#he adores Epona but idk about other horses
smilesrobotlover · 10 months
Warriors led his horse to a spring, dropping the bucket to the ground, causing water to splash up onto his pants. He reached down and grabbed a brush, giving Epona a few pats.
“Let’s get you cleaned up girl. It’s the least I can do.”
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science-lings · 2 years
LU Twili Beast HCs but Only Stupid Opinions
mama mia here we go again
I’m actually gonna have mercy on you guys this time though
Serious answer: I know canonically he’s also a wolf, you know as the hero’s spirit, however if he wasn’t a wolf, I think he’d be a Lion. They’re the most stay-at-home-dad animals out there yet they are also the most feared. The duality of playing with the kids one second and committing a violent crime the next is perfect Time energy. Also, as someone with a lot of experience with cats, lions are just slightly larger cats. Meaning they are both the smartest and the stupidest motherfuckers out there. They like to act like they’re so sophisticated and intelligent then they walk into a glass door and yell at you for it. I like to think that Time’s maturity is a front and he’s really just as much of a dumbass as the rest of them.
Crack answer: Just a regular house cat, contrary to popular belief, cats care a lot about their people. They bring back dead birds and live snakes because they don’t see you hunting for your own food and don’t want you to starve. I can see Time as one of those outside farm cats that lives off of the mice that gather and becomes besties with all the farm animals. Epona would recognize him instantly and he would find a way to climb on her back without hurting her.
Serious answer: Horse. Not only are they very much associated with war, they’re also beautiful and majestic and are completely willing and able to fucking kill you. There aren’t many other animals associated with war the way they are and have the perfect balance of proud and pretty, and absolutely deadly. They’re also smart and have soulless eyes, just like every other bisexual I know. 
Crack answer: Swiftwind from She-Ra. if you know, you know. If any of them could pull of being a unicorn with rainbow wings and fabulous hair it’s definitely Wars. Anyway, drama queen with the capacity for great violence.  What is a unicorn if not a horse with a built in sword growing on it’s forehead. Also I think Warriors deserves a little magic, I mean one of his main weapons is a fire rod and he constantly talks to fairies. 
Serious answer: In canon he is a rabbit, but I think he’s much more of a ferret. they’re just ferocious little snake kittens. They fit in small places and can wiggle out of any predicament. Despite being adorable, they can look fuckin pissed. I’m kind of scared of them. 
Crack answer: Chihuahua, small fashionable asshole. Filled with rage and anxiety but ultimately pretty misunderstood and deserves better.
Serious answer: Fox. Idk what to tell you, they’re clever and cute and are associated with fae and trickster spirits. Also I feel like foxes have anxiety and are a little jumpy. He’s mischievous and doesn’t know how to follow orders and thoroughly enjoys fucking around and not being there for the fallout. 
Crack answer: The magic alien lion in She-Ra. Just a kibby made of magic adopted by gay people. Cautious and not super trusting at first but he’s a good judge of character and is surprisingly very nice. Also literally made of magic. And I think it he also deserves some lion imagery to show his courage and all that. He deserves to be cool and badass guys. 
Serious answer: An Eagle. I really wanted him to be a bird because of course, and eagles are like the most majestic badass birds out there. They’re associated with freedom and leadership and as he’s kind of the first reincarnation of Link, I think he deserves to have that kind of symbolism attached to him. 
Crack answer: Pikachu. Cute and adorable but has the power of god on his side and can smite you, but you really have to deserve it because he’s generally super chill. Like if remlits could choose when to go apeshit. He has some self control. Sometimes. 
Serious answer: Parrot. Like a one of those macaws that are blue and green. They’re smart and clever and the most piratey animal ever. They’re also loud and talkative. They’re also cute and I love them. I feel like if a parrot were to engage in combat it would be very agile and loud about it. Like Wind. Like it would do dramatic flips and shit like how Wind does that rolling dodge constantly.
Crack answer: this crab
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Serious answer: 4-5 mice, they’re all color coded. They’re smart and sneaky and small. I feel like they would climb on top of each other. I know rats are smarter and four deserves to be smart but mice are smaller and cuter. Maybe shadow is the rat in the group of mice...
Crack answer: a swarm of bees. These bitches know teamwork. Have you seen a beehive? that shit is modern art. They’re also chill unless you hurt one of them, then you’re really in for it. You underestimate bees yet you fear them, some of the greatest predators are bees. They deserve your fear. And so does Four. 
Serious answer: I like him being a wolf, I think it fits, however I do also like the idea that he’s not 100% wolf. He’s like half domesticated dog and he just looks like a wolf. No one really knows though. I just don’t think the wolf fully shows how much of a good boy he is. 
