guinevere--bach · 2 months
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· ℑ𝔣 ℑ 𝔠𝔞𝔫'𝔱 𝔥𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢, ℑ 𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔥𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔭𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔯 ·
A long time ago, there was a girl named Guinevere des Bouleaux. She was known across the land for being beautiful, the most beautiful of the five daughters of the Baron des Bouleaux, an impoverished nobleman who had lost everything in the battlefield and on the gambling table. In order to secure their lavish livelihoods, one by one the daughters were married off with different men of the lower gentry. At first it had seemed Guinevere had landed the best of the lot, a knight by the name of Sir David of Drith. To her dismay, she realized he was unfamiliar with the concept of fidelity. As much as he outwardly pretended to love his new wife, he was ultimately cold to her, preferring to spend his time away from the castle frequenting the local brothels. Heartbroken and lonely, Guinevere then decided to spend her time learning about military campaigns, especially from David's victories and her father's defeats. And yet, despite his successes, the knight often returned home severely wounded. Guinevere, knowledgeable in the uses of nature's ways of healing, tended to his wounds and his infections, caring for him better than the best nurse could ever do. Until the moment in which, tired of his philandering, she decided to poison him only the slightest bit, so as to make him settle down for a while, to be vulnerable with her, like he was in the best and scarce moments of their marriage. But she mistook the dosage. At least, that's what she tells herself... And soon Sir David quietly passed away. Now an accidental widow, Guinevere had nowhere to go but up. Through a combination of sympathy and charm she managed to land another husband of noble birth, an older gentleman called Lord Percival of Folley, and, at his behest, went to serve in the court of the queen of the kingdom. Slowly, she moved up the ranks of the ladies-in-waiting with a little drop of poison and a careful ear. Guinevere made sure to keep her friends close and her enemies closer, putting on the front of being a caring, humble servant of the royal family, while she schemed and planned her rise to power. It didn't take too long for her to get what she wanted. After the mysterious death of the queen consort, Guinevere was considered the best choice by the royal council to be the king's next wife. Guinevere believed that, finally, she would get everything she wanted: riches, influence, comforts, love. But in the intimacy of marriage, she discovered that the king was a controlling, demanding man. She knew how to fix this little issue, however. She had come this far, and there would be nothing in her way to stop her from achieving the ultimate position of power in the kingdom. Guinevere carefully poisoned him again, her supposed last victim, making sure to make it look like a simple disease... And lo and behold, after a few months, the king was dead. Long live the queen.
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chelsea-katz · 4 months
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The disappearance, the murders, the conspiracy... Redwood's never been what it seems!
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           the pirate au - @magicaljameshook​​ [listen] [more pirate au]
the captain - biffy clyro all hands on deck, pt1: raise the sail - funeral for a friend all hands on deck, pt 2: open  water - funeral for a friend a rush and a push and the land is ours - broadway calls tempest - aurelio voltaire cold hailey rainy night - the imagined village the plank - the devil makes three twiddles - misbehavin’ maidens master of tides - lindsey stirling the great wide open - funeral for a friend the horror and the wild - the amazing devil this sea - aurelio voltaire crawled out of the sea (interlude) - laura marling davy jones - hans zimmer rescue me - breabach i wait for you - right away, great captain! that sea, the gambler - gregory alan isakov the crooked kind - radical face tha mo ghaoul air àird a' chuain (my love is on the high seas) - julie fowlis oh, deceiver - right away, great captain! her & the sea - clann jolly sailor bold - ginny di under the water - aurora beneath the brine - the family crest the sweetest wave - funeral for a friend the ship in port - radical face the captain and the hourglass - laura marling the night we met - lord huron to be alone - hozier devil's backbone - the civil wars no time to die - billie eilish right away, great captain! - right away, great captain! the ultimate war - john williams drowsy maggie / rakish paddy / harvest storm - atlan
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ralph-wreczycki · 2 years
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Task 8: Alternate Universe ⇒ Dungeons and Dragons
Ralph is an Orc, Path of the Beserker Barbarian. Ralph was born into a nomadic orc tribe, which valued community above all else. Unfortunately, Ralph didn’t really fit in. Overshadowed and undervalued, he often acted out as a way to get attention. He would regularly start fights with others and neglect his duties in favor of doing whatever he wanted instead. As he reached adulthood, this culminated in his exile from the tribe, when his recklessness put everyone in danger. Bitter but unable to fight the ruling, Ralph absconded into the woods, where he would create a new life for himself.
At first, life as an outlander wasn’t so bad. He had the woods all to himself, where he would spend his time lazing around on his favorite stump, making up games for himself, or practicing his cooking skills without having to share his food. It was really lonely, but he liked living without any sort of obligations, even if he had no community.
