#hershey loc
djevilninja · 6 months
Let the motion of your body be the key, cuz we Be the motherfuckin G Funk family. Now, I’ll play the G in this deadly game; Snoop Dogg is the name, Dogg Pound’s the gang.
Snoop Doggy Dogg feat Lil Malik a.k.a. Lil Hershey Loc - Pump Pump
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vinteria · 6 months
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techstartro · 3 years
Recomandările lunii Mai la History Channel
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În luna Mai History oferă o serie de documentare cu ocazia sărbătorii Pascale, dar și cele mai noi episoade din Top Gear, Comori Salvate și multe altele. 
Maraton pascal la History Channel
„Misterele Bibliei” - Vineri 30 Aprilie - Luni 3 Mai | Zilnic, de la ora 10:00
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Cu ocazia sărbătorii Paștelui, History Channel readuce seria de documentare „Misterele Bibliei” pe micul ecran. Zilnic, în perioada 30 aprilie – 3 mai, de la ora 10:00, telespectatorii sunt invitați să urmărească documentare care explorează cele mai controversate enigme ale religiei. Maratonul de emisiuni demarează în Vinerea Mare cu documentarul „Codul ascuns din Biblie” (30 aprilie, ora 10:00). Care încearcă să facă lumină în privința unui posibil cod descoperit în textul Codexului de la Leningrad. Cel mai vechi text complet al Bibliei evreiești. Telespectatorii vor putea revedea lui Isus spusă din perspectiva celor care L-au cunoscut: personaje biblice apropiate. Care au avut un rol major în desfășurarea evenimentelor, inclusiv Iosif, Sfântul Ioan Botezătorul, Fecioara Maria, Caiafa, Iuda, Ponțiu Pilat, Maria Magdalena și Sfântul Petru, în cele 8 episoade ale ineditului serial „L-am cunoscut pe Isus” (sâmbătă-luni, 10:00-12:00, ultimele două episoade luni, 23:50-01:30).
Serialul redă povestea emoționantă a celui mai cunoscut Om din istorie
De la Naștere până la Moarte și Înviere, printr-o îmbinare de scenarii artistice și interviuri realizate în stil documentar. Portretul lui Isus – omul și Mesia – este conturat prin contribuția unor experți consacrați ai Bibliei. Istorici, teologi și lideri spirituali și integrează informații oferite de Evanghelii, surse istorice și contextul cultural. Producția dezvăluie povestea lui Isus, într-o lume complexă, dominată de regi, politicieni, reformatori și soldați angrenați într-o luptă tulburătoare pentru putere. Toate acestea le oferă telespectatorilor o prezentare unică a celui mai important eveniment din istorie.   De secole, știința și religia își dispută cele mai fundamentale întrebări din univers, uneori cu consecințe fatale. Ar putea noile descoperiri științifice și tehnologia erei digitale să aducă dovezi concrete ale existenței lui Dumnezeu? Subiectul este abordat în documentarul „Dovezi despre Dumnezeu” (sâmbătă, ora 12:00)   Maratonul de documentare este completat de seriile „Secretele Bibliei dezvăluite” (sâmbătă-luni, 14:00-15:30) și „Excluse din Biblie” (luni, 12:00-13:40), în care specialiștii în cercetarea religiilor analizează cărțile apocrife care au fost scoase din Biblie, profeții misterioase și enigmele Vechiului Testament.
Top Gear S13 - Din 6 mai | Joia, ora 21:00
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  În sezonul 13 din emblematica emisiune Top Gear cu trio-ul Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond și James May. The Stig își face în sfârșit curaj și își dă jos casca, după ani de speculații despre identitatea sa. Printre invitații celebri care participă în test-drive-uri devenite emblematice în televiziune se numără Usain Bolt, solistul formației AC/DC Brian Johnson și legendarul prezentator american Jay Leno. Mașinile testate în sezonul 13 sunt BMW Z4, Ford Focus RS, Holden Maloo Jaguar XFR, Lotus Evora, Mercedes SL65, Nissan 370Z, Renault Megane R26.R și Vauxhall VXR8 Bathurst S.
