babygirlhanseo · 10 months
today on the han seo brainrot agenda, i present to you:
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tomorrow? who knows X)
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hanseosvincenzo · 2 years
I'm currently deep in the hancenzo brainrot and just wanted to say thank you for all the fics you've written for them, for real most of the ones I most enjoy I get to the end and realise it was you all along ! Thank you for your contribution 💖 brb gonna cry looking at hanseo GIFs
Awwww thank you so much!! This is so sweet! ; w; i hope you enjoy your stay on the cutest ship in the universe!
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Vincenzo + Hancenzo + "Did you mean to forget me?"
Hanseo watches the exchange with a heaviness in his heart that he hasn't felt in a very long time. He knows exactly why that is, but he doesn't quite understand it all at the same time. He should be happy that everything worked out, shouldn't he? It's definitely good to be alive, and he is for the most part pain-free nowadays, but...well, it's more complicated than that.
In Vincenzo's defense, it has been a good couple of years since everything that happened the last time he was in Korea for more than a few moments. Hanseo knows from hearing Chayoung say it that he's visited, but on a very limited schedule. Which means that also in Vincenzo's defense, he's a criminal and has to stay under the radar.
It makes sense. Really, it does. But now that Vincenzo is here again and visiting with everyone, Hanseo just...doesn't see where he himself belongs. Vincenzo connects so fluidly and so naturally with everyone else that Hanseo feels as if he doesn't stand a chance.
No...it's more than that. Hanseo is trying desperately not to let it get to him, but it's not working. Over the course of Vincenzo's time away, the man has been on Hanseo's mind constantly. Vincenzo, at the time, had been the only thing Hanseo had left. He had been the last voice Hanseo had heard on the night he'd thought he was going to die.
It's not like Hanseo thought Vincenzo would come flying in and greeting him with big hugs and tears in his eyes or anything, either. It's more like...the man hasn't acknowledged him much at all. They've locked eyes, but Vincenzo has been too busy getting swept up by everyone staying at the Plaza.
Maybe he doesn't mean it like that. Hanseo knows he's not the only person who missed Vincenzo, so maybe it's more like he hasn't had the chance to talk to him. But they've passed enough drinks around that Hanseo thinks Vincenzo has completely and utterly forgotten he's here. He'd backed up to give Vincenzo his space, and he's been patiently waiting for him ever since.
But Vincenzo never comes. He and the others push all the tables in the restaurant together and sit down for a round of Mafia. Hanseo watches from a seat in the back as they continue drinking and carrying on, playing their game. His heart and stomach sink lower. He feels sick.
Even after having escaped his brother, Hanseo still doesn't feel free. He hasn't even after knowing Hanseok was dead. It's because loneliness has filtered in and consumed the empty spaces that were cleared up when fear disappeared. It doesn't feel any better. It feels miserable. Sometimes, Hanseo wonders if he'd be happier not being alive.
He gets up and walks toward the open doorway, turning once more to give the group one last glance. A sigh escapes him, and as he turns to leave, he thinks that maybe he sees Vincenzo's gaze turn up toward him.
Still, he goes. He starts down the hallway and tucks his hands into his pockets, his gaze heavy and sullen. He's so lost in thought that he doesn't hear his own footsteps echoing through the dark halls of the plaza.
But he does, however, hear someone else's footsteps. They're coming at him fast, in a dead sprint, and Hanseo can't even turn around in time to acknowledge them before the form of the person cuts past him and moves to stop directly in front of him. Just like that, Hanseo is staring straight into the eyes of none other than Vincenzo Cassano.
Who looks very, uncharacteristically, genuinely shocked. He's gaping at Hanseo, panting, scanning him up and down, as if he can't believe what he's seeing.
"...Jang Hanseo."
Hanseo frowns and the words slip out before he can try and control himself. "Did you mean to forget me?"
It's Vincenzo's turn to frown, before his head cocks to the side. "...I don't understand."
Hanseo thinks he should be furious at that statement. What's not to understand? Hanseo feels left out, and as he'd just voiced, forgotten. But at the same time, Vincenzo doesn't look like his confusion has anything to do with that or the question Hanseo just asked him. He keeps looking him up and down like something's wrong.
Hanseo relaxes a little there. He's more concerned about why Vincenzo can't stop staring now.
Vincenzo's gaze snaps up and locks with Hanseo's at that, and he seems to compose himself. For a split second, he almost looks like the hardcore mafioso Hanseo had grown to admire so deeply. But he still looks perplexed...and maybe even a bit fearful. It's Hanseo's turn to not understand.
"You..." Vincenzo reaches forward with one hand as he speaks, aiming straight for Hanseo's torso. Hanseo doubles back, shocked by the sudden gesture. Vincenzo freezes, attempts to maintain calm, and then approaches once more. "...there's no way."
