ascalonsmercy · 9 months
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my bones will bleach / my flesh will flee so help my lifeless frame / to breathe
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frostsong · 2 years
9—07: PAWN.
noun: a person used by others for their own purposes.
rating: t
characters: prince haldrath, original characters, siegfroi de mondesirre, euphemie de dansereau (mentioned)
tags: reincarnation au, post-heavensward, haldphie has just wedded and hal’s moving in after the honeymoon, a knight and a page talking about the past and the future and family, in this case also an uncle and nephew through marriage, wholesome fluff
summary: a passing of the torch, in more ways than one. 
wordcount: 973
“Captain Haldrath!”
A familiar voice piped from the opened door. His smile arrived before he turned, knowing too well whom the owner was: little Siegfroi, out of his page-garb and in clothes more befitting of his noble origin, though still comfortable enough that the boy could move freely with glee.
“Siegfroi…it’s good to see you so well.” 
“And you!” He giggled, stepping into the lord’s chamber, not waiting for his cue to enter. Not that Haldrath minded—after dismissing the servants who had been instructed to assist him with unpacking, the large suite had become unbearably quiet, for it was one room out of the many still unfamiliar to him despite having been newly titled ‘lord’ through marriage. 
“Did you unpack everything yet?” Siegfroi suddenly bolted close to where he knelt by the tall armoire, and peeked over his shoulder to inspect what was left of the opened luggage. He would be disappointed, for the Captain’s belongings had been scarce to begin with: less than ten pairs of breeches, shirts, the three boots he’d worn and had repaired at the cobbler for countless years—and the armor, of course, but the servants had done well in handling those at the beginning.
“I’m just about done, but I’ll still be settling in.” He…was unsure of what there was to do while Euphemie was still away at work. Everyone had done very well to remind them of what they’d missed during the honeymoon, but Haldrath’s shift was not until late afternoon—Brucemont had been gracious in giving him time to settle in after their trip, though there were still reports to review, of which had been delivered to his new address.
“I can help if you’d like!”
“I should be fine—but you’re welcome to stay, if you’re not needed elsewhere.” Siegfroi and his older twin brother had been sent home by their lieges not long after peace had been made between Ishgard and Dravania. The boys must have considered Cygne Cross their home longer than he had, and judging by the warmth they received from the household in general they had been sorely missed in their time away as pages.
Siegfroi took a seat on the chaise at the foot of the bed. It was a deep, midnight blue compared to the tender sky in Euphie’s room, and bereft of the wool blanket with its thick chain-knots. 
“Auntie Gonde says this was Grandfather’s room.” 
He froze in place, beside the tall bedpost, folded breeches draped over his forearm. Thank the Fury his face had been turned away from the boy. 
Siegfroi swung his small legs idly as he continued to speak, carelessly in the way children did.
“You’ve met Grandfather, right? He was a dragoon just like you!” The lump in his throat crept instead of sliding downwards in a straightforward swallow. When Euphemie had told him of what he would expect once they’d returned home, he still hadn’t expected it to sink heavy the way it did once he stepped foot into the room he would call his own. Naturally, everyone expected that he would still spend more time in hers, but tradition had called for him having his own chamber regardless (a waste, he had called it, and she agreed).
It would’ve been a haunting feeling no matter the nature of the former Baron de Dansereau’s career. But the dread still remained—that the man had died a death that everyone expected them to die. He had been fairly young—too young—and Haldrath felt guilty knowing that there were now days of hard-won peace ahead of them, and Hierosme would not be there to see it. He had died the death of an unwitting pawn amidst all the deception put forth by the Holy See—and no matter how much he tried to believe it wasn’t all in vain, there were times the doubts won their little, passing victories.
“...Only briefly. I’d barely known Euphie then.” He makes sure to smile when he faces Siegfroi again, who bobbed his round little head in a nod.
“I’m sure he liked you, too!” 
