#hmm I think it's up to interpretation tbh🤔🤔
thsc-confessions · 9 months
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"This is dumb, but it is not very clear to me whether in Jewel Baron ending Henry wanted the jewels either because of their monetary value or because of their beauty or because he is just a kleptomaniac." submitted by @hannahpony
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keylovesstuff · 6 months
21, 45, and 73!
21. Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story?
Omg I would like to that would be nice 🥰. I would be a little self-conscience about not contributing enough to a piece, and it ends up an uneven split... Though I suppose collabs don't always have to be like that 🤔 hmm.
45. Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh?
A little bit of both, tbh 🥹 like have this little cute scene that'll surely make you happy but could also break your heart. But also check out this funny moment XD haha and hopefully it made you chuckle even a bit like me.
73. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
Oh gosh uhhh ummm I don't really think my work stands out tbh 😅...hmmm Maybe when I post on here, my little captions at the top those are fun. Everything I can think about for myself, I feel like I can also apply it to everyone else, and that's a good thing cause all the work I come across is amazing, and it just makes me love the characters, series, and games more 🥰. Since it applies to everyone, I think my interpretations on characters also stand out in its own way ☺️
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