#he knows that she's got some trauma with grabbing/touching when its w/ him specifically and he's trying VERY hard to accommodate her
oneluckydragon · 3 months
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Started writing a fic back in early October and had to abandon it for a while due to IRL situations. But I've started working on it again little by little, and I am so excited to eventually share it with my mutuals and followers. I hope you guys enjoy it (I am trying my best to get it done)!
TBH my only motivation anymore is thinking about my friends having a good time reading it when it's finally posted (I love all of you very much). I cannot wait for all of these ideas to be fleshed-out on paper at last.
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Over 16,000 words and I am nowhere near satisfied yet. I feel like I can write WAY more. Stay tuned!
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reddogf13 · 4 years
Escape: To Salvation Ch: 8
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Blake X Val
Summery: Blake wakes up in the hell town known as Templegate. confused and alone he must fight through both his past and present for his future. however, hallucinations of festering demons haunt him along with something else more of mortal blood. now he must fight to keep his nightmares and reality separate or succumb to the deadly wilds. however is he truly as alone as he feels in this world?  
status: complete
rated: M - fowl language, sensitive topics, and gore
previous chap: Escape: To Salvation CH:7
next chap: Escape: To Salvation CH:9
~Ch:8 sickness~
“well, have you found anything?!” wicker yelled at the search party's who returned. “n-no sir-” one in a party stuttered. “no?! Then why the fuck are you here?! Your wasting time being here!” wicker roared at them. “w-we need to rest and eat. We can't-” the same one spoke again. “you can't work your not useful!” wicker spoke before shooting the worker through the skull. “none of you seemed to learn the first time that I wont accept failure! The remaining CEO is pissed about this and she won't hesitate to throw us all to the wolves! Don't come back! No eating or sleeping here unless you don't want to wake up! Maybe lack of both will motivate you to get this done faster.” he growled, adjusting his jaw midway. “get moving!” he roared, scaring the groups into fleeing back into the forest. Wicker rubbed his head to calm himself. until seeing the shot body made his blood boil. He kicked it multiple times with another shot fired into the bodies ribs. Already he felt like he was on the brink of a mental meltdown. The CEO thoroughly chewing him when he failed the task after morning came. Demotion she repeatedly told him. Commanding him to put someone else in charge, but he wouldn't. He smashed that radio with refusal to accept the punishment. He would succeed and no one will find out he was a lower rank then over half the workers he yelled at. “No one's going to kick me down from the CEO pedestal that i deserve.” he thought. Heading into his tent to look over the highly detailed land maps. Marking every different elevation, cave systems, cracks crevices to rivers and ponds. “have to be by the water. Cant survive the heat without it.” he growled at the map.
Blake was woken by Val helping him sit up against the wall. “wake up, you need to drink something.” she said to him. The words just getting in his fevered mind. “what?” he spoke confused. “here.” she said, carefully handing him a chunk of cactus. Blake taking a moment to study the thing handed to him. A rounded cactus piece with the spines removed and the plant hollowed to make a cup for the steaming liquid inside. A dark liquid with the lettuce shoots he had yesterday swirling in pieces along with other leaves he didn't recognize. “what's in this?” he asked. “wild lettuce, lavender, pumpkin leaves, mint and honey. It's a tea that you have to finish fast.” she told him. “so, what does it all do?” he asked, swirling the strange tea. Blowing on it to cool it for a sip. Getting an awkward amount of flavor with a hint similar to lemon from the shoots. “tastes better than it was.” he thought about the shoots, quickly swallowing the mouthfuls. “ lettuce is the painkiller that will keep you through the night. Lavender with help you sleep and get your nausea down so you won't vomit. Pumpkin leaves will handle the fever and swelling. The mint will soothe your sore throat. With the honey just to help the taste go down smoother.” she explained. “honey … where'd you get honey?” he asked. “you don't know where honey comes from?” she asked him with a interested puzzled look. Just like the time she realized Blake couldn't prepare a pumpkin. “i know where honey comes from, just where out here did you find it?!” he spoke, not appreciating the look. “you just look to the tree tops for a hanging golden hive. A buzzing sound means your getting closer. Getting it is the trickier part. Don't touch the closed hives. Only wasps live in those and they don't make honey.” Val informed him like a child. “i know that!” he snapped, chugging down the last of the strange tea. “just making sure. You don't seem to take care of yourself very well.” she said. Blake just now realizing that Val was doing something by the fire. The smell of cooking meat hitting him. “what are you making?” he said while leaning to the side to try and see. “rabbit.” she said, showing a long branch with two skewered skinless rabbits cooking. “they'll be done by the time your nausea fully goes away.” she continued. “ oh, … do you think I have an infection. It looks like I do.” he said, not wanting awkward silence to settle in. “no, its just trauma from the bites. Pushing on in the rain with those wounds did not help either. When the swelling goes down after dinner the wounds will be easier to handle.” she said. “do you have any other wounds?” she glared at him over her shoulder with a serious tone. “... I fell in a cactus patch … that's it.” he shamefully mumbled. Having Val roll her eyes back to the rabbits cooking. “ … you said kids got sick like me. What happened with them?” he quietly asked with curiosity. Knowing