#hhau sun
a-flux-uchiha · 1 year
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Sun and Aurora laughing in a leaf pile! I’m pretty proud of this one too, it’s cute. I found some cool free leaf brushes for this.
For March of the Zeldas day 26: Crunchy leaves underfoot and a chilly breeze with sub prompts Autumn, fallen leaves, Time of Change
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angeart · 15 days
hhau rescue rambles - part I
>> hhau masterpost here << [cw besides the usual mess and violence: animal death mention]
It’s been months since the latest hermit got saved, and over a year since Hermitcraft imploded. There’s only two people to go: Scar and Grian. And they can’t seem to locate them at all. But they can’t stop looking. They can’t, they won’t. 
The rescue party is comprised of X (voidwalker), Doc (creeper), Ren (wolf), Impulse (partially demon), Cub (vex), Gem (deer), and Pearl (moth). Thanks to X knowing how to navigate and survive the void, they are able to get a void vessel (a sort of ship) to base in as they go around scanning different worlds and scouring for information. 
Until they come across a world that reads as permadeath, and somewhere in the world files, X flags Grian’s and Scar’s name. Not as players; there’s no list available here. What comes up is the wanted poster. It doesn’t have a date stamp. It could be months old, and they know Scar's track record with dying.
Still, they have to try.
They search for a place that seems to have good resources and Cub, Gem, and Pearl get dropped down. They’re equipped with bracelets that they can activate to send X a signal to teleport them back, and two extra for Grian and Scar, if they do find them, but they have to gather any other kind of equipment, including armour and weapons, on their own.
They quickly realise comms don’t work on this world, and as the player list is also non-existent or corrupted, they are going in blind.
Well… almost.
They use Cub’s vex bond with Scar to pick a direction to head in.
Grian and Scar, in the meanwhile, are not having a Good Time. 
Some awful things have happened prior to this, namely the ending of the Summer house arc. To quickly sum it up, Grian and Scar went up north, for as long as they could. Away, away, away from everyone. Until it felt like maybe they’re far away enough, and they tentatively set up a house. Which turned into a nest. Which turned into a semblance of permanence.
A lot of things went on here. Days turned into peaceful weeks and, tentatively, they started thinking that maybe they can start planning some kind of future here. They planted crops. Scar re-learned to glide with his torn wings. Grian unfurled his wings and re-learned the feeling of flying through the sky. And they found a bird friend! (A real, living bird in this world!)
The reality caught up to them eventually. 
Nobody’s really seen Scar or Grian for a while, but the avians in this world have dull wing patters, for survival reasons, and so Grian is really special. And the hunters don’t want to give that up. The reward on the wanted poster gets upped, and now the fever pitch to get this avian rises. The hunters go further. In bigger groups. Greedy and determined.
They find the nest house, empty at the time, and they burn it down. 
Scar and Grian come back to find it in flames, and to find themselves unsafe and hunted once again. All of a sudden, they have nothing again. The fire licks high, turning everything to ash, to a distant cheering and hollering of a party of hunters. There’s no sign of their bird friend.
(Grian finds him later. Dead, with wings cut off. The only creature that resembled him; the bird he befriended, the proof that a winged creature could exist here and survive. Ripped to pieces. Echoing the only fate that is bound to await Grian as well.) (It was a sun conure parrot, bright and beautiful.) 
The hunters are on their tail once they realise that Scar and Grian are here; that it wasn’t just some temporary base that’s now abandoned. With no remorse and still too much cheer, bloodthirsty and unstoppable, they go after them. 
Scar’s blood is absolutely boiling and he expects Grian to ground him. To talk him down. But Grian’s mind buzzes, looking at that bird, and— He’s as down to fight as Scar is. Because anger is easier than grief right now.
He’s so tired of grief. 
So instead, Grian goes angry and feral. (The other option is to fall apart, and he can’t.) 
They tear this particular hunting group apart, and it’s meant to make them feel better, but it doesn’t. It feels like a necessity; like just one more step towards survival. They loot what they can, and they continue moving, realising that stopping anywhere to do more than just survive is a moot point. They’re not going to outrun this. They'll never be allowed to stop. They’ll be hunted forever.
