#high biodiesel
pjackk · 3 days
MAsculinity is being systimatically Undermidnded and Destroyed in our society due to Ufo👽 infiltration + sabotage to our goverment they kno it will be the hunks + muscle🐖's that will rise upbyo defeat there dopey looking goofy ass big bald heads even tho their body makws them high key twinky/twunky + kind of good with it but sadly they are destroting Men's Sperm's via saturnite chemtrale radioactivity being relesed into the atmosphere + into the city tap via collusion with Clintonite Molemen of the Big Apples sewers or "worm holes" as i like to call them be safe & vigilant if u are high key scared as fuck u can lmk i am there for u we can chill and watch 🔥 as fuck funny movies and just we can see waht feels good hibestly if it goes farther then just cuddling im cool with it and actuslly feel that itbwould be good to share our life force with each other thru tantric male erotic bonding its linking up on a whole new level with our spirits & shit Guru Kevin taught me im really in need of sexual attention right now and ive been 🙏praying to Him/Our Savior every day to get some corn cob type dick its been 2 weeks and i feel like my mind is just so fucked uoband foggy i think there are bad proteins building up in my biodiesels and i was so so scared this would happen i need help badly i dont think i will be arojnd much longer if it doesnt get released
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signalhill-if · 2 years
Oh I'm curious about electricity!!
Electricity is hard to come by in the post apocalypse, but there are numerous ways you can get your hands on some! I'll break this down into those various ways...
The grid. If you live in a city like Signal Hill, you might have access to a proper electrical grid. Here, the whole city relies on one relatively small hydro plant and man-made reservoir on a river to the West of Signal Hill. This is also what supplies the city its water. The electrical grid is carefully managed, and connecting to it is an extremely expensive process, so this is reserved primarily for commercial areas and the wealthiest residents. This is what gives the city its signature "glow."
Personal generators. One step down from the grid, people and businesses might own smaller "backup generators" that they use to power lights, electronics, etc. These are expensive to run, so they'll generally be used only for short periods of time, such as the operating hours of a business or as-needed for a household. All of the generators in Signal Hill operate on biodiesel, the vast majority of which is produced by one company using locally grown soybeans and canola, although some high-energy businesses buy bulk oil and produce it themselves for a little bit cheaper.
Batteries. The vast majority of people's main electricity use is through rechargeable batteries. Most batteries used now are manufactured new, using the casings of old batteries as a base to ensure compatibility with old devices. A set of batteries is treated as a large expense in most households, the way we might treat a cell phone now. You might have 4 or 5, which you switch out into different devices as needed. When you need to charge them? There's a unique kind of business called a charge bar in Signal Hill, where people can bring their batteries or rechargeable devices to be charged for a small fee. As the name "bar" implies, many of these places take advantage of the time this takes by offering "convenience" services like alcohol, so customers can stick around and buy more stuff rather than leaving while their batteries charge. It's a profitable business.
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spann-stann · 1 year
So let’s look at the safety mechanisms that prevent the healthy Patchwork city-state from turning into its evil twin, with the biodiesel vats. By my count, there are three.
The outermost mechanism is mere PR. “Don’t be evil” is the automatic slogan of every private government. At the sovereign level, Google’s motto would not even be a winner, because to even mention evil is suspicious—like a sign outside a restaurant, promising an absence of rats.
At least in normal conditions of inter-patch peace and harmony, every Patchwork realm should positively exude rectitude and benevolence. This will of course infect its corporate culture. Perhaps it is possible to imagine Disneyland committing genocide. But it would have to be a very different Disneyland than the one we have right now. They would certainly have to replace at least half the employees.
At the financial level the realm must remember, however, that its concern is not with actual benevolence, but simply with the appearance of benevolence. Fortunately, image is cheap. Not screwing up image is cheaper—it costs you nothing, as long you don’t screw up. And, best of all, evil, while it really screws up image, just isn’t that profitable.
Once you factor in even a tiny image effect, it is surprisingly difficult to devise any scenario that generates ROI out of pure, balls-to-the-wall, straight-out evil. For example, we’ll be lucky if we can squeeze $25 worth of industrial fats out of Granny’s cadaver. They say no publicity is bad publicity—but they lie. So why not just run our buses on dinosaurs, the old-fashioned way, and keep Granny in her pen with the automatic monkey-chow dispenser?
Perhaps you see mere PR as a weak line of defense, and it would be hard to disagree. Fortunately, it is only one of three. But the factor is real: a sovereign is a sovereign, and no government can be entirely without paternal graces. No one in a sane society will be rendered into diesel, or even be allowed to starve to death for lack of productive earning power. Perhaps there are enough Randians on the planet for one city-state, but probably not two. Otherwise, it just won’t happen, and keeping it from happening is just one of the realm’s many business expenses. Granny’s monkey-chow skims off the merest tablespoon of the rich butter which the realm churns metaphorically, rather than literally, from its residents’ hard-working flesh.
We arrive at the next safety barrier: mere private philanthropy.
It is interesting to note the way in which one sniffs at mere private philanthropy. This is the thinking of the twentieth century, the century of welfare. This was a word with only positive connotations—until the twentieth century got its hands on it.
Another word for private philanthropy, with different negative connotations, is charity. Charity was of course one of the principal obligations of the medieval ecclesiastical establishment, the other two being education and adult instruction. In consonance with the general 20th-century pattern in which State has captured the role of Church, thus effecting the merger of the two by different means, most of us today perceive charity as a sovereign function.
And thus we trivialize any charitable establishment which is fully outside the State, as only the most hard-line of unreconstructed ecclesiasts are today. (Nonprofits in the US today tend to fund themselves via a mix of donations with government grants, contracts, etc.)
However, we can measure the demand for charity (meaning, of course, the demand for the production of philanthropy, not for its services) by the benchmark of government itself. Americans today by and large consider their taxes neither too high nor too low, and certainly the left half of the electorate is inclined to feel that Washington should raise even more revenue to do even more. Since Americans also see their government as a general-purpose agency for the doing of good—a sovereign charity—we can measure their demand for philanthropy by noting the absence of significant political resistance to their present tax rate. (Moreover, if you are critical of this methodology, note than any assertion that present tax rates are obtained by chicanery, rather than genuine consent, hardly constitutes a defense of modern democracy.)