“Mhm. He…always found something to like about someone.” Though his smile remained, it thinned—and his eyes found focus in the dark wood of the headboard, the deep blue of the curtains, the oil portraits on the walls. In his opinion, he believed a knight’s soul was more sacred the more devotion there was that hadn’t been for the Fury and the Fury alone—that there was, in fact, proof of the chivalry—the heart—for which they had become so renown for, if mostly by old tales and poems.
“Then it was easy! Because there’s a lot to like about you.” The baby-teeth smile again. Siggy could only get away with such praise because of his age, but had it been someone else even slightly older (old enough to know cunning), such words would have been mistaken for flattery. But he knew the boy to be incapable of such a thing, and upon placing the folded breeches in their designated place on the ornate cabinet drawer, he went and took a seat beside him. 
“Thank you. I could say the same for you. More, in fact.” His smile was full once more as he ruffled Siegfroi’s head full of sunshine—it always seemed windswept, no matter how much of an effort the boy claimed to make when it came to brushing it. The child giggled in delight, for he was still young enough not to be as embarrassed by being doted upon like his older companions who served as pages to the other knights.
“R—really?” The boy’s star-silver eyes were big and bright as the older Elezen nodded.
“...But I haven’t done half as much as you have, Captain.” 
“You will. And you will do far more.” Haldrath’s smile broadened at the mere thought of it, his words heavy with conviction.
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ascalonsmercy · 8 months
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it's been a while & i'm on a mini-break w/ my gbf oc but they're still going strong
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ascalonsmercy · 1 year
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a few more bells 'til off duty
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ascalonsmercy · 2 years
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centuries in the making.
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ascalonsmercy · 2 years
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550 wasn't the end, but only our beginning.
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ascalonsmercy · 9 months
9/10: (EC) BLEED.
verb: lose blood from the body as a result of injury or illness.
rating: t
characters: prince haldrath, euphemie de dansereau
tags: mid-heavensward, injuries, blood warning (of course), pillow talk (the haldphie pastime)
summary: the wounds are still fresh.
wordcount: 738
She woke to something wet on her back.
Cold and wet, mind you—but what made her turn was the ragged, shaky breathing of her beloved right behind her.
“I—I—” Haldrath stammers, in the dark of the night, with only the faint stripes of moonlight that crept in past the cracks of the curtains to assist her in making out what could be his expression. She hates the way his hand retreats from the one she has at her back, fingertips with the imprint of his blood—as if she were something delicate. Something he’d tainted.  In truth she’d been the one (well, she and Bertie both) who’d forced him into the infirmary after the skirmish at Whitebrim. Haldrath is far more genuine a hero than many of them—her included—will be, as he’d been assisting civilians after the remaining Dravanians fled. In doing so he’d prolonged the wound and it was she and the chirurgeon both who’d chided over him on the infirmary cot and he could do naught but agree with a hard-pressed smile that held the pain at bay.
Of course now smiling did nothing for either of them: not only did her nightstand carry curatives and tonics to get her through the difficult nights but also medical supplies for ease of access. She knew rudimentary first aid, of course—with a bit of conjury that their mother had enforced on the lot of them since childhood. Euphemie was loath to admit that the woman had been right all along for at least one thing. 
Of course, her mother—and most of the city, for that matter—were wrong about far more things. And it stung Euphemie to think that she herself was among them. 
When the bleeding had ceased and fresh clean bandages were taut ‘round the wound, he settled back against the pillow with a sigh as she rose to wash her hands in the nearby basin. They hadn’t spoken and she suspected it was more than simply exhaustion that kept their words at bay. “...It’s…really over, isn’t it?” When the thought left her lips she found herself wishing her voice had been too weak for him to hear. To make such a vulnerable thought known was a horror to her—even if the person who heard it was someone as beloved as her Hal.