Mâncarea pe care s-a întemeiat lumea | Sezonul 2 - Premira 9 Mai (Duminica ora 21:00)
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Serialul documentar „Mâncarea pe care s-a întemeiat lumea” surprinde poveștile unor branduri vizionare precum Heinz, Kraft, și McDonald's. Care au transformat complet sectorul alimentar american. Acestea au contribuit decisiv la modul în care Statele Unite ale Americii au pus bazele unei industrii alimentare revoluționare. După Războiul Civil a avut loc o revoluție condusă de antreprenori cu perspectivă, care au forțat limitele inventivității și au fondat afaceri care au schimbat această industrie. Pe măsură ce o nouă eră consumeristă se întrezărea, acești antreprenori și-au asumat riscuri și au lansat business-uri care au implicat tehnologii inovatoare pentru acea perioadă. Redefinind sectorul alimentar, dar mai mult decât atât, obiceiurile alimentare ale întregii planete. Documentarul „Mâncarea pe care s-a întemeiat lumea” este o punere în scenă a unor momente cheie din evoluția acestor magnați din sectorul alimentar. Rivalitățile dintre aceștia, dar și modul în care au salvat economia americană. Nume precum, Henry Heinz, James Kraft, Herman Lay, Milton S. Hershey sau frații McDonald's au ajuns să construiască imperii in domeniu. Au ajutat la câștigarea Războaielor Mondiale și au schimbat peisajul american pentru totdeauna.
Comori salvate - Sezonul 2 din 11 Mai (Marți, ora 22:00)
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Serialul „Comori salvate” prezintă activitatea riscantă și deseori, contra cronometru a echipelor de demolare și recuperare ale unei importante firme canadiene specializate în astfel de servicii. Misiunea acestora este de a dărâma clădiri, nu înainte însă de a salva obiectele valoroase dinăuntru. Înainte ca buldozerele și celelalte utilaje să fie puse în funcțiune pentru demolarea unor case sau a altor tipuri de clădiri. La cererea proprietarilor sau a administrației publice, echipa de recuperări intră în acțiune. Fiecare episod reprezintă o cursă solicitantă și plină de adrenalină pentru șeful de echipă Ted Finch, mâna sa dreaptă. Justin Fortin și novicele, Julien Savage, în încercarea de a găsi cât mai multe artefacte și lucruri valoroase în clădirile care urmează să fie demolate, înainte ca cealaltă echipă să își înceapă activitatea ireversibilă.   Echipa de recuperare este antrenată pentru a evalua rapid utilitatea și prețul lucrurilor pe care oamenii le abandonează. Dar si pentru a revalorifica aceste obiecte, astfel încât membrii echipei își vor putea exersa din plin abilitățile de negociere. Așadar, un serviciu de demolare reușește să scoată la lumină obiecte valoroase și surprinzătoare, care altfel nu ar fi fost descoperite niciodată, de la seifuri vechi de secole, jucării de colecție, popice vintage, accesorii de iluminat străvechi, până la grinzi din lemn masiv și chiar o mașină de epocă.
Colecția de la Count’s Kustoms | Sezonul 8 - din 20 Mai (Joi ora 22:10)
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În acest nou sezon, Danny Koker, legenda din Las Vegas, este mai determinat ca oricând să obțină mașinile pe care le dorește. Făcând orice pentru a-și atinge scopul, inclusiv oferte în bani-gheață care îi iau prin surprindere pe proprietari. Danny și echipa de la Count’s Kustoms continuă să restaureze, să customizeze și să vândă mașini extraordinare. Străduindu-se să țină magazinul lor din Las Vegas pe linia de plutire. De la automobile vintage Thunderbirds la clasicele Corvette, mașini de jucărie sau motociclete cu ataș. Danny și echipa sa nu se dau îndărăt de la nimic pentru a găsi și transforma cele mai interesante vehicule.     Read the full article
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pouringmyfeelings · 4 years
It had been a good 5-6 weeks since Chad have been bugging Ava to link up. She kept on ignoring his calls, left him on read excepts for the times she had to babysit his daughter. Titi had done grew in her heart. Until one day, Chad finessed his way to her heart by sending Ava a video of his daughter saying 'I miss you Ava'. It made her heart melt. She replied I miss you too, can't wait to see you... They then chopped it off a little till Chad suggested later that night she should come through at Benny's party. Fast forward to the party, Ava and Chad were having so much fun at Benny's condo in downtown Montreal that they lost track of time and it was almost 2am. Luckily they both had off the next day. They both said they were not gonna drink yet they both had 2 drinks more than their usual limit. They were celebrating Benny's anniversary. They were both looking like celebrities. Ava wore this very soft material dress that crossed wrapped around her body and had a V shape open which showed off her plumbed chocolate breast. Her nipples almost popped out of the dress if she didn’t wear her nipple pasties. She found them on sale online. Finally she was able to find pasties that matched her skin tone to a T! Her dress came right above her knees but not to show too much of her thighs leaving something to the imagination. Her sexy chocolate butt looked amazing in this dress. She wore these sneaker shoes that looked like heels. They were custom made by a designer she found online. Everyone wanted to know where and when they could get them from. Chad wore a very light cream colored sports jacket with a shirt to match and dark blue jeans with some cream custom Gucci shoes. Chad could not take his eyes off of her. He kept licking his lips every chance he could while his cock got harder and harder looking at her ass and calves in that dress. Ava noticed how Chad was looking at her with envy, she loved the attention she was getting. Chad