The traditional contribution for charity was of course the tithe, or ten percent of income. It was over a century into Washington’s existence before it figured out how to exact anything like a tithe, but eventually as it morphed into the Church of Everything it mitigated this deficiency. Unfortunately, there is no word which is as cool as “tithe,” but means “40%.” In any case, even in the brutal, inefficient, and decidedly untechnological Middle Ages, 10% has been considered an ample level of productivity for a civilized society to donate to the needs of the unfortunate.
Furthermore, private charity has enormous advantages over welfare. The voluntary nature of the contact between provider and recipient frees the former to assume authority, informal or formal, over the latter. If you don’t want to be ordered around, you are free to starve, or at least go to prison. In prison you will certainly be ordered around. If you are not competent to provide for your own existence, you become by definition a dependent of whomever is willing to provide for you.
And with dependency comes authority, the patria potestas. Since you are not responsible for yourself, whatever charitable agency or other party has taken charge of you is now your legal guardian, putting you essentially in the position of a child. Moreover, your guardian is also responsible for any offenses you may commit. There are no irresponsible or feral humans in a Patchwork realm, unless this is some perverse lifestyle feature it sees fit to provide.
As we can see, the second safety barrier is considerably stronger than the third. Moreover, we are about to arrive at the first safety barrier, which cements the second and can be regarded as a complete refutation of social democracy.
Consider the thinking of the social democrat. To him, as previously mentioned, government is a sovereign and universal charity. Its purpose is to use its resources to do good works. These resources are derived, obviously, from the same source as with all governments—taxation. The wisdom of the people, through the magic of democracy, guides said sovereign and universal charity to use its resources efficiently for good works, not inefficiently for evil works. (Or, worst, efficiently for evil works.) This is our vaunted moral responsibility.
Any neocameralist who wanders by can observe that this system is easy to improve, in two ways.
One, the people are not wise and the magic of democracy does not exist. Therefore, we should not rely on the wisdom of the people for anything, and we should eliminate the superfluous electoral component of the design.
Specifically, we should definitely not rely on the wisdom of the people to either (a) formulate public policy, or (b) allocate budgets. Fortunately, this point is hardly debatable. If you listen to NPR you already believe that budget and policy should be held virginal from the awful contamination of politics, and if you don’t listen to NPR your opinion is of negligible importance in the budget and policy process.
Once this change is applied, allocations for good works as a percentage of disposable spending are constant. So, for example, the environment gets 10% of USG’s disposable spending (i.e., spending which is not essential to the production of future revenue), AIDS gets 5%, education of children with Down’s syndrome gets 3%, the spiny echidna gets 1%, or whatever.
Note that (a) these figures are relatively constant anyway, due to the natural push and pull of the budgeting process (my mother did budget and policy at DoE, so I do know a thing or two about “zero-based budgeting,” that unicorn of the Potomac); and (b) keeping them actually constant eliminates a very, very large number of meetings. If “change” must be provided for, a leftover slice of the budget can be allocated to a miscellaneous fund.
But wait! There is another name for “disposable spending.” The name is profit. And these “shares” of the budget also seem… familiar.
In fact, we have improved our constitutional democracy so completely that we have turned it into a neocameralist joint-stock company. And we have not harmed the funding or organization of charity even slightly. To the contrary—we have freed it from bushels of red tape.
The trick is that we’ve converted an argument about what the government should do, into an argument about who should hold the government’s shares. But this decision is way above my pay grade, because the initial share allocation must be performed by whoever actually creates the government. While this is completely independent of the design, I’m pretty confident that any conversion of a constitutional democracy into a joint-stock corporation will include a high level of continuity from charitable budget allocations in the democracy, to share allocations in the corporation.
Consider an indubitably worthy recipient of philanthropic funding, NIH. NIH’s budget is $30 billion or so. If we separate NIH completely from the State and convert its budget, for which it must fight every year, into State shares producing dividends or other payments of $30 billion every year, what has changed?
NIH is happier, because it now has $30 billion with no strings attached. Certainly the guidance of Congress, or whatever, does not assist NIH in doing its job. Quite the contrary! The less political and bureaucratic interference it receives, the better. We have just reduced this to zero, so NIH is happy. Moreover, it is even happier because this payment stream is presumably produced by shares, bonds, or other negotiable instruments, which NIH can sell and diversify. Thus creating a well-structured endowment for the long-term funding of biomedical research.
As for the payers of the $30 billion, they pay whatever they pay. So this transformation—which can be applied to any charity or entitlement, at least any which does not depend on the sovereign authority of the state in order to do its good works—is a Pareto optimization. And it eliminates the phenomenon of official charity, the hallmark of social democracy. QED.
Again, it is easy to apply this fix to entitlements, such as Social Security or Medicare. For Social Security, it is Granny rather than NIH which is owed a payment stream. For Medicare, the State can go from providing medical care to purchasing an insurance policy, and from purchasing an insurance policy to providing the payment stream needed to purchase a policy. Both these changes are Pareto optimizations, and they end up back at financial responsibility.
Therefore: if you are setting up something like a Patchwork realm, and you are worried that its residents will not donate sufficient alms to fund good works, assign some percentage of the realm’s shares (or bonds, or other securities) to those same good works. Problem solved. So why do we have social democracy? Ah. If only it would tell us.
-Mencius Moldbug, "Patchwork: A Political System For the 21st Century"
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ecodweeb · 7 years
About the Author
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Chris Maxwell (née  Browder) is a lifelong resident of the sprawling mid-south and south-eastern US. To date he has driven over 260,000 electric miles across a variety of EVs that use SAE charging standards (ie, non-Tesla vehicles). Chris has always loved cars and considers himself to be a dying breed of car enthusiast. 
