hothotmiso · 13 days
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vipermenace · 3 months
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Deep within the dungeon, a hidden room is uncovered to reveal old elvish tapestries. Upon translation, it tells the story of a young elf princess who falls in love with her knight.
The two begin a secret relationship, for an elf to be with a tallmen would be a scandal enough, let alone it being the beloved princess! But soon, tragedy fell to the kingdom. A siege lay waste to the castle as the kingdom burned around it.
The princess fell to the hands of a dark knight, his sword piercing through her chest. But it was not some unknown, she recognized her love immediately. The knight finally took off his helm, only to reveal he was but a half-elf orc by the name Isgril. Distraught, the man held his lover in his arms, regretting his betrayal.
He was not supposed to fall in love with his target. This is what happens for loving a monster.
A dream I had that took place in Dungeon Meshi! I remembered the story and characters vividly, so here they are!
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butchdykekondraki · 5 months
ive started saying gott im himmel outside of when im speaking german which is Really funny to me because i always think of it as this one clip of medic tf2(?) i heard a couple years ago where he goes "Gott-en Him-ell..." in the most shocked and distressed voice ive ever heard and it sends me into hysterics everytime . Gotten Himell this fortressen is full of fagendyken
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thurstongrey · 1 year
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jose92gt · 9 days
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Ilustraciones por el episodio 83 de Shadowverse Flame, se dara conclusión a la batalla ante la Arc Rule Himel, veremos la carta legendaria de Garuel y también dando inicio al Shion vs Wodin Round3, que es lo que busca realmente Wodin
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hyperfresh-vixen · 7 months
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Another character sneak peak for yall! this time we have our cool new LB holder olivia! design criticism/suggestions are welcome so long as your nice about it :)
Bases by gutter on toyhouse used
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agnyagny · 2 years
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Are Electrical Control Panel Manufacturers Worth the Investment?
Effectively, electricity is the essence of a multitude of industries and many important devices. Keeping the lights on and machines running in factories & buildings isn't just about having electricity. It's about having safe and reliable electrical control.  This means having the right equipment to manage the flow of electricity efficiently and without any dangers. This is where the electrical control panel manufacturers enter into steam. They design, assemble, and test these small but essential components which are the backbone of electrical systems, which guarantee operation smoothness and safety.
Why choose the right electrical control panel manufacturers?
Choose  Himel electrical equipment manufacturer for better productivity & safety.
Safety First:
Electrical control panels are essential in regulating operators and equipment to ensure the safety of personnel and equipment. The specific safety features included in such a panel, like fuses, circuit breakers, and ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs), are essential for increasing the safety of your home to the highest level.
Customization for Specific Needs:
The uses of electricity due to its wide application range from one sector to another. Electrical control panel manufacturers know that every situation is different.  That's why they build custom panels matching your needs, not some generic template.  They start from scratch to give you the perfect fit for your project. It could be either handling complex machines at a factory place or managing the building's lighting system and power distribution. This custom panel gives optimized efficiency and accuracy.
Improved Efficiency and Performance:
Modern cutting-edge electrical control panels are instrumented with a range of sophisticated components and technologies that could make your electrical system more efficient. For instance, PLCs and VFDs make it possible to have the capabilities of monitoring and precise tuning of operations at the time of distribution and use of power. This could result in tremendous energy savings, lower downtime, as well as better operation as a whole. This prosperity, in turn, would translate into cost efficiency and sustainability of the operation.
Reduced Risk of Downtime:
Electrical system failures may shut down whole activities, thus leading to a huge loss of productivity as well as revenue. Production of strong control panels made of flawless components and using strict quality assurance procedures reduce the frequency of failures by a large margin.
Long-Term Value:
While the startup cost of a custom-designed electric control panel might look higher than the competition, the appeal of the long-term value proposition, which will save costs in the long run, is undeniable.
Expertise and Experience:
Himel electrical equipment manufacturer with the necessary expertise and dexterity becomes an asset to your project. Industry professionals can keep abreast of the changing safety regulations, market trends, and technological advancements. In summary, developing a partnership with Himel electrical equipment manufacturers is a wise choice for those businesses and facilities, looking for high-level protection of their electrical systems.
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Man in floral
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dippedanddripped · 1 year
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Posted by Drew Heifetz on April 05, 2023
We have teamed up with Master Leather Craftsman Dave Himel of Himel Bros Leather goods to bring you the Fireball Collection. These amazing jacket will be available exclusively at Inspiration April 7th - 8th in Pasadena, CA. Please follow @jesseheifetz, @himelbros, and @drewheifetz for more information and details on purchasing outside of the event.
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hothotmiso · 16 days
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"Safeguard Your Residential and Commercial Spaces Employing Entrusted Brand's Switchgear and Wiring."
Switchgear and wiring components constitute a significant portion of any residential or commercial structural design. However, its vulnerable nature makes it highly susceptible to accidents that could affect the lives of many. So it is advisable to be careful and acquire these critical components from trusted brands like Dorman Smith.
