#had to make the green on yugy's outfit pop!
jaebeomblr · 1 year
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'Focus on Me' Performance version for @alongtherbbonwoodtrack
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Seto Kaiba’s Outfits: A breakdown
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School Uniform
Kaiba’s not sure it looks particularly good on him, especially since he insists on fully-buttoning the jacket, but he didn’t mind wearing it. Content to leave it plain (no embellishing with belts/accessories like some students) and not draw more attention to himself while at school.
He always wears the card pendant to school, under his clothes. (All of these outfits have the card pendant, actually, whether it's visible or hidden.)
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Blueish-purple trenchcoat over green dress shirt/slacks
Deceptively simple, with only two somewhat-muted colors, while still displaying some of Kaiba’s fashion quirks. (Popped collar, long billowy coattails.) This is his only outfit with a low neckline. He chose this while in a state of shock after losing to Yugi, aiming for something comfortable, unaware he’d be wearing it for a lot longer than he planned.
Style-wise, he hadn’t yet found himself. He didn’t want to be like Gozaburo, and had his own tastes, but felt a need to look professional and restrained. Trenchcoats over standard dress-shirts and ties were probably common, before this.
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Purple, pointy-shouldered coat over black turtleneck and black pants
All that from before? Out the window. In the time between Duelist Kingdom and Battle City, Kaiba pitched much of his closet and fully embraced his own sense of style. That being Dramatic with a capital D. When he enters a room, he wants everyone to feel it. Even bigger coattails, pointy shoulders, golden buttons and embellishments, and his pendant on full display by default. (He even does some extra wrapping around his neck with it, for this outfit.) 
This is his office coat, his default for when he expects to be working at KaibaCorp all day, or in private meetings. So it’s more comfortable, compared to...
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White, pointy-shouldered, sleeveless coat with nine belts
Kaiba’s eccentric tastes in their purest form (minus anything dragon-related), and the outfit he’s proudest of. Basically him rebelling hard against his previous mindset of looking ‘professional and restrained.’ Metal bracers, two belts each around each arm and leg, spikey coat with red lining, shiny leather pants and matching boots. (They’re not one piece, a set of belts are hiding the seams.) It’s in this outfit that he feels the most like himself, or at the very least, like the image he wants to embody. Which is why he tends to switch into it if he expects to make some kind of public performance. 
This is also the only coat that has the collar-radio. Technically, it’s the most functional.
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White suit with blue tie and dress shirt
Kaiba can look normal when he wants to. He just rarely wants to.
Since he wasn’t competing in the KC Grand Prix, and the point was to highlight other duelists/promote his theme park, he decided to dial it way back. (Though of course, he switched into Nine Belts later on.)
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Dragon’s roar (YGO)
Joey had a sinking feeling in his gut as he was on his way home from work. normally on a Friday night, and a payday at that, he'd of been happy to make his way back to his new home he shared with his loving boyfriend and his semi new little brother, the Kaiba boys, but he'd caught a glimpse of Mokuba and Yugi in a car heading for the turtle game shop. which meant if Mokuba was having a sleepover and it was date night.. "Aw fuck. I'm gonna be in huggies t'night." Joey groaned, getting a look of confusion from a nearby corporate type who was on his cell phone. "Mind yer own business." Joey huffed and sulked. Seto was a loving boyfriend, and spoiled Joey rotten in so many ways. Joey didn't need to walk to and from his security job at a mall, or even needed the job itself truth be told. But Joey liked to be able to be independent which sadly was a concept his loving boyfriend had some problems with. 'Ya would think someone who was taking collage classes and running a billion dollar company would get it.' Joey thought, slowing his walk down now that he knew what was waiting for him. Despite being seen as a cold and distant person by 90 percent of the world, Joey knew that under that layer of ice was..well more ice. but under THAT layer..well OK more ice. But if you dug down deep enough, there was this giant teddy bear that just wanted to hug you and pamper you. literally. and when Seto got in daddy mode, only one thing would get in his way of whining and begging Joey to let him pad him up. Mokuba. There was a reason Joey had been trying to start a Friday night tradition of pizza and movies but apparently Seto had been able to bribe his brother out of the house. 'And now I'm gonna get home and he's gonna have a pack of those freaking pampers out..and how the hell did he manage to get pampers to make diapers in my size anyways?! ...No you know what? I'm putting my foot down this time. I'm gonna go, have a beer, enjoy a few slices and maybe then I'll think about it!' Joey thought to himself, picking up the pace and walking though the front gate of the mansions yard, then slumped again. "...Oh who am i fucking kidding. it's gonna be milk and baby food and crapping myself tonight. He's taking me clubbing tomorrow night now though!" Joey muttered to himself. walking in he didn't even get a chance to call out that he was home before Seto was standing in front of him, holding up one of the thick massive pamper brand diapers. "Pleassssse?" Seto said and gave joey puppy eyes. "..I'm gonna draw up a list of demands and you're gonna cave into everyone of them. but yes. just let me get a shower first." Joey said, wondering again if the sweet and loving and rational boyfriend Seto was 90 percent of the time was worth the other 10 percent. "Deal!" Seto squealed and went to go and finish getting things ready.