“...I never gave it thought.” In the stillness and silence of the night, she heard his reply punctuated with a swallow. “...What’s going to happen, Hal?” Here, she can be like this—as clueless and vulnerable as a child. Everywhere else it’s impossible. She has a darling little page and two darling little nephews asking her the same question, and if Lady Euphie can’t figure it out, then—
“I don’t know.” One of the things that makes Hal better is his honesty; perhaps that’s one of the many things that makes him such a great leader, she thinks—telling the truth then and there and not dwelling on whether or not he should. The word truth is a word that’s starting to wear on her as of late: it’s starting and ending conversations all the same. The supposed guiding light that had been smothered for centuries by their forefathers had finally come to a light at perhaps the worst or best time possible—at the end of the Dragonsong War.
And it had only been two damn days.
“...But things will be better this way,” Haldrath takes a careful breath as she settles back down beside him, pulling the sheets up with her.
“though I know not how such will come to be.”
Her fingers slowly ghosted over the re-bandaged wound ‘neath his chest.
“...I would very much like to still be in love with you then.” She counts the seconds until his fingers find hers and intertwine—it takes less than three. She’s afraid of what will come to pass and she’s ashamed of how badly of a secret she’s made of that: her heart was in her face, her eyes, her lips—and it had a tendency to lead her first and foremost, only second to her spear.
“It’s only been two days,” He chuckles, taking her hand into his and bringing it to his lips for a kiss, eyes never parting from her own.
“Just be with me.” She bites back the urge to say please—Euphemie de Dansereau doesn’t plead. But she fears her eyes say otherwise, for Haldrath’s amethyst hues softened.
“That much I promise you.”
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ascalonsmercy · 11 months
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was rewatching in the mood for love & this haldphie vignette landed right on my face
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ascalonsmercy · 1 year
haldphie's story can't get any sadd—
brain: they threw pastphie (dragon)'s ashes in a pool after they took out her eyes & that's that's a contender as to why they call it ashpool. & those ice fairies are like little angels. like what she was
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ascalonsmercy · 1 year
i should try rambling on here like i do on tweeter about ocs & ships (re: haldphie) but tbh the endless characters also intimidates me. at least i can tuck it all under a read more but i can go *on and on* and that scares even myself
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ascalonsmercy · 2 years
happy haldphie morning
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ascalonsmercy · 2 years
me: i want to show the grittier parts of haldphie. esp wrt to them both being (or having been) dragoons brain: in the early days of the everwinter haldrath & euphemie were caught in their tent during a blizzard while out in coerthas, & times were so desperate that he silently prayed to halone to turn him into embers if only to keep her warm
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ascalonsmercy · 2 years
the haldphie tl;dr is that they're reincarnated lovers from their past lives (as the og prince haldrath & a healer of the court, lady lointaine) who separated (read: painfully) after tharl oom khash @ 550. in the current timeline haldrath is a captain in the knights dragoon raised as a ward by house durendaire & euphemie is a lieutenant newly instated as the baroness of her own household (house dansereaus) at the war's end.
hal & euphie got together not long after they settled into their ranks in the dragoons, but their official courtship only began not long before the events of ARR (& thus haldrath was able to ask for both the hand of euphemie's father & mother).
the most they remember of their past lives are through vague, broken scenes through dreams that leave them with more questions than answers, & it's not until euphemie's called to dravania to act as an ambassador as part of ishgard's new diplomatic committee that the pieces begin to fall into place (something something ancient dragons that still remember haldrath & lointaine & all that had transpired & have some very particular feelings that might or might not be 'shared').
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ascalonsmercy · 2 years
♖- pinned & taglist.
hello! my name is egg (she/her). i like to write, gpose, & collect inspirations for my ocs & their ships! i'm going to add to this gradually through time along with links for tags & carrds & whatnot, thank you for your patience!
euphemie. ● haldrath. ● douceline. ● radegonde.
haldphie. ● archomdou.
ooc. ● writing. ● gpose.
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ascalonsmercy · 2 years
i've drafted a big haldphie explanation thing but i keep chickening out to finish it
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ascalonsmercy · 10 months
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