#grids gonna be so. ☠️ without HIM
tangledlove · 2 years
I think a lot of the ego stuff re: the things he’s said like “not be here just to be here” is a result of having to basically go thru the stages of grief process about his career in public.
i think so too... kinda hurts my heart. the fact that none of it is on his own terms is like 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 worst thing about this whole situation.. it's not like he saw out his contract and couldn't get something... he's legit out earlier than expected.
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Joe & Ray Pt.1
Joe: [Okay, so without committing you to anything major here, it’s Bea’s 11th bday and Ray is obviously hating life like a lil hater]
Joe: You want a surprise? 🎈
Ray: You tell me
Joe: You do but it’s a secret
Joe: soz you can’t steal her thunder, like
Ray: what thunder’s that like?
Ray: wet weekend in here at best 
Joe: lucky I didn’t let Sarah gatecrash like she wanted ☔️ wouldn’t do
Ray: should’ve she’d have had a grid to match the show this bday is
Joe: should know she’s well too mature to DO birthdays, whatever the fuck that means
Joe: Sarah not got the memo and the cards in the post 😬
Ray: @ her age I’d be swerving 2 ☠️ 
Ray: least til she can get a lad older to hang about with her instead of u 😬 is right
Joe: You ain’t heard her pitch on how dead mature I am?
Joe: tells everyone, like a right suspect character, her 😏
Ray: must be that she knows not to talk to me if she’s keen to keep her 👅 idk
Joe: pros and cons of her having one for me
Joe: anyway, trying to cheer you up, not get you into a more murderous rage here
Ray: come on then
Joe: Let me build some anticipation, you’re not even excited at all yet
Joe: have a guess or some bollocks, go on
Ray: I’m made up Sarah’s not on her way
Ray: won’t that do?
Joe: makes two of us
Joe: who would you be buzzing to have pop ‘round though 💭
Ray: Kurt’s not coming to save us
Ray: rub salt into both mine & Tommo’s wounds why don’t u like he’s not already 💔 not to be 👗
Joe: close
Joe: probably likes dress up even more than Kurt, more than Tommo might be a stretch though
Ray: eee you’ve only gone & invited [whoever the local weirdo is who we don’t think it really is but we’re saying for the bants like happy birthday Bea haha] ain’t youse??!
Joe: Said it was a 🎁 for you not her, didn’t I
Joe: I’m telling you in person anyway, and not in here ‘cos you’re gonna throw an eppy
Joe: find a flimsy reason to go in the garden beyond needing to 🤮 and I’ll see you out there
Ray: You wanna be thanked in person cos it’s that top of a pressie I’ve 💭 that far
Ray: just as well I have seeing as I’ll be 🧠☠️ trying to think of a reason more legit than 🤮
Joe: I know, sounding like him with how made up with myself I am
Joe: but keeping you and Bea apart is always a top idea, even when there’s 🎂 to hand out so
Ray: I dunno what you mean 👼🏼 all day us
Ray: no 🔪 pointed @ nobody myself included
Joe: I’ll go and get one, sweeten the deal
Joe: [do piss off to the kitchen from wherever we’re all congregated and then out to the back garden casually, not like you’ve got to be glued to the spot when everyone’s milling about the house]
Ray: 🖤
Ray: [show up more or less immediately because nobody really cares that much what y’all are doing ever is the vibe]
Joe: [you can have swings here because forever home so we’re just swinging casually like oh hey but grinning ‘cos can’t help it]
Ray: [obviously also grinning because it’s infectious and also your clues have actually shown this is gonna be a decent surprise so, lowkey push him off the swing so you can get on it in a sibling but also flirty manner]
Joe: [getting the kitchen knife out your pocket like oi, nearly murdered me because you’re never meant to put open knives in your pockets it’s so dangerous for that reason, not saying you just impaled him though lmao, hope Tess doesn’t need to peel any potatoes or whatever, ‘scuse you, pointing it at her again in the sibling but flirty manner ‘better?’]
Ray: [just swinging REALLY high on this stolen swing like nbd we could’ve killed you but LOOKING at you in a not at all sibling version of eye contact as is your blatant vibe ‘when I’ve had it confirmed what else you’ve got up your sleeve’ cos we have our sneaky suspicions from the clues but not gonna get our hopes up if it’s not that epic]
Joe: [just getting in and out of the way of her feet, getting closer to getting fully booted in the face each time, fully imagining your mother out the kitchen window like oi lmao but she’s got things to do she’s a busy woman so we’re fine; abruptly grabbing the ropes of this swing to stop you so you jerk violently to a halt and probably lowkey fall off yourself here so we have proximity to LOOK at you ourselves and also not be shouting this sneaky plan out for the world to know, roll up one of your actual sleeves, because she clearly is aware of the damage underneath but we’re showing you a phone number in biro as if you’re gonna know where it’s for but you’d likely know it’s a Belfast area code at least]
Ray: [when his antics trying to get booted in the face make your grin even bigger than before because we’re NOT WELL and the stopping of the swing makes you do a little lol for the same reason, but then you’re in each other’s grill exchanging LOOKS and you know damn well she’s tracing that Belfast area code with her finger like yep I knew and I know where this is going, as much excitement as we’ve ever shown or been capable of in our life being displayed on her face and in her body language rn, FULLY giving into it and throwing her arms around him in SUCH a hug]
Joe: [hugging you back but putting our hand over your mouth like you’re gonna scream purely ‘cos we wanna also you might, ‘tis exciting lol]
Ray: [letting this happen lowkey forever because we’re into it as much as he is, obvs, it’s a moment and we do be that excited anything could happen rn if we don’t haha]
Joe: [are going to have to let her breathe at whatever time you’ve deemed she’s not going to scream, totally the only reason to prolong that, yup; show her whatever confirmation you got too ‘tickets on their way’ still grinning]
Ray: [mhmm, totally the only reason this gal is super lightheaded and happy and excited, it’s just the tickets guys, not at all the looming incest ‘I pure love you’ an understatement at this point but what she always says and all we have to say]
Joe: [‘I love you an’ all’ because what else can you say rn but nerding out about the music which goes without saying here ‘you can’t tell no dickhead though, you never know who might snitch ‘cos they don’t get to go’ tea, the jealousy have some random hoes trying to ruin your fun, a look like obvs I know you ain’t that stupid though]
Ray: [just dramatically holding this kitchen knife up to our throat like I would literally rather die than have this be ruined because honestly that is too real especially because y’all are all poor and loads of your friends wouldn’t be able to go for that reason even if they were older than you, it’s an actual miracle you got 2 tickets yourself Joseph with how quick shit like that sells out, put his hand on the handle of said knife like you can press down rn and kill me sir before that’s happening]
