#got my eye on all our TopGun boys now
ohtobeleah · 1 year
I wanted to make a post about how you can’t tell me Miles Teller isn’t utterly in love with his wife but like—I don’t trust men as far as I can throw them now.
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crinkled-emotions · 2 years
I hope I haven't missed the window to request from the prompt list! 8 and 20 please if you are still doing them. No problem if not! Hope you're having a good weekend.
8. "How's the stomach?" and 20. "Have you eaten anything since (meal)?"
Say it with me, team! Food poisoning... *checks notes* I haven't seen it in quite a long time.
I start my new (kind of... it’s a transfer) job on Monday! So excited. Might do another sickfic weekend on Friday :)
Update: today’s Friday. fUCK.
Update 2: sATURDAY?? What are you doing here??
Update 3: it’s the Saturday after the last update and like. Fuck.
*sighs in confused writer*
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The team grouped around the table, watching plate upon plate of nachos arrive. Maverick grimaced, leaning back slightly.
"Look, ah, no offence, I'm sure the cook is great, but- ah. I don't think Penny would appreciate me making a mess of her bathroom six months into us living together."
Jake grimaced, pushing the nachos away himself. Even Natasha looked a little grossed out. Bob reached for the fries in the middle of the table, also pointedly avoiding the nachos.
“Oh c’mon, guys, they look fine-“
“-they look like a bad night in a basket,” Javy deadpanned. Everyone winced.
“Well, when you put it like that,” Payback huffed. Fanboy rolled his eyes.
“They cannot be that bad. They’re fucking- they’re nachos, guys, they don’t even have bacon on them.”
“I’m not worried about the bacon. I’m worried about the status of your stomach after eating those,” Maverick snorted. In response, Rooster scooped up some chips, cheese, guacamole and sour cream. He swallowed it easily, shrugging.
“Tastes fine to me.”
“That’s what she said,” Hangman muttered. Apparently egged on by Rooster (as per usual), he took a serving himself.
“Remind me again why we didn’t go to The Hard Deck?” Payback asked. Everyone’s eyes landed on Maverick who winced.
“Listen, when I left Penny was pretty pissed.”
“I was not getting in between that one. Hey, these are kinda good.”
“How are you eating those? If you shit your pants I’m not helping you.”
Phoenix’s nose remained scrunched as she watched Rooster and Hangman crack in, Payback joining them after a moment. Watching his pilot and the other two dig in, Fanboy tentatively took a serving.
“Oh my god, you guys are idiots,” Coyote facepalmed. He reached over with a napkin to chase Jake who had sour cream on his chin. Phoenix and Bob looked equally as grossed out, Maverick already bailing.
“I have to go and walk Ice,” he said as he got up.
Maverick was, of course, referring to his new dog, a Border Collie with so much good boy energy Maverick had named it after one of his oldest friends who never broke (there were exceptions) the rules.
(Maverick himself was an exception).
(According to Paramore, he was the only exception).
(Listen, I’ll let myself out).
“Oh, cool. Me and the others are gonna play some pool then probably find our way home. Right, guys?”
“Sounds good,” Payback agreed with Rooster, sharing the basket of nachos between them still. Fanboy had pulled away from his and Hangman’s basket, both of them kind of avoiding it with a grimace. Jake already looked ready to gag.
“Okay, actually, maybe we should go now, hm?”
Maverick hooked an arm over Jake’s shoulders, unsurprised when the bigger guy leaned into him. Touch starved, as usual. The rest of the team were very similar.
Maybe it was a TOPGUN thing.
“That sounds like a great plan!” Bob exclaimed, leaping up and grabbing his hoodie. Phoenix cottoned on and pulled Rooster’s hoodie from his chair to pull it over her shoulders which left him in just a t-shirt.
Honestly? He wasn’t all that bothered by it. He could freeze his ass off later.
“What the fuck is that noise?”
Maverick scrubbed at his eyes, grimacing as he pulled himself away from his blankets to investigate. To his knowledge, everyone had gone back to base to get some sleep, but there was movement downstairs and Iceman wasn’t looking ready to nibble their legs off.
“Ice, go get ‘em, buddy. Get em.”
The border collie glanced up from the end of the bed, scratched at his ear, and lay his head back on his paws.
He wasn’t going anywhere.
“Yeah, y’know, you’re a great guard do-”
Maverick frowned.
He knew that tone.
But Rooster was back on base...
Ah, there he was. Standing in the hallway light, making himself look small.
“What’s up, B?”
Maverick sat up in bed, scrubbing at his eyes.
“Me an’ Payback puked, Mav, sorry.”
“When did you guys get in?”
“When we realised the nachos were bad.”
Oh, this was going to hurt.
“Please tell me you cleaned up.”
“We’re okay, but Bagman doesn’t feel good either and Mickey looks like he’s gonna cry.”
“Oh geez, you guys really broke yourselves, huh?”
Maverick sighed, flicking back the blankets.
“Okay, I’m coming.”
Now Iceman was up and jumping at Bradley’s knees, tail going a million miles an hour despite the late (early?) hour. Rooster went to pat him but stopped, eyes widening in alarm to look at Maverick.
“Go,” Maverick huffed. He watched his godson bolt for the bathroom, the sound of retching following.
It was going to be a long night.
Look, it was going to be a very long time before Maverick saw his bed again.
Coming down the stairs, Iceman at his heels, Maverick carefully made his way to Mickey first, frowning.
“Hey kiddo, what’s going on?”
“Those fucking nachos,” Mickey hissed, grimacing when a cramp ripped through his abdomen. Maverick grimaced, rubbing his back.
