#hnhngnh. anyway godots good with kids n i think the prosecutors should be friends goodnight n ty
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Day 1 - Victory/Loss for @aaprosecutorweek
[Game night at the prosecutor’s office while Edgeworth is away]
[Image description: a digital drawing of Franziska von Karma, Simon Blackquill, Godot, Sebastian Debeste and Klavier Gavin.
Franziska and Simon are standing next to each other in the background, celebrating happily and shouting “YEAHHHH LET’S GOOOO”. Franziska has her hands up near her chest in small fists with her eyes closed and mouth open in a smile. She wears a sleeveless blue jumper with a white shirt and long grey-blue skirt. Simon stands in a near identical pose with Taka perched on his shoulder and is wearing his canon outfit, minus his long coat.
In the foreground, Godot faces Sebastian but refers to Simon and Franziska as he says “Guys I’m happy that you won and all, but I think you broke poor Seb.” He is wearing a teal shirt and dark grey slacks without his cream waistcoat from the games, and he kneels while holding a cup of coffee and putting a reassuring hand on a teary-eyed Sebastian’s shoulder.
Sebastian is sitting with his legs covered by a purple gavineers blanket, holding a video game controller and wearing a blue jumper over a collared shirt with his regular red coat resting on his shoulders. He quietly mutters “They destroyed us…”.
Klavier, who is lying face-down in a puddle of tears next to them with his hair obscuring his face, says “Herr Armando, any chance I could have some of that coffee?” To which Godot gently responds “Of course Klav”./end ID]
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