kindlyred · 4 years
He already had noticed that he wasn’t alone anymore some time ago, but still Tatara hadn’t turned away from the skyline he was watching for a while now. Unfortunately he hadn’t his cam with him tonight, because otherwise he would have been able to take some pretty pictures. 
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“I didn’t expect you to come here.” he spoke up eventually, before looking back to the younger one over his shoulder, showing him a soft smile. “Are you okay?” || @hiddenweaponuserkun​ // starter call
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withagentleheart · 4 years
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@hiddenweaponuserkun​ sent Send me 🎳 for a starter of my character goofing off with yours
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Rin kept herself close to Fushimi so she wouldn’t get lose in the crowd that had shown up for the local festival they found themselves at. It hadn’t been long since Fushimi had made the arrangements for Rin to leave the orphanage and join him at Scepter 4 and she was still finding herself feeling the need to stick to Fushimi as much as possible. She was wearing her own special Scepter 4 coat that had been gifted to her (it made her brave) but so far she’d been a little closed off being around so many people all at once.
That was until Rin caught sight of the fishing game. Kids were trying to scoop fish up on a paper scooper and if it didn’t break they were walking away with a little plastic bag full of said goldfish as a prize. Her eyes grew wide and she reached out to grab hold of Fushimi’s matching coat.
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“Can I go try that?” She asked, pointing over to the stall of giggling children. She’d never had a pet, and she suddenly really wanted to be a fish owner, already having day dreams of feeding the fish, and watching it swim around it’s little tank, getting fun little things to decorate the tank like a little treasure chest and maybe a mermaid!
“Please Fushimi!”
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| Starter for @hiddenweaponuserkun​ |
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“It’s been a while, Fushimi.”
He didn’t make it a habit to follow what the once-HOMRA member did. While upset - hurt when it happened, sure - when the other male had left their Clan, he did truly understand why.
Some people were meant for different places at different points in their lives.
HOMRA was his home for a while, and now. . .?
Now Scepter Four housed him.
“Say, is Awashima around?”
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pristineblue · 4 years
@hiddenweaponuserkun​ replied to your post “Lieutenant Awashima's fist." (ship thing)”
// fists have other uses 👀 fjekkckck
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@hiddenweaponuserkun​ said: “'I look in your eyes and the fairies come.' The hell? Dunno how you can manage saying shit like this on camera,” Fushimi sighed, sliding the script back towards Kasuka, quietly thankful for how he wasn't involved in this movie beyond just recording its theme song. (Kasuka 8D)
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     Taking the script as it was slid back in his direction, a small shrug was offered. “Once I get into the character, the lines simply flow naturally.” Of course he never felt embarrassed or bothered by anything, but then again even if he did, it wouldn’t show. “Do you often find it hard to say certain lines?”
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fieryvanguard · 4 years
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@hiddenweaponuserkun​ said: MARKS HIM ... ... ... with a red marker. He's gonna wake up to his face turned into an artful rendition of a dog's. Coloured-in nose and detailed jowl and all.
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The piece of art on his face remains unseen at first, even if Yata notices a slight redness to his nose. But he chooses to pay no mind to it. However, that changes once enters the bar, immediately drawing multiple looks that are followed by laughing, ranging from held-back, to cackles, or just full-out laughter.
“Hey, what the hell’s so funny?!” Yata doesn’t get it at all, until a smiling Anna points out the red on his face. He hurries over to a nearby mirror, and that’s when he sees the dog-like features that are drawn all over his face. And Yata instantly knows who the culprit behind this is.
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“SARUHIKO!!!!” he yells out in anger, and the laughter coming from the bar only grows a little louder.
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fcrgetme-a · 4 years
@hiddenweaponuserkun​ // starter call.
