#groundnut market in Kenya
farmerstrend · 27 days
The Current State of Groundnut Farming in Kenya
Groundnut farming, also known as peanut farming, is a significant yet underrated agricultural sector in Kenya. Groundnuts, locally referred to as “Njugu Karanga” in Swahili, are mainly grown by small-scale farmers in western Kenya, both for food and sale. These areas have a tropical climate suitable for farming, making it an ideal location for groundnut cultivation. The Kenyan government,…
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sirjustice1202 · 3 years
Starts frowning with me as bursting, when another tribe wants another breeding forth kids who got much character of both to disturb to make them an outcast as they are known, being monitored if can continue with or not as can be of detriment and of help in the future to the society more than their owns they know dude
Mobile money nay are convenient as u need no ready cash and rush not to the bank downtown as the withdrawal stores nearby even in the hamlets next to ya, and that's the convenient and hard to withdraw cash without the drawee knowing ya or having ya ID card, not the word convenience is sweet dude but still not all that convenient when u replace 1 sim card with 1 as just is inconvenience to the person helping ya with the same dude. It will be more convenient if the place booths with all security features as wireless camera at the card swiping center, gun and metal sensors and camera and even non touch temperature sensors as where the card swipe should be inside to take the temp of ya hands and when bent to do the same takes of ya 4head as a feature of face recognition must be applied or finger print to make you not escape dude and even when not withdrawing the camera and the detectors captures u so u r captured as the firm can have police drones to get ya and that machine under armored glass cover u cant break dude and that's the meaning of convenience dude as am told
On the machines all names of the mobile money operators per ward are written and u locate via the registered business names and even shops that take not only cash but u can buy via the mobile money platform directly, their names 4 the business or codes given with their ID numbers to select to send money at those a/c with the machine or via ya phone or computer b4 returning to them with ya original ID 4 confirmation to withdraw cash as get ya cash and can have the sensors as above to confirm ya case even more or get the goods/services u have purchased bro as in the link below
Cabbage in hay, on slab of factory house, step on ground nut husk with it, within circular disc round hole in the middle on welding plates or container gotten out part of steel or on carpet and try standing in all last resting floor of all boom process mentioned above 4 wider results b4 u chop ripe paw paw and raw kale with its cooked soup counterpart on board soaked in pineapple juice in mud and even in cereals, grass as u cant try with individual test personally 4 more roughly outcome dude as in the link below 4 ya city or area code and as well try in all boom surfaces name on the following of this tumblr a/c
Or take the photo even 4 drone as google or on CD or banner and place close to 1 heap, like in the link below close to like kale after folding into 2 halves or into a triangle as the end folders meet in the middle and 4 some anywhere as u try and place the meeting points looking up or into a corner looking up on slab b4 u step on like hay within made hole on groundnut husk on grass sand land placing the name of ya area code in the middle of the two steps layers or just the whole map with made hole b4 chopping like hay on wood soaked on paraffin with mango juice with ripe seed on and try with all juices of ripe seeds and veggies or berries and gate ya drone or Bracelet software 4 ya city dude
Saying 1 is sleeping with women left right or harassing kids, which if not under camera can be heresy yet people planing the same funds to be truth to hinder ya steps. U now got the GPS bracelet trackers 4 wrist and ankle, place on every women or man or kid, either from outside or shift within bones and glue with plasticine esp those with thermostat that needs n battery 4 recharging and monitor using the GPS the point of accident at that time as it records and should be on internet 4 every citizen lets say from 5 years to sell such or create market 4 the same, instead of priding people they see things on the eye and not only that people transfigure into others and even snakes, b4 doing the same u rush and confirm such case was not registered and deemed to be killed. Kill snake dude and even impregnating women as on the radar it signals they were close at the same longitude/latitude and not brothers or men and if two men of same family either relaxing or in a crime if at night and even removable with elastic hard clothe like 1, if u remove its know and u gotten as at bathing time u alerted the authorities at what time u shower they know u have removed them and even viewable to the public under net provided they know ya identity, if such software not out, talk to those firms to make 4 ya cite area or country as u zoom out every code u want and in, instead of being in beef with them dude
I was just pretending i love women, as it goes well with me in all my undertakings as with the cyber and my daily business, as people became lenient to ya, as i avoid much words with them and move on but now its to much as if u dont get with them the spoil the same as written above. So women we got the above as u say i can kill 1 or hurt one, will be known and me arrested and if hurting one, u see what they want to harm u with and we got the metabolic sensors even now on phones to detect the same to leave me all alone as what do u want, to eat me that if u eat me u write good or talk, and the question is who did i eat to talk like u want to with eating corpse, exhume dude or follow what am doing with my daily lives, get to the USA or EU and get friends in the jail to instruct ya or some zones if u stay u be like me if u wanna be just ask me not building ya won dude. They do all the shit, now the truth but heaping on u so u get pissed off and commit something bad as murder to leave the world cause they see ya as an end to their ordinance and control telling other nations how machines giving the pride made and with killing them or them others we got the radars as above they fear and relent to start drawing back dude or slight disturbance which u know not when it will end rather the hard 1 at 1st when they knew u cant be a head of them. When i got cash they bring kids, excusable but when i have no cash do not bring ya kids to me, period, i got no cash take them to their hooligan fathers we know not but we guess dude and me cant take care of ya kids as u keep on monitoring and the party sending the monies when i have told them the same not to send they ought to stop as they liaise with hooligans to want to ambush me to take the ID with police to impersonate to withdraw the very cash to share and even Russians, u see them combing hair towards the back meaning they will not relent seeing ya with money lest attacked dude
My ID no Kevin Nelson Omondi, ID no is 26540140, all my Equity kenya and Coop bank closed so any food, chemical, clothe, cars, aeroplane and millitary which has been opened as a result of all my readings as in all the following of tumblr sirjustice4 a/c should desist in doing the same and if still active, they are rude and 1 wants to have my identity to do the same as abobe dude and even with China not listening, once i gave the all as above and made much, they ought to have gotten the Hindu out, so have the respect to stop the white bad thing not joining thinking they have killed the 1 who told them so, only to find out as they were told even more made public to make them baffled to insight youths to buy not made in other nations stuff as utensil but from them, which if u do goes well with u with the authorities as they have bride them dude. Ziba uffa instead of njenga ukuta as swahili word comes handy to warn us with the Chinese as they are playing the same tune or music.
Much tumblr a/c of sirjustice4 aint all my followings some created on the drone up or opened, so as i have signalled ya all my banks closed as i have mentioned earlier, so expect no cash from the same unless banks locate one of same name and maintain the identity dude to leave me all alone, Got me Mr Gay. Some 1 can even open and metion another name of another kevin Nick omondi where N is abbreviated to withdraw when figure prints not confirmed as with a dubious nation, so bank people be warned dude. Kenya still poor lest u know how to make all u imports and save your country foreign exchange and attract a wide tourist influx as if not warned by a neighboring states affects even their tourist inflow as countries nest to Ivory coast u want to get not or Nigeria as birds of the same feathers flock together same with Mexico and Canada not warning USA and with German and Russian or Uk NEIGHBORS with Hindu thing when they happened to move out and even in Asia Hindu Neighboring state should warn the of the same lest affecting their future tourism and even with SA and Tanzania neighbors ought to tell them the same bad thing they are doing to change dude, to quiet or a gimmick to do exactly what am saying up above
I have cleaned my hands, when cant stop or twart my business dealings, women u will not see me with u lest u make me go to another lands of another color so am not wanted to be all alone, good of where u aint wanted but u got food and shelter as with USA. They are enjoying and can take them to hell dude. If u eat Mtura directs ya where good than another place and what if done its more superb, like ksm good than Nairobi even to the poor and u would rather live in KSM than NY if got minimal job if it got good toilets which they want not to place cause good it will be as u save much and movement easy as compared to NY and grave exhumation much the other side and even with getting to jail
U can even buy kid metal detectors and on the blinking lights if detected step up with transformers and if still strong like a meter place in a pipe 1 meter with the detector mouth at the end, while the other opened end still next to the water tap where u reach out any metallic surface to open ya tap as in the links below
With me a m weak sexually and if u hear am strong, is just copy pasted text from other texts within Instagram private message i got send to another one or within my left to ya pas-code, stop abusing me with that if like i have learnt ya language good to use it against ya women which they tell u am good and will denounce ya if u harm me to get pissed off and rather resort to the above to monitor me if i can take care of ya kids which am not in a position to do as we were playing poker card and a victor must be out which if not, like in a game it is stopped to evade wars or conflicts as i am looking 4 asylum from a small country not big one as big 1 they might think i want to transverse and be happy and now that we got the bracelet thing as above no hoot but to leave me all alone dude
And like tumblr should open an office or online 1 u send your details if more courtesy of the 1st 1, so they above scheme as above rectified or with any social media. Dont proclaim 1 got like covid yet we got testing gadgets handy Mr white man, i want not return to ya nation 2 ya women, u see no way i can talk to ya, lest am harassed, stop dude and with aids yet what u claim 1 have other have and died but with u not confirmed case meaning u take 1 not 4 a kid but an animal like cow watched if slaughtered his meat sweet and the same thing inducted to me. We want authorities to have no job to get bored and not being in groups in pick up, they like, but personally in motor bikes or their cars as those taking drugs bracelets placed to monitor them. Very bad is police officers poking people aliasing with criminals next thing wants to arrest ya if u block what they were eying dude. In pretense but want ya land but now they cant as u got the radar things as well as them to want them return to me, to sweet talk me or into a deal but 2 late as my tumblr postings on istagram to every nation making the same as them and with gays now turns to my property i live in and if 1 can give me money directly or hurl via my window, i move out, locate a cheap house and pay like 2 years rent b4 i come again to my previous house if not got much money to buy like 1 BR room to dwell in where no 1 can claim and rich and share with him or bring my kids as stated above. No matter how much i explain the same, the next day they still do the above, no relenting. What i hate is 1 i blocked trying to monitor me or be a head and young and timid but knows nothing, a day time thief and a fool only dwelling in lies they have made to keep him on me as above as lame excuse dude
With the mobile money armored glass booth got digital temp sensors and govt taken 4 every 1, so if captures and the machine destroyed we go back to the books and find all those who were there of the same celcious dude if u have no bracelet dude, not false as currently used as of different companies but with the booth of 1 company. And even the commuter service given number displayed digitally on the van or cab within taxi name on the booth platform to send money to their account with a receipt confirmation if u board u give the driver to confirm ya case as even indicate empty seat via a digital sensor on the seat itself or up above to detect if a person is seating on the seat or not to place ya booking and even on ya phone or computer. What cant de done if Nigeria have made digital voting machine to replace the current lofty paper one, then having the same any country can make such and even more and on top of the van got number of that vehicle and the street of operation as in the link below dude
Something that u think u r superior that u know the mind of criminal keep to yaself dude, Mr Hindu, stop bro, we got the above sensors and jail only if u do the same on 1 past, u bring forth, u make them weak, leave that and build ya nation dude, u r antagonizing people now in a nation now that they know the Minneapolis truth and rich man and Lazarus thing bro and all the biblical truths as above and church offering will be made online as the machine can make u hide your identity as private dude, so not known 4 worship as u give much or 4 victimization u give less or non. Serious bro
They wanted to give people Aids via place infected blood sample on small capsule on corpse b4 the transfer to ya, making u sleep with prostitutes to claim it burst cause people saw u doing the same so infected to sell other govt procurement of Hiv/Aids related drugs or roll the rosted on tiny holed iron mesh okwaju/tamarind seed to treat the same, so know to refute theme even the police amused of nothing to do and even dignitaries as in the links below, wanted much population to do the same but long dead dude
And with Kikuyu, luo like they wanted another war and even if no developments after the white have defeated some Africans at that time who had known how to make machines, they give the procedures as above to snake transfiguring to people the same to make later as theirs personally but many nations had known the same and when whisper put on siren then on drones and with sensors to detect snakes and opened killed those snake a thing The Eu wanted to do when Africans after long have 4gotten the same as above and come again to colonize them destroy genes now cause they need not another knowledge that can come out with a new fuel thing as above when oil deposits finished as the main fear or making other spheres rich than them and they want them poor as Venezuela and Middle east to rule them, a thing that made them colonize Africa cause it was their worry and if not so as above, Africa got sun to charge the battery of E-machine or stima but they did not know how to make the same until Kebi told Germany and point blank as we see in the following tumblr a/c
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sirjustice1201 · 3 years
U fuck each other leave me all alone bro, tombaneni
Starts frowning with me as bursting, when another tribe wants another breeding forth kids who got much character of both to disturb to make them an outcast as they are known, being monitored if can continue with or not as can be of detriment and of help in the future to the society more than their owns they know dude
Mobile money nay are convenient as u need no ready cash and rush not to the bank downtown as the withdrawal stores nearby even in the hamlets next to ya, and that's the convenient and hard to withdraw cash without the drawee knowing ya or having ya ID card, not the word convenience is sweet dude but still not all that convenient when u replace 1 sim card with 1 as just is inconvenience to the person helping ya with the same dude. It will be more convenient if the place booths with all security features as wireless camera at the card swiping center, gun and metal sensors and camera and even non touch temperature sensors as where the card swipe should be inside to take the temp of ya hands and when bent to do the same takes of ya 4head as a feature of face recognition must be applied or finger print to make you not escape dude and even when not withdrawing the camera and the detectors captures u so u r captured as the firm can have police drones to get ya and that machine under armored glass cover u cant break dude and that's the meaning of convenience dude as am told
On the machines all names of the mobile money operators per ward are written and u locate via the registered business names and even shops that take not only cash but u can buy via the mobile money platform directly, their names 4 the business or codes given with their ID numbers to select to send money at those a/c with the machine or via ya phone or computer b4 returning to them with ya original ID 4 confirmation to withdraw cash as get ya cash and can have the sensors as above to confirm ya case even more or get the goods/services u have purchased bro as in the link below
Cabbage in hay, on slab of factory house, step on ground nut husk with it, within circular disc round hole in the middle on welding plates or container gotten out part of steel or on carpet and try standing in all last resting floor of all boom process mentioned above 4 wider results b4 u chop ripe paw paw and raw kale with its cooked soup counterpart on board soaked in pineapple juice in mud and even in cereals, grass as u cant try with individual test personally 4 more roughly outcome dude as in the link below 4 ya city or area code and as well try in all boom surfaces name on the following of this tumblr a/c
Or take the photo even 4 drone as google or on CD or banner and place close to 1 heap, like in the link below close to like kale after folding into 2 halves or into a triangle as the end folders meet in the middle and 4 some anywhere as u try and place the meeting points looking up or into a corner looking up on slab b4 u step on like hay within made hole on groundnut husk on grass sand land placing the name of ya area code in the middle of the two steps layers or just the whole map with made hole b4 chopping like hay on wood soaked on paraffin with mango juice with ripe seed on and try with all juices of ripe seeds and veggies or berries and gate ya drone or Bracelet software 4 ya city dude
Saying 1 is sleeping with women left right or harassing kids, which if not under camera can be heresy yet people planing the same funds to be truth to hinder ya steps. U now got the GPS bracelet trackers 4 wrist and ankle, place on every women or man or kid, either from outside or shift within bones and glue with plasticine esp those with thermostat that needs n battery 4 recharging and monitor using the GPS the point of accident at that time as it records and should be on internet 4 every citizen lets say from 5 years to sell such or create market 4 the same, instead of priding people they see things on the eye and not only that people transfigure into others and even snakes, b4 doing the same u rush and confirm such case was not registered and deemed to be killed. Kill snake dude and even impregnating women as on the radar it signals they were close at the same longitude/latitude and not brothers or men and if two men of same family either relaxing or in a crime if at night and even removable with elastic hard clothe like 1, if u remove its know and u gotten as at bathing time u alerted the authorities at what time u shower they know u have removed them and even viewable to the public under net provided they know ya identity, if such software not out, talk to those firms to make 4 ya cite area or country as u zoom out every code u want and in, instead of being in beef with them dude
I was just pretending i love women, as it goes well with me in all my undertakings as with the cyber and my daily business, as people became lenient to ya, as i avoid much words with them and move on but now its to much as if u dont get with them the spoil the same as written above. So women we got the above as u say i can kill 1 or hurt one, will be known and me arrested and if hurting one, u see what they want to harm u with and we got the metabolic sensors even now on phones to detect the same to leave me all alone as what do u want, to eat me that if u eat me u write good or talk, and the question is who did i eat to talk like u want to with eating corpse, exhume dude or follow what am doing with my daily lives, get to the USA or EU and get friends in the jail to instruct ya or some zones if u stay u be like me if u wanna be just ask me not building ya won dude. They do all the shit, now the truth but heaping on u so u get pissed off and commit something bad as murder to leave the world cause they see ya as an end to their ordinance and control telling other nations how machines giving the pride made and with killing them or them others we got the radars as above they fear and relent to start drawing back dude or slight disturbance which u know not when it will end rather the hard 1 at 1st when they knew u cant be a head of them. When i got cash they bring kids, excusable but when i have no cash do not bring ya kids to me, period, i got no cash take them to their hooligan fathers we know not but we guess dude and me cant take care of ya kids as u keep on monitoring and the party sending the monies when i have told them the same not to send they ought to stop as they liaise with hooligans to want to ambush me to take the ID with police to impersonate to withdraw the very cash to share and even Russians, u see them combing hair towards the back meaning they will not relent seeing ya with money lest attacked dude
My ID no Kevin Nelson Omondi, ID no is 26540140, all my Equity kenya and Coop bank closed so any food, chemical, clothe, cars, aeroplane and millitary which has been opened as a result of all my readings as in all the following of tumblr sirjustice4 a/c should desist in doing the same and if still active, they are rude and 1 wants to have my identity to do the same as abobe dude and even with China not listening, once i gave the all as above and made much, they ought to have gotten the Hindu out, so have the respect to stop the white bad thing not joining thinking they have killed the 1 who told them so, only to find out as they were told even more made public to make them baffled to insight youths to buy not made in other nations stuff as utensil but from them, which if u do goes well with u with the authorities as they have bride them dude. Ziba uffa instead of njenga ukuta as swahili word comes handy to warn us with the Chinese as they are playing the same tune or music.
Much tumblr a/c of sirjustice4 aint all my followings some created on the drone up or opened, so as i have signalled ya all my banks closed as i have mentioned earlier, so expect no cash from the same unless banks locate one of same name and maintain the identity dude to leave me all alone, Got me Mr Gay. Some 1 can even open and metion another name of another kevin Nick omondi where N is abbreviated to withdraw when figure prints not confirmed as with a dubious nation, so bank people be warned dude. Kenya still poor lest u know how to make all u imports and save your country foreign exchange and attract a wide tourist influx as if not warned by a neighboring states affects even their tourist inflow as countries nest to Ivory coast u want to get not or Nigeria as birds of the same feathers flock together same with Mexico and Canada not warning USA and with German and Russian or Uk NEIGHBORS with Hindu thing when they happened to move out and even in Asia Hindu Neighboring state should warn the of the same lest affecting their future tourism and even with SA and Tanzania neighbors ought to tell them the same bad thing they are doing to change dude, to quiet or a gimmick to do exactly what am saying up above
I have cleaned my hands, when cant stop or twart my business dealings, women u will not see me with u lest u make me go to another lands of another color so am not wanted to be all alone, good of where u aint wanted but u got food and shelter as with USA. They are enjoying and can take them to hell dude. If u eat Mtura directs ya where good than another place and what if done its more superb, like ksm good than Nairobi even to the poor and u would rather live in KSM than NY if got minimal job if it got good toilets which they want not to place cause good it will be as u save much and movement easy as compared to NY and grave exhumation much the other side and even with getting to jail
U can even buy kid metal detectors and on the blinking lights if detected step up with transformers and if still strong like a meter place in a pipe 1 meter with the detector mouth at the end, while the other opened end still next to the water tap where u reach out any metallic surface to open ya tap as in the links below
With me a m weak sexually and if u hear am strong, is just copy pasted text from other texts within Instagram private message i got send to another one or within my left to ya pas-code, stop abusing me with that if like i have learnt ya language good to use it against ya women which they tell u am good and will denounce ya if u harm me to get pissed off and rather resort to the above to monitor me if i can take care of ya kids which am not in a position to do as we were playing poker card and a victor must be out which if not, like in a game it is stopped to evade wars or conflicts as i am looking 4 asylum from a small country not big one as big 1 they might think i want to transverse and be happy and now that we got the bracelet thing as above no hoot but to leave me all alone dude
And like tumblr should open an office or online 1 u send your details if more courtesy of the 1st 1, so they above scheme as above rectified or with any social media. Dont proclaim 1 got like covid yet we got testing gadgets handy Mr white man, i want not return to ya nation 2 ya women, u see no way i can talk to ya, lest am harassed, stop dude and with aids yet what u claim 1 have other have and died but with u not confirmed case meaning u take 1 not 4 a kid but an animal like cow watched if slaughtered his meat sweet and the same thing inducted to me. We want authorities to have no job to get bored and not being in groups in pick up, they like, but personally in motor bikes or their cars as those taking drugs bracelets placed to monitor them. Very bad is police officers poking people aliasing with criminals next thing wants to arrest ya if u block what they were eying dude. In pretense but want ya land but now they cant as u got the radar things as well as them to want them return to me, to sweet talk me or into a deal but 2 late as my tumblr postings on istagram to every nation making the same as them and with gays now turns to my property i live in and if 1 can give me money directly or hurl via my window, i move out, locate a cheap house and pay like 2 years rent b4 i come again to my previous house if not got much money to buy like 1 BR room to dwell in where no 1 can claim and rich and share with him or bring my kids as stated above. No matter how much i explain the same, the next day they still do the above, no relenting. What i hate is 1 i blocked trying to monitor me or be a head and young and timid but knows nothing, a day time thief and a fool only dwelling in lies they have made to keep him on me as above as lame excuse dude
With the mobile money armored glass booth got digital temp sensors and govt taken 4 every 1, so if captures and the machine destroyed we go back to the books and find all those who were there of the same celcious dude if u have no bracelet dude, not false as currently used as of different companies but with the booth of 1 company. And even the commuter service given number displayed digitally on the van or cab within taxi name on the booth platform to send money to their account with a receipt confirmation if u board u give the driver to confirm ya case as even indicate empty seat via a digital sensor on the seat itself or up above to detect if a person is seating on the seat or not to place ya booking and even on ya phone or computer. What cant de done if Nigeria have made digital voting machine to replace the current lofty paper one, then having the same any country can make such and even more and on top of the van got number of that vehicle and the street of operation as in the link below dude
Something that u think u r superior that u know the mind of criminal keep to yaself dude, Mr Hindu, stop bro, we got the above sensors and jail only if u do the same on 1 past, u bring forth, u make them weak, leave that and build ya nation dude, u r antagonizing people now in a nation now that they know the Minneapolis truth and rich man and Lazarus thing bro and all the biblical truths as above and church offering will be made online as the machine can make u hide your identity as private dude, so not known 4 worship as u give much or 4 victimization u give less or non. Serious bro
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sirjustice1200 · 3 years
Open offices
Starts frowning with me as bursting, when another tribe wants another breeding forth kids who got much character of both to disturb to make them an outcast as they are known, being monitored if can continue with or not as can be of detriment and of help in the future to the society more than their owns they know dude
Mobile money nay are convenient as u need no ready cash and rush not to the bank downtown as the withdrawal stores nearby even in the hamlets next to ya, and that's the convenient and hard to withdraw cash without the drawee knowing ya or having ya ID card, not the word convenience is sweet dude but still not all that convenient when u replace 1 sim card with 1 as just is inconvenience to the person helping ya with the same dude. It will be more convenient if the place booths with all security features as wireless camera at the card swiping center, gun and metal sensors and camera and even non touch temperature sensors as where the card swipe should be inside to take the temp of ya hands and when bent to do the same takes of ya 4head as a feature of face recognition must be applied or finger print to make you not escape dude and even when not withdrawing the camera and the detectors captures u so u r captured as the firm can have police drones to get ya and that machine under armored glass cover u cant break dude and that's the meaning of convenience dude as am told
On the machines all names of the mobile money operators per ward are written and u locate via the registered business names and even shops that take not only cash but u can buy via the mobile money platform directly, their names 4 the business or codes given with their ID numbers to select to send money at those a/c with the machine or via ya phone or computer b4 returning to them with ya original ID 4 confirmation to withdraw cash as get ya cash and can have the sensors as above to confirm ya case even more or get the goods/services u have purchased bro as in the link below
Cabbage in hay, on slab of factory house, step on ground nut husk with it, within circular disc round hole in the middle on welding plates or container gotten out part of steel or on carpet and try standing in all last resting floor of all boom process mentioned above 4 wider results b4 u chop ripe paw paw and raw kale with its cooked soup counterpart on board soaked in pineapple juice in mud and even in cereals, grass as u cant try with individual test personally 4 more roughly outcome dude as in the link below 4 ya city or area code and as well try in all boom surfaces name on the following of this tumblr a/c
Or take the photo even 4 drone as google or on CD or banner and place close to 1 heap, like in the link below close to like kale after folding into 2 halves or into a triangle as the end folders meet in the middle and 4 some anywhere as u try and place the meeting points looking up or into a corner looking up on slab b4 u step on like hay within made hole on groundnut husk on grass sand land placing the name of ya area code in the middle of the two steps layers or just the whole map with made hole b4 chopping like hay on wood soaked on paraffin with mango juice with ripe seed on and try with all juices of ripe seeds and veggies or berries and gate ya drone or Bracelet software 4 ya city dude
Saying 1 is sleeping with women left right or harassing kids, which if not under camera can be heresy yet people planing the same funds to be truth to hinder ya steps. U now got the GPS bracelet trackers 4 wrist and ankle, place on every women or man or kid, either from outside or shift within bones and glue with plasticine esp those with thermostat that needs n battery 4 recharging and monitor using the GPS the point of accident at that time as it records and should be on internet 4 every citizen lets say from 5 years to sell such or create market 4 the same, instead of priding people they see things on the eye and not only that people transfigure into others and even snakes, b4 doing the same u rush and confirm such case was not registered and deemed to be killed. Kill snake dude and even impregnating women as on the radar it signals they were close at the same longitude/latitude and not brothers or men and if two men of same family either relaxing or in a crime if at night and even removable with elastic hard clothe like 1, if u remove its know and u gotten as at bathing time u alerted the authorities at what time u shower they know u have removed them and even viewable to the public under net provided they know ya identity, if such software not out, talk to those firms to make 4 ya cite area or country as u zoom out every code u want and in, instead of being in beef with them dude
I was just pretending i love women, as it goes well with me in all my undertakings as with the cyber and my daily business, as people became lenient to ya, as i avoid much words with them and move on but now its to much as if u dont get with them the spoil the same as written above. So women we got the above as u say i can kill 1 or hurt one, will be known and me arrested and if hurting one, u see what they want to harm u with and we got the metabolic sensors even now on phones to detect the same to leave me all alone as what do u want, to eat me that if u eat me u write good or talk, and the question is who did i eat to talk like u want to with eating corpse, exhume dude or follow what am doing with my daily lives, get to the USA or EU and get friends in the jail to instruct ya or some zones if u stay u be like me if u wanna be just ask me not building ya won dude. They do all the shit, now the truth but heaping on u so u get pissed off and commit something bad as murder to leave the world cause they see ya as an end to their ordinance and control telling other nations how machines giving the pride made and with killing them or them others we got the radars as above they fear and relent to start drawing back dude or slight disturbance which u know not when it will end rather the hard 1 at 1st when they knew u cant be a head of them. When i got cash they bring kids, excusable but when i have no cash do not bring ya kids to me, period, i got no cash take them to their hooligan fathers we know not but we guess dude and me cant take care of ya kids as u keep on monitoring and the party sending the monies when i have told them the same not to send they ought to stop as they liaise with hooligans to want to ambush me to take the ID with police to impersonate to withdraw the very cash to share and even Russians, u see them combing hair towards the back meaning they will not relent seeing ya with money lest attacked dude
My ID no Kevin Nelson Omondi, ID no is 26540140, all my Equity kenya and Coop bank closed so any food, chemical, clothe, cars, aeroplane and millitary which has been opened as a result of all my readings as in all the following of tumblr sirjustice4 a/c should desist in doing the same and if still active, they are rude and 1 wants to have my identity to do the same as abobe dude and even with China not listening, once i gave the all as above and made much, they ought to have gotten the Hindu out, so have the respect to stop the white bad thing not joining thinking they have killed the 1 who told them so, only to find out as they were told even more made public to make them baffled to insight youths to buy not made in other nations stuff as utensil but from them, which if u do goes well with u with the authorities as they have bride them dude. Ziba uffa instead of njenga ukuta as swahili word comes handy to warn us with the Chinese as they are playing the same tune or music.
Much tumblr a/c of sirjustice4 aint all my followings some created on the drone up or opened, so as i have signalled ya all my banks closed as i have mentioned earlier, so expect no cash from the same unless banks locate one of same name and maintain the identity dude to leave me all alone, Got me Mr Gay. Some 1 can even open and metion another name of another kevin Nick omondi where N is abbreviated to withdraw when figure prints not confirmed as with a dubious nation, so bank people be warned dude. Kenya still poor lest u know how to make all u imports and save your country foreign exchange and attract a wide tourist influx as if not warned by a neighboring states affects even their tourist inflow as countries nest to Ivory coast u want to get not or Nigeria as birds of the same feathers flock together same with Mexico and Canada not warning USA and with German and Russian or Uk NEIGHBORS with Hindu thing when they happened to move out and even in Asia Hindu Neighboring state should warn the of the same lest affecting their future tourism and even with SA and Tanzania neighbors ought to tell them the same bad thing they are doing to change dude, to quiet or a gimmick to do exactly what am saying up above
I have cleaned my hands, when cant stop or twart my business dealings, women u will not see me with u lest u make me go to another lands of another color so am not wanted to be all alone, good of where u aint wanted but u got food and shelter as with USA. They are enjoying and can take them to hell dude. If u eat Mtura directs ya where good than another place and what if done its more superb, like ksm good than Nairobi even to the poor and u would rather live in KSM than NY if got minimal job if it got good toilets which they want not to place cause good it will be as u save much and movement easy as compared to NY and grave exhumation much the other side and even with getting to jail
U can even buy kid metal detectors and on the blinking lights if detected step up with transformers and if still strong like a meter place in a pipe 1 meter with the detector mouth at the end, while the other opened end still next to the water tap where u reach out any metallic surface to open ya tap as in the links below
With me a m weak sexually and if u hear am strong, is just copy pasted text from other texts within Instagram private message i got send to another one or within my left to ya pas-code, stop abusing me with that if like i have learnt ya language good to use it against ya women which they tell u am good and will denounce ya if u harm me to get pissed off and rather resort to the above to monitor me if i can take care of ya kids which am not in a position to do as we were playing poker card and a victor must be out which if not, like in a game it is stopped to evade wars or conflicts as i am looking 4 asylum from a small country not big one as big 1 they might think i want to transverse and be happy and now that we got the bracelet thing as above no hoot but to leave me all alone dude
And like tumblr should open an office or online 1 u send your details if more courtesy of the 1st 1, so they above scheme as above rectified or with any social media. Dont proclaim 1 got like covid yet we got testing gadgets handy Mr white man, i want not return to ya nation 2 ya women, u see no way i can talk to ya, lest am harassed, stop dude and with aids yet what u claim 1 have other have and died but with u not confirmed case meaning u take 1 not 4 a kid but an animal like cow watched if slaughtered his meat sweet and the same thing inducted to me. We want authorities to have no job to get bored and not being in groups in pick up, they like, but personally in motor bikes or their cars as those taking drugs bracelets placed to monitor them. Very bad is police officers poking people aliasing with criminals next thing wants to arrest ya if u block what they were eying dude. In pretense but want ya land but now they cant as u got the radar things as well as them to want them return to me, to sweet talk me or into a deal but 2 late as my tumblr postings on istagram to every nation making the same as them and with gays now turns to my property i live in and if 1 can give me money directly or hurl via my window, i move out, locate a cheap house and pay like 2 years rent b4 i come again to my previous house if not got much money to buy like 1 BR room to dwell in where no 1 can claim and rich and share with him or bring my kids as stated above. No matter how much i explain the same, the next day they still do the above, no relenting. What i hate is 1 i blocked trying to monitor me or be a head and young and timid but knows nothing, a day time thief and a fool only dwelling in lies they have made to keep him on me as above as lame excuse dude
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sirjustice1199 · 3 years
Some basic facts
Starts frowning with me as bursting, when another tribe wants another breeding forth kids who got much character of both to disturb to make them an outcast as they are known, being monitored if can continue with or not as can be of detriment and of help in the future to the society more than their owns they know dude
Mobile money nay are convenient as u need no ready cash and rush not to the bank downtown as the withdrawal stores nearby even in the hamlets next to ya, and that's the convenient and hard to withdraw cash without the drawee knowing ya or having ya ID card, not the word convenience is sweet dude but still not all that convenient when u replace 1 sim card with 1 as just is inconvenience to the person helping ya with the same dude. It will be more convenient if the place booths with all security features as wireless camera at the card swiping center, gun and metal sensors and camera and even non touch temperature sensors as where the card swipe should be inside to take the temp of ya hands and when bent to do the same takes of ya 4head as a feature of face recognition must be applied or finger print to make you not escape dude and even when not withdrawing the camera and the detectors captures u so u r captured as the firm can have police drones to get ya and that machine under armored glass cover u cant break dude and that's the meaning of convenience dude as am told
On the machines all names of the mobile money operators per ward are written and u locate via the registered business names and even shops that take not only cash but u can buy via the mobile money platform directly, their names 4 the business or codes given with their ID numbers to select to send money at those a/c with the machine or via ya phone or computer b4 returning to them with ya original ID 4 confirmation to withdraw cash as get ya cash and can have the sensors as above to confirm ya case even more or get the goods/services u have purchased bro as in the link below
Cabbage in hay, on slab of factory house, step on ground nut husk with it, within circular disc round hole in the middle on welding plates or container gotten out part of steel or on carpet and try standing in all last resting floor of all boom process mentioned above 4 wider results b4 u chop ripe paw paw and raw kale with its cooked soup counterpart on board soaked in pineapple juice in mud and even in cereals, grass as u cant try with individual test personally 4 more roughly outcome dude as in the link below 4 ya city or area code and as well try in all boom surfaces name on the following of this tumblr a/c
Or take the photo even 4 drone as google or on CD or banner and place close to 1 heap, like in the link below close to like kale after folding into 2 halves or into a triangle as the end folders meet in the middle and 4 some anywhere as u try and place the meeting points looking up or into a corner looking up on slab b4 u step on like hay within made hole on groundnut husk on grass sand land placing the name of ya area code in the middle of the two steps layers or just the whole map with made hole b4 chopping like hay on wood soaked on paraffin with mango juice with ripe seed on and try with all juices of ripe seeds and veggies or berries and gate ya drone or Bracelet software 4 ya city dude
Saying 1 is sleeping with women left right or harassing kids, which if not under camera can be heresy yet people planing the same funds to be truth to hinder ya steps. U now got the GPS bracelet trackers 4 wrist and ankle, place on every women or man or kid, either from outside or shift within bones and glue with plasticine esp those with thermostat that needs n battery 4 recharging and monitor using the GPS the point of accident at that time as it records and should be on internet 4 every citizen lets say from 5 years to sell such or create market 4 the same, instead of priding people they see things on the eye and not only that people transfigure into others and even snakes, b4 doing the same u rush and confirm such case was not registered and deemed to be killed. Kill snake dude and even impregnating women as on the radar it signals they were close at the same longitude/latitude and not brothers or men and if two men of same family either relaxing or in a crime if at night and even removable with elastic hard clothe like 1, if u remove its know and u gotten as at bathing time u alerted the authorities at what time u shower they know u have removed them and even viewable to the public under net provided they know ya identity, if such software not out, talk to those firms to make 4 ya cite area or country as u zoom out every code u want and in, instead of being in beef with them dude
I was just pretending i love women, as it goes well with me in all my undertakings as with the cyber and my daily business, as people became lenient to ya, as i avoid much words with them and move on but now its to much as if u dont get with them the spoil the same as written above. So women we got the above as u say i can kill 1 or hurt one, will be known and me arrested and if hurting one, u see what they want to harm u with and we got the metabolic sensors even now on phones to detect the same to leave me all alone as what do u want, to eat me that if u eat me u write good or talk, and the question is who did i eat to talk like u want to with eating corpse, exhume dude or follow what am doing with my daily lives, get to the USA or EU and get friends in the jail to instruct ya or some zones if u stay u be like me if u wanna be just ask me not building ya won dude. They do all the shit, now the truth but heaping on u so u get pissed off and commit something bad as murder to leave the world cause they see ya as an end to their ordinance and control telling other nations how machines giving the pride made and with killing them or them others we got the radars as above they fear and relent to start drawing back dude or slight disturbance which u know not when it will end rather the hard 1 at 1st when they knew u cant be a head of them. When i got cash they bring kids, excusable but when i have no cash do not bring ya kids to me, period, i got no cash take them to their hooligan fathers we know not but we guess dude and me cant take care of ya kids as u keep on monitoring and the party sending the monies when i have told them the same not to send they ought to stop as they liaise with hooligans to want to ambush me to take the ID with police to impersonate to withdraw the very cash to share and even Russians, u see them combing hair towards the back meaning they will not relent seeing ya with money lest attacked dude
My ID no Kevin Nelson Omondi, ID no is 26540140, all my Equity kenya and Coop bank closed so any food, chemical, clothe, cars, aeroplane and millitary which has been opened as a result of all my readings as in all the following of tumblr sirjustice4 a/c should desist in doing the same and if still active, they are rude and 1 wants to have my identity to do the same as abobe dude and even with China not listening, once i gave the all as above and made much, they ought to have gotten the Hindu out, so have the respect to stop the white bad thing not joining thinking they have killed the 1 who told them so, only to find out as they were told even more made public to make them baffled to insight youths to buy not made in other nations stuff as utensil but from them, which if u do goes well with u with the authorities as they have bride them dude. Ziba uffa instead of njenga ukuta as swahili word comes handy to warn us with the Chinese as they are playing the same tune or music.
Much tumblr a/c of sirjustice4 aint all my followings some created on the drone up or opened, so as i have signalled ya all my banks closed as i have mentioned earlier, so expect no cash from the same unless banks locate one of same name and maintain the identity dude to leave me all alone, Got me Mr Gay. Some 1 can even open and metion another name of another kevin Nick omondi where N is abbreviated to withdraw when figure prints not confirmed as with a dubious nation, so bank people be warned dude. Kenya still poor lest u know how to make all u imports and save your country foreign exchange and attract a wide tourist influx as if not warned by a neighboring states affects even their tourist inflow as countries nest to Ivory coast u want to get not or Nigeria as birds of the same feathers flock together same with Mexico and Canada not warning USA and with German and Russian or Uk NEIGHBORS with Hindu thing when they happened to move out and even in Asia Hindu Neighboring state should warn the of the same lest affecting their future tourism and even with SA and Tanzania neighbors ought to tell them the same bad thing they are doing to change dude, to quiet or a gimmick to do exactly what am saying up above
I have cleaned my hands, when cant stop or twart my business dealings, women u will not see me with u lest u make me go to another lands of another color so am not wanted to be all alone, good of where u aint wanted but u got food and shelter as with USA. They are enjoying and can take them to hell dude. If u eat Mtura directs ya where good than another place and what if done its more superb, like ksm good than Nairobi even to the poor and u would rather live in KSM than NY if got minimal job if it got good toilets which they want not to place cause good it will be as u save much and movement easy as compared to NY and grave exhumation much the other side and even with getting to jail
U can even buy kid metal detectors and on the blinking lights if detected step up with transformers and if still strong like a meter place in a pipe 1 meter with the detector mouth at the end, while the other opened end still next to the water tap where u reach out any metallic surface to open ya tap as in the links below
With me a m weak sexually and if u hear am strong, is just copy pasted text from other texts within Instagram private message i got send to another one or within my left to ya pas-code, stop abusing me with that if like i have learnt ya language good to use it against ya women which they tell u am good and will denounce ya if u harm me to get pissed off and rather resort to the above to monitor me if i can take care of ya kids which am not in a position to do as we were playing poker card and a victor must be out which if not, like in a game it is stopped to evade wars or conflicts as i am looking 4 asylum from a small country not big one as big 1 they might think i want to transverse and be happy and now that we got the bracelet thing as above no hoot but to leave me all alone dude
A round and circular hole made on the to be stepped upon on the boom
Universal remote with thermostat, when u place white guava in  charcoal fumes add iced cabbage with car acid, b4 u step on pumpkin  leave on round hole made with ya hands on hay leaves and as well another  hole on white plastic to rest on book paper with many oil traces down  the ground grass with cabbage and sand and the u chop guava on board  soaked on hay and on cold sewer water and boom ya remote bro and even  wrist watches can have thermostat dude and even computer mouse
Rectangular  perfect remote kills you faster or reduce ya life span if glued to the  TV and even square or thin in the middle, best remote is the one of  shape in the link below tilted upwards at the tip and slim within the  middle as reduces ya life span not that much dude and serious bro when  mixed with alcohol and cigarette or other drugs that's why many told to  be off TV. Take a look at all of them and one which u see a casket shift  fast to ya side like in the nearby sidewall of the house or road kills  ya 1st and opt 4 the least dude. Maybe u got what many got and it should  be the reverse and the vice versa of the former.
