#hamza al dahdouh
thefirsthogokage · 5 months
Hamza Wael Al-Dahdouh, journalist and eldest son of Al Jazeera bureau chief Wael Al-Dahdouh, and journalist Mustafa Thraya, were both martyred about 5-6 hours ago.
This last post to Hamza's stories is chilling, considering he and Mustafa were murdered right after this:
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May they be resting in peace with their loved ones in Jannah.
At least 110 Journalists have been assassinated by the occupation since October 7th, 2023.
Journalists with more followers and engagement are supposed to be more likely to not be martyred by the occupation. Please go follow all the journalists in Gaza and the rest of Palestine that you can across all social media.
And please don't stop talking about Palestine.
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walks-the-ages · 5 months
Israel admitted they targeted Al Jazeera reporters Hamza Al-Dahdouh (son of Wael Al-Dahdouh, who already lost the majority of his family in another deliberate strike just weeks ago) and Mustafa Thuraya when their car was hit by Israeli airstrike. Israel proudly proclaimed they'd successfully targeted terrorists.
Jan 14, 2024
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thenewgothictwice · 5 months
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From Ahmed El-Madhoun, 07/01/24: "A heartbreaking news: Our friend Hamza, the son of journalist Wael Al-Dahdouh, and journalist Mustafa Al-Thurya, were martyred after their car was targeted in the city of Rafah. Despite the military's claim that Rafah is a secure area!
This is a direct targeting and killing of journalists in front of the world's eyes!
Our hearts are with you, Abu Hamza We are all your children. May God give you strength. The occupation seeks revenge against journalists by killing their families
قلوبنا معك أبو حمزة، كلنا ولادك
ربنا يصبرك..
الاحتلال ينتقم من الصحفيين في عائلاتهم"
The last words written by Hamza Al-Dahdouh appealed to his father to be patient: “You are the patient and the one who seeks reward, my father, so do not despair of recovery and do not despair of God’s mercy, and be certain that God will reward you well for being patient.”
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vyorei · 5 months
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There are no words good enough to describe how strong Wael Dahdouh is. This man needs a statue built in his honor, I am not fucking kidding. A pinnacle of unwavering strength. He just keeps going, even though he's clearly being targeted, even though he's lost his family, even though things are getting rapidly worse and he can see the world powers watch with disinterest. Wael Dahdouh is a living legend who deserves nothing but respect, peace, and ease for the rest of his life. Problem is, he may never get it. I want him to get it. Him and all the other journalists who've made it so far despite everything.
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silicacid · 5 months
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4ft10tvlandfangirl · 5 months
"Hamza was not just part of me. He was the soul of my soul."
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fan-art-ic · 5 months
The son of Wael Al-Dahdouh was killed I hope Hamza Wael Al-Dahdouh and the other two in the car with him rest easy in Heaven, Mustafa Thuraya and Hazem Rajab. I can't imagine the grief Wael must be experiencing. Quote from Wael Dahdouh from UPI news: "Hamza was everything to me, the eldest boy, he was the soul of my soul," Wael Dahdouh said as his son was buried Saturday. "There's are the tears of parting and loss, the tears of humanity."
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maggi-cube · 5 months
This video (about 7 minutes) is a clip from Bisan’s live. I just want to point out that Bisan’s aspirations have become so small. She had so much she wanted before and now it’s just that she does not want her people to be forgotten. She’s just accepted her death as some thing that may happen imminently, and she has just only asked us to remember them in the event that they cannot be saved. She is only what, 23 years old? And yet she’s already given up on a lot of stuff. It’s just :( this is so sad
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gwydionmisha · 5 months
An Al Jazeera journalist is the fifth member of his family killed by Israeli strikes on Gaza
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xtruss · 2 months
“Terrorist, Fascist, War Criminal, Apartheid and Genocidal Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐗 Isra-hell” Passed a Law That Could Shut Down Al-Jazeera’s Local Operations!
“Terrorist, Fascist, War Criminal, Apartheid and Genocidal Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐗 Isra-hell” passed a new law that could ban Al Jazeera from operating in the country. The law, which passed overwhelmingly in Israel's Knesset, would give the Israeli government the power to shut down foreign news networks operating in Israel deemed a threat.