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“Aw man, the site’s down.. I wonder if the server crashed.” She says out loud to no one in particular. Kazane was hoping to hop into one of the dollars chat rooms to ask if anyone knew anything more about the headless rider. Her goal is to know everything there is about the urban legend. What she knows now just isn’t enough for her. Kazane shoves her phone back into her coat pocket. She’ll just have to get her information elsewhere. 
There’s a small disappointed sigh. “What a pain...”
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withgentleheart · 6 years
@hiddenweaponuserkun ‘you are good enough’
Rin rolled over in the bed, she had had another one of her nightmares and had needed to climb in with Saruhiko again. She did this most nights now, though she did still have her own bed in the dormitory. But most of the time she ended up here, next to him. She had tried to not wake him up, but of course he woken up at the slightest dip of the mattress. She wrapped her arms around him and let her forehead rest against his back. She was thankful for the steady heartbeat she could not only hear, but feel and her nerves automatically settled. She could feel the tension seep out of her body and her breathing even out as she snuggled closer to Saruhiko.
After she’s settled down enough could feel that her breathing had sinked to that of Saruhiko’s and if she really listening, their hearts were also beating together. This, of course, caused hers to skip a beat and she leaned in to place a soft kiss on the juncture of his shoulder and neck. “You mean so much to me,” she all but whispered, though in the quiet evening she knew he could hear her as clearly as if she’d spoken at her normal level. “I love you so much, Saruhiko. Thank you for always being here with me.”
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kindlyred · 4 years
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Dream - Find my muse moving in their sleep due to a dream or nightmare.  || @hiddenweaponuserkun​ // meme (accepting) 
In his dream Tatara was running. He couldn’t say where or from what, but he was running down that dark path without any lights around. Could he even see where he was going? Probably not. Fast breaths were leaving his lips while his eyes wandered around in the darkness around, trying to find something, anything that could tell him what he was running from. Where he was running to. 
Was he alone? He felt alone, but he didn’t want to be alone and he knew there had been people before. Family. And so he was running but he couldn’t say if he tried to find those that were missing or if he was running from whatever or whoever had taken them from him. 
Unbeknownst to him Tatara wasn’t only running in his dream. At one point he had gotten up from his spot on the couch, now more or less stumbling around. Unfortunately the door hadn’t been closed and lost in the panic of his dream he hadn’t noticed the change of scenery around him. It was dark, almost quiet and nearly no one was on the streets at that point, probably part of the reason why no one had been around to try and stop  him from leaving in the first place.
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withagentleheart · 4 years
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Rin new this path like the back of her hand by now. The road that led to Jinenji’s took her several days to traverse, but it was always worth it not only to learn more about the herbs and plants her kept there, but being able to spend several weeks with one of her best friends was the real plus. Nightfall was coming upon her though, so she needed to find a place to camp out. Any other young lady might have been a little terrified to be alone near night fall but for Rin, it just reminded her of her favorite few years traveling with Sesshomaru-sama, Ah-Un and Jaken.
She found a comfortable like nook at the base of a tree to huddle up against and just as she was about to doze off she heard a rustling  and perked up, her hand immediately going to the same dagger Kohaku had given her the first time she made this journey.
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“Hello? Is somebody there?”
@hiddenweaponuserkun​ liked for a teenage canon rin starter
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@hiddenweaponuserkun​ said:
“So would you like to explain… this?” (for Dōmyōji)
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“. . . My report?” He said, quietly and carefully: looking everywhere but at Fushimi. He knew he always had mistakes in his work -- it was just an inevitability.
“What -- uh -- what did I do wrong. . .?” Andy got quieter towards the end.
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@hiddenweaponuserkun​ said: “No need. I brought these. Nutrition bricks. I have original no flavor, and whole wheat no flavor.” ( for Luck? 8D )
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     Blinking a bit at the statement from the other, the man shifted a little. “Y’sure? I’m guessing that’s the point, but it don’t sound too appetizing.”
