#gorillaz is top tier for lord
bowieasindavid · 11 months
hi guys i need frends on this app so here’s my interests an shit
- a:tla!!!! and lok
- gravity falls <3
- adventure time
- teen titans
- pretty much any cartoon i get my hands on
- spiderverse but also marvel as a whole
- i’m in love with music so if u send me music recs i’ll listen to them!!
- recently got into anime i’m very new so send me things to watch/read !!
- thg trilogy
- there’s more idk
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sad-man-parade · 3 years
For the Spotify Wrapped ask - what are your songs at 41, 2, and 86?
41 - Jenny by Studio Killers
It’s a very good song with lots of gay romantic tension, and just gives me summer vibes. I especially love the ending, but the whole song does such a beautiful job telling the story of a girl obsessed with her best friend and spilling her heart out in the song.
10/10, top tier song
2 - Mate by Airways
As a UK boy I do love this song cause I can imagine having this conversation with one of my friends.
It really captures a young adult at one of their lower moments and begging his friend for a place to spend the night, and him getting increasingly more hurt and agitated as his friend doesn’t answer.
It’s a rough one but lord knows it hits good.
86 - Sorcererz by Gorillaz
It’s got such a man irregular and funky sound to it, and mixed with the singers soft, smoky voice really give it a shady but mystical vibe.
The song itself is just a reminder to try and keep calm and not to lose touch with yourself, which everyone needs every now and again.
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lesbian-choso · 4 years
22, 26 and 38
22- what was your “phase” when you were younger?
Dammmnn I had many phases. I was definitely into space, history, and mythology + folklore of any kind, but then again, I feel like most kids are and if they say they aren’t, they’re probably lying and pretending, but they secretly do y’know?
I mean, I still am a slut for all those things (especially since it’s all useful towards becoming an author) and it’s genuinely fun perusing this stuff when I’m bored and I want to at least do something that might be productive since I’m learning.
26- you can only have one juice for the rest of your life, what is it?
Probably those mix-multi fruit/ tropical ones?? I’m not a big fan of orange or apple juice or whatever. What can I say I’m Not Like Other Girls 🤡
38- favourite mid-2000s song.
I can’t pick one, but I can list some of my fave songs/artists/moods/moments from the mid-2000s:
Every time we touch
Avicii (his whole True album was a BANGER)
Like a G6
Hey Ya! (I know it’s not mid-2000s but like, it was still a bop)
Mr Brightside
All of the Bratz and Barbie songs
Listening to Eminem’s music for the first time made me feel like a little rebellious hardcore child of Jesus ngl 👀
Friday by Rebecca Black was a time to be alive
Lmao being alive when Wreckingball came out, whilst still having vivid memories from Hannah Montana broke me
Mr Worldwide
Livin la Vida Loca 👌🏼
Remember when Ed Sheeran used to have okay music, and we thought it was top tier???
Knowing the fast bit in Fergalicious was the peak of my existence
The Demon Days album by Gorillaz AHHHH nothing will ever live up to that annihilistic apocalyptic vibe
Feeling represented as a child living in a low socioeconomic area when Royals by Lorde came out
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starlightshoe · 6 years
What do you think the God tiers of Gorillaz are?
hooo boy i may be average at classpecting and it may be 1 am but sit down for this one im goin all in here + lots of rambling (highly based off the telekom interviews as well as my knowlege of the lore and also the extended zodiac aspect list and mspa class list are also both helpful)
2D is a pretty obvious doom player i think, from “fate’s chosen sufferers” (d-day, abuses, phase 3 basically) “great wisdom and empathy“ (law degree, this mfer is pretty nice generally) even the doom player’s we’ve seens grouchy attitude shows through in the phase 3 interviews, and in generalthat his tendencies(addictions, etc)kinda doom him to eventual poor health/death theres also destiny involved(as a character destined to face whatever jamie writes for as long as gorillaz itself stays a thing irl) class-wise id pin him as an heir possibly, i mean his life before the band and also the tree incident seemed pretty ok i remember so he kinda inherited the doom suffering and also mituna fello heir of doom also suffered brain damage as a result of fate so. hes also the most prospit dreamer ive ever fucking seen optimistic “What’s happening right now is all that counts.” is like the extended zodiacs definition of a prospit dreamer
Noodle is a pretty hard one to nail down but for now ill say shed be a heart player possibly? she’s described as a feminist-anarchist-avenging-angel-intellectual-soul-sister-of-mercy, and canonically helps the guys out emotionally(even murdoc whomst she cant stand normally), heart has quite a bit to do with soul, and heart players can also be described as “cold,” which noodle herself admits she seems to be until she gets to know people. she could be described as life, but life players often don’t care for theirselves, and noodle does seem to “remember to look after myself” this also kinda pins her as a sylph or maid probably a maid of heart, which can both heal herself as well as others emotionally. though she has a varied personality too, and many interests in contrasting areas like zombie killing racecar driving and possibly engineering to her name that’d suggest otherwise. probably a prospit dreamer
Russel is shown to be very active in social activism as of late, and shows many qualities of dersites (restless, introverted, rebellious, skeptic, etc) however he isn’t a pessimist (”So I found the positive, y’ know?…We have the power”) and seems to rely on emotional impulse rather than cold logic, which could pin him as either i guess. Aspect wise id say hed be probably a time player?? i wouldnt say russel would just sit there as bad shit went down, especially not in phase 4. classwise is hard to say, hed fit pretty well in the seer class i think,he’d fit right in now able to see what problems he needs to solve and what decisions need to be made to keep everyone from murdering each other 5 minutes into the session or whatever, just, i guess i get definitely a sort of reALLY active type of classpect vibe from him,thought it must be even more tiring on the poor dude but id feel hed be able to handle this the best.
Murdoc,, this mfer hardest one to classify bc hes…murdoc. id start by saying he’d probably be a derse dreamer to start what with restlessness/looking towards the past and future of stardom/stepping back from limelight to be appreciated for musical talent, but yet agAIN could say he fits prospits impulsivity and emotional decision shit but were ginna put him on derse bc everyones gonna b=go and also im tired. speaking of purple the top 2 aspects ive decided could possibly be are rage (obvious reasons, chAOTIC, also the hatred for false ideas, lies and sheepish societies, will not hesitate to make an idea reality at whatever cost, “The fourth coming of Murdoc. Even more explosive than the other three times.The world better be ready for some painful truths, cos this time I’m fucking furious” is the most rage player thing ive ever heard) or mind (cunning, apparently was writing music at 9,“prising open the dark recesses of my mind, I could write songs that were almost unintelligible in horrible beauty,” literally described as a “mastermind and musical evil genius”)for class i feel like hes either a knight that uses either as his own weapon or to his own benefit that also hides their true personality behind a facade, or actually a fucking lord, which requires a shitton of suffering and effort (could be fulfilled by his childhood abuse/effort in managing the fucking band all this time idk im lazy) but hed become the damn end all be all in rage/ mind who knows this took like 3 hours and im tired and hed be the ultimate Green if mind was his aspect so that makes me lean towards rage
i accept any challenges to these bc like i said im probably misinterpreting shit all over the place anyways im tired and ill be here all week
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