#he's very anti grass incidentally .......... NATIVE SHRUBS AND PLANTS OR BUST!!!!!!
blank-house · 4 months
What are the cast's favourite flowers? I was thinking sakura for Percy of course, maybe sunflowers for Elio, but what else?? I'm so curious 🙈🙈🙈
aha, actually it might surprise you to see what the answers are. these aren't rooted in flower language or anything, mind. it's just what we think they'd generally like on the basis of objective prettiness:
percy: doesn't actually like flowers. but, he thinks clovers are cute.
elio: ālula, which is endangered. it's prehistoric. he just thinks it's pretty neat and would only want to look at it from a distance.
jamie: whatever's in season. he likes all flowers.
deja: honeysuckles, but her preference for jasmine-scented things would mislead you by a mile.
cameron: sunflowers!
reynah: roses. they're a classic for a reason.
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