That is, until the community came to him. One day, he was surprised to discover that settlers were making a colony in the woods, right near his hut. They cleared out a massive amount of trees in the area for their buildings--including his precious stump. Blinded by rage, Ralph would sneak into their settlement in the middle of the night and destroy everything that he could. It was a warning--leave these woods and never come back.
It would be unheeded. When he woke up the next day, he found that all the damage that he did had been reversed. The settlers had brought an artificer with them, able to use magic to easily fix any damage done. Ralph would make several more attempts, terrorizing the colony in an effort to get them to leave. Eventually this culminated in a head to head with the artificer himself, which ended up a bloody draw. Things were tense, but Ralph had no choice but to accept these newcomers living in his space.
At first, he stayed far away from the settlement. But as time went on, his rage subsided, replaced instead with curiosity and desire. This was the first time he was living around people again, and loneliness was affecting him greatly. He wasn’t sure he wanted to live the rest of his life as an outlander. So slowly, he began to approach.
Of course, the villagers were wary of him. They branded him as a beast and would not let go of his earlier attempts to wreck their things, no matter what verbal or material apologies he gave. At first, he believed that the people would never come to accept him due to his orcish heritage. That is, until he discovered a group of adventurers happily welcomed in the community, with an orc amongst them. Ralph realized that if he wanted the hero’s welcome, he would need to become a hero.
With that, he left the woods to begin a life of adventuring. It hasn’t been easy, though. His hot-headed nature and social awkwardness make it hard for any groups to want to take him on board, seeing him more as a liability than a help. Most of the jobs he has taken on have been mercenary positions--hardly anything to go home bragging about. Still, he’s determined to get some sort of accolade to bring back to the village, if only to prove he’s worthy of acceptance.
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Proficiencies: Athletics, Intimidation, Survival, Chef’s Tools
Tavern Brawler (fight unarmed or with improvised weapons, can grapple easier)
Chef/Baker (able to make little treats that heal and give temporary hit points)
Fighting Style: Ralph is good at two things--being scary and hitting hard. Honestly, it’s hard not to feel like a stereotype sometimes. People see an orc and think of brutish barbarians, which is exactly what he is. He taps into his rage to deal massive damage with his fists, a war hammer, or literally anything he can get his hands on. He’s always on the front lines, giving and taking hits like nobody’s business. His orcish heritage makes him a strong fighter, able to persevere through even the harshest blows. Still, Ralph isn’t just offense and rage. He’s cultivated his culinary skills to bake healing treats for his allies, which he uses as an awkward attempt to make connections with others. He works hard to protect others, using his outbursts to draw attention to himself and away from his allies. Although many people don’t want him on their team, he can be quite the asset when given the chance.
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reaganrackett · 2 years
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Task 8: Alternate Universe ⇒ Dungeons and Dragons
Reagan is a Halfling, Thief Rogue. Reagan did not know where she came from, or how it was she came to be alone. All she knew were the streets--she was transferred from foster home to foster home, each wanting less to do with her than the last. It was in one particularly bad home where she met Rowan, a fellow halfling child who would become her partner in crime. The two stuck with each other from then on out.
Change came in the form of an elven boy named Peter Pan. He approached them, the “Twins” he called them--telling them that he’d been watching them for some time and he wanted to recruit them for his group, the Lost Boys. According to him, the Lost Boys lived in another world where they never had to suffer and would never grow up. He knew how to get there, but they needed to trust him. With little other choice, they followed him. Peter would take them to a portal--on one side the dark, desaturated world of the Material Plane, on the other was the bright, vibrant, land of the Feywild. There, they made a new home with Peter and the other Lost Boys on an island where they could always have adventures, and time seemed to stand still. They were never want for anything, taken care of by a mysterious fey presence--seemingly the island on which they lived.
Things changed when Wendy and her brothers came into the picture. At first, it was the story of any other Lost Boy--children from the Material Plane brought by Peter to the Feywild to live in eternal bliss. The only difference was, Wendy didn’t want to remain in the Feywild forever. It created a tension within the group that only escalated when the island was attacked by a ship of marauding pirates, who captured Wendy, Reagan, and all of the Lost Boys. An epic battle took place on the pirate ship, culminating in a storm and the opening of a portal, through which the ship fell.
Suddenly, everyone was back in the Material Plane, with the portal closing behind them. On another continent, in a different time, they had no means to return to the place they once called home. In between Wendy’s betrayal, the Lost Boy, Tina, falling for the pirate captain, and the sinking realization that everything was forever changed, the Lost Boys fell apart. Everyone went their separate ways in a world where they were now being forced to grow up faster than ever.
