#he is like uhmmm what would alcohol fix
misfortunegirl · 2 years
perhaps i am mad....
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lavendertwilight89 · 4 years
And we alllllllll know our girl the smut queen of the kingdom so what did I do??
You have been warned!
Here is the link to AO3
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@dangerouspompadour @lemonlushff @willowandfog @cstormsinukagblog @littlestuffstohide @clearwillow @ruddcatha @hnnwnchstr @smmahamazing @wolverine1092 @inuyashaloverforever @xfangheartx @umacaking @bluejay785  @murdergiraffe @superpixie42 @shnuggletea @sistasecbhere @nopenname22 @mcornilliac @sapphirestarxx @fawn-eyed-girl @liz8080 @shinidamachu @keichanz @neutronstarchild @arcprz @eternalnight8806-3 @kaze-ranna Kagome awoke to a pounding headache. It literally felt like it weighed as much as Hiraikostu. Kagome had only tried to pick it up once until she realized it weighed like a thousand pounds. Ok, that was an exaggeration. But not by too much. 
It had been a little less than a month since she had returned to the feudal era to be with Inuyasha. Yesterday was her birthday (at least from what she calculated). She had been so excited that she demanded that everyone celebrate. Everyone in her context meant Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Kaede, Rin, Kirara, and of course, Inuyasha. Not the whole village.
But the headman insisted. She was training to become the new head priestess to take over for Kaede. Because she would become such an icon in the village, the headman proclaimed that this would also serve as a welcome back party as well as an introduction to her becoming a priestess in the village since originally she was ‘traveling’.
And did they celebrate. Kagome had never really partaken in drinking before. She had gone to highschool parties with her friends but it had never really piqued her interest to become so intoxicated she wouldn’t be able to remember what she had done or had her thoughts blurred and do something she’d regret the following morning.
Her friend Yuka had been on the wrong end of some alcohol; her boyfriend and her had gone all the way on accident. Something of which Yuka regretted because not only did she not remember her first time, but they had also gotten into such a huge fight about everything, they had broken up.
However every villager wanted to share the cup with her. They were so excited she had returned and wanted the blessings her presence offered. They were also thankful for a stubborn and gruff half-demon to be present for once. They claimed he had been so distant since her departure that her appearance was amazing. 
The called her return a sign from the Gods that their village would prosper; the fact not only a strong and loyal half-demon but also a powerful priestess, both of whom battled and slayed the evil Naraku, were staying and living in the village could only mean they would have good fortune and tidings.
The villagers also coaxed Inuyasha into drinking with them--something of which she had never really seen him do aside from when they visited the poison master when Sango needed her weapon fixed.
However, she learned then as well, he had a very high tolerance. She… did not.
She was about six cups in when she noticed him lingering near her, unwilling to separate from her. Not that she complained. Oh no. She did not at all. In fact, her body craved for the touch and closeness of him.
For three years all she had was wild fantasies about her untamed hanyou. And the night she returned… well… that had been the night. They spent the whole night learning every dip, curve, swell, blemish, and nook their bodies possessed. He kissed, laved, nipped, nibbled, and bit every surface of her. She, of course, returned the favor. But his marks remained for days, the thoughts still made her shiver from joy and heat. Heat in her belly that demanded he do it all day everyday. 
He also ended up marking her to her absolute happiness; something he had originally wanted to wait to do but after multiple couplings and when he finally took her on her hands and knees, he couldn’t stop himself. She assured him that was exactly what she had wanted though.
She felt something move beneath her that brought her out of her dazed and blissful thoughts of her mate. Wait--where was she?
Groaning she started to sit up, realizing immediately that was a very poor decision. Thankfully the body she was apparently laying on pulled her back down to lay on the hard chiseled chest she had fallen asleep on.
“Rest,” he moaned.
“Yash…?” She whispered hesitantly. What was he doing there?
“Nah, I’m my fucking brother. Duh, it’s me. You think I’d let anyone in your hut to see you like this?? To let anyone lay with you like this??”
“To be honest, I don’t remember too much from last night and your voice sounds nails on a chalkboard--”
“Nails on a what?!”
“Sorry, thing in my world Just shhhhh…” she whispered snuggling into his bare chest before she felt him tense.
“Please, just--lemme sleep like you just told me to??”
“Why are you acting so anxious? I was just making sure it was you.”
“Why though? Is there someone else that you’d wanna be this way with?’
“Don’t be ridiculous, of course not!” she yelled sitting up, immediately regretting the action. “Why are you being so insecure! I told you when I came back I wanted to be with you! You were the one who wanted to hide our relationship for the time being!! You were the one who didn't want to get caught in my hut at night!"
“Yea, well, that was more for your honor than mine.”
“Why?! Did I say something last night that indicated I didn’t want this??”
“Not in so many words…”
She finally took her bearings; they were in her hut, on her futon, she was still in her miko garbs--at least her haori. Her hakama were tossed by the door of her hut along with her panties. Inuyasha was sitting up leaning against the wall behind them gazing down at her worriedly. What did she do or say that got him so rattled up?
“What happened??”
“What do you remember exactly?”
“Drinking… I remember sharing a lot of sake with people for ‘good fortune’. They should have called it for ‘good death' instead. Ugh, can people die from being hungover?”
“Keh, Miroku and Sango drank a decent amount at their wedding but were fine the next morning. Must just be weak priestesses.”
“I’d take your words more seriously if you were wearing a shirt and weren’t holding me close to your God-like body.”
“Don’t pout it’s not becoming, Inuyasha.”
“Go on. What else do you recall?” He pressed on. He was certainly touchy that morning.
“Uhmmm… after the sixth villager I remember you were starting to stick close to me.”
“Yea, because you were getting friendly.”
“Yea, giggling and laughing at those stupid men in the village who were trying to hit on you and shit.”
“Ohhhh, well what they said must’ve made me laugh because of the alcohol and knowing they’d never get their shot with me.”
“Shesh, did I not blow you last night or something? You’re extra cranky.”
“And now you think I’d take advantage of a woman like that?!”
