hempoilfrog32 · 4 years
Hemp Has More Answers Than Questions
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Unlike fossil fuels, biomass comes from living plants and that continue to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis. Hemp creates a lot of oxygen and takes large quantities of carbon out of the air. It is able to do this because of the height it grows usually 15 to 20 feet high. Hemp fields could be instrumental in the decrease of green house gases on the planet. When hemp is grown for biomass, carbon dioxide is taken in and metabolized by the plant, generating oxygen in the process. When the biomass is burned as fuel, the carbon dioxide is released back into the air. This maintains a carbon dioxide cycle. By comparison, burning fossil fuels puts carbon back into the air and provides no means of generating oxygen in the process thus disrupting the carbon dioxide cycle.
Hemp is the only plant capable of producing enough bio mass to provide an alternative to fossil fuels. Hemp could stop a multitude of damaging effects caused by fossil fuels, sulfur-based smog, acid rain, oil spills and strip mining.
Hemp is a high yield fiber crop, producing more bio mass per acre than most other crops. Hydro carbons in hemp can be produced into a low polluting, renewable alternative to fossil fuels that does not pollute the atmosphere. Bio diesel and ethanol are to alternative fuels that hemp is excellent for. These fuels can be made into pellets, gas, liquid gas greatly reducing our utilization of fossil fuels and nuclear power. Both fiber and seed can be used depending on what fuel is to be made.
Because hemp is rich with cellulose it is a great candidate to replace petroleum based plastics that are not bio degradable where as hemp oil plastics are, a mixture of recycled plastic with hemp oil are being used for injected molded products also resin made from hemp could one day be produced. BMW in an effort to make cars more recyclable is using hemp raw materials in their cars. Hemp is being used for insulation because of its high insulation factor, superior strength, its lighter, is more cost effective and biodegradable.
The highest quality paper is made from hemp, it does not yellow when acid free process is used, resist decomposition unlike paper made from trees. A piece of paper made from hemp was found that is 1500 years old. One acre of hemp can produce as much paper as four acre of trees. Hemp paper can be recycled more times than wood, hemp does not need to be bleached thus stopping the dumping of toxic chemicals into lakes, streams and rivers. Hemp would stop the cutting of forest; we would never have to cut down another tree for paper.My site hempoilfrog 
Hemp is a healthy source of protein for pets, livestock and humans. A multitude of food products can be made from hemp seed and hemp seed has extraordinary nutritional value and are longer lasting and more digestible than soybean. The main protein in hemp seed is "edestin" (aids in digestion) which unlike soy bean does not need to be fermented or cooked to be digestible. Hemp seeds have all the essential and semi essential fatty acids in the right ratio required by humans. Hemp has a balance of three parts Omega-6 to Omega-3. Some of the other benefits of having all these Essential Fatty Acids in the diet include an increased metabolism, lower cholesterol, better digestion, general vigor, improved skin and hair condition, and a boosted immune system.
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anjia9527 · 4 years
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2018 Year in Review – $100K in Side Hustles and Other Financial Stats | Wealthy Nickel Here is our family's annual side hustle income report. See all the ways we make extra income through side jobs, and our #1 favorite way to make money from home (it made us over $100k last year!) #incomereport #extraincome Source by hempoilfrog
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jasonsblog26 · 4 years
CBD Business Ideas: Powerful Strategies For Beginners
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These days, CBD oil business is on the rise. In fact, the market is going to enjoy rapid growth as there is a lot of demand for the product. Some people don't know the source of the oil. Actually, CBD is short for Cannabidiol. Basically, the oil is extracted from a plant and is useful for people with stress, arthritis and many other conditions. If you want a few solid strategies to help you start and grow your business by selling this oil, you may want to read this guide. useful source cbd business
Register your Business
First, you need to get a permit. In other words, you need to get your business registered. This applies even if you want to open an online or physical store. People prefer to buy from a registered distributor in order to avoid scammers. Buying original products is everyone's concern.
Launch a Website
Once you have got your business registered, your next move is to create a website to market your products. Make sure your website is decent enough. For this, you need to opt for a reliable website builder.
Choose a Merchant Processor
You need to look for a reliable merchant processor. This is important if you want to receive payment for your product sales. While it's legal to run a CBD oil business, many merchant processors think this type of business involves a lot of risk.
Abide by the Law
Once you have chosen a merchant, your next move is to follow the federal laws. In other words, you must follow the laws related to the sale of medical and recreational cannabis products. After all, you don't want to break any laws while your business is growing.
Run Marketing Campaigns
Irrespective of the type of business you run, make sure you take the right steps to market your products. As a matter of fact, marketing is the backbone of any business. With the right marketing strategies, you can get your message across to a lot of potential customers. The ideal way of marketing your business is via Google ads, blog posts, and other types of ads.
Aside from this, you can use the power of social media to reach a lot more customers. However, to make your social media marketing successful, you need to create posts that are engaging. With the help of SEO, you can easily rank your site.
To answer the queries of your customers, you need to have a solid customer care service on your site.
Open your Online Store
An easy way of increasing your sales is to launch an online store. You may want to offer a large variety of products through your store. It will be easier for you to grow your customers if you offer a variety of products. After all, not all customers like to buy the same product. CBD oil is used differently based on the type of condition a patient has.
Long story short, these simple ideas can help you start and grow your CBD oil business. Hopefully, these strategies will work for you.
HempOilFrog can help you avail a CBD business opportunity you may have by giving you great CBD business ideas. You can check out their platform for more information.
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hempoilfrog1 · 4 years
Make Money Taking Surveys and Tips for Avoiding Scams
Your Opinions Need To Be Heard From Paid Online Surveys.
Hempoilfrog is passionate about finding websites that reward members for sharing their opinions by taking surveys, along with completing other online activities. If you want to make money taking surveys, you cannot fall for the same height that so many other websites offer you. Read Here: How to Make Money Selling CBD oil with Changing the Future Outcome – CTFO: The Ultimate Guide
Paid surveys are an excellent opportunity for people with all different skillsets and schedules all around the world to make some extra money or build a second income from home. In order to find the top paid online surveys, however, you need the type of in-depth information you can find here at PaidSurveys.net.
What are the paid survey services?
Paid online surveys come directly from companies or organizations that want honest information from a variety of people. There are many platforms out there that claim to give you the best lists but fall short when it comes to actually signing up and trying to make money taking surveys. The last thing you want to do is waste your time with nonpaying or suspicious survey sites.
Paid survey services work hard so you do not have to waste your time. We offer only the best lists of opportunities and give you all the necessary information so you can find the sites that fit your needs and circumstances. Despite all of the excellent data here, you should still do your own research to make sure you can successfully fill out the surveys and get the compensation due to you.
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How can you make money taking surveys?
You make money with paid surveys because the company or organization who wants the data provides compensation for your time and effort. If you qualify for a particular questionnaire or study, you should answer all of the questions honestly to the best of your ability. This provides a high degree of value to the survey creator. Paid online surveys keep paying only if they get the information they want.
You can make money taking surveys by choosing and signing up for reputable companies that attract the survey creators to provide the highest levels of compensation. The process is simple. You answer a few questions to see if you qualify, complete the paid surveys honestly, wait for verification, and then get paid the agreed-upon amount.
