#hfw fish
robo-dino-puppy · 4 months
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hfw: burning shores | aloy 40/?
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hartlesshart · 1 year
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Story time!!
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socialfilter · 1 year
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would you look at that?
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h0riz0nstuff · 1 year
I can't believe I spent SO MUCH TIME in my first playthrough swimming after those stupid moonfishes, and now I discover that the tallneck at the isle of spires systematically kills TONS of them as it goes around its path. It's free fish, Aloy ! T_T would that I had known/noticed that sooner T_T
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gothdino666 · 1 year
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hzdtrees · 3 months
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Sight-sea-ing, pt. 1
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tjerra14 · 2 years
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Horizon Forbidden Critters, pt. 2
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kudravi-nesit · 1 year
Zero Dawn always lacked fauna variations. We knew why because of all the data Aloy finds throughout the game emphasizing the lack of time to collect DNA and the massive extinction which prevented the team from collecting all the genomes they needed to successfully recreate the animals. Atop all of that were all the functions, Gaia and the subordinate programs, that never managed to properly fulfill their tasks.
Ok, sure. It's obvious. But I am still bummed out we never got to see more animals in Horizon. There's maybe two dozen terrestrial animals you can hunt, which is ridiculous since the water habitats are just SO diverse in comparison.
And while I did take my chance now to complain a little about the animal diversity, I am mesmerized by the water environment. The coral reefs growing on old, run down buildings, a variety of plants scattered in freshwater streams and lakes, and so many fish, so many schools of different fish species. The diving and swimming experience, on its own, is breathtaking, but when you add to that completely developed ecosystems under the water, it is truly a sight to behold. I have nearly 90 hours on Forbidden West and I still notice new details in the environment that make the whole game such a masterpiece.
This post was entirely inspired by this school of powder blue tangs. My dad has one in our saltwater aquarium (his name is Hector), so I was incredibly excited when I saw these guys swimming around me. I've spent a good ten minutes hanging around with them before continuing with my mission. Can't wait to find some more cool fishies while I'm diving!
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foibles-fables · 3 months
I've been following you for the Horizon content, and it's been very fun to see it. And I've recently finished HFW, and honestly... I can't help but feel underwhelmed and disappointed with the story.
I loved the world building, character interactions and themes in general, as I truly felt involved with HFW, but like... I just can't bother to like, care, or feel involved with the Zenith storyline.
They were supposed to be the main force to drive the story to the final game... and yet, they had so little screen time on a very impressive world, Beta ended up playing a minor role compared to the whole world and had a sudden change on trusting Aloy after just seeing Rost, and Tilda played a huge exposition role, shoehorning all depth of them in the last hours, which I found to be rather overwhelming and even easy to forget after Varl died on GEMINI.
And the final mission just didn't do much to make them compelling. Like... as I was charging through the base and hearing them ramble about their superiority, Zo killed the sadist idiot, Tilda suddenly revealing Nemesis, and the final monologue from Aloy... I was just reactionless, because I didn't feel any sort of involvement with that storyline to make me hyped.
It felt like I was fighting an enemy just for the sake of fighting it. Which is something I didn't feel with Helis and the Eclipse on my first playthrough of HZD.
I really wanted to love HFW and be excited for Aloy's follow-up adventure... but I guess I just can't with this.
I know I'm rambling and complaining a lot, but as a huge fan of Aloy and Horizon (in general), I can't help but point this out to someone.
You might be surprised to hear that many share your reservations about the narrative of HFW, myself very much included.
Over two years later it's still kind of shocking how much the story--including the implementation of the Zeniths--hamstrung what HZD had naturally built HFW to address. Sometimes it feels like the team forgot how to pace? Bringing back GAIA in the first act was...a true ??? to me. The turning point of Aloy and Beta's relationship was, IMO, incredibly unearned, and I concur entirely about both Varl (as well as the player reaction to it, filtered through Aloy's reaction) and the final mission/fight.