Chris is of the Capitan Planet generation and has always had a concern for the environment, especially air quality as it affects his asthma. In his early adulthood he promoted the use of Biodiesel and diesel engines to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and farming our way to sustainability. This all came crashing down after the Volkswagen Diesel Emission Scandal (aka "dieselgate"), which prompted Chris to take his advocacy into the electric era.
After returning his cheating diesel on April 1, 2016, Chris eagerly took possession of his 2013 Smart ForTwo Electric Drive Cabriolet - named Gopher - and never looked back. Within three months there wasn’t a non-plug-in vehicle in the household under his name. Chris also rediscovered his passion for motorcycling after going electric, overcoming a 20 year hiatus after a crash. 
Chris's contribution to the local North Carolina EV community includes his annual State of NC Fast Charging report, the annual Brentwood Solar House EV Charging Solar Offset report, and his annual range report on the battery health (capacity) of his 10-year old Smart EV. 
Chris has been very active in North Carolina policy surrounding EVs and charging, including the EV parking and charge pricing policy at NC State University. Chris's dedication to this space culminated in an opportunity to work in the EV charging industry, specifically supporting high power DC Fast Charging systems for commercial class vehicles (mostly Buses, but Semi, Box, and Refuse trucks as well).
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Media Profiles & Interviews
ChargePoint Driver Profile Part 1
ChargePoint Driver Profile Part 2
Plug-in NC Ambassador Profile
NC Sustainable Energy Association Profile
Fuel What Matters Blog
NC Clean Energy Tech Center: EVs are Paving the Way for Emission-free Transportation
Wallstreet Journal:  What’s Missing in the Electric-Vehicle Revolution: Enough Places to Plug In
Published EV Articles
Out Motorsports: Can Enthusiasts Bond with EVs?
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adsthumbsblog · 2 years
The Ins and Outs of Your Bugout Vehicle
When thinking about a bug out vehicle, the first types of vehicles that come to mind are big 4×4 vehicles or military vehicles. While these vehicles may be some of the best bug out vehicles, there are many other types to think about. It would also be a good idea to have a few of them as they can be used for different circumstances.
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There are so many vehicles out there that can fit your bug out vehicle needs. There are some simple characteristics that the vehicle should fit, but ultimately, the vehicle should be tailored to your own needs.
Off road Capabilities
How well can your bug out vehicle get you to a place that is safe and away from other people? If you already have a bug out second home, will your vehicle be able to get there regardless of conditions?
Make sure the vehicle has enough ground clearance to make it over large obstacles.
Bigger tires will help to increase ground clearance and keep the body of the vehicle above snow, which would decrease the likelihood of your vehicle becoming a large plow.
Four wheel drive is a must-have as there may be times you need to go through water, mud or around obstacles.
Locking or limited slip differentials will increase the places you can go without getting stuck. (If you don't know what this is here is a quick overview. On standard differentials only the wheel with the least traction will spin. When one of the wheels is off the ground or not getting transaction that wheel spins, but really gets you nowhere. With all locking differential, all wheels spin regardless of what wheel has traction. A limited slip differential spins the wheel with the most traction. Both of these can drastically increase where your vehicle can go without getting stuck)
Some vehicles also have suspensions that will rise due to road conditions. This can be a nice bonus to any vehicle, but they are usually found in very high-end vehicles that rarely make effective bug out vehicles. Plus the parts may be difficult to find and are quite complicated to work on.
Lift Kits are another good option for your vehicle to increase its ground clearance.
Types of Engines
The best type of engine for your vehicle totally depends on your needs, but here are some things to think about when choosing a bug out vehicle:
The smaller the vehicle and engine, the better the gas mileage will be. This will be handy when fuel is in low supply, but a small vehicle probably won't fit your storage or sleeping needs.
A diesel engine will not only get better mileage, but it may have more power than a gas engine. A diesel can also easily use other types of fuel including vegetable oil, kerosene, biodiesel, home heating oil or jet fuel.
A gasoline engine converted to propane may be beneficial to have in your bug out vehicle as propane can be easily stored compared to gasoline. Propane may also be in lower demand if a disaster were to occur.
A gasoline engine can also be converted to use wood gas from a wood gasifier. This can be especially beneficial if your bug out location is near a forest. Once you run out of standard fuel, you can start using the natural resource around you to get other vehicle duties done. Some of these duties might be wood gathering, towing, or bringing an animal you have hunted back to your camp.
There is always the good old gasoline engine. This is probably not the best engine for a bug out vehicle, but it is the most widely used engine, making it easy to work on.
Things to consider with a bugout vehicle.
Storage Space
Having storage space to carry all your items as well as comfortably seating all individuals is very important.
There are a number of vehicles that may fit this: a pickup truck, an SUV with a top rack, a trailer to carry all the needed items, a travel trailer or a motor home (but there are very few that are 4wd).
With a pickup, a camper shell will keep your gear and belongings from getting wet. SUVs with three rows of seats normally have the ability to fold down or remove the last row of seats.
Having a vehicle that is going to withstand a beating is very valuable.
Simply reading JD Power and Associates and other rating systems may not be the best way to gauge reliability. The main reason for this is that many of these vehicles are not tested in harsh off road conditions.
Being able to get parts easily or have spare parts on hand can be great.
There are some things to always keep in the vehicle such as: oil, transmission fluid, a spare belt, coolant, fuses and possibly the most important relays.
Don't forget about older vehicles. They have less complicated (or no) computer systems and less things to go awry during a disaster situation. Many will also be immune to Electromagnetic pulses.
Sleeping space and protection from the elements
You may want to build a pickup sleeping platform which is very light, allows for your items to be towed, has storage, is cheap, and is quite comfortable.
You could have just a tent, but not only will this take time to setup and takedown, you will also be more susceptible to the elements.
A cab over camper along with a pickup is probably one of the best bug out vehicles. A cab over camper can allow you to tow another trailer for storage, but also have a bathroom, kitchen and a comfortable place to sleep while on the go.
A travel trailer or fifth wheel can also be a great option as they are extremely comfortable, but can be hard to maneuver in some off road situations.
What should you have in your bugout vehicle?