Joe: [the line we are walking right now as we see how much we can press it down without breaking the skin, which we’d at least have a good concept of with who we are so there’s no accidental bloodshed here ‘was meant to fall on her birthday’ like the fuck you is the cherry on the cake for you and we know it hence we couldn’t wait to tell you]
Ray: [the line this gal could so easily cross rn with the way we’re once again LOOKING at Joe and are too into everything that’s happening here in this garden on this day, the actual shameless gasp at that news because it’s EVERYTHING]
Joe: [we can all see it coming in the air tonight but excuse me, got to hold off ‘til November actually so only drag that knife down to her collarbones and then put it away tah]
Ray: [once that knife is safely away just throw yourself on him like you did in the other convo because always, we’re too happy for boundaries rn ‘he’s trying to save us’ cos can’t save anyone but soz Kurt Gerard Way’s trying his best with how fated that date is]
Joe: [we’re never stopping you, which again, red flag everyone but you do you, just nod ‘I won’t let no dickhead mess with you in Belfast neither’ working with Kurt to keep you safe from the actual real dangers that exist as children going on a jolly to another town in another country, literally]
Ray: [‘and I’ll not let anyone you’ love that we think we can protect each other from how terrifyingly wrong this could go, if we needed proof of how young you both are, there it is ‘girls here are bad enough’ can’t resist the Sarah shade a second later though ofc]
Joe: [smirk emoji of course ‘she ain’t coming’ because 2nd best news you’ll get today so have it]
Ray: [‘saves having to resell her ticket outside’ with the energy of even if you were planning on inviting her there’s no way she’ll survive til Nov to make it to the gig lol]
Joe: [laugh a little because yeah, obviously, how many girls will we have gone through by then ‘be enough lads and lasses there, like you said’ with the energy of we could both hook up with randoms if we wanted ‘cos we can do anything we wanna excitement]
Ray: [‘We’ll be there, one each of ‘em’ cos can’t actually believe this is real and won’t until the tickets have physically arrived levels of excitement]
Joe: [we won’t get too excited until we actually get there ‘cos kind of person we are but likewise like yeah can’t believe I’ve pulled this off tbf ‘that’s your christmas present done’ nudging her like I am skint ‘cos definitely been saving for this]
Ray: [nudge him back like I can’t believe you did this without me realising you were or pulled it off but shamelessly have no doubt even at this point that we’ll get there somehow cos just that bitch ‘Dunno how I’m meant to do fuck all as class for yours or your birthday’ cos truly]
Joe: [‘don’t do birthdays’ in whatever we’re trying to pass off as a Bea impersonation to make you laugh but also because we obviously are not fussed]
Ray: [do your own Fraze impression back because you are both so anti baze it amuses me]
Joe: [shudder ‘weirder ‘cos you look like him’ because that’s true, even if he’s starting to look more manly and you’re not, thank god lmao]
Ray: [punch him as hard as you physically can because ew we hate that]
Joe: [never react normally to physical violence, just pressing down on wherever she just hit like we’re making sure it bruises like deserved that]
Ray: [look down at whatever lewk we are serving in honour of the festivities and back at him like take it back that I look like my twin rn immediately ‘tell me I don’t’ cos cannot be overstated how much we hate it, not even just as pure shade to Fraze though she obvs doesn’t like him that much but mostly because it makes her feel like less of a person and we’re already struggling with feeling like we aren’t one a lot of the time]
Joe: [draw your attention back to her when she speaks so you can also look at her fit and really stare at her like you’re making your mind up here and shake your head ‘even if I came at you with this-’ and put your hand in your pocket to push the knife into her side a little ‘-you still wouldn’t be half the state he is, swear’]
Ray: [‘if you came at me with that-’ pausing to look at the knife before putting her hand over his so we can press it in harder than he is ‘you’d reckon I was dead pretty’ because Joseph we’ve got your number by now boy and we know exactly what you’re into]
Joe: [make the noise you make when you’re stopping yourself from making any others out loud ‘I already do’ shrugging like it’s casual when it’s anything but]
Ray: [smiling the way you would if your crush said that and not your older brother because of course, not full on blushing emoji but a lil bit even though we’d be used to him saying that by now too, never fully used to it]
Joe: [‘I’m going to have to keep such a close eye on you at the gig’ just saying she’ll look that good, as you do]
Ray: [‘you can dress me for it, long as it’s not properly like a nun’ lol imagine, nbd just a normal thing for siblings to do, not at all weird]
Joe: [‘be on theme’ ‘cos the catholicism sis and we can’t safely say anything else about that when we’re already hooking our thumbs through your belt loops to pull you even closer into this knife/us]
Ray: [‘yeah’ distractedly at first because we’re thinking about how aesthetically wild this gig is going to be and how here for that we are but then because of those antics, the most intense LOOK of all time happening as a result, just staring unashamedly at you cos gotta will you with our eyes to go even harder with it or who are we]
Joe: [pushing your jeans down slightly when we move but not enough that you can say we meant to for definite but we know we did ‘could nick you a whole new outfit for then’ maintaining eye contact because likewise we must even though it’s a terrible idea]
Ray: [‘how am I gonna pay you back?’ like you’ve literally already got me the best present ever and now this but we know damn well the undertones that exist in there]
Joe: [‘don’t get up’ ‘cos we all know what’s happening here he’s only human and you’re gonna feel that so soz girl]
Ray: [in response get even more settled where you are like okay I won’t don’t worry cos if you were freaked out by this who are you at this point]
Joe: [just stroke her hair and try to calm down for both y’alls sake here]
Ray: [‘What organ would it hit?’ like if you did stab me for real rn what damage would it do, again a perfectly normal question for this nbd scenario]
Joe: [you’re a nerd so you probably have a solid idea so tell her where it is right now and then put your hand back between you two which is an even tighter squeeze now and move it to various different locations for different organs and severities here]
Ray: [obvs gonna press against him more whenever he gets to somewhere you like the sound of because this is creepy flirting at it’s finest and why would we stop now]
Joe: [‘I have sharper ones’ because obviously we do and this blunt kitchen knife is not good enough for either of us is the energy of us basically whispering this in your ear ‘I could fucking gut you’]
Ray: [the reaction as if he just said such a romantic and nice thing would be a red flag if anyone was around to hear or see any of this ‘that’s your christmas present done too’ like yes murder me under the tree, how festive]
Joe: [an evil laugh not unlike mingles honestly but you know, less cute ‘if you wrap yourself in a bow first’ like then it’ll be totally acceptable, yep]