Digital smartphone compass app in the link below, download it for ya smartphone today
GPS Bracelets can now be made tiny into a finger ring dude as in the links below and covid detector rings
Water  generator made when hay placed in paw paw heap and kale as well, then  step on hay within hole made on 2, floor tile and book tile and iron  roof below but book paper on top, the the down layer without circular  hole plastic floor carpet b4 u step on passion fruit and pineapple peel  on that hole, environment is roadside ditches with made brown stone b4  chopping hay on wood board soaked on euphorbia white juice on ya hand or  with body blood on stone tablet or mud either squatted, sited or with  bent back looking not back but sideways parallel to the roadside ditch  as u can try with much position until it comes out but in moonlight or  under dim bulb light bro
With making anything tubal as with fries,  smokies, bricks, timber, knives, cucumber, kojets or carrots, place  them in the close method in a straight manner either single or in a  group in a container bag or paper or polythene b4 the boom process and  with anything must be well arranged in an uniform or same manner/pattern  dude and even sometimes the close head not in an uniform pattern dude
The  insert metal method of building houses, the stone can be made big to  fit like quarter or half the 1 house side or any to redeem time and use  less side bars or rod and make it beautiful as withe the partitions of  this flyover road intersection dude and such as well can be made in the  boom process dude
Images  of rough walled stone/brick houses in the link below, good from within  and not all that good in outer appearance pissing off some girl but they  know not the reality as staying in next to a painted green rough cast  adds u longevity and body youngness  same to the former but don't be in  the always, it gives ya a somber mood
To Russians leave me all alone, control ya own spouse and cattle, u see  am all  alone and when defeated ya in what u produce as military, oil and gas, u  insight the locals on me. See how many nations have made strand on the  same, take your poverty away as what u produce can be made artificially  or outsourced from other nations producing the same. Take ya poverty and  gay all away, thought the fall on airplane way was the only, doing it  as if there is no another option, u silly and stupid, go away  as in the link below can be made both in the boom process to upset u  cause u did the same but writing in books are of mines, u liar and  stupid braggart. Liaising with the oppressor, bad 1, instead of warning  him and when it dawns on u goodies they aint a shamed to follow ya, go  away with that your big do nothing land now
Buy GPS TRACKERS in the links below dude
PS4  Pad with thermostat made when guava placed in cabbage and add sorghum  millet porridge in roadside ditch or metallic/plastic containers inside  soil, then step on hay within cut plastic and iron sheet on polythene  bag with flower traces b4 u chop shoe polish both black and brown on  wood soaked in pineapple and in planted grass juice but in the dark dude
Torch  with thermostat, made when cabbage placed in guava add porridge as  above, in hang on a post container or diagonally cut truck container as  above in dim bulb light or moon light, b4 u step on paw paw within cut  book paper and floor tile on welding plate and then chop clothe and  coffee berries on wood in mud or wood soaked in milk with body shampoo  as u can mix many types es of cocoa butter and boom ya torch bro
Illuminate  on light padlocks as it has solar panel, when guava placed on hay add  kale with cooked beef, in same ditches as above or side hole of the  factory basement, b4 u step on hay on made circular hole on cabbage peel  and brown boxes soaked in many juices like cold orange soda resting on  bruised floor with mango inner seed as well in the hole b4 chopping paw  paw and cabbage on mud alongside steel bars or steel wool and boom ya  lock bro as u can use ya phone to illuminate such or bring close to  light dude
Motor bike or bike fingerprint lock in the link below
Switch  ya bulbs or electric gadgets if u got WIFI or bluebottle repeater from  ya house or business premises on both ends using ya phone like 5 miles  away enabling ya to use installed 1 from 1 point not having to install 2  for both business and ya house dude and start ya computer or bike or  any electronic via a fingerprint
And  buy as well remote controlled door locks as in the link below as know  the wifi padlocks even the reader works 4 them, when ya child reaches  the door and no intruder around, open the door to her/him via a notice  response as u have notified him/her as well as start your car via a  remote or smartphone app and connect ya ps4 to a phone
Light  illuminated ps4 playing pod how made, when cabbage placed in hay then  add passion with lemon, in plastic containers in grass sand/soil land,  b4 u step on avocado on book paper and hay made round hole on grass with  cassava palettes and again b4 chopping kale and guava seed on wood  soaked on sewer water and much urine of every animal around including  many people and boom ya gadget dude
Kebi wants to be the 1st  person to be ferried via the drone hurling the casket and his grave  having the digital screen to make history as he gives a big smile of  that, what about you dude like Mr & mrs Ombamas, what do u want to  be worth remember off, or just ya poverty down the Chicago streets shown  on TV, be pro active and be remembered widely dude.
Now they  know, the Nigerian blooded all they got other nations got, still playing  sidelinement so u get to them to ask them of that situation to feel  important just as with the Russians above. We want your women not but  can be good prostitutes, tinting ya name slightly in ya absentia. style  up dude
Control ya kid or ya watch via wifi on ya smartphone and as well can use the repeaters dude as in the links below to track
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sirjustice852-blog · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
PS4 OR 5 games paw paw in guava place kale shout, jump or in other flowers, veggies or paw paw in kale or in many veggies and add another flower, veggies and shout, 4 email squat, jump for the same above after  placed and 4 search engine scratch monies and count, pray and 4 social  media drug creates, arrange plates, while 4 security app wash plates and  4 online games toss up a coin like in many men 50 cent song or play  cards, basket ball, soccer in dim light while the placed above is in dark or dribble ball with ya hand of legs as in football or fold clothes  and bedding or hit ball with ya feet hurling them away or brag in ya  talking etc and more such moves u can imagine as i just trying out with a  new something as u can replace paw paw or guava with another fruit or  berries or veggies as much as leaves to get much app and even other  gadgets not in ya mind at that time but it will be a blessing in  disguise just take it dude
4 MOBILE is yam in paw paw or guava in  cabbage or paw paw in carrot and employ all the above and even sitting  or scratching ya booty on the floor as u move, kinda.
Kenya now  poor until it knows how to make every machine, drugs and other accessories like clothes so it doesn’t import and calling the name of politician wont make that, unless u read the laws and make them dude. With all these, such people making them are more precious than anything  else even the dignitaries and get that, cause they make a nation to save  their Forex which they used in imports to channel that cash into the  economy dude to make their nations per with other nations which have  known the above. When u master the above, every nation became same in  development as they dont outsource or import to divide part of their  Forex with another nation
Now if u r lazy look, u cant be tolerated the tea has not yet been marketed as it can be made artificially, so if u bring up kids u bringing like father like son ones  to disturb the future generation when such minds that can block such  aint around dude, lest trespass and you arrested.
The house in the  link below is made when hay added to green grass then dry maize added  and hurled with hot water or maize cob in hay add paw paw shout dude. Or  maize cob in Euphorbia place hay sprinkle sperm many people from above 4  the wooden story 1 or cabbage in hay place dry grass and spit saliva  many people 4 story 1 or pumpkin in hay place paw paw and summer salt 4  the red roof one or paw paw in grass place hay hurl hot water 4 the big  glass one or paw paw in hay place tangerine and masturbate 4 the white  wide one or cassava in groundnuts place pumpkin and shout 4 the white  story 1 dude, try even without foundation at the devil will give u with  concrete lining from below to uplift or carry when u add sewer water and  maize cob to each dude or pa paw in hay ride bicycle all around and  boom ya red wooden housing as in bauhu or hay in grass place paw paw do  back wards 4 the gray roofed or hay in grass place paw paw pass with  speedy jets on-top 1 big with dark brick walls
Radar controlled missiles link below
Roads paw paw in hay place cabbage jump into a hole or trench many people in a linear motion, Road as in the link below
Putting  kids into sex to change their character, when they see u soft they mistake ya 4 a woman and kinda, wants to have sex with ya which if u refute the very women having sex with them brand u names and that’s the  gimmicks dude
kantaka car owner planning violence as giving other  people money to give others to finish their agendas, like Denis white  boy teacher of dala hera, kisumu, Kenya school. They even got radar  controlled mini-missile of 2 km radious, size of rotating Arial controller to aid the above as explained in following tumblr a/c or sirjustice390. They fuck women and when women have been empowered to make the same artificial products and necessities to share the profits they cant do the same, so locate school girls who share the same love with teenagers if they find ya, kidnap ya or plan u killings as cutting u  with machette dude. Warn him, most saying they are rwandi as people of  misuria and Louisiana state got such blood so they want to get their or  play with u in your absensia u cant locate them tohurt u saying they are  mexican that if carli4nia and Texas or Arizona where part of mexico and  if taken they will benefit so eyeing such dude. warn them to stop. see  the character of big people, now evitable to deemed short people to  overtake them, when 1 tells u something dont again engage in his kidnap  or derail synonymous with kantaka and innoson cars
Kale is paw paw  in hay place grass urinate or paw paw in Sodom leaves place carrot and  masturbate dude or carrot in hay place guava booty fuck dude while  tomato is paw paw in hay place kale and swing dance or cucumber in kojet  place hay jump or grass in hay place paw paw caress man booty. While  onion is paw paw in grass place hay break sticks or paw paw in hay  place camara leaves blow ya nose and boom ya onion dude
Eggs is  tangerine in paw paw place hay choke with long sticks or paw paw in  cassava place butternut walk bowled legged or waru in bringanya place kunde jump far away from a cliff or tangerine in hay place paw paw caress the back of 1 head. Cabbage is grass in hay place kojet or cucumber fire bullets into it or sprinkle with salt or paw paw in hay place cucumber run hurriedly dude or grass in hay place paw paw gnaw ya  teeth and boom ya veggies. With Melons is paw paw in wheat grain place  cassava just talk or in hay place kale defecate into it or paw paw in hay place tangerine then play the wall dirt of that small arrow.
Maize  is paw paw in hay place grass then en-kindle a match stick or hay in grass place guava and murmur or cucumber in grass place paw paw urinate  or Guava in hay place paw paw walk or jump or tangerine in hay place guava do backwards dude. Green grams is mango in paw paw place grass deficate on it or paw paw in guava place kale jump far away or hay in guava place paw paw help a kid to urinate squeezing his manhood in the middle or Euphorbia in hay place kunde play/jump the rope hurriedly or mango in passion fruit place paw paw bite ya lips dude
cucumber in  grass hit the wall like in 21 question song after placed paw paw 4 passion fruit or kunde in yam place dania and summer-salt from a cliff or tomato in hay place guava and cry dude and 4 pixie is avocado in yam  place yam cliff jump or grass in hay place cabbage then, kinda, in the  middle of the booty from down to up move ya hand as rubbing or tomato in  hay place paw paw cry many people. 4 beans is paw paw in hay place guava shout or paw paw in hay place guava jump or paw paw in hay place onion, kinda, fight hitting the wall and 4 cassava is mango leaves in grass play paw paw cry or grass in hay place butternut do bur bur bur like kids do and ya cassava and sweet potato is tangerine in hay place grass and kinda fight dude or paw paw in hay place guava and kinda, masturbate a kid and boom ya delicacy and 4 waru is pumpkin in yam place  grass jump or  tangerine in hay place paw paw cry or paw paw in yam  place millet kiss or hay in grass place paw paw spank the booty dude.  Groundnut is paw paw in hay place guava hit ya booty the other side 2  people or hay in Sodom leaves place white guava fuck rapidly dude or paw  paw in grass place hay cry
Owner of broken heart Riddim,  spread gossip riddim, last breath riddim and defeat riddim as well as  mend ya soul/herat riddim to be released in due time, 1 and only kebi,  osiep Nyili utters Delanu.
2 in 1 submarine and jet that can run both on air and water
Sodom  apple leaves in cabbage place paw paw and cry 4 submarine while yawn 4  missile as the radar place guava and shout 4 submarine while 4 missile  place sweet potato and shout 4 joy or maize in grass place paw paw and  cry 4 submarine while 4 missile shout 4 joy many people and submarine rad add beans and shout 4 joy while 4 missile add millet and look in awe  to many people dude and still more
Photocopier ink is paw paw in  hay place guava and cry or hit head on one another and 4 the paper rims  is paw paw in hay place guava and cry and 4 the photo-copier is paw paw  in hay place guava kick a ball or paw paw in hay place carrot and cry or  fuck pussy or booty fuck. And 4 E motor bike is paw paw in hay place  carrot walk away or masturbate or hide or fire gun and do with all the  moves as displaced dude.
E-buses is paw paw in hay place guava hug  or cry or place yam masturbate and try with all the styles as above or  do backwards 4 transit bus while E-bicycles is paw paw in hay place  carrot and jump or blindfold one or fuck and try with all the moves as  above 4 a different type dude.
Kinda, when one gets to hell,  without helping ya yet u told them the protocol, u see, petrol being  poured unto his face like in Sarafina movie as in the link below
Now  china and Russia just talk, just like with fuel if u got we are friends  if not they walk all away, like now they have learnt to make artificial  many species of cocoa, coffee, tobacco,rice, maize, rye, flowers,  pixie, veggies and fruits like mangosteen or passion and sugar so if ya  nation got such as main cash crop think twice dont go around on media  like seducing those nations as people do to women synonymous now with  Kenyan President Uhuru as seen on the newspaper, now stop the relationship and forge well ahead or will amount to absolute nothing dude and even war bro. Let us not see that, kinda, a woman who has left  ya and taken ya to court to warn ya. And even having substitue 4 what is  grown in ya country to make necessities as can be made much in boom process and its opportunity cost dude like with tropical leaves and flowers used in the boom process. Walk away dude as in the song link below, when their aint scratch then no business as the rule of thumb, scratch my back i scratch your dude
Tobacco made when paw paw in hay place guava and cry or defecate or fuck 4 the leaves dude
Triple ace vodka paw paw in hay place grass and cook or place guava and kiss dude
Spinach is hay in grass place avocado tongue kiss or paw paw in hay place guava and booty fuck in doggy way
Paw paw in hay place guava caress booty or hit booty 2 people opposite way as in the link below
Metallic  casket is paw paw in guava place carrot hit booty or fuck or paw paw in  hay place carrot fight kinda bro or paw paw in a awiny tree leaves place hay and fight kinda 4 armored glass casket or paw paw in hay place  paw paw and fight kinda 4 the same with serial opening or paw paw in  hay place guava and cry 4 quarter inlet hole type with digital opening  to curb casket theft or yam in grass place paw paw and talk 4 finger  print of the deceased one
Passion  and most fruit in grass place hay and even with animal bones placed in  green grass then add hay then ma-surge arms and shoulder gives roofing.
Ice  cream is millet in yam place cassava talk or paw paw in hay place  groundnut and cry or guava in hay place paw paw masturbate a kid or  guava in hay place pumpkin and cry/shade tears or tangerine in hay place  paw paw kick a ball and with stick 1 is paw paw in hay place kale bred  hair or mango in hay place lemon and urinate or cabbage in hay place  guava hit ya tongue in ya mouth or cassava in paw paw place guava caress  ya own booty or cassava in hay place pumpkin close ya eyes dude
Chocolate  paw paw in hay place guava and insert carrot in a mans ass hole and try  with a woman as well 4 another product and even banana shape fruits or  veggies. paw paw in hay place avocado fuck a woman anus with banana and  pay her heavy or place kale and talk or chew gum or place guava hit one  on 1 eye dude or gnaw ya teeth as cold.
Cooking oil paw paw in hay  place kale cry with ya nose, kinda, gasping 4 breath dude or paw paw in  hay place guava and masturbate dude or paw paw in onion place hay spunk  the booty or hay in onion place guava caress shoulder and arms or paw  paw in hay place avocado masturbate while seated dude or hay in guava  place paw paw fire bullets unto the solution 4 olive oil. Castor oil is  paw paw in hay place onion masturbate standing or paw paw in hay place  kale hurl with guava and 4 sunflower oil is paw paw in hay place guava  masturbate looking the ceiling or cry dude and try with other styles as  well as 4 palm oil is paw paw in hay place guava shout 4 the fruit or  paw paw in hay place avocado walk away dude
Inner-pants is paw paw  in hay place guava feast like to fight in a training dude or do like  starting a motor bike on air or just start a bike dude or walk backwards  as dancing or cry or paw paw in carrot place guava and cry or paw paw  in hay place green grass and cry or shout.
Women bra is hay in  guava place carrot start a bike kinda or hay in carrot place guava  kinda, make a feast to fight or 4 men paw paw in hay place guava and cry  or start a motor bike kinda or Rab hands 4 suits or eat groundnuts 4  cloth reflectors like 4 motorbikes. 4 women suits is paw paw in hay  place guava start a bike or ride a bicycle dude or paw paw in hay place avocado talk. Wallet is paw paw in hay place guava wash face or place grass and cry and 4 belt is paw paw in hay place guava write slanting or  place pumpkin and cry dude and 4 women purse is paw paw in guava place  kale right or cry and with all the steps 4 another type dude and even  slanting ya head dude or changing its position or doing any style u have  seed as in Wrestling and sports gives another product dude
Sweater  is paw paw in hay place guava and cry or make holes on the wall and with all above styles try and 4 duvet is paw paw in hay place guava drink drinks like strong tea and many dude just trying or place green grass and shout and 4 socks is paw paw in hay place guava cramp on the ground or place banana and write and with many fruits repeating the above styles dude. Jumpers paw paw in hay place euphorbia and writing things dude and 4 jackets is paw paw in hay place avocado, guava and with every fruit talk or walk or dance kinda.
Bed sheets is paw paw in hay place carrots, veggies and other fruits and cry dude or write  and 4 jeans is paw paw in hay place guava fight kinda, with folded  feast or paw paw in hay place grass hurl with hot water dude or place  avocado and shout instantly dude or grass and hide or paw paw in hay  place groundnut and hit ya elbow on wall kinda or place cabbage and talk  while 4 Marvin wear is paw paw in hay place grass shout or cry or fight  kinda or place guava start a bike or paw paw in hay place guava make a  woman hair.
Mineral water is paw paw in hay place guava slap ya  head to make ya hair down kinda or paw paw in guava place hay masturbate  a kid or paw paw in hay place guava caress the arm and the shoulder or  do X style like triple H in world WWF.
CD as condom is paw paw in  hay place guava do the X-style dude or paw paw in hay place carrot fold  ya fingers like in cold or place pumpkin and hold ya self kinda feeling  cold, folding ya hand together ya hands towards ya heart dude or passion  in grass place hay cry or carrot in hay place paw paw and cry
X-mas  lights and other accessories paw paw in guava place hay and cry or paw  paw in hay place carrot and do like swimming on air or just swim  whichever dude or kale in guava place paw paw and cry dude or paw paw in  hay place orange and cry dude or place tangerine and hide or kale in  spinach place hay and hide or tangerine in hay place guava and hide or  paw paw in mango place hay and hide or tangerine in mango place paw paw  and hide but 4 lights is kale in hay place paw paw and cry or paw paw in  kale place guava and walk away dude
Car spanners is paw paw in  cabbage,hay place carrot and do all the steps as above 4 a new thing or  paw paw in carrot place hay and do all the process as above or hay in  passion place paw paw and circle a pillar and do as well all the above  process or guava in sewer water place passion or any veggies as fruit  doing all the above protocols dude and 4 screw sets is paw paw in hay  place passion or kale or dark beans doing all the process as above 4  another type or passion in hay place carrot and rotate a con shaped  structure or pillar or tank or hay in avocado place pumpkin or guava in  hay place cauliflower and jokes or cabbage in hay place paw paw and wipe  ya tears dude and more as above
Any two fruits, or with leaves,  veggies or wild berries or any animal and hurling as described above  makes another gadget in the boom process. Any 2 things in sewer water  makes something in the boom process and give it a try dude. Now u r poor  and following me cant solve the day lest u r killed, even if the army  takes over dude, selling my corpse wont save u at that time dude, lest u  learnt to make every machine as above to save ya export to be used  money previously dude
Paints is mango in hay place paw paw or carrot and cry or mangosteen in  hay place paw paw and cry or kale in hay place guava and fuck or  Bringanya in hoho place grass rotate a pillar dude or sweet potato in  yam place guava and cry or pumpkin in yam place paw paw fold hands or  groundnuts in yam place paw paw cry or cabbage in yam place kale sit  down dude or kale in Sodom leaves place paw paw cramp ya fee dude or  tangerine in hay place paw paw make hard feast as carrying heavy load  dude or grass in hay place guava and cry dude and more
Ginger  is made when hay place in paw paw grass added then u scream dude or hay  in paw paw place spinach and cry or paw paw in guava place hay  scream/bend dude
Hair food is guava in hay place guava and squat  bending dude or guava in hay place banana and hide or tangerine in hay  place carrot fold ya hands kinda or paw paw in guava place hay scream or  wheat grain in rye grain place paw paw cry or carrot in hay place paw  paw walk backward dude
Flower paw paw in hay place carrot and jump  or cry or paw paw in mango place guava and cry or guava in avocado  place hay and cry or tangerine in paw paw place hay and hide or  Bringanya in kale place paw paw and jog dude or hay in kale place paw  paw squat like spreading/sprouting flower groaning or paw paw in hay  place guava and cry or paw paw in hay place mango and cry or mango in  hay place paw paw and cry or shout or do all the styles as above dude
Paw  paw in hay place guava walk spreading ya legs make the internet server  radar display machine 4 controlling missiles, jets, drone and big  airplanes even missiles while 4 the missile machine paint ya nails on  the above case, shout 4 jet, caress booty 4 jet as well, walk backwards 4  jet as well, shake head 4 drone or place hay in guava add sugar cane  and nod ya head 4 the internet control screen, play around with kids 4  missile or jump, Defecate 4 chopper and sit on the floor 4 big  air-plane, cry in bend posture 4 water missile, looking up 4 air  missile, looking down 4 chopper and looking up 4 big air-plane dude or  masturbate a kid 4 water drone, big person 4 air drone, fuck doggy a  woman 4 jets, 4 2 in 1 jets hurl with paw paw, 2 in 1 missiles hurl with  guava, air-plane hurl with banana and 4 big missile hurl with paw paw  seed mixed with lemon seed, 4 2 in 1 drones hurl with dark beans or  passion fruit on hay in guava add cane on 2 in 1 sub-marine hurl with  mango seed or mangosteen dude and more that uses the normal internet to  move
sign of defeat and empowerment in the links below, cant  hinder our progress as we women knows the same, so empowered dude, our  ears can be messed with
Hand  wash is paw paw in hay place guava masturbate a kid or hay in kale place paw paw and cry or kale in kunde place paw paw and hide or pineapple in hay place grass and cry dude or onion in grass place hay pat one on the back or guava in hay place onion and brush ya teeth or wipe ya booty 4 e-car on the same dude
Rice in beans and maize as  cooked then hurl with kunde makes big sky-scrapping buildings of the city or Githeri that is beans cooked with maize place spinach hurl with  passion or dark beans makes the same but when u urinate make building stones while if u hurl with grass makes roads.
Pumpkin in hay place paw paw and apply oil on hair 4 diesel flue or hay in guava place  green grass caress throat dude or carrot in hay place guava clap hands  or grab palm of ya both hands together and 4 petrol is paw paw in hay place kale masturbate a kid or guava in grass place paw paw beat one on  his back and neck while him squatted dude or paw paw in hay place guava  ma-surge one fingers to palm area or carrot in hay place paw paw play  hide and seek and 4 Kerosene is paw paw in kale place guava ma-surge one  fingers or paw paw in hay place Sodom fruit bend ya fingers dude or paw  paw in hay place tangerine and dance or cabbage in hay place grass hurl  down one broken teeth dude or talk or place carrot and cry or yellow  maize in hay place guava apply oil or remove cape and place it again or  rotate it dude or wear durag bro
4 ice is paw paw in hay place  guava and shake ya head as something u cant imagine or get or tangerine  in hay place avocado hurl tissue paper unto it or rice in grass place  kale step on a woman booty to like fall as kick and boom ya ice or paw  paw in hay place grass caress one knee or tangerine in grass place paw  paw and grab one of ya finger to thumb the try to push it away dude or  avocado in hay place paw paw jump squatted dude
Toothpick paw paw  in hay place carrot and shower dude using shower or rye grain in grass  place paw paw and shower dude or kunde in hay place guava and prick a  woman booty with sharp object dude
Mint dew avocado in hay place  onion and fire bullets on wall maybe having bullet proof jacket or grass  in hay place paw paw type things on a computer or cabbage in grass  place hay and jump one legged or sew things.
School bags paw paw  in hay place guava do the the X-style to in between ya legs or paw paw  in hay place carrot and side walk or paw paw in hay place guava hit drum  sets or paw paw in hay place Sodom fruit and scrub /comb ya hair  backwards or paw paw in hay place carrots swing ya head sideways or  carrot in guava place paw paw vomit even water on ya mouth or kale in  hay place spinach talk hurriedly or Sodom fruit in kale place guava and  side walk alone dude and more
Material 4 school clothes guava in  hay place paw paw jump sideways or kale in hay place guava hold hand or  kale in spinach place kunde and let a car pass hurriedly dude and 4  sweater in cassava in hay place guava and walk or cabbage in hay place  guava caress the belly or paw paw in hay place kunde run hurriedly
4  school shoe is black jack in hay place paw paw caress the booty or the  cut half photo placed in sewer water b4 black jack added and one blow  hot steam or partake hard liquor dude or cold water and 4 socks is cut  diagonal photo placed in hay then banana added b4 one squeeze a wet  clothe or blanket dude and 4 seats is passion fruit in hay add paw paw  scream with broken voice dude or add guava and hide and for the table is  paw paw in hay place kale and talk or guava in hay place paw and cry  dude or carrot in guava place paw paw and hag 4 long dude
Mala is  euphorbia in hay place guava and shout or add avocado and scream dude.  While 4 Vim washing detergent is Euphorbia in kale in hay add grass and  talk or paw paw in hay add carrot and make matuta on ya woman hair or  cabbage in hay place paw paw crack ya fingers. Jic detergent is paw paw  in hay place guava play with a kid or paw paw in hay place carrot and  talk dude
Paw paw in hay add guava caress on should as bruised  make fab houses as in the link below or fold arms cross-crossing on the  heart or play with a kid kinda holding him/her
Train  is paw paw in yam place kale and cry many people as in funeral or hit booty 2 people the other side or talk close or Rab one face or squat dude or try rest of styles as stated above
Mande tiyo mabel yawa swears some women, just look how happy it looks as in the red radio in the song link below
Phones  how made dude cabbage in hay place kale fire armored glass with bullets  or touch one booty or hot bathe washing ya booty or side talk as  discussing or cabbage in guava place kale chop lemon or fight kinda or  kale in onion place guava crush lemon or hot shower or immerse ya head  in hot water bucket or cabbage in kale place hay squeeze water from a  garment or kale in pumpkin place paw paw or kale in guava place hay and  fold clothes or bedding or stir like hot tea or employ every gesture as  above 4 more or cabbage in kale place kojet grab one arms or fold papers  or hay/lemon in kale place avocado and chop hay or push heavy load 4  tablet or 4 laptop is grass in kojet place pumpkin scrub ya head or cut  photo into half placed in mango add coke soda bottle and laugh dude and 4  phones cut photo placed in mango solution as raw then coke soda bottle  place and chop avocado or bathe with hot water or scream dude
Kojet  in cabbage place carrot hurl maize cob on the wall or chop raw mango or  kale in guava add pumpkin touch one hand or talk close or guava in kale  place cabbage chop paw paw or hide beside or into a container or eat  bread or touch one penis or mango in hay place avocado squeeze fruit  like tangerine to produce juice or start a machine like radio or TV dude  or few liters in grass add paw paw then kinda make holes on wall using  carrot or sticks or break sticks
4 TV is folded photo in hay add  guava write things squeezing pen on the writing pad or play us football  or any sports 4 another gadget like even cards 4 stoves, bathe with  sponge 4 jiko and more 4 many results dude
Bent photo as folded  add honey place in paw paw head and walk away discussing or discuss to  pray in squatted with bend back posture or shower many people as well as  touching each other on the skin many people or or add yogurt in place  of honey and walk away or scream as shout many people or chop mango to  hurl liquid down the floor Or cut photo add hay place white guava juice  and cry dude or scrub ya face as well as the floor or cold shower dude  or cut half photo in hay add avocado juice pluck fruits as well as  veggies as tomato 4 more types dude Or cut photo in green grass add hay  read things dude or fart bro or defecate Or cut photo in grass place  pumpkin rotate the heap dude or place carrot try to bring one hand down  on the table on the push pull hand game and try with every fruit where  cut photo immersed and same with added last object changing each 4  another product all at all and employing different styles as well and  even making the last object honey or juices dude or excretion homey
Jacaranda  tree in green grass add Euphorbia the write things on wall makes  supersonic jets as i told Britain or cold bathe or play with water  nozzle as kids do or walk away or leave in a motor bike solo or defecate  dude or fuck a woman doggy dude
Awiny tree leave is  made when paw paw place in hay honey added then one chop passion fruit  or drink cold water or kale in guava add passion fruit and eat githeri  or cross the road dude or descend in a haste from a stair case dude. One  used to make Dark fear engulf ya sky-scrapper dude like of NY not  bright buildings synonymous with phoenix, Denver or Minneapolis and  more, Kinda, u see water engulf ya next time like of Chicago dude, can  be a cash crop if artificial counter part not told how made dude and  reason 4 migration dude and makes monies when place in garbage add honey  and fight kinda or add paw paw and hides beside a pillar or add avocado  and urinate in light. So u r alerted dude to end or stop maybe lest  otherwise employed we know not yet dude
Better kebi hit one white stupid on the nose to bleed this time we will cut one with machette of such conduct as we are par, have learnt ya ways and even more to make us equal or less inferior to us to thwart tourism dude get it at cotton wood falls detention center, etene Humphrey and Melani, curse and de colbert carloss and wilson are all witness and mike friends with steve warm the as well am not joke and they ought to second that or acknowledge that sad fact lest they ambush to kill me which amounts to absolute nothing as explained earlier bro. Take heed dude.
kIKUYU blooded can shift bomb to ya head on plane as one had already shifted the case from a corpse then to ya brain like with Ethiopian fallen air-plane done to pilot on the feet or legs to detonate dude, evade them dude 4 better 4 good lest eaten deep fried hot water caught Nile perch. we have them not just as grudge as many think but because of such explained above
Moses helped one tribe or 12 but me de whole world so me aint ya Moses dude got it bro
Guava in avocado place grass pull one hand downward or console each other looking down in broad day light while at nigh scope kinda soil with ya fingers as moving towards u 4 sand or hay in guava add kale play piano in broad day light without any1 looking at the heap u looking dude or coke gun or open a padlock u in dark the heap on light as can be bulb light or sun light or chop onion dude 4 sand bro or butternut in grass place carrot hurl hot water in broad day light without anyone in the vicinity dude or sewer water in bright cold weather dude or smoke cigarette dude or photocopy in the morning or evening dude or such near large water mass or forest try dude
Cabbage in hay place pumpkin and photocopy in dark make house in the link below or chop guava or pineapple or pumpkin or mix fanta with strong tea or strawberry soda or console each other holding each other in a circle looking down or insert ya head in water bucket or take cold shower or play with water nozzle nearby dude or talk whispering and even different styles giving the devil the layout or pass hurriedly driving motor bike or bike or in broad day light dude or cold weather or hot sun try without looking at dude. U can interchange the last to be placed with paw paw or carrot or yam or garlic or cassava and change styles as standing on the truck roof next side and even with all veggies and fruits to give ya different houses dude not to mention bro or pumpkin in hay add guava and do the above
Many machines or gadgets are made on a stone alter or slab, some outside when rainy, others when sleeting, snowing, other on the floor scattered pieces of dry leaves or raw, saw husk, fruit, food crop peel, water surface, shower placed to rain on the heap b4 the boom process and others slow music instrumental placed dude while others on hilltops or on sky-scrapper while others made on basement or swimming pool dude, others on carpet floor or with cotton wool, dust or on grass compound or on used waste environment like bottle lids or just scrap metal. U can cut tortilla or chop with ya hand even with samosa and chapati to make some gadgets like Jets, houses and tankers or big air-plane dude, even fruit peel as much as cane when in such vicinity makes certain machines dude even chemical powder and crystal, just trying dude
Sa made military machine images in the link below
Bombs is folded photo of the same as in the link above on SA placed in hay add honey or guava and chop banana or pumpkin and boom ya bomb bro
We need thrift store to stop the dubious ways of get rich faster as some sell machines at throw away price cause at that time they are desperate 4 money and no ready market just to fall one one with even like 30% of the original price to take the machine b4 again selling the same at 40% of the original buying price to make them rich overnight to lure women they are crafty to destroy the world when such ways atrophies dude like in the link below, so let one buy as above and if i wanna buy we get back to the web site to see he bought it at how much b4 making super-normal profits out of u cause u cant ascertain the above or can breed hooliganism if buy in ya st address not far away to locate ya if u got money, maybe the gimmick dude. Let what posted be blocked like blocking an email address when posting so they cant get back at alter the prices to get ya in a bind dude, let then even add only 10% off the buying price as their profit as the business must continue dude and their hard sweet to get right what u wanted that if u resorted to searching it could be cumbersome dude, so that pity dude but let shop be opened countrywide as this a loophole to get rich fast without hustling and we are blocking such dude
Cabbage in kale place guava cut chapati into many pieces makes the jet in the link below or paw paw in hay place carrot and fight kinda or kale in hay place avocado chop onion and let ground have cane husks or saw dust or old clothes bro
Countries launching new satellites into the space dude in the link below
Charcoal is made when mango place in hay add green grass place in cold water and on the floor wet ragged clothes and fight kinda bro or call names as in class register or remove head of the sheep and boom ya charcoal while mango is made when cabbage placed in kale add guava and take hot shower or break glass on wall while shower sprinkle on the heap at night and boom ya mango dude
KUNDE is carrot in hay add pumpkin cut and divide tortilla or caress one hand or booty in slab in the dark and boom ya vegetable or guava in paw paw place hay touch heap of clothes or write scripts with Biro pen
Kale guava in grass place cabbage shower it or in rainy day and tickle someone on hand palm or armpit and boom ya veggie while on the floor paw paw or just collectively 4 any product place all leaves around ya, veggies, fruits, wild berries and anything u know or paw paw in hay add guava chop waru or wash hands with cold water and boom ya kale bro or play with ya fingers placing them on something as if tied of typing or greet to hug someone. Or carrot in guava add paw paw and break an egg 4 parsley dude or sprinkle water as u do to flowers bro when on the floor u got red rubber wear dude
Spies Drone with telescope radar and the drone itself made when pumpkin place in cucumber and bringanya added and u talk squatted kinda holding each other 4 the gadget or chop sugar cane 4 the radar or hay in guava place maize and answer a phone 4 the radar or play cards 4 the same or wash utensil 4 the drone itself or chop soap dude in gloomy still dark morning weather bro
Music download software hay in guava add paw paw leave talking alone while shower on the heap or leave riding bicycle or paw paw in hay add guava and tie your shoe lace dude or guava in paw paw place kale and untie tie or screw or lid or kale in cucumber add paw paw and walk away all alone or add millet and blow ya nose kinda or scream or rinse ya face 4 the software to be given in CD form dude and take 2 veggies or fruits or leaves and add another in meditation if u will see a Cd rising up and that's it dude and with any other equipment and product then u try every step as gestures provided in the boom process to get it dude
Carrot in guava place avocado divide kuni as wood pulp and boom ya Brussels sprout while chard is kale in guava place hay chop paw paw or peel anything even paint on the wall and 4 lettuce is pumpkin in guava add hay fuck a woman or drink cold drink like fanta or blow fire and 4 beetroot is waru in guava add cabbage  and run away or kiss each other on the lips or chop melons dude or sweet potato in hay add guava and pull 1 hand or spit saliva or sweet potato in guava add cabbage and sprinkle water or remove clothes as wash ya face. 4 bok choy is kale in cabbage add guava spit saliva or hug when hay on the floor and 4 turnip is kale in guava add onion paw paw on the floor fight kinda or jump in awe as if had good news dude or walk away pointing things as if u are about to own them people thought previous the other way dude
4 Kohlrabi is kale in cabbage place onion avocado on the floor then upward on ya head attach ya hands then do as if making a basket dude or hurl cold water or brush ya teeth dude or urinate on another person feces on the toilet or wash the floor with disinfectant dude while 4 celery is cabbage in kale add guava while paw paw on the floor as u can chop it or cut meat with knife, mend clothes or spray insects or kiss and fight kinda and 4 Radish is guava in hay add ground nut and paw paw on the floor then break coconut or chop pumpkin or walk away looking this side and that side and 4 asparagus is kale in hay add guava chop tomato as paw paw on the floor dude or sprinkle salt or water unto the heap as boom ya veggie dude while 4 hay is kale in guava add cabbage chop paw paw or complain with loud voice or cry or hurl cold water unto one booty esp a woman or spit saliva or carrot in cabbage add kale in sleeting or shower and cop spinach or dance swinging ya booty in room under lights or ma-surge one broken inner wounds etc
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sirjustice851-blog · 4 years
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PS4 OR 5 games paw paw in guava place kale shout, jump or in other flowers, veggies or paw paw in kale or in many veggies and add another flower, veggies and shout, 4 email squat, jump for the same above after  placed and 4 search engine scratch monies and count, pray and 4 social  media drug creates, arrange plates, while 4 security app wash plates and  4 online games toss up a coin like in many men 50 cent song or play  cards, basket ball, soccer in dim light while the placed above is in dark or dribble ball with ya hand of legs as in football or fold clothes  and bedding or hit ball with ya feet hurling them away or brag in ya  talking etc and more such moves u can imagine as i just trying out with a  new something as u can replace paw paw or guava with another fruit or  berries or veggies as much as leaves to get much app and even other  gadgets not in ya mind at that time but it will be a blessing in  disguise just take it dude
4 MOBILE is yam in paw paw or guava in  cabbage or paw paw in carrot and employ all the above and even sitting  or scratching ya booty on the floor as u move, kinda.
Kenya now  poor until it knows how to make every machine, drugs and other accessories like clothes so it doesn’t import and calling the name of politician wont make that, unless u read the laws and make them dude. With all these, such people making them are more precious than anything  else even the dignitaries and get that, cause they make a nation to save  their Forex which they used in imports to channel that cash into the  economy dude to make their nations per with other nations which have  known the above. When u master the above, every nation became same in  development as they dont outsource or import to divide part of their  Forex with another nation
Now if u r lazy look, u cant be tolerated the tea has not yet been marketed as it can be made artificially, so if u bring up kids u bringing like father like son ones  to disturb the future generation when such minds that can block such  aint around dude, lest trespass and you arrested.
The house in the  link below is made when hay added to green grass then dry maize added  and hurled with hot water or maize cob in hay add paw paw shout dude. Or  maize cob in Euphorbia place hay sprinkle sperm many people from above 4  the wooden story 1 or cabbage in hay place dry grass and spit saliva  many people 4 story 1 or pumpkin in hay place paw paw and summer salt 4  the red roof one or paw paw in grass place hay hurl hot water 4 the big  glass one or paw paw in hay place tangerine and masturbate 4 the white  wide one or cassava in groundnuts place pumpkin and shout 4 the white  story 1 dude, try even without foundation at the devil will give u with  concrete lining from below to uplift or carry when u add sewer water and  maize cob to each dude or pa paw in hay ride bicycle all around and  boom ya red wooden housing as in bauhu or hay in grass place paw paw do  back wards 4 the gray roofed or hay in grass place paw paw pass with  speedy jets on-top 1 big with dark brick walls
Radar controlled missiles link below
Roads paw paw in hay place cabbage jump into a hole or trench many people in a linear motion, Road as in the link below
Putting  kids into sex to change their character, when they see u soft they mistake ya 4 a woman and kinda, wants to have sex with ya which if u refute the very women having sex with them brand u names and that’s the  gimmicks dude
kantaka car owner planning violence as giving other  people money to give others to finish their agendas, like Denis white  boy teacher of dala hera, kisumu, Kenya school. They even got radar  controlled mini-missile of 2 km radious, size of rotating Arial controller to aid the above as explained in following tumblr a/c or sirjustice390. They fuck women and when women have been empowered to make the same artificial products and necessities to share the profits they cant do the same, so locate school girls who share the same love with teenagers if they find ya, kidnap ya or plan u killings as cutting u  with machette dude. Warn him, most saying they are rwandi as people of  misuria and Louisiana state got such blood so they want to get their or  play with u in your absensia u cant locate them tohurt u saying they are  mexican that if carli4nia and Texas or Arizona where part of mexico and  if taken they will benefit so eyeing such dude. warn them to stop. see  the character of big people, now evitable to deemed short people to  overtake them, when 1 tells u something dont again engage in his kidnap  or derail synonymous with kantaka and innoson cars
Kale is paw paw  in hay place grass urinate or paw paw in Sodom leaves place carrot and  masturbate dude or carrot in hay place guava booty fuck dude while  tomato is paw paw in hay place kale and swing dance or cucumber in kojet  place hay jump or grass in hay place paw paw caress man booty. While  onion is paw paw in grass place hay break sticks or paw paw in hay  place camara leaves blow ya nose and boom ya onion dude
Eggs is  tangerine in paw paw place hay choke with long sticks or paw paw in  cassava place butternut walk bowled legged or waru in bringanya place kunde jump far away from a cliff or tangerine in hay place paw paw caress the back of 1 head. Cabbage is grass in hay place kojet or cucumber fire bullets into it or sprinkle with salt or paw paw in hay place cucumber run hurriedly dude or grass in hay place paw paw gnaw ya  teeth and boom ya veggies. With Melons is paw paw in wheat grain place  cassava just talk or in hay place kale defecate into it or paw paw in hay place tangerine then play the wall dirt of that small arrow.
Maize  is paw paw in hay place grass then en-kindle a match stick or hay in grass place guava and murmur or cucumber in grass place paw paw urinate  or Guava in hay place paw paw walk or jump or tangerine in hay place guava do backwards dude. Green grams is mango in paw paw place grass deficate on it or paw paw in guava place kale jump far away or hay in guava place paw paw help a kid to urinate squeezing his manhood in the middle or Euphorbia in hay place kunde play/jump the rope hurriedly or mango in passion fruit place paw paw bite ya lips dude
cucumber in  grass hit the wall like in 21 question song after placed paw paw 4 passion fruit or kunde in yam place dania and summer-salt from a cliff or tomato in hay place guava and cry dude and 4 pixie is avocado in yam  place yam cliff jump or grass in hay place cabbage then, kinda, in the  middle of the booty from down to up move ya hand as rubbing or tomato in  hay place paw paw cry many people. 4 beans is paw paw in hay place guava shout or paw paw in hay place guava jump or paw paw in hay place onion, kinda, fight hitting the wall and 4 cassava is mango leaves in grass play paw paw cry or grass in hay place butternut do bur bur bur like kids do and ya cassava and sweet potato is tangerine in hay place grass and kinda fight dude or paw paw in hay place guava and kinda, masturbate a kid and boom ya delicacy and 4 waru is pumpkin in yam place  grass jump or  tangerine in hay place paw paw cry or paw paw in yam  place millet kiss or hay in grass place paw paw spank the booty dude.  Groundnut is paw paw in hay place guava hit ya booty the other side 2  people or hay in Sodom leaves place white guava fuck rapidly dude or paw  paw in grass place hay cry
Owner of broken heart Riddim,  spread gossip riddim, last breath riddim and defeat riddim as well as  mend ya soul/herat riddim to be released in due time, 1 and only kebi,  osiep Nyili utters Delanu.
2 in 1 submarine and jet that can run both on air and water
Sodom  apple leaves in cabbage place paw paw and cry 4 submarine while yawn 4  missile as the radar place guava and shout 4 submarine while 4 missile  place sweet potato and shout 4 joy or maize in grass place paw paw and  cry 4 submarine while 4 missile shout 4 joy many people and submarine rad add beans and shout 4 joy while 4 missile add millet and look in awe  to many people dude and still more
Photocopier ink is paw paw in  hay place guava and cry or hit head on one another and 4 the paper rims  is paw paw in hay place guava and cry and 4 the photo-copier is paw paw  in hay place guava kick a ball or paw paw in hay place carrot and cry or  fuck pussy or booty fuck. And 4 E motor bike is paw paw in hay place  carrot walk away or masturbate or hide or fire gun and do with all the  moves as displaced dude.