Seto hummed and was grinning ear to ear as he laid out the diaper, some boosters, and a cute little outfit for the cutest big baby in the world, thinking about just how easy it had been to get Mokuba out of the house. One little fake rant about how he'd destroy the pharaoh and the like and Mokuba had asked to stay out for the night, tired of the crazy. The servants were given the night off so him and his adorable little big toddler could just cuddle and play and Seto was so lost in his thoughts he missed it as Joey tried to get his attention, till the wet towel hit him in the back of his head. "...really?" "hey, you want a big toddler, better learn ta pay attention." Joey said and shrugged and held up his hands. "...Your lucky your cute you know that?" "excuse me, but out of the two of us here, who's pushing their luck more?" Joey asked and winked, strolling over and then jumping up and turning mid jump to land on his back on the bed. "heh. Ok I'll give you that. Now did you go poo poo or pee pee at daycare today little guy?" Seto asked, getting into character and lightly tickling Joey's tummy. Joey rolled his eyes,he still wasn't on board with referring to his job as daycare, but taking a deep breath he switched on that baby tone that made Seto melt. "I went pee pee in the potty dis many times t'day daddy." He said and held up three fingers as a blush came to his face. "and I went all by myself!" "Oh my! Such a big boy!" Seto praised. "Daddies still gonna diaper you though since you have a stinky present in your tummy tum just waiting to come out." Seto coo'ed and then leaned down and tickled Joeys tummy more. "Who's got a big stinky present in his tummy tum? you do! yes you do!" knowing full well just how ticklish Joey's sides were Seto targeted them next, making the blond 20 year old yelp and burst into a fit of giggles. "ah! No fair! Cheating!" Joey cried out, trying to get free. "Noooo tickles!" "Sorry little guy, But i"m channeling the tickle monster, and you're monster food!" Seto chuckled. "Ahahahaha n-no stop ahahahaha W-wait I'm gonna!" Joey tried to wheeze out a warning between his laughs and Seto realized seconds to late maybe he should of stopped. Of course by then Joey was peeing on the front of his shirt and Seto stopped. "..I uh..had a big gulp on the way home." Joey said sheepishly, poking two fingers together as the flow finally stopped. "...I'm gonna choice to believe that was done to give me the full experience." Seto said and then lifted Joey off the bed, and onto a back up changing mat on the floor.
Joey was mortified as Seto powered him and got him tapped in the bulky white diaper, and found himself sucking on his thumb and blushing while Seto got out a different outfit for him. while his little accident had managed to avoid the diaper, the light blue short-alls and white diaper shirt hadn't of been so lucky.   'Now der's irony fer ya.' Joey thought, slurping away at his thumb. it was a bad habit he was picking up for all the date nights that turned into baby nights and it was starting to spill over to his big boy time. just the other day at work he'd had to claim he'd banged his thumb when busted by a co-worker. it was also a case of irony that even Seto wasn't a fan of the thumb sucking, which was shown as he turned around with a dark purple t-shirt and a pair of dark green shorts and scowled. "What do you think o- Little man! what have I told you about sucking your thumb?" Seto scolded Joey, coming over and setting the clothes down and pulling the thumb out with a pop. "Uhhh dat's good eating?" the diapered 20 year old tried, really feeling like he WAS just a 2 year old. "strike one." Seto said, trying not to smirk, as he reached into the diaper bag. "Thumbs like boyfriends are made for sucking?"  Joey said and gave his best 'I'm so cute you can't be mad' smile. "Maybe tomorrow if your good tonight. Last chance." Seto said and his mouth was twitching badly as he tried to stay stern. "...Little boys thumbs has germs on it and they should be sucking on paci's." Joey huffed and pouted. He just couldn't explain it, but Joey was of the view that hands down, his thumb tasted and felt better in his mouth then any of the many different pacifiers that they had tried. It was a semi holy quest of Seto's to find one that Joey wouldn't have a fuss about. Opening his mouth for the large nipple of the new paci, and noting it was at least black like his red eyes, Joey gave it a few experimental suckles. "well?" Seto asked. 'shit..dis one actually feels pretty good.' Joey thought, though he made a show of it and shrugged but kept nursing as Seto helped him sit up. with the paci in his mouth Joey instinctively became a lot more willing to play along, raising his arms for daddy and letting him tug the shirt on. then letting daddy help him stand and putting his hands on daddies shoulders while he stepped into his shorts, which were then tugged up. Then he sat on a bed of the bed he hadn't of soaked and raised his feet up as Daddy tugged up some white socks with the red eyes black dragon on them and grinned around his paci. "heh, I'm sorry we haven't gotten your red eyes shirt back from the dry cleaners left after last time. I still wanna know how you managed to turn your pasta into a paste and got it all over yourself though." Seto chuckled. Normally a statement like that would of had Joey all blushy, but again, this time.. He just smirked and flexed his arms. "oh i see. and here i am without tickets to the gun show." Seto teased and tapped a finger on Joey nose. Seto held out a hand for Joey to take, since normally Joey insisted on walking (or crawling if Seto triple diapered him) rather then be carried but he just felt all small and little and held out his arms for uppies. "...You..You sure?" Seto asked, grinning ear to ear, and Joey nodded. "...I'm buying the company that made that pacifier." Seto chuckled and lifted joey up and sat him on his hip, a arm under Joeys well padded tush. Joey leaned in and snuggled into daddy as he wrapped his legs around him and gurgled softly behind his paci as daddy carried them downstairs.
