#here is some of my heavy detail ! i can write essays ik ik im sorry
otrtbs · 1 year
I want your heavy detail... give it
I'll give mine first though
Since you haven't read the book I'm not gonna like hold that against the debate because YES this is a debate now all in good fun of course and I'll just like talk about the movie.
Jo and Laurie in my opinion are WAY to similar for a romantic relationship to work and MAYBE it's just me and how weird I am about best friends to lovers like friends to lovers I adore it but when there's like platonic soulmates for some reason I can't cross that barrier like they are friends and nothing else.
But Jo and Laurie are one in the same, right? And I think they would've killed each other for one. But also I think as much as a relationship is about compromise and supporting each other I think Jo needs a relationship where she's truly pushed to be better IF she's in one at all. Of course in a perfect world she would be marrying no one BUT we're not in that world. I think she needs someone just as ambitious as her someone who will respect her and view her as an equal. And as much as a love Laurie that's not him.
He wouldn't push her to do better he would praise her and that's all. He would treat her right. But he wouldn't be perfect for her. AMY however, yes we're getting into her pushes LAURIE to be better. She argues with him and kinda influences him to be better. And I don't think Jo would do that either, I think Jo would be too busy with her own things.
I think they work on paper. But in the end I think Jo and Laurie need MORE than each other, and I think they compliment each other a bit too much to be romantically involved.
AND also since we're here I want to add that in the 2019 movie it seems like Jo regrets not saying yes to Laurie, but that's just not what happens at all. Like she's missing her best friend and she's missing Beth and her childhood. She's not in love with him, she just misses whaat used to be and wants to go back. No matter if she has to give up all her dreams and become a trophy wife.
I don't even know if you wouldn't mentioned it but I had to because I hate when that's people's argument like they're just completely viewing the movie wrong, they don't get the point. Jo and Beth's relationship is much more important to me than any romantic one so I'm VERY passionate about it.
Um lastly I am VERY sorry that I just gave you an essay to read over I didn't mean to... but this is my favorite movie and I just love talking about it... a lot apparently.
okay wait!! i have read the book !! i have totally read the book!!! please!! (dare i say the book builds a stronger case for jolaurie?? hmm) im rambly under the cut!!
please you are always welcome to come in here and talk about little women things to me !! i love the movie and the book so much !!! i'm right there with you !
i think that the similarities are good in this relationship!! i think they work and compliment each other well!! as far as pushing each other to be better, i think i disagree. when jo submits her writing for the papers (in the novel), it's laurie who encourages her and believes in her and laurie is the first person she tells!! he encourages her to write, he encourages her 'boyish' mannerisms and he accepts her for who she is!! but he's always encouraged her and supported her pursuits. n turn, when laurie is hanging out in disreputable places w boys of ill repute, it is jo who encourages him to stop and be better and laurie listens (this is also in the novel) but movie scene imagine when laurie is like 'i gave up billiards ,, i'm happy i did' i think they are both slightly indulgent to each others follies, jo with her temper and laurie with his grandiose 'castle in the clouds' temperament, but when it really counts they push each other to be better and they accept each other for who they are!!
i do agree that in a perfect world she wouldn't marry at all though!! i also agree that beth and jo's relationship is more important, or even, jo's relationship to her family is paramount and really what the novel and movie is about!
i also want to say that the letter jo writes laurie is not in the book so im gonna not consider that for the sake of the argument but marrying laurie wouldn't make jo a trophy wife!! he has done nothing but encourage her to write and publish her works, he's never asked for her to change who she is, or anything. i think that while jo was yearning for the past, for a time when beth was alive and healthy and all her sisters were under one roof and together, and she and laurie were closer than ever, i think her love and regret for tuning laurie down is real, and can't all be attributed to an attempt to recreate the past.
i think jo has told herself her entire life that being a wife meant compromising yourself and giving up your autonomy and individuality, because that's what she saw in the world around her and that's not what she wanted. so she swore off marriage because she didn't want to change. but the thing is, laurie never wanted her to change and didn't ask her to change. it took a while for jo to realise this and it took loss and loneliness which gave way to growth and maturity and the realisation that laurie and jo could work in a way where she could still be herself. but by then it was too late. bc, yk, amy. which as established before, family is more important to jo than anything, so of course that put an end to it.
idk when i think about laurie who was often described as devoted to jo, supporting her and loving her unconditionally while encouraging her to become and author,, when jo makes him feel most comfortable and most like himself when he was a shy boy just back from europe and helps him with his relationship with his grandfather and his vices,,, they help each other grow and i think they would really work together!!
