#got very excited for an ari gush in my inbox 🫶
yumejo · 5 months
Natsume looks so mean here... (I'd still jump into his arms and swoon(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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natsume was in a pitiable, nearly abysmal mood—glowering at anyone who even remotely encroached upon his space. who knows how many idols and employees alike passed by him and were put through his deplorable ambience, his curses? even the tactless tsumugi couldn't affect him, and that always said something about the state of natsume's mind.
having gotten a text from her senpai, reine knew to avoid natsume for the time being while running around with preparations for switch's newest appearance on a television show.
as they travelled by the conference area, she discerned natsume settled on one of the stylish couches; that same grimace she heard about still contorting his countenance. initially, reine wasn't going to verbalize anything and continue on their way—but any plans on simple going on was mangled as she heard, "little bunny."
that idiosyncratic, high-pitched little squeak she does that natsume adores tumbled from reine's lips as she abruptly heard his voice, husky with a slight rasp from the patent vexation he was experiencing, and she uttered, "y-yeah...?"
reine could feel their heart thumping in their chest as the golden eyes they loved so much fixed on her, smouldering with scarcely repressed anger. 'natsume-kun looks so mean...' she thought, beads of sweat accumulating on the nape of her neck, '... why does he still look good, though?'
for natsume, his entire visage crumbled once he caught sight of reine's apprehension and the sharpened edges of his aura softened; subsequently allowing his gaze to flutter into a half-lidded state.
"come here," natsume pleaded, and she was already scurrying over faster than even he could've anticipated.
without waiting for him to let her in, reine hopped onto his lao and burrowed up against him; gasping softly as she felt him press his face into shoulder, inhaling her scent.
"god, i needed this..." natsume began, wrapping his arms tautly around them, "needed you."
and natsume didn't say anything else, becoming practically unresponsive, as he kept reine in his arms.
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