I also know that others feel that Tilda's Nemesis reveal kind of stole the fun out of speculation for H3. With where HFW (and BS, re: Londra's data and other threads) left the story, I'm finding myself just not inclined or enthusiastic to think in-depth about what could plausibly be coming next, beyond what actually bridges back to HZD (Elysium and VAST SILVER, namely). HFW itself left no new mysteries to carry forward.
Consider, however, if the Zeniths and Beta had been saved for the final chapter. That, IMO, would have made for a much more compelling hook into H3. Reveal them in a post-credits stinger after Aloy succeeds at stabilizing the biosphere and finally restoring GAIA as an endgame task. Instead of some...questionably-motived space spaghetti Bigger Fish, we'd have an actual full-circle existential threat.
It really seems like a compelling storyline for HFW and beyond was spelled out right there in GAIA's dying plea from HZD, and then just...sidestepped into what we actually received.
This is all to say, nonny, you're absolutely not alone and I think many folks who were head over heels for HZD were underwhelmed by what was presented in HFW. Like you, I still adore the world and the characters--but there was a lot that very disappointingly fell flat otherwise. Here's hoping it was just a sophomore slump, second-installment weirdness, and H3 falls back into the stride that the first installment set up.
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focusontheheart · 7 months
Meet the Team - Bookmancer
You can also find her on: Twitter @ bookmancer_myth IG @ bookmancer_legendarium AO3 @ Bookmancer_Legendarium
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Hello, Bookmancer here! I had no idea that when I played the robot dinosaur game, my life would be divided into two phases: before Horizon and after. I discovered Horizon right around its release. I was fascinated by the trailer and captivated by the Tallneck, which is still my favorite machine.   I'm continually awed by the storytelling, visual beauty of Horizon's world, and depth of its characters. HZD actually got me into virtual photography because it’s the first game that really encouraged me to pause, look around, admire the world, and fiddle around with how to capture its beauty. Because I do so much VP, I always like to look at paintings and photos to try and replicate them.  I started in the fandom through VP before indulging in my love of writing to share fanfic - and now this dating game! I’m always awed by other content creators in the Horizon fandom and out. They think of such creative things, and everyone is very encouraging. I'm excited to further explore Seyka's story in FOTH and Horizon 3 and am fascinated by her as a mirror to Aloy's stubborn compassion, but flavored by tribal connections Aloy only just made through her found family. But for the near future, I want to write more deep-dives into the psyche of the characters, their hopes and insecurities, and how they play off of each other. I’d also like to draw more and take more shippy VP!
See the Q&A with Bookmancer below the cut!
Q: What is a favorite piece of work you've done (i.e. completed, working on, in concept)?
I've written some fanfic for Horizon - some published that I really like and actually came out how I wanted to, and some that's still living in my brain and I have to pay its rent in the form of chanting "I should write this already…" But I'm pleased with my fic "who can take my hand in the flood?" and want to write more of the ever-growing GAIA Gang being happy and healing. I’m working on a Seyloy fic of her getting welcomed into the gang.
Q: What are some of your favorite tropes to write, draw, or read?
I love friends to lovers! Also, star-crossed lovers, opposites attract, fish out of water, rivals learning more about each other and coming to a powerful understanding, and bodyguard AUs.
Q: What is an unexpected thing or fun fact about you?
I've got a language learning club going with some friends so we can pool resources and offer encouragement. I love learning about absolutely anything, and I'm getting into crocheting. Outside of FOTH writing, I write fanfic for various fandoms. I do a ton of VP and it's probably doubled my playtime in HFW. I love swimming, and I can only whistle by inhaling, not exhaling.
Q: What has been your favorite thing about working on this project so far?
I've loved seeing the outpouring of creativity, the fandom uniting for something that's so beloved to so many, and learning a metric Horus-ton about… well, a ton of things! Every day, I'm amazed over and over again, and I'm so thrilled I to get to see this come together up close. Everyone is incredibly talented and inspirational, and every bit of it has been collaborative and uplifting.
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robo-dino-puppy · 8 months
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hfw: burning shores | aloy 30/?