At first, Reagan was devastated by everything that occurred. While she stuck by Rowan, she also fell into terrible habits of drinking, thievery, and debauchery to try and fill the hole in her heart. Eventually, she came to realize that she could create a new life for herself, however she wanted--so she became Reagan, not a scared, lost boy, but a confident woman who could get whatever she wanted. She eventually fell in with the local Thieves Guild, where she used her skills to make a name for herself.
While Reagan stays in touch with some of the Lost Boys and continues to adventure with them, particularly Rowan, she is much more involved and invested in the Thieves Guild and matters on the Material Plane. She knows that Peter in particular is looking to find a way back to the Feywild, but Reagan doesn’t think they’ll ever be able to find another portal. She will often join other adventuring groups, if only to sneak some of the loot.
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Proficiencies: Perception, Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Athletics, Playing Card Set, Thieve’s Tools
Piercer (Additional damage with stabbing attacks)
Squat Nimbleness (Faster speed, easier escape from grapples)
Fighting Style: Reagan is small, sneaky, and tremendously fast. She will stab you in the back and you will not see it coming. She’s extremely adept with a dagger, of which she carries many on her person. She rarely likes to fight head on, often finding advantageous places where she can hide and attack from, only to slink back into the shadows. Additionally, she is an excellent climber of both natural and urban areas alike, so she does everything she can to use her environment to her advantage. While she’s not often one to stick out her neck for others, she will try to flank and distract enemies so that her allies can get extra or more damaging hits in. If push comes to shove, however, you’re on your own (with the exception of Rowan).
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gwen-pleakley · 2 years
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Task 8: Alternate Universe �� Dungeons and Dragons
Gwen is a Githyanki, Swarmkeeper Ranger/Circle of the Shepherd Druid. She is of an alien people, once enslaved by the evil hive mind of the Mind Flayers, that now lives in the Astral Plane, the “Limbo” between worlds. Gwen is of the first generation to be born after liberation and thus a lot of pressure was put on her to succeed. While many of her peers were indoctrinated into their militarized society, Gwen was recruited for her mind. Through her studies and observation, she was able to work her way up the governmental ranks as an expert on the Material Plane, helping plan invasions and raids.
Eventually her expertise was called on for a very precise mission. She was to travel to the Material Plane for reconnaissance alongside Javi--a captured Mind Flayer who escaped into the Astral Plane after his less-than-savory arcane experiments were discovered by his people. Once they completed their objective, they were meant to return back.
However, things did not go as planned. Through their journeys, Gwen came to fall in love with the Material Plane and all of its creatures. Suddenly, the things she had read in books and tomes were real and tangible to her. While her expertise did come in handy for navigating this strange land, there was still so much for her to learn, and she wanted to know all of it.
It helped that Javi had no desire to return either. Although the Gith promised him freedom in exchange for his services, he felt he had much more freedom in the Material Plane, where no one was looking over his shoulder. Not to mention, the arcane possibilities were limitless. Together, the two decided to abandon their mission and make their home on this strange and wonderful plane.
Easier said than done. Having forsaken the Gith and the Illithid, they found themselves targets of both peoples, who wanted them alive or dead. The two were constantly on the move, joining in and out of varying adventure groups to make money while keeping a low profile. While Gwen’s expertise gave her a background similar to a humanoid ranger, it was only through true experience that she was able to connect with material creatures and call their aid in battle. She was especially attached to the mosquito, with whom she formed a bond to become her swarm. The more she communed with nature, the more she tapped into druidic practices as well to become a true protector of the Material Plane.
Javi’s interests lay much more with the arcane and conducting various magical experiments. Many of the adventures that they go on are of his design, looking for materials or research that can help further his projects. While Gwen doesn’t necessarily approve of everything he does, she has become extremely attached to him and can’t imagine adventuring--or life itself--without him.
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Proficiencies: Arcana, Nature, Investigation, Survival, Herbalism Kit
Spell Sniper - (more accurate ranged spell attacks)
Eldritch Adept - (cast Disguise Self without a spell slot, which she uses to disguise herself as a beautiful half-elven woman)
Druidic Warrior (extra druid cantrips)
Fighting Style: Gwen is a lover, not a fighter. She views all life as precious and has a deep disdain for killing. However, as an adventurer, sometimes these things are unavoidable. When she does find herself dragged into combat, she specializes as a ranged fighter. She leans heavily into nature based magic, which she can charge off with precision and grace. She’s skilled with a shortbow and uses it to take out incapacitating--but not killing--blows. In addition, her swarm of mosquitos is always at her aid, dealing more damage, pushing enemies away, and even helping her fly. The more she attunes herself with nature, however, the more she wants to use her magic as a positive force. Throwing herself into druidic training, she can now summon a spirit of nature to help empower or heal her companions. Because of her inability to commit to one thing, as well as her demure demeanor, she is not a particularly strong combatant. But with her knowledge and can-do attitude, she makes an amazing guide and puzzle-solver, with skills that help outside of encounters more than in them. 