“Yeah, had a feeling this was going to happen. How’s the stomach?”
“It would be better if I could just hurl.”
“You can’t?”
“No,” Mickey whined miserably. Maverick frowned.
“Okay, let me go and get you some water and check on the others.”
Maverick squeezed Mickey’s arm, going over to check on Payback who had curled up beside Hangman on one of the couches, clutching his stomach.
“Where’s Penny?” Rooster whined when he came down the stairs in the background.
“And Amelia?” Jake asked, scrubbing tiredly at his eyes before curling back up against Reuben. 
“They’re both staying with Penny’s dad. I wasn’t kidding when I said she was still mad,” Maverick said. Iceman put his paw on the couch near Jake’s face, tail thumping against the floor. Hangman grimaced but reached out to scratch at the dog’s snoot- his favourite spot for a scratch.
“What about you, Reuben? How are you feeling?”
“It’s definitely not good, Cap,” Reuben confessed. Another cramp wracked through his gut and he grimaced, sitting up abruptly.
“-yep, okay, let’s go. Bathroom, now.”
Maverick’s smaller frame was dwarfed by Payback but he was strong and managed to get him into the downstairs bathroom. Reuben curled around the toilet and immediately threw up, Maverick grimacing.
“Bradley, are you throwing up right now?” He yelled out the door.
“Uhhhh... no?”
“Good, go and get some Gatorade for Reuben. Give some to the other two as well. And let Ice out but keep an eye on him!”
Maverick knew his godson was cussing him out right now but he knew his dog and he’d need a trip outside. He also knew Rooster and he’d been sick once; he’d feel nauseous as hell for a while but he wouldn’t be sick again for another couple hours.
“Breathe, kid,” he said to Reuben, rubbing a hand over his back. 
“Fucking nachos,” Reuben hissed with his head in the bowl.
While Payback was very unwell in the bathroom Rooster got to rehydrating everyone and letting Iceman out into the backyard. The dog stared blankly at him from the grass and Rooster rolled his eyes.
“You have fucking bathroom shame? Seriously, dog?”
Turning his back he watched his friends through the door for a moment, trying to breathe slowly to hold his nausea at bay. He knew food poisoning, and he knew his body. He felt like shit but he’d most likely be able to sleep it off. On the other hand, he’d known Hangman for years and he most likely would be puking on and off for hours before he’d sleep the rest of the day away.
Iceman appeared on the porch beside Rooster, breaking him from his daze. Grimacing he gave the dog a pat and opened the porch door to let him in. Iceman pushed ahead to lie on the floor in front of Hangman who hadn’t moved from the couch. He was looking admittedly more pale and Rooster didn’t dare crouch near him in the risk of losing his battle with his own stomach.
“How’s the stomach?” He asked tentatively. Jake glanced up with a glare.
“How about I shove my foot up your ass?”
“Always with the threats, Hangy.”
“Can it Roo. It’s your fault I’m here in the first place.”
“Ah, man, you didn’t have to give in to the nachos.”
“We should have just gone to Hard Deck and sucked up Penny death glaring Mav.”
“That’s fair. Dude, you’re... really pale.”
“Don’t talk to me.”
Rooster rolled his eyes, glancing at Fanboy.
“Feeling the need to explode yet?”
“Rooster, shut up. Just because you puke once and you’re done doesn’t mean it’s the same for the rest of us.”
“What do you need?”
“Take my bed, I doubt I’m gonna be in it much.”
Fanboy glanced at Rooster for a minute then shrugged.
He carefully got up, making his way to the stairs. Maverick came out of the bathroom with his hand on Payback’s back, sighing at his team.
“So, nachos?”
“Mav,” Hangman groaned. When Payback stumbled over to the couch Jake lifted his legs enough Reuben could sit then flopped them back down on top of him. Maverick glanced over to check on Rooster and Iceman then frowned.
“Hey, guys, what’d you do with Fanboy?”
“He just wanted to sleep so I said he could have my bed,” Rooster said. He sat on the other couch and immediately a grimace crossed his features. 
“Okay guys, let’s get you as comfortable as you can be.”
Maverick reached into the cupboard and produced an air mattress. Bradley may have been good on the couch but there was no way Maverick’s body could do a night on the floor. In minutes it was ready to be slept on and he curled up on it, glancing at his kids. Jake was probably next to go but Payback had one eye closed, the other focused on the bathroom door. Bradley, on the other hand, would probably sleep through the night now that he’d puked a couple times. Maverick was kind of glad; he didn’t know if he could handle a whiny Bradley right now. 
In the mean time, Iceman whined.
“Ah, good morning guys! What a beautiful day, I slept so well-”
Maverick made the cut-throat motion and Phoenix beamed as she took in the sight of the guys in various positions across Maverick’s living room. For now Jake was eyeing the nearby bucket, the other three passed out still. Maverick hauled himself off the air mattress, moving to follow Bob into the kitchen.
“Have you guys eaten anything since the nachos?” Coyote asked, arms crossed against his chest but the corner of his mouth tilted upward in amusement. Hangman dry reached a little and Phoenix snorted.
“Okay, cool. What do you want, maybe we could try some toast?”
“Oh god, fuck no. I will litera- I will- oh, shit.”
Jake reached for the bucket and Maverick put a hand on the back of his neck.
“Breathe kid, it’s okay. You’re good.”
Phoenix, Coyote and Bob poked their heads out of the kitchen.
“Hey, you know what’s not a good idea?” Bob asked.
“Eating nachos that don’t look safe?”
“Got it in one, Tash.”
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