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astraystayyh · 5 months
Ok ok I’ll give u some of my favorites hehe cuz I can’t simply choose just one
Volcano. Automatically Volcano. Might even be my number one?? Literally any time I listen to Volcano now I think of this fic. Like it was just PERFECTION on top of PERFECTION almost made me cry I loved it so much. You packed so many details into it too and I really love coming back to it every once in a while to see what else I catch that I missed before. Also Hannie??? I love my Hannie ok. Volcano was just a masterpiece and I loved her sm truly deserves the best.
Invisible Thread up next! Part one is one of the first fics I read by you I think? Took me a while to come on anon ik ik 🫡 but both parts were just *chef’s kiss* and I loved how they intertwined with each other and complimented each other perfectly. They built off one another and you really saw the character development and growth reading from each part like 🥹 loved her sm. Part two was also a nice comfort for me cuz I wasn’t feeling well when it came out but reading it felt like a warm hug and I really appreciated that comfort at the time.
You’re in the Wind, I’m in the Water is gonna be my third choice hehe. I absolutely love how Hyunjin’s photos birthed this cuz it was so BEAUTIFUL??? And part two absolutely had me hooked. I really loved the sequences and I’m an absolute romance fiend so I was really loving the second part hehe.
Ok I’m not done cuz I can’t forget your drabbles too??? I love them equally hehe. First off the Seungmin drabble where you realize you don’t have to act a certain way around him. Mmm yup that one hit I loved it and wanna give it a lil smoochie. I feel like Seungmin was such a perfect choice for that.
Keeping the Seungmin train going, the other drabble you made where he comforted the reader who tends to bottle up their emotions. Again, hit very hard but was such a great comfort.
Okee last drabble would beeeeee the Chan one of him being proud of you at the end of a hard day. I love comfort fics and you really write them well hehe.
I’ll end this off by also saying I really love all your Hyunjin brain rots too. Like your essay I asked you to write about why you love him? Had me in tears. I just really loved reading it and I feel your understanding of the members REALLY blossoms all of your writings more. Cuz like, you understand them deeper than some may. That’s how I feel at least. I think that really helps to make the fics you write, even just the mini drabbles, feel so much more alive.
I love you, I love your brain, I love your writing, and I’m excited to see what you come up with next year <3
(Also sorry this was long lol)
YOU ARE THE ABSOLUTE BEST TO ME I WANNA REACH THROUGH MY PHONE AND SQUEEZE YOUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you for loving Volcano this much it truly blows my mind that u think of it whenever u listen to volcano because that song is so so so beautiful and for u to associate my work with it..... sobbing in the corner, seriously.
EEEE INVISIBLE THREAD!!! so omg u've been here for a while now THANK YOU FOR STAYING!!!! :'))) and thank you for appreciating the part two as well, it wasn't really action heavy just very healing and human so to know it brought you some comfort? wahhhh warms my heart :(((
HYUNE pool pics will forever go down history like he was insane for that absolutely crazy and i love him so much for it because i think it's my favorite fic too??? it was just from the heart:'))) AND ORANGE!!! hehehhehe im so happy u liked it u are validating the hopeless romantic in me too
THE DRABBLES U REM THEM TOO ☹️☹️☹️☹️ seung is such a comfort figure right writing hurt/comfort for him comes so easily i love him very dearly,, and the chan one ;;;;; his msg that day made me tear up OUR BOYS ARE THE SWEETEST.
thank you for loving my hyune brainrots ;;;;; i love your questions about him the most like you GET ME we get each other thank u for giving me space to talk about him and I LOVE YOU THE MOST, seriously, you always say such sweet and heartwarming things about my writing it makes me so so so so happy. you make this place so much brighter ur emoji fits u so well because u are like a twinkle and light in my life ;;; thank u for existing and for being so kind to me i truly appreciate you more than i could ever express <333
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