ateez-himari · 3 months
ATEEZ (에이티즈) - 'NOT OKAY' Official MV Teaser 1
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‥ Looking at the world through a camera while walking around, a smile adorns her lips, only for it to drop as she lowers the device to turn towards something invisible to the screen with fear marking her features.
‥ A man adorned in black from head to to toe comes up from behind, covering her eyes and mouth with gloved hands as the camera drops to the ground - shattering.
‥ Throughout the ATEEZ lore people have been attempting to cover her mouth and she has often been associated with the blue bird, possibly a representation of the lyrics "Mm, the little blue bird that's lost its voice..." (Halazia). - Baby Bread (Twitter)
‥ Seeing as the masked man plunges her in darkness the moment she looks away from the camera's viewfinder, the device could be used to see the world in a brighter light to ignore whatever is happening in reality. She is also the only member with wounds, meaning that the camera might be a way for her to escape the pain of what happened to her previously. - Mikah (Twitter)
‥ Her solo track 'Shadow' saw the appearance of individuals dressed similarly to the one in the Teaser and some Atiny have suspected them to represent things such as depression, anxiety, fear, hate, etc. Unlike Hongjoong who seems to be addicted to the phone in his hand and Jongho who is afraid of the television forcing itself in front of him, maybe technology serves as something 'positive' for her sort of like a drug. In order to avoid those negative emotions she drowns herself in the camera's 'joy', though being just as addicted to Hongjoong in the end. - Sweethwa (Twitter)
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ateez-himari · 3 months
ATEEZ(에이티즈) - 'NOT OKAY' Official MV
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.. The man lets himself fall backwards yet instead of crashing onto him she lands on a couch surrounded by screens, displaying images of canvases covered in black scribbles accompanied by broken paintbrushes, a bird clawing at its cage and gloved hands wrapping around her body, all the while she seems to be fast asleep.
.. She wakes up crying, instantly reaching for the camera supposed to be on the table next to her only to find its broken pieces spelling the words 'Face It'. Looking down she then realizes that her wrists are shackled, trapping her on the couch while several men force her back into a lying position with a hand covering her eyes once more.
.. Seemingly trapped in another nightmare she finds a microphone on its stand in the middle of the glass box inside which she stands and in an attempt to free herself she hurls it at the closest wall, shattering it. That very moment, her eyes open once more to the screens displaying the same words as Hongjoong's phones with soundwaves indicating that they were being played through a speaker, causing the young woman to cover her ears while screaming.
.. In a state of pure panic she throws the remote sitting on the coffee table into the largest monitor which causes a glitch to appear on the surrounding televisions, stopping the figures in their tracks as they ran towards her. Now curled up into a sitting fetal position both hands come to tangle themselves in her hair as teary eyes look into the camera, one more shackle visible around her neck.
📖Diary Film
.. In the segment 'Himari's Chains' we find out that in order to escape the grief of losing her parents amongst other negative emotions that followed, she turned to the pursuit of art, creating something beautiful any time happiness vanished even for a moment. With these distractions her focus was on fixing the sketch's crooked lines, her voice's false note, the flaw in her body's movements in contrast to the rhythm, drowning out the ever growing darkness inside of her own mind.
.. These 'shadows' eventually grew so dark that they locked her in a never ending cycle of nightmares, tears and despair, closing herself off to everyone without even knowing why, helplessly watching her own self. These created chains that were now forcing her to face every piece of darkness that had spent years being ignored, engulfing her with every passing moment.
.. Music serves as a way for Himari to free herself from the shadows, which is why the item used to break through her nightmare was a microphone. In real life the music industry brought its dark aspects into her already fragile headspace, so it could have been incorporated into the lore, which would be why she hears and sees those words the moment she 'wakes up'. - Nyangnyangari (TikTok)
.. With the shadows not moving no one could have put that last shackle on her neck, so maybe she was crying because she realized that all along it was her own self creating these restrictions and working against her. - 1024 Lover (Twitter)
.. Outside of the glass box we can see other figures that are just watching her like a mere circus animal and it could be a metaphor for the fact that even though there are indeed people that could help in the outside world, the shadows are keeping her trapped, only allowing her to watch the surroundings from a secondary perspective, never letting her speak about what is happening or reach out. - HorangieSarangie (Twitter)
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ateez-himari · 4 months
Will To Power Dance Break: Wings
Mm, the little blue bird that's lost its voice...
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CW: Talk of mutilation and blood
... ♡ ...
Throughout the pitch black streets only occasional flashlight beams illuminated every narrow alleyway, unaware that merely a few feet away their target was crouching impossibly low behind a dumpster, attempting to silence choked sobs. In her shaking hands laid a captain's insignia having been clearly ripped from its wearer's jacket, the only piece left of the group - aside from fistfuls of white feathers - she failed to help.
Seonghwa's lingering touch now seemed to burn guilt right through her skin, the young woman's mind replaying the scene countless times - shouting voices alerting others of their whereabouts, her blissfully unaware self skipping towards her friends, the eldest's horrified gaze as he roughly shoved the maknae into a cramped space between two run down shops. Completely frozen in sheer terror all she could do was watch as the group fought to the extent their muscles would allow them to, the same person who had saved her turning around one last time with a finger to his lips as if begging their precious blue bird to stay hidden.