Seto couldn't get over the change in behavior from Joey's normal big baby time to this time.  there was no eye rolling, no smart ass remarks.when he'd sat Joey on a blanket on the floor with some toys, he'd gone and grabbed a stuffie of the red eyes and then scooted on his diaper butt, not even crawling, scooted, over to the couch and crawled up and snuggled into him. "you sure you don't wanna play with your toys little guy?" Seto asked. Joey shook his head no and snuggled in more and Seto for a second was worried about melting into good and getting sucked up but the couch's cushions. Seto put on a episode of Lil duelers for Joey and just kept looking at the little guy who was watching the show sure, but also seemed to be getting a little sleepy. about half way though Joey started to squirm a little bit and started to look up at Seto and then at the screen then back up at Seto and whined softly behind his paci. "whats wrong buddy?" Seto asked. if Joey was gonna keep the paci in his mouth this was going to get a little bit vexing to drag out what he wanted all the time, but Seto figured a few minutes of back and forth with the big baby was well worth the price of this cuteness. Joey whined again and then with one hand hugging his stuffie to his chest, he reached up and grabbed left hand and put it on back of his shorts, so his hand was on Joey's butt. "heh, I thought someone hated bum pats?" Seto asked, and Joey whined and gave him a pleading look. "ok ok, patting! don't give me that look again! You made me feel like a monster for not patting right away!" Seto said, half joking. the little guy giggled behind his paci and as Seto started patting and rubbing his butt Joey closed his eyes in bliss and snuggled in as much as he could. "So I guess this means anytime I wanna stop argument with you all i need to do is pop a paci in your mo-" Seto was saying when a muffled fart came out of Joey's behind, and Seto swore he could feel the heat from it. "heh, did you just wanna fart on daddies hand?" Seto asked, and Joey shook his head no, but his eyes were shut tight. it didn't look like his 'I'm so ashamed' face and Seto went to say something else when a second, louder and more forceful fart came out, followed but a rapid fire series of smaller ones. "Ohhh I see. Somebody wants bum pats while he makes daddy a present." Seto chuckled, and Joey nodded. His eyes were still closed but as Seto realized now, it was because he was bearing down and trying to speed up a bowel movement, or in baby term: make daddy a present as soon as possible. More farts now and Seto was thankful for the oder guard in the diapers, though he was still thinking he should of doubled diapered Joey as his hand was getting a little toasty. Joey was staining and pushing, and starting to work up a little bit of a sweat and Seto frowned. "Joey buddy, I know you wanna be a good boy and make me a present, but you can't just force it like this. you're gonna hurt yourself an-" Seto was saying in a gentle voice when with one mighty effort, the back of Joey's diaper started to expand. Normally Joey would of tried to hide, or pouted to use the potty before taking a dump in a diaper, but this time he was being such a good little boy even as the living room filled with the funk of his gift to daddy. The diaper and shorts by extension took on a interesting shape as Joey grunted and pushed. instead of just puffing out like it would normally do, it was making a semi triangle shape as it pushed out, causing the shorts to slide down. '...what the hell did he eat?' Seto thought but kept that to himself even as the smell had him taking shallow breath. 'Ok, no more food court lunches for him. I'm packing his lunch from now on.' As the bowel movement finished up, Seto rubbed Joey's back (he had switched from the boys butt when the lump had started to form and coo'ed softly at him. "All done now champ?" Seto asked. Joey looked more tired then before, his eyelids struggling to open up but he nodded his head. "Ready for a diapie change then?" Seto chuckled, and to his shock, Joey shook his head no. Normally Joey hated staying in a poopie diaper, and it was Seto who had to beg him to sit in it just for a few extra minutes. 'Go figure, the one time he's actually stinking the place up..' Seto thought. "Ok buddy. we'll let you take a little power nap, then change you, ok?" Seto asked. Joey gave a sleepy nod and then shut his eyes, gurgling and coo'ing as he drifted off to dream land. "...Your a toxic little mud butt. but your worth it." Seto said, stroking Joey's hair and smiling till anther loud fart came out into the back of the blond waste filled diaper. "But don't push it." Seto chuckled.
The end
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real-life-pine-tree · 7 years
Arc-V Aftermath: Fallen Angel (17/26)
When all is said and done, things have quickly recovered in the four dimensions. But when weird things start happening, the Yu-Salad Boys and the Bracelet Girls quickly realize they have some loose ends to fix. Co-written with @violetganache42​.
WARNING: Dub names will be featured in the story.
"Alright Shay," Yugo said. "Before we begin, I need you to take off your pants."
It was the next day and Shay was spending the day off from ObsidianCorp to have his prosthetic leg inspected. Taking part in the Team Duel Tournament that's being sponsored by his family's company was important to him, much like how it means to Lulu, so having it fixed before the first day should be no problem. Of course, before that happened, he questioned Yugo on why he should take his pants off when he could simply roll the leg sleeve up, with the latter explaining that it helps him a lot more if the whole leg was exposed. He obliged and undid the button and zipper of his pants before removing them off his legs, leaving him with his boxers as his bottoms for his appointment. Now the Synchro Duelist can get to work and see what was causing the robotic prosthetic to malfunction.
Yugo opened a small panel near the ankle to reveal the leg’s interior. "Hmm...." he muttered as he inspected the prosthetic.
"Did you figure something out?" Shay asked.
Yugo poked the ankle. "I think so," he answered. "The small springs near your ankle look worn."
"Is that bad?" Shay asked.
"It could cause some balance issues," Yugo explained. "But as long as you haven't done a lot of vigorous moments, you should be fine."
Oh, how was Shay going to explain this to Yugo? All the reckless moments from the War must have worn out the springs, from the duels to the running, jumping, and fighting. And who could ever forget those moments with him tumbling down the stairs? If he hadn't lost to Sora, he never would have constantly encountered those blunders with the stairs.
"I have," Shay said. "I guess that's why I kept on losing my balance a lot."