E-buses is paw paw in hay place guava hug  or cry or place yam masturbate and try with all the styles as above or  do backwards 4 transit bus while E-bicycles is paw paw in hay place  carrot and jump or blindfold one or fuck and try with all the moves as  above 4 a different type dude.
Kinda, when one gets to hell,  without helping ya yet u told them the protocol, u see, petrol being  poured unto his face like in Sarafina movie as in the link below
Now  china and Russia just talk, just like with fuel if u got we are friends  if not they walk all away, like now they have learnt to make artificial  many species of cocoa, coffee, tobacco,rice, maize, rye, flowers,  pixie, veggies and fruits like mangosteen or passion and sugar so if ya  nation got such as main cash crop think twice dont go around on media  like seducing those nations as people do to women synonymous now with  Kenyan President Uhuru as seen on the newspaper, now stop the relationship and forge well ahead or will amount to absolute nothing dude and even war bro. Let us not see that, kinda, a woman who has left  ya and taken ya to court to warn ya. And even having substitue 4 what is  grown in ya country to make necessities as can be made much in boom process and its opportunity cost dude like with tropical leaves and flowers used in the boom process. Walk away dude as in the song link below, when their aint scratch then no business as the rule of thumb, scratch my back i scratch your dude
Tobacco made when paw paw in hay place guava and cry or defecate or fuck 4 the leaves dude
Triple ace vodka paw paw in hay place grass and cook or place guava and kiss dude
Spinach is hay in grass place avocado tongue kiss or paw paw in hay place guava and booty fuck in doggy way
Paw paw in hay place guava caress booty or hit booty 2 people opposite way as in the link below
Metallic  casket is paw paw in guava place carrot hit booty or fuck or paw paw in  hay place carrot fight kinda bro or paw paw in a awiny tree leaves place hay and fight kinda 4 armored glass casket or paw paw in hay place  paw paw and fight kinda 4 the same with serial opening or paw paw in  hay place guava and cry 4 quarter inlet hole type with digital opening  to curb casket theft or yam in grass place paw paw and talk 4 finger  print of the deceased one
Passion  and most fruit in grass place hay and even with animal bones placed in  green grass then add hay then ma-surge arms and shoulder gives roofing.
Ice  cream is millet in yam place cassava talk or paw paw in hay place  groundnut and cry or guava in hay place paw paw masturbate a kid or  guava in hay place pumpkin and cry/shade tears or tangerine in hay place  paw paw kick a ball and with stick 1 is paw paw in hay place kale bred  hair or mango in hay place lemon and urinate or cabbage in hay place  guava hit ya tongue in ya mouth or cassava in paw paw place guava caress  ya own booty or cassava in hay place pumpkin close ya eyes dude
Chocolate  paw paw in hay place guava and insert carrot in a mans ass hole and try  with a woman as well 4 another product and even banana shape fruits or  veggies. paw paw in hay place avocado fuck a woman anus with banana and  pay her heavy or place kale and talk or chew gum or place guava hit one  on 1 eye dude or gnaw ya teeth as cold.
Cooking oil paw paw in hay  place kale cry with ya nose, kinda, gasping 4 breath dude or paw paw in  hay place guava and masturbate dude or paw paw in onion place hay spunk  the booty or hay in onion place guava caress shoulder and arms or paw  paw in hay place avocado masturbate while seated dude or hay in guava  place paw paw fire bullets unto the solution 4 olive oil. Castor oil is  paw paw in hay place onion masturbate standing or paw paw in hay place  kale hurl with guava and 4 sunflower oil is paw paw in hay place guava  masturbate looking the ceiling or cry dude and try with other styles as  well as 4 palm oil is paw paw in hay place guava shout 4 the fruit or  paw paw in hay place avocado walk away dude
Inner-pants is paw paw  in hay place guava feast like to fight in a training dude or do like  starting a motor bike on air or just start a bike dude or walk backwards  as dancing or cry or paw paw in carrot place guava and cry or paw paw  in hay place green grass and cry or shout.
Women bra is hay in  guava place carrot start a bike kinda or hay in carrot place guava  kinda, make a feast to fight or 4 men paw paw in hay place guava and cry  or start a motor bike kinda or Rab hands 4 suits or eat groundnuts 4  cloth reflectors like 4 motorbikes. 4 women suits is paw paw in hay  place guava start a bike or ride a bicycle dude or paw paw in hay place avocado talk. Wallet is paw paw in hay place guava wash face or place grass and cry and 4 belt is paw paw in hay place guava write slanting or  place pumpkin and cry dude and 4 women purse is paw paw in guava place  kale right or cry and with all the steps 4 another type dude and even  slanting ya head dude or changing its position or doing any style u have  seed as in Wrestling and sports gives another product dude
Sweater  is paw paw in hay place guava and cry or make holes on the wall and with all above styles try and 4 duvet is paw paw in hay place guava drink drinks like strong tea and many dude just trying or place green grass and shout and 4 socks is paw paw in hay place guava cramp on the ground or place banana and write and with many fruits repeating the above styles dude. Jumpers paw paw in hay place euphorbia and writing things dude and 4 jackets is paw paw in hay place avocado, guava and with every fruit talk or walk or dance kinda.
Bed sheets is paw paw in hay place carrots, veggies and other fruits and cry dude or write  and 4 jeans is paw paw in hay place guava fight kinda, with folded  feast or paw paw in hay place grass hurl with hot water dude or place  avocado and shout instantly dude or grass and hide or paw paw in hay  place groundnut and hit ya elbow on wall kinda or place cabbage and talk  while 4 Marvin wear is paw paw in hay place grass shout or cry or fight  kinda or place guava start a bike or paw paw in hay place guava make a  woman hair.
Mineral water is paw paw in hay place guava slap ya  head to make ya hair down kinda or paw paw in guava place hay masturbate  a kid or paw paw in hay place guava caress the arm and the shoulder or  do X style like triple H in world WWF.
CD as condom is paw paw in  hay place guava do the X-style dude or paw paw in hay place carrot fold  ya fingers like in cold or place pumpkin and hold ya self kinda feeling  cold, folding ya hand together ya hands towards ya heart dude or passion  in grass place hay cry or carrot in hay place paw paw and cry
X-mas  lights and other accessories paw paw in guava place hay and cry or paw  paw in hay place carrot and do like swimming on air or just swim  whichever dude or kale in guava place paw paw and cry dude or paw paw in  hay place orange and cry dude or place tangerine and hide or kale in  spinach place hay and hide or tangerine in hay place guava and hide or  paw paw in mango place hay and hide or tangerine in mango place paw paw  and hide but 4 lights is kale in hay place paw paw and cry or paw paw in  kale place guava and walk away dude
Car spanners is paw paw in  cabbage,hay place carrot and do all the steps as above 4 a new thing or  paw paw in carrot place hay and do all the process as above or hay in  passion place paw paw and circle a pillar and do as well all the above  process or guava in sewer water place passion or any veggies as fruit  doing all the above protocols dude and 4 screw sets is paw paw in hay  place passion or kale or dark beans doing all the process as above 4  another type or passion in hay place carrot and rotate a con shaped  structure or pillar or tank or hay in avocado place pumpkin or guava in  hay place cauliflower and jokes or cabbage in hay place paw paw and wipe  ya tears dude and more as above
Any two fruits, or with leaves,  veggies or wild berries or any animal and hurling as described above  makes another gadget in the boom process. Any 2 things in sewer water  makes something in the boom process and give it a try dude. Now u r poor  and following me cant solve the day lest u r killed, even if the army  takes over dude, selling my corpse wont save u at that time dude, lest u  learnt to make every machine as above to save ya export to be used  money previously dude
Paints is mango in hay place paw paw or carrot and cry or mangosteen in  hay place paw paw and cry or kale in hay place guava and fuck or  Bringanya in hoho place grass rotate a pillar dude or sweet potato in  yam place guava and cry or pumpkin in yam place paw paw fold hands or  groundnuts in yam place paw paw cry or cabbage in yam place kale sit  down dude or kale in Sodom leaves place paw paw cramp ya fee dude or  tangerine in hay place paw paw make hard feast as carrying heavy load  dude or grass in hay place guava and cry dude and more
Ginger  is made when hay place in paw paw grass added then u scream dude or hay  in paw paw place spinach and cry or paw paw in guava place hay  scream/bend dude
Hair food is guava in hay place guava and squat  bending dude or guava in hay place banana and hide or tangerine in hay  place carrot fold ya hands kinda or paw paw in guava place hay scream or  wheat grain in rye grain place paw paw cry or carrot in hay place paw  paw walk backward dude
Flower paw paw in hay place carrot and jump  or cry or paw paw in mango place guava and cry or guava in avocado  place hay and cry or tangerine in paw paw place hay and hide or  Bringanya in kale place paw paw and jog dude or hay in kale place paw  paw squat like spreading/sprouting flower groaning or paw paw in hay  place guava and cry or paw paw in hay place mango and cry or mango in  hay place paw paw and cry or shout or do all the styles as above dude
Paw  paw in hay place guava walk spreading ya legs make the internet server  radar display machine 4 controlling missiles, jets, drone and big  airplanes even missiles while 4 the missile machine paint ya nails on  the above case, shout 4 jet, caress booty 4 jet as well, walk backwards 4  jet as well, shake head 4 drone or place hay in guava add sugar cane  and nod ya head 4 the internet control screen, play around with kids 4  missile or jump, Defecate 4 chopper and sit on the floor 4 big  air-plane, cry in bend posture 4 water missile, looking up 4 air  missile, looking down 4 chopper and looking up 4 big air-plane dude or  masturbate a kid 4 water drone, big person 4 air drone, fuck doggy a  woman 4 jets, 4 2 in 1 jets hurl with paw paw, 2 in 1 missiles hurl with  guava, air-plane hurl with banana and 4 big missile hurl with paw paw  seed mixed with lemon seed, 4 2 in 1 drones hurl with dark beans or  passion fruit on hay in guava add cane on 2 in 1 sub-marine hurl with  mango seed or mangosteen dude and more that uses the normal internet to  move
sign of defeat and empowerment in the links below, cant  hinder our progress as we women knows the same, so empowered dude, our  ears can be messed with
Hand  wash is paw paw in hay place guava masturbate a kid or hay in kale place paw paw and cry or kale in kunde place paw paw and hide or pineapple in hay place grass and cry dude or onion in grass place hay pat one on the back or guava in hay place onion and brush ya teeth or wipe ya booty 4 e-car on the same dude
Rice in beans and maize as  cooked then hurl with kunde makes big sky-scrapping buildings of the city or Githeri that is beans cooked with maize place spinach hurl with  passion or dark beans makes the same but when u urinate make building stones while if u hurl with grass makes roads.
Pumpkin in hay place paw paw and apply oil on hair 4 diesel flue or hay in guava place  green grass caress throat dude or carrot in hay place guava clap hands  or grab palm of ya both hands together and 4 petrol is paw paw in hay place kale masturbate a kid or guava in grass place paw paw beat one on  his back and neck while him squatted dude or paw paw in hay place guava  ma-surge one fingers to palm area or carrot in hay place paw paw play  hide and seek and 4 Kerosene is paw paw in kale place guava ma-surge one  fingers or paw paw in hay place Sodom fruit bend ya fingers dude or paw  paw in hay place tangerine and dance or cabbage in hay place grass hurl  down one broken teeth dude or talk or place carrot and cry or yellow  maize in hay place guava apply oil or remove cape and place it again or  rotate it dude or wear durag bro
4 ice is paw paw in hay place  guava and shake ya head as something u cant imagine or get or tangerine  in hay place avocado hurl tissue paper unto it or rice in grass place  kale step on a woman booty to like fall as kick and boom ya ice or paw  paw in hay place grass caress one knee or tangerine in grass place paw  paw and grab one of ya finger to thumb the try to push it away dude or  avocado in hay place paw paw jump squatted dude
Toothpick paw paw  in hay place carrot and shower dude using shower or rye grain in grass  place paw paw and shower dude or kunde in hay place guava and prick a  woman booty with sharp object dude
Mint dew avocado in hay place  onion and fire bullets on wall maybe having bullet proof jacket or grass  in hay place paw paw type things on a computer or cabbage in grass  place hay and jump one legged or sew things.
School bags paw paw  in hay place guava do the the X-style to in between ya legs or paw paw  in hay place carrot and side walk or paw paw in hay place guava hit drum  sets or paw paw in hay place Sodom fruit and scrub /comb ya hair  backwards or paw paw in hay place carrots swing ya head sideways or  carrot in guava place paw paw vomit even water on ya mouth or kale in  hay place spinach talk hurriedly or Sodom fruit in kale place guava and  side walk alone dude and more
Material 4 school clothes guava in  hay place paw paw jump sideways or kale in hay place guava hold hand or  kale in spinach place kunde and let a car pass hurriedly dude and 4  sweater in cassava in hay place guava and walk or cabbage in hay place  guava caress the belly or paw paw in hay place kunde run hurriedly
4  school shoe is black jack in hay place paw paw caress the booty or the  cut half photo placed in sewer water b4 black jack added and one blow  hot steam or partake hard liquor dude or cold water and 4 socks is cut  diagonal photo placed in hay then banana added b4 one squeeze a wet  clothe or blanket dude and 4 seats is passion fruit in hay add paw paw  scream with broken voice dude or add guava and hide and for the table is  paw paw in hay place kale and talk or guava in hay place paw and cry  dude or carrot in guava place paw paw and hag 4 long dude
Mala is  euphorbia in hay place guava and shout or add avocado and scream dude.  While 4 Vim washing detergent is Euphorbia in kale in hay add grass and  talk or paw paw in hay add carrot and make matuta on ya woman hair or  cabbage in hay place paw paw crack ya fingers. Jic detergent is paw paw  in hay place guava play with a kid or paw paw in hay place carrot and  talk dude
Paw paw in hay add guava caress on should as bruised  make fab houses as in the link below or fold arms cross-crossing on the  heart or play with a kid kinda holding him/her
Train  is paw paw in yam place kale and cry many people as in funeral or hit booty 2 people the other side or talk close or Rab one face or squat dude or try rest of styles as stated above
Mande tiyo mabel yawa swears some women, just look how happy it looks as in the red radio in the song link below
Phones  how made dude cabbage in hay place kale fire armored glass with bullets  or touch one booty or hot bathe washing ya booty or side talk as  discussing or cabbage in guava place kale chop lemon or fight kinda or  kale in onion place guava crush lemon or hot shower or immerse ya head  in hot water bucket or cabbage in kale place hay squeeze water from a  garment or kale in pumpkin place paw paw or kale in guava place hay and  fold clothes or bedding or stir like hot tea or employ every gesture as  above 4 more or cabbage in kale place kojet grab one arms or fold papers  or hay/lemon in kale place avocado and chop hay or push heavy load 4  tablet or 4 laptop is grass in kojet place pumpkin scrub ya head or cut  photo into half placed in mango add coke soda bottle and laugh dude and 4  phones cut photo placed in mango solution as raw then coke soda bottle  place and chop avocado or bathe with hot water or scream dude
Kojet  in cabbage place carrot hurl maize cob on the wall or chop raw mango or  kale in guava add pumpkin touch one hand or talk close or guava in kale  place cabbage chop paw paw or hide beside or into a container or eat  bread or touch one penis or mango in hay place avocado squeeze fruit  like tangerine to produce juice or start a machine like radio or TV dude  or few liters in grass add paw paw then kinda make holes on wall using  carrot or sticks or break sticks
4 TV is folded photo in hay add  guava write things squeezing pen on the writing pad or play us football  or any sports 4 another gadget like even cards 4 stoves, bathe with  sponge 4 jiko and more 4 many results dude
Bent photo as folded  add honey place in paw paw head and walk away discussing or discuss to  pray in squatted with bend back posture or shower many people as well as  touching each other on the skin many people or or add yogurt in place  of honey and walk away or scream as shout many people or chop mango to  hurl liquid down the floor Or cut photo add hay place white guava juice  and cry dude or scrub ya face as well as the floor or cold shower dude  or cut half photo in hay add avocado juice pluck fruits as well as  veggies as tomato 4 more types dude Or cut photo in green grass add hay  read things dude or fart bro or defecate Or cut photo in grass place  pumpkin rotate the heap dude or place carrot try to bring one hand down  on the table on the push pull hand game and try with every fruit where  cut photo immersed and same with added last object changing each 4  another product all at all and employing different styles as well and  even making the last object honey or juices dude or excretion homey
Jacaranda  tree in green grass add Euphorbia the write things on wall makes  supersonic jets as i told Britain or cold bathe or play with water  nozzle as kids do or walk away or leave in a motor bike solo or defecate  dude or fuck a woman doggy dude
Awiny tree leave is  made when paw paw place in hay honey added then one chop passion fruit  or drink cold water or kale in guava add passion fruit and eat githeri  or cross the road dude or descend in a haste from a stair case dude. One  used to make Dark fear engulf ya sky-scrapper dude like of NY not  bright buildings synonymous with phoenix, Denver or Minneapolis and  more, Kinda, u see water engulf ya next time like of Chicago dude, can  be a cash crop if artificial counter part not told how made dude and  reason 4 migration dude and makes monies when place in garbage add honey  and fight kinda or add paw paw and hides beside a pillar or add avocado  and urinate in light. So u r alerted dude to end or stop maybe lest  otherwise employed we know not yet dude
Better kebi hit one white stupid on the nose to bleed this time we will cut one with machette of such conduct as we are par, have learnt ya ways and even more to make us equal or less inferior to us to thwart tourism dude get it at cotton wood falls detention center, etene Humphrey and Melani, curse and de colbert carloss and wilson are all witness and mike friends with steve warm the as well am not joke and they ought to second that or acknowledge that sad fact lest they ambush to kill me which amounts to absolute nothing as explained earlier bro. Take heed dude.
kIKUYU blooded can shift bomb to ya head on plane as one had already shifted the case from a corpse then to ya brain like with Ethiopian fallen air-plane done to pilot on the feet or legs to detonate dude, evade them dude 4 better 4 good lest eaten deep fried hot water caught Nile perch. we have them not just as grudge as many think but because of such explained above
Moses helped one tribe or 12 but me de whole world so me aint ya Moses dude got it bro
Guava in avocado place grass pull one hand downward or console each other looking down in broad day light while at nigh scope kinda soil with ya fingers as moving towards u 4 sand or hay in guava add kale play piano in broad day light without any1 looking at the heap u looking dude or coke gun or open a padlock u in dark the heap on light as can be bulb light or sun light or chop onion dude 4 sand bro or butternut in grass place carrot hurl hot water in broad day light without anyone in the vicinity dude or sewer water in bright cold weather dude or smoke cigarette dude or photocopy in the morning or evening dude or such near large water mass or forest try dude
Cabbage in hay place pumpkin and photocopy in dark make house in the link below or chop guava or pineapple or pumpkin or mix fanta with strong tea or strawberry soda or console each other holding each other in a circle looking down or insert ya head in water bucket or take cold shower or play with water nozzle nearby dude or talk whispering and even different styles giving the devil the layout or pass hurriedly driving motor bike or bike or in broad day light dude or cold weather or hot sun try without looking at dude. U can interchange the last to be placed with paw paw or carrot or yam or garlic or cassava and change styles as standing on the truck roof next side and even with all veggies and fruits to give ya different houses dude not to mention bro or pumpkin in hay add guava and do the above
Many machines or gadgets are made on a stone alter or slab, some outside when rainy, others when sleeting, snowing, other on the floor scattered pieces of dry leaves or raw, saw husk, fruit, food crop peel, water surface, shower placed to rain on the heap b4 the boom process and others slow music instrumental placed dude while others on hilltops or on sky-scrapper while others made on basement or swimming pool dude, others on carpet floor or with cotton wool, dust or on grass compound or on used waste environment like bottle lids or just scrap metal. U can cut tortilla or chop with ya hand even with samosa and chapati to make some gadgets like Jets, houses and tankers or big air-plane dude, even fruit peel as much as cane when in such vicinity makes certain machines dude even chemical powder and crystal, just trying dude
Sa made military machine images in the link below
Bombs is folded photo of the same as in the link above on SA placed in hay add honey or guava and chop banana or pumpkin and boom ya bomb bro
We need thrift store to stop the dubious ways of get rich faster as some sell machines at throw away price cause at that time they are desperate 4 money and no ready market just to fall one one with even like 30% of the original price to take the machine b4 again selling the same at 40% of the original buying price to make them rich overnight to lure women they are crafty to destroy the world when such ways atrophies dude like in the link below, so let one buy as above and if i wanna buy we get back to the web site to see he bought it at how much b4 making super-normal profits out of u cause u cant ascertain the above or can breed hooliganism if buy in ya st address not far away to locate ya if u got money, maybe the gimmick dude. Let what posted be blocked like blocking an email address when posting so they cant get back at alter the prices to get ya in a bind dude, let then even add only 10% off the buying price as their profit as the business must continue dude and their hard sweet to get right what u wanted that if u resorted to searching it could be cumbersome dude, so that pity dude but let shop be opened countrywide as this a loophole to get rich fast without hustling and we are blocking such dude
Cabbage in kale place guava cut chapati into many pieces makes the jet in the link below or paw paw in hay place carrot and fight kinda or kale in hay place avocado chop onion and let ground have cane husks or saw dust or old clothes bro
Countries launching new satellites into the space dude in the link below
Charcoal is made when mango place in hay add green grass place in cold water and on the floor wet ragged clothes and fight kinda bro or call names as in class register or remove head of the sheep and boom ya charcoal while mango is made when cabbage placed in kale add guava and take hot shower or break glass on wall while shower sprinkle on the heap at night and boom ya mango dude
KUNDE is carrot in hay add pumpkin cut and divide tortilla or caress one hand or booty in slab in the dark and boom ya vegetable or guava in paw paw place hay touch heap of clothes or write scripts with Biro pen
Kale guava in grass place cabbage shower it or in rainy day and tickle someone on hand palm or armpit and boom ya veggie while on the floor paw paw or just collectively 4 any product place all leaves around ya, veggies, fruits, wild berries and anything u know or paw paw in hay add guava chop waru or wash hands with cold water and boom ya kale bro or play with ya fingers placing them on something as if tied of typing or greet to hug someone. Or carrot in guava add paw paw and break an egg 4 parsley dude or sprinkle water as u do to flowers bro when on the floor u got red rubber wear dude
Spies Drone with telescope radar and the drone itself made when pumpkin place in cucumber and bringanya added and u talk squatted kinda holding each other 4 the gadget or chop sugar cane 4 the radar or hay in guava place maize and answer a phone 4 the radar or play cards 4 the same or wash utensil 4 the drone itself or chop soap dude in gloomy still dark morning weather bro
Music download software hay in guava add paw paw leave talking alone while shower on the heap or leave riding bicycle or paw paw in hay add guava and tie your shoe lace dude or guava in paw paw place kale and untie tie or screw or lid or kale in cucumber add paw paw and walk away all alone or add millet and blow ya nose kinda or scream or rinse ya face 4 the software to be given in CD form dude and take 2 veggies or fruits or leaves and add another in meditation if u will see a Cd rising up and that's it dude and with any other equipment and product then u try every step as gestures provided in the boom process to get it dude
Carrot in guava place avocado divide kuni as wood pulp and boom ya Brussels sprout while chard is kale in guava place hay chop paw paw or peel anything even paint on the wall and 4 lettuce is pumpkin in guava add hay fuck a woman or drink cold drink like fanta or blow fire and 4 beetroot is waru in guava add cabbage  and run away or kiss each other on the lips or chop melons dude or sweet potato in hay add guava and pull 1 hand or spit saliva or sweet potato in guava add cabbage and sprinkle water or remove clothes as wash ya face. 4 bok choy is kale in cabbage add guava spit saliva or hug when hay on the floor and 4 turnip is kale in guava add onion paw paw on the floor fight kinda or jump in awe as if had good news dude or walk away pointing things as if u are about to own them people thought previous the other way dude
4 Kohlrabi is kale in cabbage place onion avocado on the floor then upward on ya head attach ya hands then do as if making a basket dude or hurl cold water or brush ya teeth dude or urinate on another person feces on the toilet or wash the floor with disinfectant dude while 4 celery is cabbage in kale add guava while paw paw on the floor as u can chop it or cut meat with knife, mend clothes or spray insects or kiss and fight kinda and 4 Radish is guava in hay add ground nut and paw paw on the floor then break coconut or chop pumpkin or walk away looking this side and that side and 4 asparagus is kale in hay add guava chop tomato as paw paw on the floor dude or sprinkle salt or water unto the heap as boom ya veggie dude while 4 hay is kale in guava add cabbage chop paw paw or complain with loud voice or cry or hurl cold water unto one booty esp a woman or spit saliva or carrot in cabbage add kale in sleeting or shower and cop spinach or dance swinging ya booty in room under lights or ma-surge one broken inner wounds etc
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sirjustice849-blog · 4 years
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PS4 OR 5 games paw paw in guava place kale shout, jump or in other flowers, veggies or paw paw in kale or in many veggies and add another flower, veggies and shout, 4 email squat, jump for the same above after  placed and 4 search engine scratch monies and count, pray and 4 social  media drug creates, arrange plates, while 4 security app wash plates and  4 online games toss up a coin like in many men 50 cent song or play  cards, basket ball, soccer in dim light while the placed above is in dark or dribble ball with ya hand of legs as in football or fold clothes  and bedding or hit ball with ya feet hurling them away or brag in ya  talking etc and more such moves u can imagine as i just trying out with a  new something as u can replace paw paw or guava with another fruit or  berries or veggies as much as leaves to get much app and even other  gadgets not in ya mind at that time but it will be a blessing in  disguise just take it dude
4 MOBILE is yam in paw paw or guava in  cabbage or paw paw in carrot and employ all the above and even sitting  or scratching ya booty on the floor as u move, kinda.
Kenya now  poor until it knows how to make every machine, drugs and other accessories like clothes so it doesn’t import and calling the name of politician wont make that, unless u read the laws and make them dude. With all these, such people making them are more precious than anything  else even the dignitaries and get that, cause they make a nation to save  their Forex which they used in imports to channel that cash into the  economy dude to make their nations per with other nations which have  known the above. When u master the above, every nation became same in  development as they dont outsource or import to divide part of their  Forex with another nation
Now if u r lazy look, u cant be tolerated the tea has not yet been marketed as it can be made artificially, so if u bring up kids u bringing like father like son ones  to disturb the future generation when such minds that can block such  aint around dude, lest trespass and you arrested.
The house in the  link below is made when hay added to green grass then dry maize added  and hurled with hot water or maize cob in hay add paw paw shout dude. Or  maize cob in Euphorbia place hay sprinkle sperm many people from above 4  the wooden story 1 or cabbage in hay place dry grass and spit saliva  many people 4 story 1 or pumpkin in hay place paw paw and summer salt 4  the red roof one or paw paw in grass place hay hurl hot water 4 the big  glass one or paw paw in hay place tangerine and masturbate 4 the white  wide one or cassava in groundnuts place pumpkin and shout 4 the white  story 1 dude, try even without foundation at the devil will give u with  concrete lining from below to uplift or carry when u add sewer water and  maize cob to each dude or pa paw in hay ride bicycle all around and  boom ya red wooden housing as in bauhu or hay in grass place paw paw do  back wards 4 the gray roofed or hay in grass place paw paw pass with  speedy jets on-top 1 big with dark brick walls
Radar controlled missiles link below
Roads paw paw in hay place cabbage jump into a hole or trench many people in a linear motion, Road as in the link below
Putting  kids into sex to change their character, when they see u soft they mistake ya 4 a woman and kinda, wants to have sex with ya which if u refute the very women having sex with them brand u names and that’s the  gimmicks dude
kantaka car owner planning violence as giving other  people money to give others to finish their agendas, like Denis white  boy teacher of dala hera, kisumu, Kenya school. They even got radar  controlled mini-missile of 2 km radious, size of rotating Arial controller to aid the above as explained in following tumblr a/c or sirjustice390. They fuck women and when women have been empowered to make the same artificial products and necessities to share the profits they cant do the same, so locate school girls who share the same love with teenagers if they find ya, kidnap ya or plan u killings as cutting u  with machette dude. Warn him, most saying they are rwandi as people of  misuria and Louisiana state got such blood so they want to get their or  play with u in your absensia u cant locate them tohurt u saying they are  mexican that if carli4nia and Texas or Arizona where part of mexico and  if taken they will benefit so eyeing such dude. warn them to stop. see  the character of big people, now evitable to deemed short people to  overtake them, when 1 tells u something dont again engage in his kidnap  or derail synonymous with kantaka and innoson cars
Kale is paw paw  in hay place grass urinate or paw paw in Sodom leaves place carrot and  masturbate dude or carrot in hay place guava booty fuck dude while  tomato is paw paw in hay place kale and swing dance or cucumber in kojet  place hay jump or grass in hay place paw paw caress man booty. While  onion is paw paw in grass place hay break sticks or paw paw in hay  place camara leaves blow ya nose and boom ya onion dude
Eggs is  tangerine in paw paw place hay choke with long sticks or paw paw in  cassava place butternut walk bowled legged or waru in bringanya place kunde jump far away from a cliff or tangerine in hay place paw paw caress the back of 1 head. Cabbage is grass in hay place kojet or cucumber fire bullets into it or sprinkle with salt or paw paw in hay place cucumber run hurriedly dude or grass in hay place paw paw gnaw ya  teeth and boom ya veggies. With Melons is paw paw in wheat grain place  cassava just talk or in hay place kale defecate into it or paw paw in hay place tangerine then play the wall dirt of that small arrow.
Maize  is paw paw in hay place grass then en-kindle a match stick or hay in grass place guava and murmur or cucumber in grass place paw paw urinate  or Guava in hay place paw paw walk or jump or tangerine in hay place guava do backwards dude. Green grams is mango in paw paw place grass deficate on it or paw paw in guava place kale jump far away or hay in guava place paw paw help a kid to urinate squeezing his manhood in the middle or Euphorbia in hay place kunde play/jump the rope hurriedly or mango in passion fruit place paw paw bite ya lips dude
cucumber in  grass hit the wall like in 21 question song after placed paw paw 4 passion fruit or kunde in yam place dania and summer-salt from a cliff or tomato in hay place guava and cry dude and 4 pixie is avocado in yam  place yam cliff jump or grass in hay place cabbage then, kinda, in the  middle of the booty from down to up move ya hand as rubbing or tomato in  hay place paw paw cry many people. 4 beans is paw paw in hay place guava shout or paw paw in hay place guava jump or paw paw in hay place onion, kinda, fight hitting the wall and 4 cassava is mango leaves in grass play paw paw cry or grass in hay place butternut do bur bur bur like kids do and ya cassava and sweet potato is tangerine in hay place grass and kinda fight dude or paw paw in hay place guava and kinda, masturbate a kid and boom ya delicacy and 4 waru is pumpkin in yam place  grass jump or  tangerine in hay place paw paw cry or paw paw in yam  place millet kiss or hay in grass place paw paw spank the booty dude.  Groundnut is paw paw in hay place guava hit ya booty the other side 2  people or hay in Sodom leaves place white guava fuck rapidly dude or paw  paw in grass place hay cry
Owner of broken heart Riddim,  spread gossip riddim, last breath riddim and defeat riddim as well as  mend ya soul/herat riddim to be released in due time, 1 and only kebi,  osiep Nyili utters Delanu.
2 in 1 submarine and jet that can run both on air and water
Sodom  apple leaves in cabbage place paw paw and cry 4 submarine while yawn 4  missile as the radar place guava and shout 4 submarine while 4 missile  place sweet potato and shout 4 joy or maize in grass place paw paw and  cry 4 submarine while 4 missile shout 4 joy many people and submarine rad add beans and shout 4 joy while 4 missile add millet and look in awe  to many people dude and still more
Photocopier ink is paw paw in  hay place guava and cry or hit head on one another and 4 the paper rims  is paw paw in hay place guava and cry and 4 the photo-copier is paw paw  in hay place guava kick a ball or paw paw in hay place carrot and cry or  fuck pussy or booty fuck. And 4 E motor bike is paw paw in hay place  carrot walk away or masturbate or hide or fire gun and do with all the  moves as displaced dude.
E-buses is paw paw in hay place guava hug  or cry or place yam masturbate and try with all the styles as above or  do backwards 4 transit bus while E-bicycles is paw paw in hay place  carrot and jump or blindfold one or fuck and try with all the moves as  above 4 a different type dude.
Kinda, when one gets to hell,  without helping ya yet u told them the protocol, u see, petrol being  poured unto his face like in Sarafina movie as in the link below
Now  china and Russia just talk, just like with fuel if u got we are friends  if not they walk all away, like now they have learnt to make artificial  many species of cocoa, coffee, tobacco,rice, maize, rye, flowers,  pixie, veggies and fruits like mangosteen or passion and sugar so if ya  nation got such as main cash crop think twice dont go around on media  like seducing those nations as people do to women synonymous now with  Kenyan President Uhuru as seen on the newspaper, now stop the relationship and forge well ahead or will amount to absolute nothing dude and even war bro. Let us not see that, kinda, a woman who has left  ya and taken ya to court to warn ya. And even having substitue 4 what is  grown in ya country to make necessities as can be made much in boom process and its opportunity cost dude like with tropical leaves and flowers used in the boom process. Walk away dude as in the song link below, when their aint scratch then no business as the rule of thumb, scratch my back i scratch your dude
Tobacco made when paw paw in hay place guava and cry or defecate or fuck 4 the leaves dude
Triple ace vodka paw paw in hay place grass and cook or place guava and kiss dude
Spinach is hay in grass place avocado tongue kiss or paw paw in hay place guava and booty fuck in doggy way
Paw paw in hay place guava caress booty or hit booty 2 people opposite way as in the link below
Metallic  casket is paw paw in guava place carrot hit booty or fuck or paw paw in  hay place carrot fight kinda bro or paw paw in a awiny tree leaves place hay and fight kinda 4 armored glass casket or paw paw in hay place  paw paw and fight kinda 4 the same with serial opening or paw paw in  hay place guava and cry 4 quarter inlet hole type with digital opening  to curb casket theft or yam in grass place paw paw and talk 4 finger  print of the deceased one
Passion  and most fruit in grass place hay and even with animal bones placed in  green grass then add hay then ma-surge arms and shoulder gives roofing.
Ice  cream is millet in yam place cassava talk or paw paw in hay place  groundnut and cry or guava in hay place paw paw masturbate a kid or  guava in hay place pumpkin and cry/shade tears or tangerine in hay place  paw paw kick a ball and with stick 1 is paw paw in hay place kale bred  hair or mango in hay place lemon and urinate or cabbage in hay place  guava hit ya tongue in ya mouth or cassava in paw paw place guava caress  ya own booty or cassava in hay place pumpkin close ya eyes dude
Chocolate  paw paw in hay place guava and insert carrot in a mans ass hole and try  with a woman as well 4 another product and even banana shape fruits or  veggies. paw paw in hay place avocado fuck a woman anus with banana and  pay her heavy or place kale and talk or chew gum or place guava hit one  on 1 eye dude or gnaw ya teeth as cold.
Cooking oil paw paw in hay  place kale cry with ya nose, kinda, gasping 4 breath dude or paw paw in  hay place guava and masturbate dude or paw paw in onion place hay spunk  the booty or hay in onion place guava caress shoulder and arms or paw  paw in hay place avocado masturbate while seated dude or hay in guava  place paw paw fire bullets unto the solution 4 olive oil. Castor oil is  paw paw in hay place onion masturbate standing or paw paw in hay place  kale hurl with guava and 4 sunflower oil is paw paw in hay place guava  masturbate looking the ceiling or cry dude and try with other styles as  well as 4 palm oil is paw paw in hay place guava shout 4 the fruit or  paw paw in hay place avocado walk away dude
Inner-pants is paw paw  in hay place guava feast like to fight in a training dude or do like  starting a motor bike on air or just start a bike dude or walk backwards  as dancing or cry or paw paw in carrot place guava and cry or paw paw  in hay place green grass and cry or shout.
Women bra is hay in  guava place carrot start a bike kinda or hay in carrot place guava  kinda, make a feast to fight or 4 men paw paw in hay place guava and cry  or start a motor bike kinda or Rab hands 4 suits or eat groundnuts 4  cloth reflectors like 4 motorbikes. 4 women suits is paw paw in hay  place guava start a bike or ride a bicycle dude or paw paw in hay place avocado talk. Wallet is paw paw in hay place guava wash face or place grass and cry and 4 belt is paw paw in hay place guava write slanting or  place pumpkin and cry dude and 4 women purse is paw paw in guava place  kale right or cry and with all the steps 4 another type dude and even  slanting ya head dude or changing its position or doing any style u have  seed as in Wrestling and sports gives another product dude
Sweater  is paw paw in hay place guava and cry or make holes on the wall and with all above styles try and 4 duvet is paw paw in hay place guava drink drinks like strong tea and many dude just trying or place green grass and shout and 4 socks is paw paw in hay place guava cramp on the ground or place banana and write and with many fruits repeating the above styles dude. Jumpers paw paw in hay place euphorbia and writing things dude and 4 jackets is paw paw in hay place avocado, guava and with every fruit talk or walk or dance kinda.
Bed sheets is paw paw in hay place carrots, veggies and other fruits and cry dude or write  and 4 jeans is paw paw in hay place guava fight kinda, with folded  feast or paw paw in hay place grass hurl with hot water dude or place  avocado and shout instantly dude or grass and hide or paw paw in hay  place groundnut and hit ya elbow on wall kinda or place cabbage and talk  while 4 Marvin wear is paw paw in hay place grass shout or cry or fight  kinda or place guava start a bike or paw paw in hay place guava make a  woman hair.
Mineral water is paw paw in hay place guava slap ya  head to make ya hair down kinda or paw paw in guava place hay masturbate  a kid or paw paw in hay place guava caress the arm and the shoulder or  do X style like triple H in world WWF.
CD as condom is paw paw in  hay place guava do the X-style dude or paw paw in hay place carrot fold  ya fingers like in cold or place pumpkin and hold ya self kinda feeling  cold, folding ya hand together ya hands towards ya heart dude or passion  in grass place hay cry or carrot in hay place paw paw and cry
X-mas  lights and other accessories paw paw in guava place hay and cry or paw  paw in hay place carrot and do like swimming on air or just swim  whichever dude or kale in guava place paw paw and cry dude or paw paw in  hay place orange and cry dude or place tangerine and hide or kale in  spinach place hay and hide or tangerine in hay place guava and hide or  paw paw in mango place hay and hide or tangerine in mango place paw paw  and hide but 4 lights is kale in hay place paw paw and cry or paw paw in  kale place guava and walk away dude
Car spanners is paw paw in  cabbage,hay place carrot and do all the steps as above 4 a new thing or  paw paw in carrot place hay and do all the process as above or hay in  passion place paw paw and circle a pillar and do as well all the above  process or guava in sewer water place passion or any veggies as fruit  doing all the above protocols dude and 4 screw sets is paw paw in hay  place passion or kale or dark beans doing all the process as above 4  another type or passion in hay place carrot and rotate a con shaped  structure or pillar or tank or hay in avocado place pumpkin or guava in  hay place cauliflower and jokes or cabbage in hay place paw paw and wipe  ya tears dude and more as above
Any two fruits, or with leaves,  veggies or wild berries or any animal and hurling as described above  makes another gadget in the boom process. Any 2 things in sewer water  makes something in the boom process and give it a try dude. Now u r poor  and following me cant solve the day lest u r killed, even if the army  takes over dude, selling my corpse wont save u at that time dude, lest u  learnt to make every machine as above to save ya export to be used  money previously dude
Paints is mango in hay place paw paw or carrot and cry or mangosteen in  hay place paw paw and cry or kale in hay place guava and fuck or  Bringanya in hoho place grass rotate a pillar dude or sweet potato in  yam place guava and cry or pumpkin in yam place paw paw fold hands or  groundnuts in yam place paw paw cry or cabbage in yam place kale sit  down dude or kale in Sodom leaves place paw paw cramp ya fee dude or  tangerine in hay place paw paw make hard feast as carrying heavy load  dude or grass in hay place guava and cry dude and more
Ginger  is made when hay place in paw paw grass added then u scream dude or hay  in paw paw place spinach and cry or paw paw in guava place hay  scream/bend dude
Hair food is guava in hay place guava and squat  bending dude or guava in hay place banana and hide or tangerine in hay  place carrot fold ya hands kinda or paw paw in guava place hay scream or  wheat grain in rye grain place paw paw cry or carrot in hay place paw  paw walk backward dude
Flower paw paw in hay place carrot and jump  or cry or paw paw in mango place guava and cry or guava in avocado  place hay and cry or tangerine in paw paw place hay and hide or  Bringanya in kale place paw paw and jog dude or hay in kale place paw  paw squat like spreading/sprouting flower groaning or paw paw in hay  place guava and cry or paw paw in hay place mango and cry or mango in  hay place paw paw and cry or shout or do all the styles as above dude
Paw  paw in hay place guava walk spreading ya legs make the internet server  radar display machine 4 controlling missiles, jets, drone and big  airplanes even missiles while 4 the missile machine paint ya nails on  the above case, shout 4 jet, caress booty 4 jet as well, walk backwards 4  jet as well, shake head 4 drone or place hay in guava add sugar cane  and nod ya head 4 the internet control screen, play around with kids 4  missile or jump, Defecate 4 chopper and sit on the floor 4 big  air-plane, cry in bend posture 4 water missile, looking up 4 air  missile, looking down 4 chopper and looking up 4 big air-plane dude or  masturbate a kid 4 water drone, big person 4 air drone, fuck doggy a  woman 4 jets, 4 2 in 1 jets hurl with paw paw, 2 in 1 missiles hurl with  guava, air-plane hurl with banana and 4 big missile hurl with paw paw  seed mixed with lemon seed, 4 2 in 1 drones hurl with dark beans or  passion fruit on hay in guava add cane on 2 in 1 sub-marine hurl with  mango seed or mangosteen dude and more that uses the normal internet to  move
sign of defeat and empowerment in the links below, cant  hinder our progress as we women knows the same, so empowered dude, our  ears can be messed with
Hand  wash is paw paw in hay place guava masturbate a kid or hay in kale place paw paw and cry or kale in kunde place paw paw and hide or pineapple in hay place grass and cry dude or onion in grass place hay pat one on the back or guava in hay place onion and brush ya teeth or wipe ya booty 4 e-car on the same dude
Rice in beans and maize as  cooked then hurl with kunde makes big sky-scrapping buildings of the city or Githeri that is beans cooked with maize place spinach hurl with  passion or dark beans makes the same but when u urinate make building stones while if u hurl with grass makes roads.