“Jeez what is your problem!?! I told you I love you, stupid. You. As in you, Inuyasha. Y-O-U! I have never thought about another man before or anything else. We have obviously been intimate since I got back and I had no thoughts on stopping anytime soon! Why are you being so jealous and upset right now?! I was marked as yours!”
“Because when I started growling you sat me into the fucking ground and told me to behave like a fucking ‘good boy’.”
Kagome couldn’t help but laugh. Hard. It shouldn’t have been that funny. Honestly, if she was Inuyasha, she would likely be upset too but she could honestly picture the whole scene of her being ditzy, staggering around, and then him being too possessive and her reacting like she used to in the old days.
His snarl and sudden movements beneath her jostled her. Ugh, her stomach hurt. Did she mention her head hurt? He made to grab his kosode when she stopped him. 
“Wait, wait, I’m sorry. I was just picturing it. I’m sorry. You know I don’t think of you like that, Inuyasha. I want to be your mate and wife. I’ve let you take me from behind, let you lick, nip, and bite all over my body. You know I don’t have an issue with you being half inuyoukai. Hell, I even rub your ears after we’ve had sex. Did they say something??”
“More or less,” he said, averting his eyes.
“Inuyasha. You know what other people say or think doesn’t matter. What matters is that I love you. Claws, dog ears, silver silky smooth hair, amber eyes that I could get lost in for days…” Oh Gods… she had stood and pulled his face to hers and true to her words; she was lost. Her core begged for him already. Demanded his attention. The mark on her back called to him.
Obviously they hadn’t had sex or anything last night; he was offended at the idea of taking her when she was that far gone. Again, something likely a villager man said. But she couldn’t imagine she actually flirted with any of them. She obviously made it home with him. Clearly tried to do something with him as well to which he stopped.
“Fuck. Kagome--I’m trying to be mad at you,” he groaned pressing his nose into her shoulder. “Stop smellin’ like that.”
“Can’t help it,” she breathed as her finger began to dance along the sides of his body until they reached the obi of his hakama and slightly tugged testing to see how mad he actually was...
When his hands didn’t stop hers, she released the tie and fell to her knees and engulfed his already hardened length into her mouth.
His claws stroked her scalp and threaded through her hair. Gods, his moans, his groans, his growls made her so wet. But this was about calming the inner beat within him. Or, was it about counseling the human heart that felt so many doubts? Who really knew. Either way, this was about proving her love to him. Ensuring he knew who she really wanted in her life, in her body--and currently in her mouth.
She used her tongue to coat his cock with her spit to make sure it was slick and ready to be taken fast and hard. She learned quickly she lacked a gag reflex. Thank every Kami out there because Inuyasha was far from average. In regards to everything. Bobbing her head, she ate his sounds like they were her fuel; technically they were since they were the things that made her grind her own thighs together for some relief as the flame in her own sex was growing larger and larger, demanding for someone to stroke it. But this wasn’t about finding her own pleasure. No. Not yet.
That morning it was all about him. She felt his cock twitch in her mouth and so she did what she knew how to do best since they started learning about their likes and dislikes; she took her hand and fondled his balls, her other wrapped around his body and scratched his back as she moaned around the cock that was deeply buried in her mouth.
“Fuck, Kagome--I’m gonna--” he whimpered needily and desperately. His little ears were pressed so hard to his head and his eyes were squeezed shut.
She hummed her response knowing that he loved the sensations. He loved that she would drink him up without hesitation. But why wouldn't she? She’d do anything for him. If that meant swallowing his cum, she would. It wasn’t bad either. She liked how he tasted. As dumb as it sounded, it tasted like sex. And it was hot. Especially when he would throw her down after and lavish her body in return.
He came after another bob of her head while her teeth lightly grazed him on the way back down. She remained there, using only her tongue and hand to continue to lave and rub him to keep his erection going. Part of him being far from average; he could go multiple rounds without rest.
“Good?” she finally asked as she withdrew her mouth, smirking up at him.
“Dirty trick, wench,” he growled as he hoisted her up by her shoulders.
“Mmmmm, that’s why Sango and Miroku weren’t hung over. Drinking your partner helps hangovers,” she teased, lying through her teeth. Or maybe it was true. She didn’t really know for sure. But it could be slightly true? 
“Is that right?” He caught the joke and wanted to play in return.
“Probably why I wanted you last night,” she waved her arm towards her pants.
“Keh… You definitely wanted it.”
“Why didn’t you--”
“We’ll talk after I take care of you,” he smirked, pinning her to the wall and dropping to his own knees. He hoisted up her leg over his shoulder and dug in. Literally.
She had heard other girls complain about when guys would go down on them. How it wasn’t… good? How they had no idea what they were doing. Their tongues never hit the correct spot, but that was so far from the truth for Inuyasha. In fact, he knew exactly where his tongue should be but the jerk loved teasing her. Making sure he swept every part of her folds. Licking up and down her core like he was taking a leisurely stroll down memory lane as her breath hitched, her legs trembled, her coil tightened in her belly.
While she got off on the vulnerability he showed her and only her, he got off from her pleading to him to continue, demanding he finish exactly what he started. Asshole. He loved to ravish her. Make her keen, cry, wail. He also loved that he made her swear. Something so unlike her--but the way he would bring her to the brink of finishing to only backtrack made her go mad with want.
The number of orgasms he’d given her definitely outweighed all of ones she gave to him. He never once left her hanging--usually he made sure she had released twice before even thinking of letting himself go. But, that also meant he wound her so tightly once she did come, she would continually go on and on and on and onnnnnnnn. 
He would purposely stimulate her to the point she would scream and wantonly cry out for him. He loved to hear his name on her tongue. Whatta jerk. A hot, God-like jerk.
His tongue circled and laved throughout her folds while his fingers poked and prodded her opening. Shit. She was already burning and he just started. Her head hit the wall of the hut as she desperately tried to control her treacherous hips that moved in time of his crafty tongue.
“Ah ah--what is my name, Ka-Go-Me?” He reprimanded, nipping her bud. Fuck. 