Bug Out Bag
Water & Purifier
Cooking Equipment
Sleeping Items
Everything else you will need to live until the disaster or societal problem calms down
As you can see, there are many different options for a bug out vehicle. There is really no right or wrong as long as the bug out vehicle suits your needs. Having the bug out vehicle packed and ready to go can also be a good habit as it ensures that you are one of the first vehicles on the road when everybody is trying to get away from disaster and survive in tough times.
Cars  London
Cars  Birmingham
Cars  Liverpool
Cars  Sheffield
Cars  Bristol
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Cars  Leicester
Cars  Edinburgh
Cars  Leeds
Cars  Cardiff
Cars  Manchester
Cars  Stoke-on-Trent
Cars  Coventry
Cars  Sunderland
Cars  Brent
Cars  Birkenhead
Cars  Nottingham
Cars  Islington
Cars  Reading
Cars  Kingston upon Hull
Cars  Preston
Cars  Newport
Cars  Swansea
Cars  Bradford
Cars  Southend-on-Sea
Cars  Belfast
Cars  Derby
Cars  Plymouth
Cars  Luton
Cars  Wolverhampton
Cars  City of Westminster
Cars  Southampton
Cars  Blackpool
Cars  Milton Keynes
Cars  Bexley
Cars  Northampton
Cars  Archway
Cars  Norwich
Cars  Dudley
Cars  Aberdeen
Cars  Portsmouth
Cars  Newcastle upon Tyne
Cars  Sutton
Cars  Swindon
Cars  Crawley
Cars  Ipswich
Cars  Wigan
Cars  Croydon
Cars  Walsall
Cars  Mansfield
Cars  Oxford
Cars  Warrington
Cars  Slough
Cars  Bournemouth
Cars  Peterborough
Cars  Cambridge
Cars  Doncaster
Cars  York
Cars  Poole
Cars  Gloucester
Cars  Burnley
Cars  Huddersfield
Cars  Telford
Cars  Dundee
Cars  Blackburn
Cars  Basildon
Cars  Middlesbrough
Cars  Bolton
Cars  Stockport
Cars  Brighton
Cars  West Bromwich
Cars  Grimsby
Cars  Hastings
Cars  High Wycombe
Cars  Watford
Cars  Saint Peters
Cars  Burton upon Trent
Cars  Colchester
Cars  Eastbourne
Cars  Exeter
Cars  Rotherham
Cars  Cheltenham
Cars  Lincoln
Cars  Chesterfield
Cars  Chelmsford
Cars  Mendip
Cars  Dagenham
Cars  Basingstoke
Cars  Maidstone
Cars  Sutton Coldfield
Cars  Bedford
Cars  Oldham
Cars  Enfield Town
Cars  Woking
Cars  St Helens
Cars  Worcester
Cars  Gillingham
Cars  Becontree
Cars  Worthing
Cars  Rochdale
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Brazil biodiesel producers ready to boost output amid diesel shortage fears
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Brazil’s biodiesel producers are ready to increase output to prevent a major diesel supply shortage, João Henrique Hummel, who represents the sector's interests in the lower house, told BNamericas.
In September last year, the government decided to reduce the mandatory mix of biodiesel in diesel because of the high price of soy, the main raw material for the production of biofuel in the country.
According to Hummel, who is executive director at local consultancy Action, the sector is able to immediately meet national demand for the B12 mix and is getting ready for B15 as of March 2023, which is the original schedule for the biodiesel blending mandate.
“It’s a market that can be competitive and today we have almost 50% of our production capacity completely idle,” he said. “We’re putting the sector at the disposal of the government to solve the supply of diesel in Brazil, without any exchange rate impact.”
Continue reading.
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hindproject · 3 days
Industrial Bio Diesel Suppliers and Manufacturers Gujarat India - Hind Project & Infrastructure LTD
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Looking for Industrial Bio Diesel Suppliers and Manufacturers? here at Hind Project & Infrastructure LTD deals with high quality services.
India’s premier Industrial Bio Diesel supplier and manufacturer. Our high-quality, eco-friendly biodiesel reduces emissions and boosts engine performance, ensuring a greener future for your business. With the latest technologies and to environmental responsibility, we provide stable, cheap alternatives to fuels. Join the towards cleaner energy and boost your business responsibility. 
Get in Touch with Hind Project and Infrastructures Limited
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tonymattblog · 4 days
Introducing the Next Generation of Fuel Testing: The IQT®-XLM Model
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Since 1998, the IQT® (Ignition Quality Tester) by CFR Engines Inc. has been essential in the petroleum industry, providing dependable diesel fuel certification and quality control. The newest version, the IQT XLM, advances this tradition with improved features and a smaller design, meeting the contemporary demands of refineries and test laboratories.
A Compact Powerhouse
The IQT®-XLM integrates the functions of its predecessors, the IQT-LM and IQT-TALM models, into a single, benchtop unit. This streamlined configuration delivers an efficient and user-friendly experience without sacrificing performance. Available as a benchtop unit or an Integrated Systems Module (ISM), the IQT®-XLM fits effortlessly into any laboratory environment.
Compliance and Versatility
The IQT®-XLM meets all current IQT test methods, complying with ASTM D6890, EN 15195, and IP 498 standards. It performs cetane measurements for various fuel types, including diesel, biodiesel blends, HVO, and GTL, making it versatile for international and national fuel specifications such as ASTM D975, ASTM D6751, and EN 590.
Speed and Efficiency
A notable feature of the IQT®-XLM is its rapid testing capability, providing results in under 20 minutes per sample. Its design supports continuous 24/7 operation, ideal for high-demand settings. The instrument includes automated control for injection nozzle and combustion sensor temperatures, simplifying the testing process.
User-Friendly Interface
The IQT®-XLM features a touchscreen-compatible interface supporting multiple languages, enhancing global accessibility. The main system operating screen displays large, color-coded bar graphs, allowing users to monitor the instrument's status and test progress from a distance.
Advanced Software Capabilities
The IQT®-XLM's software simplifies calibration and diagnostics, offering advanced diagnostics for condition-based maintenance. This ensures peak operating condition, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.
