#guilty kiss deal with the devil if im being honest
hxneylavendxr · 6 months
hey love live im so happy youre doing covers now really brave of you uhm can we let the older girls in on this yet or..?
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fanfiction-mania · 7 years
Risk it All (Chapter 11)
P.o.v Ellington
after Riker finished explaining to me why he didn't just tell me why he is dating my ex i felt a little bit more understanding of the whole situation. and to be honest it makes me kind of hate kelly a little bit less than i did just a little while ago. after that whole discussion was over we decided to go watch a movie. and of course, me being the kind of person who highly enjoys children's movies i made everyone watch Mr peabody and Sherman. dont judge me. anyways throughout the movie i would periodically look over at Riker and Kelly and they would be cuddling and kissing and all that couple shit that had been missing out on for who knows how long, of course until ross and i started dating which of course kelly has no idea about. all of a sudden Ross came through the door. wow... speak of the devil and he shall appear. "hey babe!" ross said while sitting next to me on the couch followed by him kissing my cheek. and to my surprise kelly didn't react how i thought she would. to be honest i thought she would lash out and say I'm a fag or something like that but instead she just smiled and spoke with a kind tone "oh my gosh i didn't know you two were together! that is so cute!" she said probably having an internal fangirl attack or something.
P.o.v Kelly
we were in the middle of watching Mr peabody and Sherman... well Ellington was watching it anyways while Riker and i sat with him and well i don't know about Riker but i was a bit distracted by him so i wasn't really watching the movie and every time Riker and i would kiss or just do something coupley i would feel kind of guilty because he has no one to do that kind of stuff with as far as i know. The next thing you know we were interrupted by ross. "hey babe!" he said as he sit in between Ellington and i and planting a kiss on his cheek. holy shit i had no idea he was gay and tbh i think that him and ross make an adorable couple. "oh my gosh i didn't know you two were together! that is so cute!" I'm actually trying so hard not to fangirl right now because to be honest Ellington doesn't know but even back when him and i were dating i shipped him and Ross so this is literally just a dream come true to me as weird as that may seem.
P.o.v Rocky
I woke up the following morning with Rydel asleep in my arms. I looked down at her and smiled. I got this warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach. She truly makes me the happiest man alive. I mean some people wouldn't exactly understand it because she's my sister and that makes it supposedly wrong but to be honest it shouldn't matter who you love. People always make such a big deal about who other people love when they know damn well that it doesn't effect them at all what so ever. anyways... I'm lying in bed with the love of my life in my arms as i just stare at her (not in a creepy way) she looks so peaceful while she sleeps. i all of a sudden began to think one by one about every single reason why i love her when i realized that would take forever because in my eyes she is flawless. my thoughts were soon interrupted by Rydel stirring in my arms slightly. i looked down to see her beautiful brown eyes looking up into mine "good morning gorgeous" i said in a slightly sexy tone. "good morning to you too handsome" she replied causing me to blush and giggle softly at the same time which she must love because she began to giggle along with me. "i love you so much Delly" i said into the crook of her neck planting a kiss in between every word. "i love you too Rock, i really mean that, and based on the events of last night you know i mean more than just siblings." we both giggled again slightly as the memories came flooding back of the previous night.
P.o.v Rydel
i could feel my body slowly start to awaken. i could feel pain in my lower regions but i just chose to ignore it. i looked up only for my eyes to be met with Rocky's. "good morning gorgeous" he said in his sexy morning voice. "good morning to you too handsome" i replied giggling slightly as he blushed and giggled along with me. i absolutely love when he giggles. its just so adorable. "i love you so much Delly" he said while kissing the crook of my neck between each word. "i love you too Rock, i really mean that, and based on the events of last night you know i mean more than just siblings." this caused the two of us to giggle slightly as the memories began to flood back. i remembered how good he was and all im going to say is just ,wow! as much as i hate to ruin the beautiful moment i know I'm going to have to ask him when he thinks would be a good time to go back because our family is worried sick! "babe?" i said breaking the comfortable silence. "Yes baby?" he asked in a questioning tone. please don't hate me for ruining the moment by asking you this" i started. "woah babe i could never hate you!" he replied sounding taken aback slightly. "i know its just that you know our family is worried sick about you and whether we leave tomorrow or next week or whenever we at least have to let them know you are okay" i said "okay how about we get dressed and then call them" he suggested. "okay sounds good" i replied. with that i gave him a quick peck on the lips and went to my bag to find some clothes to wear today. after i found an outfit i quickly put it on and put my hair up in a messy bun. by the time i was done with that Rocky walked in the room. i guess he decided to go shirtless for now which of course i don't mind in the slightest with that we sat on the bed facing each other and i pulled my cellphone out of the pocket of my jeans. i pulled up the contact which was our home number that i happen to have on speed dial on my phone. i looked at rocky with concern. "you ready for this?" i asked. "yeah i mean its not like we are announcing our relationship status to them or anything that is if they don't already know." i nodded in response. after that i clicked the contact and it rang until someone picked up after the third ring. "hey Delly, any luck on finding Rocky?" Ross asked through the phone. "yeah buddy, I'm right here and I'm okay"
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