#he suddenly gets treated to a monologue about how this woman is empty and vapid and doesn't DESERVE him
mikkeneko · 3 months
BingYuan idea that I absolutely will not write: Luo Bingge's pov through PIDW, except that at random intervals when shitty things are happening to him he will suddenly hear a disembodied voice in his head ranting angrily about how this is all bullshit and it's so unfair and he doesn't deserve any of this to happen to him, how he is good and he deserves the WORLD, and later on always defending his questionable decisions to some unknown auditor, and it's only in the post-BingSwap special that he does some exploring past the boundaries of the world. and eventually comes to realize that what he's been hearing throughout his life has been the angry Zhongdian forum posts of one Peerless Cucumber
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