Hanseo is more afraid of the look on Vincenzo's face than anything. He looks so unlike himself. Even more so than the man who had been partying with everyone in the restaurant. He looks almost frightened, and maybe Hanseo's eyes are playing tricks on him, but it looks as if there's moisture in Vincenzo's stare. He backs up more as Vincenzo reaches out again, and when he feels his back hit one of the walls alongside the hallway, he inhales sharply and looks down at the hand drawing closer.
And he and Vincenzo watch together in horror as Vincenzo's hand passes right through his middle and flattens against the wall behind him.
It's funny, how everything suddenly makes sense there. Hanseo has paid the plaza multiple visits ever since his brother's death. He's greeted them, tried to strike up conversation with them, even attempted to spend whole afternoons with them, and they've all just...acted as if he wasn't there. Hanseo had taken it as a form of punishment, honestly--felt as if they were ignoring him because of everything that happened. Hanseo, on their side or not, would have to do a lot to earn their trust. But now that he knows they probably couldn't see him...it hurts.
How in the hell does a dead person not even know they're dead?
"You don't understand," Vincenzo finally says, his voice a valiant effort at composed, but not quite there. "I watched you die."
Hanseo glances down, and he thinks for a second that he can almost see the blood welling up on his front again. He doesn't know why on earth Vincenzo can see him but nobody else can, but he knows in that very moment that he's never been forgotten. Vincenzo looks as close to devastated as Hanseo has ever seen him right now.
As Vincenzo speaks up once more, Hanseo breaks down and cries.
"I never forgot you. I just didn't expect to see you."
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daydream-cosmos · 3 years
Vincenzo Cassano/Jang Hanseo (Vinseo)
A/N: This is a dumb story that has been plaguing my mind. I hope no one finds this ugly jewel. Like seriously it's...crappy.
It begins after they had managed to put Hanseok in jail. At first, Vincenzo didn't think much about his strange behaviour around Hanseo until Chayoung told him about it.
"Hey, Vin!" Chayoung quickly jogs up to him, a happy grin plastered on her beautiful face. Said man turns his head slightly to the side, an eyebrow raised to question the sudden nickname. "I notice that you and Hanseo are...getting closer." Her eyes twinkles in curiosity. Vincenzo stops abruptly, and Chayoung stumbles on his back. "What do you mean by that?" He asked as he turns around to face her. Chayoung merely gave a sheepish grin in return. "Weeelllll....I can't help but notice how you seem to...smile more when around him! So I thought perhaps there's something growing on between you two~"
He considers telling her that there's something going on, but he thinks he wouldn't be prepared for the onslaughts of questions that said woman might asked. So he settled on ignoring her. "Heyyy!!! Vincenzo! C'monnn!" Chayoung grumbles. Vincenzo smirks slightly and walks away from her. Afterall, Hanseo is waiting for him at the cafe they planned on meeting.
"Vin-hyung!" A bright voice calls out to him as he enters the cafe. His lips curls up into a small smile at the sight of Hanseo in a normal attire that wasn't a suit like he usually wore before when they meet. The outfit Hanseo wore is a white button-up tee and a blue coloured jeans. The one he had bought for the younger. He saunters towards the table and takes a sit. The young man immediately starts asking him questions such as, "How is your day?" "Have you eaten a lunch yet?" and "I hope your morning was good!" to which he answered it all with a genuine smile. Vincenzo likes how Hanseo always asked him about his well being. He could be a great wife, his mind traitorously whispered.
And he thinks to himself, Is this love?
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babygirlhanseo · 10 months
as with all my obsessions, i’ve come to the point™️ with jang han seo :,)
rule 63
i present to you, fem!hanseo the absolute queen 🙂💔
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babygirlhanseo · 10 months
uhhhh so i recently read For His Love by Geekygirl24 and i am in love!
so, of course i went ahead and made some manips of the hancenzo and jang bro kids 😭
meet henri 🥺💔
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and the precious isacco 😭❤️
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babygirlhanseo · 8 months
this is an amv i cannot get over! every time it appears anywhere on my youtube dash, i HAVE to watch it. and it feels like it gets better every time :,)
please support it on YT by liking and commenting! LINK
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babygirlhanseo · 8 months
i don't remember what was going on in my head when i was making this but :') i have feelings, okay?? since i don't have anything to update yet, here, have some hancenzo angst :,)
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there can be so many possibilities
maybe vincenzo not forcing han seo to leave the country despite knowing how dangerous it could get because han seo was being confident and secure for the first time? and then regretting letting him choose what he wanted this one time because vincenzo wanted to be the kind of person han seo thought he was.