“Inuyashaaaaa,” she cried out begging for him to end her misery of where she stayed in limbo of burning in a freaking inferno versus dipping into the cool pond for a bath.
She was sweating, aching, burning, damnit--she could feel her walls twitching, begging for him to actually enter her. She wanted that cock too. Oh, did she want it inside of her. 
For as large as it was--for as big and tall as he was in comparison to how short and small she was, he fit perfectly. They were made for each other.
That was something he proclaimed the first night she had returned: that he was born for her and she was born for him. The fact he felt that strongly towards her, even though she hadn’t had any doubts about returning, put her racing mind to rest.
During their first night, she had grown self-conscious slightly. She began to wonder if they were moving too fast, what if she was still just an image of what Kikyo once was--but those words put anything else she had thought in regards to her being a replacement to bed.
She was born for him. Not Kikyo. While he had loved Kikyo, there had been no trust between them; that was all that was between her and Inuyasha. Between the fights with Monumaru, Tsubaki, Naraku--they had each other.
“Pleaseeeeee,” she wailed, gripping his silver hair between her fingers, bringing his head to where she needed him most. His lips wrapped around her clit, sucking hard while his fingers teased her fluttering walls. 
“Only because you asked nicely,” the jerk smirked before finishing her off. The. Jerk. Smirked. God, she hated him sometimes. It just wasn’t fair. 
When his mouth wrapped around her nub, and his fingers danced their sinful dance right at the opening to her pussy, she screamed. Unabashedly. She slightly hoped the villagers heard her call out his name so that there would be no more of this nonsense of who she should marry. It was always Inuyasha. It would always be Inuyasha.
After he had sufficiently licked up her overflowing juices, he removed her leg from his shoulder and she sank down hard. Her legs were pure jello.
He held her close to his chest and she relished the purr (rumble, it was a rumble he told her) he admonished to her. 
“Gods,” she exhaled, nuzzling into his chest.
“You keep saying that,” he chuckled.
“Because it was that good.”
“Ready for another round?”
“God please, but this time--” she didn’t have time to finish as he ripped off her haori tossing it with her hakama-- wait why didn’t she have a bra on?!-and flipped her around to place her on her hands and knees which made her laugh with mirth. 
“Yessss,” she sighed as he entered her dripping wet sex hard and fast.
He wound his hand in her hair, not too tight though to hurt her, but more of leverage for him, but kept a hand on her hips and he thrusted repeatedly into her at his demonic inhuman speed. Oh, she was already on her way to orgasm number two of the day. 
“Yassssh,” she whimpered.
“Come for me, Kagome,” he ordered harshly through his own gritted teeth. She realized he was still wound up pretty tightly from whatever happened last night. Even taking her in this position was some type of instinctual response to needing to prove something to her--or to himself.
But who was she not to listen to what he said? Well that was a lie; they used to fight about that all time but in the privacy of her--their own hut, he was in charge most nights. And she didn’t give a shit.
She felt herself clamp down uncontrollably around him as she called out her pleasure to him.
“Kagome,” he said softly, letting her ride out her release on his still deeply inserted cock. He nuzzled her neck and kissed from behind her ear to her shoulder until he bit on the mark he gave her after their first time on the forest floor just above her shoulder blade.
He had said it would be well hidden if it was there--it also was the spot he said called to him the most. Something about inuyoukai traditions.
She didn’t argue. It just meant she was his. Permanently. Well, at least in front of their friends. The villagers were still another story.
He pulled her hair a little until she was perched on his lap, her ass slamming down on his sweat glistened thighs, her full breasts bouncing up and down with every downward motion she took to take him further inside of him, and every upward thrust he returned for her to swallow him fully.
“Inuyasha,” she bellowed as his hand slid from her hip to her clit and began to rub circles. Bastard. She was wound so tight she thought she might die. There’d never be any form of relief as he continued to slam into her and vice versa.
His other hand released her hair to grab her breast to flick, pinch, and twist at her nipples. Without that hand, she would have likely ended up face first into the ground. She felt like she was having an out of body experience. She was too excited, too aflamed, too stimulated. Damn him. 
“I’m close ‘Gome,” he finally gritted against her shoulder. She shuddered and keened as she rotated her hips seductively trying to coax him to let go. Show her his vulnerability. Release into her. Give her all of him without reservation or hesitation.
“Come on Inu--ahhhh-yasha,” she said brokenly, bringing one hand behind her to grasp his head to keep him by her mark, and the other to replace his hand that was teasing her nub.
He took the cue and replaced his hand on her hip as she took over stimulating herself, still holding him in place by some force or grace of God so that he could watch what he had turned her into.
Some sex-crazed woman. Correction, a woman who craved sex from him and only him. No man would ever be able to take his place. None. It could only ever be him. 
She finally felt him tense and groan out a long exaggerated growl as she wailed her next release as he howled his. It was like they both had levitated off the ground as his mouth took hold of her shoulder and bit down hard.
Stars. She literally saw stars. 
Coming down from their high, she turned her head to gaze upon his satisfied tired face. She smiled an exhausted smile to him and kissed him passionately. 
They exchanged caresses and heated but calming kisses until he finally lifted her from his lap fully.
“Calm now?”
“Yea… sorry. My inner demon has been going crazy since last night.”
“So, what happened after I sat you in front of the village men?”
“After they started joking around like jackasses, you dumped sake on them and yelled at them for insulting your mate.”
“Oh Gods… I’m so sorry.”
“Ah, nah, it gets better.”
“I’m sure that’s a lie.”
“Ohhhhhh… but it does. Then after you said it, you realized what you said and made it a point to try and disprove it for the rest of the night by talking to other men. Accepting their efforts and invitations to court you. I was literally losing my shit. But unfortunately, I see now, that it is actually not your fault. It’s mine.”
“Come again?” He was admitting he was wrong? Him? Inuyasha? Wrong???
She actually felt his forehead, “Are you sick??”
“Cut the shit, Kagome. It is. I made it so… impossible for you to even express that we were together. And then when you finally told everyone, the way they reacted…”
“Was it bad??”