Ray: [‘course’ like obvs, what else would I do in this totally normal scenario]
Joe: [‘your christmas saved’ like see it also being a present for yourself to be dead]
Ray: [a little pout when it occurs to her he’s right and how selfish that is, that she gets to be dead ‘follow me’ cos you have to be dead too then, nothing else makes sense ‘however you want to’]
Joe: [‘don’t be sad’ at her pout and taking this knife and putting it under her top to touch the skin on her stomach without clothes in the way like there you go, that’ll make you feel better ‘you can’t be on your own’ like it’s that simple and obvious that he’d have to die too]
Ray: [‘Don’t leave me, ever’ because literally cannot deal even in a hypothetical]
Joe: [‘I’ve always been with you’ is all the response you need]
Ray: [getting even closer somehow as if we’re not in the garden and siblings, it’s totally fine ‘you didn’t choose none of it though’ like decide you don’t ever want to leave me thank you]
Joe: [‘you’re mine, you don’t get no say in it’ fiercely like that’s just how it is and there’s nothing anyone or anything can do about that ‘I don’t need no fucking bow’ putting our other hand over your mouth again, just briefly like I did and could again]
Ray: [a nod like yep that’s accurate info and not at all not something your brother should be saying to you ‘you can still have it’ very much in the energy of you can literally have anything you want because where’s the lie]
Joe: [‘when you’re ready…’ can’t finish that sentence so just nodding right back]
Ray: [‘when Sarah gets the memo’ meaning all Sarahs here, none of you are welcome or appreciated, like she is our ONLY obstacle, sure Jan]
Joe: [‘in my head, she has freckles’ and tracing a pattern on her cheeks, just saying we picture you instead, cool]
Ray: [‘should try drawing a few on’ UM no don’t stab this girl in the face with the blunt kitchen knife we’re looking at with purpose]
Joe: [bucking our hips into you involuntarily ‘I should show you what happens when you push me’ and scowling on the low ‘cos we can’t deal with this]
Ray: [‘but wait, you can’t think about that, or her, more than me’ cos we’re like oh no he was into that and we must be prettier and more loved than every Sarah, excuse us]
Joe: [‘I’m not thinking about her, ever’ half-exasperated because that’s so obvious to us]
Ray: [‘boss’ genuinely so relieved like oh yay thank god, cos the insecurities of being this age and a girl mean it’s never that obvious to us]
Joe: [shaking our head but not harshly ‘you know what I would do for you’]
Ray: [‘and to me’ could not sound happier about it, actually buzzing]
Joe: [‘you’d never do this with anyone else, would you?’]
Ray: [shaking her head the exact same way he did a second ago and for the exact same reason that it couldn’t be more obvious that we would never, literally is repulsed by other lads to an almost comical degree]
Joe: [‘but you like when I do it, yeah?’ tilting her chin towards us ‘because I love you so much’]
Ray: [‘I like everything you do’ because true, everything he does however weird makes sense to us in a way that other people’s antics simply don’t] 
Joe: [making mm good sort of reassuring noises ‘you could- I mean, you’ve done it in front of Bea probably, she’s not even blood’ oh boy we know what you’re saying shh]
Ray: [‘I will’ before the words are even out of his mouth or we have any clue what he’s trying to say because the energy is regardless we would do it with no hesitation whatsoever] 
Joe: [when we know you agreed before understanding fully so we’re just looking at you TORN like do we accept that or nah, is this alright or nah ‘later?’ because if it’s wrong we’ll have totally calmed down and come to our senses by then, right?]
Ray: [‘whenever’ because just fully down at all times as if that’s not dangerous or troubling] 
Joe: [‘I wanna see your face, what it looks like’ fully LOOKING now as if you could just do it right here on the grass in the middle of the day]
Ray: [SOS for the way she’s bringing her face closer and closer to his, somebody in this family needs to throw a bucket of water on you two] 
Joe: [‘you think about me, don’t you’ when she’s close enough to feel your breath and for your lips to brush when they move as you say it]
Ray: [‘always’ because facts, you’re so in each other’s heads by this point] 
Joe: [‘no one’s coming’ like I could take this so much further ‘cos where are they ‘just me and you forever’]
Ray: [‘nobody ever does’ cos tea, can’t and won’t be saved, soz gal ‘except for you’ when you genuinely feel like nobody else in this massive fam remotely notices or cares about you]
Joe: [doing our own sad face ‘I’ll do a better job’ the tea is you can’t but appreciate the effort ‘make you feel so better’]
Ray: [‘you can’t do no better’ 1000% mean that with our whole heart, we’re so happy today, the hottest tea is that a concert should not be giving you a reason to want to carry on living at age 11 but here we are]
Joe: [‘I can’ tilting her chin again and moving her head so the back on her neck is exposed to us and kissing her softly but quickly there]
Ray: [we can’t and won’t discuss the way that would involuntarily make her move in response, soz boy, we were about to protest because we’re not trying to add to the pressure you feel as oldest to do everything, but there’s no arguing with that]
Joe: [grabbing your waist as involuntarily and so tightly we shock ourselves slightly, starting to move her ourselves replicating and matching with our own movements ‘remember, we’re gonna share a king-size’]
Ray: [just allowing all of this to unfold, why wouldn’t we ‘I can’t let myself forget’ like yet again, don’t get it twisted this is one of the few things that make life worth living, not at all alarming]
Joe: [‘and none of that lot have a key’ maintaining these movements like we’re in a bed in private now]
Ray: [‘nor do I, only you do’ because she literally said she wouldn’t ever leave and we meant that, would definitely never leave the house now if that was allowed but your parents aren’t that unaware or uncaring soz hun]
Joe: [‘I keep you safe, away from the world, you’re too precious’ hugging her tighter again, pulling her so you’re both in a seated position now instead]
Ray: [‘you’re it, I don’t wanna be part of a world that’s fuck all else’ again the conviction of this, girl you’re 11]
Joe: [‘you’re the only person I love’ likewise]
Ray: [look at him because you feel the exact same way obvs ‘I know I should love them lot the same but-’ when you can’t finish that sentence because you don’t even really know why you can’t or don’t]
Joe: [shrug, not nonchalantly but after some consideration ‘they have each other’ like we do too, it’s no different]
Ray: [‘is right, and none of ‘em have had me the way you do’ yet again we just feel ignored or misunderstood by the rest of y’all soz but that’s how it is]
Joe: [‘good, they’d only fuck it up’ the faith we have in none of you, soz but we know why]
Ray: [excuse her trying not to cry at how true that is and how true it is that Joe has literally never, however weird we are]
Joe: [just back to stroking your hair ‘cos we know, no need to say anything]
Ray: [just have a moment to snuggle, clearly nobody is paying attention to you so, kiss his cheek after however long you’ve taken to recover and not sob like thanks]