How do you get your earnings from paid surveys?
The companies and platforms that offer paid online surveys send you the earnings in a variety of ways. In general, you may either get actual money through a payment processor website like PayPal, an electronic or paper check or earn points that you can trade for gift cards and other valuable prizes. Most of the paid surveys sites have a minimum payout amount you must reach before they send you any money or gift cards.
It is important to understand that not every platform that offers paid online surveys does so to all countries. Of course, most focus on the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia primarily. Others extend to only a few countries in Europe, while others cater to an international community. If you want to get money or any type of compensation from paid surveys, make sure they offer it for the country where you live.
Tips for doing paid online surveys
Paid surveys give a wide variety of people the opportunity to earn money from home. You do not need any fancy equipment, higher education, or any unique skills or knowledge. However, if you want to make as much as possible in the least amount of time, you do need to understand these excellent tips for doing paid surveys on the Internet.
• Sign up to only the most reputable paid surveys websites. • Fill in your information completely and keep it honest. • Double-check to make sure you can make money taking surveys with that company. • Sign up for the newsletter, notifications, or an app to get immediate access to the best. • Do as many paid surveys as you can. • Cash-out as soon as possible after reaching the minimum level.
Tips for avoiding paid surveys scams:
Unfortunately, there are a lot of paid surveys scams on the Internet today. It is far too easy to set up a quick website, create a survey, and claim to pay a large amount of money or hand out gift cards. These illegitimate websites limply want to get your personal information and email address for their own purposes. Some even tried to make you pay them money for the opportunity to earn. This is a serious red flag you should avoid completely.
In order to protect yourself and make money taking surveys online, follow these tips to avoid scams.
• Only sign up at reputable sites with good reviews like those who will find here. • Avoid paid surveys with exceptionally long qualification processes. • Never pay out any money for the opportunity to take a survey. They should pay you. • Do not do paid online surveys with unachievable minimum payouts. • Remember, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
We research the web to find the companies that conduct market research themselves or will connect users to survey panels that do at no cost to members.
The sites we research must offer:
Free membership • Simple sign up process • A good user experience • Offer surveys to complete • Offer rewards in the form of cash or redeemable points • Must have a Privacy Policy • Must have a Terms of Service • Must have a way to unsubscribe from mailings • A way to contact support
The last tip on that list is probably the most important. In order to avoid being taken advantage of, you need to use some common sense to determine if a particular website or platform is a good choice. If they promise too much, they are probably lying. No company or organization is going to pay you $100 to fill out a 10-minute survey.
Paid surveys are a great way to earn a little bit of extra income to improve your quality of life, pay down debt, or fund your retirement or other ventures. They are not get-rich-quick schemes. As long as you approach all the paid survey opportunities realistically, you can have a great time adding to your bank account or wallet.
Read more:
Make Money Taking Surveys and Tips for Avoiding Scams
The Ultimate CBD Edibles Guide
How To Make 500 Dollars Fast In Less Than A Week
16 Companies Offering Transcription Jobs From Home
30 Best Late Night Work From Home Jobs Anyone Can Do
Many claims state that you can earn tons of money with paid online surveys, but they do not tell the whole story. Paid surveys can not replace your income completely. However, when you have the best information as you find on this website, you can make money taking surveys that will improve your quality of life. Build a second income in less time than you think and without any special skills or secret formulas.
We strive only to list the best-paid survey sites. We ask site contributors to share their research and personal experiences to help you make an informed decision when signing up with a website where you can earn rewards by becoming a member for free.
The post Make Money Taking Surveys and Tips for Avoiding Scams appeared first on Sell CBD Oils.
from https://hempoilfrog.com/make-money-taking-surveys/
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shirleycaesar13 · 6 years
Ditch Dieting and Calorie Counting with CBD Oil for Weight Loss
When it comes to maintaining a proper body weight, millions of individuals will try anything to feel and look good, including unhealthy fad diets which help them “diet down” and excessive and obsessive calorie counting. As most of us know, the proper way to get rid of the excess fat is to eat less, move more, and have a nutritionally balanced diet.
Unfortunately, with our hectic lifestyles, it can be extremely difficult to manage it all without the occasional slip-up or comfort food binges. Fortunately for those who are having a hard time, CBD oil for weight loss is showing promising results as a potential treatment for slimming down as well as stabilizing weight loss and here is why.
It Induces Fat Browning
  In a recent study done for the Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry Journal, found that CBD oil actually has a profound effect on preadipocytes, which are also known as immature fat cells. Not only does the consumption of CBD oil stimulate fat genes and proteins to break down and oxidize fat but it can actually boost the activity levels of the cell’s mitochondria. When the mitochondria activity levels are elevated, this helps the body burn off more calories.
Beyond this, it was also found that consuming CBD oil helps in decreasing the “expression” of proteins found in the process of lipogenesis which is the generation of fat cells. When combined together, these effects induce fat browning which occurs when the body converts white-coloured fat tissue into brown colored fat tissue. This process is important as brown fat burns away excess energy and reduces overall body fat, whereas, white fat stores energy.
The Consumption of CBD Oil Suppresses Appetite
  One of the amazing phenomenons about the body is that it wants to be in balance (homeostasis), which means that for those who are overweight or underweight, are going to be unhealthy. It is well known that for those who want to gain weight, consuming THC will cause you to get the munchies, which will urge you to consume excess calories. However, CBD oil has the opposite effect, as it will suppress your appetite. Furthermore, another component of CBD oil is tetrahydrocannabivarin or THCV, which helps reduce body weight by increasing the metabolism of fat cells.
Finally, when you consume CBD oil for weight loss, you will drastically decrease your fasting insulin levels which makes you less resistant to the production of insulin. This means that your body can better regulate blood-sugars and thereby help stave off Type II diabetes, lower your risk of obesity, decrease your heart disease risk and reduce bad cholesterol levels.
It Can Rev Up Your Metabolic Rate
  One of the most well-known effects of smoking cannabis is the “munchies”, where an individual will have this unremitting urge to constantly eat until full. This phenomenon is associated with extremely high-calorie diets, yet despite the excessive calorie bingeing, studies suggest that there is actually a relationship between cannabis consumption and an increased metabolic rate.
Not only are marijuana users generally slimmer than non-users, but researchers have found that chronic illnesses like obesity and diabetes are dramatically reduced in those who consume cannabis. The American Review of Respiratory Disease published a study back in 1978, studied the effects of marijuana on human metabolism and respiratory control. Although the participant pool was small, with only eight individuals being studied, it was found that cannabis had stimulatory effects on their metabolism; their metabolisms sped up.
Back in 2013, another study was published in the American Journal of Science, illustrating that there was a low prevalence of obesity in those who consumed cannabis as users appeared to “have better carbohydrate metabolism than nonusers,” meaning that both the fasting levels were lower, they had less insulin resistance, and their bodies were able to maintain proper blood-sugar levels. Both of these have been backed by more recent findings that also state that regular use of cannabis causes a thirty percent drop in Type 2 diabetes formation. So why is this important? If you choose to consume a CBD oil for weight loss that has both CBD and THC, you are going to find that your metabolism rate gets revved up.
Is There a Specific Way to Take CBD Oil For Weight Loss?