Crack answer: He wanted to be a fuckin ordonian goat let him be a fuckin goat. Their horns are stupidly impractical but he seems like the type that wants a simple life. He’s had enough chaos and trauma and he would be very happy just to chill out for like fifty more years until he dies. He deserves to nap in the sun and eat grass and not be forced to have thoughts. Also goats are stronger than they look and can probably break all your organs with a headbutt. Twilight would just be the most badass goat out there. 
Serious answer: As much as I like him being part of the wolf trio and thus making him a wolf, I think he’s much more like a Jaguar. (or a smaller wildcat like a Lynx or a bobcat) Cats are stealthy predators and good climbers and known for being great hunters. They’re also good at falling long distances and in botw I’m constantly jumping off of very tall places. But they are still cats and that means they’re naturally a little weird. Big cats are also affected by zoomies/ bouts of restlessness that cause them to run around and yell about it, and they play with their food and enjoy napping in the sun. He could also be a cheetah because they get so anxious that they need their own emotional support dogs and they’re very fast and Wild has the capacity to be incredibly fast. 
Crack answer: Raven, clever, death omen, collects things, witchy, being gay and doing crimes babey. As a concept he isn’t scary but he definitely has the capacity to be absolutely terrifying. He may look edgy but he’s really just a little guy who likes to hoard stuff and things. And is likely to stab you for those stuff and things. 
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seitosokusha · 7 years
Seito plays BOTW (Day idk anymore) 
I’ve been lazy and haven’t been updating this, so it’s long. 
Lost Woods is a miserable puzzle and if I didn’t know what was inside of it, I might have not had the patience for it. 
That said, I picked up the master sword halfway through the game lolololol
Have I mentioned that this version of Zelda is my favorite? BECAUSE SHE IS. She’s a dork, she needs a hug, she has to deal with crippling amount of insecurity and she keeps going. I need like 100000x fics that just deal with her, her relationship with her father and her friendship with Link. 
Finally made it to the Rito Village!!
Now, Rito’s are cool and all, but damn Raveli is a smug jerk. 
Actually Teba is a bit of a jerk too, but his kid is cute and as a father he’s not so bad. (basically when he isn’t letting his temper get the better of him.) 
Razz is amazing though. I love Razz.  
Look, I don’t know if was by accident or because it gives them more colorful personalities, but it’s like all the Rito that you had to talk to for quests kinda came across as a little too smug or arrogance or a little whiny. All the NPCs you don’t have to talk to are really polite and nice. It’s just interesting. Because you also see how a lot of Zora are well happy and polite, Gorons are like big friendly, straight to the point and energetic people too. 
Huh, I wonder if the Rito evolved from the Skyward Sword birds. Actually where does BOTW take place in the LoZ timeline? Need to look that up. 
Raveli might have been a jerk but his Gale special ability thing is utterly amazing and I love it. 
Hebra is cold. I don’t like exploring this section too much. Mostly if I go down somewhere I wasn’t supposed to, climbing back up is such a pain. OTL All the shrines in the area are on the ground which why? WHY? Look just put one that top of the highest peak and I’ll be good okay???
Epona is amazing. We love her. My new favorite horse. 
Gerudo Town, oh my god. The Gerudo outfit and Link and omg. 
Also of all the big mini bosses, morgula was the easiest to beat. (Actually finally confident enough to start taking down the mini bosses like the stone tanlus and those Hinlox. But those Lynels.... screw those Lynels...) 
I have found a fast way to get rupees, I never will run out of arrows again. 
But farming for parts for ancient arrows (BASICALLY TAKING DOWN THOSE GUARDIANS) is miserable and I’m not very good at it. -cry- Or I manage it but I don’t gain back enough to justify the lost of supplies used to take down said thing. OTL 
But in other news my ability to use perfect guard is rapidly improving from NOT ABLE TO DO IT to CAN TO IT ONE OUT OF TEN TIMES. And maybe die in the process.
@justm3h is right, Tarreny Town Quest was so adorable and amazing and well worth the time it took to run all over the place for the people. 
Selective Mute!Link is canon. I mean I knew that and had seen screenshots but I found where you see that in the game itself. Nearly died in the process BUT IT WAS WORTH IT. 
Likewise, I have obtained all the captured memories and I think it really was my favorite part of the game. 
Though... I wonder how they had gotten Link from the place where he had fallen to the place where he woken up in the beginning of the game. I mean... the two points weren’t even close together. Not to mention that giant cliff that stops them. 
Actually travel in the cutscenes is weird. I mean why did they take that route? It’s very roundabout. Where were they headed that they were there?? Why? Very confused. 
I have one divine beast left, all my map regions are unlocked, about 30 shrines left and I can’t believe the progress I’m making haha. This game has been amazing so far. I love Zelda games, but this is the first one I’ve played that made me really feel for the characters, explore the world to its fullest extend and I can’t wait to see what happens next.
(Also I heard about DLC and just the artwork alone is beautiful) 
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