Joe: [ignore every urge to convert that, thank you, just smile at her ‘one of us has to go first’ ‘cos 0 desire but all the desire to keep ramping this up]
Ray: [‘I owe you’ because we do, for the gift of mcr if nothing else, but not actually making a move to leave yet because likewise would rather stay here forever]
Joe: [an amused noise like yeah you do ‘only a bit’]
Ray: [a noise like oh excuse you/me and playfully fight him in a that was your cue to be like no you don’t it’s fine and go full gentleman about it lol kind of way but really you’re just prolonging how long you’re here and the closeness + physical touch of it all, we see you]
Joe: [at least you have an excuse to be down on the ground when one of your parents finally appears to be like come eat some food or whatever so we can break this up without either of you having to]
Ray: [not eating because we hold the food personally responsible for ruining our good time but cockblock achieved]
Joe: [we probably have some food ritual we have to stealthily engage in right now, ‘scuse us everyone]
Ray: [the guests you’d love to have at your bday, soz Bea]
Joe: [we know you two will piss off yourselves as soon as you can without offending mcvickers, ah what a charming age lmao]
Ray: [speaking of, I have to point out something that JUST occurred to me, I’ve never not had gig tickets go on sale on Friday at like 10am in the history of the world ever so that means this needs to be friday like after school vibes for said tickets to have been secured by Joe earlier on a skive and the potential for you pair to piss off at night to your dangerous location of choice and be buzzing because you have this secret now that none of your friends and his gf don’t know is too excellent]
Joe: [I looked and her bday this year was actually Wednesday but I’m gonna change it because I have an accidental 13 bias so her bday can be the 15th instead, it doesn’t change anything lol because yes, it’s definitely the vibe]
Ray: [Joe’s gf is gonna be fuming and I couldn’t be more amused by that, they already leave this gal out all the time so blatantly]
Joe: [there’s only so long you can convince yourself you want a ‘bad boy’ Sarah, he just doesn’t give a fuck is the actual reality you’re ignoring here]
Ray: [you’re definitely getting dumped soon, boy, thank god we can line another girl up to cockblock y’all because it’s the slutty alternative era]
Joe: [yeah this one be on the wetter hen side of things, some of them give as little shits obviously, even if they think Ray is weird as hell still]
Ray: [valid ladies, she is, but yeah, definitely giving the train track vibe of that other convo we did but more feral is my thinking]
Joe: [clearly barely a bastard train runs after 10pm so have at it children lmao, the way we’re going to be all over Sarah though will have you fuming]
Ray: [I might have to give you a boy to pay slight attention to so you don’t murder Sarah with a blunt kitchen knife but that’s fine, we know they’re around]
Joe: Go on then, what’s his name
Ray: Dan? Sam? Nah, Ben? 🤔
Joe: Three letters and dull, relatable
Ray: maybe I’m projecting & it’s something like Spider or Spike
Joe: that’ll be what he told you
Joe: meaning it’s deffo biblical, John, Peter, Paul, a combo of the above
Ray: 🤞 for JP even easier
Joe: you wish it was JD
Ray: I’d not waste no wishes on him
Joe: you don’t need to, you’re the only girl here got a date with Gerard and Frank in November
Ray: 👸🏼✨☠️
Ray: pure forgettable out here tonight but I won’t
Joe: Sarah fancies Mikey ☠️ likes ‘em young and cute
Ray: Sarah don’t know what she’s on about
Joe: oi, don’t slag me off like that
Ray: I didn’t she is
Joe: if she likes speccy lads, she can give Fraze a go next 🤓
Ray: & here I reckoned I was special for the 👀 she keeps on giving me 💔
Joe: she giving you evils?
Ray: can’t be aimed @ BenSamDan unless she’s dead devvo he’s older than 12
Joe: [go and tell her to stop staring like she was starting shit when she probably was not remotely lol]
Ray: [shamelessly not gonna hide how buzzing we are that you just got told off lol]
Joe: [poor girl probably gonna go cry and we’re just chilling on these tracks looking for shit people have dropped, any signs of blood, dead animals, the usual]
Ray: [soz that these two have other priorities and you’re not even on the list hun, bringing you a bottle or a cigarette or something to share with you as if we need a reason to come over and join you but also in thanks because Joseph keeps making her happy on this day]
Joe: [whichever it is we’re taking it and going harder than you remotely should need to at 12 and handing it back with a cheers sort of gesture]
Ray: [SUCH a grin in response because of course, and obviously going as hard back because we’re not Sarah in case anyone had any doubt, look away whoever this boy is, we’re not trying to impress you sir]
Joe: [the way we just ignore most people most of the time so we’re making no effort to involve you or leave you out honestly, picking up someone’s busted phone off these tracks and seeing if you can fuck your fingers up on the cracked screen of it all nonchalantly ‘seriously though, what I’ve heard, no one else here got tickets’ ‘cos defs be the talk of the town tonight]
Ray: [she’s the other way and hyper aware of everyone but does not want them to perceive her thanks so much, you know she’s gotta take that broken phone and try and do it too when we realise what he’s trying to achieve here, a nod because you would’ve heard that too obvs ‘not as smart as you’ in every possible way we mean that so sincerely]
Joe: [oh the be a girl, such fun, just putting your fingertips together after for a impromptu blood brothers moment which has clearly been done properly many times, smile back like tah ‘none of ‘em could get to Belfast anyhow’ like you two are so smart and mature compared to these other burnout kids]
Ray: [‘most of ‘em’d be made up to get back home’ like they’re that useless, gotta blast the mcr bops as if we’re doing it for y’all like we’ll have our own gig cos none of us have tickets hehe but really doing it because we’ve got Joseph’s hand and can shamelessly dance like that’s not a dangerous game]
Joe: [at least you have to mosh style dance, there’s no way you can be sexy about it, beyond enjoying the whole beating up to music thing, as many do]
Ray: [enjoy beating each other up and also take your chance to beat Sarah up via mosh pit vibes if she reappears from her crying]
Joe: [watch your back gurl]
Ray: [so we know the energy, is there anything you wanna make a specific note of before we move?]
Joe: [hmm, we probably know the tea, we can go to November now, or could do a lil stop in September when you’re separated and sad?]
Ray: [I think it’d be fun to do a September pitstop]
Joe: [lesgo baby]
Ray: 🦇🔦
Joe: thank god for the ☁️☁️☁️
Joe: or I wouldn’t see shit at this o’clock
Ray: & there’s no chance of a 🔊👂🩸 signal working now
Joe: can’t be hanging about the babies school now, can I
Ray: nor can I
Joe: so where are you going
Ray: Where WE going?
Joe: they’ve been cracking down at [a shopping centre you might frequent at weekends like mallgoths] so probably not worth it
Ray: I can 👀 Fraze & Bea I know they ain’t @ the park
Joe: park’s good
Joe: especially if he ain’t hanging about it
Ray: just loads of ☁️☁️☁️ like
Joe: not 🚬🚬🚬
Ray: y? you run out?
