#highly recommend if you can't afford starbucks or wanna make your own special fun flavoured drinks at home
queer-crusader · 5 months
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Meet my beautiful coffee and matcha/hot drinks corner and my beautiful new son, the milk frother.
I got into the (mostly coffee based) YT channel of Morgan Eckroth recently and while I don't drink coffee all that often (and NEVER drank matcha but enjoyed matcha sticks at cons at times), I felt an urge to whimsy up my life. Just add a tiny bit of luxury, especially on those days I work from home. So for Christmas I asked for matcha powder and a milk frother (lovingly dubbed by me and my sister as a milk brother after a wonderful autocorrect/typo, resulting in the frequent use of the phrase "brothering the milk"), and now I have a wee drinks station!
Yes, it takes a wee while to make something, especially if I add matcha (you get the added steps of soaking loose the matcha whisk and whisking up a little batch rather than dumping powder in a mug if u wanna do it "right"). I also heat up my milk, for which it takes a bit of trial and error to find the right length of time in the microwave. It also took a bit of trial and error to learn how to wield the milk brother to get a well-aerated milk with a good amount of froth. But after a few days of experimentation and play over the Christmas holidays, I now make my own cappuccinos, matcha lattes, dirty matcha lattes (coffee with matcha), or as I did just now, a dirty matcha latte with added cocoa powder (yes, that works! Matcha hot cocoa is also a wonderfully comforting drink if you don't mind the caffeine!). Behold!
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(I usually use a smaller mug so I didn't use enough milk and base to fill her up but she tastes wonderful!)
I've also made my own flavour infused syrup for my coffees!! We had a horrible teabag lying around no-one will ever drink with hazelnut and cocoa flavour (she tastes super chemical), so I made a simple syrup and soaked the tea in the water for that syrup. I also added some cinnamon to it. She still tastes a little like fake chemical flavour, but also due to the high amount of slightly caramelised sugar and cinnamon, like stroopwafel syrup. So it's a wonderful coffee addition that's so simple to make! And I can and will make so many more in the future!! Cinnamon flavour!! Cardamom flavour!! Peanut flavour for my snickers hot cocoa urge!! The world is at my feet and NOTHING CAN STOP ME *MANIACAL LAUGHTER*
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