that the children Val looked over in the past was possibly a delicate subject. “... I warned them multiple times, but some didn't listen. … They tried to make friends with a porcupine. They didn't want me finding out about it so they treated themselves. It kept infection away, but they didn't remove the quills well enough.” Val spoke with varying expressions going from happy amusement to blank or momentary sadness at the memory. “ I found out when they started getting sick. the quills causing massive swelling followed by the skin turning dark. I was afraid I'd have to send them away like the other diseased, But after removing the quills and treating them over a few days they had gotten better.” she spoke. removing the rabbits from the fire to place them on a collection of large leaves in place of a plate. Handing Blake his so she could begin taking apart hers. Blake looked down at the cooked food with hunger and mild disgust. He wasn't used to seeing cooked animals with the head still attached. He swallowed as he carefully pulled apart the still incredibly hot meat. Blowing on it to cool it faster as he separated more from the bones. “how'd you even catch these?” he asked. Val drawing up her own questions with a puzzled look. “how do you feed yourself?! Don't you catch or grow anything?” she questioned. “well, no. the towns I live in are really big. We have certain people who farm or hunt food in large supply. Most were I live simply buy it already prepared. Like in cans, or already cut to throw on a fire. You guys seemed like you had fridges at some point. Those help in storing food too for a long time.” he explained to her. “I've seen the fridges. They used to work when I was a child. Most of us were never able to really use them like they should while growing up. Lack of power made them just metal storage for food in one spot without need of multiple cabinets.” she spoke after swallowing a bite of meat. “how does getting food where you live work? Here it was highest rank gets it all.” she said with a toss of bone to the fire. “its like what Knoth did with the guys sent to town. Give them money and they give you a certain amount of whatever. You get money by doing jobs like mine. I reported stuff and after a certain time I get an amount of money for the time I worked.” he explained, biting into a drumstick. “hmm, is your town anything like Templegate?” she asked, throwing another stripped bone into the fire. “there can be dangerously sketchy parts of town, but nothing nearly as bad as temple gate. I rather be anywhere in town then there.” he said while chewing. Val nodded as she finished off the last bit of meat from her meal. Chucking the useless bits into the fire. She moved over to be close by Blake, having him nervously swallow his food. Relaxing when he saw she only wanted to see his leg again. She pulled a large rock close in front of her and began forming a small pile of different herbs and a little water from a hollowed cactus. Creating another new paste by grinding it down with a smaller rock. “whats that do?” he asked. “helps close the wound, keeps it clean and stops things from getting in.” she finished. Beginning the painful process of packing it into the wound. When it was fully in she took out a stitching hook and wire to fully sow it shut. “where did you get the stitching supplies?” he asked. Finding himself doing that a lot lately. “so many questions. I rather be prepared for anything on this long trip into wilderness. So far its come in handy when it comes to you.” she teased grabbing a hold of his arm to examine it before he could protest it. “the swellings gone and your arm should be fine. These rotten areas will take time to treat though.” she said while smearing the last of the paste over the bite marks. Stitching the more damaged areas back together. “should I wrap them?” he asked while still trying to finish some food. “no, it's not necessary. The paste will dry and be just as good.” she advised while putting the supplies away. “stay here. I mite be gone for a while, maybe not even till night passes.” Val said as she got to her feet. “now what are you doing?” he asked, pausing on his chewing. “i need to find something specific for your arm. With the wolves hunting it'll be incredibly difficult to find. I might just have to set something up and wait a while.” she said, going off before Blake could ask what it was she was looking for. He swallowed down his food to take another bite. Throwing a pile of bones collecting up into the fire. “not as good as a steak, but any meat at this point is a gift from god.” he thought while taking meat off a bone. When he reached the head of the creature he was still hungry, but not enough to mess with it. Finding it disgusting enough just to look at. The thought of pulling it apart till he saw teeth or eyes only creeped him out more. He chucked the head along with the remaining bones into the fire. “maybe I'll have time for a bit of reading.” he thought, looking at the entrance for a moment. Laying down with his back toward the only opening. If Val returned while reading he could easily hide the book again. Carefully pulling out the book to flip through the repeating pages. The writing speaking of plague after plague. Locusts swarming fields while the wild life turned beyond vicious. Crops dying off or no longer growing causing mass starvation. Talks about the end of the world as Knoth spoke to god often over the ending world. “Disease running rampant as Knoth wanted to regrow his flock. No surprise why everybody was getting sick.” Blake thought as he scanned over knoths ramblings. The once clear writing turning messier each day. Half of some pages being more like ranting chicken scratch. A thought hit Blake over the connection of Murkoff and the sudden “plagues”. He saw all those files and recordings on the news. They did that to a whole massive asylum. Why not a tiny secluded town in the middle of nowhere. Mite be easier to run experiments on people without health officials or family trying to visit the sick. “what were those lights?” he thought. A written passage by Knoth bringing a simple delusional answer.