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cassguardia · 2 years
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Task 8: Alternate Universe ⇒ Dungeons and Dragons
Cassandra is a Half-Elf, Oath of the Crown Oathbreaker Paladin. Cass doesn’t know much about where she came from. Her father, the Captain of the Royal Guard, never told her much about her ancestry, nor why she was different from the mostly human population of their hometown. The kingdom worshipped Pelor, the sun god, who paladins and guards would pledge their oath to in order to protect the crown. While Cass wanted to follow in her father’s footsteps, he had other plans for her and sent her to school to learn to become a handmaiden.
Eventually, she would become the handmaiden of the kingdom’s lost princess. A Divine Soul Sorcerer, the princess was blessed by Pelor himself with magical abilities that were coveted by outside forces. Although the princess would make her way back to her home, her free spirit never left her, and Cass spent a majority of her time chasing after and having to protect her.
While this led to a lot of wacky shenanigans and hijinks, Cass continued to prove herself time and time again as a skilled warrior and protector of the crown. Eventually it could no longer be denied--she had become the de facto personal guard of the princess. With her father’s blessing, she took the oath and became an official paladin. Together, she attended to the princess alongside all her adventures, defeating evils that threatened the kingdom.
Despite this, Cass never truly felt like she belonged. She had taken an oath to Pelor and yet she felt no connection to him, while the princess would regularly receive visions and celestial knowledge. Her doubts were only furthered when--on one of their adventures--she came into possession of an ancient obsidian sword. Unbeknownst to the rest of her group, the sword was possessed by an evil spirit that whispered in Cass’s mind, isolating her from her friends and revealing to her a dark truth--her mother abandoned her after kidnapping the lost princess. She took her in order to use the princess’s magical abilities to extend her own lifespan. Cass is not a half-elf at all, but the byproduct of her mother’s initial failed attempts at dark magic immortality. Her bastardized creation keeps her from connecting with Pelor, with whom she’ll never belong.
This revelation sent Cass on the warpath. She betrayed the princess and her kingdom, stealing a powerful vestige of the moon goddess Selune which doubled as her spellcasting focus. She used it in combination with her Oathbreaker abilities to create an undead army with which to destroy the place she once called home. Pelor forsook her, so now she would destroy everything and everyone he holds dear.
Once upon a time, Cassandra was a paladin who adventured for the good of her kingdom. Now, she is the one adventurers must face in order to restore peace.
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Proficiencies: Athletics, Intimidation, Acrobatics, Insight, Weaver’s Tools
Slasher (Reduce speed with every slash attack, give disadvantage on crit hits)
Sharpshooter (Longer range, overcome cover, hard hitting shots)
Great Weapon Fighting (reroll for higher damage w/ two handed weapon)
Fighting Style: Cass has always been a hard hitter. Before the acquisition of her cursed sword, she used a normal greatsword, which she would often wield two handed in order to deal the greatest amount of damage. As an Oath to the Crown paladin, she would make great use of her channel divinity options to increase her athletics/acrobatics, as well as dole out healing to all of her companions. Although she had access to magic, she preferred to use that energy as divine strikes to empower her attacks. She always left the magic up to the princess.
As an Oathbreaker paladin, her fighting style has not much changed, if only become more unhinged. She now uses her channel divinity to control the undead, as well as frighten her enemies. While she would normally channel her magical energy into divine smite, now she is more open to casting spells, especially Inflict Wounds and Bestow Curse. While she is infamous for being a close ranged fighter and tank, she is also very proficient in ranged weaponry. Wielding a longbow, she uses her sharpshooter ability to make precise and devastating blows. She is a formidable foe, with very little qualms in killing, except for a few individual people.
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ursuladirossi · 2 years
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Task 8: Alternate Universe ⇒ Dungeons and Dragons
Ursula is a Triton, Aberrant Mind Sorcerer/Fathomless Warlock. For as long as she could remember, Ursula had always seen tentacles. They grew out of her in purple, shimmering translucence, though no one but her could see them. Then, the whispers started. First they were quiet, passing by in small company. Soon, they grew louder, particularly when in large crowds. It would take her years to realize she was hearing other people’s thoughts.
She would never come to know exactly how or why she’d gotten these innate abilities--only that she could use them to her advantage. She grew up as royalty in an underwater kingdom. Although her family was too far branched for her to be considered for the crown, they were still shrewd business people with an eye for connections and opportunities. Ursula was raised to be much the same way.
However, she wasn’t satisfied with merely being rich. She wanted power. She wanted the throne, which she believed was rightfully hers. Over the years, she honed her powers, using her ability to read and manipulate minds to work her way through the ranks and create a political network. She did not want to gain the crown through a brute force coup, but rather political subterfuge and assassination of the true heir, her cousin.