(Grian will be hunted forever—)
The word gets out, and more and more hunters arrive, wanting the trophy of violet wings and the wanted reward for themselves. It’s a sport to them. A way to get rich. Like a gold fever, they continue tracking Grian and Scar, relentlessly hounding them down.
There are times when things go worse in these encounters. Grian gets his wings grabbed and attacked, and it sends him spiraling back to never allowing anyone—including himself—to touch his feathers. (He was doing better and now it’s all gone.)
They internalise many horrible thoughts, during their run. It’s been a year-worth of culmination of awful events, a year worth of pain and fear and loss. 
For Scar, as a vex, he’s been expected to be a monster from the start. And all he wanted here was some peace. To be with Grian. He wasn’t allowed it, but now he finally got a glimpse at it—at what could’ve been; at who he wanted to be from the beginning (who he’s always been)—and it’s violently taken from him. So yeah, fuck it. If they want a monster, he’ll be a monster. 
(This leads him to thinking that he shouldn’t be trusted with soft things anymore, Grian’s feathers included, especially as Grian gets ground-bound again and starts pulling his wings tightly against his back and flinching at the mere implication of touch.) (It hurts to witness, after what Scar’s seen: Grian, freely gliding through the sky, violet feathers catching sunlight.) (He was allowed to preen them, tentatively, slowly, gradually, a couple of times.) (Not anymore. Not anymore.)
 Grian keeps thinking about the bird, and how they’re the same. He’s seen the brutal display, the way the wings were taken. He can’t quite stop thinking about it. 
But it’s more than that. He’s also thinking about [redacted]. About anything winged being doomed. About what happened with the vexes. It all spins and spins and spins until he can’t see himself as anything but harbinger of death.
The hunters wouldn’t care to go this far for one vex. They only go because of his goddamn feathers.
Naturally, this topples into him thinking that Scar will be safer and better off without him. They’ve been running on sleepless nights and exhaustion, trying to get away to no avail. They’re tired, and things are looking dire, and— Grian wants it to stop. He needs Scar to be taken out of this equation, separated from this fate. He needs him to be safe. (He can’t bring death to Scar.)
Grian can lead the hunters the other way. They only really care about him. ([redacted] already proved that point, after all.) 
So one night, Grian sneaks away.
He presses a soft kiss to Scar before he goes. (It’s a farewell kiss.) Scar is asleep, only kind of waking up to it—just that groggy, sleepy “mm?” Grian kisses his forehead again, oh so gently, and murmurs the quietest “Love you. Stay safe for me.” To Scar, it just feels like a dream, and he dozes off again, none the wiser.
The next morning, Scar wakes up to Grian gone.
For a while, he doesn’t even remember that hazy interaction from the night, but then he does remember, all of a sudden. An absolute vertigo slams into him, panic flooding his veins as he stares down the empty, quiet forest.
And this is when the Hermit Rescue Party finds him.
They only find Scar.
They only find Scar, and they instantly try to take him off world.
-- part II here
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a-flux-uchiha · 1 year
The Twang of a Bowstring and the Spark of Swords
Teen, has a fight(no real blood, just to be safe) all HHAU people make an appearance, Dusk has pov rights this time.
“We’re coming up on some unsavory company,” Dot warned, holding up a hand. Dusk laid a hand on her rapier, glancing around at the others. She knew Artemis and Dot could fight, but what about the others? The three of them, well, four with Shadow, couldn’t protect the six others. 
“Alright. How many of you know how to use a weapon. Show of hands.” Artemis instructed, raising her own hand. Dusk raised her hand, as did Sun, Dot, Shadow, Sheik, and Tetra. 
“Does a magic rod count?” Fable asked, one hand falling to the fire rod at her hip. “Otherwise, I can use magic to fight.” 
“I’ll count it. Who can use magic to fight?” 
Somewhat unsurprisingly, almost everyone had their hand up at that, excluding Dawn, Aurora, as well as Sheik and Tetra, who put their hands down sheepishly. 
“Alright. Dawn, Aurora, remind one of us to teach you how to defend yourselves at the very least. Tetra, your inability to use magic to defend yourself concerns me, so we’ll handle that later as well.” 