Precision and Reliability
Precision is central to the IQT®-XLM's design. The High Precision Fuel Injection System (HP-FIS) uses modern injection technology to deliver accurate results, reducing test variability and increasing data reliability. This technology can be upgraded for older IQT systems, allowing existing equipment to benefit from the latest advancements.
Comprehensive Measurement Range
The IQT®-XLM provides detailed measurement results, including ignition delay and Derived Cetane Number (DCN). Its measurement range spans from 31.5 to 75.1 DCN, compliant with ASTM D6890, and up to 81.1 DCN according to EN 15195 standards, suitable for a wide array of applications.
Simplified Maintenance and Safety
The instrument includes an integral cooling system with a built-in Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), ensuring over 3.5 hours of run time for the cooling system and computer during power interruptions. The positive pressure cabinet ventilation prevents flammable vapors from entering, enhancing safety.
Global Standards Association
The IQT®-XLM is associated with numerous global test standards, reflecting its industry acceptance and reliability. This ensures your testing and certification processes meet international benchmarks, providing consistency in results.
The IQT®-XLM represents the pinnacle of fuel testing technology, offering unmatched precision, efficiency, and user-friendliness in a compact design. Ideal for refineries and test laboratories, the IQT®-XLM is the solution for modern fuel quality control and certification needs. Embrace the future of fuel testing with the IQT®-XLM to ensure compliance, efficiency, and precision in your operations.
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chemanalystdata · 10 days
Rapeseed Oil Prices: During the first quarter of 2024
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Rapeseed oil prices have been subject to various influences in recent years, shaping its trajectory within the global market. This versatile oil, extracted from the seeds of the rapeseed plant, holds significance in both culinary and industrial sectors, thus rendering its price dynamics pivotal for multiple industries. Factors such as agricultural production, geopolitical tensions, and shifting consumer preferences contribute to the fluctuations in rapeseed oil prices.
A fundamental determinant of rapeseed oil prices is agricultural production. The cultivation of rapeseed is influenced by several variables, including weather conditions, soil quality, and farming practices. Any disruption in these factors can impact the overall yield, subsequently affecting the supply and demand dynamics of rapeseed oil. For instance, adverse weather conditions such as droughts or floods can lead to decreased harvests, thereby exerting upward pressure on prices due to limited availability.
Geopolitical tensions also play a crucial role in shaping rapeseed oil prices. As with many commodities, rapeseed oil is subject to geopolitical forces that can disrupt its production and distribution channels. Trade disputes, sanctions, or political instability in major rapeseed-producing regions can hinder exports and lead to supply shortages in the global market. Conversely, diplomatic resolutions or trade agreements can alleviate such pressures and stabilize prices.
Get Real Time Prices of Rapeseed oil: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/rapeseed-oil-1320
Moreover, consumer preferences and dietary trends contribute to the demand for rapeseed oil, thereby influencing its pricing dynamics. With increasing awareness of health-conscious eating habits, rapeseed oil has gained popularity as a healthier alternative to other cooking oils due to its low saturated fat content and high levels of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. Consequently, shifts in consumer preferences towards healthier cooking oils can drive up demand for rapeseed oil, impacting its prices accordingly.
Additionally, the interplay between rapeseed oil and other vegetable oils also affects its pricing trends. Rapeseed oil competes with soybean oil, palm oil, and sunflower oil in the global market, with price movements often correlated among these commodities. Changes in the prices of competing oils, driven by factors such as crop yields, government policies, and industrial demand, can spill over into the rapeseed oil market, influencing its prices in turn.
Furthermore, the role of currency fluctuations cannot be overlooked in understanding rapeseed oil price dynamics. As an internationally traded commodity, rapeseed oil prices are denominated in various currencies, making them susceptible to exchange rate movements. Strengthening of the currency in which rapeseed oil is priced can lead to lower import costs for importing countries, stimulating demand and potentially driving up prices. Conversely, a weaker currency may make exports more competitive, thereby affecting the supply-demand balance and price levels.
In recent years, environmental and sustainability concerns have also emerged as significant factors shaping rapeseed oil prices. With growing awareness of climate change and environmental degradation, consumers and policymakers are increasingly prioritizing sustainable agricultural practices and renewable energy sources. Rapeseed oil, being a renewable resource and a feedstock for biodiesel production, stands to benefit from such trends, which can bolster demand and support price levels.
In conclusion, rapeseed oil prices are influenced by a myriad of factors, including agricultural production, geopolitical tensions, consumer preferences, competition from other oils, currency fluctuations, and sustainability considerations. Understanding the complex interplay of these factors is crucial for stakeholders in the rapeseed oil industry, enabling them to anticipate and adapt to changes in market conditions. As global trends continue to evolve, the dynamics of rapeseed oil prices are likely to remain dynamic and responsive to a wide range of economic, social, and environmental factors.
Get Real Time Prices of Rapeseed oil: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/rapeseed-oil-1320
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aidenleepingwei · 10 days
Aiden Lee Ping Wei - Agriculture waste recycled to produce Electricity
​Aiden Lee Ping Wei is the Co-Founder and CEO of Graphjet Technology, pioneering the production of graphite and graphene directly from agricultural waste. In this post, Aiden Lee Ping Wei is sharing details on agriculture waste recycled to produce electricity. 
​Recycling agricultural waste to produce electricity is an increasingly popular method for sustainable energy production and waste management. This process not only helps in managing agricultural residues but also provides a renewable source of energy.
Here are some common methods used to convert agricultural waste into electricity:
Biogas Production:
Anaerobic Digestion: This process involves the breakdown of organic material in the absence of oxygen, producing biogas (a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide). Common agricultural wastes used include animal manure, crop residues, and food waste.
Biogas Utilization: The biogas can be used directly in combined heat and power (CHP) systems to generate both electricity and heat, or it can be upgraded to biomethane and injected into the natural gas grid.
Biomass Combustion:
Direct Combustion: Agricultural residues like straw, husks, and wood chips can be directly burned in biomass power plants to produce steam, which drives turbines to generate electricity.