  Although there are a ton of different delivery methods, there are two main ways that you can use to get the slimming effects of cannabis. The first is through the inhalation of cannabis buds, however, if you are dealing specifically with CBD oil for weight loss and not burning/cooking with just CBD, then you will want to take it through the sublingual method. In addition to the slimming effects, this method is easy, well-known, and boosts appetite regulation.
It is as simple as placing a drop or two underneath your tongue, leaving it for a minute or two, and then swallowing. Other methods include CBD vape oil, capsules, and suppositories. The only thing you need to keep in mind is to get pure CBD oil that is void of pesticides, contamination, and added ingredients.
  The post Ditch Dieting and Calorie Counting with CBD Oil for Weight Loss appeared first on Hempoilfrog.
from http://hempoilfrog.com/cbd-oil-for-weight-loss/ from https://hempoilfrog1.tumblr.com/post/177753387067
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jordancollier14 · 6 years
Ditch Dieting and Calorie Counting with CBD Oil for Weight Loss
When it comes to maintaining a proper body weight, millions of individuals will try anything to feel and look good, including unhealthy fad diets which help them “diet down” and excessive and obsessive calorie counting. As most of us know, the proper way to get rid of the excess fat is to eat less, move more, and have a nutritionally balanced diet.
 Unfortunately, with our hectic lifestyles, it can be extremely difficult to manage it all without the occasional slip-up or comfort food binges. Fortunately for those who are having a hard time, CBD oil for weight loss is showing promising results as a potential treatment for slimming down as well as stabilizing weight loss and here is why.
 It Induces Fat Browning
 In a recent study done for the Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry Journal, found that CBD oil actually has a profound effect on preadipocytes, which are also known as immature fat cells. Not only does the consumption of CBD oil stimulate fat genes and proteins to break down and oxidize fat but it can actually boost the activity levels of the cell’s mitochondria. When the mitochondria activity levels are elevated, this helps the body burn off more calories.
 Beyond this, it was also found that consuming CBD oil helps in decreasing the “expression” of proteins found in the process of lipogenesis which is the generation of fat cells. When combined together, these effects induce fat browning which occurs when the body converts white-coloured fat tissue into brown colored fat tissue. This process is important as brown fat burns away excess energy and reduces overall body fat, whereas, white fat stores energy.
 The Consumption of CBD Oil Suppresses Appetite
 One of the amazing phenomenons about the body is that it wants to be in balance (homeostasis), which means that for those who are overweight or underweight, are going to be unhealthy. It is well known that for those who want to gain weight, consuming THC will cause you to get the munchies, which will urge you to consume excess calories. However, CBD oil has the opposite effect, as it will suppress your appetite. Furthermore, another component of CBD oil is tetrahydrocannabivarin or THCV, which helps reduce body weight by increasing the metabolism of fat cells.
 Finally, when you consume CBD oil for weight loss, you will drastically decrease your fasting insulin levels which makes you less resistant to the production of insulin. This means that your body can better regulate blood-sugars and thereby help stave off Type II diabetes, lower your risk of obesity, decrease your heart disease risk and reduce bad cholesterol levels.
 It Can Rev Up Your Metabolic Rate
 One of the most well-known effects of smoking cannabis is the “munchies”, where an individual will have this unremitting urge to constantly eat until full. This phenomenon is associated with extremely high-calorie diets, yet despite the excessive calorie bingeing, studies suggest that there is actually a relationship between cannabis consumption and an increased metabolic rate.
 Not only are marijuana users generally slimmer than non-users, but researchers have found that chronic illnesses like obesity and diabetes are dramatically reduced in those who consume cannabis. The American Review of Respiratory Disease published a study back in 1978, studied the effects of marijuana on human metabolism and respiratory control. Although the participant pool was small, with only eight individuals being studied, it was found that cannabis had stimulatory effects on their metabolism; their metabolisms sped up.
 Back in 2013, another study was published in the American Journal of Science, illustrating that there was a low prevalence of obesity in those who consumed cannabis as users appeared to “have better carbohydrate metabolism than nonusers,” meaning that both the fasting levels were lower, they had less insulin resistance, and their bodies were able to maintain proper blood-sugar levels. Both of these have been backed by more recent findings that also state that regular use of cannabis causes a thirty percent drop in Type 2 diabetes formation. So why is this important? If you choose to consume a CBD oil for weight loss that has both CBD and THC, you are going to find that your metabolism rate gets revved up.
 Is There a Specific Way to Take CBD Oil For Weight Loss?
 Although there are a ton of different delivery methods, there are two main ways that you can use to get the slimming effects of cannabis. The first is through the inhalation of cannabis buds, however, if you are dealing specifically with CBD oil for weight loss and not burning/cooking with just CBD, then you will want to take it through the sublingual method. In addition to the slimming effects, this method is easy, well-known, and boosts appetite regulation.
 It is as simple as placing a drop or two underneath your tongue, leaving it for a minute or two, and then swallowing. Other methods include CBD vape oil, capsules, and suppositories. The only thing you need to keep in mind is to get pure CBD oil that is void of pesticides, contamination, and added ingredients.
  The post Ditch Dieting and Calorie Counting with CBD Oil for Weight Loss appeared first on Hempoilfrog.
source http://hempoilfrog.com/cbd-oil-for-weight-loss/ from https://hempoilfrog1.blogspot.com/2018/09/ditch-dieting-and-calorie-counting-with.html
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nikkifenn07 · 6 years
Find Out How CTFO Can be the Secret to Your Online Success
If you are looking for a business opportunity, work from home, or would like to make money online, then stay tuned since you’re going to like what we have prepared for you in this article. Working from home needs self-control with so many considerable benefits, particularly when starting up your business.
  What is CTFO?
  CTFO CBD is the new website marketing system which will give you the superpowers to develop your own network marketing MLM (Multi-level marketing) business opportunity. Not so many people who have heard about the CTFO CBD, but is much more than just a new high-speed website. Since the legalization of Hemp oil in the most of states in the United States, there are so many companies which are flocking to the market today to grab a piece of the pie, and CTFO (Changing The Future Outcome) is one of them.
  By considering the price provided by CTFO on its website, we can suggest that the CTFO is selling one of the cheapest CBD hemp oil as compared to its competitors. But you must know that the price isn’t the determining factor. One of the main attractions of the CTFO CBD is that they source their CBD hemp from the industrial hemp farms which produce some of the wealthiest CBD hemp in the United States. Moreover, the CBD oil is wholly isolated through CO2 extraction and crystal precipitation. Plus, it is considered of the highest grade, pesticide-free, non-GMO hemp in the world.
  Furthermore, CTFO is dedicated to having the highest quality, affordably-priced products on the market. And just as importantly, they promise always to offer the unbiased, most lucrative, unique, and compelling business opportunity ever created.
    What is CBD oil and the health benefits it can provide?
  If you’re still doing your research about the CBD, here are some things you may want to know. CBD or Cannabidiol is a chemical compound usually found in a cannabis plant. CBD is becoming increasingly popular amongst the consumers for having a wide scope of benefits. Today, CBD is widely used due to its anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to aid a vast number of formerly untreatable diseases and conditions. The CBD oil can assist in fighting cancer and irritable bowel, relieve anxiety and depression, improve schizophrenia symptoms, and help you get more sleep.