Joe: yeah, long day
Ray: you can have mine
Ray: 🖤🖤🖤
Joe: dead sweet still, s’comforting
Ray: I’ll be waiting on the swing to give you all the comfort you need
Joe: Well Lolita of you
Joe: don’t let [the local weirdo mentioned earlier] see you
Ray: got the uniform back on 👧🏼🍭🍬🍫 properly kidnappable as is
Joe: you want me to hang back ‘til the vans gone off with you then ☠️
Ray: if it’ll make you feel better
Joe: bit extreme to have you go missing just ‘cos I can’t 👀 you
Ray: nah you’d be allowed to pure miss me then
Joe: it’s just so weird, none of you being in the same place
Ray: it feels wrong to me 2
Ray: I hate it
Joe: anything could happen
Ray: we’ve gotta stop it
Joe: how
Ray: 🤔💭 I’ll do anything though
Joe: you can keep an eye on the little ones but I can’t trust them to keep an eye on you
Ray: I’ll stay where you can 👀 us
Joe: you’re gonna hate it here more, when you come
Ray: but we’ll be together again when I do
Joe: that’s one thing
Joe: the only thing
Ray: [tell him every horrible thought you’ve had about how you could and are willing to hurt yourself so you’re locked safe at home tomorrow sick from household poisons or injured and he doesn’t have to worry about you or all the ways he could so he can be the one who doesn’t have to go or the accidents you could get in via the busy road on the way home later so you could stay together, just blurting any and all of it out to see if it’ll cheer him up slightly]
Joe: Such a sweet talker
Joe: guess who I bumped into break time
Ray: [The local weirdo] & you’re gonna bring him cut out the middle man? 
Joe: if only, aged out by first year
Joe: Sarah, the original one, that is
Ray: How’s she not aged out & what’s she doing not hanging about my school gates? must already be 😍💘🥰💖 don’t make sense unless she’s taken with no need for a 🎯
Joe: 😏 bet she’s missed you too
Joe: how often and completely she tortured herself was always her biggest appeal, like, ramped it up by getting a much more attractive bezzie to fuck with her self-esteem harder
Ray: 🙄 what’s her name seeing as she’s deffo next
Joe: All the same to you, though you keep carving it into trees she’ll deffo reconsider how much she hates herself, like 😍💘🥰💖
Ray: can’t help if she’s not potent enough to have it carved nowhere else
Joe: not even good for a cursed tat, sounds like a dead kids name, not your bird
Ray: least mine would have anyone who saw it reckon you were snatched by a sketchy fella driving a white van
Joe: the goal
Ray: or you think pick n mix is dead class 💘🍭🍬🍫 & pure feel like telling the dentist to do one
Joe: wish I was like the little ones still and acted like it was crack 😵
Joe: and the dentist gave you proper drugs more than an anesthetic in the hole
Ray: you’ll only lolita me a 2nd time if I swear to be a top high
Joe: a sound line, a song in there somewhere
Ray: probably leave it a bit before you write it down else Sarah’ll be made up to assume she’s back to being your muse
Joe: or you’ll think I’m thinking about Sadie, more like
Ray: if I’m 💭 about her it’ll be to ask myself y she’s called that
Ray: be a tattoo for a dead dog if you went ahead with that one like
Joe: good beatles tune but not one she probably wants sung about her
Ray: boss 💡 for when you’re homesick
Joe: Are you?
Ray: today
Joe: we’d both be in high school at home, be your first year instead of mine
Ray: it’s been going round my 🧠 adding to the wrongness
Joe: I know
Joe: fuck the park, we’ll head somewhere instead
Ray: Where?
Joe: don’t matter
Joe: just pick a train when we get there
Joe: I know how to get on the platform without paying
Ray: Sadie don’t know how lucky she is
Joe: I didn’t invite her
Joe: if we can’t stay safe together we may as well go fuck knows where and at least be unsafe in a fun way, right
Ray: yeah unsafe in every fun way
Ray: start your list
Joe: got ‘til home time, easily doable
Joe: and got this walk to guess what’s top of yours
Ray: 💔 if you’ve gotta take the whole thing to work out what I want
Joe: too many 💭s if anything, tah
Ray: something DanBenSam would 💬 to stall til he can get a clue
Joe: 💔 he didn’t come say hiya to us too
Ray: 💔 is right
Ray: default state of him if anything
Joe: can be first name on your list, when you work out which one is his proper
Ray: I didn’t invite him neither
Joe: your 💔 list
Ray: you’re first til I can ❌ you off
Joe: i’ll grow it back just for you to break ok 🖤
Ray: I’d ☠️ if I broke your 🖤
Joe: you won’t, you’re still sweet
Ray: I still love you it weren’t ur fault you had 2 leave me
Joe: you can’t stop
Ray: what would I even try to stop for?
Joe: dunno, if your 🧠 got unfucked along with life
Ray: permission granted to smack or stab us in the 🧠 then
Joe: lobotomies only to make you worse, promise
Ray: on your life
Joe: on yours, I’ll kill you and you won’t get to enjoy it because I’ll just do it execution style
Ray: & you think you’re 🖤less 
Ray: nobody else could ever love me that much
Joe: you know I do
Ray: we stayed alive for each other today just like mum & dad
Joe: I’ll keep you safer than that
Joe: wouldn’t make you have a billion kids either
Ray: k what WOULD you make me do? 
Joe: you wanna know or you wanna just enjoy it
Joe: you won’t have to have another 💭 
Ray: you tell me
Ray: do I wanna know or don’t I?
Joe: exactly, got the hang of it already
Joe: you like it when I make you feel better, imagine if I could make you feel better than better
Ray: & how you’d feel doing it
Joe: yeah, it’d make you happy to make me feel good too
Ray: nothing else matters to me except making you feel better than you’ve imagined you could
Joe: I don’t deserve you but no one else is ever having you, understand
Ray: yeah you do you’re the only person who does
Joe: even if I don’t, you’re still mine, and I’ll take you even if I don’t believe that ever
Ray: you’ll believe it
Ray: I’m gonna do whatever it takes to make you
Joe: you’re so beautiful, Ray
Joe: even with all of their poison and rot, you’re even more perfect for it
Ray: you are 😳 how you 💭 
Ray: there’s a song in everything you say
Joe: maybe it’s too cliche but I mean it and it is true about you
Joe: I just wanna dig it all out of you and you’ll be all bloody and new like a baby again, fresh start with no mistakes and bullshit
Ray: you could do it
Joe: what if it hurts more
Ray: how would it? 