Pumpkin in hay place paw paw and apply oil on hair 4 diesel flue or hay in guava place  green grass caress throat dude or carrot in hay place guava clap hands  or grab palm of ya both hands together and 4 petrol is paw paw in hay place kale masturbate a kid or guava in grass place paw paw beat one on  his back and neck while him squatted dude or paw paw in hay place guava  ma-surge one fingers to palm area or carrot in hay place paw paw play  hide and seek and 4 Kerosene is paw paw in kale place guava ma-surge one  fingers or paw paw in hay place Sodom fruit bend ya fingers dude or paw  paw in hay place tangerine and dance or cabbage in hay place grass hurl  down one broken teeth dude or talk or place carrot and cry or yellow  maize in hay place guava apply oil or remove cape and place it again or  rotate it dude or wear durag bro
4 ice is paw paw in hay place  guava and shake ya head as something u cant imagine or get or tangerine  in hay place avocado hurl tissue paper unto it or rice in grass place  kale step on a woman booty to like fall as kick and boom ya ice or paw  paw in hay place grass caress one knee or tangerine in grass place paw  paw and grab one of ya finger to thumb the try to push it away dude or  avocado in hay place paw paw jump squatted dude
Toothpick paw paw  in hay place carrot and shower dude using shower or rye grain in grass  place paw paw and shower dude or kunde in hay place guava and prick a  woman booty with sharp object dude
Mint dew avocado in hay place  onion and fire bullets on wall maybe having bullet proof jacket or grass  in hay place paw paw type things on a computer or cabbage in grass  place hay and jump one legged or sew things.
School bags paw paw  in hay place guava do the the X-style to in between ya legs or paw paw  in hay place carrot and side walk or paw paw in hay place guava hit drum  sets or paw paw in hay place Sodom fruit and scrub /comb ya hair  backwards or paw paw in hay place carrots swing ya head sideways or  carrot in guava place paw paw vomit even water on ya mouth or kale in  hay place spinach talk hurriedly or Sodom fruit in kale place guava and  side walk alone dude and more
Material 4 school clothes guava in  hay place paw paw jump sideways or kale in hay place guava hold hand or  kale in spinach place kunde and let a car pass hurriedly dude and 4  sweater in cassava in hay place guava and walk or cabbage in hay place  guava caress the belly or paw paw in hay place kunde run hurriedly
4  school shoe is black jack in hay place paw paw caress the booty or the  cut half photo placed in sewer water b4 black jack added and one blow  hot steam or partake hard liquor dude or cold water and 4 socks is cut  diagonal photo placed in hay then banana added b4 one squeeze a wet  clothe or blanket dude and 4 seats is passion fruit in hay add paw paw  scream with broken voice dude or add guava and hide and for the table is  paw paw in hay place kale and talk or guava in hay place paw and cry  dude or carrot in guava place paw paw and hag 4 long dude
Mala is  euphorbia in hay place guava and shout or add avocado and scream dude.  While 4 Vim washing detergent is Euphorbia in kale in hay add grass and  talk or paw paw in hay add carrot and make matuta on ya woman hair or  cabbage in hay place paw paw crack ya fingers. Jic detergent is paw paw  in hay place guava play with a kid or paw paw in hay place carrot and  talk dude
Paw paw in hay add guava caress on should as bruised  make fab houses as in the link below or fold arms cross-crossing on the  heart or play with a kid kinda holding him/her
Train  is paw paw in yam place kale and cry many people as in funeral or hit booty 2 people the other side or talk close or Rab one face or squat dude or try rest of styles as stated above
Mande tiyo mabel yawa swears some women, just look how happy it looks as in the red radio in the song link below
Phones  how made dude cabbage in hay place kale fire armored glass with bullets  or touch one booty or hot bathe washing ya booty or side talk as  discussing or cabbage in guava place kale chop lemon or fight kinda or  kale in onion place guava crush lemon or hot shower or immerse ya head  in hot water bucket or cabbage in kale place hay squeeze water from a  garment or kale in pumpkin place paw paw or kale in guava place hay and  fold clothes or bedding or stir like hot tea or employ every gesture as  above 4 more or cabbage in kale place kojet grab one arms or fold papers  or hay/lemon in kale place avocado and chop hay or push heavy load 4  tablet or 4 laptop is grass in kojet place pumpkin scrub ya head or cut  photo into half placed in mango add coke soda bottle and laugh dude and 4  phones cut photo placed in mango solution as raw then coke soda bottle  place and chop avocado or bathe with hot water or scream dude
Kojet  in cabbage place carrot hurl maize cob on the wall or chop raw mango or  kale in guava add pumpkin touch one hand or talk close or guava in kale  place cabbage chop paw paw or hide beside or into a container or eat  bread or touch one penis or mango in hay place avocado squeeze fruit  like tangerine to produce juice or start a machine like radio or TV dude  or few liters in grass add paw paw then kinda make holes on wall using  carrot or sticks or break sticks
4 TV is folded photo in hay add  guava write things squeezing pen on the writing pad or play us football  or any sports 4 another gadget like even cards 4 stoves, bathe with  sponge 4 jiko and more 4 many results dude
Bent photo as folded  add honey place in paw paw head and walk away discussing or discuss to  pray in squatted with bend back posture or shower many people as well as  touching each other on the skin many people or or add yogurt in place  of honey and walk away or scream as shout many people or chop mango to  hurl liquid down the floor Or cut photo add hay place white guava juice  and cry dude or scrub ya face as well as the floor or cold shower dude  or cut half photo in hay add avocado juice pluck fruits as well as  veggies as tomato 4 more types dude Or cut photo in green grass add hay  read things dude or fart bro or defecate Or cut photo in grass place  pumpkin rotate the heap dude or place carrot try to bring one hand down  on the table on the push pull hand game and try with every fruit where  cut photo immersed and same with added last object changing each 4  another product all at all and employing different styles as well and  even making the last object honey or juices dude or excretion homey
Jacaranda  tree in green grass add Euphorbia the write things on wall makes  supersonic jets as i told Britain or cold bathe or play with water  nozzle as kids do or walk away or leave in a motor bike solo or defecate  dude or fuck a woman doggy dude
Awiny tree leave is  made when paw paw place in hay honey added then one chop passion fruit  or drink cold water or kale in guava add passion fruit and eat githeri  or cross the road dude or descend in a haste from a stair case dude. One  used to make Dark fear engulf ya sky-scrapper dude like of NY not  bright buildings synonymous with phoenix, Denver or Minneapolis and  more, Kinda, u see water engulf ya next time like of Chicago dude, can  be a cash crop if artificial counter part not told how made dude and  reason 4 migration dude and makes monies when place in garbage add honey  and fight kinda or add paw paw and hides beside a pillar or add avocado  and urinate in light. So u r alerted dude to end or stop maybe lest  otherwise employed we know not yet dude
Better kebi hit one white stupid on the nose to bleed this time we will cut one with machette of such conduct as we are par, have learnt ya ways and even more to make us equal or less inferior to us to thwart tourism dude get it at cotton wood falls detention center, etene Humphrey and Melani, curse and de colbert carloss and wilson are all witness and mike friends with steve warm the as well am not joke and they ought to second that or acknowledge that sad fact lest they ambush to kill me which amounts to absolute nothing as explained earlier bro. Take heed dude.
kIKUYU blooded can shift bomb to ya head on plane as one had already shifted the case from a corpse then to ya brain like with Ethiopian fallen air-plane done to pilot on the feet or legs to detonate dude, evade them dude 4 better 4 good lest eaten deep fried hot water caught Nile perch. we have them not just as grudge as many think but because of such explained above
Moses helped one tribe or 12 but me de whole world so me aint ya Moses dude got it bro
Guava in avocado place grass pull one hand downward or console each other looking down in broad day light while at nigh scope kinda soil with ya fingers as moving towards u 4 sand or hay in guava add kale play piano in broad day light without any1 looking at the heap u looking dude or coke gun or open a padlock u in dark the heap on light as can be bulb light or sun light or chop onion dude 4 sand bro or butternut in grass place carrot hurl hot water in broad day light without anyone in the vicinity dude or sewer water in bright cold weather dude or smoke cigarette dude or photocopy in the morning or evening dude or such near large water mass or forest try dude
Cabbage in hay place pumpkin and photocopy in dark make house in the link below or chop guava or pineapple or pumpkin or mix fanta with strong tea or strawberry soda or console each other holding each other in a circle looking down or insert ya head in water bucket or take cold shower or play with water nozzle nearby dude or talk whispering and even different styles giving the devil the layout or pass hurriedly driving motor bike or bike or in broad day light dude or cold weather or hot sun try without looking at dude. U can interchange the last to be placed with paw paw or carrot or yam or garlic or cassava and change styles as standing on the truck roof next side and even with all veggies and fruits to give ya different houses dude not to mention bro or pumpkin in hay add guava and do the above
Many machines or gadgets are made on a stone alter or slab, some outside when rainy, others when sleeting, snowing, other on the floor scattered pieces of dry leaves or raw, saw husk, fruit, food crop peel, water surface, shower placed to rain on the heap b4 the boom process and others slow music instrumental placed dude while others on hilltops or on sky-scrapper while others made on basement or swimming pool dude, others on carpet floor or with cotton wool, dust or on grass compound or on used waste environment like bottle lids or just scrap metal. U can cut tortilla or chop with ya hand even with samosa and chapati to make some gadgets like Jets, houses and tankers or big air-plane dude, even fruit peel as much as cane when in such vicinity makes certain machines dude even chemical powder and crystal, just trying dude
Sa made military machine images in the link below
Bombs is folded photo of the same as in the link above on SA placed in hay add honey or guava and chop banana or pumpkin and boom ya bomb bro
We need thrift store to stop the dubious ways of get rich faster as some sell machines at throw away price cause at that time they are desperate 4 money and no ready market just to fall one one with even like 30% of the original price to take the machine b4 again selling the same at 40% of the original buying price to make them rich overnight to lure women they are crafty to destroy the world when such ways atrophies dude like in the link below, so let one buy as above and if i wanna buy we get back to the web site to see he bought it at how much b4 making super-normal profits out of u cause u cant ascertain the above or can breed hooliganism if buy in ya st address not far away to locate ya if u got money, maybe the gimmick dude. Let what posted be blocked like blocking an email address when posting so they cant get back at alter the prices to get ya in a bind dude, let then even add only 10% off the buying price as their profit as the business must continue dude and their hard sweet to get right what u wanted that if u resorted to searching it could be cumbersome dude, so that pity dude but let shop be opened countrywide as this a loophole to get rich fast without hustling and we are blocking such dude
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sirjustice848-blog · 4 years
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PS4 OR 5 games paw paw in guava place kale shout, jump or in other flowers, veggies or paw paw in kale or in many veggies and add another flower, veggies and shout, 4 email squat, jump for the same above after  placed and 4 search engine scratch monies and count, pray and 4 social  media drug creates, arrange plates, while 4 security app wash plates and  4 online games toss up a coin like in many men 50 cent song or play  cards, basket ball, soccer in dim light while the placed above is in dark or dribble ball with ya hand of legs as in football or fold clothes  and bedding or hit ball with ya feet hurling them away or brag in ya  talking etc and more such moves u can imagine as i just trying out with a  new something as u can replace paw paw or guava with another fruit or  berries or veggies as much as leaves to get much app and even other  gadgets not in ya mind at that time but it will be a blessing in  disguise just take it dude
4 MOBILE is yam in paw paw or guava in  cabbage or paw paw in carrot and employ all the above and even sitting  or scratching ya booty on the floor as u move, kinda.
Kenya now  poor until it knows how to make every machine, drugs and other accessories like clothes so it doesn’t import and calling the name of politician wont make that, unless u read the laws and make them dude. With all these, such people making them are more precious than anything  else even the dignitaries and get that, cause they make a nation to save  their Forex which they used in imports to channel that cash into the  economy dude to make their nations per with other nations which have  known the above. When u master the above, every nation became same in  development as they dont outsource or import to divide part of their  Forex with another nation
Now if u r lazy look, u cant be tolerated the tea has not yet been marketed as it can be made artificially, so if u bring up kids u bringing like father like son ones  to disturb the future generation when such minds that can block such  aint around dude, lest trespass and you arrested.
The house in the  link below is made when hay added to green grass then dry maize added  and hurled with hot water or maize cob in hay add paw paw shout dude. Or  maize cob in Euphorbia place hay sprinkle sperm many people from above 4  the wooden story 1 or cabbage in hay place dry grass and spit saliva  many people 4 story 1 or pumpkin in hay place paw paw and summer salt 4  the red roof one or paw paw in grass place hay hurl hot water 4 the big  glass one or paw paw in hay place tangerine and masturbate 4 the white  wide one or cassava in groundnuts place pumpkin and shout 4 the white  story 1 dude, try even without foundation at the devil will give u with  concrete lining from below to uplift or carry when u add sewer water and  maize cob to each dude or pa paw in hay ride bicycle all around and  boom ya red wooden housing as in bauhu or hay in grass place paw paw do  back wards 4 the gray roofed or hay in grass place paw paw pass with  speedy jets on-top 1 big with dark brick walls
Radar controlled missiles link below
Roads paw paw in hay place cabbage jump into a hole or trench many people in a linear motion, Road as in the link below
Putting  kids into sex to change their character, when they see u soft they mistake ya 4 a woman and kinda, wants to have sex with ya which if u refute the very women having sex with them brand u names and that’s the  gimmicks dude
kantaka car owner planning violence as giving other  people money to give others to finish their agendas, like Denis white  boy teacher of dala hera, kisumu, Kenya school. They even got radar  controlled mini-missile of 2 km radious, size of rotating Arial controller to aid the above as explained in following tumblr a/c or sirjustice390. They fuck women and when women have been empowered to make the same artificial products and necessities to share the profits they cant do the same, so locate school girls who share the same love with teenagers if they find ya, kidnap ya or plan u killings as cutting u  with machette dude. Warn him, most saying they are rwandi as people of  misuria and Louisiana state got such blood so they want to get their or  play with u in your absensia u cant locate them tohurt u saying they are  mexican that if carli4nia and Texas or Arizona where part of mexico and  if taken they will benefit so eyeing such dude. warn them to stop. see  the character of big people, now evitable to deemed short people to  overtake them, when 1 tells u something dont again engage in his kidnap  or derail synonymous with kantaka and innoson cars
Kale is paw paw  in hay place grass urinate or paw paw in Sodom leaves place carrot and  masturbate dude or carrot in hay place guava booty fuck dude while  tomato is paw paw in hay place kale and swing dance or cucumber in kojet  place hay jump or grass in hay place paw paw caress man booty. While  onion is paw paw in grass place hay break sticks or paw paw in hay  place camara leaves blow ya nose and boom ya onion dude
Eggs is  tangerine in paw paw place hay choke with long sticks or paw paw in  cassava place butternut walk bowled legged or waru in bringanya place kunde jump far away from a cliff or tangerine in hay place paw paw caress the back of 1 head. Cabbage is grass in hay place kojet or cucumber fire bullets into it or sprinkle with salt or paw paw in hay place cucumber run hurriedly dude or grass in hay place paw paw gnaw ya  teeth and boom ya veggies. With Melons is paw paw in wheat grain place  cassava just talk or in hay place kale defecate into it or paw paw in hay place tangerine then play the wall dirt of that small arrow.
Maize  is paw paw in hay place grass then en-kindle a match stick or hay in grass place guava and murmur or cucumber in grass place paw paw urinate  or Guava in hay place paw paw walk or jump or tangerine in hay place guava do backwards dude. Green grams is mango in paw paw place grass deficate on it or paw paw in guava place kale jump far away or hay in guava place paw paw help a kid to urinate squeezing his manhood in the middle or Euphorbia in hay place kunde play/jump the rope hurriedly or mango in passion fruit place paw paw bite ya lips dude
cucumber in  grass hit the wall like in 21 question song after placed paw paw 4 passion fruit or kunde in yam place dania and summer-salt from a cliff or tomato in hay place guava and cry dude and 4 pixie is avocado in yam  place yam cliff jump or grass in hay place cabbage then, kinda, in the  middle of the booty from down to up move ya hand as rubbing or tomato in  hay place paw paw cry many people. 4 beans is paw paw in hay place guava shout or paw paw in hay place guava jump or paw paw in hay place onion, kinda, fight hitting the wall and 4 cassava is mango leaves in grass play paw paw cry or grass in hay place butternut do bur bur bur like kids do and ya cassava and sweet potato is tangerine in hay place grass and kinda fight dude or paw paw in hay place guava and kinda, masturbate a kid and boom ya delicacy and 4 waru is pumpkin in yam place  grass jump or  tangerine in hay place paw paw cry or paw paw in yam  place millet kiss or hay in grass place paw paw spank the booty dude.  Groundnut is paw paw in hay place guava hit ya booty the other side 2  people or hay in Sodom leaves place white guava fuck rapidly dude or paw  paw in grass place hay cry
Owner of broken heart Riddim,  spread gossip riddim, last breath riddim and defeat riddim as well as  mend ya soul/herat riddim to be released in due time, 1 and only kebi,  osiep Nyili utters Delanu.
2 in 1 submarine and jet that can run both on air and water
Sodom  apple leaves in cabbage place paw paw and cry 4 submarine while yawn 4  missile as the radar place guava and shout 4 submarine while 4 missile  place sweet potato and shout 4 joy or maize in grass place paw paw and  cry 4 submarine while 4 missile shout 4 joy many people and submarine rad add beans and shout 4 joy while 4 missile add millet and look in awe  to many people dude and still more
Photocopier ink is paw paw in  hay place guava and cry or hit head on one another and 4 the paper rims  is paw paw in hay place guava and cry and 4 the photo-copier is paw paw  in hay place guava kick a ball or paw paw in hay place carrot and cry or  fuck pussy or booty fuck. And 4 E motor bike is paw paw in hay place  carrot walk away or masturbate or hide or fire gun and do with all the  moves as displaced dude.
E-buses is paw paw in hay place guava hug  or cry or place yam masturbate and try with all the styles as above or  do backwards 4 transit bus while E-bicycles is paw paw in hay place  carrot and jump or blindfold one or fuck and try with all the moves as  above 4 a different type dude.
Kinda, when one gets to hell,  without helping ya yet u told them the protocol, u see, petrol being  poured unto his face like in Sarafina movie as in the link below
Now  china and Russia just talk, just like with fuel if u got we are friends  if not they walk all away, like now they have learnt to make artificial  many species of cocoa, coffee, tobacco,rice, maize, rye, flowers,  pixie, veggies and fruits like mangosteen or passion and sugar so if ya  nation got such as main cash crop think twice dont go around on media  like seducing those nations as people do to women synonymous now with  Kenyan President Uhuru as seen on the newspaper, now stop the relationship and forge well ahead or will amount to absolute nothing dude and even war bro. Let us not see that, kinda, a woman who has left  ya and taken ya to court to warn ya. And even having substitue 4 what is  grown in ya country to make necessities as can be made much in boom process and its opportunity cost dude like with tropical leaves and flowers used in the boom process. Walk away dude as in the song link below, when their aint scratch then no business as the rule of thumb, scratch my back i scratch your dude
Tobacco made when paw paw in hay place guava and cry or defecate or fuck 4 the leaves dude
Triple ace vodka paw paw in hay place grass and cook or place guava and kiss dude
Spinach is hay in grass place avocado tongue kiss or paw paw in hay place guava and booty fuck in doggy way
Paw paw in hay place guava caress booty or hit booty 2 people opposite way as in the link below
Metallic  casket is paw paw in guava place carrot hit booty or fuck or paw paw in  hay place carrot fight kinda bro or paw paw in a awiny tree leaves place hay and fight kinda 4 armored glass casket or paw paw in hay place  paw paw and fight kinda 4 the same with serial opening or paw paw in  hay place guava and cry 4 quarter inlet hole type with digital opening  to curb casket theft or yam in grass place paw paw and talk 4 finger  print of the deceased one
Passion  and most fruit in grass place hay and even with animal bones placed in  green grass then add hay then ma-surge arms and shoulder gives roofing.
Ice  cream is millet in yam place cassava talk or paw paw in hay place  groundnut and cry or guava in hay place paw paw masturbate a kid or  guava in hay place pumpkin and cry/shade tears or tangerine in hay place  paw paw kick a ball and with stick 1 is paw paw in hay place kale bred  hair or mango in hay place lemon and urinate or cabbage in hay place  guava hit ya tongue in ya mouth or cassava in paw paw place guava caress  ya own booty or cassava in hay place pumpkin close ya eyes dude
Chocolate  paw paw in hay place guava and insert carrot in a mans ass hole and try  with a woman as well 4 another product and even banana shape fruits or  veggies. paw paw in hay place avocado fuck a woman anus with banana and  pay her heavy or place kale and talk or chew gum or place guava hit one  on 1 eye dude or gnaw ya teeth as cold.
Cooking oil paw paw in hay  place kale cry with ya nose, kinda, gasping 4 breath dude or paw paw in  hay place guava and masturbate dude or paw paw in onion place hay spunk  the booty or hay in onion place guava caress shoulder and arms or paw  paw in hay place avocado masturbate while seated dude or hay in guava  place paw paw fire bullets unto the solution 4 olive oil. Castor oil is  paw paw in hay place onion masturbate standing or paw paw in hay place  kale hurl with guava and 4 sunflower oil is paw paw in hay place guava  masturbate looking the ceiling or cry dude and try with other styles as  well as 4 palm oil is paw paw in hay place guava shout 4 the fruit or  paw paw in hay place avocado walk away dude
Inner-pants is paw paw  in hay place guava feast like to fight in a training dude or do like  starting a motor bike on air or just start a bike dude or walk backwards  as dancing or cry or paw paw in carrot place guava and cry or paw paw  in hay place green grass and cry or shout.
Women bra is hay in  guava place carrot start a bike kinda or hay in carrot place guava  kinda, make a feast to fight or 4 men paw paw in hay place guava and cry  or start a motor bike kinda or Rab hands 4 suits or eat groundnuts 4  cloth reflectors like 4 motorbikes. 4 women suits is paw paw in hay  place guava start a bike or ride a bicycle dude or paw paw in hay place avocado talk. Wallet is paw paw in hay place guava wash face or place grass and cry and 4 belt is paw paw in hay place guava write slanting or  place pumpkin and cry dude and 4 women purse is paw paw in guava place  kale right or cry and with all the steps 4 another type dude and even  slanting ya head dude or changing its position or doing any style u have  seed as in Wrestling and sports gives another product dude
Sweater  is paw paw in hay place guava and cry or make holes on the wall and with all above styles try and 4 duvet is paw paw in hay place guava drink drinks like strong tea and many dude just trying or place green grass and shout and 4 socks is paw paw in hay place guava cramp on the ground or place banana and write and with many fruits repeating the above styles dude. Jumpers paw paw in hay place euphorbia and writing things dude and 4 jackets is paw paw in hay place avocado, guava and with every fruit talk or walk or dance kinda.
Bed sheets is paw paw in hay place carrots, veggies and other fruits and cry dude or write  and 4 jeans is paw paw in hay place guava fight kinda, with folded  feast or paw paw in hay place grass hurl with hot water dude or place  avocado and shout instantly dude or grass and hide or paw paw in hay  place groundnut and hit ya elbow on wall kinda or place cabbage and talk  while 4 Marvin wear is paw paw in hay place grass shout or cry or fight  kinda or place guava start a bike or paw paw in hay place guava make a  woman hair.
Mineral water is paw paw in hay place guava slap ya  head to make ya hair down kinda or paw paw in guava place hay masturbate  a kid or paw paw in hay place guava caress the arm and the shoulder or  do X style like triple H in world WWF.
CD as condom is paw paw in  hay place guava do the X-style dude or paw paw in hay place carrot fold  ya fingers like in cold or place pumpkin and hold ya self kinda feeling  cold, folding ya hand together ya hands towards ya heart dude or passion  in grass place hay cry or carrot in hay place paw paw and cry
X-mas  lights and other accessories paw paw in guava place hay and cry or paw  paw in hay place carrot and do like swimming on air or just swim  whichever dude or kale in guava place paw paw and cry dude or paw paw in  hay place orange and cry dude or place tangerine and hide or kale in  spinach place hay and hide or tangerine in hay place guava and hide or  paw paw in mango place hay and hide or tangerine in mango place paw paw  and hide but 4 lights is kale in hay place paw paw and cry or paw paw in  kale place guava and walk away dude
Car spanners is paw paw in  cabbage,hay place carrot and do all the steps as above 4 a new thing or  paw paw in carrot place hay and do all the process as above or hay in  passion place paw paw and circle a pillar and do as well all the above  process or guava in sewer water place passion or any veggies as fruit  doing all the above protocols dude and 4 screw sets is paw paw in hay  place passion or kale or dark beans doing all the process as above 4  another type or passion in hay place carrot and rotate a con shaped  structure or pillar or tank or hay in avocado place pumpkin or guava in  hay place cauliflower and jokes or cabbage in hay place paw paw and wipe  ya tears dude and more as above
Any two fruits, or with leaves,  veggies or wild berries or any animal and hurling as described above  makes another gadget in the boom process. Any 2 things in sewer water  makes something in the boom process and give it a try dude. Now u r poor  and following me cant solve the day lest u r killed, even if the army  takes over dude, selling my corpse wont save u at that time dude, lest u  learnt to make every machine as above to save ya export to be used  money previously dude
Paints is mango in hay place paw paw or carrot and cry or mangosteen in  hay place paw paw and cry or kale in hay place guava and fuck or  Bringanya in hoho place grass rotate a pillar dude or sweet potato in  yam place guava and cry or pumpkin in yam place paw paw fold hands or  groundnuts in yam place paw paw cry or cabbage in yam place kale sit  down dude or kale in Sodom leaves place paw paw cramp ya fee dude or  tangerine in hay place paw paw make hard feast as carrying heavy load  dude or grass in hay place guava and cry dude and more
Ginger  is made when hay place in paw paw grass added then u scream dude or hay  in paw paw place spinach and cry or paw paw in guava place hay  scream/bend dude
Hair food is guava in hay place guava and squat  bending dude or guava in hay place banana and hide or tangerine in hay  place carrot fold ya hands kinda or paw paw in guava place hay scream or  wheat grain in rye grain place paw paw cry or carrot in hay place paw  paw walk backward dude
Flower paw paw in hay place carrot and jump  or cry or paw paw in mango place guava and cry or guava in avocado  place hay and cry or tangerine in paw paw place hay and hide or  Bringanya in kale place paw paw and jog dude or hay in kale place paw  paw squat like spreading/sprouting flower groaning or paw paw in hay  place guava and cry or paw paw in hay place mango and cry or mango in  hay place paw paw and cry or shout or do all the styles as above dude
Paw  paw in hay place guava walk spreading ya legs make the internet server  radar display machine 4 controlling missiles, jets, drone and big  airplanes even missiles while 4 the missile machine paint ya nails on  the above case, shout 4 jet, caress booty 4 jet as well, walk backwards 4  jet as well, shake head 4 drone or place hay in guava add sugar cane  and nod ya head 4 the internet control screen, play around with kids 4  missile or jump, Defecate 4 chopper and sit on the floor 4 big  air-plane, cry in bend posture 4 water missile, looking up 4 air  missile, looking down 4 chopper and looking up 4 big air-plane dude or  masturbate a kid 4 water drone, big person 4 air drone, fuck doggy a  woman 4 jets, 4 2 in 1 jets hurl with paw paw, 2 in 1 missiles hurl with  guava, air-plane hurl with banana and 4 big missile hurl with paw paw  seed mixed with lemon seed, 4 2 in 1 drones hurl with dark beans or  passion fruit on hay in guava add cane on 2 in 1 sub-marine hurl with  mango seed or mangosteen dude and more that uses the normal internet to  move
sign of defeat and empowerment in the links below, cant  hinder our progress as we women knows the same, so empowered dude, our  ears can be messed with
Hand  wash is paw paw in hay place guava masturbate a kid or hay in kale place paw paw and cry or kale in kunde place paw paw and hide or pineapple in hay place grass and cry dude or onion in grass place hay pat one on the back or guava in hay place onion and brush ya teeth or wipe ya booty 4 e-car on the same dude
Rice in beans and maize as  cooked then hurl with kunde makes big sky-scrapping buildings of the city or Githeri that is beans cooked with maize place spinach hurl with  passion or dark beans makes the same but when u urinate make building stones while if u hurl with grass makes roads.
Pumpkin in hay place paw paw and apply oil on hair 4 diesel flue or hay in guava place  green grass caress throat dude or carrot in hay place guava clap hands  or grab palm of ya both hands together and 4 petrol is paw paw in hay place kale masturbate a kid or guava in grass place paw paw beat one on  his back and neck while him squatted dude or paw paw in hay place guava  ma-surge one fingers to palm area or carrot in hay place paw paw play  hide and seek and 4 Kerosene is paw paw in kale place guava ma-surge one  fingers or paw paw in hay place Sodom fruit bend ya fingers dude or paw  paw in hay place tangerine and dance or cabbage in hay place grass hurl  down one broken teeth dude or talk or place carrot and cry or yellow  maize in hay place guava apply oil or remove cape and place it again or  rotate it dude or wear durag bro
4 ice is paw paw in hay place  guava and shake ya head as something u cant imagine or get or tangerine  in hay place avocado hurl tissue paper unto it or rice in grass place  kale step on a woman booty to like fall as kick and boom ya ice or paw  paw in hay place grass caress one knee or tangerine in grass place paw  paw and grab one of ya finger to thumb the try to push it away dude or  avocado in hay place paw paw jump squatted dude
Toothpick paw paw  in hay place carrot and shower dude using shower or rye grain in grass  place paw paw and shower dude or kunde in hay place guava and prick a  woman booty with sharp object dude
Mint dew avocado in hay place  onion and fire bullets on wall maybe having bullet proof jacket or grass  in hay place paw paw type things on a computer or cabbage in grass  place hay and jump one legged or sew things.
School bags paw paw  in hay place guava do the the X-style to in between ya legs or paw paw  in hay place carrot and side walk or paw paw in hay place guava hit drum  sets or paw paw in hay place Sodom fruit and scrub /comb ya hair  backwards or paw paw in hay place carrots swing ya head sideways or  carrot in guava place paw paw vomit even water on ya mouth or kale in  hay place spinach talk hurriedly or Sodom fruit in kale place guava and  side walk alone dude and more
Material 4 school clothes guava in  hay place paw paw jump sideways or kale in hay place guava hold hand or  kale in spinach place kunde and let a car pass hurriedly dude and 4  sweater in cassava in hay place guava and walk or cabbage in hay place  guava caress the belly or paw paw in hay place kunde run hurriedly
4  school shoe is black jack in hay place paw paw caress the booty or the  cut half photo placed in sewer water b4 black jack added and one blow  hot steam or partake hard liquor dude or cold water and 4 socks is cut  diagonal photo placed in hay then banana added b4 one squeeze a wet  clothe or blanket dude and 4 seats is passion fruit in hay add paw paw  scream with broken voice dude or add guava and hide and for the table is  paw paw in hay place kale and talk or guava in hay place paw and cry  dude or carrot in guava place paw paw and hag 4 long dude
Mala is  euphorbia in hay place guava and shout or add avocado and scream dude.  While 4 Vim washing detergent is Euphorbia in kale in hay add grass and  talk or paw paw in hay add carrot and make matuta on ya woman hair or  cabbage in hay place paw paw crack ya fingers. Jic detergent is paw paw  in hay place guava play with a kid or paw paw in hay place carrot and  talk dude
Paw paw in hay add guava caress on should as bruised  make fab houses as in the link below or fold arms cross-crossing on the  heart or play with a kid kinda holding him/her
Train  is paw paw in yam place kale and cry many people as in funeral or hit booty 2 people the other side or talk close or Rab one face or squat dude or try rest of styles as stated above
Mande tiyo mabel yawa swears some women, just look how happy it looks as in the red radio in the song link below
Phones  how made dude cabbage in hay place kale fire armored glass with bullets  or touch one booty or hot bathe washing ya booty or side talk as  discussing or cabbage in guava place kale chop lemon or fight kinda or  kale in onion place guava crush lemon or hot shower or immerse ya head  in hot water bucket or cabbage in kale place hay squeeze water from a  garment or kale in pumpkin place paw paw or kale in guava place hay and  fold clothes or bedding or stir like hot tea or employ every gesture as  above 4 more or cabbage in kale place kojet grab one arms or fold papers  or hay/lemon in kale place avocado and chop hay or push heavy load 4  tablet or 4 laptop is grass in kojet place pumpkin scrub ya head or cut  photo into half placed in mango add coke soda bottle and laugh dude and 4  phones cut photo placed in mango solution as raw then coke soda bottle  place and chop avocado or bathe with hot water or scream dude
Kojet  in cabbage place carrot hurl maize cob on the wall or chop raw mango or  kale in guava add pumpkin touch one hand or talk close or guava in kale  place cabbage chop paw paw or hide beside or into a container or eat  bread or touch one penis or mango in hay place avocado squeeze fruit  like tangerine to produce juice or start a machine like radio or TV dude  or few liters in grass add paw paw then kinda make holes on wall using  carrot or sticks or break sticks
4 TV is folded photo in hay add  guava write things squeezing pen on the writing pad or play us football  or any sports 4 another gadget like even cards 4 stoves, bathe with  sponge 4 jiko and more 4 many results dude
Bent photo as folded  add honey place in paw paw head and walk away discussing or discuss to  pray in squatted with bend back posture or shower many people as well as  touching each other on the skin many people or or add yogurt in place  of honey and walk away or scream as shout many people or chop mango to  hurl liquid down the floor Or cut photo add hay place white guava juice  and cry dude or scrub ya face as well as the floor or cold shower dude  or cut half photo in hay add avocado juice pluck fruits as well as  veggies as tomato 4 more types dude Or cut photo in green grass add hay  read things dude or fart bro or defecate Or cut photo in grass place  pumpkin rotate the heap dude or place carrot try to bring one hand down  on the table on the push pull hand game and try with every fruit where  cut photo immersed and same with added last object changing each 4  another product all at all and employing different styles as well and  even making the last object honey or juices dude or excretion homey
Jacaranda  tree in green grass add Euphorbia the write things on wall makes  supersonic jets as i told Britain or cold bathe or play with water  nozzle as kids do or walk away or leave in a motor bike solo or defecate  dude or fuck a woman doggy dude
Awiny tree leave is  made when paw paw place in hay honey added then one chop passion fruit  or drink cold water or kale in guava add passion fruit and eat githeri  or cross the road dude or descend in a haste from a stair case dude. One  used to make Dark fear engulf ya sky-scrapper dude like of NY not  bright buildings synonymous with phoenix, Denver or Minneapolis and  more, Kinda, u see water engulf ya next time like of Chicago dude, can  be a cash crop if artificial counter part not told how made dude and  reason 4 migration dude and makes monies when place in garbage add honey  and fight kinda or add paw paw and hides beside a pillar or add avocado  and urinate in light. So u r alerted dude to end or stop maybe lest  otherwise employed we know not yet dude
Better kebi hit one white stupid on the nose to bleed this time we will cut one with machette of such conduct as we are par, have learnt ya ways and even more to make us equal or less inferior to us to thwart tourism dude get it at cotton wood falls detention center, etene Humphrey and Melani, curse and de colbert carloss and wilson are all witness and mike friends with steve warm the as well am not joke and they ought to second that or acknowledge that sad fact lest they ambush to kill me which amounts to absolute nothing as explained earlier bro. Take heed dude.
kIKUYU blooded can shift bomb to ya head on plane as one had already shifted the case from a corpse then to ya brain like with Ethiopian fallen air-plane done to pilot on the feet or legs to detonate dude, evade them dude 4 better 4 good lest eaten deep fried hot water caught Nile perch. we have them not just as grudge as many think but because of such explained above
Moses helped one tribe or 12 but me de whole world so me aint ya Moses dude got it bro
Guava in avocado place grass pull one hand downward or console each other looking down in broad day light while at nigh scope kinda soil with ya fingers as moving towards u 4 sand or hay in guava add kale play piano in broad day light without any1 looking at the heap u looking dude or coke gun or open a padlock u in dark the heap on light as can be bulb light or sun light or chop onion dude 4 sand bro or butternut in grass place carrot hurl hot water in broad day light without anyone in the vicinity dude or sewer water in bright cold weather dude or smoke cigarette dude or photocopy in the morning or evening dude or such near large water mass or forest try dude
Cabbage in hay place pumpkin and photocopy in dark make house in the link below or chop guava or pineapple or pumpkin or mix fanta with strong tea or strawberry soda or console each other holding each other in a circle looking down or insert ya head in water bucket or take cold shower or play with water nozzle nearby dude or talk whispering and even different styles giving the devil the layout or pass hurriedly driving motor bike or bike or in broad day light dude or cold weather or hot sun try without looking at dude. U can interchange the last to be placed with paw paw or carrot or yam or garlic or cassava and change styles as standing on the truck roof next side and even with all veggies and fruits to give ya different houses dude not to mention bro or pumpkin in hay add guava and do the above
Many machines or gadgets are made on a stone alter or slab, some outside when rainy, others when sleeting, snowing, other on the floor scattered pieces of dry leaves or raw, saw husk, fruit, food crop peel, water surface, shower placed to rain on the heap b4 the boom process and others slow music instrumental placed dude while others on hilltops or on sky-scrapper while others made on basement or swimming pool dude, others on carpet floor or with cotton wool, dust or on grass compound or on used waste environment like bottle lids or just scrap metal. U can cut tortilla or chop with ya hand even with samosa and chapati to make some gadgets like Jets, houses and tankers or big air-plane dude, even fruit peel as much as cane when in such vicinity makes certain machines dude even chemical powder and crystal, just trying dude
Sa made military machine images in the link below
Bombs is folded photo of the same as in the link above on SA placed in hay add honey or guava and chop banana or pumpkin and boom ya bomb bro
We need thrift store to stop the dubious ways of get rich faster as some sell machines at throw away price cause at that time they are desperate 4 money and no ready market just to fall one one with even like 30% of the original price to take the machine b4 again selling the same at 40% of the original buying price to make them rich overnight to lure women they are crafty to destroy the world when such ways atrophies dude like in the link below, so let one buy as above and if i wanna buy we get back to the web site to see he bought it at how much b4 making super-normal profits out of u cause u cant ascertain the above or can breed hooliganism if buy in ya st address not far away to locate ya if u got money, maybe the gimmick dude. Let what posted be blocked like blocking an email address when posting so they cant get back at alter the prices to get ya in a bind dude, let then even add only 10% off the buying price as their profit as the business must continue dude and their hard sweet to get right what u wanted that if u resorted to searching it could be cumbersome dude, so that pity dude but let shop be opened countrywide as this a loophole to get rich fast without hustling and we are blocking such dude
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sirjustice847-blog · 4 years
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PS4 OR 5 games paw paw in guava place kale shout, jump or in other flowers, veggies or paw paw in kale or in many veggies and add another flower, veggies and shout, 4 email squat, jump for the same above after  placed and 4 search engine scratch monies and count, pray and 4 social  media drug creates, arrange plates, while 4 security app wash plates and  4 online games toss up a coin like in many men 50 cent song or play  cards, basket ball, soccer in dim light while the placed above is in dark or dribble ball with ya hand of legs as in football or fold clothes  and bedding or hit ball with ya feet hurling them away or brag in ya  talking etc and more such moves u can imagine as i just trying out with a  new something as u can replace paw paw or guava with another fruit or  berries or veggies as much as leaves to get much app and even other  gadgets not in ya mind at that time but it will be a blessing in  disguise just take it dude
4 MOBILE is yam in paw paw or guava in  cabbage or paw paw in carrot and employ all the above and even sitting  or scratching ya booty on the floor as u move, kinda.
Kenya now  poor until it knows how to make every machine, drugs and other accessories like clothes so it doesn’t import and calling the name of politician wont make that, unless u read the laws and make them dude. With all these, such people making them are more precious than anything  else even the dignitaries and get that, cause they make a nation to save  their Forex which they used in imports to channel that cash into the  economy dude to make their nations per with other nations which have  known the above. When u master the above, every nation became same in  development as they dont outsource or import to divide part of their  Forex with another nation
Now if u r lazy look, u cant be tolerated the tea has not yet been marketed as it can be made artificially, so if u bring up kids u bringing like father like son ones  to disturb the future generation when such minds that can block such  aint around dude, lest trespass and you arrested.
The house in the  link below is made when hay added to green grass then dry maize added  and hurled with hot water or maize cob in hay add paw paw shout dude. Or  maize cob in Euphorbia place hay sprinkle sperm many people from above 4  the wooden story 1 or cabbage in hay place dry grass and spit saliva  many people 4 story 1 or pumpkin in hay place paw paw and summer salt 4  the red roof one or paw paw in grass place hay hurl hot water 4 the big  glass one or paw paw in hay place tangerine and masturbate 4 the white  wide one or cassava in groundnuts place pumpkin and shout 4 the white  story 1 dude, try even without foundation at the devil will give u with  concrete lining from below to uplift or carry when u add sewer water and  maize cob to each dude or pa paw in hay ride bicycle all around and  boom ya red wooden housing as in bauhu or hay in grass place paw paw do  back wards 4 the gray roofed or hay in grass place paw paw pass with  speedy jets on-top 1 big with dark brick walls
Radar controlled missiles link below
Roads paw paw in hay place cabbage jump into a hole or trench many people in a linear motion, Road as in the link below
Putting  kids into sex to change their character, when they see u soft they mistake ya 4 a woman and kinda, wants to have sex with ya which if u refute the very women having sex with them brand u names and that’s the  gimmicks dude
kantaka car owner planning violence as giving other  people money to give others to finish their agendas, like Denis white  boy teacher of dala hera, kisumu, Kenya school. They even got radar  controlled mini-missile of 2 km radious, size of rotating Arial controller to aid the above as explained in following tumblr a/c or sirjustice390. They fuck women and when women have been empowered to make the same artificial products and necessities to share the profits they cant do the same, so locate school girls who share the same love with teenagers if they find ya, kidnap ya or plan u killings as cutting u  with machette dude. Warn him, most saying they are rwandi as people of  misuria and Louisiana state got such blood so they want to get their or  play with u in your absensia u cant locate them tohurt u saying they are  mexican that if carli4nia and Texas or Arizona where part of mexico and  if taken they will benefit so eyeing such dude. warn them to stop. see  the character of big people, now evitable to deemed short people to  overtake them, when 1 tells u something dont again engage in his kidnap  or derail synonymous with kantaka and innoson cars
Kale is paw paw  in hay place grass urinate or paw paw in Sodom leaves place carrot and  masturbate dude or carrot in hay place guava booty fuck dude while  tomato is paw paw in hay place kale and swing dance or cucumber in kojet  place hay jump or grass in hay place paw paw caress man booty. While  onion is paw paw in grass place hay break sticks or paw paw in hay  place camara leaves blow ya nose and boom ya onion dude
Eggs is  tangerine in paw paw place hay choke with long sticks or paw paw in  cassava place butternut walk bowled legged or waru in bringanya place kunde jump far away from a cliff or tangerine in hay place paw paw caress the back of 1 head. Cabbage is grass in hay place kojet or cucumber fire bullets into it or sprinkle with salt or paw paw in hay place cucumber run hurriedly dude or grass in hay place paw paw gnaw ya  teeth and boom ya veggies. With Melons is paw paw in wheat grain place  cassava just talk or in hay place kale defecate into it or paw paw in hay place tangerine then play the wall dirt of that small arrow.
