destler · 9 months
@hiraethpariah 💿 {Bitter and Sick by Zse & Reaktive}
It had been a few weeks since Zee had settled upon the enclosure beneath the opera house which Erik laid in. Life had adjusted itself to withhold the presence of two in the small area; it had just enough space for both of them to be comfortable. 
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In the night, Erik placed a candle upon a table, lighting it and watching how the flame danced upon the wick carelessly. It was so natural with each movement, like a ballerina who danced on a stage with the pride that could only be accumulated by decades of practice. His hand drew closer to the wax, and touched it as the hot liquid stuck to his skin. Slowly, they picked away the wax, leaving small shells displayed upon the table. 
"Comme j'ai soif d'inspiration," he whispered.
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leatherforhell · 9 months
MUN'S FAVOURITES. tag 10 people you want to know better
favorite color(s): pink and blue!
song stuck in your head: D.O.A. from the lightning thief musical. it keeps popping up when i'm trying to sleep, even
last song you listened to: lacy by olivia rodrigo
3 favorite foods: basil pesto penne, pad thai with extra egg, caramel apples
dream trip: england! to see my friend.
anything I want rn: the energy to write, please, the muse is there, I WANNA WRITE
tagged by: @byanyanㅤ ♡tagging: @riselazarus @reverdies @hittter @charroblanco @stygicniron @songandflame @bytepire @kerflooey @ithas @hiraethpariah
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praemoniitus · 2 months
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted. Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: Monroe OOC Contact: honestly the best way is inbox, or tumblr i.m. Since I don't have a discord
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
in the simplest way, Zed (born name Rachel Laura Finch), after one too many encounters with The Entities or things associated with them. Learned too much and was "banished" to a world that is doomed to end. A human who learned "secrets" the Kryptonite of these powerful things, and instead of killing her. One, or it sent her to another dimension
Points of interest:
Due to the encounters she had, she devolved P.T.S.D., took up smoking cigarettes. Also does not do well underground ,or small enclosed spaces. At least small spaces she cant get out if. Wears 90s grudge style. Her eyes are gray unlike the FC's natural eye color. Not big on strangers either. Which is a battle when your work in a shop. She prefers people she knows to strangers
What they’ve been up to recently:
Zed's been trying to stay out of the spotlight. Trying not to get noticed by any powerful supernatural being. This cuts into any dreams ,or future plans In her free time she is learning how to crochet. And learn ancient Greek. And she is still reading about the supernatural and paranormal.
Where to find them:
At The Bell , books, and occult shop where she works, the nearby coffee shop on a corner called Coffee Corner, not aware winning coffee ,but it sure is good. And also can be found in the apartment above the shop. w
Current plans:
Survive ,that its in its simplicity. She has no desire to return to her "home" dimension. The horrors' in her new one are easier to handle. At least in her mind. Basically the phase of "rebuilding" her life in what ever dimension she was "banished" to
Desired interactions:
Found family , she is not interested in having enemies ,though she understands that's unavoidable. But rebuilding her life. Though throwing her into supernatural situations where she has to come face to face with things that either want to harm her, or to wish her good will.
Offered interactions:
• looking for supernatural/paranormal items for the shop, or prevent an innocent person from being harmed by it • am entities (or avatar) cross her path and something meaner that saves Zed from it • slice of life, in a supernatural world
Current open post/s:
open starters || starter calls || interest checker
Anything else?:
I primarily have her in the 90s to early 2000s era, check verses for more specifics
Tagging: @hiraethpariah , @dreameasel (tagged by: @obscurushydrae)
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destler · 3 months
"You're the best thing that ever happened to me, and I'm scared of losing you."
The Opera Populaire has long gone silent as each person settles into the realm of dreams. Yet he, ever the nocturnal creature, did not settle on these pleasantries, but on others. The warm presence of wine settles in his stomach, making him docile at the hands of the beast. They both reside in the space under the Opera, sharing the small sofa they had snuck into their space. 
Night had been filled with drunk laughs and soft words, occasionally broken by a reassuring silence. 
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Now, with a wine glass in hand, Erik sits up at the words of his companion, ones that had never been directed to him. 
They're simple, they're young and delicate, yet they carry such a great weight to them. Both fear and love are such complicated matters, two emotions which are deeply engraved in ones brain. 
"We fear that when we finally have something good we will lose it," he says gently, placing their hand onto the creature's cheek, "The fear of happiness, the fear of love. If I am to leave you one day, for whatever reason, all I ask is for you not to cry for far too long. Yet for now, I am by your side and am content as such."
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