Unfortunately, all did not go as planned. She was caught in her assassination attempt, which exposed her ability to use magic. Suddenly, all the allies she had gained had to question if they really supported her by their own volition, or if she had used mind magic to dupe them. Her network crumbled away and she was exiled from the kingdom.
Ursula was left to drift in the vastness of the ocean, with nothing to her name and no one to support her. It was at this lowest point, in the darkest depths of the ocean, that the Fathomless discovered her. Their tentacles embraced her and Their voice spoke in her mind, beckoning her to caverns in trenches where no living creature would dare to go. There, she was given whispered promises that They could return her to the power that was so rightfully hers. In return, she would bring Them poor, unfortunate souls for unknowable purposes. In the darkness, a deal was struck.
For the first time in her life, Ursula rose to the surface world. No one knew of her, her kingdom, nor the infamous acts that caused her exile. Instead, she picked up right where she left off in gaining people’s trust and using her abilities to do good wherever she went. Along the way, she would make offers to those in need of dire help. Along the way, those people would disappear. Then she would move on to the next town.
While she prefers to work alone, many jobs require the assistance of others. She will join adventurer groups as a way to gain favor with the public so that she can make her deals in private. She’s a valuable asset to any team she is on, as a powerhouse arcane user and silver tongued negotiator. However, she never sticks around for long, usually disappearing once the job is done.
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Proficiencies: Arcana, Persuasion, Deception, Alchemist’s Supplies
Observant (Ability to read lips, high passive perception)
Skill Expert (Proficiency in deception, double proficiency in persuasion)
Subtle Spell (Cast without verbal or somatic components)
Twinned Spell (Cast a spell on more than one target)
Eldritch Mind (Advantage on CON saving throws to maintain concentration)
Mask of Many Faces (Ability to cast Disguise Self at will, no spell slot)
Fighting Style: Ursula’s weapon of choice is her words. If she can negotiate her way out of a situation, she will. If she has to use more underhanded methods, such as mind manipulation magic, she will. Her subtle spell metamagic ability often comes in handy, allowing her to cast spells without verbal or somatic components, so that a person does not even realize they’re being manipulated. But sometimes, all you can do is a good old fashion butt kicking. Ursula relies heavily on her magic in combat, whether it being casting devastating evocation spells, harrowing psionic spells, or summoning a spectral tentacle given to her by the Fathomless to beat someone within an inch of their life. Often, she will use her twinned spell metamagic ability to double her hitting power across multiple combatants, lovingly rendered to look like her pet eels that she had to leave behind. The rest of her magic is dark--writhing like tentacles and whispering in otherworldly languages that few can understand. She also utilizes potions of her own making to buff herself, heal her “allies”, or create distractions when needed. If all else fails and she’s left only to melee combat, she keeps a whip and dagger on her. Her spellcasting focus is a shell necklace with a purple gem within.
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happiestplacehq · 2 years
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Task Eight → Alternative Universe
As inspired by our current event, Into Redwood, and our in-game play of Into the Woods, we would love to see your characters appear in various Alternative Universes for this task! Of course, they are technically in an AU as we speak, so we’re not talking about their Disney counterparts here.
It is entirely up to you which AU you throw your character into, and how you go about doing so. You can focus on describing your character and their life in an AU setting, or you can craft an idea based on their relationship to another character. It is always fun to see how your character’s traits and personality are transferred into a new setting. This can be in the form of a ‘blurb’ or plot description, a moodboard, a movie poster, a character outline (including stats and information about their life in the AU), or, if you’re feeling really extra, you can write an AU thread with another player for us to read*.
As an example, Naomi and I have written a number of AUs, including a Pirate AU [see the moodboard here] or [read an excerpt here] and a Bridgerton AU [moodboard] and [excerpt], which also partly inspired this task.
*If you plan to write and post an AU thread, I would suggest writing it together in a Google Doc or discord thread and posting in one go, as opposed to an ongoing reblog thread, so that other players are not confused by what is and isn’t canon, and tagging it as #happiestplaceAU
Below the cut you will find a list of Alternative Universe ideas!
Please tag your posts with #happiestplacetask and #happiestplacetask8 so everyone can see. This is not a mandatory task, and can be completed at any time. Previous tasks can be found in the source.
Apocalypse AU
Pirates AU
Magic AU / Fantasy AU
Vampire / Werewolf AU
Royalty AU (Or, knights, peasants, and anything royalty related)
Soulmates AU
Decades AU (Your character’s life if they were in a different decade e.g. 20s, 60s, 70s)
Historical AU (Similar to the above, but way further back. Like Tudor or Victorian AU)
Famous AU (Their life if they were a famous celebrity)
Circus AU
Crime AU (Somehow your character gets mixed up in the mafia?)