"That's probably what happened," Yugo said. "But not to worry. This is an easy fix." He called out to his friend. "Shinji, do you have any extra small springs?"
"I think so," Shinji called back. "Check the dark green toolbox."
"Thanks!" Yugo said. He looked back at Shay. "I'll be back in a minute."
Yugo headed upstairs of the garage to get the springs from the toolbox. As Shay waited, a message popped up on his Duel Disk. Upon checking it, he noticed it was from Yuya, who was asking if he had any free time today to talk to him about Yuto and how he might quit dueling.
"Okay, I found the springs," Yugo happily said, carrying in a dark green toolbox. "Now to fix your leg." He was about to begin the procedure when... "Do you mind taking out your earpiece?"
"Sorry," Shay said, taking out a small earpiece from his left ear.
"Good," Yugo said. "Now I shouldn't have to worry about unexpected movements."
Shay always had an earpiece in his left ear, which was hidden underneath his hair. Its main purpose was to transfer brainwaves from his brain to the leg to help him move. After taking it out, he handed it to Yugo and placed it on top of a nearby table.
"So why'd you check your Duel Disk?" Yugo asked as he worked on the spring replacement procedure.
"I got a message from Yuya," Shay answered. "He said Yuto is thinking about quitting dueling."
Yugo scoffed at that. "Good one," he said.
"I'm not joking," Shay said. "Yuto might actually give up Duel Monsters."
This time, Yugo was surprised to hear that, mostly because Shay is usually not the type of person to joke around. He asked why Yuto is suddenly considering on not dueling. The Raidraptor user said that he wasn't sure, but he was going to notify Yuya to explain everything to him after his leg gets fixed.
"This doesn't sound like Yoot," Yugo said. "From what he said, dueling is what made him what he is now."
"I know," Shay agreed, sounding a bit concerned. "I hope Yuya has a good explanation."
Yugo carried on with the procedure, using a few tools he also got from the toolbox to try and get the rusted springs out. A couple of them were a bit stubborn because the rust made it trickier for him to remove them. Eventually, he got the more worn out springs detached from the leg and finished with the easier ones.
"Whew!" Yugo said. "That was the hard part. Now to put the new springs in."
Grabbing the tiny pile of the new springs, he attached them into the empty slots that held the old ones since the day he got this prosthetic leg. The slight problem is they occasionally slip out as he placed them in; sometimes, they even fall to the floor, prompting Yugo to find them in case they go missing. Several minutes later, he completed the procedure and handed Shay back his earpiece.
"That should take care of it," Yugo said, happy with his handiwork as he closed the ankle panel. "Why don't you give it a test walk?"
Shay placed his earpiece back into his left ear before hiding it under his hair again. After putting his pants back on, he moved his right leg forward to begin walking; his brain was thinking about walking and it transmitted waves to earpiece, causing his robotic leg to respond by moving forward as well. He found himself walking all over the garage without any balance problems, meaning the procedure was a success.
"Not bad," Shay commented. "The movements feel a lot smoother."
"I oiled some of the hinges," Yugo explained. "Hopefully the metal should stop grating."
Shay was impressed with the results; he was now ready to take part in the tournament. Before he forgets, he walked over to the table that had his Duel Disk and replied to Yuya where he should meet up with him to learn why Yuto wants to stop his dueling career. After clicking "Send" he thanked Yugo for the assistance and will be looking forward to seeing him at the tournament. The Synchro Duelist answered that the feeling's mutual as the former left the garage.
While walking out of the garage and leaving the New Domino City section, Shay received another text from Yuya with an answer to Shay's question. He was confused. Apparently Yuto's behavior was because of a realization he discovered yesterday. Realizing Yuya was going to have a hard time convincing Yuto by himself, he sent messages to Yugo and Yuri for help.
About a minute later, the Synchro Duelist caught up with Shay to see where they needed to go and he mention it's stated in the text. With no hesitation, the two went off to meet Yuya and help Yuto.
Meanwhile, at Duel Academy, Yuri, Sora, and Dennis were almost done rehearsing their opening act for the day. They used the skills they learned from their training with Ricardo to sing the song they chose. They still won't reveal what it is yet because it is a surprise for everyone to see. Right as the act was about to reach its conclusion, a notification alarm went off on Yuri's Duel Disk.
"Hey Yuri!" Sora exclaimed. "That was your cue to use your whip to pull me over!"
At one point during the past few weeks, Yuri obtained a dark green whip with thorns on it thanks to one of the new Synchro monsters he got; the thorn tips were rounded to make sure no one gets hurt and the cards don't get punctured. He apologized about not being on time for his cue and said Shay sent a text about how his XYZ counterpart has plans to give up Duel Monsters due to a recent discovery.
"Oh dear," Dennis said. "That doesn't sound good."
"I know," Yuri agreed. "So I'm afraid I'll have to leave early."
Sora and Dennis let him help out with the conflict, knowing it was more important. Yuri put his cards back into his Duel Disk and left the rehearsal while replying to Shay's text. He then ran down the street to find his two counterparts and Shay and figure out how they should solve it. He knows it was unlike Yuto to abruptly stop dueling and wondered what he learned yesterday to lead him into making this consideration.
The destination was revealed to be Heartland Park as the four Duelists grouped together to learn the truth of their existence and how it is connected to their companion's decision. "So what happened?" Yugo asked.
"We spoke to the museum's curator," Yuya explained. "Then she started explaining what Zarc's real motives were and... Yuri, what are you wearing?"