  According to clinical reports and test data, it shows there is little to no side effects and a lack of psycho-activity which is typically associated with marijuana products and high THC. Instead, CBD attaches to the cannabinoid receptors within the human body. When the CTFO CBD is introduced into the body, it interacts with the receptors, and as a result, it promotes two-way communication between the body systems.
  There is really a lot to learn about Cannabis plant, but you should know that there are two active compounds in a Cannabis plant; CBD and THC. Unlike THC, the CBD does not produce psychoactive impacts, and it seems to have a natural countering effect against the marijuana high. Undoubtedly, the CBD is going to be a game changer in the medical world. Of course, this does not give you enough good reasons to join the CTFO as a distributor. But you should that this program has led thousands of people to make a life-changing income online.
  Is there an opportunity in CTFO for you which could change your financial future?
  Absolutely, and CTFO can be the secret to your online success. The main attraction of the CTFO is that they will process all the CBD order, ship all the products to your customers, provide them a 60-day money-back guarantee to ensure there is no risk, and pay you the commissions on the completed sales. Undoubtedly, there is absolutely no risk at all – you simply need to sign up and be part of the CBD Hemp oil new product line revolution. Once you sign up your free account, there are two ways you can start making money. You can make money by either selling CTFO CBD products or by referring other people to join the team and get the compensation plan.
  According to Forbes, the CBD market is going to become the next billion-dollar industry and will continue growing by a staggering 700-percent in the next couple of years. By 2026, the Cannabis industry is projected to be at around $50 billion, and a good portion of that will be as a result of the hemp CBD oil products.
    CLICK HERE to Become A CTFO Associate for Free.
  Why Start a CTFO CBD business today?
The CTFO offers you an opportunity to be involved in the hottest wellness trend today, and in the process, it allows you to create income by simply using the CTFO hemp oil to better your health and sharing these incredibly beneficial CBD products with others. Moreover, it allows you to take advantage of the potential to earn an income and get the benefits of utilizing a quality CBD oil for either yourself or your loved ones. Other reasons you should consider the CTFO online business today includes;
• Absolutely free to start.
• Backed by a reliable company with a proven history.
• Provides consumable products which sell due to high interest and resell due to effectiveness.
• There is a massive selection of CBD and non-CBD products.
• The manufacturer offers a 60-day money-back guarantee on its products.
• You will be provided your own website. The website will be set up and maintained for you.
• There is enormous residual income potential.
• You can work from home and on your own schedule.
  The best part is that you can be in the business for yourself, but not entirely by yourself. You will surely have a whole team to assist you along the way.
So, what are you waiting for? Sign Up For Free Now 
  What does it take to succeed with CTFO?
In this business, you should expect a lot of rejection especially if you are a beginner, and most of the denial tend to come from the people whom you’re close with. In order to succeed, you will need;
• A good mentor who will guide you to become a better salesperson.
• Find a new way to an infinite stream of new things.
• To stay positive at all times.
• To be incredibly hard working throughout.
• To talk about CTFO with your friends or family.
If you know you have what it takes to be successful with CTFO, we wish all the best and hope to see your success.
    The post Find Out How CTFO Can be the Secret to Your Online Success appeared first on Hempoilfrog.
From http://hempoilfrog.com/ctfo-can-be-the-secret-to-your-online-success/
from https://hempoilfrog1.wordpress.com/2018/08/21/find-out-how-ctfo-can-be-the-secret-to-your-online-success/
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anjia9527 · 4 years
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12 Ways To Make Extra Money As a College Students 12 Ways To Make Extra Money As a College Students Source by hempoilfrog
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anjia9527 · 4 years
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13 Best Creative Ways to Make Money as a Teenager – Lifez Eazy Here are 13 real ways to make money as a teenager. These are simple methods that you can implement to earn money online. You can definitely make a few dollars every month as a kid. #makemoney #earnmoney #makemoneyonline Source by hempoilfrog
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hempoilfrog1 · 6 years
Is CBD Oil Legal In All 50 States All You Need to Know!
There has been an explosion of popularity of CBD Oil due to its near-miraculous results that people have experienced. After only one or two uses many people have reported that they have seen a significant decrease in their symptoms or a total elimination of them while using CBD Oil. The more the word gets out, the more acceptance there will be for the use of this type of treatment.
  Is CBD Oil legal in all 50 States?
  That is the $64,000 question and the true answer is that it depends on what plant it was derived from. CBD or Cannabinol is a compound found in the Cannabis Sativa family of plants. It is vital to understand that there are two distinctly different subspecies of the Cannabis Sativa plant; Hemp and Marijuana.
The two plants have a very distinct difference in how they are perceived and regulated by the Federal Government (via the FDA and DEA). The difference lies in the content of the Cannabinol THC, which is a psychoactive compound that gives the user of marijuana the high effect.
    THC and the Federal Government
  It was discovered some time ago that the THC compound in the marijuana plant is what causes the high when consumed by humans. While both the Hemp plant and Marijuana plant belong to the Cannabis Sativa species of plants, one has a far less THC content than the other. The exact amount will depend on the specific variety of the Marijuana plant, but in general, there is a concentration level of at least 10%. When it comes to the Hemp plant, there is .3 % or less concentration of THC.
This is why the Federal Government does not classify the Hemp plant and any product derived from it to be illegal. As long as the THC concentration level is controlled and kept below .3% it is not covered by any federal ban.
    Hemp-derived CBD Oil – Legality standpoint
  Since the Hemp plant is legal in all 50 states any product that is derived from the plant is deemed to be legal. The key is to ensure that the cannabidiol used in all products contain .3% concentration of THC to be considered 100% legal. The fortunate part for the companies that deal in CBD and the Hemp plant is that unless the plant has been altered, there is no way that the CBD Hemp Oil will contain an illegal concentration of THC.
    Marijuana-derived CBD Oil – Legality standpoint
  There has been a lot being reported in the news about the increased evidence the marijuana may just have more medicinal uses than once believed. This has led many states to pass laws that allow the possession and use of a certain amount of marijuana (a.k.a medical marijuana) to medicinal purposes. The one caveat to this is that it still remains illegal in the eyes of the federal government and the DEA has the authority to get involved in any case involving the use and possession of marijuana.
  There has been a concerted effort throughout the country to make it possible for people with certain medical conditions to be able to legally obtain CBD Marijuana Oil (a.k.a. Medical marijuana). There are a number of states that have passed laws that make it legal for a doctor to prescribe medical marijuana. These states include Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
  There are 8 states that have opted for legalizing the possession and use for both medical and recreational use of marijuana. These states include Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. These states do not require a person to obtain any prescription or even need a medical condition in order to walk into a marijuana dispensary in order to buy marijuana.
  Are all CBD Hemp Oils the same?
  As we have covered the legality of CBD Oil and where it comes from, the next topic needs to be the CBD Oil itself. While we have answered the primary question of “Is CBD Oil legal in All 50 states”, the next thing we need to address is that not all CBD Oils are the same. There many different ways to produce CBD Hemp Oil and that makes it possible for unscrupulous companies and scammers to be able to take advantage of unsuspecting consumers looking for the best product at the best price.