Desert Island AU
DnD AU (Just straight up throw your character into a DnD Campaign)
Hunger Games AU
Noir Detective AU
Freaky Friday AU (Your character switches bodies with another)
Wild West AU
Camp Councillors AU (Your character is a councillor at a summer camp where weird stuff starts to happen)
OR anything that you’ve wanted to write with your character that you don’t want to become written canon. (A scenario test, if you will. Like a ‘what if this happened instead of that’ sort of thing.)
Linked [here] is a blog with some cool AU prompts too and another cool post [here].
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brodenbarrelborror · 2 years
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Task 8: Alternate Universe ⇒ Dungeons and Dragons
Broden is a Reborn, Grave Domain Cleric. Broden was said to be a gift of the Raven Queen, the goddess of death, after he survived a rather traumatic premature birth. Despite the miracle of his survival, this did not stop him from being placed in foster care. It was there that he would eventually meet Logan “Lock” and Saaiqa “Shock”, his psuedo-siblings. The three of them dubbed themselves “The Unholy Trinity”, nicknamed Broden “Barrel”, and ran away from their home to live on the streets.
They learned to adapt to survive. As street urchins, they became masters of thievery and sneaking around. Although there were many close calls, the three of them always had each other’s backs and were able to get away from even the most persistent guard. They were not always the smartest, however. When they got on the wrong side of the local Thieves Guild, it looked like it would be the end for them. However, the leader of the guild--a man named Oz Borror--saw the potential in the trio and decided to take them in as his own.
Now official members (some would argue heirs) of the Thieves Guild, the trio were able to harness their abilities in a way they never had before. Lock and Shock particularly took to magic and rogue-like abilities, but Barrel was never able to keep up. While he had his proficiencies, he started to fall behind them in strength and ability. The only reason they seemed to keep him around was because of his know-how of the healer’s kit. Other than that, they gave him the jobs that no one wanted to do. Not that he ever complained--he was just happy to be included.
One day, they were approached by a rival of their father’s, who beseeched their help in a top secret mission. They were to go to another plane of existence, capture a mysterious creature, and bring it back. The creature was Skabatha Nightshade, a toymaker hag from the magical realm of the Feywild. They agreed, but were of course planning on double crossing the rival to give Skabatha to Oz instead.
At first, it seemed like an easy mission. The rival took them to the portal to the Feywild, and they began their search. However, things took a turn for the worst fast. They were not strong enough to subdue Skabatha, nor her army of Red Caps--small elven-like creatures crazed with bloodlust. The ensuing battle was more than the trio could take. This was especially the case for Barrel, the weakest of them all, who fell to Skabatha’s might. The remaining trio gathered Barrel’s body and retreated back to the world of the Material Plane.
They knew that there were magics capable of bringing a person back from the dead. However, they did not know anyone capable of such powerful necromancy. Heartbroken but determined, the Borror family left Barrel in a secret location and began their journey to find someone who could bring him back to life.
What they did not realize was someone already had their eye on doing just that. When Barrel met the Raven Queen--ready to move his soul to the next plane of existence--he did not regard her with reverence or fear. Instead, he treated her like a long lost friend, chatting her up in a way that few mortals ever would. She was intrigued by him and decided that perhaps it was not his time. And perhaps she could use a Champion to do her bidding on the Material Plane.
One day, in the darkness, Broden opened his eyes. He had no clue how much time had passed, with no memory of his death, nor his life before it. All he had was the name Broden, and the whispers of the Raven Queen, tempting him to do as she commanded. He was able to escape the place he was kept and began a life of adventuring, totally unaware of the family who would one day return to find him disappeared.
Broden now wanders the lands, dipping in and out of various adventuring parties to act as a cleric and support. He’s happy to do whatever is placed in front of him and will rarely turn down an opportunity. Somewhere in the back of his mind are foggy visions of his past life, though he’s not sure what to make of them. He feels like he should be looking for somebody. But in the meantime, he’s fine with his carefree, adventuring life.
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Proficiencies: Medicine, Religion, Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Healer’s Kit
Healer (ability to stabilize and heal even without magic)
Tough (Gains extra hit points with each level)
Fighting Style: For the longest time, Barrel didn’t have a fighting style. He was best utilized as a scout and a healer, told to stay to the side while his siblings did all the fighting. With his rebirth and descent into cleric-dom, things have changed. Broden’s new strategy is to survive so all his allies can too. With his armor, shield, and insane amount of hit points, he can act as someone who either doesn’t get hit or can absorb hits easily. From there, he spends most of his efforts in battle healing, buffing, and protecting others with his grave domain abilities. However, do not be fooled--he has grown tremendously since his days as Barrel. Armed with a war mace, he can land hard hits when needed. This is useful because--as a low wisdom cleric--his magic is not always as strong as it could be. Clutching the holy symbol that he found around his neck upon rebirth, his specialty is necromancy magic, which he has taken a particular interest in.