Yuya noticed Yuri's Team Obelisk outfit. It is an alteration of the standard Obelisk Force uniform, having rips and is also covered in various plants. Instead of the Obelisk the Tormentor-esque helmet, Yuri had his face painted to resemble vines. He explained to his Pendulum counterpart that he forgot to change out of it because he was in a hurry to meet up with his companions. Admittedly, it wasn't the best outfit to wear out in public and may come off as ridiculous to the citizens; fortunately, this was only meant for his team's opening act.
"That's kinda a relief..." Yuya said. He snapped out of his confused state to stay focused. "As I was saying, Yuto got upset because he now thinks he's a puppet."
"I can't blame him," Shay said. "He's having a hard time figuring out his future. I guess this revelation hurt him."
Yuya also explained about why he thinks he's a puppet, from Solomon Muto donating the Millennium Puzzle to the museum to Kaiba and Leo working together on the first—and violent—Action Duels, leading to Zarc's destruction on the Original Dimension. He also indicated on how the two and Yugi saw visions of an alternate timeline that show what would happen if the Puzzle remained at Kame Game Shop and their tri-color-haired friend did solve it; it would create an inspiring legacy for other Duelists in the future, but it also meant that all of them wouldn't exist. In a nutshell, Yuto is venting about how he's a puppet with no meaning in life, leading him to wanting to stop dueling. Yuya stated how he, Yugi, and Ishizu all felt bad for him that day.
"Wait... So if that puzzle wasn't donated to the museum...none of us would exist?" Yugo asked.
"Pretty much," Yuya answered.
"Then why are you still smiling?" Yuri asked, his voice cracking with sorrow. "If we were created to serve as replacements, what's the whole point in all of this?"
Yuri and Yugo soon realized that Yuto may be right. They were created to keep the timeline stable and to fill in the gaps of the legendary Duelists and Ray's reincarnations to fill in their love interests' places, which was their XYZ counterpart's biggest problem.
"What?" Yuya asked. "You're gonna let that bother you?"
"But Yuya, Yuto’s probably right," Yugo said, his voice cracking in sorrow. "Somethin’ tell me this alternate timeline has someone who's just like me."
"Let's see..." Yuya said, trying to remember what Ishizu said. "She mentioned three other Duelists: a bi person named Jaden Yuki, a motorcyclist named Yusei Fudo, and a junior explorer named Yuma Tsukamo. Add the alternate version of Yugi Muto, and..." His eyes widened in realization.
Yuya caught up with the fact that his counterparts have every right to be worried about this revelation. This only worsened their search to help Yuto because they now have to deal with the truth of being replacements of who should have existed and alternate versions of the legendary Duelists from the other timeline.
Suddenly, realization hit Yuri. "Wait a minute!" he exclaimed. "Yuya, you mentioned that one of those Duelists is bi."
"What about it?" Yuya asked.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't we only attracted to girls?" Yuri asked.
Yuya quickly learned that Yuri was right; bisexuals are attracted to females and males, and since this Jaden person was bi, does that mean he might have a male crush? Ishizu never specified it or which gender he prefers, but it sure sounds like it.
"Yeah, you're right!" Yugo said. Then he realized what Yuri said. "Wait... Does that mean you're dating Celina?"
Yuri was silent for a few seconds. "N-Never mind that!" he stammered, his face turning crimson. "We also have the Pendulum cards as proof we're not just puppets!"
What does Yuri mean by that? Wasn't Zarc the true creator of Pendulum Summoning? The other three Duelists thought about what was said before Yuya hypothesized that the Pendulum cards were created because Zarc was trying to break the mold. Underneath the corruption and darkness was a desire to make sure his reincarnations don't endure similar fates and that they will live their respective lives. Yuri might have found a way to help Yuto not quit Duel Monsters.
Yuya took out his deck. "You're right," he said, looking at his Pendulum cards. "All of my Pendulum cards were originally regular effect monsters before Zarc changed them."
"Maybe I should get a couple of Pendulum cards for my deck," Yugo said. "'Cause I'm certainly not gonna be like Yus- I mean, who I was supposed to replace!"
"You see?" Yuri asked. "As long as we have Pendulum cards, we are going to be more than just puppets! We're individuals!"
Shay then developed a thought: maybe the main reason why Yuto is upset is because he wasn't sure who he was supposed to replace in this timeline. He told Yuya what was on his mind and should probably ask Ishizu at the museum.
"You think Ishizu might know who Yuto replaced?" Yuya asked.
"Probably," Shay answered. "But as for you three, try checking Heartland Duel School."
"Why there?" Yugo asked.
"Knowing Yuto, he probably went there to clear his thoughts," Shay explained. "And I have a feeling I know exactly where in the school he is."
Some time later, Yuya, Yugo, and Yuri arrived at Heartland Duel School; since today was Sunday, there weren't any classes going on. The three went onto the school grounds to find Yuto. Shay told them what building he was in, so they had to look for it. A few minutes have passed and they stopped in front of some doors that led to the gym where the dueling club was held. As they entered, they noticed it was completely empty…until Yugo spotted a shadow up on the stage. They headed towards the stages' small set of stairs to find Yuto sitting on a chair and pondering about everything that recently happened.
"There you are!" Yuri said as he, Yuya, and Yugo walked over to Yuto. "Don't you dare scare us like that!"
Yuto looked up, his eyes brimming with tears. "What do you want?" he asked, trying to wipe his eyes dry.
"I got worried when you ran off yesterday," Yuya said. "I understand that you feel bad, but-"
"That's enough," Yuto said, standing up and facing away from his cousin and counterparts. "I need some time alone."