  The production of CBD Oil and other Hemp derived products must follow very strict guidelines and processes to ensure the purity and quality of the products. When all of these steps are followed you can be sure that the products you are buying are going to deliver the best results possible. With there being many different methods to extract the cannabinoids from the Hemp plant itself, there are bound to be differences in how each product on the market works.
  Avoid being Scammed by Unscrupulous Companies
  Unfortunately, like in many industries, there are companies that take shortcuts in order to lower costs to ensure that they maximize their bottom line. Those companies are not concerned with whether or not the claims that they make on their websites or storefronts (brick and mortar stores) are true and accurate. Their only concern is to make as much money as they can. Unfortunately, this can potentially cause a number of issues for the person who is simply looking for a way to better manage their symptoms.
  The popularity of CBD Oil has led to an explosion in the number of online retailers looking to cash in. Using all kinds of sales techniques in order to drive up their sales, it sometimes can be difficult to be sure whether they are on the up and up or are they simply trying to scam people in order to make as much money as possible.
  The best way to avoid being scammed by one of these unscrupulous websites is to become a well-informed consumer. There is plenty of good information out there on a number of topics related to CBD Oil to help you to be able to spot deceptive claims when they are being used.
If you are looking for a good, reputable place to go to find your CBD Hemp Oil, just click here and you can see it all for yourself.
  The post Is CBD Oil Legal In All 50 States All You Need to Know! appeared first on Hempoilfrog.
from http://hempoilfrog.com/is-cbd-oil-legal-in-all-50-states/
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hempoilfrog1 · 6 years
Exploring the Proven Benefits of CBD Oil for Diabetes
According to the National Diabetes Statistics Report, almost ten percent of the United States population or approximately 30.3 million individuals have diabetes with about 23.1 million of those being diagnosed by leading clinicians and doctors . To put it simply, diabetes has become an epidemic not just for the United States but around the globe as hundreds of millions of people are affected by this metabolic disorder on a daily basis.
  Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder that is hallmarked by either the body being unable to produce insulin or being unable to properly use the insulin that is produced. Insulin is the hormone which the body uses to control the amount of sugar (glucose) in your blood. When you have diabetes, it can lead to dangerously high levels of blood sugar which damages blood vessels, nerves, and organs. In recent years, there has been substantial evidence that cannabis and CBD oil for diabetes has proven effective and preventing and treating the disease. Let’s explore what the proven benefits are and what current research has shown.
    What We Know So Far About CBD Oil For Diabetes
  Although there is a ton of anecdotal evidence available, CBD oil for diabetes is only starting to be prescribed by doctors. The main reason for this is that medical cannabis has only become legal over the past few decades and so research being done in the field is still relatively new. What we do know though is that consuming CBD oil for diabetes can act as an arterial anti inflammatory treatment which keeps blood vessels open and improves both blood circulation, lowers blood pressure, relieves cramping, and calms down restless leg syndrome.
  A five-year study that was published by the American Journal of Medicine back in 2013 took an in-depth look at how cannabis affects insulin resistance and fasting insulin. The study found that for regular cannabis users, they had a lower fasting insulin level and a lower level of insulin resistance than those who did not consume cannabis. The reason for this lies within our endocannabinoid system which is critical for establishing and maintaining our health.
  The endocannabinoid system has receptors found throughout the body, including in our brains, connective tissues, organs, glands, immune system, and in our pancreas. The pancreas is responsible for the production of insulin and intriguingly, the activation of cannabinoid receptors within the pancreas, brought on by the consumption of cannabis, has shown a positive link to insulin production. With this said, let’s take a look at the benefits that one could receive in taking CBD oil for diabetes and why these benefits occur.
  How CBD Oil Interacts With Diabetes Patients
  • It Helps Prevent Obesity: there have been numerous studies done on the correlation between the consumption of cannabis and obesity. The majority of research has found that regular users of cannabis are less likely to be obese than those who are non-users. When an individual has a lower BMI, they are more likely to have a higher metabolic rate which helps the body process calories faster and efficiently.
  • It Lowers Insulin Resistance: the underlying issue that causes diabetes is insulin dysfunction. Several studies found that users of CBD oil for diabetes had lower levels of blood glucose and a lower insulin resistance.
  • May Treat Diabetic Retinopathy: for diabetes patients who have the condition for longer than ten years may acquire diabetic retinopathy which is where the cells in the retina get progressively damaged. This occurs when there is a glucose-induced breakdown of the blood-retinal barrier and causes the neural tissue to be exposed to toxins. Since CBD oil for diabetes has anti-inflammatory properties, it helps the immune system respond to oxidative stress and eliminates it, reducing the individual’s chances of retinal cell breakdown.
  • May Treat Diabetes-Induced Neuropathy: it is quite common for those with diabetes to experience nerve damage. This type of damage can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in the organs and in any region of the body. A study that was published back in 2009 found that those who took CBD oil for diabetes experienced significant relief from pain. In addition to this, the oil helped protect the liver against oxidative stress and increased levels of nerve growth.
  All in all, there have been enough studies to show that CBD oil for diabetes could be the answer for those wanting to eliminate it, control it, and prevent the chronic condition that impacts millions of individuals across the globe.
  The post Exploring the Proven Benefits of CBD Oil for Diabetes appeared first on Hempoilfrog.
from http://hempoilfrog.com/cbd-oil-for-diabetes/
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hempoilfrog1 · 6 years
Ditch Dieting and Calorie Counting with CBD Oil for Weight Loss
When it comes to maintaining a proper body weight, millions of individuals will try anything to feel and look good, including unhealthy fad diets which help them “diet down” and excessive and obsessive calorie counting. As most of us know, the proper way to get rid of the excess fat is to eat less, move more, and have a nutritionally balanced diet.
  Unfortunately, with our hectic lifestyles, it can be extremely difficult to manage it all without the occasional slip-up or comfort food binges. Fortunately for those who are having a hard time, CBD oil for weight loss is showing promising results as a potential treatment for slimming down as well as stabilizing weight loss and here is why.
  It Induces Fat Browning
  In a recent study done for the Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry Journal, found that CBD oil actually has a profound effect on preadipocytes, which are also known as immature fat cells. Not only does the consumption of CBD oil stimulate fat genes and proteins to break down and oxidize fat but it can actually boost the activity levels of the cell’s mitochondria. When the mitochondria activity levels are elevated, this helps the body burn off more calories.
  Beyond this, it was also found that consuming CBD oil helps in decreasing the “expression” of proteins found in the process of lipogenesis which is the generation of fat cells. When combined together, these effects induce fat browning which occurs when the body converts white-coloured fat tissue into brown colored fat tissue. This process is important as brown fat burns away excess energy and reduces overall body fat, whereas, white fat stores energy.
  The Consumption of CBD Oil Suppresses Appetite
  One of the amazing phenomenons about the body is that it wants to be in balance (homeostasis), which means that for those who are overweight or underweight, are going to be unhealthy. It is well known that for those who want to gain weight, consuming THC will cause you to get the munchies, which will urge you to consume excess calories. However, CBD oil has the opposite effect, as it will suppress your appetite. Furthermore, another component of CBD oil is tetrahydrocannabivarin or THCV, which helps reduce body weight by increasing the metabolism of fat cells.
  Finally, when you consume CBD oil for weight loss, you will drastically decrease your fasting insulin levels which makes you less resistant to the production of insulin. This means that your body can better regulate blood-sugars and thereby help stave off Type II diabetes, lower your risk of obesity, decrease your heart disease risk and reduce bad cholesterol levels.