Co-firing: Agricultural waste can be co-fired with coal or other fuels in existing power plants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance energy production efficiency.
Thermal Gasification: This process converts organic material into syngas (a mixture of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide) through high-temperature reactions with a controlled amount of oxygen. The syngas can be used to produce electricity in gas engines or turbines.
Pyrolysis: This is the thermal decomposition of organic material at high temperatures in the absence of oxygen. It produces bio-oil, syngas, and biochar. The syngas and bio-oil can be used for electricity generation, while biochar can be used as a soil amendment.
Liquid Biofuels:
Ethanol and Biodiesel Production: Agricultural waste such as corn stover, sugarcane bagasse, and other crop residues can be processed to produce ethanol or biodiesel. These biofuels can be used in generators to produce electricity.
Benefits of Using Agricultural Waste for Electricity:
Renewable Energy Source: Reduces reliance on fossil fuels and decreases greenhouse gas emissions.
Waste Management: Helps in managing and reducing agricultural waste, preventing it from being burned openly or left to decompose, which can cause environmental pollution.
Economic Advantages: Provides an additional revenue stream for farmers and creates jobs in rural areas.
Sustainable Farming: Enhances soil fertility and reduces the need for chemical fertilizers when by-products like biochar are used in fields.
Feedstock Supply: Continuous and reliable supply of agricultural waste can be challenging due to seasonal variations.
Technology Costs: Initial investment for setting up biogas plants, biomass power plants, or gasification units can be high.
Technical Expertise: Requires technical knowledge and expertise to operate and maintain the systems efficiently.
Examples of Successful Implementation:
Germany: Leading in biogas production with thousands of anaerobic digestion plants utilizing agricultural waste.
India: Various projects converting agricultural residues into biogas and electricity, especially in rural areas.
United States: Biomass power plants and biogas facilities are increasingly using agricultural waste to generate renewable energy.
In conclusion, recycling agricultural waste for electricity production is a viable and environmentally friendly approach to meet energy demands and manage waste sustainably. Advances in technology and supportive policies can further enhance the adoption and efficiency of these systems.
Follow Aiden Lee Ping Wei for more such posts!
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alexmaxwell91102 · 11 days
Rapeseed Oil Prices, Price Trend, News, Forecast and Historical Prices
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The latest report by IMARC, titled "Rapeseed Oil Pricing Report 2024: Price Trend, Chart, Market Analysis, News, Demand, Historical and Forecast Data" delivers a comprehensive analysis of Rapeseed Oil prices on a global and regional scale, highlighting the pivotal factors contributing to price changes. This detailed examination includes spot price evaluations at key ports and an analysis of pricing structures, such as Ex Works, FOB, and CIF, across North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa.
Rapeseed Oil Prices December 2023:
India: 1127 USD/MT
Report Offering:
Monthly Updates: Annual Subscription
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The study delves into the factors affecting Rapeseed Oil price variations, including alterations in the cost of raw materials, the balance of supply and demand, geopolitical influences, and sector-specific developments.
The report also incorporates the most recent updates from the market, equipping stakeholders with the latest information on market fluctuations, regulatory modifications, and technological progress. It serves as an exhaustive resource for stakeholders, enhancing strategic planning and forecast capabilities.
Request For a Sample Copy of the Report:   https://www.imarcgroup.com/rapeseed-oil-pricing-report/requestsample
Rapeseed Oil Price Trend- Q4 2023
The rapeseed oil market is influenced by the increasing consumer awareness regarding the health benefits of rapeseed oil, such as its high levels of unsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, is boosting its popularity as a healthier alternative to other cooking oils. Additionally, the expanding food industry, particularly in regions such as North America and Europe, is driving the demand for rapeseed oil as a versatile ingredient in various food products, including sauces, dressings, and baked goods. Moreover, the rise in demand for biofuels as a sustainable energy source is propelling the growth of the rapeseed oil market, as it is one of the primary feedstocks for biodiesel production. Furthermore, favorable government policies and subsidies supporting the cultivation of rapeseed for both food and fuel purposes are contributing to market expansion.
The global rapeseed oil market size reached US$ 35.9 Billion in 2023. By 2032, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 54.9 Billion, at a projected CAGR of 4.7% during 2023-2032. Throughout the fourth quarter of 2023 in North America, the trajectory of rapeseed oil prices followed the market trend observed in the European region. Initially, commencing from October 2023, prices saw a downturn due to reduced purchasing activity and ample availability within the domestic market. Despite being a cost-effective choice, the decline in prices of other edible oils, such as Sunflower oil, intensified competition, keeping rapeseed oil prices suppressed. This pattern persisted until the latter weeks of December, when prices began to rebound moderately in the midst of the fourth quarter. Whereas, throughout the fourth quarter of 2023 in the APAC region, numerous factors played a pivotal role in shaping the rapeseed oil market and influencing price fluctuations. In October 2023, rapeseed oil prices witnessed an upward trajectory in the Indian market, fueled by heightened demand during the festival season, which typically spans from September to November. This rise in demand, customary during festivals, led to increased downstream purchasing activity from retailers and suppliers to manufacturers.
Rapeseed oil pricing in the European region experienced volatility throughout the fourth quarter of 2023, influenced by various factors. Initially, Germany observed a notable decline in prices, primarily driven by reduced regional consumption. Domestic consumers hesitated to accept higher prices, partly due to the appreciation of the euro against the USD. Economic conditions and the increased availability of alternative edible oils affected the demand for rapeseed oil from major importers. Conversely, November 2023 witnessed a significant uptick in rapeseed oil prices, characterized by a complex scenario involving slowing input cost inflation, stabilization in exchange rates, alleviation of output cost inflation, and a positive outlook amid growing new orders.