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stellerssong · 5 months
user stellerssong what is Your Girl? i took to the snippet like fish to water.... is it an abandoned WIP? thank you so much for answering and sharing, and apologies in advance for horizonposting in your asks
oh sorry that wasn't super clear! i meant "Your Girl" as in "Beta, A Girl Who Is Loved By You, Tumblr User Fauxpsa"—the title of the wip is actually "ocher, crimson, azure blue," known to some as "the sleepover makeover fic" or "swan stellerssong got really into the face paints round about halfway through her hfw playthrough." and, yeah, it's inactive at the moment as i'm traversing other fandoms, but i'm really glad you enjoyed what you read of it! fond of that little thang.
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actualaster · 1 year
Playing HZD and HFW back to back now for my series replay, I’ve got a few Mechanics Wishlist items for if we do get a 3rd game in Aloy’s story.
Currently 8 12 of them.
The climbing system was refined massively in HFW, like amazing job there to the devs!  I'd like to see them continue to improve on it, tighten some things up a bit, etc.  There's still some oddities once in a while and all, getting stuck, etc.
Hybridize the fishing mechanics.  I like being able to just grab a fish in the water, but it's a huge annoyance to keep swimming after a fish that keeps dodging you XD  If possible, it'd be nice to have the option to both catch them by hand or snipe 'em.
Return the datapoint indicator to the HUD at the up alongside the waypoints, machine sites, campfires, etc.  In HFW I found that I was missing them a lot more often because the overworld indicator was just not as notable.  I'd like to see it return and expand the range.
Extend the time machine weak points remain highlighted!  Or maybe have a "remain highlighted indefinitely within X range" option?  They never seem to remain highlighted long enough for me, I have a hard time making them out sometimes...
Return the "discovered campfire" icon to green, especially on the HUD navigation at the top.  Or another color.  Anything but "brighter white vs slightly darker grayed out for undiscovered one".  Maybe settings to change the colors of icons?
Amazing job on the accessibility options, by the way, did great work on those!  Be nice to see those continue to expand!  Maybe the above 3 points (3-5) could be folded in under customizable options in the future?
Retain some form of the gliding mechanic--if Aloy has to lose all her gear again or something, I get it but it'd be nice to have something to replace it return early on because that was invaluable to navigation once you unlock it.
Hybridize the crafting systems, maybe?  I liked the ability to craft upgrades on the fly from HZD rather than needing a workbench...  Maybe some sort of portable workbench you can craft or buy for a decent cost, or for limited uses?
Keep the "people will tell you about stuff at shelters and camps in the wild allowing you to get sidequest and other location markers before you get close to them yourself" feature! Especially if they expand the number of extra missions and quests and errands you can pick up.
PLEASE do not bring back "tie some of the skill points to fully max the tree to a board game" feature. By all means, keep that as a way to get skill points, but also let there be ways to obtain them all through other means such as leveling and the other sorts of quests. It's a huge pain if you just suck at it no matter how hard you try. (Yes yes, NG+ but it'd be nice to get them all first play lol)
Maybe less underwater stealth segments. They are. Hard and also so very different from tbe rest of the game because you CANNOT fight anything. Or at least offer some limited underwater combat options? Special weapons for underwater combat?
A way to mark custom locations on the map besides our single waypoint! It would be great to be able to put a stamp on the map to mark favored hunting locations for certain machines so its easy to tell at a glance (for those of us Bad at maps and remembering where we were)
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solitae · 2 years
Things I learned today: It’s best to catch fish in HFW with your hands???
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dialnoisenow · 1 year
Burning shores vague bits vol 3:
New machine sounds like it's trying to be ALL THE BIRDS and a few fish
Remember your Zero Dawn sads? Get ready for Brand New Sads and some angst, as a treat.
Convience sister is convient. THANKS BETA
I havent heard from any of her base buddies and I get she's on her Californication trip but come on you guys...
Unrelated, but all California songs are relevant for hfw and burning shores.
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hzdtrees · 1 year
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What’s left, pt. 4
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