#heres someone who wouldnt give a fuck about political theory. Andrew and neil
dayurno · 5 months
so you’ve poked the bear: kevin and mao zedong’s poetry?? which poem(s)?? would love to attend one of your classes one day! i’m really interested in Kevin Studies!
whehe i've been watching the bear and for a moment i was like huh! truly playing association games in my head. but anyhow.... KEVIN STUDIES....... oh if i could teach that class i dont think anyone but me would have a good time. thank god i don't have kevin's teacher's temperament.... i've only ever taught kindergarten and i plan to stay that way!
TRULY IT WAS JUST THE FIRST THING THAT CAME TO MIND ..!! most of mao's poetry i suspect reads a lot better in chinese so i am in no position to judge it unfortunately.... i do like this poem though :) perhaps kevin would too? i love the chinese kevin hc so maybe he'd have fun with it + the original version as well. i can't believe i'm linking marxists.org on my aftg blog. oh well!
i think the tl;dr here really is that i'm into the history of marxism so i like thinking kevin would be as well. i mean we are nowhere close to Comrade Day (heh) in canon but i do ultimately think that kevin suffered heaps and bounds of labor abuse and if given fifteen minutes with me could be radicalized. to me he is someone who is very aware of the structures he operates under and isn't that really the first stepping stone of marxism... i should make comradeday my ao3 username
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