"Aw, don't be a downer, Yoot!" Yugo said. "We get that we were originally created to fill in some gaps, but we've got Pendulum cards! That's something those other Duelists we replaced don't have!"
"Do you really think Pendulum cards can make me feel better?" Yuto asked.
"Yeah," Yuya answered, taking out his deck to reveal his Pendulum cards. "Before my duel with the Sledgehammer, these cards weren't special. Then Zarc created Pendulum cards and changed my whole life. Shouldn't that feel inspiring?"
Yuto was rather unsure of what to say. Although it was true they harbored the same summoning techniques as the four legendary Duelists, they all have one skill in common that they don't: Pendulum Summoning. Yuya explained on how there was some good left in Zarc when the darkness clouded his judgement and only wanted the best for them by having them master the special summon created by him so that they don't face a similar Hell like he did. The eggplant-haired teen sighed and turned to face his counterparts, having already made up his mind on something.
"I'm sorry, but this problem is more than that," Yuto explained. "You guys already have plans for the future. You even have your own identities figured out. But me?" He let out a sad sigh. "I don't even know who I am anymore."
"What are you saying?" Yuya asked.
"I'm leaving the city to travel the world," Yuto confessed. "I need to discover who I really am. I can't let other people decide for me, like what Shay did all those years ago."
His counterparts were couldn't believe what they heard. Leaving to discover himself across the world? What was he thinking? Yuya grabbed his cousin by the shoulders to tell him something. He explained how Shay getting him into playing Duel Monsters was actually a good thing because the Phantom Kinghts that he's been using helped mold him into the knightly gentleman that he is; he even managed to get an amazing girlfriend because of it. If he hadn't become a Duelist, he wouldn't have gotten himself involved in the War—no joining the Resistance, no looking for Lulu, no meeting Zuzu and Yuya, no getting absorbed, no helping end the War, and no getting unfused. After everything was at peace, he got a job at ObsidianCorp. Why? To discover his future. Yuya also mentioned on how Lono was probably so proud at everything he had done and how much he had grown, so leaving the mashed-up city would be throwing everything he worked for away. Everyone will miss him: his friends, his family, his allies, and his loved ones. Lono's last words were "Don't you dare let that beautiful smile leave your face", but by walking away, all he would be doing was destroying the smile he desperately fought for.
"Just imagine what your life would have been like if you never met Shay Obsidian," Yuya said. "Do you really think you would still be happy?"
Yuto actually never thought of it like that. If he hadn't met Shay, he would still have been a shy, lonesome kid who embraced the darkness and was rejected by society…except his mother Lono. He still would have grown up living with her without the Invasion occurring; she would still be around as the only person who genuinely loved him. Yuya had a feeling that him reasoning with his cousin might not be working and asked Yugo and Yuri if they have any ideas. It was a good thing those two were messaged by Shay to help out; otherwise, they would have been screwed like the dickens.
"Snap out of it, Yoot!" Yugo exclaimed. "What about what you really want? What feels right to you?"
"Well..." Yuto started to say.
"And don't you dare say it's because of fate!" Yuri interrupted. "Think about what you care about. What is the very first thing that comes to your mind that has nothing to do with this destiny nonsense?"
Yuto responded that his heart was the only thing that wasn't involved with destiny. It was his most personally notable feature because it's how he feels around those he cares about, especially Lulu. When he first met her, everything changed. Their first several weeks had blossomed into a beautiful relationship, with his caring heart as one of the biggest reasons. Everything he did after the Invasion was all for her because of how much he loves her. His chivalrous, noble, and caring heart has made him into the person he was today. It helped give him an identity. It made him an individual.
"I remember everything I did regarding her," Yuto said, clutching his heart. "Our first date, our first kiss, the first time I told her how much I love her... I even remember what my first thought was when I met her."
"And what was that?" Yuya asked.
Yuto closed his eyes, recalling what happened that day. "That girl is a real life Rapunzel," he answered, smiling softly. "She was never imprisoned in a tower, but her beauty had surpassed what I originally thought the princess looked like." He opened his eyes. "Lulu Obsidian is my Rapunzel."
It was somewhat strange that Yuto was mentioning Rapunzel at a time like this, but he knew exactly why he was talking about her. He wanted to fall in love with a beautiful princess like her and that wish came true on the day he met Lulu. This would explain why he likes her long hair.
"Rapunzel...?" Yuya asked.
"It was my favorite bedtime story when I was younger," Yuto explained. "I longed to find my own beautiful long-haired princess to love. Then I met Lulu Obsidian through Shay and that day changed my whole life. She's an absolute angel and I'll do anything to protect her."
Yuto's counterparts all looked at each other after hearing the explanation about Rapunzel. Thanks to Yugo and Yuri, they may have figured out a way to help help out in this situation.
"Then perhaps you should continue to be there for her," Yuri advised. "Cherish the time you have with her. Yes, it is rather upsetting knowing we were meant to replace other people, but we are all forming our own identities and futures despite that. I am seeking redemption for my past actions, Yuya has dreams of being a famous Dueltainer, and even the moron wishes to become an incredible Turbo Duelist."
Yuto stared into Yuri's face as he heard the advice being given. It was true that everyone has a future, but he doesn't have to find it right now; stuff like that takes time to figure out. For now, he should focus on the present, meet up with Shay, take part in the Team Duel Tournament, continue working at ObsidianCorp, and support his girlfriend through any difficulty they might come across.
