#he mostly keeps himself hidden/disguised (much like Howl) and he lives with Orthax (calcifer) and Keyleth (Merkle)
givemaycoffee · 5 months
I am curious about the ST fic but I'm gonna slap my face into attention and focus instead on what catches my eye the most (and in no way is my guess of your super top secret smutty fic): Please tell me about Pre-Bond and how your Howl's Moving Castle AU is going!
WIP Game
The idea here was a play on the idea of mating bonds, but combine omegaverse bonds with some ideas stolen from Vulcan mating bonds - namely, the titular pre-bond. Omegaverse bonds typically happen on the neck, but I was thinking a pre-bond could happen via the scent glands on the wrist.
You know the scene at the end of The Taste of You where Percy does not bite Vex? This fic was What if he did bite her but wisely created a pre-bond (which can be dissolved) rather than a full bond? So they can both reevaluate when they aren't in heat/rut. But then shit goes sideways a bit because of essentially soulmate stuff (true mates are a whole omegaverse thing also and it’s literally just soulmates). Here’s a tiiiny snippet:
She found the skin of his wrist and bit down. It was exquisite. It was all of him, his scent on her tongue and his very being rushing into her own.
Howl’s Moving Castle AU
As for HMC AU… 🥲 it’s completely still stalled. But I don’t think I’ve ever shared a snippet with you??? Apologies if I’m just forgetting, but here’s their first meeting:
She was reaching for the knife when a finely gloved hand landed on her shoulder from behind. “There you are darling, I was looking for you.” She startled at the smooth voice, looking up at the stranger who had somehow managed to sneak up on all of them. Clear blue eyes behind gold rimmed glasses met her gaze, and he smiled fondly at her. She felt a warm rush of familiarity. Except - no. She had never met this man in her life. And she would remember him if she had. 
He was far too richly dressed for anyone in her circles - ornately patterned silk waistcoat and carefully knotted cravat and shining gold buttons. His nose was handsomely hooked under dark eyebrows, and he had the pale skin of a northerner. Most striking though were his shock of white hair and his midnight colored coat that seemed to glimmer with starlight as he shifted his arm around her shoulders, pulling her against his side. He was oddly hot to the touch and looked much too young for that hair. He leaned in as he pulled her closer, and quickly murmured in her ear, “My lady, please play along. I admit, I have been itching to ruin these men’s days for ages, and catching them in such a compromising situation gives me the perfect excuse.” She had been about to shove him off, nobility as he surely must be or not, but stopped short at that. She did not need to be rescued, but also could understand the scope of the situation well enough  - no one would believe her story were she to report this herself. “Mr. Dassur and Mr. Shede, I believe?” the white haired man turned back to the two guards, who were suddenly standing straight-backed and looking rather pale. “I believe Captain Howarth will want to hear what transpired here.” With a wave of his hand, a curl of black smoke seemed to swirl around the two guards for a moment, and then they relaxed slightly, eyes glassy.  “You will tell him, in detail, what happened, won’t you?” “Yes,” they said in unison.  Vex’s heart rate picked up. Out of the frying pot and into the fire. Gods damnit. This man was far more dangerous than the guards. “Excellent. Please, be on your way. Tell him I send my regards.” They nodded, turned, and marched off, still in unsettling unison. Vex was trying to determine her best avenue of escape when she felt him pull away quickly. She looked up to find him blushing, of all things, and he executed a rather flustered bow. “Excuse my forwardness, my lady. It was completely inappropriate,” he straightened to his full, rather tall height, fixing his cloak - and it must be magical with the way she swore she just saw a little shooting star near the bottom, “but I could not let them continue getting away with such harassment. There had been prior reports, but nothing concrete enough to actually land them in trouble.”  He wrung his hands for a moment, staring off, then jerked his head back toward her.  “Are you alright?” “Ah - uhm.” She paused. Took in the concerned look in his wide, blue eyes and the polite amount of space he had created between them. “As well as I can be, I suppose.”
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