#his smile is pastede on yaye
festival-of-pudding · 2 years
One word prompt: Fernweh
A yearning, longing ache to be in a far away place.
Eddie's back stiffens when the elevator dings. He pulls his shoulders up, squares his jaw, and pastes a smile onto his face just before the door opens. 
The call center is busy; it's Superbowl weekend, and the grill fires/bar fights/drunk driving/fireworks accidents are already in full swing. It’s bright and crowded and noisy, and Eddie makes a beeline for his office. 
Linda emerges from the break room as he passes. She gives him a bright smile and raises her mug in greeting. “Morning, Eddie."
"Morning, Linda. We got a word today?"
"Sure do. Fernweh." 
"It's German. One of those untranslatable things. It means ‘the physical ache of longing for a faraway place’."
"Cheerful," Eddie says.
Linda shrugs. "German."
Eddie chuckles and nods to her as he heads down the hall. Halfway there the restroom door opens and May appears, smiling when she sees him.
"Hi, Eddie!"
"Morning, May."
"Did Linda tell you today's word?"
"'Furn-way', apparently."
"Fernweh. Isn't it beautiful? 'The ache of longing for something that's far away.' So romantic, right?"
"You gotta stop watching Hallmark movies."
May cocks her head. "You first."
They share a grin, and Eddie watches her walk away into the bright, loud call center. When she disappears around the corner, his smile fades.
Eddie reaches his office, unlocks the door, closes it behind him. The bright lights and noise are shut out. He drops his keys on the desk and his bag on the chair, and lets his shoulders drop. He sighs and rubs his face. The eye drops aren’t helping, and his eyes burn when he closes them; soon the burning is replaced by the sting of tears. Eddie blinks them back, sniffs, and pulls his phone from his pocket.
Hey Buck. You busy?
The reply is almost instantaneous.
nah man btween calls whats up
Eddie sniffs again as he perches on the corner of his desk.
Nothing much. How’s it going over there?
june fic prompts
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