Joe: how I reckon too but
Ray: I ain’t scared
Ray: & I’d never be of you it don’t matter what happens
Joe: good
Ray: I wanna be new
Ray: fuck the rest of this bullshit
Joe: whatever we’ve been given, Joe and Ray, and the fear and the voices and the noise and no sleep and dread and panic and alienation
Joe: none of it’s worth keeping
Joe: we’ll start over
Ray: 🎼 to my 👂
Ray: this has been the longest day of my fucking life
Joe: it’s going to be harder waiting to do what I wanna do 
Joe: but actually worth it, unlike school
Ray: have we gorra wait? can’t we do it now?
Joe: we have to wait for one part, at least
Joe: you’ll want it to be special
Joe: November should be nearer
Ray: [tell him how many days it is til this concert cos we’re obvs counting down and also how much money she’s saved cos she’d wanna pay for the trains or food or something since he bought the tickets]
Joe: you’re fucking adorable
Joe: meantime, we’ll have to make sure the days are shorter, then it’s not that bad
Ray: we’re smart at that 🦇🌜🦉🌚
Joe: new day can’t start if we don’t go to bed
Ray: I can do anything but keep missing you this much
Joe: I’ll fix it, somehow
Ray: I tried but fuck all worked
Joe: you can lie on me, listen to my 🖤
Joe: I won’t do nothing
Ray: you can do anything you want
Joe: shh, I’m trying to focus on you
Joe: it’s just different now, well, it is and it isn’t
Ray: different how?
Joe: I always felt it but now my body shows it all the time and I can’t stop it
Ray: you don’t gotta stop it
Ray: it’s not wrong no more than 😳 is
Ray: & anyway I’d go west @ you if you decided you weren’t gonna show us something
Joe: can’t have that, can we
Joe: you can see whatever you wanna see
Ray: we’re not gonna have secrets that’d be too different
Joe: s’not a secret, you’ve felt it
Ray: yeah but we might as well have taken a vow of silence about it since then
Joe: I didn’t think you liked it, not how I did
Ray: that’s why we’ve gotta keep on talking
Ray: your head tells you bullshit I don’t
Joe: okay, so tell me that you did then
Ray: tell me I didn’t mess it up first
Ray: it felt like I missed a cue or something you wanted me to pick up on
Ray: didn’t do something I was meant to or did something I wasn’t
Joe: you didn’t do anything wrong
Joe: I pushed it, that wasn’t a good idea
Joe: but nothing has changed between us
Ray: it must’ve been a bad 💡 you’ve not pushed again since
Joe: I’ve not let it get to that point, nah
Ray: idk how you can say I didn’t do something wrong
Joe: ‘cos it was me
Ray: you didn’t hold back with Sarah & you don’t even like her
Joe: I’m allowed to do what I like to Sarah, and the rest
Joe: I’m just a bit of a dick if I hurt them, but no one really cares, even them after a bit
Ray: you’re not that’s bullshit
Joe: how is it
Ray: you’re not allowed but you do & it wrecks me which makes you a massive dick
Joe: Ray
Ray: so does trying to use my name like that
Joe: what do you want me to do to make it up to you
Ray: I don’t know what there is to make up
Ray: just that I couldn’t work out where I went wrong with Ben’s help or whatever the fuck his name is & you’re not giving me none either
Joe: if you’d have done that to Ben it would’ve been very different
Joe: unless he’s got a conscience and worked out you’re too young for him, but still
Ray: he’ll not let me 
Ray: it makes sense why if he’s got the same reasons as you
Joe: we can’t take it back
Joe: yeah, I stopped, but I still did it
Ray: don’t say that you want to
Joe: I didn’t 
Joe: all I don’t want is to creep you out
Ray: who do you think I’ve turned into?
Joe: try and think of it the other way ‘round
Joe: what if you’d done something to me and you didn’t think I liked it
Ray: I wouldn’t be here if it was that way round 
Ray: remember what I said about breaking your heart
Joe: you want me to kill myself
Joe: alright, easy
Ray: shut it
Ray: you’re still about cos you know you didn’t 
Ray: however sly your 🧠💭 are with their agenda of trying to twist everything
Joe: just forget I said anything, yeah
Joe: my head’s just too fucked 
Ray: I’ve been doing my best to forget for months like
Ray: keeping on @ that is bullshit too if it’s not pure what either of us want
Joe: do you think Bea and Fraze have done it
Ray: He’s scared of her
Ray: we don’t have nothing to be scared of
Joe: he should be
Ray: forget them
Ray: do you love me?
Joe: of course I do
Ray: then love me how you want
Joe: okay
Ray: swear
Joe: I swear I’ll try
Ray: me 2
Ray: I’ll not fuck it up next time
Joe: next time you’ll be ready 
Ray: yeah I’ll be the one starting it & you’ll be made up
Joe: oh yeah?
Ray: promise & a threat 😏
Joe: 🔫🔫💀
Ray: you gonna properly wait how I’ve been on you since Bea’s bday or am I gonna bang all the girls at your new school while I’m @ it?
Joe: I weren’t trying to leave you out of shit
Joe: I thought you’d start it proper with Dan/Sam/Ben or some other twats
Ray: I’ll ask you again who do you reckon I’ve turned into
Joe: alright, alright 
Joe: you ain’t a slag, all lads are
Ray: I’d sooner busy myself with a needle & thread than let him or any of his mates near me 
Joe: no matter how long he grows his hair, he’s still well too boring for you
Ray: I’m just 2 holes to him 3 if he’s feeling dead brave
Joe: he wouldn’t be feeling anything for long
Joe: you don’t like him
Ray: I don’t like nobody but if I pretended for ages he’d believe us cos of what he’d get out of it
Joe: no point bothering if he’s got fuck all to offer back
Ray: he can have Sadie as you’ll not be needing her
Joe: put the bows down, Cupid
Ray: aim right yourself
Joe: fighting talk to doubt my aim in this family 😏
Ray: your fault if I’m in a 🥊 mood
Joe: deserved
Ray: is right
Ray: how slow do you wanna walk? 👀☠️
Joe: cheek, you remembered I’m not in the same building no more, yeah?
Ray: still come on
Ray: it’s like you don’t miss us as much by half
Joe: I’ll prove it
Ray: yeah?