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archiefeathursby · 2 years
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Task 8: Alternate Universe ⇒ Dungeons and Dragons
Archie is a Dwarf, Way of the Drunken Master Monk/School of Conjuration Wizard. Archimedes was born and raised in the capitol of the kingdom, which flourished in peace and prosperity. Archie and his siblings were all named after an adventuring group that had brought about that era. His mother, a priestess in the temple of Helm, often waxed poetics about the heroics of this group, and how she hoped that all of her children would one day follow in the footsteps of their namesakes. Archie had no such ambitions, and often slacked off in his magic apprenticeship--much to the chagrin of his master, Merlin.
However, not everything was as pleasant as it seemed. Behind the scenes, there was political subterfuge and splintering, with a heavy debate on the ethics of magic use. Eventually, an authoritarian, anti-arcane faction came out on top, and they used the power of the kingdom’s forces to crack down. All spellcasters, whether they be arcane, divine, or natural, were arrested, jailed, or killed. All magic schools were shut down. Merlin told Archie to hide any magic he had learned, before using a spell to escape the city. In the chaos that ensued, their father fled and abandoned them, leaving mother and children alone.
It was a difficult transition, but one that Archie accepted. He never cared that much for magic, and as long as he and his family were safe, that was all that mattered. He took on financial accounting and bookkeeping, ready to live life as a commoner. However, his mother fell fatally ill. Archie and his siblings took her to the temple of Helm for healing, but because of the new regime, there were no clerics or healing spells that could save her. With her final words, her mother begged her children to bring good into the world.
Her passing was the dissolution of the family. Archie’s siblings would scatter, each taking their mother’s final words in different ways. Archie was the only one to stay behind in the city, burying his grief in a bottle of booze. Living as a low life, he met other low lives and eventually found his place in the seedy underbelly of the city. He had to learn how to take care of himself, and picked up a knack for close combat fighting, under the guise of being a drunken lout. He used his intelligence to bolster criminals and rebellion factions, wanting to undermine the empire that had caused the death of his mother.
Eventually, those efforts would pay off. Rebellion from within and outside the city made a grand stand and overthrew the anti-magic regime, restoring arcana back to the empire. While Archie participated in the fighting, he was hardly a main player, nor did he live up to the heroics of his namesake. In the end, Archie felt no pride, no retribution--just a hollow emptiness that he filled with alcohol.
These dangerous habits would continue on long after the restoration of the old government. Despite new leaders, corruption continued to be abound. The rebels and criminals he once worked with remained as such, taking advantage of new magics for their underhanded dealings. Things only changed when, with the return of magic, was the return of Merlin. The old wizard found Archie in his drunken, depressed state and implored he turn his life around. He offered to continue their apprenticeship and teach him magic so that he could do as his mother requested and bring good to the world.
It was a difficult path, but one that Archie decided to give a chance. He gave up his drinking in favor of spellcasting, becoming a rather powerful wizard (who could land a punch every now and again). He ended up as the Head of Conjuration at the magic school that Merlin reopened, teaching students to become the adventurers that he was named after.
Archie isn’t so much an adventurer himself as much as the mentor who helps out fledgling adventuring groups. However, he is known to get out there in dire circumstances. While it’s said that he does not work well with others, he is someone you want to have on your team.
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Proficiencies: Arcana, History, Insight, Performance, Brewer’s Supplies
Intelligence stat raise
Fighting Style: As the apprentice of Merlin, many see Archie and assume he’s just a small, decrepit, old wizard. To be fair, he is some of those things. As a powerful arcane user, he has a wide variety of magic at his fingertips from utility spells, to buff spells, to damage dealing spells. He likes to think of himself as a rounded caster, though his specialty is conjuration and teleportation. He has a Tiny Owl familiar named Pinfeathers who he constantly utilizes both in and out of battle to help his allies, spy on his enemies, and deliver spells. But what gives him an edge and what people don’t expect, is his background in close ranged combat. He’s never forgotten his days as an underground rebel, nor the techniques he utilized by “pretending” to be a drunk. He is incredibly fast for a dwarf, hard to hit, and knows how to throw some really good punches. Although his expertise lies in magic, he’s quick to fall back to old ways when needed.
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chelsea-katz · 4 months
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  ... You wanna know what the papers won't tell ya?