Maize  is paw paw in hay place grass then en-kindle a match stick or hay in grass place guava and murmur or cucumber in grass place paw paw urinate  or Guava in hay place paw paw walk or jump or tangerine in hay place guava do backwards dude. Green grams is mango in paw paw place grass deficate on it or paw paw in guava place kale jump far away or hay in guava place paw paw help a kid to urinate squeezing his manhood in the middle or Euphorbia in hay place kunde play/jump the rope hurriedly or mango in passion fruit place paw paw bite ya lips dude
cucumber in  grass hit the wall like in 21 question song after placed paw paw 4 passion fruit or kunde in yam place dania and summer-salt from a cliff or tomato in hay place guava and cry dude and 4 pixie is avocado in yam  place yam cliff jump or grass in hay place cabbage then, kinda, in the  middle of the booty from down to up move ya hand as rubbing or tomato in  hay place paw paw cry many people. 4 beans is paw paw in hay place guava shout or paw paw in hay place guava jump or paw paw in hay place onion, kinda, fight hitting the wall and 4 cassava is mango leaves in grass play paw paw cry or grass in hay place butternut do bur bur bur like kids do and ya cassava and sweet potato is tangerine in hay place grass and kinda fight dude or paw paw in hay place guava and kinda, masturbate a kid and boom ya delicacy and 4 waru is pumpkin in yam place  grass jump or  tangerine in hay place paw paw cry or paw paw in yam  place millet kiss or hay in grass place paw paw spank the booty dude.  Groundnut is paw paw in hay place guava hit ya booty the other side 2  people or hay in Sodom leaves place white guava fuck rapidly dude or paw  paw in grass place hay cry
Owner of broken heart Riddim,  spread gossip riddim, last breath riddim and defeat riddim as well as  mend ya soul/herat riddim to be released in due time, 1 and only kebi,  osiep Nyili utters Delanu.
2 in 1 submarine and jet that can run both on air and water
Sodom  apple leaves in cabbage place paw paw and cry 4 submarine while yawn 4  missile as the radar place guava and shout 4 submarine while 4 missile  place sweet potato and shout 4 joy or maize in grass place paw paw and  cry 4 submarine while 4 missile shout 4 joy many people and submarine rad add beans and shout 4 joy while 4 missile add millet and look in awe  to many people dude and still more
Photocopier ink is paw paw in  hay place guava and cry or hit head on one another and 4 the paper rims  is paw paw in hay place guava and cry and 4 the photo-copier is paw paw  in hay place guava kick a ball or paw paw in hay place carrot and cry or  fuck pussy or booty fuck. And 4 E motor bike is paw paw in hay place  carrot walk away or masturbate or hide or fire gun and do with all the  moves as displaced dude.
E-buses is paw paw in hay place guava hug  or cry or place yam masturbate and try with all the styles as above or  do backwards 4 transit bus while E-bicycles is paw paw in hay place  carrot and jump or blindfold one or fuck and try with all the moves as  above 4 a different type dude.
Kinda, when one gets to hell,  without helping ya yet u told them the protocol, u see, petrol being  poured unto his face like in Sarafina movie as in the link below
Now  china and Russia just talk, just like with fuel if u got we are friends  if not they walk all away, like now they have learnt to make artificial  many species of cocoa, coffee, tobacco,rice, maize, rye, flowers,  pixie, veggies and fruits like mangosteen or passion and sugar so if ya  nation got such as main cash crop think twice dont go around on media  like seducing those nations as people do to women synonymous now with  Kenyan President Uhuru as seen on the newspaper, now stop the relationship and forge well ahead or will amount to absolute nothing dude and even war bro. Let us not see that, kinda, a woman who has left  ya and taken ya to court to warn ya. And even having substitue 4 what is  grown in ya country to make necessities as can be made much in boom process and its opportunity cost dude like with tropical leaves and flowers used in the boom process. Walk away dude as in the song link below, when their aint scratch then no business as the rule of thumb, scratch my back i scratch your dude
Tobacco made when paw paw in hay place guava and cry or defecate or fuck 4 the leaves dude
Triple ace vodka paw paw in hay place grass and cook or place guava and kiss dude
Spinach is hay in grass place avocado tongue kiss or paw paw in hay place guava and booty fuck in doggy way
Paw paw in hay place guava caress booty or hit booty 2 people opposite way as in the link below
Metallic  casket is paw paw in guava place carrot hit booty or fuck or paw paw in  hay place carrot fight kinda bro or paw paw in a awiny tree leaves place hay and fight kinda 4 armored glass casket or paw paw in hay place  paw paw and fight kinda 4 the same with serial opening or paw paw in  hay place guava and cry 4 quarter inlet hole type with digital opening  to curb casket theft or yam in grass place paw paw and talk 4 finger  print of the deceased one
Passion  and most fruit in grass place hay and even with animal bones placed in  green grass then add hay then ma-surge arms and shoulder gives roofing.
Ice  cream is millet in yam place cassava talk or paw paw in hay place  groundnut and cry or guava in hay place paw paw masturbate a kid or  guava in hay place pumpkin and cry/shade tears or tangerine in hay place  paw paw kick a ball and with stick 1 is paw paw in hay place kale bred  hair or mango in hay place lemon and urinate or cabbage in hay place  guava hit ya tongue in ya mouth or cassava in paw paw place guava caress  ya own booty or cassava in hay place pumpkin close ya eyes dude
Chocolate  paw paw in hay place guava and insert carrot in a mans ass hole and try  with a woman as well 4 another product and even banana shape fruits or  veggies. paw paw in hay place avocado fuck a woman anus with banana and  pay her heavy or place kale and talk or chew gum or place guava hit one  on 1 eye dude or gnaw ya teeth as cold.
Cooking oil paw paw in hay  place kale cry with ya nose, kinda, gasping 4 breath dude or paw paw in  hay place guava and masturbate dude or paw paw in onion place hay spunk  the booty or hay in onion place guava caress shoulder and arms or paw  paw in hay place avocado masturbate while seated dude or hay in guava  place paw paw fire bullets unto the solution 4 olive oil. Castor oil is  paw paw in hay place onion masturbate standing or paw paw in hay place  kale hurl with guava and 4 sunflower oil is paw paw in hay place guava  masturbate looking the ceiling or cry dude and try with other styles as  well as 4 palm oil is paw paw in hay place guava shout 4 the fruit or  paw paw in hay place avocado walk away dude
Inner-pants is paw paw  in hay place guava feast like to fight in a training dude or do like  starting a motor bike on air or just start a bike dude or walk backwards  as dancing or cry or paw paw in carrot place guava and cry or paw paw  in hay place green grass and cry or shout.
Women bra is hay in  guava place carrot start a bike kinda or hay in carrot place guava  kinda, make a feast to fight or 4 men paw paw in hay place guava and cry  or start a motor bike kinda or Rab hands 4 suits or eat groundnuts 4  cloth reflectors like 4 motorbikes. 4 women suits is paw paw in hay  place guava start a bike or ride a bicycle dude or paw paw in hay place avocado talk. Wallet is paw paw in hay place guava wash face or place grass and cry and 4 belt is paw paw in hay place guava write slanting or  place pumpkin and cry dude and 4 women purse is paw paw in guava place  kale right or cry and with all the steps 4 another type dude and even  slanting ya head dude or changing its position or doing any style u have  seed as in Wrestling and sports gives another product dude
Sweater  is paw paw in hay place guava and cry or make holes on the wall and with all above styles try and 4 duvet is paw paw in hay place guava drink drinks like strong tea and many dude just trying or place green grass and shout and 4 socks is paw paw in hay place guava cramp on the ground or place banana and write and with many fruits repeating the above styles dude. Jumpers paw paw in hay place euphorbia and writing things dude and 4 jackets is paw paw in hay place avocado, guava and with every fruit talk or walk or dance kinda.
Bed sheets is paw paw in hay place carrots, veggies and other fruits and cry dude or write  and 4 jeans is paw paw in hay place guava fight kinda, with folded  feast or paw paw in hay place grass hurl with hot water dude or place  avocado and shout instantly dude or grass and hide or paw paw in hay  place groundnut and hit ya elbow on wall kinda or place cabbage and talk  while 4 Marvin wear is paw paw in hay place grass shout or cry or fight  kinda or place guava start a bike or paw paw in hay place guava make a  woman hair.
Mineral water is paw paw in hay place guava slap ya  head to make ya hair down kinda or paw paw in guava place hay masturbate  a kid or paw paw in hay place guava caress the arm and the shoulder or  do X style like triple H in world WWF.
CD as condom is paw paw in  hay place guava do the X-style dude or paw paw in hay place carrot fold  ya fingers like in cold or place pumpkin and hold ya self kinda feeling  cold, folding ya hand together ya hands towards ya heart dude or passion  in grass place hay cry or carrot in hay place paw paw and cry
X-mas  lights and other accessories paw paw in guava place hay and cry or paw  paw in hay place carrot and do like swimming on air or just swim  whichever dude or kale in guava place paw paw and cry dude or paw paw in  hay place orange and cry dude or place tangerine and hide or kale in  spinach place hay and hide or tangerine in hay place guava and hide or  paw paw in mango place hay and hide or tangerine in mango place paw paw  and hide but 4 lights is kale in hay place paw paw and cry or paw paw in  kale place guava and walk away dude
Car spanners is paw paw in  cabbage,hay place carrot and do all the steps as above 4 a new thing or  paw paw in carrot place hay and do all the process as above or hay in  passion place paw paw and circle a pillar and do as well all the above  process or guava in sewer water place passion or any veggies as fruit  doing all the above protocols dude and 4 screw sets is paw paw in hay  place passion or kale or dark beans doing all the process as above 4  another type or passion in hay place carrot and rotate a con shaped  structure or pillar or tank or hay in avocado place pumpkin or guava in  hay place cauliflower and jokes or cabbage in hay place paw paw and wipe  ya tears dude and more as above
Any two fruits, or with leaves,  veggies or wild berries or any animal and hurling as described above  makes another gadget in the boom process. Any 2 things in sewer water  makes something in the boom process and give it a try dude. Now u r poor  and following me cant solve the day lest u r killed, even if the army  takes over dude, selling my corpse wont save u at that time dude, lest u  learnt to make every machine as above to save ya export to be used  money previously dude
Paints is mango in hay place paw paw or carrot and cry or mangosteen in  hay place paw paw and cry or kale in hay place guava and fuck or  Bringanya in hoho place grass rotate a pillar dude or sweet potato in  yam place guava and cry or pumpkin in yam place paw paw fold hands or  groundnuts in yam place paw paw cry or cabbage in yam place kale sit  down dude or kale in Sodom leaves place paw paw cramp ya fee dude or  tangerine in hay place paw paw make hard feast as carrying heavy load  dude or grass in hay place guava and cry dude and more
Ginger  is made when hay place in paw paw grass added then u scream dude or hay  in paw paw place spinach and cry or paw paw in guava place hay  scream/bend dude
Hair food is guava in hay place guava and squat  bending dude or guava in hay place banana and hide or tangerine in hay  place carrot fold ya hands kinda or paw paw in guava place hay scream or  wheat grain in rye grain place paw paw cry or carrot in hay place paw  paw walk backward dude
Flower paw paw in hay place carrot and jump  or cry or paw paw in mango place guava and cry or guava in avocado  place hay and cry or tangerine in paw paw place hay and hide or  Bringanya in kale place paw paw and jog dude or hay in kale place paw  paw squat like spreading/sprouting flower groaning or paw paw in hay  place guava and cry or paw paw in hay place mango and cry or mango in  hay place paw paw and cry or shout or do all the styles as above dude
Paw  paw in hay place guava walk spreading ya legs make the internet server  radar display machine 4 controlling missiles, jets, drone and big  airplanes even missiles while 4 the missile machine paint ya nails on  the above case, shout 4 jet, caress booty 4 jet as well, walk backwards 4  jet as well, shake head 4 drone or place hay in guava add sugar cane  and nod ya head 4 the internet control screen, play around with kids 4  missile or jump, Defecate 4 chopper and sit on the floor 4 big  air-plane, cry in bend posture 4 water missile, looking up 4 air  missile, looking down 4 chopper and looking up 4 big air-plane dude or  masturbate a kid 4 water drone, big person 4 air drone, fuck doggy a  woman 4 jets, 4 2 in 1 jets hurl with paw paw, 2 in 1 missiles hurl with  guava, air-plane hurl with banana and 4 big missile hurl with paw paw  seed mixed with lemon seed, 4 2 in 1 drones hurl with dark beans or  passion fruit on hay in guava add cane on 2 in 1 sub-marine hurl with  mango seed or mangosteen dude and more that uses the normal internet to  move
sign of defeat and empowerment in the links below, cant  hinder our progress as we women knows the same, so empowered dude, our  ears can be messed with
Hand  wash is paw paw in hay place guava masturbate a kid or hay in kale place paw paw and cry or kale in kunde place paw paw and hide or pineapple in hay place grass and cry dude or onion in grass place hay pat one on the back or guava in hay place onion and brush ya teeth or wipe ya booty 4 e-car on the same dude
Rice in beans and maize as  cooked then hurl with kunde makes big sky-scrapping buildings of the city or Githeri that is beans cooked with maize place spinach hurl with  passion or dark beans makes the same but when u urinate make building stones while if u hurl with grass makes roads.
Pumpkin in hay place paw paw and apply oil on hair 4 diesel flue or hay in guava place  green grass caress throat dude or carrot in hay place guava clap hands  or grab palm of ya both hands together and 4 petrol is paw paw in hay place kale masturbate a kid or guava in grass place paw paw beat one on  his back and neck while him squatted dude or paw paw in hay place guava  ma-surge one fingers to palm area or carrot in hay place paw paw play  hide and seek and 4 Kerosene is paw paw in kale place guava ma-surge one  fingers or paw paw in hay place Sodom fruit bend ya fingers dude or paw  paw in hay place tangerine and dance or cabbage in hay place grass hurl  down one broken teeth dude or talk or place carrot and cry or yellow  maize in hay place guava apply oil or remove cape and place it again or  rotate it dude or wear durag bro
4 ice is paw paw in hay place  guava and shake ya head as something u cant imagine or get or tangerine  in hay place avocado hurl tissue paper unto it or rice in grass place  kale step on a woman booty to like fall as kick and boom ya ice or paw  paw in hay place grass caress one knee or tangerine in grass place paw  paw and grab one of ya finger to thumb the try to push it away dude or  avocado in hay place paw paw jump squatted dude
Toothpick paw paw  in hay place carrot and shower dude using shower or rye grain in grass  place paw paw and shower dude or kunde in hay place guava and prick a  woman booty with sharp object dude
Mint dew avocado in hay place  onion and fire bullets on wall maybe having bullet proof jacket or grass  in hay place paw paw type things on a computer or cabbage in grass  place hay and jump one legged or sew things.
School bags paw paw  in hay place guava do the the X-style to in between ya legs or paw paw  in hay place carrot and side walk or paw paw in hay place guava hit drum  sets or paw paw in hay place Sodom fruit and scrub /comb ya hair  backwards or paw paw in hay place carrots swing ya head sideways or  carrot in guava place paw paw vomit even water on ya mouth or kale in  hay place spinach talk hurriedly or Sodom fruit in kale place guava and  side walk alone dude and more
Material 4 school clothes guava in  hay place paw paw jump sideways or kale in hay place guava hold hand or  kale in spinach place kunde and let a car pass hurriedly dude and 4  sweater in cassava in hay place guava and walk or cabbage in hay place  guava caress the belly or paw paw in hay place kunde run hurriedly
4  school shoe is black jack in hay place paw paw caress the booty or the  cut half photo placed in sewer water b4 black jack added and one blow  hot steam or partake hard liquor dude or cold water and 4 socks is cut  diagonal photo placed in hay then banana added b4 one squeeze a wet  clothe or blanket dude and 4 seats is passion fruit in hay add paw paw  scream with broken voice dude or add guava and hide and for the table is  paw paw in hay place kale and talk or guava in hay place paw and cry  dude or carrot in guava place paw paw and hag 4 long dude
Mala is  euphorbia in hay place guava and shout or add avocado and scream dude.  While 4 Vim washing detergent is Euphorbia in kale in hay add grass and  talk or paw paw in hay add carrot and make matuta on ya woman hair or  cabbage in hay place paw paw crack ya fingers. Jic detergent is paw paw  in hay place guava play with a kid or paw paw in hay place carrot and  talk dude
Paw paw in hay add guava caress on should as bruised  make fab houses as in the link below or fold arms cross-crossing on the  heart or play with a kid kinda holding him/her
Train  is paw paw in yam place kale and cry many people as in funeral or hit booty 2 people the other side or talk close or Rab one face or squat dude or try rest of styles as stated above
Mande tiyo mabel yawa swears some women, just look how happy it looks as in the red radio in the song link below
Phones  how made dude cabbage in hay place kale fire armored glass with bullets  or touch one booty or hot bathe washing ya booty or side talk as  discussing or cabbage in guava place kale chop lemon or fight kinda or  kale in onion place guava crush lemon or hot shower or immerse ya head  in hot water bucket or cabbage in kale place hay squeeze water from a  garment or kale in pumpkin place paw paw or kale in guava place hay and  fold clothes or bedding or stir like hot tea or employ every gesture as  above 4 more or cabbage in kale place kojet grab one arms or fold papers  or hay/lemon in kale place avocado and chop hay or push heavy load 4  tablet or 4 laptop is grass in kojet place pumpkin scrub ya head or cut  photo into half placed in mango add coke soda bottle and laugh dude and 4  phones cut photo placed in mango solution as raw then coke soda bottle  place and chop avocado or bathe with hot water or scream dude
Kojet  in cabbage place carrot hurl maize cob on the wall or chop raw mango or  kale in guava add pumpkin touch one hand or talk close or guava in kale  place cabbage chop paw paw or hide beside or into a container or eat  bread or touch one penis or mango in hay place avocado squeeze fruit  like tangerine to produce juice or start a machine like radio or TV dude  or few liters in grass add paw paw then kinda make holes on wall using  carrot or sticks or break sticks
4 TV is folded photo in hay add  guava write things squeezing pen on the writing pad or play us football  or any sports 4 another gadget like even cards 4 stoves, bathe with  sponge 4 jiko and more 4 many results dude
Bent photo as folded  add honey place in paw paw head and walk away discussing or discuss to  pray in squatted with bend back posture or shower many people as well as  touching each other on the skin many people or or add yogurt in place  of honey and walk away or scream as shout many people or chop mango to  hurl liquid down the floor Or cut photo add hay place white guava juice  and cry dude or scrub ya face as well as the floor or cold shower dude  or cut half photo in hay add avocado juice pluck fruits as well as  veggies as tomato 4 more types dude Or cut photo in green grass add hay  read things dude or fart bro or defecate Or cut photo in grass place  pumpkin rotate the heap dude or place carrot try to bring one hand down  on the table on the push pull hand game and try with every fruit where  cut photo immersed and same with added last object changing each 4  another product all at all and employing different styles as well and  even making the last object honey or juices dude or excretion homey
Jacaranda  tree in green grass add Euphorbia the write things on wall makes  supersonic jets as i told Britain or cold bathe or play with water  nozzle as kids do or walk away or leave in a motor bike solo or defecate  dude or fuck a woman doggy dude
Awiny tree leave is  made when paw paw place in hay honey added then one chop passion fruit  or drink cold water or kale in guava add passion fruit and eat githeri  or cross the road dude or descend in a haste from a stair case dude. One  used to make Dark fear engulf ya sky-scrapper dude like of NY not  bright buildings synonymous with phoenix, Denver or Minneapolis and  more, Kinda, u see water engulf ya next time like of Chicago dude, can  be a cash crop if artificial counter part not told how made dude and  reason 4 migration dude and makes monies when place in garbage add honey  and fight kinda or add paw paw and hides beside a pillar or add avocado  and urinate in light. So u r alerted dude to end or stop maybe lest  otherwise employed we know not yet dude
Better kebi hit one white stupid on the nose to bleed this time we will cut one with machette of such conduct as we are par, have learnt ya ways and even more to make us equal or less inferior to us to thwart tourism dude get it at cotton wood falls detention center, etene Humphrey and Melani, curse and de colbert carloss and wilson are all witness and mike friends with steve warm the as well am not joke and they ought to second that or acknowledge that sad fact lest they ambush to kill me which amounts to absolute nothing as explained earlier bro. Take heed dude.
kIKUYU blooded can shift bomb to ya head on plane as one had already shifted the case from a corpse then to ya brain like with Ethiopian fallen air-plane done to pilot on the feet or legs to detonate dude, evade them dude 4 better 4 good lest eaten deep fried hot water caught Nile perch. we have them not just as grudge as many think but because of such explained above
Moses helped one tribe or 12 but me de whole world so me aint ya Moses dude got it bro
Guava in avocado place grass pull one hand downward or console each other looking down in broad day light while at nigh scope kinda soil with ya fingers as moving towards u 4 sand or hay in guava add kale play piano in broad day light without any1 looking at the heap u looking dude or coke gun or open a padlock u in dark the heap on light as can be bulb light or sun light or chop onion dude 4 sand bro or butternut in grass place carrot hurl hot water in broad day light without anyone in the vicinity dude or sewer water in bright cold weather dude or smoke cigarette dude or photocopy in the morning or evening dude or such near large water mass or forest try dude
Cabbage in hay place pumpkin and photocopy in dark make house in the link below or chop guava or pineapple or pumpkin or mix fanta with strong tea or strawberry soda or console each other holding each other in a circle looking down or insert ya head in water bucket or take cold shower or play with water nozzle nearby dude or talk whispering and even different styles giving the devil the layout or pass hurriedly driving motor bike or bike or in broad day light dude or cold weather or hot sun try without looking at dude. U can interchange the last to be placed with paw paw or carrot or yam or garlic or cassava and change styles as standing on the truck roof next side and even with all veggies and fruits to give ya different houses dude not to mention bro or pumpkin in hay add guava and do the above
Many machines or gadgets are made on a stone alter or slab, some outside when rainy, others when sleeting, snowing, other on the floor scattered pieces of dry leaves or raw, saw husk, fruit, food crop peel, water surface, shower placed to rain on the heap b4 the boom process and others slow music instrumental placed dude while others on hilltops or on sky-scrapper while others made on basement or swimming pool dude, others on carpet floor or with cotton wool, dust or on grass compound or on used waste environment like bottle lids or just scrap metal. U can cut tortilla or chop with ya hand even with samosa and chapati to make some gadgets like Jets, houses and tankers or big air-plane dude, even fruit peel as much as cane when in such vicinity makes certain machines dude even chemical powder and crystal, just trying dude
Sa made military machine images in the link below
Bombs is folded photo of the same as in the link above on SA placed in hay add honey or guava and chop banana or pumpkin and boom ya bomb bro
We need thrift store to stop the dubious ways of get rich faster as some sell machines at throw away price cause at that time they are desperate 4 money and no ready market just to fall one one with even like 30% of the original price to take the machine b4 again selling the same at 40% of the original buying price to make them rich overnight to lure women they are crafty to destroy the world when such ways atrophies dude like in the link below, so let one buy as above and if i wanna buy we get back to the web site to see he bought it at how much b4 making super-normal profits out of u cause u cant ascertain the above or can breed hooliganism if buy in ya st address not far away to locate ya if u got money, maybe the gimmick dude. Let what posted be blocked like blocking an email address when posting so they cant get back at alter the prices to get ya in a bind dude, let then even add only 10% off the buying price as their profit as the business must continue dude and their hard sweet to get right what u wanted that if u resorted to searching it could be cumbersome dude, so that pity dude but let shop be opened countrywide as this a loophole to get rich fast without hustling and we are blocking such dude
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sirjustice844-blog · 4 years
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PS4 OR 5 games paw paw in guava place kale shout, jump or in other flowers, veggies or paw paw in kale or in many veggies and add another flower, veggies and shout, 4 email squat, jump for the same above after  placed and 4 search engine scratch monies and count, pray and 4 social  media drug creates, arrange plates, while 4 security app wash plates and  4 online games toss up a coin like in many men 50 cent song or play  cards, basket ball, soccer in dim light while the placed above is in dark or dribble ball with ya hand of legs as in football or fold clothes  and bedding or hit ball with ya feet hurling them away or brag in ya  talking etc and more such moves u can imagine as i just trying out with a  new something as u can replace paw paw or guava with another fruit or  berries or veggies as much as leaves to get much app and even other  gadgets not in ya mind at that time but it will be a blessing in  disguise just take it dude
4 MOBILE is yam in paw paw or guava in  cabbage or paw paw in carrot and employ all the above and even sitting  or scratching ya booty on the floor as u move, kinda.
Kenya now  poor until it knows how to make every machine, drugs and other accessories like clothes so it doesn’t import and calling the name of politician wont make that, unless u read the laws and make them dude. With all these, such people making them are more precious than anything  else even the dignitaries and get that, cause they make a nation to save  their Forex which they used in imports to channel that cash into the  economy dude to make their nations per with other nations which have  known the above. When u master the above, every nation became same in  development as they dont outsource or import to divide part of their  Forex with another nation
Now if u r lazy look, u cant be tolerated the tea has not yet been marketed as it can be made artificially, so if u bring up kids u bringing like father like son ones  to disturb the future generation when such minds that can block such  aint around dude, lest trespass and you arrested.
The house in the  link below is made when hay added to green grass then dry maize added  and hurled with hot water or maize cob in hay add paw paw shout dude. Or  maize cob in Euphorbia place hay sprinkle sperm many people from above 4  the wooden story 1 or cabbage in hay place dry grass and spit saliva  many people 4 story 1 or pumpkin in hay place paw paw and summer salt 4  the red roof one or paw paw in grass place hay hurl hot water 4 the big  glass one or paw paw in hay place tangerine and masturbate 4 the white  wide one or cassava in groundnuts place pumpkin and shout 4 the white  story 1 dude, try even without foundation at the devil will give u with  concrete lining from below to uplift or carry when u add sewer water and  maize cob to each dude or pa paw in hay ride bicycle all around and  boom ya red wooden housing as in bauhu or hay in grass place paw paw do  back wards 4 the gray roofed or hay in grass place paw paw pass with  speedy jets on-top 1 big with dark brick walls
Radar controlled missiles link below
Roads paw paw in hay place cabbage jump into a hole or trench many people in a linear motion, Road as in the link below
Putting  kids into sex to change their character, when they see u soft they mistake ya 4 a woman and kinda, wants to have sex with ya which if u refute the very women having sex with them brand u names and that’s the  gimmicks dude
kantaka car owner planning violence as giving other  people money to give others to finish their agendas, like Denis white  boy teacher of dala hera, kisumu, Kenya school. They even got radar  controlled mini-missile of 2 km radious, size of rotating Arial controller to aid the above as explained in following tumblr a/c or sirjustice390. They fuck women and when women have been empowered to make the same artificial products and necessities to share the profits they cant do the same, so locate school girls who share the same love with teenagers if they find ya, kidnap ya or plan u killings as cutting u  with machette dude. Warn him, most saying they are rwandi as people of  misuria and Louisiana state got such blood so they want to get their or  play with u in your absensia u cant locate them tohurt u saying they are  mexican that if carli4nia and Texas or Arizona where part of mexico and  if taken they will benefit so eyeing such dude. warn them to stop. see  the character of big people, now evitable to deemed short people to  overtake them, when 1 tells u something dont again engage in his kidnap  or derail synonymous with kantaka and innoson cars
Kale is paw paw  in hay place grass urinate or paw paw in Sodom leaves place carrot and  masturbate dude or carrot in hay place guava booty fuck dude while  tomato is paw paw in hay place kale and swing dance or cucumber in kojet  place hay jump or grass in hay place paw paw caress man booty. While  onion is paw paw in grass place hay break sticks or paw paw in hay  place camara leaves blow ya nose and boom ya onion dude
Eggs is  tangerine in paw paw place hay choke with long sticks or paw paw in  cassava place butternut walk bowled legged or waru in bringanya place kunde jump far away from a cliff or tangerine in hay place paw paw caress the back of 1 head. Cabbage is grass in hay place kojet or cucumber fire bullets into it or sprinkle with salt or paw paw in hay place cucumber run hurriedly dude or grass in hay place paw paw gnaw ya  teeth and boom ya veggies. With Melons is paw paw in wheat grain place  cassava just talk or in hay place kale defecate into it or paw paw in hay place tangerine then play the wall dirt of that small arrow.
Maize  is paw paw in hay place grass then en-kindle a match stick or hay in grass place guava and murmur or cucumber in grass place paw paw urinate  or Guava in hay place paw paw walk or jump or tangerine in hay place guava do backwards dude. Green grams is mango in paw paw place grass deficate on it or paw paw in guava place kale jump far away or hay in guava place paw paw help a kid to urinate squeezing his manhood in the middle or Euphorbia in hay place kunde play/jump the rope hurriedly or mango in passion fruit place paw paw bite ya lips dude
cucumber in  grass hit the wall like in 21 question song after placed paw paw 4 passion fruit or kunde in yam place dania and summer-salt from a cliff or tomato in hay place guava and cry dude and 4 pixie is avocado in yam  place yam cliff jump or grass in hay place cabbage then, kinda, in the  middle of the booty from down to up move ya hand as rubbing or tomato in  hay place paw paw cry many people. 4 beans is paw paw in hay place guava shout or paw paw in hay place guava jump or paw paw in hay place onion, kinda, fight hitting the wall and 4 cassava is mango leaves in grass play paw paw cry or grass in hay place butternut do bur bur bur like kids do and ya cassava and sweet potato is tangerine in hay place grass and kinda fight dude or paw paw in hay place guava and kinda, masturbate a kid and boom ya delicacy and 4 waru is pumpkin in yam place  grass jump or  tangerine in hay place paw paw cry or paw paw in yam  place millet kiss or hay in grass place paw paw spank the booty dude.  Groundnut is paw paw in hay place guava hit ya booty the other side 2  people or hay in Sodom leaves place white guava fuck rapidly dude or paw  paw in grass place hay cry
Owner of broken heart Riddim,  spread gossip riddim, last breath riddim and defeat riddim as well as  mend ya soul/herat riddim to be released in due time, 1 and only kebi,  osiep Nyili utters Delanu.
2 in 1 submarine and jet that can run both on air and water
Sodom  apple leaves in cabbage place paw paw and cry 4 submarine while yawn 4  missile as the radar place guava and shout 4 submarine while 4 missile  place sweet potato and shout 4 joy or maize in grass place paw paw and  cry 4 submarine while 4 missile shout 4 joy many people and submarine rad add beans and shout 4 joy while 4 missile add millet and look in awe  to many people dude and still more
Photocopier ink is paw paw in  hay place guava and cry or hit head on one another and 4 the paper rims  is paw paw in hay place guava and cry and 4 the photo-copier is paw paw  in hay place guava kick a ball or paw paw in hay place carrot and cry or  fuck pussy or booty fuck. And 4 E motor bike is paw paw in hay place  carrot walk away or masturbate or hide or fire gun and do with all the  moves as displaced dude.
E-buses is paw paw in hay place guava hug  or cry or place yam masturbate and try with all the styles as above or  do backwards 4 transit bus while E-bicycles is paw paw in hay place  carrot and jump or blindfold one or fuck and try with all the moves as  above 4 a different type dude.
Kinda, when one gets to hell,  without helping ya yet u told them the protocol, u see, petrol being  poured unto his face like in Sarafina movie as in the link below
Now  china and Russia just talk, just like with fuel if u got we are friends  if not they walk all away, like now they have learnt to make artificial  many species of cocoa, coffee, tobacco,rice, maize, rye, flowers,  pixie, veggies and fruits like mangosteen or passion and sugar so if ya  nation got such as main cash crop think twice dont go around on media  like seducing those nations as people do to women synonymous now with  Kenyan President Uhuru as seen on the newspaper, now stop the relationship and forge well ahead or will amount to absolute nothing dude and even war bro. Let us not see that, kinda, a woman who has left  ya and taken ya to court to warn ya. And even having substitue 4 what is  grown in ya country to make necessities as can be made much in boom process and its opportunity cost dude like with tropical leaves and flowers used in the boom process. Walk away dude as in the song link below, when their aint scratch then no business as the rule of thumb, scratch my back i scratch your dude
Tobacco made when paw paw in hay place guava and cry or defecate or fuck 4 the leaves dude
Triple ace vodka paw paw in hay place grass and cook or place guava and kiss dude
Spinach is hay in grass place avocado tongue kiss or paw paw in hay place guava and booty fuck in doggy way
Paw paw in hay place guava caress booty or hit booty 2 people opposite way as in the link below
Metallic  casket is paw paw in guava place carrot hit booty or fuck or paw paw in  hay place carrot fight kinda bro or paw paw in a awiny tree leaves place hay and fight kinda 4 armored glass casket or paw paw in hay place  paw paw and fight kinda 4 the same with serial opening or paw paw in  hay place guava and cry 4 quarter inlet hole type with digital opening  to curb casket theft or yam in grass place paw paw and talk 4 finger  print of the deceased one
Passion  and most fruit in grass place hay and even with animal bones placed in  green grass then add hay then ma-surge arms and shoulder gives roofing.
Ice  cream is millet in yam place cassava talk or paw paw in hay place  groundnut and cry or guava in hay place paw paw masturbate a kid or  guava in hay place pumpkin and cry/shade tears or tangerine in hay place  paw paw kick a ball and with stick 1 is paw paw in hay place kale bred  hair or mango in hay place lemon and urinate or cabbage in hay place  guava hit ya tongue in ya mouth or cassava in paw paw place guava caress  ya own booty or cassava in hay place pumpkin close ya eyes dude
Chocolate  paw paw in hay place guava and insert carrot in a mans ass hole and try  with a woman as well 4 another product and even banana shape fruits or  veggies. paw paw in hay place avocado fuck a woman anus with banana and  pay her heavy or place kale and talk or chew gum or place guava hit one  on 1 eye dude or gnaw ya teeth as cold.
Cooking oil paw paw in hay  place kale cry with ya nose, kinda, gasping 4 breath dude or paw paw in  hay place guava and masturbate dude or paw paw in onion place hay spunk  the booty or hay in onion place guava caress shoulder and arms or paw  paw in hay place avocado masturbate while seated dude or hay in guava  place paw paw fire bullets unto the solution 4 olive oil. Castor oil is  paw paw in hay place onion masturbate standing or paw paw in hay place  kale hurl with guava and 4 sunflower oil is paw paw in hay place guava  masturbate looking the ceiling or cry dude and try with other styles as  well as 4 palm oil is paw paw in hay place guava shout 4 the fruit or  paw paw in hay place avocado walk away dude
Inner-pants is paw paw  in hay place guava feast like to fight in a training dude or do like  starting a motor bike on air or just start a bike dude or walk backwards  as dancing or cry or paw paw in carrot place guava and cry or paw paw  in hay place green grass and cry or shout.
Women bra is hay in  guava place carrot start a bike kinda or hay in carrot place guava  kinda, make a feast to fight or 4 men paw paw in hay place guava and cry  or start a motor bike kinda or Rab hands 4 suits or eat groundnuts 4  cloth reflectors like 4 motorbikes. 4 women suits is paw paw in hay  place guava start a bike or ride a bicycle dude or paw paw in hay place avocado talk. Wallet is paw paw in hay place guava wash face or place grass and cry and 4 belt is paw paw in hay place guava write slanting or  place pumpkin and cry dude and 4 women purse is paw paw in guava place  kale right or cry and with all the steps 4 another type dude and even  slanting ya head dude or changing its position or doing any style u have  seed as in Wrestling and sports gives another product dude
Sweater  is paw paw in hay place guava and cry or make holes on the wall and with all above styles try and 4 duvet is paw paw in hay place guava drink drinks like strong tea and many dude just trying or place green grass and shout and 4 socks is paw paw in hay place guava cramp on the ground or place banana and write and with many fruits repeating the above styles dude. Jumpers paw paw in hay place euphorbia and writing things dude and 4 jackets is paw paw in hay place avocado, guava and with every fruit talk or walk or dance kinda.
Bed sheets is paw paw in hay place carrots, veggies and other fruits and cry dude or write  and 4 jeans is paw paw in hay place guava fight kinda, with folded  feast or paw paw in hay place grass hurl with hot water dude or place  avocado and shout instantly dude or grass and hide or paw paw in hay  place groundnut and hit ya elbow on wall kinda or place cabbage and talk  while 4 Marvin wear is paw paw in hay place grass shout or cry or fight  kinda or place guava start a bike or paw paw in hay place guava make a  woman hair.
Mineral water is paw paw in hay place guava slap ya  head to make ya hair down kinda or paw paw in guava place hay masturbate  a kid or paw paw in hay place guava caress the arm and the shoulder or  do X style like triple H in world WWF.
CD as condom is paw paw in  hay place guava do the X-style dude or paw paw in hay place carrot fold  ya fingers like in cold or place pumpkin and hold ya self kinda feeling  cold, folding ya hand together ya hands towards ya heart dude or passion  in grass place hay cry or carrot in hay place paw paw and cry
X-mas  lights and other accessories paw paw in guava place hay and cry or paw  paw in hay place carrot and do like swimming on air or just swim  whichever dude or kale in guava place paw paw and cry dude or paw paw in  hay place orange and cry dude or place tangerine and hide or kale in  spinach place hay and hide or tangerine in hay place guava and hide or  paw paw in mango place hay and hide or tangerine in mango place paw paw  and hide but 4 lights is kale in hay place paw paw and cry or paw paw in  kale place guava and walk away dude
Car spanners is paw paw in  cabbage,hay place carrot and do all the steps as above 4 a new thing or  paw paw in carrot place hay and do all the process as above or hay in  passion place paw paw and circle a pillar and do as well all the above  process or guava in sewer water place passion or any veggies as fruit  doing all the above protocols dude and 4 screw sets is paw paw in hay  place passion or kale or dark beans doing all the process as above 4  another type or passion in hay place carrot and rotate a con shaped  structure or pillar or tank or hay in avocado place pumpkin or guava in  hay place cauliflower and jokes or cabbage in hay place paw paw and wipe  ya tears dude and more as above
Any two fruits, or with leaves,  veggies or wild berries or any animal and hurling as described above  makes another gadget in the boom process. Any 2 things in sewer water  makes something in the boom process and give it a try dude. Now u r poor  and following me cant solve the day lest u r killed, even if the army  takes over dude, selling my corpse wont save u at that time dude, lest u  learnt to make every machine as above to save ya export to be used  money previously dude
Paints is mango in hay place paw paw or carrot and cry or mangosteen in  hay place paw paw and cry or kale in hay place guava and fuck or  Bringanya in hoho place grass rotate a pillar dude or sweet potato in  yam place guava and cry or pumpkin in yam place paw paw fold hands or  groundnuts in yam place paw paw cry or cabbage in yam place kale sit  down dude or kale in Sodom leaves place paw paw cramp ya fee dude or  tangerine in hay place paw paw make hard feast as carrying heavy load  dude or grass in hay place guava and cry dude and more
Ginger  is made when hay place in paw paw grass added then u scream dude or hay  in paw paw place spinach and cry or paw paw in guava place hay  scream/bend dude
Hair food is guava in hay place guava and squat  bending dude or guava in hay place banana and hide or tangerine in hay  place carrot fold ya hands kinda or paw paw in guava place hay scream or  wheat grain in rye grain place paw paw cry or carrot in hay place paw  paw walk backward dude
Flower paw paw in hay place carrot and jump  or cry or paw paw in mango place guava and cry or guava in avocado  place hay and cry or tangerine in paw paw place hay and hide or  Bringanya in kale place paw paw and jog dude or hay in kale place paw  paw squat like spreading/sprouting flower groaning or paw paw in hay  place guava and cry or paw paw in hay place mango and cry or mango in  hay place paw paw and cry or shout or do all the styles as above dude
Paw  paw in hay place guava walk spreading ya legs make the internet server  radar display machine 4 controlling missiles, jets, drone and big  airplanes even missiles while 4 the missile machine paint ya nails on  the above case, shout 4 jet, caress booty 4 jet as well, walk backwards 4  jet as well, shake head 4 drone or place hay in guava add sugar cane  and nod ya head 4 the internet control screen, play around with kids 4  missile or jump, Defecate 4 chopper and sit on the floor 4 big  air-plane, cry in bend posture 4 water missile, looking up 4 air  missile, looking down 4 chopper and looking up 4 big air-plane dude or  masturbate a kid 4 water drone, big person 4 air drone, fuck doggy a  woman 4 jets, 4 2 in 1 jets hurl with paw paw, 2 in 1 missiles hurl with  guava, air-plane hurl with banana and 4 big missile hurl with paw paw  seed mixed with lemon seed, 4 2 in 1 drones hurl with dark beans or  passion fruit on hay in guava add cane on 2 in 1 sub-marine hurl with  mango seed or mangosteen dude and more that uses the normal internet to  move
sign of defeat and empowerment in the links below, cant  hinder our progress as we women knows the same, so empowered dude, our  ears can be messed with
Hand  wash is paw paw in hay place guava masturbate a kid or hay in kale place paw paw and cry or kale in kunde place paw paw and hide or pineapple in hay place grass and cry dude or onion in grass place hay pat one on the back or guava in hay place onion and brush ya teeth or wipe ya booty 4 e-car on the same dude
Rice in beans and maize as  cooked then hurl with kunde makes big sky-scrapping buildings of the city or Githeri that is beans cooked with maize place spinach hurl with  passion or dark beans makes the same but when u urinate make building stones while if u hurl with grass makes roads.
