#having sausage and his family be desendants of the original mythlanders who ran away when things when to shit
kelp-my-beloved · 2 years
“I herd Sanctuary had new residents,” Pix announced himself, walking closer to the man tending the white and blue sheep.
Sausage raised his head and smiled at him, but still not stopping feeding the animals. “Hey! Long time no see. Yeah, they’re settling in alright. I’m just, happy to see them again after everything” He made a gesture with his hand, knowing the archeologist would understand.
Pixlriffs took it as an invitation to chat, and took a seat in one of the fences, watching the man work. “Right, you told me you were refugees,” he recalled, and then approached the topic he had came to ask about. “Where did you say you come from, again?”
He had been wanting to ask for a long time, but things always seemed to happen. But it seemed like as good of an opportunity as any, seeing that the other wasn’t extremely occupied.
Sausage stopped what he was doing for a second, shoulders tensing up, before letting out a short, uncomfortable laugh. “I never said,” he answered, his back still to Pix.
It was now or never. “Mythland, perhaps?”
That made him turn around.
His eyes were wide, and Pixlriffs was worried he overstepped. There was fear in them. He opened his mouth once, twice, until the words finally came out. “How- How did you know?”
It was the archeologist’s turn to be uncomfortable now. “I mean, I am an archeologist, and you do have the name of a dead king,” he said. Then, more tense “And, uh,” he pointed at Sausage’s hands with his eyes, completely covered in blue, and then at one of the blue sheep, who had a red spot on his side, that Sausage had apparently missed.
He was quick to cover his mistake, and sooner than latter the sheep was completely blue.
“Right. Not a word about this” he tells him, and Pix has the slight suspicion that it was meant to be a threat. It would probably be, if it weren’t for the shakiness in his voice.
They stay in silence for a while, until Sausage speaks again. “I don’t know how I didn’t see that coming,” he mumbles. “I should’ve changed my name a long time ago”
Pixlriffs frowns at that. “King Mythical Sausage of Mythland did great things. Many would consider carrying his name an honor”
Sausage huffs at that. “He doomed Mythland.” Pix had to admit he had a point there. “You sound like my mother. He might have been a great ruler, or brought peace, or whatever, but he unleashed evil into the land. He deserved to die, and should have stayed so”
“Maybe. But he also worked until his last breath to help solve his mistakes” he tried to tell him in a steady voice.
“He did- horrible things. Unspeakable”
“He was corrupted by the demon”
“The daemon-?” Pix realized his mistake too late, but luckily, Sausage let it go with a shake of his head. “Whatever the evil was. It was him who unleashed it. The Old Empires' Fall was his fault. There’s no redemption for that”
“No,” he told him, straightening his posture. “I don’t want to talk about him.” With that, he grabbed the bucket he was using to feed the sheep, and walked away from the archeologist.
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