#he does stress stim groom his chest right after the boot drops
naturepointstheway · 2 years
Found the very start of Gumbie Cat (skip to 4:41, because apparently Tumblr doesn’t play videos from timestamps. Tumblr pls.) when Misto thinks it’s his turn in a video with Lindsay Chambers as Mistoffelees on Broadway in the early-ish 1990s. Some interesting notes and thoughts on this very brief part, noting some differences from his performance as mute Zurich!Misto.
1. Misto’s little spins across the floor on his hands and knees is extremely adorable
2. His pose right as Munk starts singing is very dramatic, apropos of Mistoffelees, and is similar but different to his Zurich!Misto performance. I can definitely see the influence on Jacob Brent’s later performance as Misto, especially in the 1998 film.
3. Munk here isn’t as harsh toward him as Zurich!Munk is with Zurich!Misto; instead he just sort of shakes his head at him and reaches out his paw toward Misto as if to let him down gently “No, not your turn yet, Mistoffelees.” He does do a little step toward Munk as well before sinking down with disappointment, though he does look a little annoyed as well.
4. However, unlike Jacob!Misto, he doesn’t get embarrassed and cringe to oblivion when he realises it’s definitely not about him. Instead, he just sinks down into a kitten crawl and sadly and slowly crawls away, reminiscent of Zurich!Misto, which only serves to break my heart again.
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