___________________________________________ “final corn planting before the fall. -- We have all heard the first trumpets call. The sound to announce the lord's return, to collect the worthy to join his kingdom while the sinners rot with the cursed world. When the 7th trumpet blows from a holy being of above we shall all be free of our skins. We must be patient and cannot allow ourselves to slip before our time is ready. I already had to reaffirm my followers doubts. An angry mob at the steps of my holy church. I do not blame them and pray they be forgiven. After all they are all weak despite my hard efforts. Val came today questioning the great creator. Talking about the possibility of him being no man. The lack of bare chest like the others being a point of bringing up. I told him that the flesh is simply a temporary prison that we shall soon shed. No reason to be questioning the lord on such trivial matters when the issue has been far resolved. I reminded him that deacon status was left only for man. For man was sent down to rule over the females after cursing them by taking the forbidden fruit. Only sinners lie and I reassured Val he wouldn't possibly lie to me. Val stayed with his voice faltering changing to the subject about the people next. Wondering what to do with the orphans of those sent away or deceased. I would like my flock to keep from dwindling further. Tasking him with finding a caretaker for them or bring them to work. Everyone needs to work for their share in these hard times.” “Day of first frost. -- the leaves of the surrounding trees have fully left us. The winter cold feeling harsher than the last. I ask the lord if I have failed. I've heard the trumpets call over 7 times now. With the burning lights taunting me with holy visions. The lord assures me i am doing his work, my flock will remain despite the 7th horn blow. He has bigger plans for all of us, testing us. The horns blowing more frequent with 2 happening each day and night. They bring me peace as I find handling my flock almost becoming a burden. I tell the lord of my pains. Being given the advice that I should remind them of their place. The flock is straying to someone else, but the lord did not mention who. I've sent Val to look over my flock for this hidden wolf. Nearly choked on my morning wine when he spoke of the children needing him for sick care. I told him that his job wasn't to be a caregiver. That all sick should be sent to the scalled without hesitance. That was a women job and no concern for him. After having him leave my sight I called my faithful blade Marta to my side. I was taking the lord's advice to strike fear in my flock. Have them know the wrath of god they would face if they did not accept my word. This will be a day of punishment on all the doubters.” “Mid winter -- my flock is all aligned again after the sight of burning sinners. A few hanging bodies being permanent reminders to those below their feet. Not all were celebrating this victory with me. Val came to me complaining of angry town voices followed by yelling of more parent less children. Marta forced him into place with reminder that sinners and doubters were only punished. They were straying from the peaceful fields god offers them freely. A strong hand was needed to lead them back on path. Some of the things Val said verged on the path of selfishness that I disagreed on. I got him calm like I always do when I warn him of his sins. Having him go out to spread my word of warning to any with remaining doubts.”
