#gonna be a while till i play dd or soj :(
skyefeys · 3 months
as eagerly awaited, here's the highlights of my dgs2 reactions! this time briefly featuring my roommate, who i have gotten to love dgs by proxy.
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don't mind that it took me a month to post this i forgor
other reactions here!
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ladyloveandjustice · 7 years
PLvAA P1- Witches amirite
Start Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney at long last!
Wow, this music is dramatic. I’m pumped. And listening to that for a long time. The game got annoyed with me and restarted.
Greek columns so classy 
“enter a name to be displayed on save data” wow this is a first. howzabout gaylawyers.
I like how this guy is okay with one eyed bird people attacking him (apparently they’re witches) but moving statues make him say “IMPOSSIBLE!”
okay I thought the art style contrast was not gonna get to me but it was honestly hilarious to see this whole scene with realistic-ish people and then out of nowhere this lumpy cartoony hugechin stickman steps out of a copcar
i’ve never played layton before so this is my intro.
whoa even the text dialogue is voiced, is it gonna be voiced for Maya and Phoenix too? Weird. I mean the cutscenes in DD and SoJ are voiced obvs, but for some reason having the text parts voiced just feels...weirder.
Cutscene and Phoenix and Maya are on a plane and talking up a storm. Phoenix’s VA sounds different than his SOJ/DD one (who I’m not wild about either tbh). This one is way too gruff sounding. But then again, after PBNT I am always going to be unable to think of any English voice that is not theirs as Truly Phoenix.
Maya sounds off too but again I’m PICKY. I thought I recognized her VA but I looked it up and she’s literally only been in this as far as I can see.
 huh i wonder if there is a Japanese option at all.
Maya and Phoenix are doing an...exchange? With the Legal League of Lawyers? anyway phoenix is trying to sleep on the plane but Maya's not letting him. i think the sleeping mask AND the mouth-cold-mask thing are overdoing it nick. (is he paranoid about getting plane germs is that why he’s wearing it or was he just feeling nostalgic for his college days)
Maya grabbed them and snapped them against his face omg
while Phoenix is being tormented by Maya, Layton and tiny sidekick (Luke I think?) are having a cozy night in solving puzzles.
oh they stopped talking. Maybe it’s just the first few lines of every text session that are voiced?
I’m ashamed of how many tries that witch puzzle took me. THEY DIDN’T DO A GOOD JOB EXPLAINING THE MECHANIC, IMO.
yeah it looks like some parts are just voiced and some aren’t. NO IDEA HOW THEY CHOOSE WHAT’S IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO VOICE.
ah i can save at last. i can toggle the volume but no alternate audio tracks, sadly.
Girl comes in to our office to hide from witches, girl immediately gets kidnapped by witches. WELP.
More puzzles. STILL NO PHOENIX AND MAYA. whew, I’m tired. I did do like, three whole things today and now all these puzzles. Till next time, then!
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