  It Can Rev Up Your Metabolic Rate
  One of the most well-known effects of smoking cannabis is the “munchies”, where an individual will have this unremitting urge to constantly eat until full. This phenomenon is associated with extremely high-calorie diets, yet despite the excessive calorie bingeing, studies suggest that there is actually a relationship between cannabis consumption and an increased metabolic rate.
  Not only are marijuana users generally slimmer than non-users, but researchers have found that chronic illnesses like obesity and diabetes are dramatically reduced in those who consume cannabis. The American Review of Respiratory Disease published a study back in 1978, studied the effects of marijuana on human metabolism and respiratory control. Although the participant pool was small, with only eight individuals being studied, it was found that cannabis had stimulatory effects on their metabolism; their metabolisms sped up.
  Back in 2013, another study was published in the American Journal of Science, illustrating that there was a low prevalence of obesity in those who consumed cannabis as users appeared to “have better carbohydrate metabolism than nonusers,” meaning that both the fasting levels were lower, they had less insulin resistance, and their bodies were able to maintain proper blood-sugar levels. Both of these have been backed by more recent findings that also state that regular use of cannabis causes a thirty percent drop in Type 2 diabetes formation. So why is this important? If you choose to consume a CBD oil for weight loss that has both CBD and THC, you are going to find that your metabolism rate gets revved up.
  Is There a Specific Way to Take CBD Oil For Weight Loss?
  Although there are a ton of different delivery methods, there are two main ways that you can use to get the slimming effects of cannabis. The first is through the inhalation of cannabis buds, however, if you are dealing specifically with CBD oil for weight loss and not burning/cooking with just CBD, then you will want to take it through the sublingual method. In addition to the slimming effects, this method is easy, well-known, and boosts appetite regulation.
  It is as simple as placing a drop or two underneath your tongue, leaving it for a minute or two, and then swallowing. Other methods include CBD vape oil, capsules, and suppositories. The only thing you need to keep in mind is to get pure CBD oil that is void of pesticides, contamination, and added ingredients.
    The post Ditch Dieting and Calorie Counting with CBD Oil for Weight Loss appeared first on Hempoilfrog.
from http://hempoilfrog.com/cbd-oil-for-weight-loss/
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shirleycaesar13 · 6 years
Top 10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Try CBD Oil
More and more is being discovered every day about the many benefits that can be gotten from the use of CBD Oil derived from the Hemp Plant. Since the Hemp Plant is not the same as the Marijuana Plant in that it does not contain the same amount of the psychoactive compound THC which is what produces the “high” effect associated with marijuana plant and medical marijuana.
There is a going debate about making marijuana legal in all states so that people can get the long known medicinal benefits of the cannabis. While 26 states have passed the legal growing, possession and using of medical marijuana, it still remains under a Federal ban. This means that the Federal Government can at any time come in and shut down any and all dispensaries if they wanted to.
Alternative to medical marijuana
Fortunately, there is an alternative to marijuana and it possesses most of the same medicinal benefits of the products made from marijuana. This alternative is called CBD Oil and it is derived from the Hemp Plant, which is also part of the Cannabis Sativa family of plants like Marijuana. The biggest difference is that it contains far less THC and therefore it is not controlled by the Federal Government like Marijuana is.
CBD Oil from Hemp
CBD Oil and all products have been seeing a resurgence in their acceptability over the past couple of years. The more that is found out about the medical benefits of CBD Oil the more that the industry will continue to flourish, which is a huge benefit for everyone. The fewer people have to rely on dangerous drugs and the chemicals that are used to make them the much more better off we will be as a society.
A big reason for the surge in the use of CBD Oil and other products from the Hemp plant has been the Internet. With so much information that has become available and more and more studies that are being done will also help to promote the use of CBD Oils.
Top 10 Reasons for using CBD Oil
  1) Does not contain THC – Since CBD Oil is derived from the Hemp Plant and not from Marijuana Plant so there is virtually no THC (a psychoactive compound which causes the high feeling). It does, in fact, contain .3% of THC, but not nearly the amount found in oils derived from medical marijuana. You will get all of the medicinal benefits without the worry of “Getting High” concerns.
2) Legal in all 50 States – CBD Oil and all products that at are derived from the Hemp Plant (Cannabis Sativa) is completely legal in all 50 states. This very different from the other Cannabis Sativa plant known as Marijuana, which is illegal in many states. So there is no need to worry about any legal issues in buying and using CBD Oil. The use of Hemp is exploding across most industries.
3) Holistic – CBD Oil is widely accepted as a whole plant product and is derived using a chemical-free process. It is a well-received alternative preparation to the most commonly used pharmaceutical medications. By using the whole plant to create it, this makes it much for environmentally friendly.
4) Promotes emotional well-being – CBD Oil has shown to be a powerful alternative to the potent pharmaceutical drugs that are frequently used to treat anxiety and several other psychological conditions. CBD Oil does not have any dangerous side effects often associated with many of the psychiatric drugs prescribed by doctors every day. The growth in its use will also help to make it a much more acceptable treatment option.
5) Promotes restful sleep – More and more is being found out about the necessity for a good night sleep as a matter of good health. Unfortunately, for many people, this is not possible, whether they have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
After taking CBD Oil many people have reported that they are now getting more restful sleep with having to rely on prescription drugs. By getting more sleep your overall health will be much improved.
6) Helps to calm stress and anxiety – One of the most reported on benefits of CBD Oil is that is a help to relieve stress and anxiety for those people who take it. With all of the known health concerns associated with being overstressed, it seems like a no-brainer that anyone dealing with serious stress issues should be using CBD Oil. Living a much less stressful life makes a huge difference in how healthy you feel overall.
7) Helps with appetite issues – There many disease treatments that require the use of powerful medications that have been known to cause issues with appetite. One of the biggest being cancer patients who are on chemotherapy and have problems with their appetite. CBD Oil has been shown to be very effective in regulating appetite.
8) Non-addictive alternative to pain medications – A relatively new benefit is being discovered of CBD Oil having to do with pain management. With the all of the concerns with the opioid issues in news lately, it good to know that CBD Oil is a non-addictive preparation that has shown to be effective in relieving pain.
9) Completely Natural Product – CBD Oil is a perfect choice for anyone who prefers to use only all-natural products that are made from a highly sustainable plant. The whole Hemp Plant is used for many different purposes and products made from it can be found all over the place.
10) A varied amount of dosage options – CBD Oil can be found in many different dosages and preparations in order for more individuals to be able to use for whichever purpose that best fits in with your needs.
CBD Oil will soon be one of the most talked about all-natural products that you can you buy that will bring the best changes to your life with subjecting you to all of the dangers associated with traditional pharmaceuticals.
The post Top 10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Try CBD Oil appeared first on Hempoilfrog.
from http://hempoilfrog.com/reasons-why-everyone-should-try-cbd-oil/ from https://hempoilfrog1.tumblr.com/post/177679893037
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jordancollier14 · 6 years
Top 10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Try CBD Oil
More and more is being discovered every day about the many benefits that can be gotten from the use of CBD Oil derived from the Hemp Plant. Since the Hemp Plant is not the same as the Marijuana Plant in that it does not contain the same amount of the psychoactive compound THC which is what produces the “high” effect associated with marijuana plant and medical marijuana.