________________________________________ “seemed like Val had a longer hate streak for Knoth then he realized. Val was escaping his maniac grip before the heretics were formed. Sounded like the people wanted to leave, but what kept them? After all the suffering under Knoth was it fear keeping them? Cant be, just cant be after people growing so desperate. Not much to lose when all you have is starvation or being burned for heresy. “the lights and horns, as Knoth puts it, were getting quicker. Maybe the horns were just to cover the flash's true purpose. Maybe even the voice of god isn't a little voice in knoths head after all. Vals notes said she heard things as well. Brain waves, radio waves, heard myths of people with fillings getting radio waves while driving. Or pots and pans picking up radio talk when close enough to a powerful tower. If it's strong enough it might not need any metal fillings. Murkoff did mass experiments to the point of forcing survival with no mouths on patients. Why not brain radio waves scrambling minds? Geeze, starting to sound like a tin foil hat nut job.” he sighed in thought. Tapping the small book against his forehead out of boredom. “next I'll be saying the cellphones are controlled by skynet.” he mumbled, putting the book away to stoke the fire. Wincing slightly as he got up with both legs asleep. “wonder how Val will fix this? Probably will cut it out and apply more paste of some kind.” he thought, seeing the darkened areas by his sleeve as he tossed things onto the fire. Turning to the entrance at the sound of pouring rain. Discovering it to be night as only rain pouring by the entrance was shining with reflected fire light. “hope Vals doing alright. At least the rain will cover her from the wolves.” he thought, wandering to the entrance for a drink of water.
____________________________________________ “look guys we really need to stop!” a worker shouted over the heavy rain. “i agree!” a soldier shouted back, yanking a leg out of the thick mud. “what about wicker?! Another yelled. “fuck him!” another yelled. “put a fucking tent up! I am not taking another step in this shitty weather. I want to sleep and eat!” he shouted again, dropping a heavy bag to the floor. “got any barbwire for the fucking wolves?” the first shouted. Unbeknownst to them they were being watched by eyes in the mud. The mound slowly moving with the shifting of twig bunches over the body. Val had been looking for this opportunity. Creeping slowly as to not alarm the strangers. Stopping just a little away from the presence of wolfs. The rain disturbing there hunt with the cold scent covering. The creatures seeming to almost be in comas. Unblinking stares as they sat in the mud like statues. Vals eyes wandered over the mud to stop at a sizable rock. Taking a tight hold around with one quick movement throwing it into the head of a soldier. “ah! What the fuck was that?!” the one hit shouted in pain. Waving his flashlight over onto the sitting wolves. The creatures twitching to life at the disturbance. Growling followed by shrieks to announce the presence of food to others. More shrieks joining in made the soldiers tense with fear. “fucking wolves!” a soldier growled, waving his flashlight into the dark. The group forming a tight circle of protection from the unseen monsters. The sounds of rustling having one panic into shooting at the brush. A bleeding wolf full of holes still managing to run at them. Getting incredibly close before a shot to the head finished it off. More of the beasts charged into biting at the men's legs. Guns wildly firing off toward the beasts with the men falling one by one to the relentless attacks. As they were all distracted she moved to grab one of the bags dropped. Along with collecting a chunk of meat flying to the side as the wolves shook their prey. One man holding tightly to the trigger as he fell. Letting out a spray of bullets to the surrounding area. A few landing across Vals shoulder before she could get away. Hiding with a hiss of pain behind the closest tree. A wolf stopped eating at the scent of new blood. Sniffing with long wheezes at the air. The rain providing just enough cover to keep her hidden. However being this close wasn't the safest with a bloody injury. She took a few deep breaths, looking at the wolves. Waiting till they were all eating again before running from the area.
