#gorillazplastic bitch
mosrael · 6 years
i know you probably get asked this question a lot, but are you planning on uploading any new content onto your youtube channel? youre a huge inspiration to my friends and i, we always used to get super stoked when you uploaded. i hope you have an awesome day, sorry if this is annoying !!
No, not annoying at all!! I totally understand. Thank you so much for sticking around for so long, even though I’ve been on a break forEVER! I’m just really busy with work and getting my life together (being an adult SUCKS) so I haven’t really had time to put out as much art or speedpaints as I used to. :( It’s definitely still something I want to get back into though, and as soon as I get a little bit more settled down with life, I absolutely plan to make my gRANDIOSE COMEBACK!! 
I also need to get a new computer because wow, the one I have is on the actual verge of death lol. But that’s a secondary thing. 
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magic-cola · 7 years
gorillazplastic-bitch replied to your post “As much as I adore David Bowie I like Midge Ure’s cover of Man Who...”
how u feel about nirvanas unplugged cover
In all honesty I haven’t really listened to it. I’m sure it’s a good cover, but I have a feeling I’d prefer the style of the other versions more.
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lunarsugs-remade · 6 years
Tagged by @justyouraveragefangiri
Rules: Answer the fifteen questions, and tag fifteen people.
1. Are you named after someone?
Not that I know of??
2. When was the last time you cried?
Sis it’s been a hot minute, there’s been many times since whenever that was that I’ve wanted to but I couldn’t so that’s fun
3. Do you have kids?
Nope, I’m ace, a minor, and I don’t want kids in the first place 😂
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not ALL of the time but quite a bit tbh
5. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Their laugh and their hair or eyes, oh and whether if they’re a good person or not
6. What is your eye color?
It’s kinda a light green blue? Idk they’re weird but my friend described it as like the surface of the ocean when the sun is shining on it? Idk she’s poetic but yeah that
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, especially if it’s like in a romance movie cause I’m a sucker for those
8. Any special talents?
I mean I can play the violin and bass guitar somewhat well. Oh I do have really good pitch and can often figure out what notes are being played or can play some things by ear, it’s not perfect pitch but it’s pretty good. I’m also pretty good at rhythm games
9. Where were you born?
St. Louis Missouri baby 🤘
10. What are your hobbies?
Nothing too special, watching movies, going on social media, drawing, sleeping, hanging out with friends and family, playing music
11. Have any pets?
Yes!! I have a Great Dane named Tank and he’s the love of my life
12. How tall are you?
5’4” - 5’5”? Somewhere in that region, Small but not super small
13. What sports do you play or have you played?
I don’t play any sports currently but I used to play softball and do karate (I’m a red belt don’t test me). I also did ballet for a year.
14. Favorite school subject?
Art, orchestra, or psychology
15. Dream job?
Working for Disney or Pixar. Not animating but like story board or playing music for the soundtrack. Ooh or being able to make music, or maybe being like a character designer or being able to make my own show or game. I just want to create stuff to be honest, or be like a criminal psychologist? Is that a thing? Like figure out why a criminal acts the way they do?
Tag list: @etherealmins @fedorag @demisexualamphitrite @failedsorcerer @amee99 @a-halo-of-stars @bluenika @kammikrazy @average-going-downhill @lostinthefrigginwoods @tschieffer @loveablesunshine @indecisivefangirling @gorillazplastic-bitch @chaoticquips
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fortuneaday · 6 years
may i have a fortune please?
An upward movement initiated in time can counteract fate.
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magic-cola · 7 years
gorillazplastic-bitch replied to your post: I never thought I would ever see someone...
this is…….. a lot
This site is still finding new ways to shock me with new, baffling contradictions and hypocrisy. Who knows what’s next?
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