Browse Full Report:   https://imarcgroup.com/rapeseed-oil-pricing-report
Key Points Covered in the Rapeseed Oil Pricing Report:
The report delivers the following key findings, alongside a comprehensive breakdown of prices by region:
Rapeseed Oil Prices
Rapeseed Oil Price Trend
Rapeseed Oil Demand & Supply
Rapeseed Oil Market Analysis
Demand Supply Analysis by Type
Demand Supply Analysis by Application
Demand Supply Analysis of Raw Materials
Rapeseed Oil Price Analysis
Rapeseed Oil Industry Drivers, Restraints, and Opportunities
Rapeseed Oil News and Recent developments
Global Event Analysis
List of Key Players
Regional Price Analysis:
Asia Pacific: China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, South Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Hongkong, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand
Europe: Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, Turkey, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Belgium, Austria, Ireland, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Romania, Finland, Czech Republic, Portugal, and Greece
North America: United States and Canada
Latin America: Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru
Middle East & Africa: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Israel, Iran, South Africa, Nigeria, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Iraq, Egypt, Algeria, and Morocco
Browse More Pricing Reports by IMARC Group:
Electrical Steel Price Trend
Propylene Price Trend
Note: The current country list is selective, detailed insights into additional countries can be obtained for clients upon request.
About Us:
IMARC is a leading market research company that offers management strategy and market research worldwide. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses.
IMARC’s information products include major market, scientific, economic and technological developments for business leaders in pharmaceutical, industrial, and high technology organizations. Market forecasts and industry analysis for biotechnology, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, travel and tourism, nanotechnology and novel processing methods are at the top of the company’s expertise.
Our offerings include comprehensive market intelligence in the form of research reports, production cost reports, feasibility studies, and consulting services. Our team, which includes experienced researchers and analysts from various industries, is dedicated to providing high-quality data and insights to our clientele, ranging from small and medium businesses to Fortune 1000 corporations.
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downincmi · 12 days
Bioethanol Market Growth: Harnessing Renewable Resources
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Bioethanol is a renewable and cleaner fuel produced from organic matter or biomass. It is used as a gasoline additive to increase octane and improve vehicle emissions. Bioethanol is gaining popularity as a petrol substitute owing to its eco-friendly nature and potential to reduce vehicle carbon emissions by 30%. It is also an excellent substitute for MTBE which poses risk to groundwater supplies. The Global Bioethanol Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 13.7 Billion in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 9.8% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031.
Growing concerns regarding environmental pollution and depletion of fossil fuels have boosted the demand for cleaner vehicle fuels. Ethanol blends like E10 and E85 allow engine downsizing and reduce crude oil import dependency of nations. The market is driven by stringent emission regulations and policies promoting the use of renewable fuels in the transportation sector. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the bioethanol market are CropEnergies, British Sugar, New Generation Biofuels Holdings, Inc., Vivergo Fuels Limited, Butalco GmbH, and Global Green SA. CropEnergies is one of the largest producers of sustainably produced bioethanol in Europe. British Sugar is a leading supplier of raw materials for ethanol production in the UK and Europe. The demand for bioethanol is growing due to stringent environmental norms and policies promoting use of clean fuels. Many countries have mandated use of certain percentage of ethanol blend in gasoline. This is driving ethanol consumption and boosting investor confidence in the market. The bioethanol market is expanding globally with investment in new production facilities and technology advancements. Countries like Brazil, US, India and China are major producers and consumers. Investments in cellulosic ethanol can further lower production costs and drive global expansion in the coming years. Market Key Trends One of the key trends in the bioethanol market is growing investment in advanced technologies like cellulosic ethanol. Second generation cellulosic bioethanol utilizes non-edible biomass like agricultural waste, forest residues and municipal solid waste for ethanol production. This reduces competition for agricultural land and allows production of higher volumes of ethanol more economically. Researchers are working to develop robust cellulosic ethanol technologies at commercial scale. This will boost investor confidence and support global expansion of the bioethanol market in the long run.
Porter’s Analysis Threat of new entrants: The bioethanol market has moderate barriers for new companies to enter due to high capital requirements for setting up plant and machinery. Bargaining power of buyers: Large fuel companies and automobile manufacturers that buy bioethanol have some bargaining power over suppliers depending on volume of purchase. Bargaining power of suppliers: A few dominant crop producers and converters who can convert crops and agricultural waste into bioethanol have bargaining power over buyers. Threat of new substitutes: Alternatives like biodiesel and other advanced biofuels pose some threat as substitutes in the transportation fuel market. Competitive rivalry: Major players compete intensely on cost and production efficiency to gain market share. Geographical Regions
North America currently accounts for around 35% of the global bioethanol market value led by the United States which is the largest producer and consumer. The Asia Pacific region is witnessed as the fastest growing market for bioethanol during the forecast period due to rising demand from China, India and other emerging countries supported by government incentives and mandates for use of renewable fuels.
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marketwire · 12 days
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
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 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Market Size was valued at USD 0.72 billion in 2021. The Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle market industry is projected to grow from USD 1.2 Billion in 2022 to USD 46.8 billion by 2030, exhibiting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 68.52% during the forecast period (2024–2030). Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are specially designed vehicles that are powered through hydrogen acting as a fuel and are used to supply power to the electric motors installed within them, thus ensuring emission free vehicle transmission. Vehicle powered with hydrogen fuel cells includes a reverse electrolysis process wherein hydrogen reacts with oxygen, thus producing electricity to power electric motors along with heat and water. The heat & water generated during this process exits through the exhaust as water vapor, thereby leading to zero or no emission.
Key Developments in Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Industry
In September 2023, Toyota Motor Corporation launched a prototype hydrogen fuel cell electric Hilux. This technology helps to accelerate the development of hydrogen fuel cell solutions to deliver carbon neutrality across the region. It uses core elements from the Toyota Mirai hydrogen fuel cell electric sedan – technology that has proved its quality in almost 10 years of commercial production.
In July 2023, Ballard Power Systems, Inc. signed an agreement with Ford Trucks to supply a fuel cell system as part of the development of a hydrogen fuel cell-powered vehicle prototype. This strategy includes an initial purchase order for 2 FCmoveTM.-XD 120 kW fuel cell engines that are planned to be delivered by Ballard to Ford Trucks in 2023. Furthermore, Ford Trucks plans to develop a Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) F-MAX as part of the project.
