#gooooorgeous yeah this fucks
loisfreakinglane · 3 years
Top 5 mermaid movies/tv shows
oh wow what a question I HAVE SO MANY THINGS SLAMMING INTO MY BRAIN and ngl they are for the most part mixed bags lol, but that is kind of the mermaid stan life lbr
THE MERMAID!!!!!!! this movie is hilarious and emotional and I both laugh and cry every time and I one hundred percent rec it in all of its absurdity- tldr a stephen chow comedy where a young mermaid is sent to seduce and assassinate a dumbass rich dude whose environmental project is destroying their home. I’ll never forget seeing it in theaters with my friends and turning to them during the credits and they looked SO PERPLEXED LIKE WTF WAS THAT and I was just giddy with all of the emotions ever
the lure! how many polish horror musicals set in 80s night clubs have YOU watched this year and how many of them were about mermaid sisters? silver is basically the little mermaid retold, and golden is here to eat men and fuck milfs. this is kind of super unsettling a lot of the time and sometimes DEEPLY UNCOMFORTABLE TO WATCH but I love it sfm
SPLASH! this movie is my childhood. I watched it on a loooop eternally. I wanted to BE madison. and yeah now its dated and problematique ofc but I still love it and it still holds up for me ngl. I love romance i LOOOOOVE her whole mermaid look and all the underwater scenes, I love the ending!!!!!!!!! I don’t acknowledge and have never seen the made for tv sequel with a different cast. lets just not
SIREN WITH MAJOR CAVEATS CALLED I HAVE NOT WATCHED SEASON 3 AND I HAVE HEARD REALLY BAD THINGS ABOUT IT. but this show was my everything for 2 years. I love romance and polyamory and scary violent mermaids and this creepy lil coastal fishing town where some part mermaid descendants live and the evil ass government is meddling. god this show! ROLLING IN THE DEEP NGL I’m in deep mourning over what I’ve heard about s3 (like i’ll probably watch it at some point but knowing a lot of the choices they made make me so....... *fart noise*)
kay for the last one......... I’m gonna say mad about men! this is a sequel to miranda and I love both A LOT but ngl mad about men is in color and has identical cousins and more mermaid shenanigans so like it’s an automatic win here. glynis johns is my forever girl and shes so fucking funny, and all the mermaid jokes just kill me
keeping my honorary mentions short, kind of can’t believe I didn’t fit either major kdrama in here but just know that surplus princess and/or the legend of the blue sea are both worth watching even if my preference is surplus princess EVEN THO IT ENDED BADLY BC IT WAS CANCELED RIP ME. also mermaids of tiburon (NOT! AQUASEX! GET IT RIGHT MERMAID BLOGGERS DO YOUR GODDAMN HOMEWORK!) is p dull but very gorgeous underwater cinematography like skip the whole scientist intro and go straight into the ocean and its gooooorgeous. ALSO DUH THE ANIMATED DISNEYS LITTLE MERMAID!!!!!!!!!! I’M A FOOL IT SHOULD BE IN THE TOP 5 BUT ALAS
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