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fieryvanguard · 4 years
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@hiddenweaponuserkun​ said: There’s a small, nondescript box resting on the long table in Bar HOMRA. At a glance, it could be mistaken for something that’d been forgotten by a customer, and some of the bar’s most welcome visitors inspect it, hoping to lead it to its owner, but once they spot and read the equally plain card taped to its side, there’s either a sigh, a scoff, or some form of laughter before the box is returned to its original spot. Inside the box is a watch, its design deceptively simple. The card reads, “Because you’re way overdue for an upgrade. Happy birthday.”
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The lone box sitting on the table would have been easily missed, if it hadn’t been for Kusanagi almost instantly pointing it out to Yata. The kinda strange way the bartender smiled as he said there’s still a last present waiting for Yata got him kinda curious.
Walking over, he picked up the small box and looked it over. Eventually, his eyes landed on the card attached to it, and even without it telling the name whose present this was, Yata instantly knew. It could only be from one person. The one person he hadn’t actually expected to receive a present from. Especially such a great one. It stunned Yata for a moment, overwhelmed with mixed emotions, before a small smile appeared on his lips.
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“This damn----”
Of course he didn’t even have to open it to know exactly what inside was. Instead, he’s quick to type a message to his once-was (?) best friend from his old watch.
[ ✉ → Saruhiko ] IDIOT [ ✉ → Saruhiko ] don’t just smuggle a present into the bar!! [ ✉ → Saruhiko ] you could’ve at least given it to me in person...
Their communication was still far from being good, so to put it in other words: Yata would’ve liked to meet Saruhiko in person if he’d already decided to give a gift. One he might not even have found if Kusanagi wouldn’t have told him.
Then, after a short pause, another, last text followed.
[ ✉ → Saruhiko ] thank you
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gentleshinigami · 4 years
@hiddenweaponuserkun​​ asked: 
     Fushimi sets a fresh cup of tea down in front their 'guest', then takes the seat across from her. Both his superiors are off-site, leaving him to temporarily represent their faction in this meeting regarding the new headache of a Strain situation they've had going on. "Our apologies for the inconvenience, but rest assured I'll be keeping our King up to speed on everything we'll be discussing today." Without ceremony, he offers his business card to her, ready to just get this meeting over with.
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     Crystal has been on guard ever since she arrived in this foreign place. She did have to admit, it was a beautiful city. Those Silver hues of her’s stared out a window as she heard the tea being brought to her, and soon darted towards the male after she took the tea for him. “Thank you for your hospitality.” Crystal spoke softly, taking the cup to her lips, and taking a sip. Setting the drink aside, hands rested elegantly on her lap, and her gaze soon meets his. He seemed...agitated, like he wasn’t the O N L Y one who wanted to get this over with.
     ‘King?’ The white haired Shinigami thought to herself, and then discarded the thought. Not important. “Do not worry about the inconveniences. You should be grateful that I J U S T happened to be there to save your life.” She spoke plainly. “Tell me, was that the first one you’ve ever encountered?” She asked, hoping to break the ice. 
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redmountainiris-a · 6 years
hiddenweaponuserkun replied to your post: i’ve noticed on ayame i’m a lot more shy and...
// ready for that phone-breaking plot and/or basically anything else we can come up with ayame and fushimi, bb
i’m not sure fushimi is fully ready for how angry ayame will become that he breaks her phone in the middle of playing pokemon go. modern ayame is a little obsessed....
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withgentleheart · 6 years
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Rin was exhausted. They’d been rehearsing for days to lead up to their first live performance as a duo and she was having a hard time keeping her eyes open. She looked over at her partner, and though he might not show it, she was sure he was feeling fatigued as well. They were both perfectionist and were all in on making 4Love a success but they’d make themselves sick if they kept going like this. She grabbed his water bottle from the floor as well as her own and held it out to him.
“Let’s take a break. maybe go get something to eat. Our feet are going to fall off if we keep this up.”
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@hiddenweaponuserkun  you knew this was coming
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