“No. They actually seemed unsurprised. Almost happy until you started your shit trying to apologize to me and acting like it wasn’t true. It was unrequited or whatever. Then they only seemed to get a lot of jollies out of it not because you were actually back on the market, but because they could tease me.”
“Please tell me I didn’t do anything else that was that bad or stupid.”
“Nah; After the fourth guy to approach you I finally flung you over my back and brought you back home. One dude was brazen enough to try and come in here at night. He wasn’t expecting to find me.”
“Oh Gods…”
“Yea… remind me to kick Sasuke’s ass later. Jackass.”
“Did he… did he see anything?”
“Aside from you on top of me, begging to have sex? No,” he said nonchalantly. “But don’t worry, I’m gonna gouge his eyes out later. Or burn them. Whatever way I think will make him forget he saw you like that, I’ll likely do.”
“Inuyasha--as long as he didn’t see us actually do anything it’s fine.”
“Making out with you is fine??”
“Oh yea, that’s nothing,” she soothed.
“I know things are different here--but trust me when I say that’s not as bad as I thought it would be.”
“Guess you’re right, he coulda walked in while you were grinding your fucking lucious hips and ass against me.”
She blushed scarlet, “I did what?!?!”
“Oh yea, I nearly came in my pants. Especially when you did,” he smirked down at her.
“Oh Gods… is that why I wasn’t wearing pants or underwear??”
“Yea--you were all upset they were wet; you were uncomfortable and didn’t give a fuck since it was just me. I believe you said and I quote, ‘Nothing you haven’t seen or touched before’.”
“Ughhhhh. I’m so sorry, Inuyasha. I didn’t mean--”
“Hey. It’s fine. As long as we are--clear from now on about where we are.”
“Uhm… so where are we then? Just so I know.”
“Considering you went and blabbed to the whole village and I’m sure Sasuke told everyone who didn’t believe it--pretty sure our cover is blown.”
“O-oh,” she said disparagingly.
“What? Is that… not what you wanted?” he asked with hurt laced in his voice. His eyes dropped and his eyes filled with sadness.
“Inuyasha--I told you from the beginning it’s you. It’s always been you. I want you as a mate--as a husband. You wanted to hold off but I made you mate with me--”
“You made me, huh?”
“Moving alongggggg,” she flushed at the reminder that they were both pretty equally hungry for their bodies a couple weeks ago. “I told you I was ready to take the next steps when you were ready to.”
“So… if I were to take a stroll to the headman’s today and tell him I want to be wed to you--you’d honestly be okay with that? Married to a half-breed?”
“Of course. You’re my half-demon. You’re my Inuyasha. No sake needed.”
He smiled down at her and dipped his head to kiss her again. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close. While the sake clearly messed up their plans, she was thankful she had partaken in the forbidden nectar. Because without it, Inuyasha wouldn’t have been able to glimpse the acceptance the villagers had for their would-be union. 
Later that afternoon after breakfast, they walked to headman’s together and asked to be wed with his permission. He happily gave them their blessing with one word, “Finally.”
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Summary: Crowley and Aziraphale are your best friends, you all spend your time together and you can’t imagine living without them. You share everything except sex. But is it really what you want… ? Sometimes, It’s fantastic the way things pan out.
Pairing: Crowley x Aziraphale x Reader & Crowley x Aziraphale
Warnings: Smut. Rough sex. Threesome M/F/M. Gay sex.
Notes: Hi guys ! I’m very happy to show you this, it’s my first fanfiction so … Be gentle ;) ! All constructive criticism are welcome. If you see errors, please tell me, English is not my first language and I apologize for the possible mistakes :/ ! I know it’s a smut but I tried to put a bit of humor ^^. Tell me what you think in the comments and if you want the next chapter (smut only) and have fun ! :D
IMPORTANT : Here is the link of the dress you are going to wear in the fanfiction. If it can helps you to imagine it. ^^
Chapter 1: The game
Today is your birthday, as every year Crowley and Aziraphale have invited you to celebrate this moment in Crowley’s apartment. You’re so excited! You wait for this evening every year, it’s the best party of the year, you spend your night with the two men you love most, drink alcohol, listen to Aziraphale sermonize Crowley about the way he swears all the time. Play alcohol games to end up lying on the sofa with them by your side. Then you go home.
But sometimes you’d like to never go home and spend the night with them. Sleep with them. It’s hard to admit, but you want to feel their hands caressing your body while the alcohol warms your heart. You want to see them kissing on the mouth, wherever there’s a piece of skin. You have always imagined Crowley dominant, fiery and passionate and you have always imagined Aziraphale soft, patiente and attentive. Crowley is so sexy with his snake walk ready to pounce on his prey and Aziraphale is so charming with his all spruced up look… But you chase all the images out of your mind because they are YOUR BEST FRIENDS for god’s sake!
                    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━                                                          6 PM                                          Two hours before the party.                    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
“If I don’t decide to prepare myself, I’m going to be late and Azie will grumble…” You thought, talking to yourself. And your naughty side came back “But maybe I’ll get a punishment… lying on Aziraphale’s thick and soft legs… ” no no no no “STOP IT Y/N” Were you really screaming at yourself ? … It was so hard for you to not think these naughty things about them, you are lucky enough to already know what they look like when they are practically naked because you sometimes help Aziraphale and Crowley choose their clothes when you do shopping. It really helps your overactive imagination even more.
After showering, it’s time to choose your clothes you’re going to wear. You always dress very sexy when you go to see them, because there’s a part of you that wants to seduce them. You like it when Crowley looks at you and tells you you’d be a perfect succubus. You like it even more when Aziraphale looks at you from head to toe in shock and then tells you that you could make him fall. But you know they tell you that to be nice, you know they’re not attracted to women. It’s like “gay friend’s compliments” for you, but you still like those compliments, you feel desired by them just for a moment.