was really her type, this wasn't a facade. She liked the muscle necks niggas plus he just got a hair cut, goatee on point. As they said their goodnites to everyone, Chad opened the door for Ava and while getting into the car he reached for her arm and grabbed apart of her breast trying to help her into the car. It pushed the pastie off and her nipples were so hard. He asked her 'Were you hard all nite?' She said 'yes' and as she sat down she raised her dress and he could see she was not wearing any panties. At some point during the nite she took them off and put them in her purse. She looked yummy, he was gonna try to get litty tonight. While he was getting in, she reached for his print because it had a bulge that was very noticeable. They kissed and kissed and kissed and he took his time sucking on her neck breast and nipples while his fingers found there way up her thighs and into her swollen wet pussy. She left out a soft moan and whispered in his ear 'Boy take me home quickly before I changed my mind.' On their way half way home, spotify was playing Yo Trane - Late Night Drive. That song triggered her thirst. Ava told Chad to find someplace to pull over so she could show him what her tongue do. The hardest part in sex car is finding a place. To what seems like a 15 minutes search, he finally found a spot. They started kissing, and his kisses took her back to her high school days, kissing by the lockers. He flickered her clit with his thumb until he felt drenched in her juices. She let out soft moans and bit in his neck and ear. Her body wanted and needed him inside her. She felt on his cock through his jeans and it felt as hard as ever and she had to feel and taste it. As she was putting her locs in a ponytail, he unbuckled his belt and she assisted him with taking off his pants and undies. She then slowly took his chocolate curved cock into her hands and stroked him while they kissed and kissed and kissed. Her nipples touched his shirt and he could feel her hard deep Hershey chocolate nipples through the fabric. She then positioned herself on her knees and took him into her mouth. 1/3
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New Year's Times, new season trends.
New Year's Times, new season trends. In Spring Spring, the joy and enjoyment of Chinese families began to enjoy the Technology recognizing the mechanics that brought home to Keylock Loc the ability and enjoyment. During Féile an Earraich, I think that most people like friends and family home are enjoying New Year's definition of a traditional Chinese culture and entertainment. I was living in Guangzhou's old city bigger over 50 years old sister, going to move to new communities in a little good neighborhood New Hershey New Year, where they can get a new move at home : Lens A: In Guangzhou's central business district, Liu Hua Jun Ting, Zhang's sister for the first time to see "does not have your key with the door" Keylock Lock. Lee Lee, a well known community, is a well-known Keylock of branch locks, utilizing the most famous technology in the US that is used in the opening of a door-in fingerprint, as far as possible you open the handicap. And Chang and her sister were familiar with a finger lock, so he said to the changing technological lock that was constantly changing to feel fast and easy. Lens 2: In the excellent position of Jane to the south? Rhythm and golf course, Zhang's sister saw a special mix of Chinese cultural elements at Lock Keylock. This is not a good community welcoming Uncle Chen, but their family, Chen sophomore, said that her father was on the way back to golf, went away. Uncle Chen Zhang lock specifically identified the lock and found that the design of the bronze, historical and useful features of Chinese culture is best. Chen sophomore speaks, this is locking the fingerprint. Not only is a combination of Chinese cultural elements, and is used with 360-wide anti-Patent Design, the most expensive of the highest fingerprint locks, especially for houses placed in. Sealladh 3: high-level communities at a large forest of South China Forum of the Star River, contact Zhang's paternal name that Keylock Lock is the largest type of Power Locks. Ms Zhao's good friend was good for customers, and met Auntie Zhang, as well as just put it in touch near Lock Keylock. Lochan Keylock Detective Lochan says that the human body's legend can not be copied, by technological recognition by fingerprints. It will allow the elements to discharge the hidden copy and to use a fingerprint to ensure the safe use of lock-lock, to eliminate the traditional uncertainties, a representative of a new generation of locks. In fact, Zhang's sisters usually use simple life, but also love the old town, just moving to a new community, Keylock's branch lock does not exist, Spring Festival for the new community of good neighbors At Home New Years' Sisters Chang and heart of the. On the way back, Zhang's uncle's plans plan their possessions, several Keylock Lochs are being put forward to bring a new move to the home. Keylock Lock is the reason why so many of the top-rated communities with owners are welcome only through the highest ANAL Keylock lochs in the United States? 400,000 times Qualification life. Every day 10 times open the number of terms used 40,000 days or 100 year service life, Keylock Lock is a natural force as a major force that affects the new home. In addition, the source of US media statements, Lock Keylock, is the largest American family, The booklet of today's life has been the same as a positive branch lock the United States, with the owners of the high-quality community blitz Post-
0 notes
critical-opal-blog · 7 years
New Year's Times, new season trends.