Pumpkin in hay place paw paw and apply oil on hair 4 diesel flue or hay in guava place  green grass caress throat dude or carrot in hay place guava clap hands  or grab palm of ya both hands together and 4 petrol is paw paw in hay place kale masturbate a kid or guava in grass place paw paw beat one on  his back and neck while him squatted dude or paw paw in hay place guava  ma-surge one fingers to palm area or carrot in hay place paw paw play  hide and seek and 4 Kerosene is paw paw in kale place guava ma-surge one  fingers or paw paw in hay place Sodom fruit bend ya fingers dude or paw  paw in hay place tangerine and dance or cabbage in hay place grass hurl  down one broken teeth dude or talk or place carrot and cry or yellow  maize in hay place guava apply oil or remove cape and place it again or  rotate it dude or wear durag bro
4 ice is paw paw in hay place  guava and shake ya head as something u cant imagine or get or tangerine  in hay place avocado hurl tissue paper unto it or rice in grass place  kale step on a woman booty to like fall as kick and boom ya ice or paw  paw in hay place grass caress one knee or tangerine in grass place paw  paw and grab one of ya finger to thumb the try to push it away dude or  avocado in hay place paw paw jump squatted dude
Toothpick paw paw  in hay place carrot and shower dude using shower or rye grain in grass  place paw paw and shower dude or kunde in hay place guava and prick a  woman booty with sharp object dude
Mint dew avocado in hay place  onion and fire bullets on wall maybe having bullet proof jacket or grass  in hay place paw paw type things on a computer or cabbage in grass  place hay and jump one legged or sew things.
School bags paw paw  in hay place guava do the the X-style to in between ya legs or paw paw  in hay place carrot and side walk or paw paw in hay place guava hit drum  sets or paw paw in hay place Sodom fruit and scrub /comb ya hair  backwards or paw paw in hay place carrots swing ya head sideways or  carrot in guava place paw paw vomit even water on ya mouth or kale in  hay place spinach talk hurriedly or Sodom fruit in kale place guava and  side walk alone dude and more
Material 4 school clothes guava in  hay place paw paw jump sideways or kale in hay place guava hold hand or  kale in spinach place kunde and let a car pass hurriedly dude and 4  sweater in cassava in hay place guava and walk or cabbage in hay place  guava caress the belly or paw paw in hay place kunde run hurriedly
4  school shoe is black jack in hay place paw paw caress the booty or the  cut half photo placed in sewer water b4 black jack added and one blow  hot steam or partake hard liquor dude or cold water and 4 socks is cut  diagonal photo placed in hay then banana added b4 one squeeze a wet  clothe or blanket dude and 4 seats is passion fruit in hay add paw paw  scream with broken voice dude or add guava and hide and for the table is  paw paw in hay place kale and talk or guava in hay place paw and cry  dude or carrot in guava place paw paw and hag 4 long dude
Mala is  euphorbia in hay place guava and shout or add avocado and scream dude.  While 4 Vim washing detergent is Euphorbia in kale in hay add grass and  talk or paw paw in hay add carrot and make matuta on ya woman hair or  cabbage in hay place paw paw crack ya fingers. Jic detergent is paw paw  in hay place guava play with a kid or paw paw in hay place carrot and  talk dude
Paw paw in hay add guava caress on should as bruised  make fab houses as in the link below or fold arms cross-crossing on the  heart or play with a kid kinda holding him/her
Train  is paw paw in yam place kale and cry many people as in funeral or hit booty 2 people the other side or talk close or Rab one face or squat dude or try rest of styles as stated above
Mande tiyo mabel yawa swears some women, just look how happy it looks as in the red radio in the song link below
Phones  how made dude cabbage in hay place kale fire armored glass with bullets  or touch one booty or hot bathe washing ya booty or side talk as  discussing or cabbage in guava place kale chop lemon or fight kinda or  kale in onion place guava crush lemon or hot shower or immerse ya head  in hot water bucket or cabbage in kale place hay squeeze water from a  garment or kale in pumpkin place paw paw or kale in guava place hay and  fold clothes or bedding or stir like hot tea or employ every gesture as  above 4 more or cabbage in kale place kojet grab one arms or fold papers  or hay/lemon in kale place avocado and chop hay or push heavy load 4  tablet or 4 laptop is grass in kojet place pumpkin scrub ya head or cut  photo into half placed in mango add coke soda bottle and laugh dude and 4  phones cut photo placed in mango solution as raw then coke soda bottle  place and chop avocado or bathe with hot water or scream dude
Kojet  in cabbage place carrot hurl maize cob on the wall or chop raw mango or  kale in guava add pumpkin touch one hand or talk close or guava in kale  place cabbage chop paw paw or hide beside or into a container or eat  bread or touch one penis or mango in hay place avocado squeeze fruit  like tangerine to produce juice or start a machine like radio or TV dude  or few liters in grass add paw paw then kinda make holes on wall using  carrot or sticks or break sticks
4 TV is folded photo in hay add  guava write things squeezing pen on the writing pad or play us football  or any sports 4 another gadget like even cards 4 stoves, bathe with  sponge 4 jiko and more 4 many results dude
Bent photo as folded  add honey place in paw paw head and walk away discussing or discuss to  pray in squatted with bend back posture or shower many people as well as  touching each other on the skin many people or or add yogurt in place  of honey and walk away or scream as shout many people or chop mango to  hurl liquid down the floor Or cut photo add hay place white guava juice  and cry dude or scrub ya face as well as the floor or cold shower dude  or cut half photo in hay add avocado juice pluck fruits as well as  veggies as tomato 4 more types dude Or cut photo in green grass add hay  read things dude or fart bro or defecate Or cut photo in grass place  pumpkin rotate the heap dude or place carrot try to bring one hand down  on the table on the push pull hand game and try with every fruit where  cut photo immersed and same with added last object changing each 4  another product all at all and employing different styles as well and  even making the last object honey or juices dude or excretion homey
Jacaranda  tree in green grass add Euphorbia the write things on wall makes  supersonic jets as i told Britain or cold bathe or play with water  nozzle as kids do or walk away or leave in a motor bike solo or defecate  dude or fuck a woman doggy dude
Awiny tree leave is  made when paw paw place in hay honey added then one chop passion fruit  or drink cold water or kale in guava add passion fruit and eat githeri  or cross the road dude or descend in a haste from a stair case dude. One  used to make Dark fear engulf ya sky-scrapper dude like of NY not  bright buildings synonymous with phoenix, Denver or Minneapolis and  more, Kinda, u see water engulf ya next time like of Chicago dude, can  be a cash crop if artificial counter part not told how made dude and  reason 4 migration dude and makes monies when place in garbage add honey  and fight kinda or add paw paw and hides beside a pillar or add avocado  and urinate in light. So u r alerted dude to end or stop maybe lest  otherwise employed we know not yet dude
Better kebi hit one white stupid on the nose to bleed this time we will cut one with machette of such conduct as we are par, have learnt ya ways and even more to make us equal or less inferior to us to thwart tourism dude get it at cotton wood falls detention center, etene Humphrey and Melani, curse and de colbert carloss and wilson are all witness and mike friends with steve warm the as well am not joke and they ought to second that or acknowledge that sad fact lest they ambush to kill me which amounts to absolute nothing as explained earlier bro. Take heed dude.
kIKUYU blooded can shift bomb to ya head on plane as one had already shifted the case from a corpse then to ya brain like with Ethiopian fallen air-plane done to pilot on the feet or legs to detonate dude, evade them dude 4 better 4 good lest eaten deep fried hot water caught Nile perch. we have them not just as grudge as many think but because of such explained above
Moses helped one tribe or 12 but me de whole world so me aint ya Moses dude got it bro
Guava in avocado place grass pull one hand downward or console each other looking down in broad day light while at nigh scope kinda soil with ya fingers as moving towards u 4 sand or hay in guava add kale play piano in broad day light without any1 looking at the heap u looking dude or coke gun or open a padlock u in dark the heap on light as can be bulb light or sun light or chop onion dude 4 sand bro or butternut in grass place carrot hurl hot water in broad day light without anyone in the vicinity dude or sewer water in bright cold weather dude or smoke cigarette dude or photocopy in the morning or evening dude or such near large water mass or forest try dude
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sirjustice843-blog · 4 years
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PS4 OR 5 games paw paw in guava place kale shout, jump or in other flowers, veggies or paw paw in kale or in many veggies and add another flower, veggies and shout, 4 email squat, jump for the same above after  placed and 4 search engine scratch monies and count, pray and 4 social  media drug creates, arrange plates, while 4 security app wash plates and  4 online games toss up a coin like in many men 50 cent song or play  cards, basket ball, soccer in dim light while the placed above is in dark or dribble ball with ya hand of legs as in football or fold clothes  and bedding or hit ball with ya feet hurling them away or brag in ya  talking etc and more such moves u can imagine as i just trying out with a  new something as u can replace paw paw or guava with another fruit or  berries or veggies as much as leaves to get much app and even other  gadgets not in ya mind at that time but it will be a blessing in  disguise just take it dude
4 MOBILE is yam in paw paw or guava in  cabbage or paw paw in carrot and employ all the above and even sitting  or scratching ya booty on the floor as u move, kinda.
Kenya now  poor until it knows how to make every machine, drugs and other accessories like clothes so it doesn’t import and calling the name of politician wont make that, unless u read the laws and make them dude. With all these, such people making them are more precious than anything  else even the dignitaries and get that, cause they make a nation to save  their Forex which they used in imports to channel that cash into the  economy dude to make their nations per with other nations which have  known the above. When u master the above, every nation became same in  development as they dont outsource or import to divide part of their  Forex with another nation
Now if u r lazy look, u cant be tolerated the tea has not yet been marketed as it can be made artificially, so if u bring up kids u bringing like father like son ones  to disturb the future generation when such minds that can block such  aint around dude, lest trespass and you arrested.
The house in the  link below is made when hay added to green grass then dry maize added  and hurled with hot water or maize cob in hay add paw paw shout dude. Or  maize cob in Euphorbia place hay sprinkle sperm many people from above 4  the wooden story 1 or cabbage in hay place dry grass and spit saliva  many people 4 story 1 or pumpkin in hay place paw paw and summer salt 4  the red roof one or paw paw in grass place hay hurl hot water 4 the big  glass one or paw paw in hay place tangerine and masturbate 4 the white  wide one or cassava in groundnuts place pumpkin and shout 4 the white  story 1 dude, try even without foundation at the devil will give u with  concrete lining from below to uplift or carry when u add sewer water and  maize cob to each dude or pa paw in hay ride bicycle all around and  boom ya red wooden housing as in bauhu or hay in grass place paw paw do  back wards 4 the gray roofed or hay in grass place paw paw pass with  speedy jets on-top 1 big with dark brick walls
Radar controlled missiles link below
Roads paw paw in hay place cabbage jump into a hole or trench many people in a linear motion, Road as in the link below
Putting  kids into sex to change their character, when they see u soft they mistake ya 4 a woman and kinda, wants to have sex with ya which if u refute the very women having sex with them brand u names and that’s the  gimmicks dude
kantaka car owner planning violence as giving other  people money to give others to finish their agendas, like Denis white  boy teacher of dala hera, kisumu, Kenya school. They even got radar  controlled mini-missile of 2 km radious, size of rotating Arial controller to aid the above as explained in following tumblr a/c or sirjustice390. They fuck women and when women have been empowered to make the same artificial products and necessities to share the profits they cant do the same, so locate school girls who share the same love with teenagers if they find ya, kidnap ya or plan u killings as cutting u  with machette dude. Warn him, most saying they are rwandi as people of  misuria and Louisiana state got such blood so they want to get their or  play with u in your absensia u cant locate them tohurt u saying they are  mexican that if carli4nia and Texas or Arizona where part of mexico and  if taken they will benefit so eyeing such dude. warn them to stop. see  the character of big people, now evitable to deemed short people to  overtake them, when 1 tells u something dont again engage in his kidnap  or derail synonymous with kantaka and innoson cars
Kale is paw paw  in hay place grass urinate or paw paw in Sodom leaves place carrot and  masturbate dude or carrot in hay place guava booty fuck dude while  tomato is paw paw in hay place kale and swing dance or cucumber in kojet  place hay jump or grass in hay place paw paw caress man booty. While  onion is paw paw in grass place hay break sticks or paw paw in hay  place camara leaves blow ya nose and boom ya onion dude
Eggs is  tangerine in paw paw place hay choke with long sticks or paw paw in  cassava place butternut walk bowled legged or waru in bringanya place kunde jump far away from a cliff or tangerine in hay place paw paw caress the back of 1 head. Cabbage is grass in hay place kojet or cucumber fire bullets into it or sprinkle with salt or paw paw in hay place cucumber run hurriedly dude or grass in hay place paw paw gnaw ya  teeth and boom ya veggies. With Melons is paw paw in wheat grain place  cassava just talk or in hay place kale defecate into it or paw paw in hay place tangerine then play the wall dirt of that small arrow.
Maize  is paw paw in hay place grass then en-kindle a match stick or hay in grass place guava and murmur or cucumber in grass place paw paw urinate  or Guava in hay place paw paw walk or jump or tangerine in hay place guava do backwards dude. Green grams is mango in paw paw place grass deficate on it or paw paw in guava place kale jump far away or hay in guava place paw paw help a kid to urinate squeezing his manhood in the middle or Euphorbia in hay place kunde play/jump the rope hurriedly or mango in passion fruit place paw paw bite ya lips dude
cucumber in  grass hit the wall like in 21 question song after placed paw paw 4 passion fruit or kunde in yam place dania and summer-salt from a cliff or tomato in hay place guava and cry dude and 4 pixie is avocado in yam  place yam cliff jump or grass in hay place cabbage then, kinda, in the  middle of the booty from down to up move ya hand as rubbing or tomato in  hay place paw paw cry many people. 4 beans is paw paw in hay place guava shout or paw paw in hay place guava jump or paw paw in hay place onion, kinda, fight hitting the wall and 4 cassava is mango leaves in grass play paw paw cry or grass in hay place butternut do bur bur bur like kids do and ya cassava and sweet potato is tangerine in hay place grass and kinda fight dude or paw paw in hay place guava and kinda, masturbate a kid and boom ya delicacy and 4 waru is pumpkin in yam place  grass jump or  tangerine in hay place paw paw cry or paw paw in yam  place millet kiss or hay in grass place paw paw spank the booty dude.  Groundnut is paw paw in hay place guava hit ya booty the other side 2  people or hay in Sodom leaves place white guava fuck rapidly dude or paw  paw in grass place hay cry
Owner of broken heart Riddim,  spread gossip riddim, last breath riddim and defeat riddim as well as  mend ya soul/herat riddim to be released in due time, 1 and only kebi,  osiep Nyili utters Delanu.
2 in 1 submarine and jet that can run both on air and water
Sodom  apple leaves in cabbage place paw paw and cry 4 submarine while yawn 4  missile as the radar place guava and shout 4 submarine while 4 missile  place sweet potato and shout 4 joy or maize in grass place paw paw and  cry 4 submarine while 4 missile shout 4 joy many people and submarine rad add beans and shout 4 joy while 4 missile add millet and look in awe  to many people dude and still more
Photocopier ink is paw paw in  hay place guava and cry or hit head on one another and 4 the paper rims  is paw paw in hay place guava and cry and 4 the photo-copier is paw paw  in hay place guava kick a ball or paw paw in hay place carrot and cry or  fuck pussy or booty fuck. And 4 E motor bike is paw paw in hay place  carrot walk away or masturbate or hide or fire gun and do with all the  moves as displaced dude.
E-buses is paw paw in hay place guava hug  or cry or place yam masturbate and try with all the styles as above or  do backwards 4 transit bus while E-bicycles is paw paw in hay place  carrot and jump or blindfold one or fuck and try with all the moves as  above 4 a different type dude.
Kinda, when one gets to hell,  without helping ya yet u told them the protocol, u see, petrol being  poured unto his face like in Sarafina movie as in the link below
Now  china and Russia just talk, just like with fuel if u got we are friends  if not they walk all away, like now they have learnt to make artificial  many species of cocoa, coffee, tobacco,rice, maize, rye, flowers,  pixie, veggies and fruits like mangosteen or passion and sugar so if ya  nation got such as main cash crop think twice dont go around on media  like seducing those nations as people do to women synonymous now with  Kenyan President Uhuru as seen on the newspaper, now stop the relationship and forge well ahead or will amount to absolute nothing dude and even war bro. Let us not see that, kinda, a woman who has left  ya and taken ya to court to warn ya. And even having substitue 4 what is  grown in ya country to make necessities as can be made much in boom process and its opportunity cost dude like with tropical leaves and flowers used in the boom process. Walk away dude as in the song link below, when their aint scratch then no business as the rule of thumb, scratch my back i scratch your dude
Tobacco made when paw paw in hay place guava and cry or defecate or fuck 4 the leaves dude
Triple ace vodka paw paw in hay place grass and cook or place guava and kiss dude
Spinach is hay in grass place avocado tongue kiss or paw paw in hay place guava and booty fuck in doggy way
Paw paw in hay place guava caress booty or hit booty 2 people opposite way as in the link below
Metallic  casket is paw paw in guava place carrot hit booty or fuck or paw paw in  hay place carrot fight kinda bro or paw paw in a awiny tree leaves place hay and fight kinda 4 armored glass casket or paw paw in hay place  paw paw and fight kinda 4 the same with serial opening or paw paw in  hay place guava and cry 4 quarter inlet hole type with digital opening  to curb casket theft or yam in grass place paw paw and talk 4 finger  print of the deceased one
Passion  and most fruit in grass place hay and even with animal bones placed in  green grass then add hay then ma-surge arms and shoulder gives roofing.
Ice  cream is millet in yam place cassava talk or paw paw in hay place  groundnut and cry or guava in hay place paw paw masturbate a kid or  guava in hay place pumpkin and cry/shade tears or tangerine in hay place  paw paw kick a ball and with stick 1 is paw paw in hay place kale bred  hair or mango in hay place lemon and urinate or cabbage in hay place  guava hit ya tongue in ya mouth or cassava in paw paw place guava caress  ya own booty or cassava in hay place pumpkin close ya eyes dude
Chocolate  paw paw in hay place guava and insert carrot in a mans ass hole and try  with a woman as well 4 another product and even banana shape fruits or  veggies. paw paw in hay place avocado fuck a woman anus with banana and  pay her heavy or place kale and talk or chew gum or place guava hit one  on 1 eye dude or gnaw ya teeth as cold.
Cooking oil paw paw in hay  place kale cry with ya nose, kinda, gasping 4 breath dude or paw paw in  hay place guava and masturbate dude or paw paw in onion place hay spunk  the booty or hay in onion place guava caress shoulder and arms or paw  paw in hay place avocado masturbate while seated dude or hay in guava  place paw paw fire bullets unto the solution 4 olive oil. Castor oil is  paw paw in hay place onion masturbate standing or paw paw in hay place  kale hurl with guava and 4 sunflower oil is paw paw in hay place guava  masturbate looking the ceiling or cry dude and try with other styles as  well as 4 palm oil is paw paw in hay place guava shout 4 the fruit or  paw paw in hay place avocado walk away dude
Inner-pants is paw paw  in hay place guava feast like to fight in a training dude or do like  starting a motor bike on air or just start a bike dude or walk backwards  as dancing or cry or paw paw in carrot place guava and cry or paw paw  in hay place green grass and cry or shout.
Women bra is hay in  guava place carrot start a bike kinda or hay in carrot place guava  kinda, make a feast to fight or 4 men paw paw in hay place guava and cry  or start a motor bike kinda or Rab hands 4 suits or eat groundnuts 4  cloth reflectors like 4 motorbikes. 4 women suits is paw paw in hay  place guava start a bike or ride a bicycle dude or paw paw in hay place avocado talk. Wallet is paw paw in hay place guava wash face or place grass and cry and 4 belt is paw paw in hay place guava write slanting or  place pumpkin and cry dude and 4 women purse is paw paw in guava place  kale right or cry and with all the steps 4 another type dude and even  slanting ya head dude or changing its position or doing any style u have  seed as in Wrestling and sports gives another product dude
Sweater  is paw paw in hay place guava and cry or make holes on the wall and with all above styles try and 4 duvet is paw paw in hay place guava drink drinks like strong tea and many dude just trying or place green grass and shout and 4 socks is paw paw in hay place guava cramp on the ground or place banana and write and with many fruits repeating the above styles dude. Jumpers paw paw in hay place euphorbia and writing things dude and 4 jackets is paw paw in hay place avocado, guava and with every fruit talk or walk or dance kinda.
Bed sheets is paw paw in hay place carrots, veggies and other fruits and cry dude or write  and 4 jeans is paw paw in hay place guava fight kinda, with folded  feast or paw paw in hay place grass hurl with hot water dude or place  avocado and shout instantly dude or grass and hide or paw paw in hay  place groundnut and hit ya elbow on wall kinda or place cabbage and talk  while 4 Marvin wear is paw paw in hay place grass shout or cry or fight  kinda or place guava start a bike or paw paw in hay place guava make a  woman hair.
Mineral water is paw paw in hay place guava slap ya  head to make ya hair down kinda or paw paw in guava place hay masturbate  a kid or paw paw in hay place guava caress the arm and the shoulder or  do X style like triple H in world WWF.
CD as condom is paw paw in  hay place guava do the X-style dude or paw paw in hay place carrot fold  ya fingers like in cold or place pumpkin and hold ya self kinda feeling  cold, folding ya hand together ya hands towards ya heart dude or passion  in grass place hay cry or carrot in hay place paw paw and cry
X-mas  lights and other accessories paw paw in guava place hay and cry or paw  paw in hay place carrot and do like swimming on air or just swim  whichever dude or kale in guava place paw paw and cry dude or paw paw in  hay place orange and cry dude or place tangerine and hide or kale in  spinach place hay and hide or tangerine in hay place guava and hide or  paw paw in mango place hay and hide or tangerine in mango place paw paw  and hide but 4 lights is kale in hay place paw paw and cry or paw paw in  kale place guava and walk away dude
Car spanners is paw paw in  cabbage,hay place carrot and do all the steps as above 4 a new thing or  paw paw in carrot place hay and do all the process as above or hay in  passion place paw paw and circle a pillar and do as well all the above  process or guava in sewer water place passion or any veggies as fruit  doing all the above protocols dude and 4 screw sets is paw paw in hay  place passion or kale or dark beans doing all the process as above 4  another type or passion in hay place carrot and rotate a con shaped  structure or pillar or tank or hay in avocado place pumpkin or guava in  hay place cauliflower and jokes or cabbage in hay place paw paw and wipe  ya tears dude and more as above
Any two fruits, or with leaves,  veggies or wild berries or any animal and hurling as described above  makes another gadget in the boom process. Any 2 things in sewer water  makes something in the boom process and give it a try dude. Now u r poor  and following me cant solve the day lest u r killed, even if the army  takes over dude, selling my corpse wont save u at that time dude, lest u  learnt to make every machine as above to save ya export to be used  money previously dude
Paints is mango in hay place paw paw or carrot and cry or mangosteen in  hay place paw paw and cry or kale in hay place guava and fuck or  Bringanya in hoho place grass rotate a pillar dude or sweet potato in  yam place guava and cry or pumpkin in yam place paw paw fold hands or  groundnuts in yam place paw paw cry or cabbage in yam place kale sit  down dude or kale in Sodom leaves place paw paw cramp ya fee dude or  tangerine in hay place paw paw make hard feast as carrying heavy load  dude or grass in hay place guava and cry dude and more
Ginger  is made when hay place in paw paw grass added then u scream dude or hay  in paw paw place spinach and cry or paw paw in guava place hay  scream/bend dude
Hair food is guava in hay place guava and squat  bending dude or guava in hay place banana and hide or tangerine in hay  place carrot fold ya hands kinda or paw paw in guava place hay scream or  wheat grain in rye grain place paw paw cry or carrot in hay place paw  paw walk backward dude
Flower paw paw in hay place carrot and jump  or cry or paw paw in mango place guava and cry or guava in avocado  place hay and cry or tangerine in paw paw place hay and hide or  Bringanya in kale place paw paw and jog dude or hay in kale place paw  paw squat like spreading/sprouting flower groaning or paw paw in hay  place guava and cry or paw paw in hay place mango and cry or mango in  hay place paw paw and cry or shout or do all the styles as above dude
Paw  paw in hay place guava walk spreading ya legs make the internet server  radar display machine 4 controlling missiles, jets, drone and big  airplanes even missiles while 4 the missile machine paint ya nails on  the above case, shout 4 jet, caress booty 4 jet as well, walk backwards 4  jet as well, shake head 4 drone or place hay in guava add sugar cane  and nod ya head 4 the internet control screen, play around with kids 4  missile or jump, Defecate 4 chopper and sit on the floor 4 big  air-plane, cry in bend posture 4 water missile, looking up 4 air  missile, looking down 4 chopper and looking up 4 big air-plane dude or  masturbate a kid 4 water drone, big person 4 air drone, fuck doggy a  woman 4 jets, 4 2 in 1 jets hurl with paw paw, 2 in 1 missiles hurl with  guava, air-plane hurl with banana and 4 big missile hurl with paw paw  seed mixed with lemon seed, 4 2 in 1 drones hurl with dark beans or  passion fruit on hay in guava add cane on 2 in 1 sub-marine hurl with  mango seed or mangosteen dude and more that uses the normal internet to  move
sign of defeat and empowerment in the links below, cant  hinder our progress as we women knows the same, so empowered dude, our  ears can be messed with
Hand  wash is paw paw in hay place guava masturbate a kid or hay in kale place paw paw and cry or kale in kunde place paw paw and hide or pineapple in hay place grass and cry dude or onion in grass place hay pat one on the back or guava in hay place onion and brush ya teeth or wipe ya booty 4 e-car on the same dude
Rice in beans and maize as  cooked then hurl with kunde makes big sky-scrapping buildings of the city or Githeri that is beans cooked with maize place spinach hurl with  passion or dark beans makes the same but when u urinate make building stones while if u hurl with grass makes roads.
Pumpkin in hay place paw paw and apply oil on hair 4 diesel flue or hay in guava place  green grass caress throat dude or carrot in hay place guava clap hands  or grab palm of ya both hands together and 4 petrol is paw paw in hay place kale masturbate a kid or guava in grass place paw paw beat one on  his back and neck while him squatted dude or paw paw in hay place guava  ma-surge one fingers to palm area or carrot in hay place paw paw play  hide and seek and 4 Kerosene is paw paw in kale place guava ma-surge one  fingers or paw paw in hay place Sodom fruit bend ya fingers dude or paw  paw in hay place tangerine and dance or cabbage in hay place grass hurl  down one broken teeth dude or talk or place carrot and cry or yellow  maize in hay place guava apply oil or remove cape and place it again or  rotate it dude or wear durag bro
4 ice is paw paw in hay place  guava and shake ya head as something u cant imagine or get or tangerine  in hay place avocado hurl tissue paper unto it or rice in grass place  kale step on a woman booty to like fall as kick and boom ya ice or paw  paw in hay place grass caress one knee or tangerine in grass place paw  paw and grab one of ya finger to thumb the try to push it away dude or  avocado in hay place paw paw jump squatted dude
Toothpick paw paw  in hay place carrot and shower dude using shower or rye grain in grass  place paw paw and shower dude or kunde in hay place guava and prick a  woman booty with sharp object dude
Mint dew avocado in hay place  onion and fire bullets on wall maybe having bullet proof jacket or grass  in hay place paw paw type things on a computer or cabbage in grass  place hay and jump one legged or sew things.
School bags paw paw  in hay place guava do the the X-style to in between ya legs or paw paw  in hay place carrot and side walk or paw paw in hay place guava hit drum  sets or paw paw in hay place Sodom fruit and scrub /comb ya hair  backwards or paw paw in hay place carrots swing ya head sideways or  carrot in guava place paw paw vomit even water on ya mouth or kale in  hay place spinach talk hurriedly or Sodom fruit in kale place guava and  side walk alone dude and more
Material 4 school clothes guava in  hay place paw paw jump sideways or kale in hay place guava hold hand or  kale in spinach place kunde and let a car pass hurriedly dude and 4  sweater in cassava in hay place guava and walk or cabbage in hay place  guava caress the belly or paw paw in hay place kunde run hurriedly
4  school shoe is black jack in hay place paw paw caress the booty or the  cut half photo placed in sewer water b4 black jack added and one blow  hot steam or partake hard liquor dude or cold water and 4 socks is cut  diagonal photo placed in hay then banana added b4 one squeeze a wet  clothe or blanket dude and 4 seats is passion fruit in hay add paw paw  scream with broken voice dude or add guava and hide and for the table is  paw paw in hay place kale and talk or guava in hay place paw and cry  dude or carrot in guava place paw paw and hag 4 long dude
Mala is  euphorbia in hay place guava and shout or add avocado and scream dude.  While 4 Vim washing detergent is Euphorbia in kale in hay add grass and  talk or paw paw in hay add carrot and make matuta on ya woman hair or  cabbage in hay place paw paw crack ya fingers. Jic detergent is paw paw  in hay place guava play with a kid or paw paw in hay place carrot and  talk dude
Paw paw in hay add guava caress on should as bruised  make fab houses as in the link below or fold arms cross-crossing on the  heart or play with a kid kinda holding him/her
Train  is paw paw in yam place kale and cry many people as in funeral or hit booty 2 people the other side or talk close or Rab one face or squat dude or try rest of styles as stated above
Mande tiyo mabel yawa swears some women, just look how happy it looks as in the red radio in the song link below
Phones  how made dude cabbage in hay place kale fire armored glass with bullets  or touch one booty or hot bathe washing ya booty or side talk as  discussing or cabbage in guava place kale chop lemon or fight kinda or  kale in onion place guava crush lemon or hot shower or immerse ya head  in hot water bucket or cabbage in kale place hay squeeze water from a  garment or kale in pumpkin place paw paw or kale in guava place hay and  fold clothes or bedding or stir like hot tea or employ every gesture as  above 4 more or cabbage in kale place kojet grab one arms or fold papers  or hay/lemon in kale place avocado and chop hay or push heavy load 4  tablet or 4 laptop is grass in kojet place pumpkin scrub ya head or cut  photo into half placed in mango add coke soda bottle and laugh dude and 4  phones cut photo placed in mango solution as raw then coke soda bottle  place and chop avocado or bathe with hot water or scream dude
Kojet  in cabbage place carrot hurl maize cob on the wall or chop raw mango or  kale in guava add pumpkin touch one hand or talk close or guava in kale  place cabbage chop paw paw or hide beside or into a container or eat  bread or touch one penis or mango in hay place avocado squeeze fruit  like tangerine to produce juice or start a machine like radio or TV dude  or few liters in grass add paw paw then kinda make holes on wall using  carrot or sticks or break sticks
4 TV is folded photo in hay add  guava write things squeezing pen on the writing pad or play us football  or any sports 4 another gadget like even cards 4 stoves, bathe with  sponge 4 jiko and more 4 many results dude
Bent photo as folded  add honey place in paw paw head and walk away discussing or discuss to  pray in squatted with bend back posture or shower many people as well as  touching each other on the skin many people or or add yogurt in place  of honey and walk away or scream as shout many people or chop mango to  hurl liquid down the floor Or cut photo add hay place white guava juice  and cry dude or scrub ya face as well as the floor or cold shower dude  or cut half photo in hay add avocado juice pluck fruits as well as  veggies as tomato 4 more types dude Or cut photo in green grass add hay  read things dude or fart bro or defecate Or cut photo in grass place  pumpkin rotate the heap dude or place carrot try to bring one hand down  on the table on the push pull hand game and try with every fruit where  cut photo immersed and same with added last object changing each 4  another product all at all and employing different styles as well and  even making the last object honey or juices dude or excretion homey
Jacaranda  tree in green grass add Euphorbia the write things on wall makes  supersonic jets as i told Britain or cold bathe or play with water  nozzle as kids do or walk away or leave in a motor bike solo or defecate  dude or fuck a woman doggy dude
Awiny tree leave is  made when paw paw place in hay honey added then one chop passion fruit  or drink cold water or kale in guava add passion fruit and eat githeri  or cross the road dude or descend in a haste from a stair case dude. One  used to make Dark fear engulf ya sky-scrapper dude like of NY not  bright buildings synonymous with phoenix, Denver or Minneapolis and  more, Kinda, u see water engulf ya next time like of Chicago dude, can  be a cash crop if artificial counter part not told how made dude and  reason 4 migration dude and makes monies when place in garbage add honey  and fight kinda or add paw paw and hides beside a pillar or add avocado  and urinate in light. So u r alerted dude to end or stop maybe lest  otherwise employed we know not yet dude
Better kebi hit one white stupid on the nose to bleed this time we will cut one with machette of such conduct as we are par, have learnt ya ways and even more to make us equal or less inferior to us to thwart tourism dude get it at cotton wood falls detention center, etene Humphrey and Melani, curse and de colbert carloss and wilson are all witness and mike friends with steve warm the as well am not joke and they ought to second that or acknowledge that sad fact lest they ambush to kill me which amounts to absolute nothing as explained earlier bro. Take heed dude.
kIKUYU blooded can shift bomb to ya head on plane as one had already shifted the case from a corpse then to ya brain like with Ethiopian fallen air-plane done to pilot on the feet or legs to detonate dude, evade them dude 4 better 4 good lest eaten deep fried hot water caught Nile perch. we have them not just as grudge as many think but because of such explained above
Moses helped one tribe or 12 but me de whole world so me aint ya Moses dude got it bro
Guava in avocado place grass pull one hand downward or console each other looking down in broad day light while at nigh scope kinda soil with ya fingers as moving towards u 4 sand or hay in guava add kale play piano in broad day light without any1 looking at the heap u looking dude or coke gun or open a padlock u in dark the heap on light as can be bulb light or sun light or chop onion dude 4 sand bro or butternut in grass place carrot hurl hot water in broad day light without anyone in the vicinity dude or sewer water in bright cold weather dude or smoke cigarette dude or photocopy in the morning or evening dude
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sirjustice839-blog · 4 years
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PS4 OR 5 games paw paw in guava place kale shout, jump or in other flowers, veggies or paw paw in kale or in many veggies and add another flower, veggies and shout, 4 email squat, jump for the same above after placed and 4 search engine scratch monies and count, pray and 4 social media drug creates, arrange plates, while 4 security app wash plates and 4 online games toss up a coin like in many men 50 cent song or play cards, basket ball, soccer in dim light while the placed above is in dark or dribble ball with ya hand of legs as in football or fold clothes and bedding or hit ball with ya feet hurling them away or brag in ya talking etc and more such moves u can imagine as i just trying out with a new something as u can replace paw paw or guava with another fruit or berries or veggies as much as leaves to get much app and even other gadgets not in ya mind at that time but it will be a blessing in disguise just take it dude
4 MOBILE is yam in paw paw or guava in cabbage or paw paw in carrot and employ all the above and even sitting or scratching ya booty on the floor as u move, kinda.
Kenya now poor until it knows how to make every machine, drugs and other accessories like clothes so it doesn’t import and calling the name of politician wont make that, unless u read the laws and make them dude. With all these, such people making them are more precious than anything else even the dignitaries and get that, cause they make a nation to save their Forex which they used in imports to channel that cash into the economy dude to make their nations per with other nations which have known the above. When u master the above, every nation became same in development as they dont outsource or import to divide part of their Forex with another nation
Now if u r lazy look, u cant be tolerated the tea has not yet been marketed as it can be made artificially, so if u bring up kids u bringing like father like son ones to disturb the future generation when such minds that can block such aint around dude, lest trespass and you arrested.
The house in the link below is made when hay added to green grass then dry maize added and hurled with hot water or maize cob in hay add paw paw shout dude. Or maize cob in Euphorbia place hay sprinkle sperm many people from above 4 the wooden story 1 or cabbage in hay place dry grass and spit saliva many people 4 story 1 or pumpkin in hay place paw paw and summer salt 4 the red roof one or paw paw in grass place hay hurl hot water 4 the big glass one or paw paw in hay place tangerine and masturbate 4 the white wide one or cassava in groundnuts place pumpkin and shout 4 the white story 1 dude, try even without foundation at the devil will give u with concrete lining from below to uplift or carry when u add sewer water and maize cob to each dude or pa paw in hay ride bicycle all around and boom ya red wooden housing as in bauhu or hay in grass place paw paw do back wards 4 the gray roofed or hay in grass place paw paw pass with speedy jets on-top 1 big with dark brick walls
Radar controlled missiles link below
Roads paw paw in hay place cabbage jump into a hole or trench many people in a linear motion, Road as in the link below
Putting kids into sex to change their character, when they see u soft they mistake ya 4 a woman and kinda, wants to have sex with ya which if u refute the very women having sex with them brand u names and that’s the gimmicks dude
kantaka car owner planning violence as giving other people money to give others to finish their agendas, like Denis white boy teacher of dala hera, kisumu, Kenya school. They even got radar controlled mini-missile of 2 km radious, size of rotating Arial controller to aid the above as explained in following tumblr a/c or sirjustice390. They fuck women and when women have been empowered to make the same artificial products and necessities to share the profits they cant do the same, so locate school girls who share the same love with teenagers if they find ya, kidnap ya or plan u killings as cutting u with machette dude. Warn him, most saying they are rwandi as people of misuria and Louisiana state got such blood so they want to get their or play with u in your absensia u cant locate them tohurt u saying they are mexican that if carli4nia and Texas or Arizona where part of mexico and if taken they will benefit so eyeing such dude. warn them to stop. see the character of big people, now evitable to deemed short people to overtake them, when 1 tells u something dont again engage in his kidnap or derail synonymous with kantaka and innoson cars
Kale is paw paw in hay place grass urinate or paw paw in Sodom leaves place carrot and masturbate dude or carrot in hay place guava booty fuck dude while tomato is paw paw in hay place kale and swing dance or cucumber in kojet place hay jump or grass in hay place paw paw caress man booty. While onion is paw paw in grass place hay break sticks or  paw paw in hay place camara leaves blow ya nose and boom ya onion dude
Eggs is tangerine in paw paw place hay choke with long sticks or paw paw in cassava place butternut walk bowled legged or waru in bringanya place kunde jump far away from a cliff or tangerine in hay place paw paw caress the back of 1 head. Cabbage is grass in hay place kojet or cucumber fire bullets into it or sprinkle with salt or paw paw in hay place cucumber run hurriedly dude or grass in hay place paw paw gnaw ya teeth and boom ya veggies. With Melons is paw paw in wheat grain place cassava just talk or in hay place kale defecate into it or paw paw in hay place tangerine then play the wall dirt of that small arrow.
Maize is paw paw in hay place grass then en-kindle a match stick or hay in grass place guava and murmur or cucumber in grass place paw paw urinate or Guava in hay place paw paw walk or jump or tangerine in hay place guava do backwards dude. Green grams is mango in paw paw place grass deficate on it or paw paw in guava place kale jump far away or hay in guava place paw paw help a kid to urinate squeezing his manhood in the middle or Euphorbia in hay place kunde play/jump the rope hurriedly or mango in passion fruit place paw paw bite ya lips dude
cucumber in grass hit the wall like in 21 question song after placed paw paw 4 passion fruit or kunde in yam place dania and summer-salt from a cliff or tomato in hay place guava and cry dude and 4 pixie is avocado in yam place yam cliff jump or grass in hay place cabbage then, kinda, in the middle of the booty from down to up move ya hand as rubbing or tomato in hay place paw paw cry many people. 4 beans is paw paw in hay place guava shout or paw paw in hay place guava jump or paw paw in hay place onion, kinda, fight hitting the wall and 4 cassava is mango leaves in grass play paw paw cry or grass in hay place butternut do bur bur bur like kids do and ya cassava and sweet potato is tangerine in hay place grass and kinda fight dude or paw paw in hay place guava and kinda, masturbate a kid and boom ya delicacy and 4 waru is pumpkin in yam place grass jump or  tangerine in hay place paw paw cry or paw paw in yam place millet kiss or hay in grass place paw paw spank the booty dude. Groundnut is paw paw in hay place guava hit ya booty the other side 2 people or hay in Sodom leaves place white guava fuck rapidly dude or paw paw in grass place hay cry
Owner of broken heart Riddim, spread gossip riddim, last breath riddim and defeat riddim as well as mend ya soul/herat riddim to be released in due time, 1 and only kebi, osiep Nyili utters Delanu.
2 in 1 submarine and jet that can run both on air and water
Sodom apple leaves in cabbage place paw paw and cry 4 submarine while yawn 4 missile as the radar place guava and shout 4 submarine while 4 missile place sweet potato and shout 4 joy or maize in grass place paw paw and cry 4 submarine while 4 missile shout 4 joy many people and submarine rad add beans and shout 4 joy while 4 missile add millet and look in awe to many people dude and still more
Photocopier ink is paw paw in hay place guava and cry or hit head on one another and 4 the paper rims is paw paw in hay place guava and cry and 4 the photo-copier is paw paw in hay place guava kick a ball or paw paw in hay place carrot and cry or fuck pussy or booty fuck. And 4 E motor bike is paw paw in hay place carrot walk away or masturbate or hide or fire gun and do with all the moves as displaced dude.
E-buses is paw paw in hay place guava hug or cry or place yam masturbate and try with all the styles as above or do backwards 4 transit bus while E-bicycles is paw paw in hay place carrot and jump or blindfold one or fuck and try with all the moves as above 4 a different type dude.
Kinda, when one gets to hell, without helping ya yet u told them the protocol, u see, petrol being poured unto his face like in Sarafina movie as in the link below
Now china and Russia just talk, just like with fuel if u got we are friends if not they walk all away, like now they have learnt to make artificial many species of cocoa, coffee, tobacco,rice, maize, rye, flowers, pixie, veggies and fruits like mangosteen or passion and sugar so if ya nation got such as main cash crop think twice dont go around on media like seducing those nations as people do to women synonymous now with Kenyan President Uhuru as seen on the newspaper, now stop the relationship and forge well ahead or will amount to absolute nothing dude and even war bro. Let us not see that, kinda, a woman who has left ya and taken ya to court to warn ya. And even having substitue 4 what is grown in ya country to make necessities as can be made much in boom process and its opportunity cost dude like with tropical leaves and flowers used in the boom process. Walk away dude as in the song link below, when their aint scratch then no business as the rule of thumb, scratch my back i scratch your dude
Tobacco made when paw paw in hay place guava and cry or defecate or fuck 4 the leaves dude
Triple ace vodka paw paw in hay place grass and cook or place guava and kiss dude
Spinach is hay in grass place avocado tongue kiss or paw paw in hay place guava and booty fuck in doggy way
Paw paw in hay place guava caress booty or hit booty 2 people opposite way as in the link below
Metallic casket is paw paw in guava place carrot hit booty or fuck or paw paw in hay place carrot fight kinda bro or paw paw in a awiny tree leaves place hay and fight kinda 4 armored glass casket or paw paw in hay place paw paw and fight kinda 4 the same with serial opening or paw paw in hay place guava and cry 4 quarter inlet hole type with digital opening to curb casket theft or yam in grass place paw paw and talk 4 finger print of the deceased one
Passion and most fruit in grass place hay and even with animal bones placed in green grass then add hay then ma-surge arms and shoulder gives roofing.