______________________________________ Blake slowly opened his eyes as the blaring sun pooled over his face. He rose with a stretch, popping his back after sleeping on a rock. Looking down at his shirt once again stained with sweat. His fever had returned worse than before. “what time is it?” he thought, carefully getting up to look outside. The feeling of sickness catching up with his waking body. Burning throat having swallowing difficult. Outside he swallowed as the cool air hit his wet skin. Wincing up to see where the sun was for a general guess of time. “afternoon?” he said, the sun blaring overhead. “val should have been back.” he mumbled. Growing anxious over the possibility something happened. “she's probably fine.” he thought to ease his concerns. “I'll just wait out here. Too hot to be inside anyway.” he spoke to himself as he carefully sat down at the short cliffs edge. He sat for a moment, almost falling off as he jumped at a breaking branch. The sound announcing Vals arrival as she carelessly walked back. “finally got them! Took a while to get them.” she spoke loudly as she approached at the bottom of the steep climb. Holding up another rounded cactus that Blake assumed was hollowed. “whered the blood come from?” Blake gestured to his shoulder, referring to the stain on Val. “i was shot.” she answered casually. “shot, what happened?!” he asked, anxiety returning. “a little trouble, they were aiming at something else. I just got unlucky in where I stood. The bullets are out with the holes shut. It'll be fine in a few days.” she told him while climbing back up. “the fevers come back.” he told her. Not wanting to make the mistake of ignoring an injury again. “i thought it would. Most the pumpkin leaves had dried out into being useless. I hoped it wouldn't come back, but now were going to treat it the long way. I can still treat the rest of the symptoms just fine. Most the medicinal plants grow around the water here.” she said as she sat down beside him. “are you going to cut the areas out or spread something on it first?” he asked as she rolled up his sleeve. “no, they'll take care it.” she said, grabbing the cactus. “they?” he asked confused. His eyes going wide as Val took the top off the cactus to reveal the hollowed area now filled with writhing white worms. “what are those?!” he exclaimed, scrambling up onto his feet away from the disgusting things. “they're just maggots.” Val stated. “I'm not putting those on my arm! I want to keep it, not have It eaten off the bone!” he shouted, keeping his injured arm close to his chest. “they only eat the dead parts they won't touch the rest. Now let me put them on.” she said, standing up so she could come near. “no! Forget the worms, just cut the parts out!” he exclaimed, hiding his arm away. “cutting it out wont leave the areas clean. It also risks damaging your arm more.” she sighed, becoming annoyed over Blakes stubbornness. “I'm not putting flesh eating worms on my arm! I'll just cut it out myself!” he growled, keeping his arm away from Val as she got closer. “you're making this unnecessarily difficult.” Val glared, tapping the cactus of maggots impatiently. “whatever, just get rid of them. I'll fix my own damn arm.” he huffed toward her while going back inside. “suit yourself.” she spoke under her breath. Following Blake inside a minute after he went. “okay, sterilize the knife and then ... just cut.” he talked to himself. Attempting to carefully heat the metal shard in the fire. Looking toward Val out of annoyance from her repeated tapping of the maggot container. Growing more annoyed at the expression across Vals face as she watched him. “don't look at me like that.” he glared at her. “like what?” she asked with a raised brow. “like what i am doing is insane.” he said, looking back toward the hot metal shard. Carefully pulling it out with a long slender branch. “let that cool. What else should I do?” he spoke to himself quietly. Thinking for a moment on what steps a doctor would do. “I'm not the one talking to myself.” she mumbled under her breath as she set the maggot container down. “what was that?!” he said angrily toward her. “nothing, just considering something.” she said, looking into her bag of medicine. “can you at least give me one of those lettuce shoots so I don't feel pain?” he asked her. “I'm not wasting valuable medicine on something so unnecessary.” she stated. “ugh, I'll just bite my damn sleeve then!” he growled, throwing his hands in the air out of frustration. He looked down to the metal to eye it on possibly being cool enough. Quickly tapping it to get a sense of how hot it was. After feeling that most the heat had left it he picked it up tightly in his hand. “just go slow, take deep breaths.” he told himself as he brought up his shaking hand. Breathing deeply as he prepared to cut into a dark spot nearing his wrist tendons. He took one last deep breath as he pressed the knife against his skin. Slashing at the air when Val threw a small pinch of dust into his face. He jumped to his feet in a coughing fit. Backing up till he felt the wall against him. He glared at Val despite the spinning world. Feeling his body grow heavy with sleep, but managing to somehow stay awake. “sit down so I can treat your arm.” Val spoke gently as she came near. Backing up as Blake swung at her with the metal. “fuck off!!” he snapped. “after that dust junk I will seriously hurt you!” he said furiously. One hand holding the blade tightly while the other practically clawed into the wall to keep him on his feet. “i only gave you enough to relax. If you don't let me look at that arm ill have to throw more at you.” she warned. Blake swallowed with a shake of his head. Holding an intense glare of anger toward her while holding his breath in long amounts. She sighed as she stood by with a intense stare of her own. A stalemate of staring commencing as neither were backing down. “your being difficult again.” she glared. “fucking wonder why?!” he snapped with a