In July 2023, Ballard Power Systems, Inc. received orders for a total of 96 hydrogen fuel cell engines from long-standing customer Solaris Bus & Coach sp. z o.o. The purchase orders include 52 fuel cell engines that will power Solaris Urbino hydrogen buses for deployment by public transport in Germany and 44 fuel cell engines that will power Solaris buses in European cities.
In January 2022, General Motors (GM) planned to broaden electrification, by expanding fuel cells beyond vehicles. It also continues to accelerate its growth as a platform innovator and has announced new commercial applications of its HYDROTEC fuel cell technology. HYDROTEC projects, which are currently in development, from heavy-duty trucks to aerospace and locomotives, are being planned for use beyond vehicles for power generation.
Downlaod report sample
Lack of refueling infrastructure for HFCV
The lack of refueling infrastructure for HFCV in most of the countries is due to the limited number of hydrogen refueling stations. For instance, in 2020, globally the hydrogen refueling stations are less than 800, which hampers the growth of HFCV vehicle sales. Furthermore, in many developing countries such as Brazil, African countries, and other countries limited presence of hydrogen vehicles and high cost for development which are also impact the growth of HFCV market. The development of HFCV in underdeveloped countries is slower than in developed countries.
Rise in adoption of HFCV in development economies
Increase in adoption of clean mobility solutions is observed globally due to climatic changes. Continuous usage of fossil fuels in automobiles is a major factor resulting in climate change. Vehicles that run on alternative fuels, such as natural gas, electricity, biofuel, biodiesel, fuel cell, liquid nitrogen, and dimethyl ether result in lesser carbon emissions. Increasing environmental concerns among consumers, introduction of stringent emission regulations, and launch of advanced vehicles supporting alternative fuels are expected to increase the adoption of alternative fuel and hybrid vehicle market during the forecast period.
Purchase report
Key players : 
The key players profiled in the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle market share include General Motors Company, HONDA MOTOR Co., Ltd, AUDI AG, Ballard Power Systems, Inc., BMW Group, Daimler AG, Hyundai Motor Group, MAN SE, Toyota Motor Corp., and Volvo Group which have been operating in the industry & are developing strategies & products for the growth of the market.
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indionresins · 14 days
Industrial Resins
Indion Resins, a division of Ion Exchange, offers a comprehensive range of industrial resins designed for various applications. These resins are produced in an advanced, ISO 9001 and 14001 certified facility, ensuring high quality and consistency. Indion's portfolio includes ion exchange resins for conventional water treatment processes like softening, deionization, and dealkalization. These resins are noted for their lower rinse volumes, high capacity, and superior lifecycle, making them a preferred choice in the industry​ (Ion Exchange)​​ (Indion Resins)​.
Additionally, Indion Resins cater to specialized industrial needs across sectors such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, nuclear, chemical processing, biodiesel production, and more. These resins come in various forms with different particle sizes, surface areas, porosities, and matrices, suitable for a wide range of applications​ (Ion Exchange)​​ (Ion Exchange Oman)​.
For more details, you can visit our website:https://ionresins.com/
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adityacmi · 18 days
Bioethanol Market Progress: Advancing Sustainable Fuel Solutions
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Bioethanol Market is Powered by Increasing Demand for Cleaner Fuel Bioethanol is a renewable and cleaner fuel produced from organic matter or biomass. It is used as a gasoline additive to increase octane and improve vehicle emissions. Bioethanol is gaining popularity as a petrol substitute owing to its eco-friendly nature and potential to reduce vehicle carbon emissions by 30%. It is also an excellent substitute for MTBE which poses risk to groundwater supplies. The Global Bioethanol Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 13.7 Billion in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 9.8% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031.
Growing concerns regarding environmental pollution and depletion of fossil fuels have boosted the demand for cleaner vehicle fuels. Ethanol blends like E10 and E85 allow engine downsizing and reduce crude oil import dependency of nations. The market is driven by stringent emission regulations and policies promoting the use of renewable fuels in the transportation sector.
Porter’s Analysis
Threat of new entrants: The bioethanol market has moderate barriers for new companies to enter due to high capital requirements for setting up plant and machinery.
Bargaining power of buyers: Large fuel companies and automobile manufacturers that buy bioethanol have some bargaining power over suppliers depending on volume of purchase.
Bargaining power of suppliers: A few dominant crop producers and converters who can convert crops and agricultural waste into bioethanol have bargaining power over buyers.
Threat of new substitutes: Alternatives like biodiesel and other advanced biofuels pose some threat as substitutes in the transportation fuel market.
Competitive rivalry: Major players compete intensely on cost and production efficiency to gain market share.
Geographical Regions North America currently accounts for around 35% of the global bioethanol market value led by the United States which is the largest producer and consumer.
The Asia Pacific region is witnessed as the fastest growing market for bioethanol during the forecast period due to rising demand from China, India and other emerging countries supported by government incentives and mandates for use of renewable fuels.
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palmoilnews · 18 days
TOP NEWS Agricultural Commodities > GRAINS-Chicago wheat up, hits 9-month highs on Russian crop losses > Polish farmers begin hunger strike over EU Green Deal > COLUMN-US and China at odds over corn import ideas after soy divergence -Braun > US wheat ratings stay at four-year high, corn plantings behind average > COLUMN-Crop Watch: I-state corn sown last week but rains limit pace again -Braun > Indian wheat stocks at 16-year low after record state sale > Russian wheat export prices keep rising as May frosts hit crops > Iraq has procured 1.5 mln tons of wheat this year, INA reports > SOFTS-Cocoa futures dive 20%, raw sugar hits 18-month low > Farmers in southern Mexico rescue bees as drought grips region > Argentina raises domestic bioethanol prices, lowers biodiesel > Potash miner K+S confirms 2024 forecast after quarterly profit beat > Alberta urges Canada PM Trudeau to head off port and rail strikes > Brazil's Raizen sees 2024/25 adjusted EBITDA rising up to 18% > VEGOILS-Palm ends up on support from rival oils, market waits for export data
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