sneha-321 · 4 years
Understanding the need, today, businesses around the globe have been shifting towards the digital medium and exploring new aspects.
More so, the global outbreak of COVID19 has acted as a catalyst for the shift.
The increasing demand has also led to a rise in demand to hire software developers rapidly. 
By now you must have consulted a lot of your friends and experts, or even started with some research online and found out most of your competitors and friends opt for software outsourcing companies in India.
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thescalers-blog · 5 years
Hire Indian Programmers To Drive Real Software Innovation
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In today's digital era, new and innovative software is being deployed all the time. This puts impetus on all companies to stay at the top of their game and scale their business, pushing themselves ahead of the competition.
Companies in the US and Europe are constantly on the lookout for talented developers to drive this software innovation. However, the distinct shortage of local talent in the West has led to more and more companies choosing offshore software development. This popular option allows companies to stay competitive in an ever-expanding industry.
State-of-the-art technology, abundant talent, and impressive economic growth have made India the world’s foremost offshoring hub. Today, India is a world leader in offshore development and has become the first choice for companies looking to expand their workforce. Hiring Indian programmers allows companies to access experienced, highly-skilled talent at a lower cost than at home. All of this at a greater ease and without lowering the standards of work.
Every day, companies are looking to expand their software development team, increase their output, or drive software innovation within their business. We’ve prepared 5 big reasons why going offshore can make it happen.
1. A massive pool of engineering talent
A 2018 survey revealed that 45% of employers find it especially difficult to fill jobs in engineering and IT. Nearly a third of respondents cited the lack of ‘skilled applicants’ as the main reason.
In the US and Europe, there is immense pressure to discover and hire developers with the right skill set. Unfortunately, there are too few talented developers in these areas. When you do unearth an excellent engineer, they come with an eye-watering salary.
That’s why more and more companies are looking seriously at offshoring as a way to enhance their development teams. Some companies try to “hack” their growth through outsourcing. However, this only works as a ‘quick fix’ and simply is not sustainable in the long run.
Outsourcing vs. Offshoring
: what’s the difference?
Outsourcing means engaging individuals or agencies to remotely complete a fixed-term project, similar to working with freelancers. The developers have no ownership over the project. Since the main attraction is cut-throat pricing, the quality is frequently below par; sometimes the output is non-existent.
Offshoring is a completely different model. This is where you build a dedicated development centre (usually in a young tech economy, like India) with staff members fully employed by your business. These permanent employees are an extension of your workforce. By working with offshoring specialists, you guarantee to engage serious and committed developers looking for a career in your team - something that’s impossible with outsourcing.
Check out our piece on the key differences between outsourcing and offshoring to learn more.
India produces 1.5 million engineers every year, a number that is unrivalled anywhere in the world, and only set to increase. By recruiting Indian programmers into your offshore team, companies can access a massive pool of dedicated, skilled, and passionate developers who are just waiting to be hired.
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2. An abundance of English-speaking programmers
Language compatibility is a significant point of concern when choosing an offshore software development company to work with.
As a nation, India puts significant emphasis on education for all its people - including language teaching. India is now the world's second-largest English-speaking country, right behind the United States.
So the top Indian programmers are not only technical experts but also fluent in English. Even better, they are taught to communicate clearly and effectively. This allows top-quality developers to slot into your team regardless of logistical challenges. This way, geographical locations or time zones are never a hindrance.
A lot of companies worry about language and cultural barriers when offshoring. With top developers, we’re happy to report this isn’t an issue. Hiring Indian programmers means hiring skilled, focused engineers who will deliver whatever you ask them to. The best part - the work is at par with the industry standards.
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3. Cost-effective compared to western developers
An undeniable advantage of offshoring is cost-effectiveness. By offshoring your software development and hiring Indian programmers, you can reduce your IT spend by 20-50% compared to hiring at home.
The cost of living in a country like India is significantly lower than in the West. For example, the all-inclusive cost of living in California is 140% more than Bangalore, India. This means that basic necessities like food, clothing and shelter cost way more in the US and Europe. In turn, the average disposable income for an employee in India is higher. This allows you to access an exceptional talent pool of engineers, without the same costs as at home.