returning glare. “sit down.” she spoke sternly, coming closer. “i will fucking stab you!!” he growled as his body tensed up against the wall. “then do it!” she challenged, stepping even closer. Blake roughly swallowed as that was the last thing he expected her to say. His heart skipping a beat in his chest with his hand now shaking. “i-i will!” he warned again with a stutter. Growing increasingly fearful as his hollow threats were no longer working. He was horrible at fighting even if he was getting his ass kicked. He couldn't count the number of times lynn had to save him from assholes punching his face in on the reporting field. Val walked forward despite his warning. Having Blake freeze up in fear against the wall. until his terrified brain remembered the exit. He only did a quick glance before he bolted for the exit. Val reaching out in time to just grab his collar to yank him back. Blake swung out his arm as he felt himself fall backwards. Accidentally slashing deep into Vals arm having her release with a tight wince of pain. When Blake hit the floor he froze up after seeing the injury he had caused. Flinching his eyes shut as Val moved toward him, expecting a hit or some kind of harm to come to him. Wheezing in a sudden breath of air as he was surprised by Val straddling him. He was stopped from sitting up by Val pushing him down with a hand on his chest. “settle!” she commanded down to him. He swallowed thickly while trying to desperately breath through his asthma. “get … off.” he managed to wheezed out. Having Val sit over his chest not being the only thing adding to breathing difficulty. It dragged up dark memory's of the mines seeing her over him. A painful feeling of his heart seizing in his chest like his rib cage was being crushed. Val got off when she saw his distressed breathing. Sitting by his side to carefully watch him if something went horribly wrong. Blake carefully moved onto his side. Wheezing with his head lowered to the ground. Body shaking out of his control while remaining on the floor. Taking repeated deep breaths to stop his chest from crushing his heart. He shut his eyes to rest for a moment when his breathing returned and the crushing pain left his chest. His body no longer shaking, but now covered in a thick layer of sweat. Val remained sitting quietly by him keeping a watchful eye as he recovered. “do you want to rest?” she asked when a few moments passed. “lets just get it done.” he grumbled about the arm issue. Sitting back up with a tired groan when a headache hit him. He felt exhausted after the whole thing, but really wanted to get it all over with. He watched Val nervously as she collected the maggot holder. returning with it to be at his side. She rolled up his sleeve before opening the container of worms. Blake looking away to swallow thickly at the disgusting site of writhing maggots. When he felt her begin to set worms across his arm he turned pale. Letting out a sickly groan while continuing to face away. Feeling that if he dared look he would soon lose his stomach. “how long will this take?” he asked with a shaking voice. “a day, but the areas will be completely removed and clean by the end.” she answered as she finished spreading the worms. “here, so you don't have to watch them.” she added, beginning to wrap his arm in a large sterile hospital bandage. “where'd you get that?!” Blake asked when he saw the wrapping. It certainly wasn't one of his, much too big and still a freshly white color. “one of the strangers bags.” she answered, tying the bandage off. “don't touch it or you'll disturb the work.” she told him in a serious tone. “how many did you get? Did you get anything else?” he questioned, looking to and away from his arm in disgust. Although he couldn't see the worms, he could definitely still feel them. Like a strange static tickling sensation slowly shifting all over his arm. “only 6 of these rolls. The rest were maps, dynamite, and what I assume were radios among other strange things.” she said. “dynamite …?” Blake repeated with concern. “what could they want with dynamite?” he asked. “block exits. I used to go out with a party to cause rock slides to mess with knoths followers. Made picking them off easier.” she spoke while tending to the fire. Sitting down by it to see her injury better. The large cut Blake had caused being in need of stitches. The sight of the wound having Blake want to apologize for it. However the dark memory he went through made him angry and unwilling to. “why'd you bother with Templegate if you hated everything so much. Sounds like you could have easily destroyed the town. Why didn't you? Were you afraid of Knoth?” he angrily talked. “i wasn't afraid! I wanted him to suffer!” she roared,standing tall over Blake for such an accusation. Giving Blake the most hate filled glare he'd ever seen. That saying something as reporters got those commonly. “i wanted him to see his failures! Have his flock either picked off or leave him for dead! Watch as the town he worked so hard to build to burn in flames! After that I would make it my job for him to live as long as possible. I wouldn't have allowed him the easy way out. He would have been a precious pet in some pit I threw scraps down to now and again.” she spoke with pure hate in a loud voice, calming down by the end of it. “... wouldn't it have been better to leave?” Blake spoke quietly in a gentle tone. “i considered it once.” she said, throwing another branch into the fire with anger. “so, what happened?” he asked. “you fell from the sky.” she stated, heading for the entrance. “oh. ...what are you doing now?” “need to collect water for your medical tea. With a new cactus to hold it all in.” she yelled from outside as she headed to the water's edge. He swallowed at the remembrance he was sick. The whole adrenaline rush he just got taking his mind off it. His body feeling sore all over with added exhaustion coming on. A fever burning hot that he would just have to deal with till he was better.