Joe: 👀 this space
Ray: I’ll watch your 👀 your feet can drag if you’re 😳 or worse but they can’t lie 
Joe:🔪🔪 ‘em out if they do
Ray: feed em to Sadie 🐶💦
Joe: hot
Ray: my 👅 is alright when you wanna talk it’s the rest
Joe: don’t wreck your head with the rest
Joe: we can talk about anything, that’s not nothing, like
Ray: Dan called us a ☠️🐟
Joe: when
Ray: it don’t matter if it was a month ago or yesterday
Ray: the soft lad’s not got it wrong
Joe: it does matter, why did you not tell me he’s chatting shit about you
Ray: I’d have had to tell you I’d 🤔💭 about necking him 
Joe: so, that’s not the important bit
Ray: it is to me
Joe: he’s just gutted you never will now and being a twat about it
Ray: I’d maybe buy he was devvoed if he didn’t put a stop to it as soon as & leave us on my tod feeling such a divvy 🥄😳💔
Joe: it’s called negging, don’t fall for it
Joe: he’s boring
Ray: Sam’s a joke yeah so I’ve not smashed nothing myself by reckoning it’d be a boss 💡 to 💋 like & I couldn’t have you knowing what a twat I am
Ray: over my real ☠️ body 
Joe: Hey, I know you better than anyone, so I already know what a twat you are
Joe: serious, everyone does it, it’s nothing to be 😳💔 about
Ray: 😏 k
Ray: but if we’re being serious you know my 🧠💩 won’t be told to calm it
Joe: so you want him banged out or nah
Ray: it’ll make you feel good
Joe: not at the expense of you feeling a worse divvy
Ray: that’s not the important bit
Joe: you’re the only important bit
Ray: I ain’t to him nor is he to us
Ray: be a 🥳 for you doing him in though & I like 👀 you buzzing
Joe: have to be tomorrow, he’s back in that direction ↩️
Joe: ‘less you like it that much
Ray: didn’t I say to you there & then I like everything you do?
Ray: I deffo thought it & wanted to tell you
Joe: replay never hurt nobody
Ray: swear it won’t wreck your head this time & I’ll ⏪▶️
Joe: 🤞
Ray: 🔁🖤🎼
Joe: [better say you show up now]
Ray: [throw yourself at him literally, only to hug but still]
Joe: [throw hands in a intense way because what a shit day and then you dropped that info]
Ray: [simply gotta cling to him as intensely for a ridiculous amount of time because too true, just the worst day ever being had by you both]
Joe: [do you now wanna skip to the actual date or do anything else here]
Ray: [hmm, maybe we should skip because we might get carried away if we do more here, I know what we’re like]
Joe: [skipskop chipshop]
Ray: 📅🥳🤩
Joe: ⏲
Ray: I can’t believe the wait’s over
Joe: we have to get there and get in
Joe: but the plans shouldn’t let us down, I’ve thought it over every way x2
Ray: You’ll get us there & I’ll get us in
Ray: I’ve chiefed clobber you’ll be thinking about in every way 2
Joe: sounds like top white noise
Joe: before the decent band gets on, opener is shite
Ray: course 🔊👂🩸 I’m not gonna let you down when I already know you won’t me
Joe: they can fuck off if they reckon we’re not coming in, it’s happening regardless of what some meathead on the door wants to sound off
Ray: 👸🏼✨☠️ you’ll have no doubts when you’ve 👀
Ray: 😈🖤👸🏼✂️✨🎈☠️🩸🦇🥀🌚🎯🎇🚨🌠🧲💣🎀💊🧷🧨🔪💋 still ain’t describing how much you’re gonna wanna 👀🔁 or how you’ll feel
Joe: Shit
Joe: well, feel like I’ve waited too long to ask for a preview so ⏲👀
Joe: you’re gonna have to get changed at the station, or on the train
Ray: I’ve owed you for longer like
Ray: train toilets won’t take none of the ✨ off it I’m too made up to show you
Joe: you look good in all the shitholes we have to be in, I know it won’t
Ray: speaking of if we’ve gotta hang about 🏠 for ages I’ll properly get a cob on & look like mum’s spitting image 🙄😒😤 you’ll be dead put off so let’s leg it ⏲
Joe: we just need to pack, so we can camp out if we have to and not die
Joe: and she’s never dressed up to look good for dad ever so it’s not a comparison you need to stress on
Ray: I packed when I couldn’t sleep but you should check it
Ray: I’ve not dressed up for you yet either
Joe: I will
Joe: 😏 alright, it’s not for my benefit but I can still appreciate it
Ray: nah it deffo is I just mean it’ll be the 1st time I have done
Joe: and the first time you can wear exactly what you want to
Joe: no mum to get a cob on, or Fraze 
Ray: he can shut it reckoning he’s got say in if I look a show or don’t 🙄😒😤 scally clobber he walks about the estate wearing 
Joe: yeah but he well don’t mind if any girls think he’s dead fit or not in ‘em 🙄😏
Joe: all for his benefit, that getup
Ray: back to mine being all for yours before I 🤢🤮 brekkie I can’t & haven’t had
Joe: you mean that?
Joe: chundering aside, obvs we’re all 🤢🤮 @ him
Ray: yeah I mean it
Joe: not even a 🤏 for Gerard?
Ray: I’d use my 🍬👅🍭 to talk him into getting us the keys to [their fantasy road their fantasy house is on] then we’d lock him out
Ray: the songs you’re gonna write will be pure class & only for me
Joe: I’ve got something
Joe: it’s not finished yet though, when it is
Joe: and we should go [where all the Irish famous people live ‘cos there was lowkey an area] maybe you want a holiday home 
Ray: I love you
Ray: & 🖤💡🖤 
Joe: you aren’t allowed to get bored of the same 4 walls or me 
Ray: I don’t know what girl you’re thinking of but it ain’t me & that’s massively not allowed
Joe: I said I’d look after you, that includes aiming for happier than you are now, here
Joe: I can do better
Ray: you can & you will the 💡 you wouldn’t has never entered my head meaning it deffo can’t wreck it
Joe: I can’t wait to see you
Ray: come 👀 now
Ray: work out how much happiness you’re gonna be aiming past
Joe: when I’ve stopped 💭 about how good tonight is going to be
Ray: you’re not allowed to stop 💭 before you’ve shown us how good you’re thinking
Joe: that I’m going to do what Sam can’t
Joe: and show you how hot you are, make you feel it
Ray: I’d forgot about him
Joe: you’re never gonna think about the bullshit that prick was spouting again, or anything anyone says or does, for that matter
Ray: I’m ready to listen to nothing but you
Joe: your head better be as full of me as mine is of you
Ray: it’s head to toe already like idk how I could be any fuller 🧠🦴🩸🖤
Joe: you’ll see, after tonight, you’re not having a single thought that isn’t about me and you and all the things I’m going to do for you
Ray: it’s been killing me waiting but it had to be tonight
Joe: it’ll be perfect for you
Joe: I’ve needed you for so long, but I’d have to force myself to live forever just to feel the guilt if I hurt you or made you sad with what I want, I’d never do it
Joe: you’re ready now, I know that
Ray: it’s been really shite dealing with the voice in my head that don’t sound fuck all like yours
Joe: I’ll tell you what to think and do and feel and say
Joe: and you do the same for me
Ray: I’ve needed you my whole life
Joe: we’re twins, not you and him
Ray: we’re loads better
Ray: I’d pick you over & over I’ve never wanted him about
