#has technically died before and genuinely seen the gates of his religious heaven but it didn't really stick until rn ksdjfghd
vulpinesaint · 6 months
I am asking not just because i am going to be getting a bunch of pathfinder books for christmas but because i know enough about you as a mutual that i know im going to hear about the most deeply fucked up person imaginable. What is your pathfinder character like
giggling delightedly... ok listen he's maybe the worst guy ever but the issue here is that i love him. introducing you to faedren. he's a half-elf magus and he wields a bastard sword because i like the option of both dual/single-handed wielding but also because he's a bastard and i think it's funny. he's blonde. he walks up to you and smiles all charming but something about him is Wrong. and then he opens his mouth and he sounds like if you ran a frat boy through years of pretentious wellness retreats. he's a follower of calistria, goddess of lust, trickery, and revenge, and every other sentence out of him is about how in love he is with his goddess and how she's the most beautiful powerful perfect deity there is or how beautiful and perfect and healing bloody revenge can be. guy who sees you get pushed by somebody and comes over to put a hand on your shoulder, goes "hey, you don't have to take that. you are a strong, powerful person, and you didn't deserve that. don't let your heart sit with that hurt. you should Gut Them" and then waxes poetic about the wonderful catharsis of gory retribution and how it's all tied back to a goal-oriented mindset in the end. flirts with anyone possible. so insufferable that his party members literally wouldn't let him talk about himself for Weeks cause he's just so terrible to listen to. high charisma stat but he just fucking Sucks. and then you let him talk a little bit and it becomes clear that his "community" that he talks about taking him in when he was a baby is Definitely a cult. they're summoning demons to take revenge on people with the most power possible and it's absolutely a twist on calistria's Actual values cause her whole thing is Not to get caught up on unending revenge but faedren feels slighted and goes after it like a dog with a bone. hears a super powerful dhamphir say something negative about his goddess and has to be dragged away fuming by his party members going "growth mindset. i'm not strong enough to kill him horribly Yet." his whole terrible fuckboy schtick is cause he's learned that the only way he can access affection is through sex. he's for real in love with his goddess because she's the only thing that he believes really cares for him. he gets his chest rent apart and sees elysium (his heaven is full of hot women. go figure) and when he gets brought back his skin is Branded Back Together with the symbol of calistria and he's even WORSE about things after that (obsessed with having the symbol on him permanently). he gets close with the party members but doesn't know how to express that he cares about them. he's caught off guard because caring is never Easy and it always Hurts and the only affection he was ever shown as a child was conditional. he's got some fucked up views on pain and punishment because he was definitely abused as a kid. he attacks a dragon with a lightning spell imbued into his strike and does 200 damage in one hit and then whiffs every swing after that. he taught the little pumpkin leshy in their party to read. he might be getting turned into a vampire now. anyway all that to say that there is much happening with this guy and i love him very much. y'know. nice ass sorry about the mental illness king. intimidation stat crazy high and he's intimidated people into committing suicide twice. cornered an enemy on a cliff and made that bitch jump off. check out my faedren tag for more information 👍 :)
(+ quick derail to say that i love pathfinder. what a beautiful system... pathfinder is kind to you in so many ways. pathfinder loves you back. dnd laughs in your face and calls you a bitch but pathfinder kisses you gently on the forehead and gives you substantial bonuses on skills at lvl 1... what a world we could all be living in)
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shellofaretard · 5 years
Incel Manifesto
I am the BIG INCEL. The perennial incel. I was a virgin before you were born. I was a virgin when the universe was formed. When i close my eyes the world dies with me its hymen still intact. 
Incel has always been the default of western civilization. We are the inheritors of this w/o any disparity to what came before. Metaphor about ancient statues and their lil shrimp dicks.
Sir Isaac Newton was an incel. Nikola Tesla was an incel. Jesus Christ was an incel. Has anyone who’s NOT an incel ever created anything worthwhile??
Ripped apart by natural selections icy north winds. Tossed around by autism chromosome waves. Mogged by 4/10 clouds. Masticated by roastie whirlpool.
The Incel project is an indictment of Creation that is, at the same time, rooted in an observant piousness towards its laws and the impossibility of moving outside its boundaries. The duty of Man to accept and affirm the inherent cruelty of the cosmos, and ponder his destiny within it.
For the <0.5/10 genetic sewage, to expose oneself to the flesh-burning mog radiations of the outside world is comparable to Julius Evola walking around the city during bombing raids.
Really hope incels start walking the walk and actually go ahead with those elaborate plastic surgery plans they love to talk about soon.  In post-modern body modification culture, surgically administered transformations are seen as an ascent towards the narcissistic illusion of a more “authentic” self. We have understood that the vanilla modernist paradigm in which Man is assigned one body, whose form, “health” and integrity it is his duty to preserve unto death, was never going to work.