New Year's Times, new season trends. In Spring Spring, the joy and enjoyment of Chinese families began to enjoy the Technology recognizing the mechanics that brought home to Keylock Loc the ability and enjoyment. During Féile an Earraich, I think that most people like friends and family home are enjoying New Year's definition of a traditional Chinese culture and entertainment. I was living in Guangzhou's old city bigger over 50 years old sister, going to move to new communities in a little good neighborhood New Hershey New Year, where they can get a new move at home : Lens A: In Guangzhou's central business district, Liu Hua Jun Ting, Zhang's sister for the first time to see "does not have your key with the door" Keylock Lock. Lee Lee, a well known community, is a well-known Keylock of branch locks, utilizing the most famous technology in the US that is used in the opening of a door-in fingerprint, as far as possible you open the handicap. And Chang and her sister were familiar with a finger lock, so he said to the changing technological lock that was constantly changing to feel fast and easy. Lens 2: In the excellent position of Jane to the south? Rhythm and golf course, Zhang's sister saw a special mix of Chinese cultural elements at Lock Keylock. This is not a good community welcoming Uncle Chen, but their family, Chen sophomore, said that her father was on the way back to golf, went away. Uncle Chen Zhang lock specifically identified the lock and found that the design of the bronze, historical and useful features of Chinese culture is best. Chen sophomore speaks, this is locking the fingerprint. Not only is a combination of Chinese cultural elements, and is used with 360-wide anti-Patent Design, the most expensive of the highest fingerprint locks, especially for houses placed in. Sealladh 3: high-level communities at a large forest of South China Forum of the Star River, contact Zhang's paternal name that Keylock Lock is the largest type of Power Locks. Ms Zhao's good friend was good for customers, and met Auntie Zhang, as well as just put it in touch near Lock Keylock. Lochan Keylock Detective Lochan says that the human body's legend can not be copied, by technological recognition by fingerprints. It will allow the elements to discharge the hidden copy and to use a fingerprint to ensure the safe use of lock-lock, to eliminate the traditional uncertainties, a representative of a new generation of locks. In fact, Zhang's sisters usually use simple life, but also love the old town, just moving to a new community, Keylock's branch lock does not exist, Spring Festival for the new community of good neighbors At Home New Years' Sisters Chang and heart of the. On the way back, Zhang's uncle's plans plan their possessions, several Keylock Lochs are being put forward to bring a new move to the home. Keylock Lock is the reason why so many of the top-rated communities with owners are welcome only through the highest ANAL Keylock lochs in the United States? 400,000 times Qualification life. Every day 10 times open the number of terms used 40,000 days or 100 year service life, Keylock Lock is a natural force as a major force that affects the new home. In addition, the source of US media statements, Lock Keylock, is the largest American family, The booklet of today's life has been the same as a positive branch lock the United States, with the owners of the high-quality community blitz Post-
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djevilninja · 8 months
What my eyes see, my mind think my hand should hold; The outcome of these actions: warm hearts turn cold. Lil’ snake tryin’ to blast me with the gun he stole; We hang out, banged out - same route as the day before.
Warren G feat Mr. Malik, Perfec and Bad Azz - What We Go Through
*West Coast classic!
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bonillascorner · 10 years
Illegal - Back In The Day
Malik and Jamal kick some "knowledge" to Uncle Rudy Ray Moore. I was just talking to Venom about this album the other day. This is the only song on it I was really into. I bought it cause it had a red cassette and regretted it almost immediately on the way home. "Back In The Day" is dope though, produced by Colin Wolfe, Dallas Austin's uhhhhh, "roommate".......
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stiri-noi · 6 years
Motivul pentru care ciocolata americană are un gust oribil
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