“fucking idiots taken down by a bunch of mange ridden mutts!!” wicker shouted as he kicked a head ripped clean from its body. “these are not normal wolves sir. They've suffered so much mercury poisoning they don't recognize they're limits. They just keep attacking with no sense of pain.” a worker explained. Raising a bullet filled mangled wolf body with gloved hands. “whatever! Just regather the supplies back. I better not find any of you camping like these half wits either! Ill find out and throw you to these bastards!” he shouted over the group. Picking up a dead wolf by the neck to shake it at them before throwing it into a pile of mangled bodies. A beep coming from his wrist had him stop. Turning ghostly pail with a thick swallow of nervousness. He shakily brought up his wrist to look as a small message pad. An alert that the CEO had sent him a new message. He nervously opened it to find a furious message. “i know what your doing out there! I had the lab keeping tabs on you since this disaster started. You cant just ignore me after “fixing” the radios to deny my frequency. Your going AWOL and Murkoff is not happy about your disservice! Currently I have no choice but to allow your circus to go on. I cannot send anyone from the lab and all my field men are stuck with you. As of right now i am begrudgingly giving you a week, a full 7 days to fix this before I arrive to fix it! Get your shit together before then wicker!” he let out a sigh of relief followed by a hysterical laughing fit. Causing all around him to stop with concern. When he noticed the pause his laughing turned to aggression. “what are you looking at?!” he snapped, scaring everyone back into their work. “sir -” a worker spoke. “what?!” wicker interrupted with a snap. The worker gulped before starting again. “a bag is missing.” the worker spoke more timidly. “what bag, whats it holding?” he asked quickly in a demanding manner. “medical equipment, a supply of demolition dynamite, and a portable communication radio set up.” the worker answered. “all of you look for a bag!” wicker shouted into his radio. Getting multiple confirmations over radio of the order being heard. “we found a bag far off by a severed arm covered in maggots.” a soldier called in. “anything missing?” wicker asked. “all the medical bandages. Everything else was left.” the soldier answered. “at least one of them is nearby. Search for tracks or anything else around that bag.” wicker commanded. “yes sir.” a quick reply was returned.
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 years
A Stranger Things Fanfic
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Chapter Eight- Part Four
   Phina woke up in a hospital bed, hooked up to multiple machines. Her head was pounding, her leg, burning. She almost didn't know why, until the memories came back. A tidal wave of trauma that almost swallowes her whole.
   "El," she whispers, her voice cracking, "Eleven?"
   A nurse, who was checking all of her machines, snaps her head over towards the girl, wide eyed.
   "Oh my god, you're awake," she shouts.
   "Why is that so shocking," Phina asks gruffly, raising one eyebrow.
   "W-with the w-wounds you sustained, and the amount of blood that you lost, we thought you would go into a coma," she explained.
   Phina lookes at her, wide eyed, "how long have I been out?"
   "Only a few hours since we found you," the nurse says, "which is why I'm so shocked. Oh my god, what am I doing, I'll go get your parents."
    The nurse rushes out of the room leaving Phina to her own mind. She was ok, but was El? Something told her that the girl wasn't ok, that something bad had happened to her.
   Karen Wheeler rushes into the room, letting out a cry when she sees her daughter, Ted Wheeler walking in calmly behind his wife. Without hesitating, Karen runs towards the redheaded girl, pulling her into a warm embrace. Phina winced, white hot pain lighting through her. She didn't care though, she wrapped her arms around her mother, hugging her just as tightly.
   "Oh my god Phina! Why do you have to scare me like that," Karen sobbed into her daughters hair.
   Phina didn't answer, she couldn't, her mind was on over drive, the trauma she'd been through, was holding her tongue like a snake holding its prey.
   Her mom pulled away, but Phina didn't have anytime to breathe, as three bodies bounded towards her. Mike got to her first, wrapping his arms around her torso.
   "Don't hog her all to yourself Wheeler," Dustin yelled, rounding to her other side, copying Mike.
   Lucas pushed Dustin over, "you're one to talk!"
   Phina yelpes when the intense pain flashes through her again, making all three boys jump away from her. They looked at her wide eyed, but she gave them a calm smile.
   "I'm a little battered and bruised up boys," she joked, "you gotta be careful with me."
   They gave her cute childish nods, Dustin giving her a mock salute. She saluted him back with a chuckle.