Further, the cost of setting up a software development centre in the US and Europe are high.
Reports show that American companies occupy roughly 45% of office spaces in India as they continue to expand their operations in the country. This is followed by domestic companies which are followed by companies from the European Union.
While there is an initial investment required to move offshore, the ongoing costs (like internet, property leases, and payroll) are significantly lower.
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4. Culture and attitude geared for success
With India producing 1.5 million engineers every year, finding the crème de la crème should be seriously difficult. However, it doesn’t have to be. Partnering with the right offshore software development company makes finding dedicated engineers (ones who can really contribute incredible results) a walk in the park.
But good Indian programmers aren’t just technically gifted. There’s a never-give-up attitude and focus on creative thinking that’s ingrained into the culture. Your engineers will become personally invested in your projects and brainstorm ideas to drive innovation. You’ll work with brave developers who aren’t afraid of failure of rising to a challenge.
Indian engineers are wired this way is because they are taught to always be persistent and hustle. In a country that generates hundreds and thousands of engineers annually, they need this grit to reach the top. Bringing this attitude into your business can do wonders for your growth and performance.
5. A proven economic and technological environment
India has emerged as one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. Over the next 10-15 years, it is expected to be the world’s 3rd economic power; right behind the US and China.
The Indian market has grown leaps and bounds in the last decade. India's GDP is estimated to increase at an average rate of 7%, underlining the strength of its economic activity. Even better, India's labour force is expected to reach more than 160 million by the year 2020. This is due to population growth and higher education enrolment, among other factors. This has all contributed to the growth and development of the Indian IT community.
There’s a reason IT behemoths like Google and Microsoft are building new R&D centres in cities like Bangalore. It’s already one of the most dynamic, talent-heavy cities in the world.
Located in Bangalore, India, The Scalers is the offshore software development company that can help you hire a world-class team of Indian programmers. We have a bulletproof recruitment process and a history of building first-rate teams.
If you’re ready to expand your business and build a team in India, book a free consultation with one of our senior executive.
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sneha-321 · 4 years
From startups to large enterprises, there are a vast number of companies that are leveraging their eCommerce site. And as it becomes easier for everyone to build their website, e-commerce stores are becoming a popular way for more people to earn money online.
Although the market offers two most popular eCommerce platforms that are Shopify and Square, the question arises, how would you compare them?
Fortunately! I have compiled everything you want to know about Shopify Vs. Square Comparison in this article. Follow the blog until the end to get answers to all your queries. So, without wasting any more time, let’s read more...
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sneha-321 · 3 years
Top Pros and Cons of Hiring Indian Developers
Many companies across global have outsourced now to India to save costs and scale their business activities. The top IT giants Microsoft, Google, and IBM to early-stage startups… all are hiring Indian developers. 
India has rich talent that makes the country competent in rendering software and web development services to offshore clients. It's essentially the reason why Indian developers have a huge demand across the globe. They hold a grasp on their technical fields of specialization. 
Thus, the growth and demand both are at their peak.  
Let's read...https://bit.ly/34nzkRr
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ariabarnes · 3 years
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Hire Programmers in India for Web and App Development- PixelCrayons
PixelCrayons is India's leading software development company that offers skilled developers who understand your core requirements and fulfill your specific business needs. We serve all types of technology stack such as web and full stack, mobility solutions, microsoft technologies, java and javascripts, eCommerce and CMS and more by highly specialized experienced developers. Visit here for hire programmers in India.
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sneha-321 · 4 years
Do you know that there are around 12 to 24 million eCommerce sites across the globe? And more and more are being created every single day. eCommerce sites have opened countless opportunities for startups by enabling businesses to have an excellent customer base. 
 What does stat say? 
 Ecommerce sales opportunities are increasing rapidly. According to a survey, eCommerce accounted for $ 2.3 trillion in sales in 2017, which is estimated to get double to $ 4.5 trillion by 2021.
 As a result, developing an e-commerce store becomes the need of the hour to reflect an ideal mix between aesthetics and functionality. But which platform would be the best?
 There are many popular eCommerce platforms available, but Shopify is a preferred option for startups who prefer simplicity and rich features as well as quality and efficiency.