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Below, we have discussed a few mishaps that could occur if there are any compromises with the quality of these essential elements.
Negligence and compromise with switch gear and wiring can result in a variety of damages and risks, some of which are:
Fire hazards
Poor installation, maintenance, or switch gear and wiring malfunction can cause electrical arcs, sparks, and short circuits, leading to fire outbreaks that can cause severe damage to property and loss of life.
Power outages
Negligence in maintaining switch gear and wiring can cause power outages and interruptions that can cause inconvenience, loss of productivity, and damage to sensitive electronic equipment.
Electrical shocks
Faulty or poorly installed wiring and switch gear can result in electrical shocks, which can cause severe injury or death.
System failures
Neglecting switch gear and wiring can cause system failures that can disrupt operations and compromise safety and security systems.
Equipment damage
Compromised switch gear and wiring can result in voltage fluctuations, surges, and spikes that can damage electronic equipment and systems, leading to costly repairs or replacements.
Legal liabilities
Negligent or inadequate switch gear and wiring maintenance can result in legal liabilities, including fines, lawsuits, and insurance claims.
Thus, it is imperative to ensure that switch gear and wiring are installed, maintained, and operated per the manufacturer's specifications and industry standards.
In addition, regular inspections and maintenance should be carried out to identify and address potential problems, and qualified electricians should be consulted for installation, repair, or upgrade work.
These precautions can reduce potential damages and risks, ensuring safe, reliable, and efficient electrical systems. And last but not least, one must always purchase switch gear and wiring components from a reliable and reputed brand!
But how do you find a good reliable brand?
Finding a reliable switch gear and wiring company can be challenging, but it's essential to ensure your electrical system's safety and efficiency.
Here are some suggestions to help you discover the right company:
Look for experience: Choose a company with a proven track record of providing high-quality switch gears and wiring services. Look for companies that have been in business for several years and have experience working with similar projects to yours.
Check credentials: Ensure the company is licensed, insured, and certified. It will provide you peace of mind learning that they are qualified and have the necessary experience to do the job correctly.
Get references: Ask the enterprise for references from past clients. Contact these connections and ask about their experiences with the firm.
Read reviews: Check online reviews to understand the company's reputation better. Look for reviews on multiple sites to get a more comprehensive view of the company's performance.
Compare prices: Get quotations from multiple firms and compare fees. Remember that the lowest cost may only occasionally be the best choice. Look for a firm that offers quality services at a reasonable price.
Look for communication: A good company should communicate with you throughout the project, from start to finish. Choose a company that keeps you informed and is responsive to your questions and concerns.
Consider guarantees: Choose a company that offers a guarantee for their work. It will give you confidence knowing that they stand behind their work and are confident in their abilities.
Request for a detailed proposal: A detailed proposal should outline the scope of work, materials to be used, estimated timeline, and the total cost. It will help you clearly understand what to expect from the company.
By following these recommendations, you'll be able to discover a company that you can trust to get the job done right.
Choose Fakhri Elect & Sanitary Trading LLC for trusted companies like Dorman Smith and Himels!
Fakhri Elect & Sanitary Trading LLC is your entrusted supplier for complete electrical switchgear, sanitary ware, lighting solutions and accessories in the United Arab Emirates.
Trendy wall switchgear and wiring components with multiple designs and color choices help our clients to select from a wide range of options to make their homes and offices look attractive and stylish.
In addition to these products, we also deal with construction materials, power and hand instruments, welding accessories and safety equipment on a good scale.
In conclusion, finding a reliable switch gear and wiring company requires time and research. But it's worth the effort to ensure the safety and efficiency of your electrical system.
Therefore, if you need high-quality and dependable switchgear and wiring from reputed brands like Himels to guarantee your safety, security and peace of mind, contact Fakhri Elect & Sanitary Trading LLC today!
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softgayera · 2 years
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aslfua-remade · 6 months
himels -> marciles
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jose92gt · 15 days
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Shadowverse Flame 82
Nos muestran como hubiera sido ese futuro diferente de Andrea y Hina, Ren sueña con esa posibilidad, en esa ilusion se muestra como ambos grupos llevarse bien, en esa ilusión de muestra como se organizan todas tomar café y compartir juntas, también la película de Battle Fencer
Después Tsubasa y Ren aceptando la triste realidad luego de enteran de la situación se deciden poner en marcha, afectadas aún por lo ocurrido, en la partida de vuelta al duelo Himel la estuvieron irritando varios lapsos ocasionado esto por Mikado y Ryoga con confianza
Se menciona el significado de los DF Data Foreigner
la apariencia legendaria de Demonía, Mikado ha crecido bastante hasta si pareció raro hablará de amistad y vínculos sabemos de quien aprendió eso y Ryoga hacen buena química, Mikado buscara poner fin al duelo
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hyperfresh-vixen · 8 months
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Proof that ive been cooking these ocs for a lil while now (conversation i had with my younger sibling figure who was helping me with specifically our twin ladybug and snake holders)
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