You are wearing black underwear in lace, Crowley’s favorite color. You chose this tight black dress that enhances your shapes. At the front, it goes up to your neck and encircles it with a thin lace strap. The opening at the back of your dress shows your finely drawn back. You slide your fishnet tights along your legs and attach them to your suspenders. Aziraphale loves fishnet tights, he likes it on you and he likes wearing them too. You choose to wear your most beautiful red pumps, color of your passion for them.
Now it’s make-up time ! You opted for a pale skin, smoky black eyes and a pulpy red mouth.
                   ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━                                                        7.50 PM                     You are too early, you are waiting in front of the door.                    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
You know Aziraphale hates late people so you left your house early. You patiently wait until it’s 8:00 in front of the door, when suddenly you hear through the door :
“Crowley, I don’t think that’s a good idea, I think a more common gift would be better. Can you imagine if she has a bad reaction ?!” Aziraphale’s voice was worried.
“Oh come on Azie, we both know it’s something she’s been wanting for a long time!”
“No no no no no, Crowley. I don’t know! I don’t know! That’s the problem. What if you’re wrong? What if she doesn’t want that… Gift ?!” Your ear glued to the door, you were starting to worry, why were they arguing about your gift? What gift?
“Angel, I’m a demon, she can’t hide from me what she wants deep down.” *Silence* “Ohwww fine ! If she doesn’t like it we can pretend it’s just a joke and…” *Knock Knock*. You haven’t seen the time passed, it’s 8.00 PM. Before Crowley finishes his sentence, you knock at the door. Their conversation was really starting to stress you out. You heard quick steps coming towards you before the door opened. Crowley was standing in front of you with a tense smile, you lean to the side to see that Aziraphale was sitting on the sofa with a false surprised look.
“Oh sweetheart, you’re in advance w-we were t-talking ab-about… uhm…” Aziraphale stuttering. “We were talking about how happy we were to see you, love! Come in, don’t just stand there!” Crowley interrupted him.
You came in with a smile on your face trying to forget what you had heard 10 minutes earlier.
                    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━                                                           9 PM                   You just finished dinner. You’re going to sit on the sofa.                    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
You are sitting next to Aziraphale on the sofa and Crowley is sitting on a chair in front of you, there is a table between you, where your glasses of red wine are. You were gossiping about the Archangel Gabriel when Crowley asked :
“Y/N sweetheart, have you found the man of your dreams? You told us about an "Alex”, how are things going with him?“ You didn’t expect this question, rather unusual from Crowley who thinks no man is good enough for you.
"Well, we met a few times but he told me he wasn’t ready to get into a relationship so… I just.. Gave up.” You said.
“What an asshole! He doesn’t know what he’s missing ! Men are so …” Aziraphale says angry. “Langage Azie !” you interrupted him with a mischievous smile. “Sorry sweetheart, what I’m trying to say is that you deserve better!” he responds kissing you on your forehead.
“Soooooo you haven’t had sex in a long time, right? Not too hard?” Said Crowley, out of nowhere.
Aziraphale’s reaction was not long in coming. “Crowley! That’s not a question you ask to a lady! What’s on your mind! »
"Oh, come on! She’s a big girl Azie, let her answer. So, Y/N ?” There you were, with your mouth open, shocked by the question Crowley had just asked you. Of course you talk about sex with them, but in general you have a lot of alcohol in your blood!
Laughing, you answer “I have to admit, it must have been a long time ago, but I’m fine, Crowley, don’t worry.”
“I don’t understand how a woman like you, so beautiful, elegant, smart, sexy, is in need of sex. You should have all men at your feet… It’s a crime to leave you like this…” Aziraphale gave Crowley a dark look. You don’t know what’s going on, but you feel the heat rising to your cheeks. Crowley’s words touch you deeply in your body. You don’t know what to say to what Crowley just said, you’re not going to thank him, no… But if he keeps talking to you like that you won’t be able to hold back your desire to thank him, on your knees.
                   ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━                                                          11 PM                You feel the alcohol running through your body, you’re drunk.                They are too. You are playing a drinking game, truth or dare.                    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
It was your turn to ask Azie. “Annnngel, t-truth or dare ?”
“Uhmmm… Truth pleeeease!” he said with mocking eyes.
“Okay okay, uhmmm… Have you ever slept with a girl?” you ask smiling.
“Of course I have !” he claims.“I’m an Angel but I’m not perfect !” he whispers with a false exaggerated expression of discomfort.
“It’s your turn Crowley! Ask me !” Meanwhile, Crowley didn’t say anything, he was staring at you he was looking at a part of your body. you followed his gaze and he landed on your legs, your dress went up and was showing your suspenders. Embarrassed, you lowered your dress, your cheeks red. “Sorry about the view Crowley, I didn’t notice that…” “Oh, don’t be sorry, dear” He interrupts you. “The view was perfect, wasn’t it Aziraphale? "Aziraphale looked you in the eyes and then slowly descended towards your body. "Oh yes, perfect. "You wonder if you heard what they just said, you think you’re dreaming. What’s going on? Is it the alcohol or is it hot in this room? You take off your pumps, as if this scorching heat could be reduced with less clothes.
Crowley leans over to you and says, "Remember when I helped you with your car last time? »
"Y-yes, of course, w-why?” you answer shyly.
He looks at you for a few seconds before he talks. “You told me you owed me something, I want this thing to be a truth and a dare. »
So simple! "Ohw yes Crowley, that suits me! I I couldn’t help you fix your car.” You said giggling.
Crowley looked at Aziraphale with a naughty smile. “I start with the truth, Y/N, have you ever fantasized about me and Aziraphale ?” Your face is decomposing. How did He know? Red goes up your cheeks, you hesitate between answering honestly or getting up and running out of the apartment. If you confess your secret, maybe they won’t want to be friends with you anymore? You can tell the truth and pretend it was a joke tomorrow…
You rub your hands together nervously, “Actually, maybe sometimes…” Crowley interrupts you with a wave of his hand, more firmly he says, “Be a good girl, be honest. ». The silence in the room was embarrassing, you had to say something because it was getting suspicious, Aziraphale was looking at you with big eyes, waiting for your answer impatiently. "Y-yes…” you sigh coyly.
