#he then proceeded to say some extremely transphobic things about trans women
love-3-crimes · 3 months
theres this one guy that lives on my floor who really likes asking me weird questions just so that he can go "actually thats not true 👆" to everything i say. im at that point where i see him in the halls and i immediately turn around and leave ToT
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shametheshadow · 5 years
 Also, because one of my big pet peeves is that people like to use second-hand info and out of context stuff to condemn Pewdiepie for being an antisemite, here are the videos and pics that Onision himself posted that show he’s really kinda scummy. It’s long, so I’ll keep it below the cut.
But in short, Onision is a disgusting, vile sociopath who preys on trouble young girls. He’s a hypocrite to the extreme, using things like the law to pressure people into doing what he wants while simultaneously hopping around to states where he can avoid breaking it. Him demanding people be more proactive in helping others is fucking laughable with all the shit he’s intentionally said and done. But please, tell me more about how Pewdiepie is the antichrist and Hitler 2.0 rolled into one for some shitty mistakes and idiocy.
Meet Shiloh a girl he claimed to have gotten pregnant, used someone else’s pic of their premature child, then claimed miscarriage TWICE, oh... and also video taped her having a breakdown also TWICE. Did I mention she was 17 and he was in his mid-twenties when they started dating?
Reupload of her breakdown that he originally posted to his channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz_9s9SgQao
Her blog with plenty of proof that he’s emotionally abusive and manipulative towards her. In June of 2011 she defends him and his video of her, stating that he would take care of her no matter what, then in February of the next year she posts saying that after her supposed miscarriage where he sent to back to canada alone, she got close to someone as a friend and then he guilt tripped her to hell and back for “emotionally cheating”. (note, that he first started talking to her and admitted to giving her more attention when he was still married to his previous wife) :
Another post from her tumblr blog once she was out of the relationship about his emotional manipulation:
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Her having yet another breakdown and him filming it. He posted it because she threatened to ruin his reputation by telling people what he was really like... so I think he did part of the work for her:
And yet another blog post from her explaining that her second pregnancy/miscarriage was real and he treated her like absolute shit and caused her to get super sick:
Here claiming that he took her to a state where 17 was a legal consent age to have sex:
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Then there was Adrienne, a girl he met, broke up with, and proposed to in the span of a week... and then told everyone she had STD’s
Reposted from another blog because it was originally on googleplus: http://onisiondrama.tumblr.com/post/10459206161#notes
Him slandering and shaming her after she defended herself by releasing emails that were already leaked: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amfEGZj0JP8
Manipulating his audience while implying she has STDs among other things: 
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Finally we have Taylor/Lainey/Kai, his current wife who, like his previous fiance Shiloh, started the relationship when they were still 17.
Their admitted time of dating: http://laineybot.tumblr.com/post/91201094323/faq
Their birthday: https://www.famousbirthdays.com/people/laineybot.html
This makes them 17 while he’s very nearly a decade older (About 9 years older, short almost exactly a month)
Suspicious and weird manipulation with having them not care about whether or not people use their real name or the name Greg gave them to getting very angry with people calling them by her real name over his nickname. Also, on a side note, they say they hate their unisex name but then later comes out as trans which I believe was one of the reasons people doubt their authenticity:
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I couldn’t find the direct receipts with dates for this one so you can disregard if you’d like, but two days before her 18th birthday they secretly got married in New Mexico and stayed there while she graduated high school. But here’s a post from one of Laineybot’s exfriends also saying that Lainey/Kai’s parents had no idea: 
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And here’s Lainey admitting in a skypechat that her parents weren’t okay with their 17 year old daughter dating (let alone marrying) a 26 year old man: 
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And her admitting to the secret wedding while saying they plan to have another the next year (likely because by then she’ll be 18 turning 19):
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Onision does the sane thing and shames Lainey/Kai for staying in touch with their parents who continued to not be okay with the relationship: 
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(he doesn’t stop btw)
More manipulation from Onision: Long pic is long
When Lainey was 16 they posted they were bisexual, but refuted this after dating Onision likely due to Greg being super phobic of anyone under the rainbow, and then coming out as bi and genderqueer years later:
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But you know, people are allowed to question things... the issue is that Greg used this to bring in other girls and claim they were for Lainey.
The most infamous is Billie, an 18 year old that the 30 year old Greg got to date his 21 year old wife so she could “explore her bisexuality” but then proceeded to trap her in a poly relationship with him.
Proof that Greg wanted Billie, not Lainey.
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At the very least, he fetisished their relationship: 
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and at the worst, he manipulated it so he was involved, including a nude body massage while Lainey was out of the house:
After a messy divorce, manipulating both women, and then getting them both back they become officially poly. Because, if you remember above, Greg hates cheaters. It isn’t cheating this way. This went on and off multiple times, with Lainey getting upset because clearly Greg was just doing the poly thing to have them both rather than it being equally about all three of them. 
But perhaps the best of it, is when Billie smoked weed and wanted to see her family and Onision tried to shame her for not letting him chain her to a wall in the basement... because smoking weed violated the contract they agreed to:
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And then we have some more potential pedo stuff where Lainey and Greg groom a 15 year old, fly her out to hang out with them, and then she drops out of school and they take custody of her
And some tweets where he was super transphobic before his partner came out as trans... kinda??? (there are a lot of people in the trans community who have found it kind of questionable) and some homophobic stuff:
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More proof of his lack of empathy and his vitriolic beliefs surrounding depression, suicide, and mental illness: 
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