#hey fellas is it gay to love and cherish your husband?
kurogabae · 6 years
Ryssa, it's been a bad day. Do you think we could get some sad exhausted Fai and caring husband Kuro? Hope you've had a wonderful day ^-^
This took longer than I told you it was and I’m really sorry! I hope you managed to have a better day
Most of Fai’s life had taken place in the high courts. Even when he was traveling between the worlds they had found themselves in the company of the socially elite just as often as the humble and toiling. The world of royalty and nobility was a place Fai was familiar with, and no matter the dimension one found themselves in, some things never changed. In Nihon, those certain things held just as true - double meanings everywhere, backhanded compliments, more rules than you could wag your finger at if you had all day. It was tiring for anyone, and down right exhausting for Fai, who was still learning the ropes of his new home and life. 
Tomoyo was kind enough to stick close, but he couldn’t keep himself glued to the princess’ side forever, not if he wanted to garner any sort of respect from the other nobles (or himself, to be honest) but taking the plunge into this mostly alien culture was daunting and it wore on Fai each day he helped play host to the dignitaries that stopped by to meet with Tomoyo and Kendappa. 
He only felt himself relax when he flopped messily onto his and Kurogane’s futon at night after freeing himself from the many layers of his... hakama? kimono? yukata?
Of whatever it was that Tomoyo had graciously sent for him to be dressed in that day. Stars above knew he always forgot what it was called midway through the day anyhow, though he could see it in Tomoyo’s eyes that this was going to be corrected soon, one way or another. 
Kurogane always came back to their suite later than Fai, busy prowling the grounds and rooftops like the good and loyal guard dog he was. It never failed that Fai fell asleep before he got back, waking only enough to roll over and snuggle up close once his delightful furnace of a husband slipped under the covers later in the night. It was only for a few weeks until all of the nobles had had their chances to speak with the Empress about their provinces, but a few weeks of only seeing Kurogane here and there was just about the worst thing in Fai’s opinion. Sure, he could dig deep and sense his prey at any time anywhere on the palace grounds, or see him watching silently from shadows, unseen by the common blueblood, but that was practically nothing. 
Fai was getting ready to push himself to his feet and finish readying himself for bed when he heard the door to the room slide open. Even after so long living in safety and peace, surrounded by men and women trained and trusted by Kurogane and Souma to protect those who lived in the palace, his first instinct was to defend himself against this foolish would-be intruder, but he was hardly to his knees when he recognized Kurogane, handsome and amused and already closing the thin door behind him.
A little embarrassed, Fai let himself fall onto his rear end and watch Kurogane strip off his armor in the gentle candlelight. “You’re back early tonight,” Fai said, stifling a yawn and giving up on remaining upright.
“Hn,” he answered, and didn’t elaborate until everything had found its place and Kurogane was standing above Fai, looking down at him with a mix of fond exasperation and subtle concern. “Tomoyo’s idea no doubt, Souma all but chased me off, telling me I needed a break. I get the feeling I’m not the one she was talking about.”
Fai waved one limp wristed hand at Kurogane. “Pfft, I’m fine, just tired.”
“I noticed,” Kurogane said, taking a seat beside Fai. “You’ve been fast asleep every night well before I came back, and before dinner was served.”
Fai had had no idea there had been dinners delivered to their room and he felt his cheeks heating a little at the fact that he managed to sleep through the servants no doubt knocking and announcing the arrival of his meals. 
Kurogane sighed and rolled his eyes, but there was no real irritation there. “If I didn’t know how much they fed everyone at these things I’d be worried about you starving to death, but you need to start at least staying awake for dinner from now on,” Kurogane said as he prodded at Fai’s ribs. “You’re already skinny enough to lose in a stiff wind.”
They both knew that wasn’t true and that Fai was far sturdier than he might look at first glance, but Kurogane did have a point about skipping meals every day. 
“Okay okay, Kuro-worry,” Fai yawned, rolling on to his stomach. “I’ll be sure to eat my dinner like a respectable young man.”
Behind him he heard Kurogane snort, and then there were two large, warm hands on his back and it was mere seconds before Fai was melting into the futon. “More like eat your dinner like the creaking boned old man you are,” he said.
Normally, Fai had a come back of some sort for Kurogane calling him an old man, but with the heavenly way those wingers were working out the tension in his shoulders and neck at the moment Fai was lucky to be able to remember how to breathe, let alone come up with a snappy retort. He simply sighed happily and let Kurogane do with him as he pleased, dozing in the haze of candlelight and attention. 
Eventually, Kurogane stopped and Fai couldn’t help but whine pitifully, not even opening his eyes or turn his head to pout at Kurogane to continue. Above him, Kurogane tsked, true to his mother hen-like nature that extended from their children all the way to his husband. 
“Tomoyo had been saying you were looking tense, but for the gods’ sakes, mage.” There was a blanket tossed over Fai and in the next few seconds darkness swallowed the room. “Tomorrow I’ll stop by the medical wing and get something to help and I’ll give you a proper back rub.”
For a moment Fai opened his mouth to insist that Kurogane didn’t need to do any of that, to say that he was fine and that going out of his was for Fai was silly, but Kurogane really did know him all too well. He was silenced with a quick tug of his hair and a kiss to the top of his head. Huffing in good natured defeat, Fai burrowed in closer to Kurogane’s warmth and slept the best night’s sleep he had had in quite a while. 
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softchaoticpunk · 7 years
Hey fellas is it gay to
Love and cherish your Gay Husband Everyday
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