“Concerns you, why?” Tetra asked, visibly offended. 
Dusk could answer that one. “Because you haven’t used magic once, and haven’t shown any indication of knowing how to. Not using magic at all can have consequences and be risky for yourself and Shadow and I.” 
Tetra settled for pouting about it. Fortunate she didn’t chose to continue to dispute it, Dusk would prefer if they got rid of the unsavory company as quickly as possible. 
“Alright. Aurora, Dawn, Flora, stay here. Anyone less confident fighting monsters and willing to stay back?” 
“I’ll stay back,” Fable volunteered, stepping back to stand near the two. “I can show them kind of the basics of offensive light magic anyway. Plus if I’m using light magic it might get risky.” 
“I’ll stay back as well,” Sun said, pulling a sheathed sword out of one of her bags. Dusk still wasn’t sure why she didn’t keep it on her, it seemed unsafe to have it so hard to access. Although she supposed that between everyone here with sensing skill they had plenty of warning. As evidenced by the fact that they had the time to stand here and plan this out. 
“Alright. Who has long-distance capabilities?” Artemis was good at this, although Dusk supposed it made sense, she had led in wartime. Maybe if she spent enough time around the older woman she’d pick some of it up. Maybe it’d just rub off. 
“I have my bow, although I use light magic with it,” Dot said, slinging the bow in question around to hold it out. 
“I also have a light bow, although mine isn’t physical,” Dusk admitted, remembering the bow she used the arrows the light spirits had given her with. Although now that she thought about it, it hadn’t really been fully light magic, even then. 
“I suspect most of us have used some variety of light bow,” Artemis mused. “Just out of curiosity this time, who’s used a light bow of some variety?”
Dusk raised her hand, as did Dot, although somewhat hesitantly, Tetra, Fable, Flora, and Artemis did as well. That was the majority. 
“I think they noticed us,” Shadow warned after a second, tilting his head. “Coming closer. We’d better move out or they’re getting the advantage.” 
“Alright. Dot, Dusk, stay back if you can to snipe, everyone else, try and stay out of each other’s ways, Shadow, we’ll try and warn you if there are any big light magic displays so you can hide.” 
“Sounds good to me,” he agreed, what looked like a sword made of pure shadow forming in his hand. “Let’s go, I’ve wanted to have a good fight for a while.” 
Dusk concentrated, forming the bow she had used in that decisive final fight. The arrows wouldn’t be as powerful, but that was probably good. Her hands had been burned badly after that fight, just drawing them back. 
The monsters weren’t that far ahead, which wasn’t surprising, and Dusk did as ordered with Dot, hanging back and calling on every ounce of calm she could to concentrate and wish she had a way to practice on moving targets before this. 
Dot took shot after shot, some missing, but some also hitting home in monsters, be it their arms or head. A couple of arrows did incidentally hit one of the other Zeldas, but it always dissipated harmlessly against them. Dusk wasn’t sure her arrows would do it, so she didn’t fire off nearly as many arrows, worried about hitting someone she didn’t want to. 
Artemis finished off the last of about twenty bokoblins, marking an end of the battle. 
“That everything?” She asked to no one in particular. Dusk had no great skill with sensing, so she wasn’t the ultimate authority, but she couldn’t sense anything besides themselves nearby. After a second, both Dot and Shadow glanced at each other, then nodded. 
“Nothing left,” Dot confirmed, nodding again. “We’re in the clear. I’m a little surprised there was even this big of a group, the Links were here relatively recently.” 
“They are fallible, they could’ve missed some,” Tetra pointed out, sheathing her sword and gun. “So does Flora want some of these parts?” 
“Yeah probably,” Artemis said, crouching down and starting to collect them. Dusk wrinkled her nose at the guts, horns, and teeth strewn about the ground. She was not touching those. She didn’t care if Flora wanted them, she was not touching those. 
To her utter horror, Shadow picked a gut up, sniffed it curiously, then bit into it. 
“Shadow!” Dot scolded, and his ears tilted back guiltily as he hid the gut behind his back and swallowed quickly. “No eating monster parts.” 