Ice cream is millet in yam place cassava talk or paw paw in hay place groundnut and cry or guava in hay place paw paw masturbate a kid or guava in hay place pumpkin and cry/shade tears or tangerine in hay place paw paw kick a ball and with stick 1 is paw paw in hay place kale bred hair or mango in hay place lemon and urinate or cabbage in hay place guava hit ya tongue in ya mouth or cassava in paw paw place guava caress ya own booty or cassava in hay place pumpkin close ya eyes dude
Chocolate paw paw in hay place guava and insert carrot in a mans ass hole and try with a woman as well 4 another product and even banana shape fruits or veggies. paw paw in hay place avocado fuck a woman anus with banana and pay her heavy or place kale and talk or chew gum or place guava hit one on 1 eye dude or gnaw ya teeth as cold.
Cooking oil paw paw in hay place kale cry with ya nose, kinda, gasping 4 breath dude or paw paw in hay place guava and masturbate dude or paw paw in onion place hay spunk the booty or hay in onion place guava caress shoulder and arms or paw paw in hay place avocado masturbate while seated dude or hay in guava place paw paw fire bullets unto the solution 4 olive oil. Castor oil is paw paw in hay place onion masturbate standing or paw paw in hay place kale hurl with guava and 4 sunflower oil is paw paw in hay place guava masturbate looking the ceiling or cry dude and try with other styles as well as 4 palm oil is paw paw in hay place guava shout 4 the fruit or paw paw in hay place avocado walk away dude
Inner-pants is paw paw in hay place guava feast like to fight in a training dude or do like starting a motor bike on air or just start a bike dude or walk backwards as dancing or cry or paw paw in carrot place guava and cry or paw paw in hay place green grass and cry or shout.
Women bra is hay in guava place carrot start a bike kinda or hay in carrot place guava kinda, make a feast to fight or 4 men paw paw in hay place guava and cry or start a motor bike kinda or Rab hands 4 suits or eat groundnuts 4 cloth reflectors like 4 motorbikes. 4 women suits is paw paw in hay place guava start a bike or ride a bicycle dude or paw paw in hay place avocado talk. Wallet is paw paw in hay place guava wash face or place grass and cry and 4 belt is paw paw in hay place guava write slanting or place pumpkin and cry dude and 4 women purse is paw paw in guava place kale right or cry and with all the steps 4 another type dude and even slanting ya head dude or changing its position or doing any style u have seed as in Wrestling and sports gives another product dude
Sweater is paw paw in hay place guava and cry or make holes on the wall and with all above styles try and 4 duvet is paw paw in hay place guava drink drinks like strong tea and many dude just trying or place green grass and shout and 4 socks is paw paw in hay place guava cramp on the ground or place banana and write and with many fruits repeating the above styles dude. Jumpers paw paw in hay place euphorbia and writing things dude and 4 jackets is paw paw in hay place avocado, guava and with every fruit talk or walk or dance kinda.
Bed sheets is paw paw in hay place carrots, veggies and other fruits and cry dude or write and 4 jeans is paw paw in hay place guava fight kinda, with folded feast or paw paw in hay place grass hurl with hot water dude or place avocado and shout instantly dude or grass and hide or paw paw in hay place groundnut and hit ya elbow on wall kinda or place cabbage and talk while 4 Marvin wear is paw paw in hay place grass shout or cry or fight kinda or place guava start a bike or paw paw in hay place guava make a woman hair.
Mineral water is paw paw in hay place guava slap ya head to make ya hair down kinda or paw paw in guava place hay masturbate a kid or paw paw in hay place guava caress the arm and the shoulder or do X style like triple H in world WWF.
CD as condom is paw paw in hay place guava do the X-style dude or paw paw in hay place carrot fold ya fingers like in cold or place pumpkin and hold ya self kinda feeling cold, folding ya hand together ya hands towards ya heart dude or passion in grass place hay cry or carrot in hay place paw paw and cry
X-mas lights and other accessories paw paw in guava place hay and cry or paw paw in hay place carrot and do like swimming on air or just swim whichever dude or kale in guava place paw paw and cry dude or paw paw in hay place orange and cry dude or place tangerine and hide or kale in spinach place hay and hide or tangerine in hay place guava and hide or paw paw in mango place hay and hide or tangerine in mango place paw paw and hide but 4 lights is kale in hay place paw paw and cry or paw paw in kale place guava and walk away dude
Car spanners is paw paw in cabbage,hay place carrot and do all the steps as above 4 a new thing or paw paw in carrot place hay and do all the process as above or hay in passion place paw paw and circle a pillar and do as well all the above process or guava in sewer water place passion or any veggies as fruit doing all the above protocols dude and 4 screw sets is paw paw in hay place passion or kale or dark beans doing all the process as above 4 another type or passion in hay place carrot and rotate a con shaped structure or pillar or tank or hay in avocado place pumpkin or guava in hay place cauliflower and jokes or cabbage in hay place paw paw and wipe ya tears dude and more as above
Any two fruits, or with leaves, veggies or wild berries or any animal and hurling as described above makes another gadget in the boom process. Any 2 things in sewer water makes something in the boom process and give it a try dude. Now u r poor and following me cant solve the day lest u r killed, even if the army takes over dude, selling my corpse wont save u at that time dude, lest u learnt to make every machine as above to save ya export to be used money previously dude
Paints is mango in hay place paw paw or carrot and cry or mangosteen in hay place paw paw and cry or kale in hay place guava and fuck or Bringanya in hoho place grass rotate a pillar dude or sweet potato in yam place guava and cry or pumpkin in yam place paw paw fold hands or groundnuts in yam place paw paw cry or cabbage in yam place kale sit down dude or kale in Sodom leaves place paw paw cramp ya fee dude or tangerine in hay place paw paw make hard feast as carrying heavy load dude or grass in hay place guava and cry dude and more
Ginger is made when hay place in paw paw grass added then u scream dude or hay in paw paw place spinach and cry or paw paw in guava place hay scream/bend dude
Hair food is guava in hay place guava and squat bending dude or guava in hay place banana and hide or tangerine in hay place carrot fold ya hands kinda or paw paw in guava place hay scream or wheat grain in rye grain place paw paw cry or carrot in hay place paw paw walk backward dude
Flower paw paw in hay place carrot and jump or cry or paw paw in mango place guava and cry or guava in avocado place hay and cry or tangerine in paw paw place hay and hide or Bringanya in kale place paw paw and jog dude or hay in kale place paw paw squat like spreading/sprouting flower groaning or paw paw in hay place guava and cry or paw paw in hay place mango and cry or mango in hay place paw paw and cry or shout or do all the styles as above dude
Paw paw in hay place guava walk spreading ya legs make the internet server radar display machine 4 controlling missiles, jets, drone and big airplanes even missiles while 4 the missile machine paint ya nails on the above case, shout 4 jet, caress booty 4 jet as well, walk backwards 4 jet as well, shake head 4 drone or place hay in guava add sugar cane and nod ya head 4 the internet control screen, play around with kids 4 missile or jump, Defecate 4 chopper and sit on the floor 4 big air-plane, cry in bend posture 4 water missile, looking up 4 air missile, looking down 4 chopper and looking up 4 big air-plane dude or masturbate a kid 4 water drone, big person 4 air drone, fuck doggy a woman 4 jets, 4 2 in 1 jets hurl with paw paw, 2 in 1 missiles hurl with guava, air-plane hurl with banana and 4 big missile hurl with paw paw seed mixed with lemon seed, 4 2 in 1 drones hurl with dark beans or passion fruit on hay in guava add cane on 2 in 1 sub-marine hurl with mango seed or mangosteen dude and more that uses the normal internet to move
sign of defeat and empowerment in the links below, cant hinder our progress as we women knows the same, so empowered dude, our ears can be messed with
Hand wash is paw paw in hay place guava masturbate a kid or hay in kale place paw paw and cry or kale in kunde place paw paw and hide or pineapple in hay place grass and cry dude or onion in grass place hay pat one on the back or guava in hay place onion and brush ya teeth or wipe ya booty 4 e-car on the same dude
Rice in beans and maize as cooked then hurl with kunde makes big sky-scrapping buildings of the city or Githeri that is beans cooked with maize place spinach hurl with passion or dark beans makes the same but when u urinate make building stones while if u hurl with grass makes roads.
Pumpkin in hay place paw paw and apply oil on hair 4 diesel flue or hay in guava place green grass caress throat dude or carrot in hay place guava clap hands or grab palm of ya both hands together and 4 petrol is paw paw in hay place kale masturbate a kid or guava in grass place paw paw beat one on his back and neck while him squatted dude or paw paw in hay place guava ma-surge one fingers to palm area or carrot in hay place paw paw play hide and seek and 4 Kerosene is paw paw in kale place guava ma-surge one fingers or paw paw in hay place Sodom fruit bend ya fingers dude or paw paw in hay place tangerine and dance or cabbage in hay place grass hurl down one broken teeth dude or talk or place carrot and cry or yellow maize in hay place guava apply oil or remove cape and place it again or rotate it dude or wear durag bro
4 ice is paw paw in hay place guava and shake ya head as something u cant imagine or get or tangerine in hay place avocado hurl tissue paper unto it or rice in grass place kale step on a woman booty to like fall as kick and boom ya ice or paw paw in hay place grass caress one knee or tangerine in grass place paw paw and grab one of ya finger to thumb the try to push it away dude or avocado in hay place paw paw jump squatted dude
Toothpick paw paw in hay place carrot and shower dude using shower or rye grain in grass place paw paw and shower dude or kunde in hay place guava and prick a woman booty with sharp object dude
Mint dew avocado in hay place onion and fire bullets on wall maybe having bullet proof jacket or grass in hay place paw paw type things on a computer or cabbage in grass place hay and jump one legged or sew things.
School bags paw paw in hay place guava do the the X-style to in between ya legs or paw paw in hay place carrot and side walk or paw paw in hay place guava hit drum sets or paw paw in hay place Sodom fruit and scrub /comb ya hair backwards or paw paw in hay place carrots swing ya head sideways or carrot in guava place paw paw vomit even water on ya mouth or kale in hay place spinach talk hurriedly or Sodom fruit in kale place guava and side walk alone dude and more
Material 4 school clothes guava in hay place paw paw jump sideways or kale in hay place guava hold hand or kale in spinach place kunde and let a car pass hurriedly dude and 4 sweater in cassava in hay place guava and walk or cabbage in hay place guava caress the belly or paw paw in hay place kunde run hurriedly
4 school shoe is black jack in hay place paw paw caress the booty or the cut half photo placed in sewer water b4 black jack added and one blow hot steam or partake hard liquor dude or cold water and 4 socks is cut diagonal photo placed in hay then banana added b4 one squeeze a wet clothe or blanket dude and 4 seats is passion fruit in hay add paw paw scream with broken voice dude or add guava and hide and for the table is paw paw in hay place kale and talk or guava in hay place paw and cry dude or carrot in guava place paw paw and hag 4 long dude
Mala is euphorbia in hay place guava and shout or add avocado and scream dude. While 4 Vim washing detergent is Euphorbia in kale in hay add grass and talk or paw paw in hay add carrot and make matuta on ya woman hair or cabbage in hay place paw paw crack ya fingers. Jic detergent is paw paw in hay place guava play with a kid or paw paw in hay place carrot and talk dude
Paw paw in hay add guava caress on should as bruised make fab houses as in the link below or fold arms cross-crossing on the heart or play with a kid kinda holding him/her
Train is paw paw in yam place kale and cry many people as in funeral or hit booty 2 people the other side or talk close or Rab one face or squat dude or try rest of styles as stated above
Mande tiyo mabel yawa swears some women, just look how happy it looks as in the red radio in the song link below
Phones how made dude cabbage in hay place kale fire armored glass with bullets or touch one booty or hot bathe washing ya booty or side talk as discussing or cabbage in guava place kale chop lemon or fight kinda or kale in onion place guava crush lemon or hot shower or immerse ya head in hot water bucket or cabbage in kale place hay squeeze water from a garment or kale in pumpkin place paw paw or kale in guava place hay and fold clothes or bedding or stir like hot tea or employ every gesture as above 4 more or cabbage in kale place kojet grab one arms or fold papers or hay/lemon in kale place avocado and chop hay or push heavy load 4 tablet or 4 laptop is grass in kojet place pumpkin scrub ya head or cut photo into half placed in mango add coke soda bottle and laugh dude and 4 phones cut photo placed in mango solution as raw then coke soda bottle place and chop avocado or bathe with hot water or scream dude
Kojet in cabbage place carrot hurl maize cob on the wall or chop raw mango or kale in guava add pumpkin touch one hand or talk close or guava in kale place cabbage chop paw paw or hide beside or into a container or eat bread or touch one penis or mango in hay place avocado squeeze fruit like tangerine to produce juice or start a machine like radio or TV dude or few liters in grass add paw paw then kinda make holes on wall using carrot or sticks or break sticks
4 TV is folded photo in hay add guava write things squeezing pen on the writing pad or play us football or any sports 4 another gadget like even cards 4 stoves, bathe with sponge 4 jiko and more 4 many results dude
Bent photo as folded add honey place in paw paw head and walk away discussing or discuss to pray in squatted with bend back posture or shower many people as well as touching each other on the skin many people or or add yogurt in place of honey and walk away or scream as shout many people or chop mango to hurl liquid down the floor Or cut photo add hay place white guava juice and cry dude or scrub ya face as well as the floor or cold shower dude or cut half photo in hay add avocado juice pluck fruits as well as veggies as tomato 4 more types dude Or cut photo in green grass add hay read things dude or fart bro or defecate Or cut photo in grass place pumpkin rotate the heap dude or place carrot try to bring one hand down on the table on the push pull hand game and try with every fruit where cut photo immersed and same with added last object changing each 4 another product all at all and employing different styles as well and even making the last object honey or juices dude or excretion homey
Jacaranda tree in green grass add Euphorbia the write things on wall makes supersonic jets as i told Britain or cold bathe or play with water nozzle as kids do or walk away or leave in a motor bike solo or defecate dude or fuck a woman doggy dude
Awiny tree leave is made when paw paw place in hay honey added then one chop passion fruit or drink cold water or kale in guava add passion fruit and eat githeri or cross the road dude or descend in a haste from a stair case dude. One used to make Dark fear engulf ya sky-scrapper dude like of NY not bright buildings synonymous with phoenix, Denver or Minneapolis and more, Kinda, u see water engulf ya next time like of Chicago dude, can be a cash crop if artificial counter part not told how made dude and reason 4 migration dude and makes monies when place in garbage add honey and fight kinda or add paw paw and hides beside a pillar or add avocado and urinate in light. So u r alerted dude to end or stop maybe lest otherwise employed we know not yet dude
Better kebi hit one white stupid on the nose to bleed this time we will cut one with machette of such conduct as we are par, have learnt ya ways and even more to make us equal or less inferior to us to thwart tourism dude get it at cotton wood falls detention center, etene Humphrey and Melani, curse and de colbert carloss and wilson are all witness and mike friends with steve warm the as well am not joke and they ought to second that or acknowledge that sad fact lest they ambush to kill me which amounts to absolute nothing as explained earlier bro. Take heed dude.
kIKUYU blooded can shift bomb to ya head on plane as one had already shifted the case from a corpse then to ya brain like with Ethiopian fallen air-plane done to pilot on the feet or legs to detonate dude, evade them dude 4 better 4 good lest eaten deep fried hot water caught Nile perch. we have them not just as grudge as many think but because of such explained above
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sirjustice838-blog · 4 years
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PS4 OR 5 games paw paw in guava place kale shout, jump or in other flowers, veggies or paw paw in kale or in many veggies and add another flower, veggies and shout, 4 email squat, jump for the same above after placed and 4 search engine scratch monies and count, pray and 4 social media drug creates, arrange plates, while 4 security app wash plates and 4 online games toss up a coin like in many men 50 cent song or play cards, basket ball, soccer in dim light while the placed above is in dark or dribble ball with ya hand of legs as in football or fold clothes and bedding or hit ball with ya feet hurling them away or brag in ya talking etc and more such moves u can imagine as i just trying out with a new something as u can replace paw paw or guava with another fruit or berries or veggies as much as leaves to get much app and even other gadgets not in ya mind at that time but it will be a blessing in disguise just take it dude
4 MOBILE is yam in paw paw or guava in cabbage or paw paw in carrot and employ all the above and even sitting or scratching ya booty on the floor as u move, kinda.
Kenya now poor until it knows how to make every machine, drugs and other accessories like clothes so it doesn't import and calling the name of politician wont make that, unless u read the laws and make them dude. With all these, such people making them are more precious than anything else even the dignitaries and get that, cause they make a nation to save their Forex which they used in imports to channel that cash into the economy dude to make their nations per with other nations which have known the above. When u master the above, every nation became same in development as they dont outsource or import to divide part of their Forex with another nation
Now if u r lazy look, u cant be tolerated the tea has not yet been marketed as it can be made artificially, so if u bring up kids u bringing like father like son ones to disturb the future generation when such minds that can block such aint around dude, lest trespass and you arrested.
The house in the link below is made when hay added to green grass then dry maize added and hurled with hot water or maize cob in hay add paw paw shout dude. Or maize cob in Euphorbia place hay sprinkle sperm many people from above 4 the wooden story 1 or cabbage in hay place dry grass and spit saliva many people 4 story 1 or pumpkin in hay place paw paw and summer salt 4 the red roof one or paw paw in grass place hay hurl hot water 4 the big glass one or paw paw in hay place tangerine and masturbate 4 the white wide one or cassava in groundnuts place pumpkin and shout 4 the white story 1 dude, try even without foundation at the devil will give u with concrete lining from below to uplift or carry when u add sewer water and maize cob to each dude or pa paw in hay ride bicycle all around and boom ya red wooden housing as in bauhu or hay in grass place paw paw do back wards 4 the gray roofed or hay in grass place paw paw pass with speedy jets on-top 1 big with dark brick walls
Radar controlled missiles link below
Roads paw paw in hay place cabbage jump into a hole or trench many people in a linear motion, Road as in the link below
Putting kids into sex to change their character, when they see u soft they mistake ya 4 a woman and kinda, wants to have sex with ya which if u refute the very women having sex with them brand u names and that's the gimmicks dude
kantaka car owner planning violence as giving other people money to give others to finish their agendas, like Denis white boy teacher of dala hera, kisumu, Kenya school. They even got radar controlled mini-missile of 2 km radious, size of rotating Arial controller to aid the above as explained in following tumblr a/c or sirjustice390. They fuck women and when women have been empowered to make the same artificial products and necessities to share the profits they cant do the same, so locate school girls who share the same love with teenagers if they find ya, kidnap ya or plan u killings as cutting u with machette dude. Warn him, most saying they are rwandi as people of misuria and Louisiana state got such blood so they want to get their or play with u in your absensia u cant locate them tohurt u saying they are mexican that if carli4nia and Texas or Arizona where part of mexico and if taken they will benefit so eyeing such dude. warn them to stop. see the character of big people, now evitable to deemed short people to overtake them, when 1 tells u something dont again engage in his kidnap or derail synonymous with kantaka and innoson cars
Kale is paw paw in hay place grass urinate or paw paw in Sodom leaves place carrot and masturbate dude or carrot in hay place guava booty fuck dude while tomato is paw paw in hay place kale and swing dance or cucumber in kojet place hay jump or grass in hay place paw paw caress man booty. While onion is paw paw in grass place hay break sticks or  paw paw in hay place camara leaves blow ya nose and boom ya onion dude
Eggs is tangerine in paw paw place hay choke with long sticks or paw paw in cassava place butternut walk bowled legged or waru in bringanya place kunde jump far away from a cliff or tangerine in hay place paw paw caress the back of 1 head. Cabbage is grass in hay place kojet or cucumber fire bullets into it or sprinkle with salt or paw paw in hay place cucumber run hurriedly dude or grass in hay place paw paw gnaw ya teeth and boom ya veggies. With Melons is paw paw in wheat grain place cassava just talk or in hay place kale defecate into it or paw paw in hay place tangerine then play the wall dirt of that small arrow.
Maize is paw paw in hay place grass then en-kindle a match stick or hay in grass place guava and murmur or cucumber in grass place paw paw urinate or Guava in hay place paw paw walk or jump or tangerine in hay place guava do backwards dude. Green grams is mango in paw paw place grass deficate on it or paw paw in guava place kale jump far away or hay in guava place paw paw help a kid to urinate squeezing his manhood in the middle or Euphorbia in hay place kunde play/jump the rope hurriedly or mango in passion fruit place paw paw bite ya lips dude
cucumber in grass hit the wall like in 21 question song after placed paw paw 4 passion fruit or kunde in yam place dania and summer-salt from a cliff or tomato in hay place guava and cry dude and 4 pixie is avocado in yam place yam cliff jump or grass in hay place cabbage then, kinda, in the middle of the booty from down to up move ya hand as rubbing or tomato in hay place paw paw cry many people. 4 beans is paw paw in hay place guava shout or paw paw in hay place guava jump or paw paw in hay place onion, kinda, fight hitting the wall and 4 cassava is mango leaves in grass play paw paw cry or grass in hay place butternut do bur bur bur like kids do and ya cassava and sweet potato is tangerine in hay place grass and kinda fight dude or paw paw in hay place guava and kinda, masturbate a kid and boom ya delicacy and 4 waru is pumpkin in yam place grass jump or  tangerine in hay place paw paw cry or paw paw in yam place millet kiss or hay in grass place paw paw spank the booty dude. Groundnut is paw paw in hay place guava hit ya booty the other side 2 people or hay in Sodom leaves place white guava fuck rapidly dude or paw paw in grass place hay cry
Owner of broken heart Riddim, spread gossip riddim, last breath riddim and defeat riddim as well as mend ya soul/herat riddim to be released in due time, 1 and only kebi, osiep Nyili utters Delanu.
2 in 1 submarine and jet that can run both on air and water
Sodom apple leaves in cabbage place paw paw and cry 4 submarine while yawn 4 missile as the radar place guava and shout 4 submarine while 4 missile place sweet potato and shout 4 joy or maize in grass place paw paw and cry 4 submarine while 4 missile shout 4 joy many people and submarine rad add beans and shout 4 joy while 4 missile add millet and look in awe to many people dude and still more
Photocopier ink is paw paw in hay place guava and cry or hit head on one another and 4 the paper rims is paw paw in hay place guava and cry and 4 the photo-copier is paw paw in hay place guava kick a ball or paw paw in hay place carrot and cry or fuck pussy or booty fuck. And 4 E motor bike is paw paw in hay place carrot walk away or masturbate or hide or fire gun and do with all the moves as displaced dude.
E-buses is paw paw in hay place guava hug or cry or place yam masturbate and try with all the styles as above or do backwards 4 transit bus while E-bicycles is paw paw in hay place carrot and jump or blindfold one or fuck and try with all the moves as above 4 a different type dude.
Kinda, when one gets to hell, without helping ya yet u told them the protocol, u see, petrol being poured unto his face like in Sarafina movie as in the link below
Now china and Russia just talk, just like with fuel if u got we are friends if not they walk all away, like now they have learnt to make artificial many species of cocoa, coffee, tobacco,rice, maize, rye, flowers, pixie, veggies and fruits like mangosteen or passion and sugar so if ya nation got such as main cash crop think twice dont go around on media like seducing those nations as people do to women synonymous now with Kenyan President Uhuru as seen on the newspaper, now stop the relationship and forge well ahead or will amount to absolute nothing dude and even war bro. Let us not see that, kinda, a woman who has left ya and taken ya to court to warn ya. And even having substitue 4 what is grown in ya country to make necessities as can be made much in boom process and its opportunity cost dude like with tropical leaves and flowers used in the boom process. Walk away dude as in the song link below, when their aint scratch then no business as the rule of thumb, scratch my back i scratch your dude
Tobacco made when paw paw in hay place guava and cry or defecate or fuck 4 the leaves dude
Triple ace vodka paw paw in hay place grass and cook or place guava and kiss dude
Spinach is hay in grass place avocado tongue kiss or paw paw in hay place guava and booty fuck in doggy way
Paw paw in hay place guava caress booty or hit booty 2 people opposite way as in the link below
Metallic casket is paw paw in guava place carrot hit booty or fuck or paw paw in hay place carrot fight kinda bro or paw paw in a awiny tree leaves place hay and fight kinda 4 armored glass casket or paw paw in hay place paw paw and fight kinda 4 the same with serial opening or paw paw in hay place guava and cry 4 quarter inlet hole type with digital opening to curb casket theft or yam in grass place paw paw and talk 4 finger print of the deceased one
Passion and most fruit in grass place hay and even with animal bones placed in green grass then add hay then ma-surge arms and shoulder gives roofing.
Ice cream is millet in yam place cassava talk or paw paw in hay place groundnut and cry or guava in hay place paw paw masturbate a kid or guava in hay place pumpkin and cry/shade tears or tangerine in hay place paw paw kick a ball and with stick 1 is paw paw in hay place kale bred hair or mango in hay place lemon and urinate or cabbage in hay place guava hit ya tongue in ya mouth or cassava in paw paw place guava caress ya own booty or cassava in hay place pumpkin close ya eyes dude
Chocolate paw paw in hay place guava and insert carrot in a mans ass hole and try with a woman as well 4 another product and even banana shape fruits or veggies. paw paw in hay place avocado fuck a woman anus with banana and pay her heavy or place kale and talk or chew gum or place guava hit one on 1 eye dude or gnaw ya teeth as cold.
Cooking oil paw paw in hay place kale cry with ya nose, kinda, gasping 4 breath dude or paw paw in hay place guava and masturbate dude or paw paw in onion place hay spunk the booty or hay in onion place guava caress shoulder and arms or paw paw in hay place avocado masturbate while seated dude or hay in guava place paw paw fire bullets unto the solution 4 olive oil. Castor oil is paw paw in hay place onion masturbate standing or paw paw in hay place kale hurl with guava and 4 sunflower oil is paw paw in hay place guava masturbate looking the ceiling or cry dude and try with other styles as well as 4 palm oil is paw paw in hay place guava shout 4 the fruit or paw paw in hay place avocado walk away dude
Inner-pants is paw paw in hay place guava feast like to fight in a training dude or do like starting a motor bike on air or just start a bike dude or walk backwards as dancing or cry or paw paw in carrot place guava and cry or paw paw in hay place green grass and cry or shout.
Women bra is hay in guava place carrot start a bike kinda or hay in carrot place guava kinda, make a feast to fight or 4 men paw paw in hay place guava and cry or start a motor bike kinda or Rab hands 4 suits or eat groundnuts 4 cloth reflectors like 4 motorbikes. 4 women suits is paw paw in hay place guava start a bike or ride a bicycle dude or paw paw in hay place avocado talk. Wallet is paw paw in hay place guava wash face or place grass and cry and 4 belt is paw paw in hay place guava write slanting or place pumpkin and cry dude and 4 women purse is paw paw in guava place kale right or cry and with all the steps 4 another type dude and even slanting ya head dude or changing its position or doing any style u have seed as in Wrestling and sports gives another product dude
Sweater is paw paw in hay place guava and cry or make holes on the wall and with all above styles try and 4 duvet is paw paw in hay place guava drink drinks like strong tea and many dude just trying or place green grass and shout and 4 socks is paw paw in hay place guava cramp on the ground or place banana and write and with many fruits repeating the above styles dude. Jumpers paw paw in hay place euphorbia and writing things dude and 4 jackets is paw paw in hay place avocado, guava and with every fruit talk or walk or dance kinda.
Bed sheets is paw paw in hay place carrots, veggies and other fruits and cry dude or write and 4 jeans is paw paw in hay place guava fight kinda, with folded feast or paw paw in hay place grass hurl with hot water dude or place avocado and shout instantly dude or grass and hide or paw paw in hay place groundnut and hit ya elbow on wall kinda or place cabbage and talk while 4 Marvin wear is paw paw in hay place grass shout or cry or fight kinda or place guava start a bike or paw paw in hay place guava make a woman hair.
Mineral water is paw paw in hay place guava slap ya head to make ya hair down kinda or paw paw in guava place hay masturbate a kid or paw paw in hay place guava caress the arm and the shoulder or do X style like triple H in world WWF.
CD as condom is paw paw in hay place guava do the X-style dude or paw paw in hay place carrot fold ya fingers like in cold or place pumpkin and hold ya self kinda feeling cold, folding ya hand together ya hands towards ya heart dude or passion in grass place hay cry or carrot in hay place paw paw and cry
X-mas lights and other accessories paw paw in guava place hay and cry or paw paw in hay place carrot and do like swimming on air or just swim whichever dude or kale in guava place paw paw and cry dude or paw paw in hay place orange and cry dude or place tangerine and hide or kale in spinach place hay and hide or tangerine in hay place guava and hide or paw paw in mango place hay and hide or tangerine in mango place paw paw and hide but 4 lights is kale in hay place paw paw and cry or paw paw in kale place guava and walk away dude
Car spanners is paw paw in cabbage,hay place carrot and do all the steps as above 4 a new thing or paw paw in carrot place hay and do all the process as above or hay in passion place paw paw and circle a pillar and do as well all the above process or guava in sewer water place passion or any veggies as fruit doing all the above protocols dude and 4 screw sets is paw paw in hay place passion or kale or dark beans doing all the process as above 4 another type or passion in hay place carrot and rotate a con shaped structure or pillar or tank or hay in avocado place pumpkin or guava in hay place cauliflower and jokes or cabbage in hay place paw paw and wipe ya tears dude and more as above
Any two fruits, or with leaves, veggies or wild berries or any animal and hurling as described above makes another gadget in the boom process. Any 2 things in sewer water makes something in the boom process and give it a try dude. Now u r poor and following me cant solve the day lest u r killed, even if the army takes over dude, selling my corpse wont save u at that time dude, lest u learnt to make every machine as above to save ya export to be used money previously dude
Paints is mango in hay place paw paw or carrot and cry or mangosteen in hay place paw paw and cry or kale in hay place guava and fuck or Bringanya in hoho place grass rotate a pillar dude or sweet potato in yam place guava and cry or pumpkin in yam place paw paw fold hands or groundnuts in yam place paw paw cry or cabbage in yam place kale sit down dude or kale in Sodom leaves place paw paw cramp ya fee dude or tangerine in hay place paw paw make hard feast as carrying heavy load dude or grass in hay place guava and cry dude and more
Ginger is made when hay place in paw paw grass added then u scream dude or hay in paw paw place spinach and cry or paw paw in guava place hay scream/bend dude
Hair food is guava in hay place guava and squat bending dude or guava in hay place banana and hide or tangerine in hay place carrot fold ya hands kinda or paw paw in guava place hay scream or wheat grain in rye grain place paw paw cry or carrot in hay place paw paw walk backward dude
Flower paw paw in hay place carrot and jump or cry or paw paw in mango place guava and cry or guava in avocado place hay and cry or tangerine in paw paw place hay and hide or Bringanya in kale place paw paw and jog dude or hay in kale place paw paw squat like spreading/sprouting flower groaning or paw paw in hay place guava and cry or paw paw in hay place mango and cry or mango in hay place paw paw and cry or shout or do all the styles as above dude
Paw paw in hay place guava walk spreading ya legs make the internet server radar display machine 4 controlling missiles, jets, drone and big airplanes even missiles while 4 the missile machine paint ya nails on the above case, shout 4 jet, caress booty 4 jet as well, walk backwards 4 jet as well, shake head 4 drone or place hay in guava add sugar cane and nod ya head 4 the internet control screen, play around with kids 4 missile or jump, Defecate 4 chopper and sit on the floor 4 big air-plane, cry in bend posture 4 water missile, looking up 4 air missile, looking down 4 chopper and looking up 4 big air-plane dude or masturbate a kid 4 water drone, big person 4 air drone, fuck doggy a woman 4 jets, 4 2 in 1 jets hurl with paw paw, 2 in 1 missiles hurl with guava, air-plane hurl with banana and 4 big missile hurl with paw paw seed mixed with lemon seed, 4 2 in 1 drones hurl with dark beans or passion fruit on hay in guava add cane on 2 in 1 sub-marine hurl with mango seed or mangosteen dude and more that uses the normal internet to move
sign of defeat and empowerment in the links below, cant hinder our progress as we women knows the same, so empowered dude, our ears can be messed with
Hand wash is paw paw in hay place guava masturbate a kid or hay in kale place paw paw and cry or kale in kunde place paw paw and hide or pineapple in hay place grass and cry dude or onion in grass place hay pat one on the back or guava in hay place onion and brush ya teeth or wipe ya booty 4 e-car on the same dude
Rice in beans and maize as cooked then hurl with kunde makes big sky-scrapping buildings of the city or Githeri that is beans cooked with maize place spinach hurl with passion or dark beans makes the same but when u urinate make building stones while if u hurl with grass makes roads.
Pumpkin in hay place paw paw and apply oil on hair 4 diesel flue or hay in guava place green grass caress throat dude or carrot in hay place guava clap hands or grab palm of ya both hands together and 4 petrol is paw paw in hay place kale masturbate a kid or guava in grass place paw paw beat one on his back and neck while him squatted dude or paw paw in hay place guava ma-surge one fingers to palm area or carrot in hay place paw paw play hide and seek and 4 Kerosene is paw paw in kale place guava ma-surge one fingers or paw paw in hay place Sodom fruit bend ya fingers dude or paw paw in hay place tangerine and dance or cabbage in hay place grass hurl down one broken teeth dude or talk or place carrot and cry or yellow maize in hay place guava apply oil or remove cape and place it again or rotate it dude or wear durag bro
4 ice is paw paw in hay place guava and shake ya head as something u cant imagine or get or tangerine in hay place avocado hurl tissue paper unto it or rice in grass place kale step on a woman booty to like fall as kick and boom ya ice or paw paw in hay place grass caress one knee or tangerine in grass place paw paw and grab one of ya finger to thumb the try to push it away dude or avocado in hay place paw paw jump squatted dude
Toothpick paw paw in hay place carrot and shower dude using shower or rye grain in grass place paw paw and shower dude or kunde in hay place guava and prick a woman booty with sharp object dude
Mint dew avocado in hay place onion and fire bullets on wall maybe having bullet proof jacket or grass in hay place paw paw type things on a computer or cabbage in grass place hay and jump one legged or sew things.
School bags paw paw in hay place guava do the the X-style to in between ya legs or paw paw in hay place carrot and side walk or paw paw in hay place guava hit drum sets or paw paw in hay place Sodom fruit and scrub /comb ya hair backwards or paw paw in hay place carrots swing ya head sideways or carrot in guava place paw paw vomit even water on ya mouth or kale in hay place spinach talk hurriedly or Sodom fruit in kale place guava and side walk alone dude and more
Material 4 school clothes guava in hay place paw paw jump sideways or kale in hay place guava hold hand or kale in spinach place kunde and let a car pass hurriedly dude and 4 sweater in cassava in hay place guava and walk or cabbage in hay place guava caress the belly or paw paw in hay place kunde run hurriedly
4 school shoe is black jack in hay place paw paw caress the booty or the cut half photo placed in sewer water b4 black jack added and one blow hot steam or partake hard liquor dude or cold water and 4 socks is cut diagonal photo placed in hay then banana added b4 one squeeze a wet clothe or blanket dude and 4 seats is passion fruit in hay add paw paw scream with broken voice dude or add guava and hide and for the table is paw paw in hay place kale and talk or guava in hay place paw and cry dude or carrot in guava place paw paw and hag 4 long dude
Mala is euphorbia in hay place guava and shout or add avocado and scream dude. While 4 Vim washing detergent is Euphorbia in kale in hay add grass and talk or paw paw in hay add carrot and make matuta on ya woman hair or cabbage in hay place paw paw crack ya fingers. Jic detergent is paw paw in hay place guava play with a kid or paw paw in hay place carrot and talk dude
Paw paw in hay add guava caress on should as bruised make fab houses as in the link below or fold arms cross-crossing on the heart or play with a kid kinda holding him/her
Train is paw paw in yam place kale and cry many people as in funeral or hit booty 2 people the other side or talk close or Rab one face or squat dude or try rest of styles as stated above
Mande tiyo mabel yawa swears some women, just look how happy it looks as in the red radio in the song link below
Phones how made dude cabbage in hay place kale fire armored glass with bullets or touch one booty or hot bathe washing ya booty or side talk as discussing or cabbage in guava place kale chop lemon or fight kinda or kale in onion place guava crush lemon or hot shower or immerse ya head in hot water bucket or cabbage in kale place hay squeeze water from a garment or kale in pumpkin place paw paw or kale in guava place hay and fold clothes or bedding or stir like hot tea or employ every gesture as above 4 more or cabbage in kale place kojet grab one arms or fold papers or hay/lemon in kale place avocado and chop hay or push heavy load 4 tablet or 4 laptop is grass in kojet place pumpkin scrub ya head or cut photo into half placed in mango add coke soda bottle and laugh dude and 4 phones cut photo placed in mango solution as raw then coke soda bottle place and chop avocado or bathe with hot water or scream dude
Kojet in cabbage place carrot hurl maize cob on the wall or chop raw mango or kale in guava add pumpkin touch one hand or talk close or guava in kale place cabbage chop paw paw or hide beside or into a container or eat bread or touch one penis or mango in hay place avocado squeeze fruit like tangerine to produce juice or start a machine like radio or TV dude or few liters in grass add paw paw then kinda make holes on wall using carrot or sticks or break sticks
4 TV is folded photo in hay add guava write things squeezing pen on the writing pad or play us football or any sports 4 another gadget like even cards 4 stoves, bathe with sponge 4 jiko and more 4 many results dude
Bent photo as folded add honey place in paw paw head and walk away discussing or discuss to pray in squatted with bend back posture or shower many people as well as touching each other on the skin many people or or add yogurt in place of honey and walk away or scream as shout many people or chop mango to hurl liquid down the floor Or cut photo add hay place white guava juice and cry dude or scrub ya face as well as the floor or cold shower dude or cut half photo in hay add avocado juice pluck fruits as well as veggies as tomato 4 more types dude Or cut photo in green grass add hay read things dude or fart bro or defecate Or cut photo in grass place pumpkin rotate the heap dude or place carrot try to bring one hand down on the table on the push pull hand game and try with every fruit where cut photo immersed and same with added last object changing each 4 another product all at all and employing different styles as well and even making the last object honey or juices dude or excretion homey
Jacaranda tree in green grass add Euphorbia the write things on wall makes supersonic jets as i told Britain or cold bathe or play with water nozzle as kids do or walk away or leave in a motor bike solo or defecate dude or fuck a woman doggy dude
Awiny tree leave is made when paw paw place in hay honey added then one chop passion fruit or drink cold water or kale in guava add passion fruit and eat githeri or cross the road dude or descend in a haste from a stair case dude. One used to make Dark fear engulf ya sky-scrapper dude like of NY not bright buildings synonymous with phoenix, Denver or Minneapolis and more, Kinda, u see water engulf ya next time like of Chicago dude, can be a cash crop if artificial counter part not told how made dude and reason 4 migration dude and makes monies when place in garbage add honey and fight kinda or add paw paw and hides beside a pillar or add avocado and urinate in light. So u r alerted dude to end or stop maybe lest otherwise employed we know not yet dude
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sirjustice837-blog · 4 years
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PS4 OR 5 games paw paw in guava place kale shout, jump or in other flowers, veggies or paw paw in kale or in many veggies and add another flower, veggies and shout, 4 email squat, jump for the same above after placed and 4 search engine scratch monies and count, pray and 4 social media drug creates, arrange plates, while 4 security app wash plates and 4 online games toss up a coin like in many men 50 cent song or play cards, basket ball, soccer in dim light while the placed above is in dark or dribble ball with ya hand of legs as in football or fold clothes and bedding or hit ball with ya feet hurling them away or brag in ya talking etc and more such moves u can imagine as i just trying out with a new something as u can replace paw paw or guava with another fruit or berries or veggies as much as leaves to get much app and even other gadgets not in ya mind at that time but it will be a blessing in disguise just take it dude
4 MOBILE is yam in paw paw or guava in cabbage or paw paw in carrot and employ all the above and even sitting or scratching ya booty on the floor as u move, kinda.
Kenya now poor until it knows how to make every machine, drugs and other accessories like clothes so it doesn't import and calling the name of politician wont make that, unless u read the laws and make them dude. With all these, such people making them are more precious than anything else even the dignitaries and get that, cause they make a nation to save their Forex which they used in imports to channel that cash into the economy dude to make their nations per with other nations which have known the above. When u master the above, every nation became same in development as they dont outsource or import to divide part of their Forex with another nation
Now if u r lazy look, u cant be tolerated the tea has not yet been marketed as it can be made artificially, so if u bring up kids u bringing like father like son ones to disturb the future generation when such minds that can block such aint around dude, lest trespass and you arrested.
The house in the link below is made when hay added to green grass then dry maize added and hurled with hot water or maize cob in hay add paw paw shout dude. Or maize cob in Euphorbia place hay sprinkle sperm many people from above 4 the wooden story 1 or cabbage in hay place dry grass and spit saliva many people 4 story 1 or pumpkin in hay place paw paw and summer salt 4 the red roof one or paw paw in grass place hay hurl hot water 4 the big glass one or paw paw in hay place tangerine and masturbate 4 the white wide one or cassava in groundnuts place pumpkin and shout 4 the white story 1 dude, try even without foundation at the devil will give u with concrete lining from below to uplift or carry when u add sewer water and maize cob to each dude or pa paw in hay ride bicycle all around and boom ya red wooden housing as in bauhu or hay in grass place paw paw do back wards 4 the gray roofed or hay in grass place paw paw pass with speedy jets on-top 1 big with dark brick walls
Radar controlled missiles link below
Roads paw paw in hay place cabbage jump into a hole or trench many people in a linear motion, Road as in the link below
Putting kids into sex to change their character, when they see u soft they mistake ya 4 a woman and kinda, wants to have sex with ya which if u refute the very women having sex with them brand u names and that's the gimmicks dude
kantaka car owner planning violence as giving other people money to give others to finish their agendas, like Denis white boy teacher of dala hera, kisumu, Kenya school. They even got radar controlled mini-missile of 2 km radious, size of rotating Arial controller to aid the above as explained in following tumblr a/c or sirjustice390. They fuck women and when women have been empowered to make the same artificial products and necessities to share the profits they cant do the same, so locate school girls who share the same love with teenagers if they find ya, kidnap ya or plan u killings as cutting u with machette dude. Warn him, most saying they are rwandi as people of misuria and Louisiana state got such blood so they want to get their or play with u in your absensia u cant locate them tohurt u saying they are mexican that if carli4nia and Texas or Arizona where part of mexico and if taken they will benefit so eyeing such dude. warn them to stop. see the character of big people, now evitable to deemed short people to overtake them, when 1 tells u something dont again engage in his kidnap or derail synonymous with kantaka and innoson cars
Kale is paw paw in hay place grass urinate or paw paw in Sodom leaves place carrot and masturbate dude or carrot in hay place guava booty fuck dude while tomato is paw paw in hay place kale and swing dance or cucumber in kojet place hay jump or grass in hay place paw paw caress man booty. While onion is paw paw in grass place hay break sticks or  paw paw in hay place camara leaves blow ya nose and boom ya onion dude
Eggs is tangerine in paw paw place hay choke with long sticks or paw paw in cassava place butternut walk bowled legged or waru in bringanya place kunde jump far away from a cliff or tangerine in hay place paw paw caress the back of 1 head. Cabbage is grass in hay place kojet or cucumber fire bullets into it or sprinkle with salt or paw paw in hay place cucumber run hurriedly dude or grass in hay place paw paw gnaw ya teeth and boom ya veggies. With Melons is paw paw in wheat grain place cassava just talk or in hay place kale defecate into it or paw paw in hay place tangerine then play the wall dirt of that small arrow.