Joe: you make me make sense, I’m not alone when I have you
Joe: I want you with me every way we can, I don’t care what anyone would have to say about it, we’re not whole without each other
Ray: nothing made sense before I let you in
Joe: if you let me, keep letting me, I won’t ever need to look at another girl
Joe: I’ve always wanted it to be you, you believe that, don’t you
Ray: in your head she had freckles
Ray: I remember
Joe: you know how often I’ve stood outside your room, so close to coming in and letting you see how much I love you in every way
Joe: how easy it would be
Ray: that easy for a reason
Joe: no one would know, no one sees us
Ray: you’re the only person I want to see me
Ray: I don’t care if it hurts when you do
Joe: We should start using it to our benefit, how little they give a fuck
Joe: it’s beyond obvious what’s going to happen with Fraze and Bea and they ain’t doing a thing about that either
Joe: I want to keep you in my room, my bed, like you wanted, safe
Ray: nobody’ll miss me
Ray: I’m only here when it’s for their benefit needing someone to watch after Ali Ro & Tommo
Joe: my bones miss you
Joe: it doesn’t stop
Joe: I’m as obsessed with you as the voices are pain
Ray: mine feel as hollow as the rest of me but that’ll stop now you’re gonna make me new
Joe: if it hurts, you’ll know you’re alive 
Joe: I could make it better but I think it still will, even if I did
Ray: it don’t matter
Ray: I’d break myself in half & half again as many times as you wanted to fit where you told me to
Joe: if you bleed, you can make me bleed right back, always
Ray: I want to always
Joe: you know how I feel about blood
Ray: we have to get as much out of me as we can
Ray: the old
Ray: or it could ruin what you’re trying to do
Joe: being covered in your blood will be the happiest I’ve been so far
Joe: you can cry and puke and whatever else you want, I can push you to the edge and stop you from falling 
Ray: if you killed me I’d find my way back
Ray: there’s too much I gotta be alive for
Joe: I’m gonna hurt you so carefully
Joe: it’s not going to go wrong, it’s going to be like ecstasy times a thousand, you’ll beg me to keep going
Ray: it don’t go wrong when you’re in control of it nothing does
Joe: I need you to be alive as much as you need to be on the brink of death with me, you’re the only reason to pull back, to keep playing 
Ray: I swear I’ll be more alive than you’ve ever 👀 us be
Ray: you’re my same reason to bother
Joe: you’ll understand, when you know how much pleasure comes with the fear and pain
Joe: I can’t tell you how wired I feel right now, to get to spend so much alone time with you tonight
Ray: I understand feeling fucking wired at least
Joe: when we’re at the concert, and you’re pressed into me, and I can put my hands wherever I want, and the music is all that’s in anyone’s head and beating through our chests
Ray: but til then what?
Ray: you can’t leave us counting down with nothing but the numbers behind my eyes
Joe: where are you right now
Ray: my bed
Joe: so stop holding back, find your school tie and tie it tight ‘round your throat
Ray: 👀🌟🌟
Ray: I don’t deserve how sharp you are
Joe: you’ve got a chance to redeem yourself, where does your other hand need to be
Ray: wherever you say
Joe: oh baby ray, I don’t deserve you
Ray: I’m blank til you write something 
Ray: there’s nothing to deserve right now like
Joe: where does it hurt the most?
Ray: where it shouldn’t hurt
Ray: doesn’t wreck anyone else
Joe: do you want to wait for me to show you, how to make it all better
Ray: do you?
Joe: pull it tighter, there’s too much oxygen in your brain
Ray: alright, I’ll make the questions stop
Joe: when your vision starts going dark, let go, not before then
Joe: the numbers and questions will disappear with your breath
Ray: boss
Joe: good girl
Ray: if you don’t appear I’ll be a sad girl
Ray: the saddest
Joe: I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold back if I see you looking like that
Ray: hold onto the door frame
Joe: tie yourself to the other side of it
Joe: you need me that bad, prove it
Ray: I’ll do anything
Joe: it’ll be like when we pulled out your tooth with the string and the door handle that time
Joe: but now, I’m going to make you pass out
Ray: I should’ve given it to you instead of putting it under my pillow
Joe: I’m mad, actually, I want it back, bet they didn’t keep none though
Ray: @ the back where nobody else’ll know pick a new tooth & pull it out
Joe: I’m picking it with my tongue 
Joe: once I’ve felt every one 
Ray: & you’ve shown me what to do with mine
Joe: you’re good with it, you already know that about yourself
Joe: even passed out, you’d react to me, you always have pushed yourself into me, instinct 
Ray: I want it to be like you’ve 💭
Joe: you’re a dream sister
Joe: even if it went wrong, it would be exactly what I want, it’s you, you’ve given me everything I need by wanting me too
Ray: but if it went wrong again you’d go back to hanging about with other girls
Ray: you’d tell me I’m still not ready
Joe: I want to teach you, like I did riding your bike and tying your shoes
Joe: you need to realise how close I am to coming in there and fucking you because of how good you are at being my little sister
Joe: no other girl will ever be what you are to me
Ray: that’s exactly what I want
Joe: which part
Ray: the part where you say I’ve got 0 competition & mean it
Joe: I do and you’re gonna believe it after tonight
Ray: I do & tonight ain’t happened yet
Joe: when I work in music, we’ll get to go to every good gig, for free
Joe: you could write music reviews on your fancy laptop and they’d pay us to be there
Ray: serious 😳 you reckon I could? 
Joe: Deffo
Joe: your opinion is always spot on and you just say it how it is, not loads of pretentious music wank
Ray: then we’re doing it
Joe: yeah? 
Ray: but you’ve gotta read some of my diary first check ALL my opinions before I’m as bute as Bea
Joe: I wanna know what you write about 
Joe: if it matches how I 💭 your 🧠 looking from the inside 
Ray: I’ll leave it in your bed for when we have to come back 🏠 under your pillow instead of my 🦷🦷🦷
Ray: reckon I’ve gorra keep at least a couple for your benefit 🦇🧛🏼‍♀️🐍🕷 
Joe: 🤘👵🤘
Joe: can turn some of the 📔 into 🎼
Ray: long as there’s no direct quotes you’ll have to sharpen what I’ve 💭📝 loads first
Joe: it’ll be better than you reckon
Ray: you reckon I’m better than I am
Joe: you chat down on yourself, like I wouldn’t let no one else on you
Ray: why do you let us then?
Joe: it might make you feel better, I dunno
Joe: not going to judge your methods 
Ray: you could get me to shut it dead easy & I trust yours
Joe: I could
Joe: if it’s doing my head in more than it’s doing owt to fix yours, I will
Ray: it wrecks more than it fixes mine 🔇
Joe: now I know
Joe: 🤐
Ray: 🖤
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