#he gets owlishly befuddled if people say stuff to him he's not expecting and he either gives in immediately
july-19th-club · 1 year
nothing but adoration for myeong-seok and his giles-ass energy. not exactly a father figure not exactly an authority except in a particular context, but the younger protagonists DO see him as a dad figure and they DO defer to him (except when they go haring off on some Quest For Justice or similar scheme and he has to sit there at his desk and out loud say to the empty room why did you even come in to ask me if you were gonna do it anyway?) and while he is, in general, very academic and reserved about things he's not really that far above it all and can be easily convinced to join the chaos, except he does it with this twee little look on his face like aha! what fun! as if he can't quite believe that a) he's included and b) he's doing this 'fun' thing right. his intense legal professionalism is the lens through which he comprehends the world and communicates, and so long as he's within that framework he functions perfectly BUT as soon as you derail him even slightly off this familiar track, he gets super frazzled and flustered and it makes him irritable. in conclusion your honor, he is also autistic but a generation too old to have gotten diagnosed as a child and he has more social skills than the one autistic person he knows so he simply has no idea and probably never will
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