caroldantops · 2 years
since I thought it might be helpful and I’ve been playing around with tumblr’s new shitshow of a feature, i’ve decided to post a little something on how i’ve been able to steer clear of my posts/reblogs/blog being hidden 
A lot of this is repeated info, and grabbing things from other posts, but I think putting it in one post might be helpful, and I specifically have things to add that might be more helpful for fic writers on tumblr 
luckily, i honestly think that fic writers are better off than gifmakers, who i think out of the content creator side of things, are the most affected by this. (i’m not gonna get into the intricacies of how fucked up this all is here, i’m just gonna post what i’ve found to help keep our community thriving bc i have no where else to go with my horny fics)
See this post for the basics. And here’s a post that contains the link to the list of banned tags.  A lot of stuff here will be repeated from there, but I’m combining some info here.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This only affects iOS products. And I think even if you’re on an Apple device that’s not a phone, you should be able to access things as normal through your browser? This is the one thing i’m unsure of since I use a PC
ADDITIONALY: this only seems to be affecting the tags. I’ve tested banned words in the body of the posts themselves, and they still show up so long as there is not a banned tag. So there’s no need to worry about that thankfully.
Reiterating the post linked above, any post that is reblogged using a banned tag also will not show up on people’s dashboards. Even if it isn’t your original post, or the original post didn’t contain the tags. 
So just avoid those banned tags in all regards. 
However! I’ve found that there are some ways to avoid tumblr detecting tags. For example, one of the banned words is #piss, so i kept messing around with different versions of that tag. (no one @ me ok i just needed something to test)
Interestingly enough, #piss was banned. But #piss play, #p!ss, and #piss /, were NOT banned. 
So, small little edits to the tags do make them work completely fine. We can truly take tumblr’s shit and make it help us again. I just noticed in the document that it says at the bottom that even simply adding a period to the end of the tag works. 
If you have your writing tagged with things like ‘mine’ and anything else listed, I’d change that immediately or else your stuff will never show up. I personally suggest making it something like “silver writes” (that’s mine) 
This tag replacer notes that they suggest waiting to see if the change is permanent, because the tumblr announcement did say it might not be. Ultimately it’s up to you, but also note that changing a ton of tags at once can get you flagged as a spam bot. So perhaps create a temporary new tag, or change posts individually, or just wait it out. Dealer’s choice. 
If you’re like me and tag posts with individual warnings, you’ll need to double check that banned list and edit your warning tags. Most writers I know put their warnings in the post itself anyway, so this probably isn’t a huge issue. But having those above workarounds are nice for this. 
Don’t forget that your reblogs are affected! If you reblog other people’s fics, don’t let them get subjected to getting blocked on people’s dashboards! 
I know this wasn’t like a ton of new info, but hopefully compiling it into one post is helpful for people!  
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