Until very recently, it was normal for bodies to undergo unwanted dis- and transfigurations due to war and disease, their personal notions of bodily integrity routinely subdued to the amoral whims of the medieval War God. It is this view of the world that the incels, these ferocious dreamers of Galilean proportions, these weavers of cruel, delectable phantasms after my own heart, are returning to, finding themselves thrust into a hostile universe whose rigid biological laws are stacked against them with no humanist justification of “fairness”.
Incel chin osteotomy is then a religious act completely removed from narcissism. It is done out of reverence for a cosmic order radically irrespective of the incel’s interests and feelings. The ontological conduit between God and man takes the form of a leash, one by which Man is dragged to the plastic surgery clinic precisely in order to serve God better. I would like to argue that Incel is the most legitimately religious (anti-humanist) movement of our time in that it is based on an acceptance of human insignificance in the face of the cosmic order.
Much has been said about the supposed ‘entitlement’ of incels, but this can easily be reframed in a different context. Incel is, at its heart, a radical human agency denialist movement, seeking to redefine the role of Man in the universe by finding spirituality and reverence in the acceptance of total biological determinism, and beauty in the order of chin curvatures, neural pathways and DNA spirals of differing quality. The total absence of free will means everyone is always already entitled to exactly what they get. Genuine incel is less about demanding more than what is deserved than a retreat into a meditative position, neutral like nature itself.
If you’re willing to sell your purity for some used up 3.5/10 roastbeef: fuck off. This is supposed to be a modern monastic movement, where disciples eventually achieve true serenity and a connection with supernatural powers (wizard) in studying the patterns of the cosmos, of God’s plan; taking in the thorny architectures of inherent hierarchy without ego. It is about seeing the face of God in the cute waterpolo boy who nearly bullied you to suicide in 4th grade.
If you believe such a thing as ‘volcel’ exists in this world utterly bereft of all and any free will, you have reasoning skills akin to a donkey, I’m afraid.
Incels see time as a byproduct of the sad compulsion of humanist perception to form linear narratives of ‘progress’ and change. Such narratives are to be deemed illusory and rejected to the best of our abilities. In the Incel conception of time, everything is always already happening at the exact same time, meticulously arranged into a rigid, immutable hierarchy by the will of God himself alone.
This also means that it is pedantic and somewhat shallow to necessarily equate Incel with total sexlessness. Since no narratives ‘connecting’ one moment with the next are real, technically, every man not currently experiencing (undergoing?) direct roastie friction in this very moment is an incel, with whatever horrible baggage that entails.
I’m a virgin myself but my impression is that sex probably isn’t as big a deal as elliot rodger thought it would be. I look at sex havers and don’t think they are truly happier than i am (I’m a pretty happy retard). They were just born with higher quality DNA but i’m not sure if that is correlated with happiness whatsoever. I hate and envy them because I must but there is no objective ‘truth’ behind my ostensible assumption of their having it better.
All partaking in an act does is destroy the soul and dream of that thing. Only virgins understand the metaphysics of sex, only incels are capable of having a soul. This is why elliot rodger was so dangerous to the system. He had dreams that were unquantifiable and untransferrable, and the system thrives solely on the quantifiable and transferrable. I know y’all want to fuck Elliot now but thats like wishing jesus had the chance to get into nintendo wii instead.
If elliot rodger’s ideas of what sex (and ‘love’) would have been like could somehow be quantified, externalized and turned into a reality for all to simultaneously experience, the entire world would collapse, submerged in the brutal, monolithic singularity of joy.
There is a reason religious, celestial imagination is all over incel culture. Think of st. blackops2cel and compare it to the brash, earthy vulgarity of YASSSS KWEEN or something. It is st. blackops2cel whose hand i am taking. It is through him that i discover weightlessness and liberation from the ballasts of the body. It is with him that i dash through the firmament and enter the pearly gates. Perhaps in the near future, the only two ways to die will be euthanized by the state following a lengthy bureaucratic procedure (hell) or shot by a cute incel at school (heaven).
Now awaiting my gentle ascent into wizardry. Male pattern balding. Hormonal makeup changing. Still worship sathanas and aktion t4 and cut myself under the full moon. Still loathe god for giving me the tard genes and curse the faggot christ for normalizing the enabling of retards. But also know this is definitely all there is for me to which there is a certain closure. Know this basement is, at the end of the day, safe. Know theres not that much left at least.
How does the eventual ascension into the more serene state of wizardry feel for you. My angry incels. My romantic incels. My aching incels. My defeated incels. My broken incels. My incels who just want to see the world burn.
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