 If you're not a tech-savvy and want to spruce up a marketplace like eBay or Amazon, Shopify can be the best bet. Through this article, I will describe the top reasons why Shopify is best for startups.  
 So, without wasting any more time, let’s dig in!
What Exactly is Shopify?
 Shopify is the most prominent eCommerce platform where you are looking for everything you need or your eCommerce store while having the most straightforward requirements to use.
 It gives you a set of useful features that make your eCommerce website function up to par and effectively increase it to a higher level. 
 The eCommerce platform serves as a complete bundle for your eCommerce website. It lets you build different pages with an inbuilt online editor that are sold in multiple places through the integration of local language support and customize online stores. 
 The Shopify platform empowers more than 500,000 businesses in 175 countries across the globe. Without any doubt, it is a one-stop-shop for eCommerce merchants who are willing to leverage their online store. 
What Makes Shopify an Ideal eCommerce Platform for Startups?
 Business owners using Shopify do not have to worry about server maintenance, hosting their shopping carts, and presenting their brand to potential customers.
 Shopify's supporting apps that are available to its users help business owners manage their entire eCommerce chain from stock management to customer contact management.
 The humble journey born out of the need to design an eCommerce platform that is not rigid for business owners' needs is what makes Shopify stand out as an eCommerce solution for startups.
 There are plenty of reasons why Shopify is the best eCommerce platform for startups. Let's take an in-depth look at why startups would benefit a lot from using Shopify.
 #1: Easy to set up and use
 Do you know that more than 1.2 million people are using the Shopify backend platform worldwide? Indeed, Shopify is a top-rated eCommerce platform as it reduces the burden and complexities of building a shopping website from scratch. 
 You can create a Shopify account without any hassle and use the available toolset to set up an online store without any technical background quickly. 
 No matter where you start, as a novice user or already a retail store owner, Shopify can help turn your retail store details into an online store, making it easy for your customers to shop online. It can provide a great shopping experience.
 Once your store setting is complete, it is ready to go live and start selling. At this stage, many businesspersons who suffer from nerve-cracking challenges from store management typically take this as an essential factor while choosing an eCommerce platform. You can also contact ecommerce development companies in India to get the best-in-class solutions for your business.
 #2 Comes with Customizable Designs
 We cannot deny that any online store's visual appearance and design are essential values for any business owner. If a shop is shabby and tedious, the business will soon end up with empty shopping carts.
 Startups looking to build an online store on Shopify have the freedom to choose from several ready-made templates and themes. If you want more themes after a while, you can still hire eCommerce developers to optimize it for less, as Shopify will have already provided you with the necessary tools and won't start from scratch.
 Over 500,000+ online stores are successfully hosted on Shopify and provide solutions that they cannot find anywhere else. There is no such reason that your business shouldn’t feature on Shopify regardless of the products or services you provide.
 #3 Reliable and Secure
Shopify is a global hosted service, meaning they have people monitoring their network 24/7 for any attack, and they can help you deal with any problem. 
It provides the best service in terms of security as well as integration between payment providers. With the built-in speed checker, it enables users to complete payments at nominal loading times.
 Besides, their add-ons have a certain standard, and you will not risk giving Trojans or viruses. You can also opt for SSL or PCI compliance to accept credit cards and store sensitive information without knowing how it works. 
 Other sources also present it. However, they cannot offer you this level of security and reliability for the same price. Other companies will charge you more.
 #4: No Hosting issue
 If you want to start your business online, web hosting can be a real challenge. Shopping cart hosting demands certain technical support levels and much more free time, which some startups are particularly short of.
 Shopify is a cloud-based setup and hosted solution where you don't have to think about servers or databases. You can easily access your store from anywhere with admin login details and an internet connectivity without any kind of setup.
 The most important thing is that it supports you in handling payment gateway, making your work easy and seamless.
 #5  Multi-payment Gateway Integration
Maintaining a valid payment process is an essential step for eCommerce stores to get paid by customers. Shopify offers a variety of payment methods. In addition to being integrated with a lot of payment gateways, it provides its own as well
Its payment gateway has no transaction fees and offers low credit card fees. You do not need a merchant account to use this gateway.