“Great” says Crowley softly, almost like a whisper. “Now, it’s dare time! I’m going to put some music and I want you to give us a sexy dance.”
He wasn’t serious, you can’t do that. Not in front of… Them. You look at Aziraphale with an interrogating look, but he says nothing and waits for your answer. Your eyes are glued to the ground, intimidated, “Crowley, uhm… i-i’ll n-not uhm… Give y-you a lap dance, i-i can’t do…”
“Oh no I’m not asking you that, i just want you to give us a sexy dance in front of us, and so we can watch. That’s all ” Crowley’s gaze was different, reptilian. You felt an animosity coming from him, it turned you on but it scared you too.
Aziraphale hastened to speak. “You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to sweetheart. Huh, Crowley?” “Yes, of course,” Crowley replied without taking his eyes off you.
“O-Okay” you said.
Crowley snaps his fingers and the music *Beyonce - Naughty girl* starts. You are smiling now, it was just for fun! You knew it! You knew it! You know Crowley put that song on because he knows you love it, there’s nothing sexual about it! So you start dancing without restraint. You dance like they are not in the same room, you forget them. You move your hips while caressing your face, you put your hand through your hair. You wave your body, close your eyes and feel the music carry you away.
Minutes pass, dancing in this way awakens your sexual appetite, you start moaning while you dance when suddenly you feel strong hands grabbing your hips from behind. You open your eyes, Crowley is in front of you, his eyes darkened by desire, your mouths are so close, they could touch. He leans towards your neck and gives you wet kisses. You turn your head slightly, Aziraphale is against your butt, he presses your hips against his own, burying his nose in your hair. Crowley caresses your legs and lifts your dress slightly. “C-Crowley, A-Az… w-wait…”
It’s like a dream come true, but if it’s just a game for them, they have to stop. The heat rises in your body, you are burning inside, it hurts. Your panties are getting wet. Soon you won’t be able to control yourself. “You just have one word to say, and we stop. Say it love, if you don’t want our hands on your eager body, tell us to stop.” Husked Aziraphale in your ear encircling his arms around you, deliciously caressing your belly.
“N-no, it’s not t-that” you moan. “I-I just…” you stammer. But you just can’t speak anymore, Aziraphale’s hands have gone up to your breasts, he caresses them gently, your nipples harden when he touches them with his angel fingers. Crowley has slipped his hand under your dress, with a firm hand, he takes your chin between his fingers and moves your face up towards his. “Look at me, I want to see the pleasure corrupt your eyes.” While his other hand roughly caresses your private parts. It was exactly as you imagined it would be. Aziraphale so soft and Crowley so rough. So they are not playing a game…
Aziraphale puts his hands inside your dress to have better access to your breasts. Crowley has stopped touching you, he’s just looking at you in the eyes, always holding your chin firmly between his fingers, you want to touch him, you want to give him pleasure too. You can see he’s excited because of the erection in his pants. You can feel Aziraphale’s erection against your butt and it turns you on. You move your hands towards Crowley, to touch that part of his anatomy that you have so dreamed of. But before you can touch him, he slaps your hands away, his hand leaves your chin and comes into your hair. He grabs your hair firmly and pulls it a little. “Did I tell you, you could touch me? ” . “N-no” you said softly.
Crowley looks at Aziraphale mischievously over your shoulder and says, “I think she deserves a little punishment, what do you think, Angel?”
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r-ahh-mi · 5 years
You Got What I Need (Part 5)
Part One II Part Two II Part Three II Part Four
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, and Mentions of Pregnancy, 
Word Count: 3.2k
Hope you guys enjoy because next part is going to be something willddddd. Let me know what you think; love you all xx
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“Have fun?”, Sami teased as he glanced towards you and Rami as you both exited the bathroom at the same time; hands entwined.
“Shut up.”
Rami and his brother continued on in playful banter while you preoccupied yourself by watching the small infant sleeping next to you in his car seat, causing you to reflect on where your life was headed very, very soon.
It was happening. It was actually happening. In 9 months time, fuck, or even less than that, you would be in this very situation of lugging around a small human with you everywhere you went and caring and feeding and burping and-holy shit. There was just too much to take in and too many things to prepare for and, yes several months was a good amount of time, but was it enough?
What if i’m a shit mom? What if I fuck this kid up? Oh my god, what if its first word is fuck!
Absently, you zoned out, but the small movements and whines of the child brought you back to the present as you watched Ian’s tiny little fingers begin to wiggle.
“Finally!”, Rami immediately wrapped both of his hands around the infants body, lifted the boy up, and began cradling him in his arms. His cooing noises fully woke up the child as Ian opened his eyes and giggled once he got a look at who was holding him.
“There’s that smile”, Rami poked the little guys nose as he made a funny face, attempting to amuse the child.
“He probably thinks you’re me, so don’t be too flattered.”
“Fuck off Sami,” Rami winced at his curse word, knowing he’d get scolded for that later. “He knows who his uncle is, doesn’t he.”
You listened intently as Rami continued on a conversation with the infant paired with the most precious baby talk that, if you weren’t pregnant already, you’d be begging him to put a child in you immediately just so you could watch him do this everyday.
In due time, I suppose.
“Isn’t he cute?”, Rami shifted his body so you could get a better look at the baby as you nodded and tickled your fingers along his round tummy, causing a cute, high pitched squeal to come from Ian’s small lips.
He looked so much like his dad which also meant he looked a lot like his uncle, Rami, and, fuck, it was like I was getting a tiny glimpse into the future and I wasn’t hating it; not a bit. Even though one of the most important parts had still yet to come and I was still attempting to muster up some sort of strength and configuration as to when was the right time to say something.
“See, it wouldn’t have been so bad”, Rami whispered to you as he multi-tasked between taking a sip of his freshly ordered whiskey and rocking the baby in his arms. “I’m a pro already.”
You cocked your eyebrow at his blatant cockiness before being interrupted by your phone loudly making noise against the table. As your eyes glanced down to the screen you saw a calendar notification, specifically, a reminder about your ultrasound tomorrow.