Maize is paw paw in hay place grass then en-kindle a match stick or hay in grass place guava and murmur or cucumber in grass place paw paw urinate or Guava in hay place paw paw walk or jump or tangerine in hay place guava do backwards dude. Green grams is mango in paw paw place grass deficate on it or paw paw in guava place kale jump far away or hay in guava place paw paw help a kid to urinate squeezing his manhood in the middle or Euphorbia in hay place kunde play/jump the rope hurriedly or mango in passion fruit place paw paw bite ya lips dude
cucumber in grass hit the wall like in 21 question song after placed paw paw 4 passion fruit or kunde in yam place dania and summer-salt from a cliff or tomato in hay place guava and cry dude and 4 pixie is avocado in yam place yam cliff jump or grass in hay place cabbage then, kinda, in the middle of the booty from down to up move ya hand as rubbing or tomato in hay place paw paw cry many people. 4 beans is paw paw in hay place guava shout or paw paw in hay place guava jump or paw paw in hay place onion, kinda, fight hitting the wall and 4 cassava is mango leaves in grass play paw paw cry or grass in hay place butternut do bur bur bur like kids do and ya cassava and sweet potato is tangerine in hay place grass and kinda fight dude or paw paw in hay place guava and kinda, masturbate a kid and boom ya delicacy and 4 waru is pumpkin in yam place grass jump or  tangerine in hay place paw paw cry or paw paw in yam place millet kiss or hay in grass place paw paw spank the booty dude. Groundnut is paw paw in hay place guava hit ya booty the other side 2 people or hay in Sodom leaves place white guava fuck rapidly dude or paw paw in grass place hay cry
Owner of broken heart Riddim, spread gossip riddim, last breath riddim and defeat riddim as well as mend ya soul/herat riddim to be released in due time, 1 and only kebi, osiep Nyili utters Delanu.
2 in 1 submarine and jet that can run both on air and water
Sodom apple leaves in cabbage place paw paw and cry 4 submarine while yawn 4 missile as the radar place guava and shout 4 submarine while 4 missile place sweet potato and shout 4 joy or maize in grass place paw paw and cry 4 submarine while 4 missile shout 4 joy many people and submarine rad add beans and shout 4 joy while 4 missile add millet and look in awe to many people dude and still more
Photocopier ink is paw paw in hay place guava and cry or hit head on one another and 4 the paper rims is paw paw in hay place guava and cry and 4 the photo-copier is paw paw in hay place guava kick a ball or paw paw in hay place carrot and cry or fuck pussy or booty fuck. And 4 E motor bike is paw paw in hay place carrot walk away or masturbate or hide or fire gun and do with all the moves as displaced dude.
E-buses is paw paw in hay place guava hug or cry or place yam masturbate and try with all the styles as above or do backwards 4 transit bus while E-bicycles is paw paw in hay place carrot and jump or blindfold one or fuck and try with all the moves as above 4 a different type dude.
Kinda, when one gets to hell, without helping ya yet u told them the protocol, u see, petrol being poured unto his face like in Sarafina movie as in the link below
Now china and Russia just talk, just like with fuel if u got we are friends if not they walk all away, like now they have learnt to make artificial many species of cocoa, coffee, tobacco,rice, maize, rye, flowers, pixie, veggies and fruits like mangosteen or passion and sugar so if ya nation got such as main cash crop think twice dont go around on media like seducing those nations as people do to women synonymous now with Kenyan President Uhuru as seen on the newspaper, now stop the relationship and forge well ahead or will amount to absolute nothing dude and even war bro. Let us not see that, kinda, a woman who has left ya and taken ya to court to warn ya. And even having substitue 4 what is grown in ya country to make necessities as can be made much in boom process and its opportunity cost dude like with tropical leaves and flowers used in the boom process. Walk away dude as in the song link below, when their aint scratch then no business as the rule of thumb, scratch my back i scratch your dude
Tobacco made when paw paw in hay place guava and cry or defecate or fuck 4 the leaves dude
Triple ace vodka paw paw in hay place grass and cook or place guava and kiss dude
Spinach is hay in grass place avocado tongue kiss or paw paw in hay place guava and booty fuck in doggy way
Paw paw in hay place guava caress booty or hit booty 2 people opposite way as in the link below
Metallic casket is paw paw in guava place carrot hit booty or fuck or paw paw in hay place carrot fight kinda bro or paw paw in a awiny tree leaves place hay and fight kinda 4 armored glass casket or paw paw in hay place paw paw and fight kinda 4 the same with serial opening or paw paw in hay place guava and cry 4 quarter inlet hole type with digital opening to curb casket theft or yam in grass place paw paw and talk 4 finger print of the deceased one
Passion and most fruit in grass place hay and even with animal bones placed in green grass then add hay then ma-surge arms and shoulder gives roofing.
Ice cream is millet in yam place cassava talk or paw paw in hay place groundnut and cry or guava in hay place paw paw masturbate a kid or guava in hay place pumpkin and cry/shade tears or tangerine in hay place paw paw kick a ball and with stick 1 is paw paw in hay place kale bred hair or mango in hay place lemon and urinate or cabbage in hay place guava hit ya tongue in ya mouth or cassava in paw paw place guava caress ya own booty or cassava in hay place pumpkin close ya eyes dude
Chocolate paw paw in hay place guava and insert carrot in a mans ass hole and try with a woman as well 4 another product and even banana shape fruits or veggies. paw paw in hay place avocado fuck a woman anus with banana and pay her heavy or place kale and talk or chew gum or place guava hit one on 1 eye dude or gnaw ya teeth as cold.
Cooking oil paw paw in hay place kale cry with ya nose, kinda, gasping 4 breath dude or paw paw in hay place guava and masturbate dude or paw paw in onion place hay spunk the booty or hay in onion place guava caress shoulder and arms or paw paw in hay place avocado masturbate while seated dude or hay in guava place paw paw fire bullets unto the solution 4 olive oil. Castor oil is paw paw in hay place onion masturbate standing or paw paw in hay place kale hurl with guava and 4 sunflower oil is paw paw in hay place guava masturbate looking the ceiling or cry dude and try with other styles as well as 4 palm oil is paw paw in hay place guava shout 4 the fruit or paw paw in hay place avocado walk away dude
Inner-pants is paw paw in hay place guava feast like to fight in a training dude or do like starting a motor bike on air or just start a bike dude or walk backwards as dancing or cry or paw paw in carrot place guava and cry or paw paw in hay place green grass and cry or shout.
Women bra is hay in guava place carrot start a bike kinda or hay in carrot place guava kinda, make a feast to fight or 4 men paw paw in hay place guava and cry or start a motor bike kinda or Rab hands 4 suits or eat groundnuts 4 cloth reflectors like 4 motorbikes. 4 women suits is paw paw in hay place guava start a bike or ride a bicycle dude or paw paw in hay place avocado talk. Wallet is paw paw in hay place guava wash face or place grass and cry and 4 belt is paw paw in hay place guava write slanting or place pumpkin and cry dude and 4 women purse is paw paw in guava place kale right or cry and with all the steps 4 another type dude and even slanting ya head dude or changing its position or doing any style u have seed as in Wrestling and sports gives another product dude
Sweater is paw paw in hay place guava and cry or make holes on the wall and with all above styles try and 4 duvet is paw paw in hay place guava drink drinks like strong tea and many dude just trying or place green grass and shout and 4 socks is paw paw in hay place guava cramp on the ground or place banana and write and with many fruits repeating the above styles dude. Jumpers paw paw in hay place euphorbia and writing things dude and 4 jackets is paw paw in hay place avocado, guava and with every fruit talk or walk or dance kinda.
Bed sheets is paw paw in hay place carrots, veggies and other fruits and cry dude or write and 4 jeans is paw paw in hay place guava fight kinda, with folded feast or paw paw in hay place grass hurl with hot water dude or place avocado and shout instantly dude or grass and hide or paw paw in hay place groundnut and hit ya elbow on wall kinda or place cabbage and talk while 4 Marvin wear is paw paw in hay place grass shout or cry or fight kinda or place guava start a bike or paw paw in hay place guava make a woman hair.
Mineral water is paw paw in hay place guava slap ya head to make ya hair down kinda or paw paw in guava place hay masturbate a kid or paw paw in hay place guava caress the arm and the shoulder or do X style like triple H in world WWF.
CD as condom is paw paw in hay place guava do the X-style dude or paw paw in hay place carrot fold ya fingers like in cold or place pumpkin and hold ya self kinda feeling cold, folding ya hand together ya hands towards ya heart dude or passion in grass place hay cry or carrot in hay place paw paw and cry
X-mas lights and other accessories paw paw in guava place hay and cry or paw paw in hay place carrot and do like swimming on air or just swim whichever dude or kale in guava place paw paw and cry dude or paw paw in hay place orange and cry dude or place tangerine and hide or kale in spinach place hay and hide or tangerine in hay place guava and hide or paw paw in mango place hay and hide or tangerine in mango place paw paw and hide but 4 lights is kale in hay place paw paw and cry or paw paw in kale place guava and walk away dude
Car spanners is paw paw in cabbage,hay place carrot and do all the steps as above 4 a new thing or paw paw in carrot place hay and do all the process as above or hay in passion place paw paw and circle a pillar and do as well all the above process or guava in sewer water place passion or any veggies as fruit doing all the above protocols dude and 4 screw sets is paw paw in hay place passion or kale or dark beans doing all the process as above 4 another type or passion in hay place carrot and rotate a con shaped structure or pillar or tank or hay in avocado place pumpkin or guava in hay place cauliflower and jokes or cabbage in hay place paw paw and wipe ya tears dude and more as above
Any two fruits, or with leaves, veggies or wild berries or any animal and hurling as described above makes another gadget in the boom process. Any 2 things in sewer water makes something in the boom process and give it a try dude. Now u r poor and following me cant solve the day lest u r killed, even if the army takes over dude, selling my corpse wont save u at that time dude, lest u learnt to make every machine as above to save ya export to be used money previously dude
Paints is mango in hay place paw paw or carrot and cry or mangosteen in hay place paw paw and cry or kale in hay place guava and fuck or Bringanya in hoho place grass rotate a pillar dude or sweet potato in yam place guava and cry or pumpkin in yam place paw paw fold hands or groundnuts in yam place paw paw cry or cabbage in yam place kale sit down dude or kale in Sodom leaves place paw paw cramp ya fee dude or tangerine in hay place paw paw make hard feast as carrying heavy load dude or grass in hay place guava and cry dude and more
Ginger is made when hay place in paw paw grass added then u scream dude or hay in paw paw place spinach and cry or paw paw in guava place hay scream/bend dude
Hair food is guava in hay place guava and squat bending dude or guava in hay place banana and hide or tangerine in hay place carrot fold ya hands kinda or paw paw in guava place hay scream or wheat grain in rye grain place paw paw cry or carrot in hay place paw paw walk backward dude
Flower paw paw in hay place carrot and jump or cry or paw paw in mango place guava and cry or guava in avocado place hay and cry or tangerine in paw paw place hay and hide or Bringanya in kale place paw paw and jog dude or hay in kale place paw paw squat like spreading/sprouting flower groaning or paw paw in hay place guava and cry or paw paw in hay place mango and cry or mango in hay place paw paw and cry or shout or do all the styles as above dude
Paw paw in hay place guava walk spreading ya legs make the internet server radar display machine 4 controlling missiles, jets, drone and big airplanes even missiles while 4 the missile machine paint ya nails on the above case, shout 4 jet, caress booty 4 jet as well, walk backwards 4 jet as well, shake head 4 drone or place hay in guava add sugar cane and nod ya head 4 the internet control screen, play around with kids 4 missile or jump, Defecate 4 chopper and sit on the floor 4 big air-plane, cry in bend posture 4 water missile, looking up 4 air missile, looking down 4 chopper and looking up 4 big air-plane dude or masturbate a kid 4 water drone, big person 4 air drone, fuck doggy a woman 4 jets, 4 2 in 1 jets hurl with paw paw, 2 in 1 missiles hurl with guava, air-plane hurl with banana and 4 big missile hurl with paw paw seed mixed with lemon seed, 4 2 in 1 drones hurl with dark beans or passion fruit on hay in guava add cane on 2 in 1 sub-marine hurl with mango seed or mangosteen dude and more that uses the normal internet to move
sign of defeat and empowerment in the links below, cant hinder our progress as we women knows the same, so empowered dude, our ears can be messed with
Hand wash is paw paw in hay place guava masturbate a kid or hay in kale place paw paw and cry or kale in kunde place paw paw and hide or pineapple in hay place grass and cry dude or onion in grass place hay pat one on the back or guava in hay place onion and brush ya teeth or wipe ya booty 4 e-car on the same dude
Rice in beans and maize as cooked then hurl with kunde makes big sky-scrapping buildings of the city or Githeri that is beans cooked with maize place spinach hurl with passion or dark beans makes the same but when u urinate make building stones while if u hurl with grass makes roads.
Pumpkin in hay place paw paw and apply oil on hair 4 diesel flue or hay in guava place green grass caress throat dude or carrot in hay place guava clap hands or grab palm of ya both hands together and 4 petrol is paw paw in hay place kale masturbate a kid or guava in grass place paw paw beat one on his back and neck while him squatted dude or paw paw in hay place guava ma-surge one fingers to palm area or carrot in hay place paw paw play hide and seek and 4 Kerosene is paw paw in kale place guava ma-surge one fingers or paw paw in hay place Sodom fruit bend ya fingers dude or paw paw in hay place tangerine and dance or cabbage in hay place grass hurl down one broken teeth dude or talk or place carrot and cry or yellow maize in hay place guava apply oil or remove cape and place it again or rotate it dude or wear durag bro
4 ice is paw paw in hay place guava and shake ya head as something u cant imagine or get or tangerine in hay place avocado hurl tissue paper unto it or rice in grass place kale step on a woman booty to like fall as kick and boom ya ice or paw paw in hay place grass caress one knee or tangerine in grass place paw paw and grab one of ya finger to thumb the try to push it away dude or avocado in hay place paw paw jump squatted dude
Toothpick paw paw in hay place carrot and shower dude using shower or rye grain in grass place paw paw and shower dude or kunde in hay place guava and prick a woman booty with sharp object dude
Mint dew avocado in hay place onion and fire bullets on wall maybe having bullet proof jacket or grass in hay place paw paw type things on a computer or cabbage in grass place hay and jump one legged or sew things.
School bags paw paw in hay place guava do the the X-style to in between ya legs or paw paw in hay place carrot and side walk or paw paw in hay place guava hit drum sets or paw paw in hay place Sodom fruit and scrub /comb ya hair backwards or paw paw in hay place carrots swing ya head sideways or carrot in guava place paw paw vomit even water on ya mouth or kale in hay place spinach talk hurriedly or Sodom fruit in kale place guava and side walk alone dude and more
Material 4 school clothes guava in hay place paw paw jump sideways or kale in hay place guava hold hand or kale in spinach place kunde and let a car pass hurriedly dude and 4 sweater in cassava in hay place guava and walk or cabbage in hay place guava caress the belly or paw paw in hay place kunde run hurriedly
4 school shoe is black jack in hay place paw paw caress the booty or the cut half photo placed in sewer water b4 black jack added and one blow hot steam or partake hard liquor dude or cold water and 4 socks is cut diagonal photo placed in hay then banana added b4 one squeeze a wet clothe or blanket dude and 4 seats is passion fruit in hay add paw paw scream with broken voice dude or add guava and hide and for the table is paw paw in hay place kale and talk or guava in hay place paw and cry dude or carrot in guava place paw paw and hag 4 long dude
Mala is euphorbia in hay place guava and shout or add avocado and scream dude. While 4 Vim washing detergent is Euphorbia in kale in hay add grass and talk or paw paw in hay add carrot and make matuta on ya woman hair or cabbage in hay place paw paw crack ya fingers. Jic detergent is paw paw in hay place guava play with a kid or paw paw in hay place carrot and talk dude
Paw paw in hay add guava caress on should as bruised make fab houses as in the link below or fold arms cross-crossing on the heart or play with a kid kinda holding him/her
Train is paw paw in yam place kale and cry many people as in funeral or hit booty 2 people the other side or talk close or Rab one face or squat dude or try rest of styles as stated above
Mande tiyo mabel yawa swears some women, just look how happy it looks as in the red radio in the song link below
Phones how made dude cabbage in hay place kale fire armored glass with bullets or touch one booty or hot bathe washing ya booty or side talk as discussing or cabbage in guava place kale chop lemon or fight kinda or kale in onion place guava crush lemon or hot shower or immerse ya head in hot water bucket or cabbage in kale place hay squeeze water from a garment or kale in pumpkin place paw paw or kale in guava place hay and fold clothes or bedding or stir like hot tea or employ every gesture as above 4 more or cabbage in kale place kojet grab one arms or fold papers or hay/lemon in kale place avocado and chop hay or push heavy load 4 tablet or 4 laptop is grass in kojet place pumpkin scrub ya head or cut photo into half placed in mango add coke soda bottle and laugh dude and 4 phones cut photo placed in mango solution as raw then coke soda bottle place and chop avocado or bathe with hot water or scream dude
Kojet in cabbage place carrot hurl maize cob on the wall or chop raw mango or kale in guava add pumpkin touch one hand or talk close or guava in kale place cabbage chop paw paw or hide beside or into a container or eat bread or touch one penis or mango in hay place avocado squeeze fruit like tangerine to produce juice or start a machine like radio or TV dude or few liters in grass add paw paw then kinda make holes on wall using carrot or sticks or break sticks
4 TV is folded photo in hay add guava write things squeezing pen on the writing pad or play us football or any sports 4 another gadget like even cards 4 stoves, bathe with sponge 4 jiko and more 4 many results dude
Bent photo as folded add honey place in paw paw head and walk away discussing or discuss to pray in squatted with bend back posture or shower many people as well as touching each other on the skin many people or or add yogurt in place of honey and walk away or scream as shout many people or chop mango to hurl liquid down the floor Or cut photo add hay place white guava juice and cry dude or scrub ya face as well as the floor or cold shower dude or cut half photo in hay add avocado juice pluck fruits as well as veggies as tomato 4 more types dude Or cut photo in green grass add hay read things dude or fart bro or defecate Or cut photo in grass place pumpkin rotate the heap dude or place carrot try to bring one hand down on the table on the push pull hand game and try with every fruit where cut photo immersed and same with added last object changing each 4 another product all at all and employing different styles as well and even making the last object honey or juices dude or excretion homey
Jacaranda tree in green grass add Euphorbia the write things on wall makes supersonic jets as i told Britain or cold bathe or play with water nozzle as kids do or walk away or leave in a motor bike solo or defecate dude or fuck a woman doggy dude
Awiny tree leave is made when paw paw place in hay honey added then one chop passion fruit or drink cold water or kale in guava add passion fruit and eat githeri or cross the road dude or descend in a haste from a stair case dude. One used to make Dark fear engulf ya sky-scrapper dude like of NY not bright buildings synonymous with phoenix, Denver or Minneapolis and more, Kinda, u see water engulf ya next time like of Chicago dude, can be a cash crop if artificial counter part not told how made dude and reason 4 migration dude and makes monies when place in garbage add honey and fight kinda or add paw paw and hides beside a pillar or add avocado and urinate in light. So u r alerted dude to end or stop maybe lest otherwise employed we know not yet dude
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sirjustice835-blog · 4 years
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PS4 OR 5 games paw paw in guava place kale shout, jump or in other flowers, veggies or paw paw in kale or in many veggies and add another flower, veggies and shout, 4 email squat, jump for the same above after placed and 4 search engine scratch monies and count, pray and 4 social media drug creates, arrange plates, while 4 security app wash plates and 4 online games toss up a coin like in many men 50 cent song or play cards, basket ball, soccer in dim light while the placed above is in dark or dribble ball with ya hand of legs as in football or fold clothes and bedding or hit ball with ya feet hurling them away or brag in ya talking etc and more such moves u can imagine as i just trying out with a new something as u can replace paw paw or guava with another fruit or berries or veggies as much as leaves to get much app and even other gadgets not in ya mind at that time but it will be a blessing in disguise just take it dude
4 MOBILE is yam in paw paw or guava in cabbage or paw paw in carrot and employ all the above and even sitting or scratching ya booty on the floor as u move, kinda.
Kenya now poor until it knows how to make every machine, drugs and other accessories like clothes so it doesn't import and calling the name of politician wont make that, unless u read the laws and make them dude. With all these, such people making them are more precious than anything else even the dignitaries and get that, cause they make a nation to save their Forex which they used in imports to channel that cash into the economy dude to make their nations per with other nations which have known the above. When u master the above, every nation became same in development as they dont outsource or import to divide part of their Forex with another nation
Now if u r lazy look, u cant be tolerated the tea has not yet been marketed as it can be made artificially, so if u bring up kids u bringing like father like son ones to disturb the future generation when such minds that can block such aint around dude, lest trespass and you arrested.
The house in the link below is made when hay added to green grass then dry maize added and hurled with hot water or maize cob in hay add paw paw shout dude. Or maize cob in Euphorbia place hay sprinkle sperm many people from above 4 the wooden story 1 or cabbage in hay place dry grass and spit saliva many people 4 story 1 or pumpkin in hay place paw paw and summer salt 4 the red roof one or paw paw in grass place hay hurl hot water 4 the big glass one or paw paw in hay place tangerine and masturbate 4 the white wide one or cassava in groundnuts place pumpkin and shout 4 the white story 1 dude, try even without foundation at the devil will give u with concrete lining from below to uplift or carry when u add sewer water and maize cob to each dude or pa paw in hay ride bicycle all around and boom ya red wooden housing as in bauhu or hay in grass place paw paw do back wards 4 the gray roofed or hay in grass place paw paw pass with speedy jets on-top 1 big with dark brick walls
Radar controlled missiles link below
Roads paw paw in hay place cabbage jump into a hole or trench many people in a linear motion, Road as in the link below
Putting kids into sex to change their character, when they see u soft they mistake ya 4 a woman and kinda, wants to have sex with ya which if u refute the very women having sex with them brand u names and that's the gimmicks dude
kantaka car owner planning violence as giving other people money to give others to finish their agendas, like Denis white boy teacher of dala hera, kisumu, Kenya school. They even got radar controlled mini-missile of 2 km radious, size of rotating Arial controller to aid the above as explained in following tumblr a/c or sirjustice390. They fuck women and when women have been empowered to make the same artificial products and necessities to share the profits they cant do the same, so locate school girls who share the same love with teenagers if they find ya, kidnap ya or plan u killings as cutting u with machette dude. Warn him, most saying they are rwandi as people of misuria and Louisiana state got such blood so they want to get their or play with u in your absensia u cant locate them tohurt u saying they are mexican that if carli4nia and Texas or Arizona where part of mexico and if taken they will benefit so eyeing such dude. warn them to stop. see the character of big people, now evitable to deemed short people to overtake them, when 1 tells u something dont again engage in his kidnap or derail synonymous with kantaka and innoson cars
Kale is paw paw in hay place grass urinate or paw paw in Sodom leaves place carrot and masturbate dude or carrot in hay place guava booty fuck dude while tomato is paw paw in hay place kale and swing dance or cucumber in kojet place hay jump or grass in hay place paw paw caress man booty. While onion is paw paw in grass place hay break sticks or  paw paw in hay place camara leaves blow ya nose and boom ya onion dude
Eggs is tangerine in paw paw place hay choke with long sticks or paw paw in cassava place butternut walk bowled legged or waru in bringanya place kunde jump far away from a cliff or tangerine in hay place paw paw caress the back of 1 head. Cabbage is grass in hay place kojet or cucumber fire bullets into it or sprinkle with salt or paw paw in hay place cucumber run hurriedly dude or grass in hay place paw paw gnaw ya teeth and boom ya veggies. With Melons is paw paw in wheat grain place cassava just talk or in hay place kale defecate into it or paw paw in hay place tangerine then play the wall dirt of that small arrow.
Maize is paw paw in hay place grass then en-kindle a match stick or hay in grass place guava and murmur or cucumber in grass place paw paw urinate or Guava in hay place paw paw walk or jump or tangerine in hay place guava do backwards dude. Green grams is mango in paw paw place grass deficate on it or paw paw in guava place kale jump far away or hay in guava place paw paw help a kid to urinate squeezing his manhood in the middle or Euphorbia in hay place kunde play/jump the rope hurriedly or mango in passion fruit place paw paw bite ya lips dude
cucumber in grass hit the wall like in 21 question song after placed paw paw 4 passion fruit or kunde in yam place dania and summer-salt from a cliff or tomato in hay place guava and cry dude and 4 pixie is avocado in yam place yam cliff jump or grass in hay place cabbage then, kinda, in the middle of the booty from down to up move ya hand as rubbing or tomato in hay place paw paw cry many people. 4 beans is paw paw in hay place guava shout or paw paw in hay place guava jump or paw paw in hay place onion, kinda, fight hitting the wall and 4 cassava is mango leaves in grass play paw paw cry or grass in hay place butternut do bur bur bur like kids do and ya cassava and sweet potato is tangerine in hay place grass and kinda fight dude or paw paw in hay place guava and kinda, masturbate a kid and boom ya delicacy and 4 waru is pumpkin in yam place grass jump or  tangerine in hay place paw paw cry or paw paw in yam place millet kiss or hay in grass place paw paw spank the booty dude. Groundnut is paw paw in hay place guava hit ya booty the other side 2 people or hay in Sodom leaves place white guava fuck rapidly dude or paw paw in grass place hay cry
Owner of broken heart Riddim, spread gossip riddim, last breath riddim and defeat riddim as well as mend ya soul/herat riddim to be released in due time, 1 and only kebi, osiep Nyili utters Delanu.
2 in 1 submarine and jet that can run both on air and water
Sodom apple leaves in cabbage place paw paw and cry 4 submarine while yawn 4 missile as the radar place guava and shout 4 submarine while 4 missile place sweet potato and shout 4 joy or maize in grass place paw paw and cry 4 submarine while 4 missile shout 4 joy many people and submarine rad add beans and shout 4 joy while 4 missile add millet and look in awe to many people dude and still more
Photocopier ink is paw paw in hay place guava and cry or hit head on one another and 4 the paper rims is paw paw in hay place guava and cry and 4 the photo-copier is paw paw in hay place guava kick a ball or paw paw in hay place carrot and cry or fuck pussy or booty fuck. And 4 E motor bike is paw paw in hay place carrot walk away or masturbate or hide or fire gun and do with all the moves as displaced dude.
E-buses is paw paw in hay place guava hug or cry or place yam masturbate and try with all the styles as above or do backwards 4 transit bus while E-bicycles is paw paw in hay place carrot and jump or blindfold one or fuck and try with all the moves as above 4 a different type dude.
Kinda, when one gets to hell, without helping ya yet u told them the protocol, u see, petrol being poured unto his face like in Sarafina movie as in the link below
Now china and Russia just talk, just like with fuel if u got we are friends if not they walk all away, like now they have learnt to make artificial many species of cocoa, coffee, tobacco,rice, maize, rye, flowers, pixie, veggies and fruits like mangosteen or passion and sugar so if ya nation got such as main cash crop think twice dont go around on media like seducing those nations as people do to women synonymous now with Kenyan President Uhuru as seen on the newspaper, now stop the relationship and forge well ahead or will amount to absolute nothing dude and even war bro. Let us not see that, kinda, a woman who has left ya and taken ya to court to warn ya. And even having substitue 4 what is grown in ya country to make necessities as can be made much in boom process and its opportunity cost dude like with tropical leaves and flowers used in the boom process. Walk away dude as in the song link below, when their aint scratch then no business as the rule of thumb, scratch my back i scratch your dude
Tobacco made when paw paw in hay place guava and cry or defecate or fuck 4 the leaves dude
Triple ace vodka paw paw in hay place grass and cook or place guava and kiss dude
Spinach is hay in grass place avocado tongue kiss or paw paw in hay place guava and booty fuck in doggy way
Paw paw in hay place guava caress booty or hit booty 2 people opposite way as in the link below
Metallic casket is paw paw in guava place carrot hit booty or fuck or paw paw in hay place carrot fight kinda bro or paw paw in a awiny tree leaves place hay and fight kinda 4 armored glass casket or paw paw in hay place paw paw and fight kinda 4 the same with serial opening or paw paw in hay place guava and cry 4 quarter inlet hole type with digital opening to curb casket theft or yam in grass place paw paw and talk 4 finger print of the deceased one
Passion and most fruit in grass place hay and even with animal bones placed in green grass then add hay then ma-surge arms and shoulder gives roofing.
Ice cream is millet in yam place cassava talk or paw paw in hay place groundnut and cry or guava in hay place paw paw masturbate a kid or guava in hay place pumpkin and cry/shade tears or tangerine in hay place paw paw kick a ball and with stick 1 is paw paw in hay place kale bred hair or mango in hay place lemon and urinate or cabbage in hay place guava hit ya tongue in ya mouth or cassava in paw paw place guava caress ya own booty or cassava in hay place pumpkin close ya eyes dude
Chocolate paw paw in hay place guava and insert carrot in a mans ass hole and try with a woman as well 4 another product and even banana shape fruits or veggies. paw paw in hay place avocado fuck a woman anus with banana and pay her heavy or place kale and talk or chew gum or place guava hit one on 1 eye dude or gnaw ya teeth as cold.
Cooking oil paw paw in hay place kale cry with ya nose, kinda, gasping 4 breath dude or paw paw in hay place guava and masturbate dude or paw paw in onion place hay spunk the booty or hay in onion place guava caress shoulder and arms or paw paw in hay place avocado masturbate while seated dude or hay in guava place paw paw fire bullets unto the solution 4 olive oil. Castor oil is paw paw in hay place onion masturbate standing or paw paw in hay place kale hurl with guava and 4 sunflower oil is paw paw in hay place guava masturbate looking the ceiling or cry dude and try with other styles as well as 4 palm oil is paw paw in hay place guava shout 4 the fruit or paw paw in hay place avocado walk away dude
Inner-pants is paw paw in hay place guava feast like to fight in a training dude or do like starting a motor bike on air or just start a bike dude or walk backwards as dancing or cry or paw paw in carrot place guava and cry or paw paw in hay place green grass and cry or shout.
Women bra is hay in guava place carrot start a bike kinda or hay in carrot place guava kinda, make a feast to fight or 4 men paw paw in hay place guava and cry or start a motor bike kinda or Rab hands 4 suits or eat groundnuts 4 cloth reflectors like 4 motorbikes. 4 women suits is paw paw in hay place guava start a bike or ride a bicycle dude or paw paw in hay place avocado talk. Wallet is paw paw in hay place guava wash face or place grass and cry and 4 belt is paw paw in hay place guava write slanting or place pumpkin and cry dude and 4 women purse is paw paw in guava place kale right or cry and with all the steps 4 another type dude and even slanting ya head dude or changing its position or doing any style u have seed as in Wrestling and sports gives another product dude
Sweater is paw paw in hay place guava and cry or make holes on the wall and with all above styles try and 4 duvet is paw paw in hay place guava drink drinks like strong tea and many dude just trying or place green grass and shout and 4 socks is paw paw in hay place guava cramp on the ground or place banana and write and with many fruits repeating the above styles dude. Jumpers paw paw in hay place euphorbia and writing things dude and 4 jackets is paw paw in hay place avocado, guava and with every fruit talk or walk or dance kinda.
Bed sheets is paw paw in hay place carrots, veggies and other fruits and cry dude or write and 4 jeans is paw paw in hay place guava fight kinda, with folded feast or paw paw in hay place grass hurl with hot water dude or place avocado and shout instantly dude or grass and hide or paw paw in hay place groundnut and hit ya elbow on wall kinda or place cabbage and talk while 4 Marvin wear is paw paw in hay place grass shout or cry or fight kinda or place guava start a bike or paw paw in hay place guava make a woman hair.
Mineral water is paw paw in hay place guava slap ya head to make ya hair down kinda or paw paw in guava place hay masturbate a kid or paw paw in hay place guava caress the arm and the shoulder or do X style like triple H in world WWF.
CD as condom is paw paw in hay place guava do the X-style dude or paw paw in hay place carrot fold ya fingers like in cold or place pumpkin and hold ya self kinda feeling cold, folding ya hand together ya hands towards ya heart dude or passion in grass place hay cry or carrot in hay place paw paw and cry
X-mas lights and other accessories paw paw in guava place hay and cry or paw paw in hay place carrot and do like swimming on air or just swim whichever dude or kale in guava place paw paw and cry dude or paw paw in hay place orange and cry dude or place tangerine and hide or kale in spinach place hay and hide or tangerine in hay place guava and hide or paw paw in mango place hay and hide or tangerine in mango place paw paw and hide but 4 lights is kale in hay place paw paw and cry or paw paw in kale place guava and walk away dude
Car spanners is paw paw in cabbage,hay place carrot and do all the steps as above 4 a new thing or paw paw in carrot place hay and do all the process as above or hay in passion place paw paw and circle a pillar and do as well all the above process or guava in sewer water place passion or any veggies as fruit doing all the above protocols dude and 4 screw sets is paw paw in hay place passion or kale or dark beans doing all the process as above 4 another type or passion in hay place carrot and rotate a con shaped structure or pillar or tank or hay in avocado place pumpkin or guava in hay place cauliflower and jokes or cabbage in hay place paw paw and wipe ya tears dude and more as above
Any two fruits, or with leaves, veggies or wild berries or any animal and hurling as described above makes another gadget in the boom process. Any 2 things in sewer water makes something in the boom process and give it a try dude. Now u r poor and following me cant solve the day lest u r killed, even if the army takes over dude, selling my corpse wont save u at that time dude, lest u learnt to make every machine as above to save ya export to be used money previously dude
Paints is mango in hay place paw paw or carrot and cry or mangosteen in hay place paw paw and cry or kale in hay place guava and fuck or Bringanya in hoho place grass rotate a pillar dude or sweet potato in yam place guava and cry or pumpkin in yam place paw paw fold hands or groundnuts in yam place paw paw cry or cabbage in yam place kale sit down dude or kale in Sodom leaves place paw paw cramp ya fee dude or tangerine in hay place paw paw make hard feast as carrying heavy load dude or grass in hay place guava and cry dude and more
Ginger is made when hay place in paw paw grass added then u scream dude or hay in paw paw place spinach and cry or paw paw in guava place hay scream/bend dude
Hair food is guava in hay place guava and squat bending dude or guava in hay place banana and hide or tangerine in hay place carrot fold ya hands kinda or paw paw in guava place hay scream or wheat grain in rye grain place paw paw cry or carrot in hay place paw paw walk backward dude
Flower paw paw in hay place carrot and jump or cry or paw paw in mango place guava and cry or guava in avocado place hay and cry or tangerine in paw paw place hay and hide or Bringanya in kale place paw paw and jog dude or hay in kale place paw paw squat like spreading/sprouting flower groaning or paw paw in hay place guava and cry or paw paw in hay place mango and cry or mango in hay place paw paw and cry or shout or do all the styles as above dude
Paw paw in hay place guava walk spreading ya legs make the internet server radar display machine 4 controlling missiles, jets, drone and big airplanes even missiles while 4 the missile machine paint ya nails on the above case, shout 4 jet, caress booty 4 jet as well, walk backwards 4 jet as well, shake head 4 drone or place hay in guava add sugar cane and nod ya head 4 the internet control screen, play around with kids 4 missile or jump, Defecate 4 chopper and sit on the floor 4 big air-plane, cry in bend posture 4 water missile, looking up 4 air missile, looking down 4 chopper and looking up 4 big air-plane dude or masturbate a kid 4 water drone, big person 4 air drone, fuck doggy a woman 4 jets, 4 2 in 1 jets hurl with paw paw, 2 in 1 missiles hurl with guava, air-plane hurl with banana and 4 big missile hurl with paw paw seed mixed with lemon seed, 4 2 in 1 drones hurl with dark beans or passion fruit on hay in guava add cane on 2 in 1 sub-marine hurl with mango seed or mangosteen dude and more that uses the normal internet to move
sign of defeat and empowerment in the links below, cant hinder our progress as we women knows the same, so empowered dude, our ears can be messed with
Hand wash is paw paw in hay place guava masturbate a kid or hay in kale place paw paw and cry or kale in kunde place paw paw and hide or pineapple in hay place grass and cry dude or onion in grass place hay pat one on the back or guava in hay place onion and brush ya teeth or wipe ya booty 4 e-car on the same dude
Rice in beans and maize as cooked then hurl with kunde makes big sky-scrapping buildings of the city or Githeri that is beans cooked with maize place spinach hurl with passion or dark beans makes the same but when u urinate make building stones while if u hurl with grass makes roads.
Pumpkin in hay place paw paw and apply oil on hair 4 diesel flue or hay in guava place green grass caress throat dude or carrot in hay place guava clap hands or grab palm of ya both hands together and 4 petrol is paw paw in hay place kale masturbate a kid or guava in grass place paw paw beat one on his back and neck while him squatted dude or paw paw in hay place guava ma-surge one fingers to palm area or carrot in hay place paw paw play hide and seek and 4 Kerosene is paw paw in kale place guava ma-surge one fingers or paw paw in hay place Sodom fruit bend ya fingers dude or paw paw in hay place tangerine and dance or cabbage in hay place grass hurl down one broken teeth dude or talk or place carrot and cry or yellow maize in hay place guava apply oil or remove cape and place it again or rotate it dude or wear durag bro
4 ice is paw paw in hay place guava and shake ya head as something u cant imagine or get or tangerine in hay place avocado hurl tissue paper unto it or rice in grass place kale step on a woman booty to like fall as kick and boom ya ice or paw paw in hay place grass caress one knee or tangerine in grass place paw paw and grab one of ya finger to thumb the try to push it away dude or avocado in hay place paw paw jump squatted dude
Toothpick paw paw in hay place carrot and shower dude using shower or rye grain in grass place paw paw and shower dude or kunde in hay place guava and prick a woman booty with sharp object dude
Mint dew avocado in hay place onion and fire bullets on wall maybe having bullet proof jacket or grass in hay place paw paw type things on a computer or cabbage in grass place hay and jump one legged or sew things.
School bags paw paw in hay place guava do the the X-style to in between ya legs or paw paw in hay place carrot and side walk or paw paw in hay place guava hit drum sets or paw paw in hay place Sodom fruit and scrub /comb ya hair backwards or paw paw in hay place carrots swing ya head sideways or carrot in guava place paw paw vomit even water on ya mouth or kale in hay place spinach talk hurriedly or Sodom fruit in kale place guava and side walk alone dude and more
Material 4 school clothes guava in hay place paw paw jump sideways or kale in hay place guava hold hand or kale in spinach place kunde and let a car pass hurriedly dude and 4 sweater in cassava in hay place guava and walk or cabbage in hay place guava caress the belly or paw paw in hay place kunde run hurriedly
4 school shoe is black jack in hay place paw paw caress the booty or the cut half photo placed in sewer water b4 black jack added and one blow hot steam or partake hard liquor dude or cold water and 4 socks is cut diagonal photo placed in hay then banana added b4 one squeeze a wet clothe or blanket dude and 4 seats is passion fruit in hay add paw paw scream with broken voice dude or add guava and hide and for the table is paw paw in hay place kale and talk or guava in hay place paw and cry dude or carrot in guava place paw paw and hag 4 long dude
Mala is euphorbia in hay place guava and shout or add avocado and scream dude. While 4 Vim washing detergent is Euphorbia in kale in hay add grass and talk or paw paw in hay add carrot and make matuta on ya woman hair or cabbage in hay place paw paw crack ya fingers. Jic detergent is paw paw in hay place guava play with a kid or paw paw in hay place carrot and talk dude
Paw paw in hay add guava caress on should as bruised make fab houses as in the link below or fold arms cross-crossing on the heart or play with a kid kinda holding him/her
Train is paw paw in yam place kale and cry many people as in funeral or hit booty 2 people the other side or talk close or Rab one face or squat dude or try rest of styles as stated above
Mande tiyo mabel yawa swears some women, just look how happy it looks as in the red radio in the song link below
Phones how made dude cabbage in hay place kale fire armored glass with bullets or touch one booty or hot bathe washing ya booty or side talk as discussing or cabbage in guava place kale chop lemon or fight kinda or kale in onion place guava crush lemon or hot shower or immerse ya head in hot water bucket or cabbage in kale place hay squeeze water from a garment or kale in pumpkin place paw paw or kale in guava place hay and fold clothes or bedding or stir like hot tea or employ every gesture as above 4 more or cabbage in kale place kojet grab one arms or fold papers or hay/lemon in kale place avocado and chop hay or push heavy load 4 tablet or 4 laptop is grass in kojet place pumpkin scrub ya head or cut photo into half placed in mango add coke soda bottle and laugh dude and 4 phones cut photo placed in mango solution as raw then coke soda bottle place and chop avocado or bathe with hot water or scream dude
Kojet in cabbage place carrot hurl maize cob on the wall or chop raw mango or kale in guava add pumpkin touch one hand or talk close or guava in kale place cabbage chop paw paw or hide beside or into a container or eat bread or touch one penis or mango in hay place avocado squeeze fruit like tangerine to produce juice or start a machine like radio or TV dude or few liters in grass add paw paw then kinda make holes on wall using carrot or sticks or break sticks
4 TV is folded photo in hay add guava write things squeezing pen on the writing pad or play us football or any sports 4 another gadget like even cards 4 stoves, bathe with sponge 4 jiko and more 4 many results dude
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