 If your customers can't find their preferred payment methods in your store, they'll likely leave their cart and leave you. Even if they go to another option and continue to check out, they are likely to be dissatisfied and might come back to your store.
 Shopify offers more than one hundred payment options, including almost all widely accepted payments, including PayPal, Apple Pay, Amazon Pay, Stripe, and many other third-party payment integrations.
 If you don't want to lose your audience or create an excellent experience for them, then Shopify is the best bet for you.
 #6 App Integrations
 Shopify has a whole community of experts and designers who have created applications that startups can add to their eCommerce options.
 The platform has splendid customization capabilities as it can be integrated with apps with great ease. It means that the seller can easily add some additional functionality to their store and increase its value to a greater extent.
 Even as Shopify works on adding more appropriate features to enhance the user experience and may not be the right solution in the market, its App Store gives it an upper hand over its rivals.
 The value added from the App Store makes it more reliable and more compatible than other eCommerce solutions available in the market. A large variety of applications are available on Shopify and which help to increase the functionality of Shopify.
 #7 Huge Collection of Themes 
 One of the amazing functionality of Shopify is that it provides thousands of ready-to-use themes for its users. You have the facility to browse multiple themes with different style, design, functionality, and pricing at Shopify Theme Store. You can  choose the best theme for your online store.
 As both free and paid options are available there, so you can also make your choice based on cost parameters.
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 Besides, Shopify categorizes its themes so that you can find suitable themes without any hassle. It offers themes for a wide range of industries, from art and photography, clothing and fashion, jewelry and accessories, electronics, food and beverage, health and beauty, to toys and games, and many more.
 Urbana Sacs is an elegantly handcrafted store powered by Shopify using the Brooklyn template. It is a reliable, mobile-friendly, and customizable Shopify theme used by over 1 million online businesses worldwide.
 By using Urbana, you can create a dynamic product grid, show multiple product images on the homepage without messing it up, and easily feature videos from Youtube.
Bottom Lines
 Above are the seven most agreed qualities that make Shopify the best eCommerce platform for startups. Shopify becomes the best option for startups and young entrepreneurs as it offers a significantly lower price. 
 If you are thinking of starting your business, Shopify is an ideal option. So, keeping all the above benefits of Shopify in mind, you can hire developers in India for ecommerce development and other solutions to revolutionize your online business.
I hope the article proves to be fruitful for you.
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sneha-321 · 3 years
Top 10 Companies to hire Indian Programmers and Developers
To hire skilled Indian developers at a low hourly rate, no other nation is preferred than India. Indian developers and programmers are higher in demand because of their in-depth knowledge and high productivity. Here I have written a well researched article which will guide you to choose the top Indian companies providing top Indian developers for hire at fractional costs. Read the full blog here....
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sneha-321 · 4 years
7 Top Programming Languages For Android App Development
Can we imagine our lives without smartphones?
The answer to this would be a straight “No” as mobile phones have become an inseparable part of our lives and really helps in making our life way more comfortable.
We are dependent on them for every sort of activity from listening to music to setting our morning alarm, making a connection to the outside world to stepping out of our homes; it is used everywhere. In recent times, there was a drastic increase in the use of mobile apps. According to a current mobile app development stat, the number of mobile users is expected to grow to 6.95 billion by the year 2020.
Well, if you are looking to create an Android application for your business and confused about which programming language to choose, you need not worry at all as in this article, I will be describing all the top programming languages for Android App Development.
There is a wide range of languages available for Android app Development. All the complete details about these languages are provided below to guide you in making an informed decision.
Android app development comprises the majority of the market for smartphones. According to Statcounter, in 2019, Android Owned About 75.5% of the global market share.
But deciding which language to start with requires understanding. Learning about different types of languages ​​provides you with an idea of ​​what kind of programming language you need to select for different types of apps.
While creating a mobile application, it requires a little guidance, and you can also hire indian programmers and developers for mobile app and other technology as they are more affordable and communicable.
Here are the best seven programming languages for Android app development. Any of these languages can be an excellent choice for building Android applications.
 So, let’s get started!
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