wonderinc-sonic 6 months
There are some of the absolute best sonic animatics on tiktok and I can never find them posted by OP on tumblr to share, it's heartbreaking. Also sharing videos from tiktok to tumblr seems to work like mixing oil and water, not like youtube which semi works.
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wonderinc-sonic 2 months
Sitting down in my creaky rocking chair a minute, I remember the good old days when you'd reblog a prompt list and trust that your internet friends and random followers would send you in loads of pairings. And even if one wasn't yours you'd come up with ideas and headcanons for it. That was pure multishipping fun, I miss it.
Now I feel like those games would be dead and empty, and someone would send me son./.egg to be mean 馃檭
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wonderinc-sonic 6 months
Sometimes I think we are moving on as a society and then I see people arguing over Sonamy or Sonally again... the war flashbacks flood me.
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wonderinc-sonic 1 month
I'm in a superrrr non-shipping mood right now. It's not that I'm not a fan of love I'm just really not sure I want romance genre anything rn, including music, which is a bit tricky.
I want to be able to toggle my dash to show and hide shipping content, but have to settle for putting them all as filtered tags so I can choose not to see. Sorry bout that.
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wonderinc-sonic 2 months
Tumblr media
Aha geddit. Venting. (This one is really really spoiled)
Ok this is not serious but I'm feeling. Paralysed. Because everyone in my life is trying to be so lovely but they're making me feel not listened to at all.
I've always set a bit of my paycheck aside to travel/ spend time with my partner, plus some just for fun money. I often used it for buying commissions, and I was saving for possibly quite an expensive one.
But with world events, I changed my tack. Still putting aside the money to see my partner - which is the main thing I really want to do - but donating the fun money. And that's fine, I guess I missed the fun money I'd been saving for a bigger present for myself, but it's not that bad. I'm literally going on holiday for a week after my birthday. Like, my life is jammy.
That birthday is rolling around and I literally want nothing. If I really stretch, I need a new pair of cheap sunglasses, but it could honestly wait. I have some long-term-goal savings, but they are beyond birthday and I want to buy them for myself so that my family don't have control over them. Right now, I actively want less stuff. So I asked for charity donations, so I can really put some money to stuff I care about - my family are all richer than I am by a long shot, they spend double what I do on their birthdays for mine.
But everyone is taking issue with this. I thought it would just be my partner, but my sisters and my parents all trying to buy me some kind of tat:
Can I get you a candle? No! I don't burn them because I'm forgetful! And don't get me soap and shower stuff, I'm allergic to all but the bar ones, and have no dry place to stock them up.
Can I get you new clothes? I just chucked out 1.5 wardrobes of handmedowns. The fact that I still have plenty of clothes tells you all you need to know about my clothes hoarding!
Can I pay for a meal for you? Fam I am in a bad way with eating as well you know. I can't normally eat in public, especially when there's pressure and lots of people around. You're giving me an anxiety attack for my birthday.
So now I'm thinking I'm just gonna ask for money for the holiday I've already bought myself and donate it myself, then lie and say I spent it on a day out. Because nobody is listening. They're very sweet, really, but I don't even like gifts on my birthday, it's too much. I actively want them to make charitable donations. I don't know why this is so hard. I don't need a lecture from everyone about allowing myself things - if I wanted things I would get things! I'm so damn privileged for my age! I am sick of being lectured and pressured into wanting crap, when it's all crap!
I already gave up the shit I really wanted - which is always nice sonic art and commissions, now - and there's no way any of them would buy those for me anyway. So just get me nothing, if you think charity is a waste, but don't tell me I should want things I literally don't need! I have baskets full of wool. Buckets of colour pencils and crayons and crafts and nice paper. I have shelves of books and hours of games that I don't play. I cannot stress enough how spoiled I am. I don't want another day of treating myself. My whole life is a treat! Meanwhile, 2000 miles away people are dying of starvation if missiles don't get them quicker. Why am I being treated like the one with a problem for wanting less of that happening for my birthday?
Anyway I brought up my paycheck when I started this post because when I mentioned that while trying to convince my boyfriend he got genuinely cross with me. He says it's ridiculous self-sacrifice and I'm trying to be a martyr and I just- what? Sorry, the martyrs of this world; 25yos who can't buy a digital picture of Omega in a tutu with a bubble gun. God, I have the hardest life! I stopped buying coffees that make me shit myself at work. I'm the real victim here!
It's the same argument as when I said I don't wanna take planes for the environmental impact. He - and everyone - acts like I'm cutting out a huge part of my life, my right to holidays? Come the fuck on. We sound disgusting.
I do get that individual contributions to all these things pale in comparison to the big corporations' impact. I know that lobbying and boycotting could be more effective tools for change than my personal contributions. But I'm not going to marches because I don't handle the crowds, and I'm not a debater so I don't think I'm changing anybody's mind. I just wish I could explain that doing these things is how I feel like myself, like my morals matter, and like I can feel proud that I stand up for what I believe in. And those are way more important to me being happy than a new pair of cool boots and sunglasses.
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wonderinc-sonic 2 months
I don't let myself saltpost as much as I could, but I remember when that first Single Ring Poster came out about the sonic movie concept, I had hopes for a Zootopia-esque sonic origin story which was fully animated, and I am still heartbroken that never came to be.
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