   "How's Will," Karen askes the boys.
   Phina glances at her mother, and then looked back at the boys, "they got him?"
   Lucas nods, "he woke up an hour ago, we were with him when they told us you were awake."
   Phina let her head fall back against her pillows, thanking any and every god or goddess she could think of. Will was ok, her boys were ok, they'd all be ok.
   She turned her head to look at her parents, "could you get me some water, and something to eat?"
   "Of course," Karen jumpes, "is there anything specific you want?"
   "Anything," Phina replies shortly.
   Her parents leave the room hesitantly and she waites a moment before she lookes back at the boys, "what happened, after I blacked out?"
   The smiles on the boys faces fell, Mike's head dropping so he could look at the ground.
   Dustin lookes at the other two for a moment, but sighed and turned back to Phina, "you and El where surrounded by this, this, I don't even know, we couldn't see you.
   "All we could hear was El screaming and the Demogorgan screeching, then this blinding white light bursted from the center of the darkness, and it disappeared just as quickly as it came, the black stuff leaving as well. El and the Demogorgan were gone, and you were laying on the floor, burning, like actually burning. You were on fire," Dustin shudders at the memory, "Lucas grabbed the fire extinguisher and put you out, but we couldn't touch you for a good 20 minutes because you were still radiating heat."
   Lucas liftes his hand and shows her a little burn mark on his finger, "I didn't even touch you, I was just reaching out to touch your shoulder and the air around you burned me."
   Phina held her hand to her mouth, to keep a sob from releasing. El was gone, and she had hurt Lucas.
   "Oh god, Lucas I'm sorry," Phina said, reaching her hand out to grab Lucas's burnt hand.
   "I'm ok, really. It only stung for a second," he smiled at her.
   Phina then turnes her head towards her brother, who had not looked up from the ground this entire time, and she saw the single tear drop from his eye. She gave the other boys a look and they both nod in understanding, leaving the room.
   "We're gonna go check on Will," Dustin says.
   "Yeah," Lucas agrees.
   They leave and Phina turns to Mike, a sad smile on her face. She slowly moves her body over to one side of the small bed, tapping the spot next to her. Mike doesn't say anything, but he climbs into the bed besides her.
   They lay next to each other, their hearts both breaking because of the girl they lost. Phina puts her arm around his shoulders, comforting him in silence. He rests his head against her shoulder, letting out soft cries. She doesn't shush him, just lets him cry. He needed to cry, they both did.
   Her own tears finally flowed, for the girl she shared the same past with, for the girl who quickly became a sister to her, for Eleven. She was truly gone, just as quickly gone from their lives as she had entered it. El had lived her entire life in Hawkins Lab and had only experienced a week of freedom, and she was on the run for all of it. El deserved more than she got, she deserved a life of happiness and friendship, but she was given the short straw, and Phina will forever hate whoever decided fate. Why her, why not me, why did you have to pick her.
   Their parents come back into the room, but one glance at their kids, and they were walking back out.
   Mike's sobs slowly fade into soft cries, hiccuping every few seconds.
   "She's gone Phina, she's gone," Mike finally whispers.
   "I know," she grips him tighter, "I know."
   Mike grabs her shirt, holding it like a life line, "and I almost lost you."
   Phina's heart shutters, breaking slowly into a million pieces, "I-I...."
   She didn't know what to say, what could she even do to console him? She had almost died, had almost been gone like El, she couldn't imagine what that would do to him.
   She sighs, "I know, Mike, I know that what I did was reckless, but I did it for you guys, my boys. El and I, we were not going to let anything happen to you, and we were willing to die for it, for you. I will not apologize for protecting you, never."
   "But you promised," Mike whispers, "you have never broken a promise."
   Phina nods, "yes, I did break my promise, and I'd do it again a million times to make sure you were safe."
   Mike looks up at his sister, "I know you would, and that's what scares me the most."
   She smiles at him, "you don't have to be scared anymore Mike, because the Demogorgan is gone, and Will is back, and we will all heal. Together."
   Mike smiles back at her, holding out his pinky finger for a pinky swear, "together."
   She wraps her pinky around his, "always and forever."
   "Always and forever."
-1282 words-
If any of you watch The Vampire Diaries or The Originals, I'm sorry but I couldn't help myself but use it, it's to cute not to ok. Anyway, hope you liked the Mike and Phina scene, I honestly love it because I love sibling relationships in anything really. Next part is going to be the last of season one, hope you're ready for it.
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