Quickly, you swiped the notification away and turned your phone face down onto the table as you glanced towards Rami who seemed to be preoccupied with the baby and much too distracted to see what was displayed on your phone.
Suddenly, you were no longer in a heavenly haze, but more so an anxious spiral as your mind traveled back to all the things you needed to learn, all the things you need to buy for this child, and all the things you needed to say to the father of your child.
“Do you want to hold her?”, Sami’s wife smiled at you, attempting to pry the child from Rami’s arms.
Might as well get some practice in.
“Sure, yeah,” you nodded, reaching out your hands as Vanessa gently set the three month old infant in your arms.
Ian was a tad fussy at first, and you would be to if you were suddenly placed in some strange women’s arms, but Rami placed his head near your shoulder, making sure the baby could see his face and instantly Ian softened into your arms as he stared up at both of your faces smiling faces.
“See, not so bad right?”, you didn’t know if Rami was talking to you or the baby, but you decided to take his words as if they were directed at you because at the very least you could still hold on to the fact that Rami wouldn’t be totally upset when you broke the news to him, in fact, maybe he’d be over joyed. Maybe.
But all of this was just making you feel worse and worse by the second and you just had to say something. Even if it meant right now and dragging him somewhere secluded to tell him - you couldn’t bare to wait any longer.
“Can we talk?”, you whispered into Rami’s ear.
He looked at you a bit bemused, but nodded as he passed the baby back to Sami and finished the last of his alcoholic beverage.
“Want to go to my place?”
Oh god, did I? What if we ended up fighting and then i’d be stuck in his apartment with an angry or sad Rami and a very emotional me or what if i got distracted again (and by distracted, I mean had sex with him, making me forget how to even compose a proper sentence, let alone deliver important news).
Against your nerves, you nodded and quickly started putting your coat on, not wanting to waste any unnecessary time and just wanting to have this conversation done with. The only thing haunting you more than actually saying the two words to him, was the latter reaction. After our last altercation, you really didn’t know what to expect from him or how to even picture how he would react.
Rami and you said your polite goodbyes to his family, of course, Rami had to spend a little extra time holding Ian and whispering sweet words that, not even, you could make out; as if it were their own little secret.
After exiting the bar and getting into the Uber, you had requested, your bodies snuggled affectionately in the backseat and it was making you feeling as tipsy as Rami was, solely because it felt like you were back to normal and you were quickly going to ruin it..again.
But he deserved to know and he needed to know.
Anxiously, your leg bounced up and down giving your feelings away as Rami placed his hand atop your thigh.
“What’s eating you away right now?”
You bit your lip and shook your head, “Not right now. I want to talk about it when we get back to your place.”
Rami nodded, although his facial expression told you that he was still trying to conjure about ideas as to what you wanted to talk about.
“Is this about Ashley?”
Even the mention of her name made you grit your teeth, though you had no reason to be angry at her, she was oblivious to you and Rami’s situation, much like the rest of the world was, and she seemed nice, it was just, you were selfish and wanted him all to yourself. Even worse, you expected Rami to hold some sort of psychic ability and him to be able to understand your feelings without you having to utter a single word. If only things worked out like that; if only things were that easy.
“No,” you scoffed, “It’s not about Ashley.”
“Hey”, Rami nudged your chin, forcing your pouted expression to look towards him as his thumb rubbed against the skin on your face. “No need to be jealous..although you do look very cute when you’re like this.”
His fingers dug into your sides, tickling the exact spots that he knew could drive you to madness as laughter consumed you. You playfully slapped him away as your legs kicked, surely drawing the attention of your Uber driver to the two lunatics in his back seat.
“You promise this isn’t about her?”, you nodded as you attempted to control your laughter whilst Rami let his hands remain on one of your hips as he kept strong eye contact with you, making you wonder what that little brain of his was thinking about.
He shook his head, “You really don’t get it do you?”
You threw a confused look his way as he, much to your surprise, brushed the hair, that was laying on your shoulder, away so it could fall down your back. Slowly, you found his lips attaching themselves to your hair as he pressed soft kisses and moved them along down until they were nipping at your ear.
“She was just a distraction,” He said directly into your ear between his various kisses, “I only want you, you should know that by now.”
His affectionate actions were sending shivers down your arms and as much as you wanted this so, so bad right now, you knew that he only meant it the way that most men would mean it. Ashley was a way for him to get a fuck since you were no longer an option and that pained you to no end to know that you were on the same list as Ashley; merely a fuck and a good time and who knows who else or how many others were on this list.
You lightly shoved rami away, moving your body closer to your side of the car as you let your gaze look out the window at all the various lights of cars, buildings, and street signs…but of course, Rami was persistent and when you felt his hand land on your thigh, you knew he would have those precious dilated pupils fixed on you.
All he wanted to do was know you and, once again, get inside your head; it was odd how this situation wasn’t too far away from the talk you had when you had your argument not that long ago. Of course, now it was much more calm, thankfully.
You knew exactly what he meant so you didn’t even bother looking at him or answering his question with another question as a light trickle of tears began to rain down from your eyes, down to your cheek as you furiously wiped them away.
“You’re clearly upset and all I want is for you to talk to me baby.”
God, did he really have to call me that right now. I usually loved that he called me sweet pet names, but now that I knew I was purely a way for him to get his sexual frustrations out, I wanted to just tell him I was pregnant and go home, alone and just cry as loud as I so fucking pleased.
“It’s just..i’m..it’s about us.”
You nodded, as you tried to create a path or some sort of timeline in your brain on how to deliver such dramatic news to him.
“What about us?”
You shook your head, “Not here. I don’t want to have this talk here, let’s wait til we are home.”
Rami respected your request and relaxed back into his seat for the remainder of the drive, his hand remaining on your leg the entire time as he subconsciously rubbed little patterns into your skin.
However, not even a second after you both walked into the door of his apartment, was he beginning to question you again.