Speaking of Shay, he finally showed up. "Yuto!" he exclaimed, out of breath. "You can't give up on dueling!"
The Yu-Salad turned to see Shay at the door from up on the stage. Yuya, Yuto, and Yuri took the stairs to head over towards him whereas Yugo jumped off the stage and onto the floor, then proceeded to catch up with the others. As they got closer, they all noticed Ishizu's necklace in his hand; Yuto wondered why on earth he has it with him, but his counterparts knew the answer to it.
"Where did you get that?" Yuto asked.
"Ishizu wanted me to give it to you," Shay answered. "She felt bad about what happened and she wants you to see who you replaced."
"Really?" Yuto asked. "Does she want me to return it to her afterwards?"
"No, it's yours to keep," Shay explained. "Think of it as a reminder of the future she showed you."
Yuto thanked his friend for giving him the necklace and wondered how it works if no one was wearing it. Shay told him that Ishizu explained the Millennium Necklace can still show visions even if it wasn't around someone's neck. He glanced at the Millennium Item that he received, preparing himself to see his XYZ replacement. With a light touch on the eye, it illuminated a bright light and blinded everyone. Once it faded away, he found himself in Heartland. He questioned himself if he made a mistake because everything about it mirrors the one in the XYZ Dimension prior to the Invasion; he wasn't sure if it brought back to his Heartland. His confusion was subsided as he saw two people engaging in a duel, but the setup was slightly different. The rules were the same yet they had devices on their left eyes that were essential for this type of duel.
On his left, Yuto saw a tan-skinned boy with red eyes and magenta and dark spiked hair that pointed outward and upward. He wore a red vest with two large belts and a white hood, a light purple sleeveless shirt with a light green "D" on it, white pants with three orange crescent moons on each leg, a white brown-striped belt, and a pair of black shoes with sky blue streaks and white straps. His accessories consisted of a reddish-brown fingerless glove on his left hand, a black protective pad on his right elbow, a dark blue wristband with a reddish-pink outline and light blue studs on his right hand, and a golden key around his neck. Was this young teen Yuto's replacement in his timeline, and if so, was his name Yuma Tsukumo? Next to him was a transparent pale blue spirit with heterochromic eyes like Yuya, but his were golden on the left and pure white on the right. His hair curled up in a mohawk and had green and blue markings all over his body. From the looks things, only Yuto and Yuma can see this spirit, who was later revealed to be names Astral.
"With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network and XYZ Summon Number 39: Utopia!" Yuma exclaimed.
A Number Card? Yuto has never heard of Number Cards before, let alone never knowing they existed…at least, in this timeline. He wondered who was dueling against Yuma, and with a quick glance from his moving eyes, he was surprised to see Reginald Kastle in this timeline. This version of Reginald, however, contradicted the one that he was familiar with. He was dressed more casually with a purple jacket with white rims and green gems around the edges of the sleeves over a maroon shirt, dark gray pants with a belt around it (as seen by the golden buckle), and white shoes with green gems on it. He also wore a gray locket in the shape of a shark tooth and a silver ring on his right hand.
Reginald smirked. "Did you really think I'd forget about that trick?" he asked, sounding a lot more casual. "I activate the Quick-Play Spell card Book of Moon, so you can't use your Double or Nothing combo to wipe out my Abyss Splash!"
Yuto wasn't certain on how he should respond to Reginald's mannerisms; they were clearly not like how he spoke in at the formal party he attended. He sounded more indifferent and cool yet humble and friendly. What was greatly surprising was Yuma saying his nickname that he went by: Shark.
"Do not let Book of Moon distract you," Astral informed Yuma. "You can always flip summon Utopia on your next turn."
"Yeah, I know," Yuma replied as he set a card face down.
Another emotion coursed through Yuto's veins: confusion. This was from how Yuma was very similar to Yugo in terms of personality and actions. Off in the distance, she spotted Lulu's childhood friend Cathy with what can be described as Yuma's group of friends. There wasn't anything remotely different about her because she still wore a gothic lolita and had a cat obsession.
Just then, he was whisked away into another event; this time, it centered around the Arclights. They wore the same clothes like in his timeline with some altered qualities, especially Thomas, who bore a scar on his right eye. The brothers' personalities also stood out to him in a unique way—Michael was an adorable sweetheart like Yugi while Thomas and Christopher were more like Atem, but with clashing traits; Thomas's hair color to Yugi's and he was more…insane while Christopher's bangs were oddly akin and he was calmer and more rational. Byron, on the other hand, had the most changes as he looked like a kid and wore a mask. Just like Shark, the family all had pseudonyms: Trey, Quattro, Quinton, and Vetrix respectively. Yuto wondered if the alternate versions of Arclights were related to Yugi since they bore more comparable traits. Maybe the brothers were his great-grandchildren with Vetrix being his grandson?
"Quattro, you cannot let these feelings interfere with our tasks," Quinton informed.
"So what if I do?!" Quattro snapped.
"Quinton is right," Vetrix said. "Your feelings for Rio Kastle nearly cost you your life. You could have died in that fire!"
Quattro had a crush on Rio? What did he do that caused the terrible fire the family kept mentioning which almost killed him? What tasks are they focused on? Were they against their great-grandfather's wishes? So many questions flooded Yuto's mind as he witnessed what was unfolding in front of him.
"Which you made me cause!" Quattro exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell me Flaming Hell Blessing produces actual flames?!"
"That was none of your concern," Vetrix answered.
"It is when actual people are getting killed!" Quattro exclaimed. He lifted his hand to gently touch the scar on his face. "I don't even think I can look at fire the same way again..."