There is a going debate about making marijuana legal in all states so that people can get the long known medicinal benefits of the cannabis. While 26 states have passed the legal growing, possession and using of medical marijuana, it still remains under a Federal ban. This means that the Federal Government can at any time come in and shut down any and all dispensaries if they wanted to.
 Alternative to medical marijuana
Fortunately, there is an alternative to marijuana and it possesses most of the same medicinal benefits of the products made from marijuana. This alternative is called CBD Oil and it is derived from the Hemp Plant, which is also part of the Cannabis Sativa family of plants like Marijuana. The biggest difference is that it contains far less THC and therefore it is not controlled by the Federal Government like Marijuana is.
 CBD Oil from Hemp
CBD Oil and all products have been seeing a resurgence in their acceptability over the past couple of years. The more that is found out about the medical benefits of CBD Oil the more that the industry will continue to flourish, which is a huge benefit for everyone. The fewer people have to rely on dangerous drugs and the chemicals that are used to make them the much more better off we will be as a society.
 A big reason for the surge in the use of CBD Oil and other products from the Hemp plant has been the Internet. With so much information that has become available and more and more studies that are being done will also help to promote the use of CBD Oils.
 Top 10 Reasons for using CBD Oil
 1) Does not contain THC – Since CBD Oil is derived from the Hemp Plant and not from Marijuana Plant so there is virtually no THC (a psychoactive compound which causes the high feeling). It does, in fact, contain .3% of THC, but not nearly the amount found in oils derived from medical marijuana. You will get all of the medicinal benefits without the worry of “Getting High” concerns.
 2) Legal in all 50 States – CBD Oil and all products that at are derived from the Hemp Plant (Cannabis Sativa) is completely legal in all 50 states. This very different from the other Cannabis Sativa plant known as Marijuana, which is illegal in many states. So there is no need to worry about any legal issues in buying and using CBD Oil. The use of Hemp is exploding across most industries.
 3) Holistic – CBD Oil is widely accepted as a whole plant product and is derived using a chemical-free process. It is a well-received alternative preparation to the most commonly used pharmaceutical medications. By using the whole plant to create it, this makes it much for environmentally friendly.
 4) Promotes emotional well-being – CBD Oil has shown to be a powerful alternative to the potent pharmaceutical drugs that are frequently used to treat anxiety and several other psychological conditions. CBD Oil does not have any dangerous side effects often associated with many of the psychiatric drugs prescribed by doctors every day. The growth in its use will also help to make it a much more acceptable treatment option.
 5) Promotes restful sleep – More and more is being found out about the necessity for a good night sleep as a matter of good health. Unfortunately, for many people, this is not possible, whether they have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
After taking CBD Oil many people have reported that they are now getting more restful sleep with having to rely on prescription drugs. By getting more sleep your overall health will be much improved.
 6) Helps to calm stress and anxiety – One of the most reported on benefits of CBD Oil is that is a help to relieve stress and anxiety for those people who take it. With all of the known health concerns associated with being overstressed, it seems like a no-brainer that anyone dealing with serious stress issues should be using CBD Oil. Living a much less stressful life makes a huge difference in how healthy you feel overall.
 7) Helps with appetite issues – There many disease treatments that require the use of powerful medications that have been known to cause issues with appetite. One of the biggest being cancer patients who are on chemotherapy and have problems with their appetite. CBD Oil has been shown to be very effective in regulating appetite.
 8) Non-addictive alternative to pain medications – A relatively new benefit is being discovered of CBD Oil having to do with pain management. With the all of the concerns with the opioid issues in news lately, it good to know that CBD Oil is a non-addictive preparation that has shown to be effective in relieving pain.
 9) Completely Natural Product – CBD Oil is a perfect choice for anyone who prefers to use only all-natural products that are made from a highly sustainable plant. The whole Hemp Plant is used for many different purposes and products made from it can be found all over the place.
 10) A varied amount of dosage options – CBD Oil can be found in many different dosages and preparations in order for more individuals to be able to use for whichever purpose that best fits in with your needs.
CBD Oil will soon be one of the most talked about all-natural products that you can you buy that will bring the best changes to your life with subjecting you to all of the dangers associated with traditional pharmaceuticals.
 The post Top 10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Try CBD Oil appeared first on Hempoilfrog.
source http://hempoilfrog.com/reasons-why-everyone-should-try-cbd-oil/ from https://hempoilfrog1.blogspot.com/2018/09/top-10-reasons-why-everyone-should-try.html
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hempoilfrog1 · 6 years
Top 10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Try CBD Oil
More and more is being discovered every day about the many benefits that can be gotten from the use of CBD Oil derived from the Hemp Plant. Since the Hemp Plant is not the same as the Marijuana Plant in that it does not contain the same amount of the psychoactive compound THC which is what produces the “high” effect associated with marijuana plant and medical marijuana.
There is a going debate about making marijuana legal in all states so that people can get the long known medicinal benefits of the cannabis. While 26 states have passed the legal growing, possession and using of medical marijuana, it still remains under a Federal ban. This means that the Federal Government can at any time come in and shut down any and all dispensaries if they wanted to.
  Alternative to medical marijuana
Fortunately, there is an alternative to marijuana and it possesses most of the same medicinal benefits of the products made from marijuana. This alternative is called CBD Oil and it is derived from the Hemp Plant, which is also part of the Cannabis Sativa family of plants like Marijuana. The biggest difference is that it contains far less THC and therefore it is not controlled by the Federal Government like Marijuana is.
  CBD Oil from Hemp
CBD Oil and all products have been seeing a resurgence in their acceptability over the past couple of years. The more that is found out about the medical benefits of CBD Oil the more that the industry will continue to flourish, which is a huge benefit for everyone. The fewer people have to rely on dangerous drugs and the chemicals that are used to make them the much more better off we will be as a society.
  A big reason for the surge in the use of CBD Oil and other products from the Hemp plant has been the Internet. With so much information that has become available and more and more studies that are being done will also help to promote the use of CBD Oils.
  Top 10 Reasons for using CBD Oil
  1) Does not contain THC – Since CBD Oil is derived from the Hemp Plant and not from Marijuana Plant so there is virtually no THC (a psychoactive compound which causes the high feeling). It does, in fact, contain .3% of THC, but not nearly the amount found in oils derived from medical marijuana. You will get all of the medicinal benefits without the worry of “Getting High” concerns.
  2) Legal in all 50 States – CBD Oil and all products that at are derived from the Hemp Plant (Cannabis Sativa) is completely legal in all 50 states. This very different from the other Cannabis Sativa plant known as Marijuana, which is illegal in many states. So there is no need to worry about any legal issues in buying and using CBD Oil. The use of Hemp is exploding across most industries.
  3) Holistic – CBD Oil is widely accepted as a whole plant product and is derived using a chemical-free process. It is a well-received alternative preparation to the most commonly used pharmaceutical medications. By using the whole plant to create it, this makes it much for environmentally friendly.