“Terrorist, Fascist, War Criminal, Apartheid and Genocidal Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐗 Isra-hell” has a history of targeting Al Jazeera. It's killed Al Jazeera Journalists before and after Oct. 7, including Samer Abudaga, Hamza Dahdouh and Shireen Abu Akleh.
Gaza has become the most dangerous place in the world for journalists in recent history, according to UN experts.
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vyorei · 5 months
Live coverage of the 7th of January 2024 is now closed.
Here is a recap of today's major events.
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It is 12am in Ireland now so I have to go to bed.
I'll be back to resume live updates in the afternoon.
For continuous updates while I'm gone, click the link below:
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opencommunion · 6 months
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[ID: 4 photos by Hamza Wael Al-Dahdouh.
1: A missile falling directly towards the roof of a residential building. In the foreground is another roof with a water tank, satellite receiver, and clothes hanging on a clothesline.
2: The same building with fire exploding out of its windows. The outside of the building still appears intact but the bomb is blowing it out from the inside.
3: The building is barely visible behind large clouds of smoke and fire.
4: A huge cloud of smoke with rubble flying through the air.
The clothesline, satellite receiver, and water tank are in the foreground of all the photos and appear undamaged.
5: The instagram caption, @.hamza_w_dahdooh: Moments before souls and dreams die …
لحظات قبل ان تموت ارواح واحلام …
/end ID]
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I won’t lie but I’m so sick of liberals on here saying you shouldn’t trust Al Jazeera as a source on Palestine when there are better ones. I’m sorry but Al Jazeera IS one of the better ones. It’s a well established fact that Al Jazeera can have awful, biased reporting when it comes to other issues or other countries, but on Palestine it’s great. Al Jazeera is one of the only news / media platforms that amplifies Palestinians. All its reporters are not only based in but are actually from where they’re reporting. Not to mention, it has multiple reporters on the ground in various parts of Palestine - in Gaza, in the West Bank, and in ‘48 (Israel). Al Jazeera does actually report what other news outlet say when it comes to Palestine too, it doesn’t obfuscate it like certain western media outlets.
Speaking of western media outlets, it’d be hypocritical to say don’t trust Al Jazeera when you probably get your reporting on Palestine from the New York Times or CNN amongst others. Those supposedly “independent” media companies which tow the US government line on Palestine and don’t question anything. So much of the reality on Palestine gets obfuscated by these outlets that they only report on things whenever israel is directly attacked. Al Jazeera on the other hand will report on daily occurrences in Palestine, not to mention publish analytical articles that analyse the occupation very closely.
Again, you may disagree with Al Jazeera’s positioning of things as well as questioning their motives (or Qatari gov to be more specific) etc and that’s fine! But to say they’re not the best source on Palestine when they’re one of the only ones amplifying Palestinian voices at a time when media reporting on israel from other outlets is absolutely dismal is ludicrous lol. As I said, I recognise AJ can have biased reporting on other issues, but just because an outlet has biased reporting on X issue, it doesn’t really cancel out the great reporting they may do on Y issue. I’m also aware that there are many other outlets who do great reporting on Palestine but AJ seems to have a decent sized audience in the English speaking world alongside its notably big audience in the Arabic speaking one.
It should also not be forgotten that Al Jazeera reporters Shireen Abu Akleh and Hamza Al Dahdouh were assassinated by israel while Hamza’s father Wael who is head of the AJ bureau in Gaza had his wife, grandson, and 3 of his children (including Hamza) killed by Israel due to their reporting, which means it counts for something.
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maggi-cube · 5 months
This video (about 7 minutes) is a clip from Bisan’s live. I just want to point out that Bisan’s aspirations have become so small. She had so much she wanted before and now it’s just that she does not want her people to be forgotten. She’s just accepted her death as some thing that may happen imminently, and she has just only asked us to remember them in the event that they cannot be saved. She is only what, 23 years old? And yet she’s already given up on a lot of stuff. It’s just :( this is so sad
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