Well, what can I say? When a good-lookin' dame like that walks into your office, asking for your help, who am I to refuse? Not like the official investigation was goin' anywhere, poor thing. It seemed nobody cared about a missing child, not when it was a kid from the streets. Me, I've always prided myself in caring about everyone, and makin' sure such injustices get their spot in the light. The kid who disappeared was a friend of hers, she told me. A lounge singer, she was. The kid was a paper boy, so I had seen him here and there a couple times... And he ended up bein' in the wrong place, at the wrong time. There might be somethin' he heard that he shouldn't have. Somethin' about the mayor being implicated on some big deal with his mysterious benefactors. The three Bs, I call 'em. The top dog at the local casino, where people went to empty their pockets and their bank accounts; the head honcho of our most frequented waterin' hole, where my singer friend charmed the crowds; and the enigmatic heavy hitter businessman, our mayor's largest contributor, who had his sticky fingers all over town. The usual suspects, see. Now, I'm no big-shot PI, but I am a reporter, and I take my job very seriously, as you know. So I went snoopin' around, as I do. And whad'ya know, there's a whole lotta secrets going 'round here! What a surprise, right? And my hunch, of course, was right on the dot. What I wasn't quite expectin' was how protective these folks would be of their secrets. But when there's money and power involved... I don't mind the occasional tiff 'n scuffle, of course, I'm used to it. For whatever reason, people don't like me stickin' my nose all in their business. But I do take issue when people's lives are on the line. With an ongoing string of strange random murders, that I knew I could link to these three Bs's associates in the underworld... I was deathly worried about my singer friend and the kid! So just imagine my surprise when it turned out the singer had been blackmailed into helpin' these crooks catch me, paint me as a drunk and a phony, and as if that wasn't enough, destroy all my investigation... That, I can only take that personally.
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mxmorganmorph · 2 years
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Task 8: Alternate Universe ⇒ Dungeons and Dragons
Morgan is a Changeling, College of Glamour Bard. They were born in what they believed to be a normal family, raised by their human mother and grandmother. However, when they hit adolescence, they discovered they had the ability to change their appearance on a whim. Their absent father had been a changeling, a creature able to shapeshift. They were discouraged by their mother from ever using their gift, not wanting to draw attention on themselves.
Much to her chagrin, Morgan loved attention. Although they kept their shapeshifting to a minimum, they still fell in love with performance, particularly singing and dancing. Once old enough, they went to bard school, specializing in the college of glamour taught by satyrs and fey folk. They were ready to take the world by storm.
Unfortunately, the world was not ready for them. Despite several attempts to jump start their performing career, they eventually fell flat and had to move back home. Their mother, years later, had changed her tune and requested Morgan’s “services” in helping her current boyfriend, a leader in the local Thieves Guild. Suddenly, Morgan was shapeshifting all the time, using their abilities to aid in robberies, drug trade, and other illegal activities. But, when push came to shove, the guild used them as the fall guy and allowed them to be arrested in their stead.
In prison, Morgan had no idea how to survive. They were hardly the toughest, and their sassy tongue often got them into trouble. Soon, they were taken under the wing by a pirate captain named John Silver. He protected them and taught them the ropes. And when the time came for him to bust out, he took Morgan with him.
At first, Morgan was reluctant to join another band of criminals. They never wanted the criminal life in the first place, and they hated being used for their abilities. Much to their surprise, however, Silver never once asked them to do anything for him--and would punish anyone on the crew who tried to pressure them. They were free to do as they liked on the ship, and so they became an entertainer. Picking up the art they thought they’d loss, they used their bard magic and shapeshifting abilities to bring fun and laughter to the crew. It wasn’t through coercion, but by choice, that they would come to aid the crew in their adventures.
Although Morgan mostly adventures with their pirate crew, they’re known to go on their own or join up with other adventurers on occasion. They say its for the love of adventure, but secretly they are helping Silver find a map to the greatest treasure in all of myth and legend.
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Proficiencies: Insight, Persuasion, Performance, Slight of Hand, Perception, Disguise Kit, Tambourine, Cymbals, Castanets
Actor (Ability to mimic other voices)
Resilient (Advantage on CON saving throws)
Fighting Style: If Morgan could have their way, they would never be in combat. They will exhaust every possible shapeshifting, magic, or persuasion possibility to avoid having encounters in the first place. If they have no other choice, they will instead hide behind their much more capable compatriots, boosting them with buff spells and bardic inspiration. Considering all of their spells are enchantment, illusion, or buff, they have very little offensive capabilities--though they’ll hit you with a Vicious Mockery no problem. When it comes to their spellcasting, the instruments they use are mostly dance oriented and they love to put on a show when they use them. Their magic is loud, boisterous, and very colorful. As an absolute last resort, they do keep a shortsword on them but they would really prefer never to have anyone close enough where they’d have to use it.
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