  4) Promotes emotional well-being – CBD Oil has shown to be a powerful alternative to the potent pharmaceutical drugs that are frequently used to treat anxiety and several other psychological conditions. CBD Oil does not have any dangerous side effects often associated with many of the psychiatric drugs prescribed by doctors every day. The growth in its use will also help to make it a much more acceptable treatment option.
  5) Promotes restful sleep – More and more is being found out about the necessity for a good night sleep as a matter of good health. Unfortunately, for many people, this is not possible, whether they have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
After taking CBD Oil many people have reported that they are now getting more restful sleep with having to rely on prescription drugs. By getting more sleep your overall health will be much improved.
  6) Helps to calm stress and anxiety – One of the most reported on benefits of CBD Oil is that is a help to relieve stress and anxiety for those people who take it. With all of the known health concerns associated with being overstressed, it seems like a no-brainer that anyone dealing with serious stress issues should be using CBD Oil. Living a much less stressful life makes a huge difference in how healthy you feel overall.
  7) Helps with appetite issues – There many disease treatments that require the use of powerful medications that have been known to cause issues with appetite. One of the biggest being cancer patients who are on chemotherapy and have problems with their appetite. CBD Oil has been shown to be very effective in regulating appetite.
  8) Non-addictive alternative to pain medications – A relatively new benefit is being discovered of CBD Oil having to do with pain management. With the all of the concerns with the opioid issues in news lately, it good to know that CBD Oil is a non-addictive preparation that has shown to be effective in relieving pain.
  9) Completely Natural Product – CBD Oil is a perfect choice for anyone who prefers to use only all-natural products that are made from a highly sustainable plant. The whole Hemp Plant is used for many different purposes and products made from it can be found all over the place.
  10) A varied amount of dosage options – CBD Oil can be found in many different dosages and preparations in order for more individuals to be able to use for whichever purpose that best fits in with your needs.
CBD Oil will soon be one of the most talked about all-natural products that you can you buy that will bring the best changes to your life with subjecting you to all of the dangers associated with traditional pharmaceuticals.
  The post Top 10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Try CBD Oil appeared first on Hempoilfrog.
from http://hempoilfrog.com/reasons-why-everyone-should-try-cbd-oil/
0 notes
shirleycaesar13 · 6 years
Find Out How CTFO Can be the Secret to Your Online Success
If you are looking for a business opportunity, work from home, or would like to make money online, then stay tuned since you’re going to like what we have prepared for you in this article. Working from home needs self-control with so many considerable benefits, particularly when starting up your business.
What is CTFO?
  CTFO CBD is the new website marketing system which will give you the superpowers to develop your own network marketing MLM (Multi-level marketing) business opportunity. Not so many people who have heard about the CTFO CBD, but is much more than just a new high-speed website. Since the legalization of Hemp oil in the most of states in the United States, there are so many companies which are flocking to the market today to grab a piece of the pie, and CTFO (Changing The Future Outcome) is one of them.
By considering the price provided by CTFO on its website, we can suggest that the CTFO is selling one of the cheapest CBD hemp oil as compared to its competitors. But you must know that the price isn’t the determining factor. One of the main attractions of the CTFO CBD is that they source their CBD hemp from the industrial hemp farms which produce some of the wealthiest CBD hemp in the United States. Moreover, the CBD oil is wholly isolated through CO2 extraction and crystal precipitation. Plus, it is considered of the highest grade, pesticide-free, non-GMO hemp in the world.
Furthermore, CTFO is dedicated to having the highest quality, affordably-priced products on the market. And just as importantly, they promise always to offer the unbiased, most lucrative, unique, and compelling business opportunity ever created.
  What is CBD oil and the health benefits it can provide?
If you’re still doing your research about the CBD, here are some things you may want to know. CBD or Cannabidiol is a chemical compound usually found in a cannabis plant. CBD is becoming increasingly popular amongst the consumers for having a wide scope of benefits. Today, CBD is widely used due to its anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to aid a vast number of formerly untreatable diseases and conditions. The CBD oil can assist in fighting cancer and irritable bowel, relieve anxiety and depression, improve schizophrenia symptoms, and help you get more sleep.
According to clinical reports and test data, it shows there is little to no side effects and a lack of psycho-activity which is typically associated with marijuana products and high THC. Instead, CBD attaches to the cannabinoid receptors within the human body. When the CTFO CBD is introduced into the body, it interacts with the receptors, and as a result, it promotes two-way communication between the body systems.
There is really a lot to learn about Cannabis plant, but you should know that there are two active compounds in a Cannabis plant; CBD and THC. Unlike THC, the CBD does not produce psychoactive impacts, and it seems to have a natural countering effect against the marijuana high. Undoubtedly, the CBD is going to be a game changer in the medical world. Of course, this does not give you enough good reasons to join the CTFO as a distributor. But you should that this program has led thousands of people to make a life-changing income online.
Is there an opportunity in CTFO for you which could change your financial future?
  Absolutely, and CTFO can be the secret to your online success. The main attraction of the CTFO is that they will process all the CBD order, ship all the products to your customers, provide them a 60-day money-back guarantee to ensure there is no risk, and pay you the commissions on the completed sales. Undoubtedly, there is absolutely no risk at all – you simply need to sign up and be part of the CBD Hemp oil new product line revolution. Once you sign up your free account, there are two ways you can start making money. You can make money by either selling CTFO CBD products or by referring other people to join the team and get the compensation plan.
According to Forbes, the CBD market is going to become the next billion-dollar industry and will continue growing by a staggering 700-percent in the next couple of years. By 2026, the Cannabis industry is projected to be at around $50 billion, and a good portion of that will be as a result of the hemp CBD oil products.
  CLICK HERE to Become A CTFO Associate for Free.
Why Start a CTFO CBD business today?
The CTFO offers you an opportunity to be involved in the hottest wellness trend today, and in the process, it allows you to create income by simply using the CTFO hemp oil to better your health and sharing these incredibly beneficial CBD products with others. Moreover, it allows you to take advantage of the potential to earn an income and get the benefits of utilizing a quality CBD oil for either yourself or your loved ones. Other reasons you should consider the CTFO online business today includes;
• Absolutely free to start.
• Backed by a reliable company with a proven history.
• Provides consumable products which sell due to high interest and resell due to effectiveness.
• There is a massive selection of CBD and non-CBD products.
• The manufacturer offers a 60-day money-back guarantee on its products.
• You will be provided your own website. The website will be set up and maintained for you.
• There is enormous residual income potential.
• You can work from home and on your own schedule.
The best part is that you can be in the business for yourself, but not entirely by yourself. You will surely have a whole team to assist you along the way.
So, what are you waiting for? Sign Up For Free Now 
What does it take to succeed with CTFO?
In this business, you should expect a lot of rejection especially if you are a beginner, and most of the denial tend to come from the people whom you’re close with. In order to succeed, you will need;
• A good mentor who will guide you to become a better salesperson.
• Find a new way to an infinite stream of new things.
• To stay positive at all times.
• To be incredibly hard working throughout.
• To talk about CTFO with your friends or family.
If you know you have what it takes to be successful with CTFO, we wish all the best and hope to see your success.
  The post Find Out How CTFO Can be the Secret to Your Online Success appeared first on Hempoilfrog.
from http://hempoilfrog.com/ctfo-can-be-the-secret-to-your-online-success/ from https://hempoilfrog1.tumblr.com/post/177218907082
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