'You seem awfully far from your nest, birdie.'
The taunting voice triggered an almost instant flight response deprived of any rational thought and the second she managed to squeeze through the alleyway's tight walls - losing a few feathers in the process - the carefully crafted cage closed in on its prey, dozens of men adorned in black blocking every inch of the ground around her. Their movements were eerily synched as two of them twisted the defenseless bird's arms painfully tightly behind her back, the feeling of cold chains digging into her limbs' skin stopping any futile escape attempt.
Despite the knowledge that all was hopeless her body would not stop writhing against its bindings, the guilt driving every movement - his eyes had silently begged her to keep standing, his back had shielded her from their sight and his legs ran to lure them away. Pleas for help echoed uselessly in the empty streets, heard only by a singular figure standing in the darkness who she attempted to reach out to only for his head to shake and form to disappear as quickly as it had come.
'I can't...I have to get out...' She cried, resistance stopped by a heavy hit to her gut which made her knees collapse onto the pavement. 'I have to go save them...if I don't...they'll have sacrificed themselves for nothing...'
Five years ago they had all freed one another from the burdens of life, meeting in a rundown warehouse they were quick to make into a home as they let music and laughter carry their every step. Then they went from mere rebellious teenagers to the liberators of a world that lacked the very things which had saved them; emotions and artistic expression. Now eight of them had lost that freedom to feel, the freedom that gave them the impression to soar above the very world and only one remained, the one who had brought them together by inadvertence - a girl whose tears now burned her eyes.
Time seemed to slow when an excruciating pain rippled through her entire body, the spots in which blue wings once proudly sat now tainted a sickening shade of red as heaps of blue feathers fell to the ground. The scream of pain ripping through the young woman's throat was muted to her own ears, feeling only the strenuous vibrations as warm blood trickled down her mutilated back in a twisted symbol of her now lost freedom.
With the very notion of time distorted by the unrelenting pain forcing a heavy haze into her mind she could not tell how long she had been kneeling in a puddle of blood and feathers, only that every single one of the perpetrators had time to leave. Weakening by the second she could not even gather enough energy to attempt an escape nor move her hands that were now almost completely numb due to being strung up in such a manner; all she could do was mumble apologies over and over to the members she would never save.
We all try but we lose emotion...
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ateez-himari · 4 months
Will To Power: A More Mature Concept
ATEEZ surprises fans with moves even more risky than 'Cyberpunk'.
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January 28, 2024 (11:19AM)
On January 27, ATEEZ held their new world tour's very first concert in the Jamsil Indoor Stadium and its mature concept left attendees as well as netizens completely dumbfounded. The maknae in particular made a lasting impression all throughout the setlist as, whether it be solo or with her dance break partners, she seemed to pull away from the cute demeanor fans had grown used to. While 'Wake Up' undoubtedly shook audience members the most, the introduction segment preceding it was equally surprising.
The group's youngest performed a short choreography to an instrumental track before fellow member San stepped out, wrapping a piece of fabric around her eyes before leaning in closely. Despite the scene's relative darkness most people managed to catch the fact that his arm was resting - rather tightly - on her hips before he whispered 'wake up...' in her ear and pulled both of them into the dance's starting positions.
'I was trying very hard not to break out of character' Himari laughed while talking to attendees. 'We rehearsed this a lot of times at the studio but I still can't get used to how intense it isㅋㅋㅋ.'
In terms of intimacy many noticed that during sound check she kissed Mingi on the corner of his lips, though it looked as if he on the other hand was going in for a true lover's kiss. The speculations of a romantic relationship between the two recently surfaced were only strengthened by this concert due to the rapper's difficulty in keeping his hands to himself - the young woman was wearing pants with very revealing cutouts showing off her bare hips and countless videos caught his touch lingering there.
Himari's acting also showed a different sense of maturity throughout both concerts during a solo dance break, leaving many hearts aching at her heart wrenching expressions.
It sets off instantly with the maknae running onto the stage, rapidly caught by two men attempting to drag her over to the center where a structure made of metal bars stands. Unable to fight them off her hand reaches out desperately towards the back of the stage where another figure stands - but the man only shakes his head and walks away. The attackers manage to wrap chains hanging from the structure around her wrists to keep the young woman still and tear something from her back just as they did to Seonghwa - the act preceding hers - though this time the feathers that scatter are not white but rather blue. Left to wallow in the pain alone she falls to her knees, head hung low in defeat and videos taken by attendees caught a tear shed just prior to the lights dimming.
With the idol having been associated very closely with ATEEZ's mysterious blue bird throughout the eras this could very well be a part of their lore - heavily supported by the fact that the backing track was discovered to be a remix of 'Outro : Blue Bird' from their 'From the Witness' album. What the fandom is sure about however is the fact that her performance proved to be on an incredible level, one enough to render everyone speechless.
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