#highkey now i should've just said something back then but i didnt
tropicalfreckles · 6 months
When you remember something you wish stayed forgotten and go "gross"
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pr0dbeomgyu · 3 years
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pairing: beomgyu x reader, taehyun x reader, hueningkai x reader
genre: fluff
beomgyu and maknae line
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when he saw you crying on the bed, he's lowkey freaking out, thinking he did something wrong,
but he's pretty sure he didnt do anything wrong at least not until the extent that you'd be crying
he just ate the last piece of your favourite brownies, so now he's not really sure 🤨
"y/n baby, im sorry for eating the last piece of the brownies, please dont cry, i'll buy you a whole new one right now, okay," 🥺
you didnt intend to shout, but you were in pain, and you kept the brownie since yesterday, so
he stood still looking like a kicked puppy, so you said sorry ://
he wasnt rlly sure what to do so he tried hugging you.
"are you hurt, y/n?"
"im having period cramps,"
highkey freaking out
inside his head, it's literally like that spongebob meme where all the spongebobs freak out running in circles.
"what should i do?"
"nothing gyu, just help me get the heat pad and some pain killers please,"
he brought every single pain killer he could find, spreading them on the bed.
he may be a bit clueless, but he stayed by your side all the time, just so you can ask for help anytime.
also he did order the brownies, so all is fine again,
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oh this man was born ready for this.
kidding, he had been prepared for this moment ever since you started dating.
he even looked up on the internet
so you're a bit surprised when he gave you a heat pad
cause you didnt even tell him you're having your period, and you're at his house
but then again, you had been frowning and you pushed him away when you're cuddling with him while watching netflix just to crouch on the floor, to ease your sudden period cramps.
"how did you know?"
"i looked into your menstruation cycle app the other day, sorry, but i swear i didnt open anything other than that,"
"have i told you that you're so precious," 🥺
"have i told you that you're more precious, y/n,"
"so if i ask you, do you by any chance have a sanitary pad, you're not gonna be mad at me, right,"
that's when he took out a whole ass box labeled 'Y/N'S SURVIVAL KIT'
there are sanitary pads with wings, without wings, overnight ones, tampons, (he bought everything cause he didnt know which one you prefer), painkillers, chocolates, just name it.
you felt like asking him to hand in marriage right there and then,
but you figured that's a lil bit over the top, so you just gave him a quick peck.
he even set up the bed for you to lie down on,
he's very thorough, so when you got comfy on the bed, he'd ask if your back hurts
he'd massage your back if it does, also expect being showered by comforting words.
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i dont think hueningkai will freak out cause he has two sisters,
his heart breaks when he saw you crying because of period cramps
cause his sisters had told him how much it hurts
so i think the moment you told him, he'd just help you get comfortable and give you one of his favourite plushies to hug,
he wont even let you touch the plushie on normal occasions
so your heart melts at this,
but you didnt tell him, cause you didnt want him to be a brat about it
he has an adorable habit of giving belly rubs so he'd definitely do this,
and you felt much better,
it doesnt really help ease the pain, but you felt cared and loved, and you felt a lil bit fuzzy, so it helped you get your mind off it.
will definitely cuddle you to sleep
"are you sleeping y/n?"
"no, why?"
"i actually wanted to go to the bathroom since 15 mins ago,"
"you should've told me," 😥
"i didnt want to wake you up," 🥺
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