“It tastes good, like those fizzy things you let me have the one time,” Shadow said, decidedly not relinquishing what was left of the gut. Utterly disgusting. At least everyone else there was making similarly disgusted faces, excluding Sheik, who, in the quarter of their face visible, looked almost morbidly curious. 
Dusk elected to ignore the rest of that argument and start striding back to where they had left the others. She was not going to watch Shadow do more stupid things. Honestly, eating monster parts, that was appalling. What had she done to deserve this. 
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a-flux-uchiha · 1 year
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For the first day of March of the Zeldas!
Prompt was Harp Calluses and Divine Light, with the sub categories Skyward Sword Zelda, Ballad of the Goddess, and Bright Sunlight
It’s actually Hope of Hyrule AU Sun, but she is a Skyward Sword Zelda so it counts. The music notes would have been a representation of the ballad of the goddess but I looked up sheet music and it was all too complicated for this. So just random music notes it is.
I flipped the canvas several times while working on this, except I’m not sure which way it was at first. I think this is technically flipped, but I have no clue. I can’t flip it back anyway or the music notes would be backwards. I just realized her feet are actually proportional and thats very impressive for me, i usually make them too small
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a-flux-uchiha · 1 year
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Sun! The first of the Zeldas. I’m very fond of her eyes, they’re really pretty.
- Hoping to propose to Sky soon, just needs a ring to do it with. And for this adventure to be over.
- Turned 20 recently
- On the lower end of height at 5’6
- Was reluctant to leave and go with them because she has a settlement to help build, but Groose convinced her to go
- Is a little embaressed to see all of these strong women who are her and Sky’s direct descendants, but is very proud of them all. Not prepared to be a mother right now though
- Learning how to make baby clothes right now with crochet, she’s working on it, but they don’t really seem like they’d fit a hylian baby at the moment.
- Taught Flora to make tiny hats for her test subjects
- Can use a sword and brought one along, one of the most skilled Zeldas, and is helping the others improve
- Is cheerful, generally optimistic, and enjoys cheering the other girls up
- Sympathizes with Fable’s anxiety over being Queen, given the settlement has basically already decided she and Sky will lead it, and it was rough to accept for a while
- Gets out of breath easier then the other Zeldas, but pushes past it the best she can
- Sort of hiding the fact that she is the mortal incarnation of Hylia, not super on purpose, but she knows from Sky that several of the Links don’t like Hylia, and worries the feelings extend to the other girls
- Has a harp, although it can’t conduct magic right now, Dot and Fable are going to get their hands on it and fix that
She uses she/her for Sheik!
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angeart · 1 month
*pops up from the blanket pile* Aaaaaaaaaange, I don't want to monopolize all your time on hhau (like, I need boatem circus Grian to be found pls, this is not me rushing you just 👀)
but you can't tease like that and have me not ask what burned D:
HI RIBBON ANON! i thought that might summon you >:3c
what burns down, you ask? well, let me tell you—
what burns down is a nest. it's a place of relief and shared laughter and tentative hope. the closest thing to home they've had so far on this cruel server.
what burns down is an idea that life outside of pure survival and constant fear and endless running could exist.
how foolish that was. of course they can never stop running. of course they'll never win.
of course it all turns to ashes, in a loud roar of fire and hyena-like cackle of the people responsible, delighting in the ruin and wretchedness and despair.
... am i being too dramatic?
okay, so, imagine this. somewhere past the mimic arc (which is far from over, trust me), and past the vex arc (shh), maybe scar and grian run far away enough that the world starts to quieten and thrive. and maybe they stop. maybe they're desperate for a smidge of stability. for the tiniest sliver of healing.
maybe they tentatively build a place that's not meant to be taken apart, constantly disassembled and reconstructed.
maybe, in a sun-drenched land, they hear a wing flap and a birdsong, and they build something that's meant to last.
well, it doesn't last.
of course it doesn't.
it goes up in a wall of flames, so... <3
aaaanyway!! funny you should mention boatem circus! i was gonna work on elegy today. (i don't know if i will, because time is kicking my butt, and i'm getting tired, but!! i do really want to make progress with it one of these days, when i can. it certainly deserves it)
maybe, if you want, i could give a little spoiler snippet of the last bit i have written? :3 just an offer. think about it.
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