aemiron-main · 6 months
The Gay Ones: Henry Creel Is So Gay, How Did Any Of You Guys Come Out Of TFS Thinking That He’s Straight?
So, I just saw TFS (it was AMAZING) and I’m actually really surprised with just how heavy handed they were with the gay Henry stuff.
So, at one point, Patty is reading from the script for “The Dark of the Moon,” and says, verbatim:
“I like the gay ones the best. Let’s make it a gay one.”
Come ON. That’s comically obvious- saying literally that she “likes the Gay Ones” versus Patty having a crush on Henry/“liking” him & him literally being a Gay 001.
And then, Patty and Henry kiss- but it’s IDENTICAL to the Mileven kiss at the end of S3- the one where Mike just stands there while El grabs his face and kisses him. Patty does this to Henry & they’re kissing specifically because they have to kiss for the play.
And yes, Henry does talk about wanting to go on a date with Patty, and they do kiss again outside of Melvald’s, but also- all of this ends up specifically tied to the idea of trying to be “normal,” and that idea that Henry is “not normal,” re: Patty and dates and prom and girls is brought up CONSTANTLY. Henry obviously cares deeply for Patty/friendship, but he’s very obviously just trying to be “normal,” and do what he thinks he’s supposed to do with girls.
Plus, a large part of this is also specifically that Henry is very pissed at Virginia throughout the play (and rightfully so), and Virginia and Henry have this super overt emotional incest thing going on (like, actually beginning to cross past emotional incest sometimes), and Virginia doesn’t want him hanging out with Patty/being around her because she’s jealous of Patty, and so part of Henry rebelling against Virginia & rebelling against Virginia doing things like kissing him on the face when she doesnt kiss Victor at all & rebelling against her whole emotional incest vibe is Henry being around Patty and kissing her etc. So, not only is there the “trying to be normal,” aspect with Henry and Patty’s relationship, but there’s also the “Henry is rebelling against Virginia and her emotional incest via his relationship with Patty,” aspect of their relationship.
Not to mention that during the attic scene where Patty and Father Newby get attacked by “It,” and when Henry’s fighting “It,”/the shadow, it’s a DIRECT S4 Mike monologue parallel- Patty says she loves Henry and that Patty tells Henry that he has to say “I love you,” back. The Mileven parallels are constant and the Byler parallels are basically nonexistent.
TLDR: I went into this loving Creelby already & being totally prepared (and even excited for) for actual romantic Creelby- and while we totally got cute moments & I love them, Henry is GAY GAY HOMOSEXUAL GAY CERTIFIED G A Y
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henrysglock · 7 months
If you want to compare Henatty to MiIeven, wherein Henry is (socially) the Mike to Patty’s El…then isn’t it funny how she, much like El with Henry in NINA, may be trying to help Henry evade/escape Brenner?
Y’know…the “will you be like my brother/she’s Mike’s cousin/my mom will be like your new mom” ship and the “001 and 011, father-daughter/brother-sister relationship” duo…
Familial coding never ends, you see. Brother-sister, meant to be friends, fated-to-meet type deal.
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pinkeoni · 7 months
henatty and mileven have parallels except they are all characters with really different backgrounds/stories and the writing leads them in different directions
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wheelercore · 7 months
"Creelarke vs henatty" posts alwsys catch me off guard because im always surprised by the fact henatty shippers exist
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henrysglock · 7 months
“hentty” that’s too many consonants in a row. henatty is superior
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henrysglock · 7 months
there is no creelarke-henatty ship war in ba sing se
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henrysglock · 7 months
"henatty ship war"
bro i have bigger things to worry about. namely the state of the UNIVERSE.
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henrysglock · 7 months
I had One (1) fear when they used the r-word regarding henatty...and then within one day I was back to zero fears. I know a gayboy when I see One.
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henrysglock · 7 months
still laughing at this like. they very well could have said "henry's budding romance with her". but they didn't. they continue to center her feelings. did i or did i not say Stobin when the topic of Henatty got pushed?
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henrysglock · 7 months
i'll suffer straightbait henatty if it means i get information on my boy eddie creel. i can compromise. halfway happy.
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