Flaming Hell Blessing? Was it a Spell card? It may be another card Yuto hasn't heard before, but he is sure glad that it doesn't exist in his timeline. At least what Quattro yelled out settled his puzzlement yet he felt terrible that such a tragedy like that would take place. The scarred teen's face became guilty because of what he did and that he had to go against what his great-grandfather wished for.
A third light brought the eggplant-haired teen to another part of Heartland City that involved Rio. This time, she was dueling against Heartland Academy's Floral Design Club president Lotus Hanazoe, who was under control of an evil threat. She was in the middle of performing a Chaos XYZ Summon, using a Spell card called Rank-Up Magic Barian's Force which led to a Barian symbol to materialize on her forehead. He also heard her recite a chant.
"Barian power, born of chaos. Visit your judgement on this world of filth."
As a result, the monster she used to reconstruct the Overlay Network, Battlecruiser Dianthus, transformed into a Chaos XYZ Monster. Yuto was aghast at how these Barians possess such a powerful card to make people succumb to their rule.
"Come forth CXYZ Battleship Cherry Blossom!"
With now a stronger monster on the field, Yuto became concerned about Rio, who was also contradictory to the version of her from his timeline. She was still confident, loyal to her twin brother, and had her childish side, but she wasn't as stuck-up and snobby as the Rio he knew. After his duel with her back at the party, he knew there was only one monster in her arsenal that can turn things around. Due to Cherry Blossom's effect to inflict 400 damage to its opponent for every card on the field and Diamond Dust reducing the cards from seven to five by destroying Blizzard Falcon and inflicting 500 damage back, both girls' LP of 2500 diminished—Rio now had 500 LP while Lotus had only 2000. Cherry Blossom made its attack, but its direct attack resulted in it destroying a special summoned Aurora Wing thanks to Ice Chain; it was then special summoned back on the field from the Graveyard, leading to Lotus to play a facedown. It was now Rio's turn.
"Now I activate the Spell card Monster Reborn!" Rio declared. "It allows me to summon Blizzard Falcon from my Graveyard!"
Lotus played her face-down Rose Marker, inflicting 300 damage to Rio and bringing her LP to 200. Yuto gazed at Blizzard Falcon and Aurora Wing; they're both Level 4 monsters, which means she was about to bring out her ace. She overlayed her two monsters to XYZ Summon Ice Beast Zerofyne. After increasing her ATK to 2400 thanks to the Zen Garden Field Spell, she used an Overlay Unit to negate all face-up cards until the next Standby Phase and make Cherry Blossom lose ATK for every face-up card x 300; in other words, it went from 2800 to 1500 ATK due to Zen Garden being negated, meaning Zerofyne's ATK return to 2000.
Lotus then activated Flower Judgement to give her monster an ATK by detaching its Overlay Units x 800. Having both Overlay Units, it gained 1600 ATK, ricocheting up to 3100, which was perfect for Rio. She played Freezing Point to reduce Cherry Blossom's ATK to 0 since it had no Overlay Units and used Zerofyne to destroy it, leading to Lotus' LP to be brought down to 0. With the Augmented Reality Duel over, Zen Garden disintegrated back to Heartland Academy as the Barian symbol disappeared and left the Floral Design Club's president with no memory of what happened. Yuma congratulated Rio by nicknaming her an ice queen; she was annoyed by it, but was actually kidding and replied by saying she has a sense of humor unlike Shark.
All of a sudden, a fourth and final light appeared in front of him and brought him back to Heartland Duel School's gym. The vision was over. He was stunned by what he saw while his counterparts and Shay wanted to know what he saw and who he replaced.
"It was a boy named Yuma Tsukamo," Yuto answered. "He was loud, rude, and quick-tempered, so I think I ended up getting the guy Yugo was supposed to replace."
"What's that supposed to mean?!" Yugo demanded.
Yuri struggled to maintain his composure because Yuto wasn't wrong. He may have also discovered alternatives to nicknaming Yugo since "moron" doesn't faze him; however, that was for another time because Yuya wanted to ask his XYZ counterpart something.
"So what do you say?" Yuya asked, holding out his cousin's Duel Disk. "Do you still want to leave us?"
Yuto briefly looked at Yuya before shifting his head towards his Duel Disk. As he stared, he began having thoughts about his loved ones: his friends from the dueling club, the Sakakis, but more importantly, Lulu and Lono. Their undying love and loyalty to him created him into who he is today. He grabbed his Duel Disk out of Yuya's hand, attached it on his left wrist, whipped his left arm back as it activated, and brought it back into dueling position, all while having his signature smile on his face. He never forgot his mother's last words to him, so starting today, he will continue making her proud.
Shay smiled as well. "Welcome back, Yuto," he said.
"Thanks Shay," Yuto replied. "Now about that dandruff problem..."
"What dandruff problem?" Yuri asked.
That statement left Shay confused; how did Yuto know he had a dandruff problem? With the issue finally resolved, everyone can now finish prepping themselves for the tournament, in which the Yu-Salad are ready for. Yuya obtained the necessary strategies to work together with Zuzu and Gong, Yuto got his team situated with a stand-in, Yugo had his own Duel Runner to use in Turbo Duels, and Yuri was almost done rehearsing his opening act with Dennis and Sora. If there's one thing they had in common, they all have mastered their mind merge Skill with their dragons. As the five teens walked out of the gym and back into the city, they all have one thing in mind: adapt to the Team Duel rules and win the tournament…
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