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babygirlhanseo · 10 months
i'm having fem!hanseo brainrot so i bring to you some of our lil miss ceo blowing off some steam at the gym
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babygirlhanseo · 10 months
creating more fake jang bro and hancenzo scenarios feat. my darling miss ma’am
please i’m so in love with fem!han seo
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babygirlhanseo · 8 months
are there any video editors who make jang bros content? please i need more. i think i've consumed all the yt content T_T
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hanseosvincenzo · 2 years
ok, i have always been deadly curious: what first attracted you to this ship? rants, photo essays, keyboard smashing all welcome lol!
ahhh i'm so glad you asked! it's so many things tbh
the thing that made me ship it is probably the thing that made a lot of people ship it, haha, but it's the pig's blood scene. the look on hanseo's face when he sees vincenzo and chayoung up above cheering...idk how else to describe that other than absolute adoration.
i knew from that point that it was going to be my biggest vincenzo ship, because i had gravitated toward hanseo from the beginning. the show does a really good job of conveying just how stifled, how suffocated hanseo is in his situation. he really wants to come out on top, and all he wants to see is babel being run legitimately. he is forced to play the role of the bad guy at risk of his own physical health, because his brother is fucking apeshit, but he's a good person.
upon seeing the way he looked at vincenzo during that sequence, i started to realize just how much of an opportunity vincenzo is for him. not just as a romantic partner, but as someone who can save hanseo. hanseo is desperate for an out at that point. his life has been in a perpetual state of in danger since he was a kid, to the point that he resorted to drug abuse as an escape for a period of time.
vincenzo despises weakness. he thinks that when people can't operate autonomously and think for themselves, they're cumbersome to him. he has shit to do and no time for frivolity. for that reason, hanseo has to prove to him that he's capable of thinking and acting for himself. it's not just 'okay well you're the bad guy's brother sooo'. it's 'okay well you've been his puppet for how long now? are you sure you can even think for yourself?'
and when i realized hanseo was going to prove himself, that's when i really started to ship it. i went from 'they would be cute together' to 'dear god they're meant for one another' immediately after that point. i think that with how free-thinking and speaking hanseo is around vincenzo during the latter half of the show, vincenzo appreciates that as much as he brushes it off.
vincenzo and hanseo have fun together. they play hockey, they go out for meals, and hanseo transforms from the stuffy, standoffish co-chairman he has had to play for so long into a fun-loving, goofy, somewhat awkward guy who just wants to be able to relax. he's also compassionate almost to a fault, what with how he mentioned to vincenzo that he thinks that hanseok could have stood a chance if he'd gotten the help he'd needed instead of their father sweeping it all under the rug by sending him away.
in essence, vincenzo is nothing short of a savior and a breath of fresh air for hanseo, but he also has a playful side that shows in the tactics he uses to get back at hanseok/babel/wusang. and hanseo is so much more than the mask he's been forced to wear for so long. they bring out sides of one another that i think they both need, and i will never not ship them.
honorable mentions:
- the hockey scene where he trips and vincenzo catches him--the look on his face when vincenzo does that speaks volumes
- "you make me feel at ease" -- the dinner scene
- hanseo telling vincenzo about bugging hanseok's watch with that big ol playful smile on his face
- honestly the list is endless let's be real
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hanseosvincenzo · 2 years
Is the Vincenzo brainrot back??? Idk but if y'all wanna talk Hancenzo send me some asks because now that my ADHD may actually be getting treated I may be able to write and I need some motivation to get to the requests I still need to answer. Hmu! Let's discuss the boys~
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hanseosvincenzo · 3 years
whether you ship it or see it as familial, you know without having to question it that hanseo absolutely adores vincenzo
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hanseosvincenzo · 3 years
Vincenzo gets sick/hurt and hanseo tries to help him through his recovery (btw have been loving your fics so far 😍)
thank you so much for this lovely request, nonnie! i hope it’s what you were looking forward to c:
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hanseosvincenzo · 3 years
May I request a fic with this plot: Han Seo tried to protect Vincenzo by nearly sacrificing himself again (probably getting hurt), made Vincenzo had flashbacks of Han Seo dying in his arm the last time he got shot by Han Seok. So he was frustrated and scolded Han Seo for being so reckless, then they had a heartfelt conversation about what happened and their feelings at that traumatized event. The night ended up with some sort of angry sex when Vincenzo claimed Han Seo over and over again to make sure Han Seo was still here with him and still safe in his arms until Han Seo felt asleep tiredly and peacefully in his chest.
here you are nonnie!
i changed it a bit at the end because i got caught up in the scene, but i hope that doesn’t detract from it too much!
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