she’s still fuckin’ moping about her damn musclebeast ride.” Grumbled Vriska, though at a volume that hardly counted as grumbling.
“I-I didn’t say anything a-about Aradia…” Tavros whimpered, clutching at his head as he stumbled around dizzy.
“Vri-hhhhka!” Aradia cried, only to clutch her partly hoof-ified hand around her throat. Her voice was hoarse. She tried to swallow, only to feel her throat not quite properly constricting. “Ta-avrohhh…” She cried again, desperate to make herself heard.
Whatever! She didn’t need a voice! One look at Aradia and her friends would try to help her in a heartbeat! Her right knee was a rigid block, but she could still limp over to the fence! “Ahhhm cohhhhming!” She called, making a hobbled step over to the gate… and immediately feeling something tugging at her belly.
“W-Whuh…?” Aradia almost hit herself in the face as she brought her hoof up to her mouth in shock. All four of the pole’s wires had slipped under her shirt and embedded themselves right into the middle of her stomach.
Aradia tried to strike at the wires, but her semi-transformed limb was doing no damage, while the other could barely even move. She tried to take another step away, but felt as they instead tugged her in the other direction, forcing her to fall belly first on top of the pole.
“N-Nuhhhh…” Aradia squirmed, kicking and squirming about with every part of her that still could. Her right arm hung at an angle, the fabric of her sleeve seemingly being chewed away as the splotches made their way over her collarbone. Her left arm faired better, but her elbow was less than a minute away from going rigid. She could still freely move her hips, but the plastic on her right leg was reaching down to her ankles faster and faster. She could just barely scrape the ground with her left leg, but there was nothing she could do to get herself free from the pole.
“Vrihhhhhhh…” Aradia tried her best to scream, but her voice was becoming fainter and fainter. She could feel the plastic making its way up and out of her throat, solidifying the back of her tongue as her jaw felt like it was being compressed and stretched at the same time. She couldn’t even bend her neck! She was losing it! Even her hair was starting to change! Her luxurious curls stopped blowing in the wind, and instead stuck to her neck and back, gradually becoming heavier and heavier as the strands became nothing but texture on a big blob of sculpted plastic.
And then the music kicked in.
It crackled and buzzed as the tune came ringing out of the speakers as it had done a thousand times before, Aradia squirming ever harder as she felt the wires come to life inside her. One last gasp escaped Aradia’s lips as she felt the ceiling-mounted part of the pole come slamming down into her back, sinking a half inch deeper into her flesh than it should have. Thw two sets of wires met inside her, letting out a shock that caused Aradia to squirm even harder.
And then… the spinning.
Momentarily Aradia got some better footing on the floor, only to lose it almost immediately as the ride bobbed her back up again. She wanted to foam at the mouth. There was a new sensation hitting her now, it felt like her soul or some other ethereal part of herself was being twisted up around her midsection. She clenched down, trying to keep herself together, yet feeling like her insides were being sucked into a drain of some kind. She could no longer breathe, and now she felt like she could no longer think.
Each upward bob briefly gave her a moment of lucidity, only for it to then be crushed as it went back down again. Each time she felt new thoughts popping into her head… her fears of being stuck like this, or just thinking back to her old hobbies and memories. She’d feel a brief euphoric sensation as those thoughts became her entire world… then want to groan as it all came crashing down, shattered into pieces and crushed into dust, never to enter her head again.
When the ride went up, she kicked her legs with joy, practically prancing through the air, only to flinch and go rigid as she came back down again. The plastic hadn’t stopped spread, either, and soon more of her clothing was being burned away, or being moulded into the shape of saddles and bracelets and other manner of decorations.
 By the time the ride finally came to a stop, the girl-come-pony realised all she had left was a barely twitching left leg, and a pupil that could only shiver and shake. Still she tried to squirm her way free, but she couldn’t even contract her stomach muscles. She was… She was a… p-pony? …What was her name, again?
“So, you actually got the missing piece?”
That voice… it sounded familiar.
“Y-Yes… seems some anonymous benefactor dropped it off. She is a fine specimen.”
That voice… no, she felt nothing for that voice.
“Uhhh… do you think we should go look f-for Aradia?”
That one… she liked that one, at least. More than the other two, especially the first one. Did she… maybe… hate the first one?
Aradia suddenly felt a heavy weight on her back as some bitch’s ass landed right upon her saddle. For some reason that didn’t make her very happy. She wanted to tell her mean words, but wasn’t really sure how she’d even do that. Why would a pony even need to do that?
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