Rami was deeply anxious, almost seeming scared of this talk and it was comforting to know that you both gave a shit. If neither of you cared, you both wouldn’t be so desperately clinging on to assumptions and nervous habits to attempt to guess what the other was going to say, or, in my case, how the other was going to react or fuck, how you even dropped this type of news in conversation.
“So, talk.”, Rami pulled out one of the bar stools from his kitchen island and patted the other one set next to him.
With a deep breath, you took the seat offered and planted yourself to the spot, promising yourself that you would remain rooted here until you told him. No more putting this off and making excuses. Even if you got distracted, this was it. In a matter of several hours you would be finding out the news about your baby and..this just wasn’t going to be put off any longer.
“Is this about our..uhm..relationship?”, He said the word ‘relationship’ with a giant question mark, not knowing what to call whatever it was you both had which was comforting seeing as you were just as questioning about it as he was.
“Sorta yeah I-”
“I think I feel it too.”
Your eyebrows pushed together, creating the slightest of creases on your forehead as Rami interrupted you, “What do you mean?”
Rami sighed, nibbling on his bottom lip as he ran a hand through his hair, one of this nervous habits that you adored.
“I like you.”
“I sure would hope so-”
“No I mean…I like you,” He took a deep breath as he attempted to carry on with what he so desperately wanted to say, but was finding it difficult to mutter because he was just as terrified as you were, him for different reasons of course, because he was clueless to the life growing inside your tummy that was his. Rami was more focused on telling you how he felt; how he really felt.
“I want to be exclusive.”
The heart in your chest began having heavy and hard palpitations as you listened to him speak, saying the words you would’ve adored to hear two weeks ago, but right now, this was all too much.
He couldn’t.
You were positive he was just saying what you wanted to hear so he could acquire you for a passionate evening of moans and groans. Absolutely no way was he into you like you were into him. No way were you that lucky, no fucking way.
“Say something please”, Rami reached out his hand to yours, holding your hand in his palm as his eyes pleaded with you, nearly begging on their knee’s for you to say some type of words to either reassure his mind that you were feeling this too, or to completely deny these feelings and to let him down.
“What exactly do you mean when you say exclusive Rami?”
Rami had thought the hard part was over, muttering those words was difficult enough because he knew when he said them there was no going back and once there was no going back that meant things would change and right now, even though it had only been a minute or so since he exclaimed his need for some sort of exclusivity with you, things were different. For good or bad, who was to say.
“I want you all to myself.”, his voice was raised slightly above the volume of a ‘hum’ as he knew he was beating around the bush. Not saying the exact words of what he wanted was an aspect of him you were still trying to grasp. He was one to always be honest and open with you, but it took several attempts to slack it out of him until he would eventually succumb and be straight forward.
“Okay so you want to be the only one to fuck me?”
“God, Y/N this isn’t about having sex this-this is so much more than that.”, Rami said this rather annoyed and aggravated that you would dare to even entertain the thought that, in his mind, you were just a good fuck he was comfortable with getting. You were so much more than a way for him to get his dick wet, but you were also the most stubborn woman he had come across and yet, you were the woman he wanted.
“Okay, then tell me what the-”
“I want you to be my girlfriend.”
Dear God. Dear holy fucking Jesus of Nazareth. Kindly excuse my blatant swear directed at a biblical character, but the reaction seemed appropriate and-oh my god he just asked me to be his girlfriend.
“You can’t be serious.”, instantly, you regretted your poor wording as Rami’s eyes drooped down in the slightest movement, making the rest of his facial features fall into a sad placement as his eyebrows furrowed together in the cutest way.
“I don’t mean-I-”, You fought the words trying to tumble out of your mouth, but you genuinely had no clue what to say. These were the words you had longed to hear, but now that you were hearing them and living with them and breathing with them and pondering over them it was terrifying.
Not only did you have to worry about the small thing growing inside of you, but now you had this on your plate and no matter how desperately the words ‘i want to be your girlfriend too’ wanted to fall from your lips, your mind was busy thinking over all the details of what would actually happen if you both indeed did date.
“I’m just shocked is all. I wasn’t expecting you to feel that way.”
“Is it bad that I feel this way?”, Rami said with a soft expression as his thumb started caressing your hand while he genuinely questioned you.
A small smile graced your lips as you shook your head and bit your bottom lip, causing Rami to let a smile cover his face that accentuated his jaw. You both remained silent after a while, you, thinking over all the outcomes and pros and cons of being with me, and Rami just simply wanted you to say yes already. He didn’t regret saying that he wanted you to be his, in fact he was instantly relieved and felt a giant weight fall from his back.
“What if I said I wanted that as well?”, Rami’s face instantly brightened up even more so than it already was,
“Just say yes. God, you’re so stubborn”, he spoke with a laugh on the heels of his words.
“Me? Stubborn? Never!”
“Mhm sure. I can play pretend to ya know.”
Whilst scooting his bar stool against the hardwood floor as he stood up from his seating position, he came to rest in between your legs as you still sat in your stool, his hands instantly went to your jaw as he watched your every move; what your eyes were doing, what your facial expressions and body language could give away to him so he could find any sort of sign of how you were feeling.
“Are you going to make me ask again?”
“Well, technically you never asked, you just made a statement.”
Rami shook his head letting a grumbly laugh out from his chest as you went to rest your hands around his waist, enveloping him in a comfortable type hug.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”, Rami asked as he scooted his face closer to yours in anticipation.
“Duh”, you said with a beaming smile on your lips that was quickly interrupted by a kiss that nearly had you falling out of your stool from the impact.
Tag: @amcquivey @siriuslovesmarlene @sleep-all-day-and-all-night@kellysimagines @everybodyplaythegame @ramibaby @tyferbebe @xoa-lex @runawayxwithme @chibiisaurus @singyourheartout4-rami @hazeleyedbeth @thatramigirl @katiekitty261 @mydogisthebest @killerqueenofthenight @deacytits @notevenlxvely @saviooor @youthtea @amf71010 @bo-queen-rhap @rami-malek-trash @thedoctorsblogger @emilygracebatchelor @blackharry @destiel-stucky4ever-loki-queen @sunflower-borhap-boys 
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